Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 20, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Ci t
999 "onrf Stmt " V
Fair loiilKtit mill Wi'ilncs
tiny. .Mm., (IH; ,MIh., HA.
I'orty-tlilnl Yrnr.
Dully IJIkIiIIi Yi'Ar.
ArEDlfORD, OltlOTON, TUESDAY, AIAY 20, 3913.
Predictions Made That Problem Will
Do Settled In Court Bryan Re
ports Result of Confcrcnco With
Chimin Arbitration Talk Derided.
Speedy Settlement of Questions Aul
tatlnn Countries Uracil by Reprc
senlntlves of the Mlk-du.
VA8IIIN(TO.N Mil)' 20. .Predic
tions Hint Oin Cnllfornlii-Jfiiwiiuto
liiiul dispute ltl litt settled ur (hut
slops Mill lin tnkoii In Hid court to
to minimi tint troutilu before tlio Webb
lilll becomes effective In August.
woru.frooly iiiiulu todny by iiilmlnU.
Irutloii loaders.
Tim cabinet (oiliiy discussed thn
Mtiutlnn liruiiKlil to it crisis liy Gov
ernor Johiiioii signing the tilll. Hec
rotary llrnti reported tho ilctnlli of
lil conference with Amhiisinilnr
Chimin, who thin morning fnrwnrdod
tint mtinlnlntrntlon'ii reply to Toklo.
Hocrotnry 1 1 ry ii ii ulno reported Chin
du's own prrnonul views. It U bo
Ilvcd Hint Ambassador Chimin linn
proacutcd u report fnornhly dls
iKim'il tnwnrd thu nnlliinnl govern
ment's nrtloii In tlio controversy. Hce
rotary llryuii believe Hint n week or
morn Is likely to pais before Toklo
responds to Chlndu's report.
'IVol In L'ouriM Likely.
President Wilson nml hi ndvlaors
tiro confident Hint tho dispute vs 111
never ko to nrhltrutlon. Ill nil
visors suy Hint mi nrhltrutlon com
mission could only decide whuthcr
thn California hill vlnlntos the treaty
Willi Japan nml thnt thoy could tlio
Into no settlement.
A lout of tlio hill In tho four In, or
n decision by Hut United States mi
promo court ns to whether Jnpnucc
nro kIIkIIiIo Ui rllUonshlp, In believed
to hi tho likeliest mlutlon or tho illf
f lenity. M
Tho I'Hblmit toilny nlso ronililorotl
tho ipiostluu of race equality, which
limy prove tho principal hltoh In n
imttlematit should Jnpmi rnUo tho
SmhiI)' Hrtllciiirut Soouht.
KAN FIIANCIHCO, Cnl.. Mny '20.
"If Jnpmi nml I lot United Stilton
nru to continue tlii'lr relations on tlio
hiimo friomllv basis which bus
iniirkoil their intercourse mi to tlio
present, tho questions now ugituting
liolli ntiiiilrirx must liu definitely
settled without iK'lny."
Tills WJIH tllO Htlllcilieilt lo tlio
Pnilctl Press hero toilny of A. lint
tot i, lender of lint iiuliuiiulist party
of liipnn, who i horo with llireo iIIh.
tlngiiisheil (MinfeieeH to observe thu
California situation uml ndvisu
Toklo on tho uiiti-iilioii sentiment
which Iiiih or.vntnlllroi! into u dolor
iiiiiiutioii thmucjiotit tlio Mute Hint
nlioiiH Ineligible to oitixonship must
not ho ulloWL'il to occupy ngrlotil
luriil IiiihIh, Tlio thrco men iieeom
imiiyim; Mr. Ilnttori nro II. Dlmin, of
tho .Inpummo Iioiiho of koih; Dr. K.
Ihiikn, of tho JiipnnoHv l'n'Hlivlniiiiii
(Continued on paga 2,)
WAHIIIXflTOX, Mny 'JO.- Score
tnry of Wur (liirrlnoii toilny ileclnred
thnt iTpleilnliinoi)t of tlio ntocl; of
uiiiiuimition doritroyed hy firo eotnu
tlmti hko u( tho lleiieciu, Cnl., iiimo
ii it I wiiH Iho only rciiHon for t lie
liifhnil liuiiillnj,' of Hits niIoty of
iniiiiltioiiH ut prttHcnt iU Home l'uoifio
Count uttitlons, Ko denied Hint
theio wiiH uiiy itmibiiiil nolivity ut
ui my potttri on tlio rnuHt mid iiHHeited
Hint tlio roiitlno Milflinu' of troops
wiih tlio only inovomoiit of uiiy body
of iiuiu ut prcHcnt conteinpluled.
Tlio oxpluiintloii of tho Sooiolury
of Wur wiih drawn ! forth hy reports
fioui tho Pneiflo ChnHt thnt men ut
tho PichIiHo ul Still I'ViiiioIhoo wore
lieliiK woi'kcil night nml day IiiiiuIIIiik
ummiiiillloii for blc uiiiih mid Hint n
KOiiornl nir of nolivity pqrviulcd both
luniy liouilipinrlorri mid mwy yanlu
in thu went,
Stauncrlnii Blow Dealt to Defense In
Caso of Wm. Wood When Co-Dc-fendant
Turns States Evidence and
Describes Plnclnn. of Explosives.
Breed Admitted as Responsible Party
but Defense Seeks to Show That
Defendants Were lunorant.
IIOHTON, May 20 - A MnKKorlm?
blow wuh ilcult tho ilflfcimo of Will
linn Wood, miiltl'iulllloniilro proil
ilonl or tho woolen (mat, horo todny
when DeiiuU Colllui, it CiiinbrldKO
dot; fnnvlor ami lO'dofondnut with
Wood nml I'rvdorlck Attonux,
wealthy munufiictiiror of toxltlo mill
acicdrorlo, on trial horo on chnrKC
of plnutliiR ibunmlto In connection
with tho liwronco textile utrlkiirn.
tontltled for tho proterutlon. Iloth
Wood nml Atlontu nccuied uuinovd
by Collin' iktuertlon.
Colllim flmt wm ipientloiiod tf
RnrdliiK hi kiiowlvtlKo and nnpinln
tnuce of John llreoii, thn dofenno oh-
Joited. Tho roil ft ruled thai Colllni
could only toitify iiRnliut hluuelf
ami n I one wrmiKlo followed.
Sny WihmI I'nhl Hrreli.
Dlntrlct Attortioy I'elletler opened
todny' omton with n ntartlliiK dec
laration iiKiilunt Wood.
"I uliind rendy lo prove," ho nld,
"Hint Wood pnld John llrecn, who
plnutod tho dynnmlto nt l.nwroncc.
I nUo hnva found tho wltnemos r
rnverlnK thu planted dynnmlto mid
thvy nrv rondy to tnko tho ulnnd '
Tho dofotuo ndnillti'd durlm; tho
uioruliiR KiKiilon thnt I If. eon pUuted
tho dyiinmltn, lltil Inttirted thnl'Wood
nml Attoaux woro (Knornnt of M
plniii. Thn ilofomn to far linn mic-
reeded In burrlnR nil toMlmony ro
RnrdliiK thn liwrouco utrlke, tho
court upholding tho contention thnt
tho nlrlke cntitiol bo u pnrt of tho
nlloRod crime. v
Jinlftii Croohy ruled thai any ten
llinony Collin lulRht offer would 1 1
Hint of nn nccouipllte and iniikt I"
luik'Hndenlly corrohomted.
MrclliiK Willi llrecn.
Collin thou dcKcrlbcd n meotltiR
ho hml with llrecn In llonton. Ho
uorted llrcou nuked him to help
him In u cortnlu mutter and Hint ho
ii K rood.
"Utor," unld Collin, "wo mot two
men In a waloou, llrecn chatted with
them for K mlnuten nml then ho wa
hatided bundle. After tho men loft
llrcou laid Iho bumllo on tho utile
walk ami miked mo to carry It. I
compiled nml wo went lo tho depot.
There llrecn hnndod mo a ticket for
l.nwreuco. He mild wo mum not bo
been together on the train.
"Wo went to hnwronco In epnrnto
macho but mot In tho depot thero
nml went to Uroen'n undot taking en
tnbllMhmout. Tho buiidlo llreoii Rno
mo wclRhed about -to pound."
Collin di'Hcrlhod In detnll hht
inovomeutH In I.uwreuco, lie mild ho
took tho bundle upHtnlm to llreen'
bedroom, llrcou explaining that It
roulnliied "Julie." CoIIIiih denied ho
know that llreen mount dynamite.
Kynainlte IHtldcil.
Cnllttitf hiiIiI thnt Hi ecu liiHtriicted
him to divide tho dynnmlto atlck
Into nix bundled, covering them with
"llreen uakod me," nnld CoIIIiih,
"If I know Wood, I told him 1 did
not mid ho iiiiHWcrodi 'Well, never
inliid; It's u Reed Joke, anyhow.' "
(Contlnuon on pago 3.)
KOSKIIUIta, Ore., Mny 20. Ho
eeiviiig iiifonnutioii from Kugeuo
homelimi) no to tho offeel Hint uiuiu
liei'H of Iho IildiiHliiiil WorkeiH of
llio Woild were nllogoil to bo )nn
niu to blow up n Iii-IiIru oii the
Southern I'nelfio on Mny II), tlio
Soiilborn l'uoifio offioiulrt uuiiutniued
nn nimoil Kiiunl nt every inilwuy
liridgo mid IichIIo between l'oillnud
mid AhIiImiuI luyt niylit nnd nil engi
neeirt weio iiihtruoleil lo run Mowly
over every biidijo. i
V" Qr J' F
HAVANA, .May 'JO. -(loncm!
Murio Menocnl wah imuiKiirntcil
preldent of Culm today ami Mme.
Menocnl, n Ivpicnl SpnuiHb beauty, in
firxt Indv of Hie land
20. Henry M. KliiRlcr, mllllonnlro
trnctloii in. in mid tho man who did
moro (o develop tho Htuto of Klorldn
than nny other, died hero nl hi home
today after n hard fight for llfo
extonilluR over Rowrnl week. Henri
failure wan the, luiinedlnto cauno of
For tunny hour I'lagler had been
practically moribund, but, Hpurrcd
on by tho entreaties of Mr. I'lagler,
tho hnlf Mcoro of phynlclnu In nt
tcmlanro presi.ed Mtlinulnnt on thn
dying man mid thu for a few hour
kept tho lnt vertigo of llfo flicker
ing, l'lnnlly the Ktlmulniit brought
no rcpono mid the mllllonnlro' HTe
went out quietly nnd with hardly n
Mrii. Miigler mid lLirry llnrllesB
Flauler were ut the bedside when
deiitb eume. All effort wiik niudo to
withhold for several hours tlio new
of FliiKlnr'i. ileutli.
The hodv will he Interred ul St.
AuiiHllno, Fin. The dnto for tlio fun
oral, however, Iiiih not been net. The
phyMcimiH thin ufleriiooii hinted that
death followed a lout; polled of coma.
nirrilOlT, Mich., May 20.-Or-
ICiinixed labor was jjivoii a severe nr
rniifiiiiienrliero todny by John Kithy
jituini', president of tho National as
Hoeiation of Mauufnctmcra in mnk-
ill); bin annual report after referring
lengthily to the treutment ucuorded
great coiporutioiis by labor, Kiiby
Hiild in putt:
"('oiibpieuouii in tho momentous
evenlH of recent yenrd Unit linvo
traiiHpired in tho field of Amcucmi
iiiihiwlry in Iho tragedy of l.os An
geleH ami the draiuu of Iudiauupolis.
Ah a reward to tlio principal accom
plices in thin oounpirnoy, they have,
one nfter another, through tho power
of the invinoihlo 'inner circle' of tho
Aiuoiiean Federation of Labor, hcon
vo-eleeteil to their respective offioen.
"Point to mo one Hinglu lnlior lend
er who ban niisou mid indignantly
demanded that such typo of leader
ship ho barred forever from tho ad
luiiiihtrution of union affairs."
ffS Gill OMAN
Anarchist Orator and Her Manager
Dr. Den Rcltman Pjaced on Board
Train by Mob and Told to Leave
Which They Were Willing to do.
Nlfjht Attack Feared Couple Placed
In Jail for Safety During Stay and
Hustled Out by Chief of Police.
SAN IHrXJO, Cnl.,lMny '20. Km
mn (loblmmi nml Dr. Hen Itcitiiiuu,
her milliliter, were tftcci on Itonnl
the Kunln Fc train here this after
noon nml pent north. Thoy were
piurdcd by n Hlronir .dctnchmcnl of
police nml wore followed to the rail
way Hlntlou hy n mob of vevcrnl
thousand men. They had Consented
to leave if irhcn protection,
t'bief of l'nlieeWilMJusnid:
"They told mo thnt they had no
idt'ii how inleime the fcclimr of the
community wiih or thry would not
have come here. Attorney Itobliinn.
reprcicnllug thrm, advinod ihein to
ko mid they agreed, Mix (loldmnu
said hint preferred to go in Iho day
tune, oh molw nro wone nt night. I
coiihidercd thai the plnti of nrreKtiut;
the pair wiih thu best one. nn I feared
that if they went to n hotel here there
might be uolonce."
The city officinlH wiid they bnd
prcviuii-iy made arrangements with
the rnilrond enmpniiy to not otop the
trui n in San Diego county.
Jrortil by Crowd.
While tho crowd of. excited men
nml Home women jeefarnnd shouted
tbrcntH of violence. Mi floldmmi
nnd Dr. Iteitmnn. were whisked nwny
from the city jail nt 12:10 in one of
the polico nutomobileH, fitting on
either nido of Chief Wilson, who wns
nrmed with n repenting; rifle. Ter
rific HH'ed wnn nindo in renchinj the
Snutn Fo station, nml scores of
heavjlv landed ninchinoH wJiich fol
lowed Iho two i)''rC cnr' could
uenrrely kcp the pace.
When Iteitmnn nnd Mini; Goldman
worn brought from the jail for tho
fitvt time since their inenrccnition
nml rushed into tho machine, the
crowd which had been clnmerius: for
a look nt tho pair nml which now
packed the entire htreet, broke into n
Mlvt Colilmnn Frightened.
Mis Goldmnn wb plainly fright
encd and cliinj; to Chief Wilson's
arm. When someono cried, "there
she is I (let her!" tho womnn winced
nud her lip trembled. Kcitmnu was
the least disturbed. He scowled and
pulled his hrondhrimmed black bat
down over his eyes.
"Clenr the track," hhouted Wilson
nud the chauffeur threw in the clutch
Tho crowd fell back, nud no at
tempts of violence were made.
Following tlio chief's machine
came n second ninebino filled with
detective. As tho chief raced up tho
street such n howl went up as lias
not been heurd in Snn Diego sineo
tho I, W. W. days. Kxeited persons
jumped into every available vehicle
mid started in pursuit.
WASHINGTON, Mny 80. Tlio In
ter-stuto commerce commission to
day suspended until November 28
tho postponed increased tariffs uu
lumber nud shingles from north Pa
eifio points to Minnesota nnd the
middle, western states,
SF.ATTLK, Wash., May 20. Giv
ing a coinplelo story of Alnskn's re
sources hy pictures and minis, nn
album, prepared by the Alaska bureau
of the Cbumbor of Commerce, was
sent to President Woodrow Wilson
today, It contains 102 photographs
and twenty-eight ninps with written
description and explanations, show
ing tho value of Alaska of proposed
federal railroads,
The DiichctH of Westminhter, n
handsome womnn nnd wife of one of
the wealthiest peer of Hie Uriti-h
realm, is to he baled to court to an
swer the most venous charge by her
husband. The duke has gone so fnr
u to defy King (Jeorge in filing h s
bill for absolute ditorcc. He hn
named the Duke of Alba, a
grandee, with n lot of money nud
WASHINGTON, May 20. A com-
hinution of big business is opiKtsmg
government const ruction of railroads
in Alaska, according to charges made
before tho senate teritorie.s commit
tee hero today by Delegate Wieker
shnin of Alaska. Tho (opier river
nnd North Western, tha While 1'nss
and Yukon Itailwny, tho Alaska
Steamship Company, the Pacific
Const Steamship Company nnd the
Controller Hay Navigation Company.
Wiekcrshnm, miM were members of
the opposing syndicate.
,"The hands of J. I Morgan nnd
company nnd the Guggenheim,"
ickershain ndded, "nrc to bo seen
In every move connected with Alas
ZION CITY, III., May 20.-Sntnn,
apple iiu and fried potatoes were nil
put in tho same class hero todny by
Wilbur Glen Volivn, overseer of the
"All three contain bog fat," Vo
livn told tho members of his flock,
"nud you bhoitld shun apple pio as
yoti would n rattlesnake."
The advico was given in connection
witlt n trip Zionites nro to make to
Chicago next Sunday.
The Mail Tribune's leasod
wire operator will copy the
Auderson-Mandot fight re
turns nt the Isis Theatre to
night over the only direct
ringsiilo wire out of tho Ver
non arena on this occasion.
Tho servieo nt the Isis will be
the speediest description of a
fight over sent over n tele
graph wiio ami on no other
occasion hns nny person bud
the temerity to lease a direct
wire for such a distance, 1121
miles, to handle the news of a
prizefight. Tho wire will car
ry the results of tho Jack
Ilritton-Kddie Murphy fight
nt Kenoshn, Wis., tlio Jess
Willurd-Gunboat Smith fight
nt Snn Francisco nml tho Cal
Delany-Monto Attoll semi
wiudup at Vernon, in addition
to teh main event and other
preliminaries. Moving pio
tures will nlso bo given ami
no long waits will mnr tho uv
cning's entertainment which
will bo suitable for ladles a
well ns gentlemen. Doors
open ut 7:110.
W$r. J
jjpj."i. t r
SALEM, Ore., May 20. Tho su
preme court today filed an opinion in
tho enso of Harry A. Start, of Port
land, reversing the lower court and
graining a new trial to the physician,
who was charged with sodomy. Tho
opinion is written by Justice llumett,
who says the lower court erred in
holding that Earl Von Hulcii, the
innu who wns present when the of
fenso was committed with Fred
Kodey, was not nn neeompliee. It
is nlso contended by Justice Humett
that hnlf n dozen caes were brought
into the trial, while the indictment
chnrged but one.
The diss-ontiug opinion is written
by Chief Justico Mollridc, who ns
rerls that the court did not err in
holding that Von Hulcii was not nn
accomplice. The opinion holds
moro te.-tiinonv tending to show tho
degeneracy of Start was clearly nil
missiible. The opinion concurred in
by Justice Knkin.
WASHINGTON. May 20,-Prcsi-dent
Wjlsou today sent to the sen
ate the following nominatiens: Hurry
Kelly, to be register of the laud of
fice at Lewistou, Montana.
Abialiam Hogel, to bo recoivor of
public moneys at T.owiston, Mont.
NKW 1IAVUN. Conn., May 20.
Former President Taft Is on record
horo today with tho uiinoiiucomout
that ho will start formal proceedings
tit oneo to become a citizen of Con
necticut and a Now Haven voter.
Professor Taft must bo a resident of
New Haven a year before ho Is elig
ible to vote.
1.0.0. F. MEET
City Entcrtalnlnn 1500 Delegates and
Visitors to Odd Fellows' Conven
tion Rcbckahs' Sessions Occupy
Day Grand Lodfle Meets Tonlflht.
Klamath Falls Seekinq 1915 Conven
tion Auto Rides Given Delegates
Hotels and Rooms Arc Crowded.
Now Officers Klectcil.
U. A. I'oguc of Ontario,
Ore., was elected chlof pa
triarch at tho icnilon of tho
grand encampment this aftor
noon. Other officers elected
are: Grand high priest. Judge
O. W. Wright, Albany; grand
senior warden, Robert An
drews, Portland; grand Ju
nior warden. Hoy Williams,
Milton; grand scribe, K. K.
Sharon, Portland; grand
treasurer, W. W. Francis,
Albany;- grand representa
tive, G. P. Rlcklcy, Harris
burg. Tho appolntlvo officers will
be named after tha Insinua
tion of those named above.
With every hotel and rooming
house In the city crowded and with
visitors In private dwellings all over
theclty Medford today is entertain
lag tho state convention of Odd Fel
lows and It ebe kalis. It U eMlMwt4
thnt there nr close ty-lSQedefegatte
and visitors at thn convention, f
Interest with the delegates Is cen
tered on tho choice of the next meet
ing place with McMlnnville as tho
strongest possibility. The McMlnn.
villa peoplo came In force last night
and have the largest delegation pres
ent. They are supplying every ono
with badges of their city and are
leaving no stone unturned to land
the convention for 19H.
Klamath Hecks 1013.
Tha Klamath Falls delegation Is
another largo ono, the object of their
united offort being to create senti
ment favorable to their city for tho
19 1C convention. They arrived yes
terday afternoon, tho first large dele
gation to reach tho city.
When tho special train from tho
north reached Mcdrord ut 9:40 last
evening 7S0 members of tho order
alighted. Within an hour thoy hud
nil been assigned rooms and mostly
nBlcep boforo tho snow let out at tho
Tho business of Tuesday's session
was mostly of Interest to the Itc,
bokahs, tho assembly for degrea
meeting In tho morning, followed by
the regular sessions of tho nssombly
and grand encampment. Tho Patri
arch Militant met this nftorhoon.
(mini IHlgo Tonight.
This evening's special session o
tho grand lodgo Is tha big event In
Odd Fellowdom for tho day. At 7
o'clock there will bo a meeting for
degreo nnd at 8 tho exemplification
of subordinate lodgo degrees. Tho
exemplification of tho Hobckah de
grees with an Installation program
will Interest tho members of the
auxiliary order.
Tho Medford band and a largo
group of local members of tho order '
today met all trains and tho work
of assigning quartors wont oft
smoothly. Tho restaurants of tho
city wero kept busy providing meals
for tho largo crowds nud tho ladles
who served dlnuer nt tho Nat handled
nn Immense throng. ;
Tho visitors wero up and on tho
streets early this morning and many
wore given auto rides ovor the val
PARIS, Mny 20. Dispatches hero
todny from a Vienna news agency
deeluro that Kssud Pasha, the Turk-,
isli commander who nought tho sov
ereignty of Albania, has been nras
sinated by followers of AUn Bey.
f -
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