"M t, if fc i 1 1.. '" Js" Who Laughs Last Laughs Best, but He Who - - - ... u .- iinn - i 1 1 ' - 1 1 1 1 11 'i - .' iji ' MA.v;li gav, mutt; i'm Rioouj rou. you 'MICK T rilllli;i.l'IIIA, Mny till. Threat to Birenil Hit) nlTfrviil I rlLo hero l(i lln ixirt of Nir York mill I'vonliially to nit Atlniilli iMiimt k)Iiim mti' uii''il licio (ihIiiv liy It'liifrrw of tli linliixliiiil Wmlnrn of Ihn Wo 1 I.I. Moin (Iimii noill) men, nlio iIdiiiiiiiiI tlilrtv-fiMi inN mi linnr for Ion lmur uoik. tim uiul h linlf for work nflir lx p. m iloiiltli llinn for work on KiiiuImv iiikI IioII tm mikI r'i(Kiiilion of Hit' union, nni tHit linro, I ASHLAND NOTES Mm. Jmnli Htunnnnl nan rfctuniril liiiinr from IwiwIiIhr a nucrtiwidil nlil" inoiillm term of nrhool nt Tolo. Mr. Utnvcnt of Mntio, who htm Ix'flii vIhIHmk hid uiiihrv, J. I. (Inuinvooil, nml wife. I(t for ItU home limi wok. Tho util Ki'iitlcmnii. who In 7T )pftM old, U qiilto a trnv uliir. Ilo lelt Klorliln, whvro ho. to RctliiT with IiIm f.imllv. hnd ppciit tho "uliiirT, fait Marh, vUIIIiir (Julio nnl mqi rrnl o4trn Ntnlra, nml Intomli vIkKIiik from lioro till nloiic tho way. nxixTthiK to nrrho homo In Juno or July. .Mm. J. I.. (IrocniMioil, who lm hcmi qnltv III wllh iiiiiriilnr rlicn mnlliim, la nluwly ttniroTliiK. Dm. Hwitilenliurn inn Pnrnoim wcro tho nilBiulltiK lilijnlcliti ami Mm. Chnni liurUlii wnd tho nurto. Motlmr'a tiny wn olmorvoil In tin CoimroKtitlonul cltiirrh Mny IS. on n (Wo 11 nt of Or. IViiiiy, tho Afrlrnn iiVlMlonury, orcnpylni; tho pulpll on Mny II. All tho otliur cliurrlion of Ihn elty nhMrtml It Mny II. Union Mrvlra will ho livlil nt tho (Jintnuiim ImiIIiIIiik ui'Xl Kiimliiy. .Mn' 'it, nml In the oronliiK tho lino tm(iiiiriNio nvrinon will ho iirWichml nt tho Miitlioillit church. Mr. W'ololi of tho lioiil-inl. ImvliiK iIUiiodimI of hi proporty to mi outt urn iiinu, hi prptirliiK to. kIvo pot AHllOU, IIM (IlO HHKMIWIU'r In now Oil tho mini to thin oily. Dorlx LoiuoU, tho IHtlo ilniiKhtor of Mr, nml Mr. Loomla. proprlutorM ol tho lloiilmnnl Htoro, wnu tiiliou to llio (Irnulto I'lty hoipltnl ono dny liint wiMili whoro hIio iiiulorwout mi opornlloii for iippcnillcllln. llur mnuy frlcml tiro kIhiI tit know that dllo'ln coinalonolnt?. Mm. Illitlno Klum, of MoiUonl, flpont n fow iliiyn Innt wool; with her nlntor, Mrn. l.oomlri. I. 0. Vnn Wi-Kun wpont Siimlny with IiIh family on I.lliorly ntruot. .'I'liomtiH CulhortMoit Iiiih k)o to Klnninth rnuuiy to look after hln iniuili. iKny liiuiUHpnch ami Ilnml Norllnt; at JiiuUboiivIIJo Mpant Bumliiy In AhIi. Imitl, Mib. Dr. BwoilonhurK wiih uMiorth hotiuil pan ton Km' Huniluy monliiK. Kov. Hchwlmloy, iiiiMtor of tho CoiHiroKiUloiml I'hiiroh. rutiirmiil Frl tiny fiom n fow ilajv vlult nt Huh Imid nml I'oitluml. CENTRAL POINT POINTERS. Koliort Mooro of (lolil 11111 upont Monday mornlUK hoio vUUIiik roln tlVOH. .lucoh Stono roturnod tho first of tho wuok from n loiiKthy vlult wfth his dmiKhtor, Mrn, O. Hhloldn, mid family, In rottlnml, Mr. Nonlnn mitt dniightor, MIhh Knthoilut) of Tnhlo Koclt vlaltotl frloutlH In thin city roroutly. MIhh Lontn Aydlott of Medford wnH In thin i'lty Rmidny vlnltliiK frlctuU mid formor nclimlntnntea. Mr, mid Mm. Uord of WauhliiKton Hlato mo hoi-o, tho Kiioatn of Mr. mid Mm. Smith In tho mihurha. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jntni VI. (Irlnvo wnrt eon, Mauler Ilootln, fonnor icaklotUa l J&T U".Hlb (? j $&$ffif f & ) f "f fe5 ftiTIUU, ( ' JiiVcr ' ' vyQUd. If -Ml.iift't, a ir QUICK UUNOI 0' IJOVOS TIWl J fVClT C WY Goofjs J"n3Cl OlDCMMG TXr EIWitM.t W) Mw WLkt AHolO TMCM, WHAT HljfMN(J of thU city, hut now proprlolor of tho I'roiipi'i'i hotul, nro In tho city now for n fow iliiyn rlrflt with rolu lit on nml IrkiiulH. J. (. ImiiioMou, Mr. II. Price, Mr. .1 ('. Ilorrlnn. .Mm. Aor mid ron, Mro. mid MUh Norwood worn iiiiioiik tho ponplo from thU Mclnlty In Mod ford Moudny. KANE CflEEK ITEMS. Mr. mid Mm. HoiiNoholdor Mpoul Thtimdny on Hnrdlno creole tho f.iiMt of their dniiuliter. Mm. Diiwonhorry, mid family. Mr. 1 ,1ml Iti of Mcdford, who linn (icon tho Riiont of Cum IllKlnhothnm mid family hIiioo Tuviiday, rutilriicd homo. Men. Mnrdon vponl a tiny rocentlv with Cold Hill frlomlR. Word rorolved hy private corro upoiiili.'iieo from Alhmnurn, Cnl., Union Unit thn wnnthor In "nonio hot" mid rnln U RrMtly nootlttl. Quito n fow Knno Crookom wrrf In Cold lllll Hnturduy night to nt loud thn piny which wan Rtron hy locil tnlont nnd pronouiiccd It n tic conn. Thin troupo In fnnt clluihliiK tho ImUIrr to mrcois nnd In n fow jtinm tlmo ttlll Ihi tuurlnn tho atnto. John Chniiillir nml lfo of Murlln, On., hnrn moved to thn llrmton initio whom Mr. Clmmllor ha novurvd cm plnymont. Kniion Crook hunlnoiia vliltom to Cold lllll thin woek: Mr. .tnd Mm. l.owln. Mm. Mnrdon, llort C'offiimn. Mm. IIokrIh. I'oiirl lilKlnhotlinm. Mlkn Pole). Prod Ilrowu, Mr. Darker. Mr. Norrla nnd non Waller, Mm. 111k InlHithnm. Art IIoruU, Mr. Knoltn nnd ho ii Hckoll nnd Itnlph lloiuo holdnr nnd WVnthor I'rophot Koatnr. llyrlcy nnd l.owm worn lluli City hnnlncnn laltore on Saturday. ' Mind Mary HokkIk of tho Union apont n tiny rerantly tho Riioat of Mm. lllKlntinlhmn. I'rophot Kontor forocaaU fluo wonthor with 'nn occnalonnt Hhowor Mm. iriKlnliothmn mul dnuKhtcr IVnrl tpent HuuiUy Iho Kih-st of Mr. mid Mm. (Iootko l,)iimu near town. .loliu Ma ron nnd wlfo woro Hun day vlallom nt Mr. mid Mrn. KIuiib)' of Hnin Vulloy. TrofoMor Jimpitr Mlllor of Mod ford wmi n rccont Knur Urook bugl iioHH vlaltor. Tho DnrdnuollH nnhool will close Pildny, Mny ::!, with npproprhito imirrlnoH, Much credit la duo tho tonohor, 1'rofoHsor Johnaou. for hln untlrltiK offortH In lioluxlf or tho Mchool, of which ho has l.eun teacher for tho punt nluo mnntliN, NOTICI.'. Nollro In horoby nlvnn that Iho uiidoralKuod will apply to tho city council of thn city of Medford. Oro Kon, nt Its regular mcotlmt on Juno 3, ID 13, for tt license to Ml splrlt iioiiu, vlnoiiM mid malt llquora In iiunntltlon Ions thnn n Rnllon, nt hla plnco or biulncHa nt No. 2 N. Kront St., In iiald city, for n period or al nioutha, i:. (i. mtowN. WANTIII) Two nmn who cnu fitrulah homo mid hariioua mid Kod refrenceri to net iih collecltmi nnd buIohiiipii, Med ford und Juoksou county. Good pay WHVV , . oim ciieici: S ncrea DoAuJou, full bearing 10 ncrea Hohc, full bonrlng 10 ncrea lliutlott, full bemlng 10 ncroa Comlco, full 'bonrlng Wo must Bull ouo of thuso blocks of Ponra at Juut one-liulf vulito to huvo I a igor tract, 12 ft. deup loam noil; In JnckBou county, 3 nitlca from Medford. ' ' Irlro nsked, 9ll,tt), Wo want your bid on ouo of thoso tracta. Can tako you out nny nrter noon. J. O. ll.UtNICS OIW X. ttlvemhlo or 211 First National Umilc Uulldlng Mrcmronn matf; trfbtink, mndkout), oiwoon, tiwhdav, may 20, win. I Aifrr J6Ttr, TO GUti'Ji. UvtAr it 1 Ttf AN'oWGftj' to rlitht partlon, HltiKcr KowIiik Mhchlno. A. A. Allen, Mnr., Ildldl MciUord. r.l Olllll.VA.N'CK NO. 717. An ordlumico oniuelllnK and ro poalliiK Urdlunnro No, 721, helm: nu ordlumiir KrnnlliiK' (Trlnln frnnchlKo nnd privilege unto M. T. Mlunoy. hln holm nml mwfgtm, for tho coiiNtrttc tlon, oporiitlou mid iiinlutonniico of n railway In tho city of Mrdford. Whoroaa, horotoforo nml on tho 1 3th dny of January. IP 13, tho Com mon Council of tho City of Medford Kranled (wrtnln frmichUen, rlhta mid prlrllcKca unto M T Mlunoy, IiIm halm and nmilgnx, hy Ordlnntico No. 721, nnd WhcTom. raid nrdlnnnro wn miiunilod hy Ordlnnnro No. 73$ on tho iDth dny of April. 1913; mul Whorvna. hy anndry inwlKtimenln now prefffltilod to thn mild Common Council of tho City of Medford, and filed herowllh. (ho anld franchUo rlRhta nnd prlvllcKoa nro teMod In HKUiror K. Uiillln. nml ho apiiearliiK horolu nnd connoiitlnR to the repeal thereof UKin i-onnldorntlnu of the Krnntlnit by thin Common Council of new frunchUe. prlrllcucn nnd rlnhta to him hv Ordinance No ?4K. Tint City of Medford doth ordain an follewa: .Section i. That Ordlnnnro No 721 amended hy Ordtiinuco No. 738 ho, and tho unmo hurohy la, rowalod, annulled, revoked and ranccllod. nnd Iho City Trvaatiror of the City of Medford In hereby ntilhorltcd and In ttruetrd to dollvor bnrk to M. T Mlunoy, hli holm nnd niilcns. the certain rortlflud check lit tho amount of Twrnty-flvu Hundred Dollars ($2500 00) dcpoHlti'd upon accen- I tnuro of said frnnchlno nnd that all Km nun in iiufci'n. iraiiciuro rlchtH, dutloa nml ohllRiitlona. Krant oil or Imposed by Ordlnntico No. 721, ii amended by Ordlnnnro No. "38. bo cancelled, revoked, annulled nnd dUchnrgod. Tho orcRoInK ordinance una panned by tho City Council of tho City of Medrord. Oregon, tho ICth dny of Mny. 1U13. by tho following vete: Mitchell, aye; Campbell, aye: Hummnrvlllf, n)u; Porter. nyj Hlowart. nyo. and Miliar, nyo. Approved May 17. 1!U3. W. W. K1PKUT. Attest- Mayor. K. T. PORS. Kocorder. n)K IIK.N1 ItOlKSICH FOK i?l JNl'Pito room niodoVu npnrtmout, alaeplng porch, )1S; vovuu room Iioiimo, Bleeping ixirch. Col. II. II. Sargont. S10 O.ikdnlo Houth. Cl KOIt HUNT Modern bungalow; built-in furniture; beautiful lawn. 30U a. Newtown. POK 11HNT Modorn furiiUhed (i-robin Iioiiho, water rent paid, 120. r.ts King Bt. POIt ltlCNT Purubdivd homo, close In. 00 N. Ornngo. KOIt llKNT ITtu room modorn npnrlmoiitt Bleeping porch, lift; noven room Iiouko, Bleeping porch, tin. Col. II. II. Hurgeiit. K10 Oakdnlo Booth. Cl POU UKNT Modem ft room bunga low on pavement ut 1)25 Utiddy avo. Phono S2S-M. ft VOn ItKNT PUUNISIIKO AITS. KoitTlKN'lCnutiotoiy fiirnlBhod npnrtmontB. Tho Uorbcn, 10 Quliico st, 1N)U ltP.NT IIOUSKKlCKPlNa ItOO.MH KOIt U12NT HouBftkeopliiE moms with bath mid gita. 34ft North llnrtlott. NEW TODAY 80 acres In Snma valley, over linlf In crops, bulnnco lovol tlmbor, oak and laurel mhed; Bumo bullillugn; good sprlngR. f2S00. $1000 Mcdford homo to exchange for u Binull eloao lu ranch. Will pay boiuo tllftoreueo. US aelea In tho IMorco tract eult ublo for fruit, garden or poultry much; joins tho town, Special wa ter contract for Irrigating. $4500. 7G0 ncrea fluo Improvements, good corn, grain, Btook or fruit lnnd; on good road, near railroad town, A bargain, $17,500. G. D. HOON and E. J. STEWART v" v .Mir. rMAtl mi f WCAire Mr 1 J . . " i- Laughs First Is POIt KIIXT FUHMWHKW HOOMS KOU llKNT Well furnished rooms with all convenience In modern home, gentleman nnd wlfo or In dlun only. Call mornings. 422 Houth Laurel. POIt HUNT Largo nteeplng rooms, nnd modorn housekeeping apart ments, prices very rcnnonnble. Phono 102U-L. 222 South Holly etrcct. von iin.vi op-mcrcs KOIt ItKNT Itrre, comrortnblo or Ilca rooms with elevator servlco, BteAni heat, hot and cold water. Low rntos. Apply Mcdford Furni ture &.lldw. Co. POIt ItKNT MISCKMiANKOCS POIt ItKNT Plrst class pasture. (l.GO per month; running water. Phone 597-U-t. See John Harkor. VOn 8AM UNI)8 POIt SAMi Pour small funus nbout threu inlliyj from Talent; houses mid Improvements; among the foothills, soil very fertile, water plentiful; prices from $C0 to $100 nn aero, human N. Judd, Talent. Ore. POIt SAI.H (Set ono of our circulars describing pur lllvervalo farms; 22 miles north of Sacramento. Cat.; 10 ncres and up, prlco $135 per acre; 5 yearn In which to pay with out nny Intercut or taxes, ill vers Ilros., G13 J St., Sacramento, Cal. SI POIt SAI.K Do not fnll to get tny list of hard times bargains In and around tho beautiful city of Ash land before you decide on u loca tion. I can savo you irtouoy on rontlng or buying. W. I). Hodg tmn, Cor. K. Main am! Socond sts., ABhlnnd.. Ore. 04 POIt SAI.K AlfnUa farms, level; prlco from $200 to $360 nn acre: Tlmbor lnnd from $2G up. Cold mining proporty, assaying from $3 to $300 it ton; also railroad lauds In California. Utah nnd Nevada; also rino stock farms mid cotumer elal orchards and 200 acres or heavy saw timber, pine nnd fir (neor boon nut on) nt $30 an nciti. Will sell It) 40-cre tracts If dpglrod; road not far from aw mlll; must have rash down. Lu man N. Judd, Talent, Ore, ' WANTKI) 50 acren orchard nnd farm; 30 ncrea pears. 20 aores farm. Will dual with owner only. Uox 38. Tribune. 32 POIt SAI.K 100 acre good alfalfa mul grain ran oh. nil lu cultivation. Will make good stock ranch. $100 per acre. Imiulio of C, M. SuuiiWen. Medford, Oro. G FOR SA1.1J Illg cherry orchard, largo crop ready soon to bnnost. For Bale, tho choicest I (Micro garden tract lu this valley, thrco miles duo south from Mcdford; about seven acres In bearing fruit, balance mostly sediment deep soil; Ideal for celery, asparagus, onions, carrots, boirlcs, otc. Now lu bear ing, nppioH. poars, apricots, cher ries, .almonds, black walnuts, goose, rasp, straw, black and logan berries; also currants and two grapo vlnejartls; also pruuea (potlto), lots roses and ornamental Bhtulo trees; no finer locution for elegant sclf-sustatultiK homo with fine vlow; wort) It not for 111 health no price, would buy It. Will make right prlco to buyor direct. Ad drofB llo 90. It. F. I). No. 1, Med ford, Oregon. 51 IX)lt SAIiK AUKKAfiK FOR SAI.K 5 or 10 acres closo In. easy torniB. Phono lOfiO-M. C7 FOK SAM: HOl'SKS FOR BALK- Modern bungalow near ly new, six rooms, pantry, bath, electric lights, elty water, sewer connections, barn, henhotibo, yards, garden. Hood team taken In ex Address llox 224, Central Point, Ore. 53 FOR BALK lly ow-iior, tho finest tract or deop black loam soil in Medford, 50x330 foot; every var iety of small bearing fruit; 20 thtonnnd rour-yom-old fruit trees; Inrgo poultry hoiiBe and yards; threo room cottugo and Bcreon porch, front lawnv balanco of place lu growing garden; good wood liouso; sldowalku and city water entire length ot promtaos. Will fcell cheap, Address P. O. Uox CS1 or phono ovculnga 1079-X. . 00 Sure of His I'OK HA Ml IIOUSIM POR HALK Oil TKADK Now well built house, 7 rooms nnd bath, ce ment basement, garage, chicken house, garden, tc. Unobstructed view over city and ocean; lot GOx 100. Take Ban Mateo, Cemetery or 1 f tit car. (let off at Crocker boulevard, walk up 4 blocks to 325 Peoria street (distance 35 mln uton). Sntella R. llackcl or F. L. To ii Vol le. POR 8ALK In tho c'ty of Tnlcnt, Ore., by L. N. Judd, a small, com fortable dwell In tc house and '.4 a. of land, $500. $20 cash down, bal. on time. l-'Olt HALK MISCKLIjANKOUB POIt 8ALK $38 set of Harvard Classics, new. $20; a $20 set of Shakespeare, $14. 1427 K. Main. FOR SALK Household furniture, gas stove, rnngo, boater, 2 rugs, bu'di. bookenso (sectional), tables, chairs, rorjeers, sideboard, set of Havllnnd chlnn. books, desk, fruit Jam, etc, etc. Phono 757-L or call 1427 K. Main at. FOR SALK Cows. C. F. Monntch. Coltago Hill. Mcdford. 50 FOR SALK Oas range, rugs nnd household furniture. House for rent, llussoy's, 35 North Oakdnle. 52 FOR SALK Cheap, Phllo Incubator, I'hllo coop, trio Huff Orpingtons; heating stove, rug. bed and mat trcsres, chairs, llox 52, Jackson ville. Ore. 52 FOR SALK Letter heids ana fancy stationery, printed, engraved or embossed, as yoa wish at tho Mall Tilbuno, FOR SALK AT 1IAROAIN: Maybello 2:27li fine family marc, $105. 1 2-seat depot wagon, $35. 1 single harness, $12. 1 man's saddle, cost $40, $10. 1 sulky plow, $25. 1 hay rako. 1 flno fullblood Jcrroy cow. $00. 1 good team of young mules, $300. Word linrness, nnd wagon, $75. 1 Planet Jr. garden cultivator, $10. Numerous other articles. Terms halt cash, half C uios. time. A. K. WARK, Commercial Club Kxhlblt Illdg. FOR SALK Duy-old chicks. Planum Hloctrlc Incubator Hatchery, Tal ent. Oro. II. C. High, Mgr. 66 FOR SALK Loose- leaf ledger sys tems, any stylo oi made to order by tho Mnll Trlbuno bindery. POR SALK Legal olsnits, tresspass notices, for s.ilo or rout sines at tho Mall Tribune. i'OR BALK OR TRADK-i-l'edlgreed Poland China boar. It. D. 1, Dux 73. Central Point, or phono Far mor 14-LS4. FOR SALK Ono doxen white leg horn hens mid a fluo cock; till young; $10, Address Cl, Route 3. 50 FOR SALK 25.000 feet good lum ber suitable for barns, packing houses. G. Allder & Bon. Phones 1027-J. 9G1-M. 53 FOR SALK Oil paintings, nil of which bavo boon exhibited and cat alogued in Now York und Chicago. Priced at $150 to $300. 1427 K. Main ut. FOR SALK Uolltop desk and now Uudorwood typewriter. Phono 250. FOR SALK First class cull pota toea $5 per ton. Scott V. Davis. Phono S08-R. 52 FOR SALK Sawmill and machinery In naming order nml nearly 200 acres, $1000, about flvp nillea from Talent; also lu Talent, hotel and lots, livery stable, blacksmith shop, tools and lot; also property lu Long Reach, Pasadoun, Loa An geles und San Francisco, and forms near thoro. LuiuaU, Judd, Tal ent. Oro, POR BALK-Four ptissensor Cndli hie; bargain. Rear Crook Motor Car Co. FOR SALK Oood working horse, whltu leghorn chickens. Rolito 1, llox 17, Mrs. Klooppor. 51 FOR SALK- HoiiBOhold goods, Ptovos, tnblns, chairs, beds, dresser and 0x12 rug. Call this week. 712 W. Palm 6t. 02 FOR BALK MISCTMiAKKOUS POR SALK Klertrle fan, cost $15, for $8.50. 1 127 E. Main. FOR SALK Kmcrson grind piano, lii'iulro room 9 Washington school evening between 4 and 5 o'clock. 50 IIKLP WANTKD FfiMALH WANTKD Woman cook at Tavern hotel, Kaglo Point. WANTKD Competent girl for gen eral housework. Good cook. Mm. H. L. Irwin, 22 Summit nvc. 51 IIKLP y-XJK7-Mr WANTKD Five young men for so licitors; good proiiosltlon. Apply nt 227 Kast Gth st. after S p. m. Mr. James. 52 WANTKD Experienced Japanese to do general housework; good wages Addrpsa P. O. Uox 208. 50 WANTKD Two men who can fur nish horso and harness and good references to act as collector nnd salesmen Medrord and Jackson county. Oood pay to right parties. Singer Sewing Machine Co., A. A. Allen, manager, Hotel Mcdford. 51 WANTKD MlSCKLTiAJlEOUS WANTKD Team homes. 1 100 to 1200; must bd sound and trno, 8 to 10 years old. Will pay cash. 509 Taft Ave., City. 02 WANTKD About 1000 feet 3-lnch galvanized sheet Iron slip joint pipe; must bo in good order. Wrlto K. F. Uutnrle, It. F. D. 2, Medfonl. 52 WANTKD Stock hog feedem. 75 lbs and up. F. Y. Allen. Phono C25-L. 54 WANTKD for rent, piano, cheap; very careful tenant. Address Dot 25, care Mall Tribune. 50 WANTKD Two men to board. 334 W. 6th st. 50 WANTKD TO UUY rarmlng home, prlco nbout $50. W. U. Harris, Central PolnL ' - WANTKD Spring tooth harrow. Will exchnngo wood for work horse, also 10 acres pears with houso for Medrord bungalow, C, 11. A., Mall Trlbuno. WANTKD TO UUY Beef cattle, Btock cattle, calves, all kinds, sheep, hides, wool, otc Dob Crowdcr, phono 1020-W. You may find mo at my market. 103 W. Main, Wednesdays nnd Saturdays. 54 MONKY TO LOAK MONHY TO LOAN On city and closo In ranch proporty. C. A. McArthur. room 3, P. O. block, phono 3G8 MONKY TO LOAN $1000 to $5000 to loan on Improved farm proper ly. Iiouuott investment Co. i-t:;; -tt , I, . I - -tt;--jl- .'. ' J FOK KXGIlAMfK FOR TRADK I have sumo new Studebakcr wagons, buggies, farm ItnplouientB and gasoline euglno for which I will tako cord or fir wood. F. Oseubruggo, 401 River Bide avo. S. LOST LOST Two brown fillies, ono three yeur old, other ono year. Doth branded V on left shoulder. Finder notify Johu Coblolgh, Dutto Falls. Qro. $10 toward. 50 llPSlNKSR DIIIKCTOHY Accountants D. R. WOOD General Accountant Your books, nudttod nud kept for a reasonable figure; your busluess solicited. Office, Mcdford Mall Tribune bldg.; phone Gll-It-2; res lenco phono 537. Attorneys PORTER J. NHFF, VM. P. M13ALUY Attornoya-at-Luw. Rooina l nnu 2, Postofflce bldg. A. H. 11HAMKS, LAWYER Garnott- Corey bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Main street, Medford, Ore. Win. M. Colvltr George M. Roberts COLYIO & ROBERTS. LAWYERS Mcdford National Dank Dulldlngi rAOMrm By "Bud" Fisher . DUSINKSS DIIIKCTOHY Abstract ROGUE RIVER VALLKY AR STRACT CO., No. C South Central. Auto Supplies. LAHER AUTO 8PK1NQ CO. Oar big secret In ranking sprint m tho tempering-. Wo are operating the largest, oldest and best equipped plant In tho Pacific northwest. Usa our springs when others fall. Sold under guarantee. 26 North Fif teenth. SL. Portland, Ore. Chiropractor DIL K. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nerve specialist. Itooms 203-204-205 GarEctt-Corcy bids;. Vapor baths and scientific bmsmrq given; advice In dletc Ics, medical gym nastics, bydroptherapy. Lady at tendant. Phone, office 945, resi dence 57I-R. DR. A. R. HEDGES. Dr. Louise E. Hedges Mochano-Thcraplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylotheraphits. Theso systems, Including dteteties, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-theraphy, etc., produce results In both acute and chronic diseases. Consulta tion free. 230 North Dartlett St, next door to M. E. church. Hours. 9 n. m. to 5 p. m. Other sars by appointment. Phone 17-J, Dentist DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOG DR C. a VAN SCOYOG Dentists Garnett-Corey bid?., snlta 310, Mcdford, Ore. Phone 85S. Garbage GARBAGE Get your premises HPtflhB cleaned up for tho winter. Call on tho city garbage wagons for good servlco. Phono 625-L. F. Y. Allen. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKBY Notary pub lic. Bring your work to me at the sign of the .Mall Tribune. Printers and Publisher MKDFORD PRINTING CO. has ttt bcrt equipped printing office In southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf ledgers, blllluff Bystcmo, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir St. Physicians and Surgeona DR? " a. CARLO i W,im."K VA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians, 410-417 Garnett-Corey bldg.. phono 103C-L. Residence 420 South Laurel at. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and surgeon, MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. . Practlco limited to diseases ot women. Offlceti 232 E. Main. Phonos, office 814-J-2; res., 814. DR. J. J. EMM ENS Physician and surgeon. Practlco limited to eye. ear, nose mid throat. Kyea scien tifically tested-nnd glasses supplied orricp 228 East Main St., Hours 8:30 a, m. to 8 p. tn. Phone. K. B. PICKKL, M. D. Offico Jack bou County Bank bldg. Offico phono 43-R; residence phone 58-R. DR. MARION Physician and Bur geon, Stewart bldg.. corner Main and Bartlett ata,; offico phone 27, resldenco phone 27-J-2, DR. MARTIN O. UARBKR Physi cian and surgeon. Offico Palm block, opposlto Nash Hotul, Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANOY Physlcikn and surgeon. Phones, office 36, resi dence 724-J, Office, hours 10 to 12. 2 to 5. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia physician, 303 Garnett-Corey building. Phone 904-M. R. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician and Burgeon. Ovof Hutchison & Lums don, 215 E, Main St, Phone 7? Sti'iiogriiphera KLLA M. OAUNYAW Palm blot. Stenographic work done qulekly and well. " T ' ' f ' Transfer EADS TRANSFKR & 8TORAGM CO. ornce io Houtu Kir Nt, rn8 316, Prlcea rltht. Service guar anteed. , s V I t I il v