Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 20, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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own p'trt when iho oecntion do
nmridcd, Klin put I-rrh and the
olbcr wltnwr i Mr. llirtovclt'
nnnniai club in n rrxMt cmphntlo
At thn rnrioluMoii of tho trial Jin
tiro Taylor bound her over to keep
the pence, Iho amount of the bond t.i
be fixed nt n later date.
HAM KltANCIKfiO, May 29 Mrlk
ballots will bo propflrml anil a refer-
ondum voto -will Uo taken by th
Iirothcrhood of Itnllroail Trnlamen
to dntermlno what action ohnll follow
tho refusal of tho manager of rail
road; cast of thn MlMdMdppt and
north of tho Ohio rlvnr to connhlflr a
15 per cent ralo In pay for conduc
tors and brnkemen.
L J 1
mnvour) math 'rruTHjNrc, mettfotw, oiwion", TUKsmw, may 20, 'win.
A kpliMiillil itililirlii'O iixniiililc.l
lit h t nlnlit ill t hi' iiiciiini of Urn now
I'MK" Tlu'ittitr, It win K'tluriiiK
of not only Mlfoiil'i, Iml llm I'ntlio
lit'Kiii rUcr miIIdv'm ippnwtuitnUvr
clliiti'iiH. Kvurv twit wiih occiiplril
from ilic fit nt low of Dm orrlu'Ntrn
cluilrH to Hut lop 0t hum I ill the
liiili'ony. ''inri with over 1100 pnlil
iiiIiiiIhhIiiii, MOO from niilniiln or Mcil
foril nit!) tin rrwlplH oxcoi'itvil tllAIIO,
TIiIh Hu'iiIit Iiiih no Ktillnry. Kvurv
dent in thn lioiinn In a ('(iiufoitnliln
fnliHm rliiiir inul tin' HtiPM of vlioii
nro ho ('loverly nrriinm'il liv Hi" iimlii-
tl'l't tllllt OIIO Kt'lH II tipll'lllllll vimv of
the Hlno finin (lie immt rrtnotc cor-iiur.
AcoiikIIcn i:tt'lli'iit.
Ah to tln ni'oiiKtli'rt, Itii'V urn ii'iilly
tiuirvi'loiiH. Ari'liitci'lM Imvi not vnt
iiihkIcii'iI llin Hi'ii'iirn of hoiiiiiI wiivi-h
mill it U not until tlm mulitoriiiiii U
iliiUlieil mnl filli'il wild pooplo Hint
Hut ri'iil tout in iippllfil, mnl pcrfi'i'
lion In o inntliT of rliiinci' nitlitr
t lift ti ciili'iiliilioii. Dr. 1'uui' Iimn won
in HiIn kiiiiii or i'liMiii'0. Tim iii'otin
lli urn iildolulfly iirlVt. Tin
voli'i' of a rlillil In onliiiiirv i'oiivit
Milloiml twin) cmi In ilixtini'tly
liimril from tin' top rw of tin1 Iml'
Yin, Mnlfonl nt Inul linn mi np-to.
ilaln plioliniim' of ulili'li wi nro nil
nlun'riilv liiitiikfiil to Dr. I'm.. Ili
niiiliirtnkiiiif to IniiM n IIiiiiIit in tin
iry midst of our Ihmii onra pnwi
licyoiul it iloulit tin iloctor't nliiiliuK
fnltli in tlio futiiro of our liisiutifiil
alley. Hi U on" of it urotip of n
li'rpnMui; hIIIzimim Hint in .Mnlfonl
JnHt nt'l.
Ilni tin nliivl Willi Mlmt com-
pli'tciii-iM dill Mmuli AilmiiH mnl her
hplrmllil i'otiimuv rouiul out tlio iiiohI
imporlmit mi-nt In tin lilxlory of our
oityV nuitiKciiiniitH. Diil IV I it IVii
pli'nio you T It') n I'liilil'M nlory, It
It I nir, mnl (o iiiiili'ttttninl it ntnl fi'i'l
it you uiiihI lit tin niiiiil hIIi Inti'k to
the flory illltii Hum of I'tiilillmoil,
wlii'ii motliiT oiniuonri'il tin fairy
tali with "oiipi upon n linn."
' I tlilnk Hint after nil most of it nn
rlillilrt'it nt lienrt. lm( only
lalil iiMilu our plittliiuKM, our lop
mnl our IiiiIIk, mnl nro niinplv plnv
iiiK nt MiTiinr Kniiu. lVtr Pan i
youth') tiny ilrwmi - n memory of our
iioy mnl Kirllioiul lovn. Ho sprinkli
IiIh fairy tltiM iimu tw ami olimiKiM
im linok to what wo really nro- eliil
ilren wliieli after all U tin real real
ity. Qur ilroanm of nmliilioii, our
loi of Hivr and tveallli, our outer
piineH Hint xi'cin it tiuim tin all im
IMirtniit, nro after all Imt pliautoniH
Hint (Kiine mnl k wild r-hntiKinic time.
Youth mnl lovo nlono nro permanent.
They nn the henrt ami nun! of every
one ami if wo only keep n kimlly
tlumulil for humnnilv, like IVIor Pan
wo will never urow up, hut walk lititxl
In haiiil, with love, youth mnl mem
ory, In tho never, no. or, liiml.
A CIiIIiI'h Story.
There U no ue in ullempliiiK to
iloxorilio Mninlo AiIiiuih. She Iiiih an
iinlivlilimlily entirely ilUHnot mnl
Hepnrato from her hinlor playem. She
In splriti'itl rather than hyniial. Sho
is of Hie iimtIIo Hehool iippi'itl'mf;
rather to the intelleet mnl to the ium
niiiiitinii. Tliero iiinv ho homo wh.
were not in Hymputhy with hint nWifn
jilay, if no tlioy urn inntoriitliht-, who
pernlnt in holm,' j-rowii-mH. They
nro like Iho old orilio in TIiouiiik
Moore'rt nlory "loilulu Hook," who
iiiHirtteil on helm,' hhown exactly how
a tear of reepntuneii eouhl ho Hitfely
eouvoyeil to thu jjittoH of l'aratliHO hy
tho l'ori.
AitroNM Han Intlhliliiiillty.
Well, never miml, Kihlin 1'o.V will
ho hero next week, mnl Kililio l oer
luliily of (ho earth, eailhy. You'll
ImiKh. mi'l you'll know why you
IiiiikIi. Ho leavori nothing to tho
imiiKiuatiou. llo in n iirenent iluy
proiluot, a comeillno that iloeit thiims
exuotly llin own way ami taken you
rij,'hl aliii(,' with Mm. You niny 'U
it noiiHeiiHO, hut it in Hiieh preoioun
uoiiHiiimo, Ihut you will ImiikIi jinit
tho Hiiine. i
ManiiKouient rompetout.
LiihI nlglit Svaa Iho hoKinuinj of
what wo hope to Im a kciIch of Mull
mailo mnl prnfitahlo amiiKementH,
Tim mauiifjrHcVuHon & (lonlon, hitvo
'iiimlo a Kplnmlhl oommuiieemeut. They
huvo not overlooked u inlu ajnj!ni
inent that would tend to miiko Iho
IVfjo Tliculer fully tho rqiinl of tho
boat on tho 1'noll'io coatd, They nro
polito and ooiuleoiiR, dolnj their hont
to iileaHo thoir pntroiiH. They
bundled tho Iiuko audicneo hist iiIrIi!
without a hitch nud thin wiih vt
innrknhlo when ono taken Into no
doiiiit tho fact that tho bouflo wiih
now to thu iiHhorri, who, by tho way
nro sumo of Mudford'ri brlj,litol mnl
lioHt yeunp: men,. In faot Iho ntluulioH
of tho liouso nro ummunlly woll
uliosuu, from tho littlo Indy iu tho box
I.OB ANOCI.KS. Cal, May 2(1
Hint Amlnrhoii of Muilfonl, Oriixon.
will liato IiIn prliiio ltt im a con
leiulur (or rncottultlou amonit tho
l(iiiiiitiilinr IoiiIkIU wliuu Im uioeiii
Joo .Mauilot of Now Orlouna at Ver
noo la a m'IumIiiIimI 20-ruunil mutch.
If tint foiiMttlouitl Mudlunlltii en it
ilefoat Mitmlul ho utiiloulilixlly will
lot iimtrliiul with Joo lltvwrti or tin
other IlKhtwolKht luminary for tin
July 4 Onto at Vernon.
Tho apiiiHirnuio of much Miimlol
monity In tho Ihhc IK bourn lum per
teptllil)' nttoreil tho ItettliiK odil".
ami tho rrotiohmnii today In IioM a
IU to S favorlto. It wtiN iiroillctuil
thai tho Iioy will miter tho rliiK at
ulioiit tho rnmo price.
Mitinlot'H frliiuilN worn rmmlileralilv
nlnruii'il loiluy liy roportit thnt Joo In
three ikiiiiiiU under woIkIK, mnl thai
hU mnornl roiulllliin In poor. It
wait ndmltlcil nt tho Mitmlot enmp
that ho In iimlor wHKht. hut thnt he
U heavier thnn at any of liln pro
vIiiiih iippiKirntuim lioro In stnteil.
Andeniou wlKheil 131 Vi Into yec
lordny. After ho woIkIioiI Iih nlo a
hearty dinner nml retired. HU train
or, .Mohan, dornied that ho onutly
would tako off tho mirpliiN today.
Tho ho) iittmt welKh In at 133 at
G o'clock.
Mouto Atttdl will npftimr nt V-r-iioii
loulKht for tho flmt t Iiiih ilurn
hU dofoitt tlioro hy I'rauklo lonli'.
hot oral jtwrn, itftor it round of ter
rain mlllliiK. llo will meet Cal l)t
Inuoy la a 10. round houil-wiudup.
Cold, Krny Hkliw and a chill wind
today failed to raumi any foam of a
nil m lioumi nt McCaroy'H hoadquar
toro. Thn advnuro halo .Iiur boon
heavy and a cnpniit)- Iioiiko U ox
I'ocled. Many who are cIoho to McCnroy lio
lleto ho would profor tho Auderton
Itltorti to a till between tho Muxlmiu
and llltrlilo. Hhould Maiulot hont
Andercon. howovor. a dlfforent com
plexion would ho presented,
Tho only rerlalnty Hint romiltcd
from (Intiioy'H trip houiiih to ho that
tho eiitlro matter hIIII U up In the
air. KaiiK la l.oa Aiik Icm hcoiu to ho
awaltliiK McC'are)'N next mote.
HUATTi.K. WitKh , May 20. Pre
hlout J, V, I'uiiTHoii, of tho Keattlo
Construction nud Drjilock company,
wan notified today that ho wih tho
lowi'dt bidder for tho coiiHtrucllon of
Iho Rteol naval Hiihmnrlno tender
IIiihIiiiiiU. Tho hid of tho local firm
wiih IDlK.SiKI.
Tho DtiHliuoll will Im built of ateol,
luo foot Ioiik wiih a capiiully of :t250
toiiH, u will ho oqulppod with ma
chlnory for rnlHliiK tmnkoit HUhuinr
Iiicb, and a lynohlnn Bhop to roplaco
all worn out pnrt, Tho llindiiioll
will ho tender to a float of 10 nub
minimis, flvo of which aro already
eomplotod. Six or tlio ton worn con
tracted for with California flruiH and
four with tho Soattlo Conatructlou
nud Drydock company.
offieo who (,'iceln you with n hinilo,
hack to tho mini at tho switch hoard,
Mr. Mulko.y voiced our Huutiineuts
in u few well chosen remarks, de
livered from Ida box, jiihl before tho
rise of Iho first ourtuin.
It is a good lii'K'iiniiiitr, let tm hopo
for u enutiiiuatloii nloui tho hiiiiiu
hl'li Hues of iiiHlruetivo uutortnin
ment. KU ANDH1SWS.
I'rniii plioloH laki-ii Ix-foro Iravlnc Ivtwil wlrn fluht ri-mlls
Will Itoultcli at (lie IIh IioiIkIiI.
Arriinr.enientN hnvo been completed
today for tho 'purc'inso of 70,000
acre of tlmhor land In tho Orenon
& California railroad Kraut, by tho
Honth-Kolly I.umbur company of Ku
Kimo, nil tho romill of conforoueo
hotwoon Mark Morris of Grand Kap
hU. Mich.. rrpromntlwK thu mminru
concern, and Attorny (ionoral Mo
IteyuolitK. Tho prle to ho paid will
ho 12.60 por aero.
TIiIh ndJiiHtmeiit wa mndo under
tlm Innocent ptirchnxur ulnuto of a
rnnuroMlounl hill nntliorliltiK tho
KovyrntiitMit forfolturo suit aalnt
tho railroad comimny.
POItThAND. Ore . Mv 20 Krank
W. Harris, formerly a driigKlat In
ItoKtio Itlver, Ore In under two In
illrtinuntK hy Iho federal Rraud jury
today, ono of whloii charttoH him
with cuticonlliiK asotn after ho had
mine Into bankruptcy and tho other
OharidiiK him with hwikiHui; fuboly
that nil hlit ansolR turtiod ovor
to tho triiBtoo.
Tho notH alloKed to hnvo boon
coiiconled cniitlHt of driiKN and a
phonoKraph with several hundred
makes pot and pan
spick and span
Soup and muscle won't clean
your pots nnd pans properly
Ordinary washing of cook
ing utonsils passes ovor wholo
hidden nests of littlo wigglers
commonly called germs.
Gold Dust is a sanitary wash
ing powder that not only re
moves tho visiblo dirt and
grease, but digs deep after every
traco of gonn life sterilizes
pots, pans, pails and kettles
leaving them clean, whole
some, safe.
Shako a littlo Gold Dust in
'our dish-water and sco tho
tartling results.
a nut mo So.p,
Uplillin, llori,
wl, AmuiouU or
eioicti. will) CoM
Ju.t. CuM On,!
Hi (II dtilrtbU
k lief f.ctlv htrmlf ..
ml littiof cki.
'Ltt lh COLD DUST TWINS Jo yur wotk'
I.OS AXtlKLKS, Cal., 3Iny 20.
Kdilie (Iraney, who lax the coiiNMit
of Willie Kitchio to defend bin light
weight title nt h'un KrancJM-o Julv -I,
ban returned to San Francinco todnv
without olioiin a deal that would
1,'uarantct .loo Iliverw an KitchieV op.
piment for tho (diniiipioiixhip. The
Molulioii of the miHiip, it would xeciu,
lion with Tom Mct'arey. tho Iaih An
Kclo pnuiKilcr, who Iwik Hiver'
prttniUc to fiht nt Venion July !.
After an interview wiih Joo Levy,
Hi. or.' initnncr, in which lie was in
formed of tho xituntion here, Ornney
Into yostcnlny held a loni; oonferenco
with McCnrey. The latter, it to tin
dernlood, refused to ivo n definite
miHWor now n to whether he would
relom.0 Uiverd front his promise, mid
tiraiiey departed .for Kan Franci-co,
while .MoCnrev Mill is rovolvini; tluv
Mittiatiou in bit mind.
'ItV up to mo now," MeCnrcy nnid
today. 'Uivcr. luti iiroini-cil to fijjht
for mo, anil I'to decided to take a
ioh1o of days to think mnttoM over.
I'll prohahly let (Intucy know Tliurn-
ilay what I decide."
Hy Thursday tio,Auder!oii-Mnudot
battle of tonight will be over. Should
Anderoii win deeihivoly, McCaroy
would be pmidrl with an op'touent
for llhorn for Jul) -I. and xuelt n
match would easily ill Ii.h pavilion.
Alxo, il would leave Ifivors its a fu
tiiro dntwiiiK cMrd with tho champion.
Should ltior bent Kitchio, he prob
ably could pi on tho vaudeville routce
for n yenr, and mi far as MeCarey in
eouconiPil ho would bo valueless in
l.o AiikoIoh.
MiimiKor "Wild Hill" Donovan, of
Iho Providence toaiit, ban gathered a
nifty bit noli of bull toKnors for tho In
ternationa league rampnlKit.
l'roNldont Charley Kbhota, of tho
Drooklyn club, celebrated tho thir
tieth nnutvcninry of hU ciitranco In
to baseball recently.
Patronize Home Industries
Offico Fui'iiituro
Libi'arv Furnituro
Ijudrooiu Iuruituro
Diniiirooin Furnituro
White Iinaiucl Furnituro
Built in Bufi'uts, Scats
And tiooUuascs, 2to.
Storo Fixtures
Porch Sv.'ings
Cedar Chests
Cabinet Work Dono
in Oalc, Walnut, Fir, or
Any Other Wood Besircd
Cabinot Arakors
Mission Furniture
IS. 0. Trowbridgo, Jr., Prop.
1J3 S. Jiolly, Medford
Thn tribulation of Henry Lcrch
and liti wife wen aired in Juiticc
'hnlnr'n court tlii tuorninir when
Mr- I.crcb wn plnrt-d m trial on h
(liirKi- of Imviiit,' thrcalciied to kill
Lcrch by diootitiK him with n revol
ver. AccoidinK to tlm testimony of
L"nb hix wife itmo fiundny mortiinj;
with u Krouch that would hnvo doiu
credit to a prizo-fi,'blor ilnrinc the
dO'i"K fit iroeoi of n training cam
paign, mid without tho aid of n ref
eree, tirnekeoK.'r or Heroin!, proceed
ed to trim Lcrch with n mop handle.
Mr. Lcrch nvera that be thereupon
Mood not nn Hie order of bin coin;;
but retired under n uliowcr of Move
wood and violent expletive nlno the
threat that lie would bo xhot if lie
returned. Lcrcli charges that bit
wife in n two-handed gun fighter and
linn tw-o revolver nt Iter disposal nnd
Hinted wiih deep conviction that bo
ban ant been homo fduco Sunday.
Two other witncHHcji testified that
they had vi-itcd the Lereh home Sun
day afternoon ami that Mm. ItcIi
bad Ibrcalcncd to flivot Lereh if he
ntlcmptcil to return to the home.
.Mr. IastcU in defense denied tho
thrcnta mid the assault mid charged
Lcrch with rost cruelty nud abuse,
however, on crow examination by the
district attorney she admitted that
h!io was n fair Hin,'!o-hniideil sernp
mt and unite eapalde of taking her
Severe Case of a Philadelphia
Woman Her Symptoms.
Philadelphia, Pa. "I had a severe
case of nervous prostraUon, with palpl-
-jjfaLfjJB i tauon ox uio neon,
CSffi constipation, head
iVMt?& aches, dlzzinoas.
nolso In my ears,
timid, nervous, rest
Itss fcolinga and
"I read in tho pa
per where a young
woman had been
cured of tho soma
troubles by taking
Lydla E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound so I threw away
tlio medicines tho doctor left mo and be
gan taking tho Compound. Before I
had taken half a bottle I was able to sit
up and in a short time I was able to do
all my work. Your medicine has proved
Itself able to do all you say it will and I
hnvo recommended itin every household
i navo visited. "Mrs.AUnY Johnston,
210 Slegel Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Another llnil Case.
Ephrata, Pa. "About a year ago I
waa down with nervous prostration. I
was pale and weak and would have hys
teric spells, sick headaches and a bad
pain under my shoulder-blade. I waa
under tho care of different doctors but
did not improve. I was so weak I could
hardly stand long enough to do my dishes.
Lydla E. Pinkham'a Vegotabhj Com
pound has mado mo well and happy and
1 havo begun to gain in weight and my
face looks healthy now." Mrs. J. W.
HoitNUKKGUR, H. No. 3, Ephrata, Pa.
If you want special adrlce write to
Lydla K. I'lnkham Medlclno Co. (conll
deutlul) Lynn,. Mass. Your letter uIU
be opened, read and ausuered by a
vroiuau and held Iu strict confidence.
Medford Iron Works
E. Q. Trowbridgo, Prop.
Gcnoral Foundry and
Machine "Works
Pacific 401; Home 298L.
Kcs. Pac. 5031; Home 227L.
For tho best of
Sco us. "Wo make a specialty of
Factory Cornor South Fir and 11th Sts. Both Phones
'A hearty welcome is extended horo to thc
T. O.O.'JiVsnnd D.ofU.'s.
flood Kit Shoo Store.
Mk for
The Food Drink For All Agci-Higbly NirirtJ kU Ctntmtwl
Rich milk, with malted j?rain extract, in powder form-dissolvoa
in water more healthful than tea or coffee. Used in training
athletes. The beat diet for Infants, Growing Children, Invalids,
and tho Aged. It agrees with tho weakest digestion.
Ask for "NOFUJOK'S"-at
Don't tnwel without it- Also keep it at home. A lunch in a mlnuto.
In Lunch Tablet form, oho, ready to cat. Convenient nutrition.
JUNE 23-ATJGUST 1, 1913.
Twenty-five Instructors Fifty Courses.
Distinguished Eastern Educators added to regu
lar faculty.
"University Dormitories open. Board and room
at $3.50 per -week. Reduced railroad rates.
Por complete illustrated' catalog, address
The Registrar, University of Oregon, Eugene.
Sptl Ti
Uvt fir Dill
Maternal InstlnctGreaUyDeveloDedbv
Teaching Children to Love their Dollar
Tbe little child's doll Is mother to tho
mMt r0nanUc 'lyl l'c'
fades Into the petals
of a June rose, to
evolve the most won
drous of all trustor
xnatloas. Now comes a more
serious period whta
the Jor of real moth
erhood should ho as
tranquil as best effort can provide.
This is accomplUhed with a wonderful
remedy known as Mother's Friend, an ex
ternal application so penetrating In Its nat
ure as to thorough! lubricate ever cord,
nerve, muicle and tendon Involved.
There ulll l no pain, none of that nau
sea or moraine sickness, no sensation of
dUtress or strain of expanding muscles.
Tbe nerves, too, will he calm, thus making
the (er!od one of restful dsjs and peaceful
Mother's Friend Is sold at all drugstore
at $1.00 a bottle. Do not fall to use It reg
ularly as directed. Write to-dajr to ltrad
Old Itrrulator Co., famar Hide. At
lanta, On., for their laluahle book for ex
pectant mothers.
With Medford
Trade Is
Medford Made
Hotels. fUmtatwami. F
Cutting the Corners
Of the Home Plate
may be all right for the base
ball pitcher, but he take a
chance, and that is how some
base ball goods are made;
something is skimped; u
chance is taken.
Spalding goods are made to
a standardthe standard of
aatisfaction and nothing is
left to chance.
SpaUlnr kit full GooJ r .11 "M Ion,'
material. Thif rJuanr,lml tMUd
ty men who play th gun ami know
what will rW tatUfacUon. ami im
artlcU li olTml for ! until It hu
brcn provtu couttualvtly that It Will
Ju.UfyWliwtitaRipot with th hallmark
ef quality th bpaldinm Trade-Mark.
156 Geary Street, San FrancUco
Ark your (oral dealer for a Spalding- rataloa?
Cement Drain Tile
Irrigation Pipe
ETC. f
"It's Strongest and
Factory N. Riverside Ave.
Phone M-G52
E. A. Hlcki P. M. Kershaw
General Manager Gen. Sales Mgr.
Quarry Ownors and
Oregon Granite stands tbe twt ?t
time. I
Medford, Oregon .J
S i
: 1 1
4 )