Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 19, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    ' lmmt$
' rTWfflSt5
Memorial tcrvlco for tho post of
tho CI; A. It, next Sunday morning in
tho Presbyterian church at 11 a. ni.
Tho 0. A. It. post and tho Womon's
Itollof Corps will attend tho Borvlcc
In a. body. All Interested nnd ov.iry
patriot Is Invited to attond. Special
Tonight nnd during Odd Follows
convention Hotel Medford dining
room will bo opon until mldnlghtr
Tho Indies of tho Presbyterian
church will Forvo dinner nnd supper
nt tho Natntorlum (first door south)
Tuesday, Wednesday nnd Thursday.
Chicken dinner, Tuesday nnd
Wednesday. Supper-Moat, baked
potatoes and strawberry shortcake,
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. A. Davis havo
lott for Oakland, Cal to spond tho
Spuds cr.c per 100 lb. nt Stringer's
327 North Oakdale. 4S
C. S. Young of Newport Is making
Medford his first visit In 15 years.
Ho was formerly a resident of this
Orchard, hunting, fishing and
Crater Lake scenes for sale at Cler
king & Harmon's studio. Negatives
tnado any place, kodak finishing. 128
East Main street. Phono 215 R.
Mrs. Edgar Hafor nnd Wyllo Ha
fcr, brother of Edgar Hafor, will re
turn to Medford Monday evening
from Council Bluffs, la. Edgar Hafcr
will return Friday, spending tho In
terval In San Francisco.
Kodak finishing, best In town, nt
Harry H. Hicks of Tho Mall Trlb
uno staff left Monday for, Eugene
and Portland oa a business trip.
Will tntor children In all lines of
school work. Also teach foreigners
to speak English. Tel. 7S7-U 50
County Commissioner W. C. Lcorcr
was a Medford visitor Monday, hav
ing recovered from a fortnight's con
finement duo to an Injured leg
caused by playing baseball.
R. H. McCurdy writes all kinds of
Insurance. 401 M. F. & H. bldg.
Phono 349.
Fred Hoffman of tho Applegate
was in Medford Monday.
Clerking & Harmon, stndlo por
traits, home portraits, flash lights,
kodak finishing, post card work and
enlarging.; 12S East Main street;
telephone 216 It.
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Meadows were
In Medford from their Talent .ionic
Insure and be sure. Right .If we
write It. It. A, Holmes, The Insur
ance Man.
Mrs. J. F. Hart of Talent was a
Medford visitor tho first of tho wvl
Money to loan on real estate. See
Carkln &. Taylor, attorneys at law,
II. P. Leavitt of Central Point was
among tho Monday visitors to Med
ford. The Helman White Sulphur Daths
aud Swimming Pools at Ashland,
Oregon, will open for ttbo season
Saturday, May 10. C4
Tho Maude Adams company nud
bconery arrived Sunday In four fie
clal curs.
E. D. Weston, commercial photog
rapher, negatives made any tlmo or
place by appointment. Phono M.
J. C. Embry of Prospect vlV.tcd In
Medford Monday.
Vapor baths and scientific mas
sage for men and women. Dr. R.
J. Lockwood, chiropractor, 203 Gar-nott-Corey
bldg. Phone 145.
C. O. Olson of Fargo, N. D Is n
visitor In Medford.
CO lbs. of flour 1.30 at Stringer's,
327 North Oakdale. 49
WJI1 Grlevo of Prospect was Jn
Medford Monday.
Stringer Is still soiling 19 lbs. of
sugar tor $1. Seed ralslus 10c per
pound. 49
J. C. Calhoun of Tablo Uecl: vis
ited Medford Monday.
Fred Alton Halght, teacher of
plnuo and harmony, specialist In cor
rect principles of touch and tech
nique for beginners or advanced pu
pils. FaultB corrected. Summer
term. Hulght Music Studios, 110 S.
Laurel street. Phono 720-It. C9
Gonoral Sooy-Smlth talked on
"Peace" before tho parcuta at th
Roosevelt school Friday.
7 bunt of soap 25c at Stringer's,
327 North Oakdale. 49
J. D. Cartor of Central Point spent
Saturday in Medford.
Tonight and during Odd Fellows'
convention Hotel Medford dining
room will bo open until midnight.
T. N. Patton of Wolf Creole was a
Monday visitor In Med'ord.
F. II. Farrur, Buperlutondou; of
Weeks & McGowan Co.
Day Phone 227
Night P, W. Weeks 103-J-2
Phones A. E. Orr 078-M
the California-Oregon power plant nt
Gold Ray, has returned (ram llcddlng
with bride.
W. V. Hoy of Ashland wni among
tho first to arrive for tho conon-(Ion.
LOS ANGELES, Cnl., Mnv 10.
Joe lUvers will not fight Willio Itit
ohie nt San Krnneisco on ludepond
enco Day, according to the positive
statement hero today by hi manager,
Joe Levy, after Levy hail been inter
viewed by Kddio (Irnney of. Snn Fran
cisco, who claims in hnvo Hitchie's
consent lo battle there. Levy ad
mitted, however, that ho will (alk
with Orancy ngnin lalo today.
Tom McCnrey has llivors' nnd
iny word to fight July 4 in Los An
geles," Levy said, "aud unless he re
leases us we will stand by our prom
ise, even it it loses Joo n chance nt
tho championship."
(Continued from page 1.)
Grand Lodgo for degree; regular
session of Rcbeknh Assembly.
10:00 a. m. Regular session of
Grand Lodge.
1:00 p. m. Parado for nil
branches of tho order.
2; 00 p. tn. Decoration of Chival
ry. 3:00 p. ra. Regular session of
Rcbckah Assembly; regular session
of Grand Lodge.
G:00 p. ni. Past Grand Masters'
C:30 p. m. Dand concert at park.
7:00 p. m, Muscovites' parade
and meeting.
8:00 p. m. Reception at Nata
torlum. Thursday, May 22
9:00 a. m. Regular session of
Robokah Assembly; regular session
of Grand Lodge.
1:30 p. ni. Closing sessions.
Tho officers of the I. O. O. F. aro
as follews:
Sovereign Grand Lodgo
C. A. Kollcr, grand sire, Texas;
Robert T. Daniel, deputy grand sire,
Georgia; John B. Goodwin, secretary,
Maryland; M. Richards Muckle,
treasurer, Pennsylvania; J. Edward
Krohn, assistant grando secretary.
Maryland; Harper Wilson, grand
marshal!, Manitoba; Rev. J. A. Lucas,
grand chaplain, Illinois; H. R. Per
kins, grand messenger, Rhode Island;
W. O. Nye, grand guardian. Minnea
polis. 1913 session at Minneapolis,
,Mlnn., September.
Grand Loose of Oregon
W. A. Wheeler, grand master; H,
J. Taylor, deputy grand master; Wm.
Galloway, grand warden; E. b.
Sharon, grand secretary O. D. Doane,
grand treasurer; Thos. F. Ryan,
grand representative, A. W. Bowcr
sox, grand representative; P. A.
Hantz, grand marshal; W. C. Gil
mour, grand conductor; D. S. Young,
grand guardian, J. L. Dcmmcr, grand
hearld; S. A. Starr, grand chaplain.
General Exccutlvo Comnilttco
W. I. Vawter, chairman; Dr. C. H.
8mlth, vice-chairman; L. O. Howard,
secretary; J. L. Dcmmcr, treasurer.
A. N. Hlldebrand, E. E. Wilson, G.
W. Trcfrcn, S. F. Potter, Jay Terrell,
B. II. Bryant, T. Y. Dean, F. G. Sncdl
cor, L. M. Lyons, E. C. Gaddls, J. A.
Perl, M. M. Taylor, F E. Redden, Dr.
RIckert, M. A. Rader, M. L. Mead
ows, Frank Wilson, Fort Hubbard, J.
J. Hourl, P. H. Dally, Chas. Hlgin
botbam. R. Sherwood, C. E. Payne,
W. P. Wothcrel, S. T. Howard, Jr.,
W. E. Phlpps, C. W. McDonald, 0.
W. Lance, II. O. Nicholson, E. E.
Phlpps, J. W. Kcycs, M.. F. Lance,
Chris Ulricb, A. J. T. Smith, J. W.
Hayes, John Norrls, Lee Watklns, W.
H. Meeker.
Mrs. A. N. Hlldebrand, Mrs. Nellio
fWlng, Mrs. Grace Wood, Mrs. M. M.
Taylor, Mrs. Byrdlo Smith, Mrs, Ef
flo Dally, Mrs. Annlo Myers, Mrs.
Nina Smith, 'Mrs. Jennie Ferns, Mrs.
Eugenia McCrackcn, Mrs. Inoz Fer
guson, Mrs. Margaret Cbrlsholm,
Mrs. J. A. Perl.
(Continued from Page 1)
expected. The tentative dm ft of tho
reply to Japan is ready tin is being
held by Jirynn until Johnson's sig.
nuturo of tho bill makes its despatch
to Jupun timely.
Tho disposition of the powers to
keep their bauds off tho hituation ban
intensely gratified tho president, who
feels it is u mutter "between
Doubts California's Unity.
The president understands that
hr tinicnt on the nnti-nlicn question
ja divided in California. IIo bus
been advised that the northern part
of tho slnte is more strongly in favor
of oxclubiou or of checking (he set
tlement of Asiatics than is tho south,
crn part of tho state, und this feel
ing, it is believed, lias made him
doubt Hint tho call for tho Webb bill
is so strou;; ns appears on the face
of things.
MEOTonn matt,' 'rurmiNE. irrcnFonn. okkoon.
Tho Itaccalaurento sermon to tho
graduating class of tho Medford High
school wnB delivered lust evening by
Rov. Ollu E. Eldrldgo or the Method
ist Episcopal church. Tho service
wero held In tho Urge hall of tho
Natntorlum nud witnessed by n Inrgc
number, tho entire seating capacity
being utilised.
Rev. Eldrldgo was assisted tn the
sorvlco by Rov. Uoylo of tho Christian
church, Rov. W. F. Shields of tho
Presbyterian church, Dr. McCullough
of tho Baptist church nnd tho Meth
odist church choir under tho direc
tion of Forrest Edmendes.
Dr. McCullough gave as tho scrip
ture rending a selection from tho
gospel of St. Matthew, known ns tho
sermon on tho mount, embracing tho
most beautiful nud inspiring pas
sages In tho New Testament,
Tho musical numbers Included
two nnthoms, "Prn,lso Yo Jehovah"
(Wolcott). "Fear Not, Oh Israel'
(Max Sticker) nnd a solo, "Contn to
tho Land of Rest" (Philip Greeley),
by Mr. Edmeades. Tho solo parts In
tho anthems wore takon by Miss Ivn
Coffin, Mrs. Von Scoyoc, Mrs. Phil
brook, H. A. Canaday and Charles
Hoy. Rov. Eldrldgo gav an excel
lent address, taking sclf-culturo nt
his themo and strlktng tho koyno'o
In his opening rcmnrlcs: "Tho dan
ger of tho ago Is mediocrity." Tho
desirableness of culturo In all ltr
phases: tho social, Intellectual and
spiritual, was shown by historical 'in
cident, statistics and comparisons In
tho thrco material kingdoms.
Tho truo meaning of culture, Rov,
Eldrldgo defined as Inward develop
ment, not dependent nlono upon one's
position or environment In llfo,
which often signifies but a (alio
standard of greatness.
Tho necessity of traits such as
common sense, tact, peraevcrenco and
enthusiasm as assets to intolcct and
character was brought out In a con
vlnclng manner.
Tho thought of tho wholo dls
course was such as to Inspire to tin
highest posslblo nttalnmcnts, a
thought lending to encourago and
show that such attainments are qulto
within one's capacity.
That quality of speech which the
American Idiom designates ns
"preachy" and ono Invariably antng
onlatlc to tho "young Idea" was
conspicuously absent.
Tho address was helpful In ovory
sense and appreciated by all present.
To the Editer:
In a timo of changing nud to n
limited extent unsettled business
conditions I nolo n strong tendency
throughout tho country to give undue
prominenco in tho press to business
failure and tho snlo of bankrupt
stocks. In a beautiful valley such
ns ours with its vast resources that
nro untounclicd ano entirely unde
veloped our crying need is for more
settlers nnd more capital nnd a more
united effort toward building up tho
It seems to mo thnt advertising
freely to the world nt largo through
tho nows columns that Mcdford's
leading merchants nro financially em
barrassed, that they aro accused of
dishonesty nnd nro unworthy of con
fidence is not the way to build up the
town. If n man has business trouble
give him n chunce to get on his feet
nud justify himself beforo making n
scurrilous attack on his methods nnd
character, that works a personal in
jury to him from which ho can
scurcely recover in n lifo timo nud
that makes tho name of our fair city
u by-word throughout tho entire
Tho petty jealousies thnt exist be
tween rival cities nro thus fostered
and tho business interests of tho en
tiro town mndo to suffer. If a inun
is on tho rocks, help him off.
h. 13. WAItNKR, Sr.
Tho preliminary hearing of If. C.
Kentner in Justice Taylor's court was
postponed until Wednesday afternoon
on uccount of u ttorneys being en
gaged in tho circuit court.
poiutment of Thomas W. Gregory of
Austin, Texas, us a special assistant
in his department was nnnoun cod to
day by Attorney general Mcoynolds.
Two men who can furnish horso'
and harnoss and good references to
act as collectors and salesmen, Med
ford und Jackson county, Good pay
to right parties, Slngor Sowing
Machine. A. A. Alton, Mgr., Hotel
Medford, Gl
Assurance was given by flouernl
Passenger Ajjeut John M. Scott of
tho Southern Pacific railroad while
hero Sunday thai tho discrimination
heretofore existing nguiiwt (ho Med
ford gateway to Crnter Lake, has
b'ecu eliminated nud that hereafter
round trip excursion tickets will bo
sold via Medford to Crnter Lake
from Portland San Francisco nud
eastern points.
Notwithstanding tho fact that tho
Crater Lnko company has for sev
eral years operated nn auto stago
from Medford to tho Lnke, tho South
ern Pacific has refused co-operation
from this side, throwing nil business
to tho Klamath section.
Tho opening of tho Medford gate
way is duo largely to tho interest
takon in the mutter by Mr. Scott ns
well ns tho energetic campaign mndo
by Alfred Pnrkhurst of tho Crntor
Inko company.
tkwm '
PORTLAND, May' 19. Receipts
for tho week have been: Cattle.
IS 10; cnlVes, 113; hogs, 4312; sheep
4S97; horses, 55.
The cattle market reached tho pin
nacle of this car's business Inst
Monday. All existing Pacific coast
open market prices for beef wero
broken when five loads of corn fed
steers went to tho killers at f9. A
fow cows brought J7.GG, but offer
ings wero scarce Tho general run
of prime ted bullocks sold JS.50 to
18.70. Good calves aro steady at 19
nnd bulls $0.25 to 16.50. Tho beet
shortago Is ncutc and falls to flit tho
constant demand from nnxlous buy
ers. $8.75 for steers, $7.75 for cows,
JO for calves and $0.30 for bulls aro
conservative tops In tho cattle mar
ket, which Is firm.
Swine prices suffered ono of tho
severest slumps of tho year on Mon
day and Wednesday. Totnl lots was
45 cents. Tops wero Just steady
Thursday at $8.10. A week ago
hogs wero selling around $9. Re
ceipts wero enormous aud mnrkot
was glutted.
Shcop houso hud a broad business
and a lowor prlco I070I. A firm mut
ton demand absorbed tho sheep and
lambs offered, but tho trado was tin
ovon. Prlmo owes at $5.25, wcttnts
$6.25 to $6.50 and Iambs $7 to $7.25
aro best grado sheared prices. Wool
and spring stuff $1 higher.
A largo leak in tho gas main is
rehH)iisiblo for no gns service in
parts of Medford todny nud crippled
service in all other sections of tho
city. There is no trouble nt tho plnnt
and tlio Ashland main is kept filled
at good pressure proving that tho
lenk is somewhere under tho streets
in Medford. Tho company has been
working till dny trying to find tho
sent of tlio trouble but had not found
it this afternoon.
As n consequenco of tho gns fail
ure many families and restaurants
were uriublo to huvo hot meals. Tho
Mail Tribuuo was uiiablo (o work its
linotypes until its nxtiilliary gusoliuu
plant hud been reinstalled. ,
A published statement lo tho effect
thnt there am no seals left for I'eter
Pan this evening deserves correction
according to Managers Fiihoii and
Gordon of the l'ago Theater. While
tho seat sale has been very houvy
nud assures a largo crowd there nro
still a few choice scats remaining.
FOR RENT.Modorn 5 room buugu
low on pavement at 925 Roddy avo.
Phono 828-M. C5
FOR 8AMC Modern bungalow near
ly now, six rpoms; pantry, bath,
electric lights, city water, sower
connections, barn, honhouuo, yards.
gurdon. (loud team taken In ex
change for part, or sell very cheap.
Address Box 224, Central Point,
Oro. D3
FOR SALE (lood working horso,
white leghorn cWckons, Route 1,
Box 17, Mrs, Klooppor. 51
Monday, may in,
Linemen today urn installing a who
nl tho isis Theater, which will carry
tho returns of tho Andcriioii-Mnudot
fight tomorrow night over tho only
direct ringside wire to tho Isis, This
is the wiro which tho .Sun said yes
terday would probably carry tho re
turns. In addition to tho Anderson
Maiidot fight, blow by blow, tho wiro
will nlso givo tho results of the pre
liminaries which begin at 8 p. in., the
special event between Monto Attell
and Cnl Doluuoy, tho Willard-Smith
fight nt San Francisco aud the Jack
llritton-Kddio Murphy fight nt Keno
sha, Wis.
Moving pictures will nlso lie shown
nud tho entertainment will bo per
fectly proper for Indies as well ns
men. Door oK'it at 7:111) p. in.
Application was made Monday to
the county court for n franchise for
tho construction of n trolley lino upon
county highways. The application
wns taken under advisement for de
cision later nud submitted to District
Attorney Kelly for an opinion by the
Monday tho court let n contract
for the construction of r0 King drags
for road work to Mitchell & lloook.
These drags will be distributed every
few miles throughout the county to
work roads after rains nud nro ex
pected to greatly improve the high
way situation.
Complaint has been filed with
County Judge Ton Velio that n por
tion of tho county rond on tho south
side of tho Hague west of tho Oils
Nichols place, has been fenced nud
planted to orchard. The matter will
bo investigated nt once.
The winners names in the Star
Theater word contest will poMtlvely
bo announced tonight and the prizes
awarded contestants must he there to
receive the prizes which will bo given
by .Mr. 1 row bridge and Mr. Heveridgo
tho judges in tho content. Manager
Salhcr has selected n number of
splendid special feature which will
bo shown during tho Odd Fellows'
M'OHAW-Cleorgo V. Midrnw,
fnlhcr of Newton "Mugsy" McGrnw
of tho Postal Telegrunh company.
died at his homo in Mnukuto, Minn,,
May 17, aged 87. Six children nud
u widow survivo him.
HKIL--Lnuis Ileil, nl hospital, in
Portland, Sunday, May J 8, from
tumor for which several operations
had been performed. Kcmnius will
bo hhipod to his former home, llcl
luirc, Ohio. Mr. Ileil for some years
conducted n meat market in Med
ford. IIo left hcre.somo three mouths
ago following a lingering illness, in
tho hope that change of climate would
improve him.
IIo went to Vulu and rapidly grew
worse, going to Portland n week ngo.
IIo wus u member of tho II, P. O.
Klks, who will have charge of fun
eral arrangements. Mr. Ileil wns 41
years of age, und leaves u widow.
aro standurd remedies which havo
stood tho test of time romedlos
which their mothers and grandmoth
ers had used beforo them, such as
Lydla E. IMukhnm'n Vogotublo Com
pound, which for nearly forty years
hua been curing tho women of this
country from tho worst form of fo
mulo Ills; merit nlono could havo
stood such a tost of tlmu and won
such an euviablu record.
You will find it extremely con
venient if your insurance; lias been
pluced in u company which pnys
its losses promptly, ami in full,
I havu no other kind.
R. H. McCurdy
401 M. F. & H, Bldg, Phono 349
A. $i. Kosonhnum, tho popular
manager of tho Medford dMsion of
tho Southern Paoifio railroad has re
lumed from nn uxtensivo tour of tlm
country, holler satisfied than ever
that Ihoro Is only ono plaeo worth
living in, nud that placo tho llogtto
river valley.
"I havo been through 127 states
and visited nil the great eitle," snys
.Mr. Kosenluiuii', "and I havo scon
any section in tho sumo class with
Southern Oregon. Why wo have
them nil bent -in climate, In scen
ery, in natural resources, in nttrac
tiveness, These other places uio all
rip.hl to visit but givo the Uogun
liver alloy ns a place to llxo. V
don't realiito what wo liaxe, until wo
see what other sections are.
"I visited Washington and Jieard
he tariff debated. John Hall Me
Kay showed me the sights of Now
York nud I saw tho suffrage parade
there. I saw the fruit sections of
Florida, the southern states nud Call
fomia. I stepped into Canada on
tho ninth ul Niagara and into Mexi
en ut l!l Paso on tho south, I kiiw
the ravages of the flood hi Ohio und
Indiana, far worse than I imagined
aud the cyclone's path of destruc
tion In Omaha nud I nm thankful
JUNE 23-AUGUST 1, 1913.
Twonty-fivo Instructora Fifty Courses.
Disliiitfuislu'tl Kn.sK'i'ii Kdueulors added lo regu
lar faculty.
ruiveraity Dormitories open. Hoard and room
at $11.50 per week. Reduced railroad rates.
For complete illustrated catalog, address
Tho Rogistrar, Univorsity of Orogon, Eugene.
Hltunteil tn tlm f lists of (tin Principal
Theater and Shopping DIMrht
Ilrrently Itrtlcroritlcd nud ItcfiiriiUhod Throughout,
nnd Itetter Equipped Todn)' tlmn Ktcr Ileforo
Kiirnponii Plan
Doom ultliout hath, 91.00 per day nud up
Jtooius Willi luitn, 9'J.OO per dny nml up
0. J. KAUI'.MAN.V, Mnungcr.
.V. K. CLAKKi:, At. Mgr.
Both roprosontativo of tho wholo -
somo cordial spirit of tho West
and tho host in hotol sorvlco
Both undor tho managomont of tho
TOR, 3500 LBS,, 24 H. P., $1200.00.
R, P. D. NO. 3.
to live In it counlr.y wlmro Hoods mid
loiiuiiloes uio iiukiioiMi, wlmio bllr.
wilds nto unheard of. whore heat
proslialioiis nowr happen, whom nil
tuio smiles throughout lh" year llin
lloguo rlor Milley,"
With Medford Inula Is Medford iiiado.
Mcdfonl ('UiMuis i:porlcttccN Fur
nish Topic for .Mcdfonl liNcusxIou,
Tho following nxporlnnco orcuriod
lu Medford. A Mudford eltluu re
lates It.
Hlmlhtr cxpnrluuros aro occurring
Medford people nro being relieved.
(lotting rid of distressing Mtluoy
Try Dunn's Kidney Pills, tho tented
Medford people testify, Medford
people profit.
Tim evidence In homo evidence--tho
proof roiivlnrlug.
Medford testimony Is gratefully
Medford sufferers should hood It.
Mrs. draco Mooters, tt W, Jack
son Ht., Medfoid. Ore., says! "I
can rotoiumviid Donu's Kldiioy I'IIIk.
procured at HuHklus' drug xloro, for
pain and stiffness In tho hark nud
other nymptoms of kidney trouble.
This remedy relieved mo when 1 used
It mill I hnvo boon well uver iduru."
For sale by nil dealers. Prlco 60
renin. Fontor-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
Now Vork, solo agent fur thu United
Itomombor tho name Donu's
nud tnko no other.
Grants Pos3
PHONE 67- J-2