TjWiSf-J J jT" " '..' Bringing Up Father N Httto'rRicno MTAll HCRC r 'OMiqurJ I I PHOENIX Mm. John K. Robert i rvniverin I'iiiiii her ireeiil Illness. The Piunhytcrinii JjidW AM "ill int'ct with Mm. 15, Anderson of North Phoenix, Wednesday afternoon. Mm. fliiv Tlininlior Iiiih Ikmmi chii rini'il to llif ImiiHi fur tlto inl two wi'U hut iU now nu Itvltnr. The MiitKitM Townn nro IiiinIiik mi nil.llllcin Imllt In (hlr little home. .Mrw. Hffiii Tii.lur wn 'mIIpiI hrrr from t'orvallU hy llio criiuiH Ulin'im of Imr fullior nt Ih" Ikiiiiu of hi i. ilaui;litri, Mr'. .1. Ilnrior. Mr. mill Mrx. II. Aki Milortnlno tlm twi"linrH Thuittiliiy n '.''ij,'. I. l lliHr', .jfwor of wIhrv In llic kliiti iinUi'mity nt Snlviiii yiivo u tlnritopticnii Ici'tun In tho hluh cliiKil auditorium Friday afternoon. .Mr. It." Hrtiiiu nut! uliililruu, lie iMiiupunlnl hy Mi Apio linger, of Hi'.vli Moiilnnii, ariivtMl liurn n fvw ilny.t iiko on a vilt to Mm. Ilroiui' imrrntH, Mr. aiul Mm. V. Aor mitl Ijit hitithur, II. Ak't, irliiilml of tho MfllOdlM, MIm Mnrion Tonuui ntlriulril the iinl,v (iicii hy Miw I lurid ('ox in tho I Intel Mmlfoiil I'riiluy u filing. , Mm. J. If. hyonn, h'ft her)! n hliarf thim nyu for Ntnv York. Mn will vIhIi IiIk pitrontri at MlniirapuIN for n hltoit liitm hcfori Kiliif to Now York, lie cxpt'ct In lie Komi for M'vorul nionthi'. .Minn Lillian Watiimlh, tlio primary Idiiclinr, whit riiHiiK with Imr hrotlmr on hU iiinliiri'.i'lt, Satiinlnv inoriiini?, wu IhroMii fnun it hy wuuo liruak npi of Ilia niNi'lilno ami had lu-r col lar luiuu hrukou. 1 ALONG ROGUE RIVER I Mm. TIkhiiim MkCiiImi Im HpciulliiK n fm tlnjrt with her mm, I'liilip, ui'iii Iwirhy. Alec Hole ami IVIo Ktowoll took illuurr w it It lli'iirv l-'ii'iii'li Kiiilay. Mr. ami Mm. V. lluiiHton ami fam ily xprul Siimlny at Modulo. Suiifoiil aiul I'M lloimtou mul t.U- lur, Mihit lilu, mmlo a liip to thu val luy n fuiv ilnjv hko. MImiw Tolly ami lanltt Johnson uiilh-il on MitM Itmiliul Malhuwrt Sun ilny. Mr. ami Mm-, Frank Custor ami MiMi Mallio Minh'f Hpciit TIiuimIii.v niht in Mrill'oril. Mix TihhIo Mlntur nu't Iiit uiuli Mr. t'aiiimon in Mnltonl May 10, ami wmil with him lo IiIk Iioiiiu in Minn eapolis Minn. i lo hpi-nil llio Hiimmor. MV. iiiiil Mm. Jaok Walker went lo llio valley Thnmilny. Tim Daily mul Aleo Haiinev went (o Meilfoiil Kuuiluy. Mr. Daily has Couu to Caiimlu on u husineufi trip. J, C. IIiiiiiiiiIi is HpemliiiK u few ilu.Vh with hU hou, Japur. Aiuoiik Ihofii who Mpent a pleiiHitut Humliiy nt thu .1, 0. llauuuh much woo; Miv nml Mi'H. JiiHpin llunnuli, 1'urry l-'oblur, Liilliur Worliuaii, Mr. nml Mm. I'. IMk, MImiw -Mnry ilml Miiilhu Giki Miihel I)hi-Ii. DphhIu mill Velum IIiiiiiiiiIi.' Davo Pernio f Itotul DUtiiel No, VI, ami ciow are. eainpml nt Perry Pohlurii plaeo mul woikiu tho rond mirth ami houIIi of thorn. , Anion Smith jjiivo n t'aiowoll damio Tuesdiiy nilit. Mr. ami Mm. Will Jonoi, Jr., ro tinned lo l'lOHpuel; from tho valley" Tliiimday. CENTRAL POINT POINTERS, Mr. mid Mm. Hoymoiir, who hjivu lieou vlultliiK thulr duiiKhtor, Mrs, Wiijimin Wniiuir, uml family In tliU city for Hoveral montliB, left for their Iioiiiu In Imlliimi iturdny murnlur. mid will Htop In Kiikowj on routo to visit Mr. Wnnior'n jiuronts, Mr. nml Mra. II, finm. Mm. .Wuymuu " i r '"wi i T - ' i i r ii in i " i - - . w weLL-WflL-VfLL. YOU LOOK l.ltCA THAHK foil UTlLt. I30t 'J Warner ami il(iii(litor nccoiupiiiilcd- Mr. nml Mm. Keymoiir In Kiif.uiii). J. 0. Inanition kuvc bin Hiimlny rclioo.1 rtitim a picnic on Table Hock Knliirilny. A. C. Walker ipont Hnturday li (IrnnU I 'unit. Mm. Knnim Itolib, mIbh linnet Hcbb, Mm. IC Unmet!, (korRo I'liukuy, It. II. HU worth. Mm. :. Walib, Mini HliiCkford wero nnioiiK tho people front (IiIh vicinity In Metlford Bnlur day nftnruooii, Mr. nml Mm. A. I. Alltlnn of KM illen (pent Hnturilny wltli frletulit In (IiIn oily. Want llopklim nml Prod Pnrrn of thlu city went to WVeil Rutiinlny ov4 nliiR with Hie clionen frlemlv Imnobsll leant of Medford. Tlteo (llnnK of Aullocli wan tmi.. nrtliiK biihlncK hero Bnliirdny eve- lllllR. Mm. OoorKo I). Ko nnd two lit- tin tiom nro vIhIUur thin week In IIoriio Hlvor with relative. Mr. and Mm. (I. K. Tex, Mr. nnd Mm. II. T. l'nnkay and Mm. I). Pan key wero among (lie tunny from lioio whn ipent Himilny nt tlio rlrer. Mr. nnd Mm, I). K. Jone or Phoe nix npent tlio wiH'k oml hero. Muny of our people ipunt Smithy afternoon In Mvilfant, Mr. and Mm. Ager nnd child -.mi npent Bunilny In I'hocnlx. Mm. Ollvor Want' of (Irniit Iiin.t In lxltltiK hor ller, Mm. ( Iconic I.. Nenle, nnd family In thl city. Captain H. M. Nealon of Tamo Hook intended n meetliiK of W. II. llnrrUou pout (I. A. It. hero Snlur day. Mlw Myrtlo Duntcn, Knto Anion, nnd MnrKiiret IIoIuhm nttoudod tho tommeueoimint utereUeo at AkuIu Haliirday eveiilm;. EAGLE POINT EAGLETS Hy A. 0. Ilowlett l.oM Satutilay iiIkIiI, May Id, the K. I. A. ('. hud another eouleii, nml iiIiIioukIi 1 wn not theio t lmo a full iii'fouut ijiii'ii hy the direetor uml xv ill try to jjivo a Drift aeeouut of what happened. My informant mtyrt that tln'K.viiiifciuiii aviik hlmply filled ami nhoiil the lime for Unia lo eoiniueneo the exereit.en IVanh Nieh ols iiiimo inarehiii); In with his In-an hand mid rendered huveral Hau pieejM of imifcie, uml Ihoy wero received with roiihiujf elieem. Tho fiihl event wan the 17 potato meo for men, tin nonneed hy Mm. (I. W. Owens, who aeted hh uhairlady. Tho fimt eon. tiiNtaiitH wore Kev. Kiiiiiiioiih, K.ilpli Owens mid (lien lluley. Tho exeilj ineiil litun to he iuteuxo hy the limn Ihoy had run one-third of the din-taneo-Iintl yards -Olenn Daley win ning llio fimt ruee. The Heeond raeo wiih hy Harry Hryaiit, Kd Coy nml I'm nk IIoiihIou, Harry Hrynul heiil tho wiiiuor, Then uaiiio tho final rim hiitwoeu Hurry Hrytiut, (llcnn Huley ami Carl IHuuer. At fimt tho uileueo wttH Himply iuteuo hut ly thu titim they imido tho fimt turn tho umlieneo hlinply hroko Iooko ami tho ifiiRiT wiih hiniply (lcnfOnlitKi nnd in addition lo the? 6xelteiueiit of the crowd thu luind whirled up an innpir WHY? louu ciioioh 8 noroa DoAnJou, full bearing 10 acres Unac, full benrlitR 10 ucroa llnrtlott', roll liearlmr 10 ncros Comlco, full lioarlmj Wo miiBt' Bell ono1 of t)iOBo blocks of 1'enra nt Juat, oiie-hiilf value to hiivo lurKor tract, IS ft. (loop loam soil; In Jackson county, 3 miles from Moilford. l'iivo hMuni, ifono, Wo w'ant your bid on ouo of tlioso trncta. Can tnko you out any nftor iloou, J. 0. UAltNICS (lii.1 X, ltivemlilo r 214 Flr N(t9iitl Unuk Dull-JInr ctn i I 1 T-r OTTypvmn matt) TinmjNra, otttford, oi?Kf,oyt Monday, way 10; 1013. sassssasaspssiswwpMsisWBWiasjiisjssj aMi t ... ... .. -. OS. trs. '.ib.' HP IXJL'C vj in tune, Jlryant nml llnlcy run ucek uml nock, hut when nil hut tluco po Ifttoeg were fnkeii, llnlcy hlippcd ;"' iiiK liryunt nn ndvuiittie which he kept nil through, Tho next wiih a potato race hy the IiuKcm, ilx maud nlHiut Pifi ynnln. The fimt hclit wiih hy Minn McClclInn, Mli- HlfliH nml MiH Currie 0vcm, Mint HtiiHA uml Mli Mcrii'llniid ran neck nml neck, hut MIkh McClelland won out on the fimt lirnt. The next hent wiih run hy MiH Orneo Conley, Mihk MnrRuerite Horry nnd Minn Mnble Wfliunley, Mien Conley first and M1m Morey mcoiuI. The result wn ftvo points eneh for Mlns Conley nnd Mi MeClcllaii. Then rnino (he stnudln hop, skip nml jump, for tho men. Tho Rnmo wnn holly contented nnd tho rcMiilt was Hurry Ilrynut fimt, jimip 'JO feet, nix iiicIich; Kd Coy hee ond, with '2' feet, nine inches to hU credit. Then emtio tho ladies three h'KKt'd rnce, two ladiei, Ming Was ami Mix Conley, had mm of their Icrh tied to eneh others leg nnd run thus tied together, in this position they ran three tunes around thu win and jiiht as they wero ncnrim; tin.1 Iioiiiu line r-onie inicliievious hoyn turned otf the light nml they wero left in darkuexs to finish tho rued nml tho darknesH was ho intense that tho timokeeKrs could not nee the liiuo ho after Mins .reClcllan nml Miss lintel Hrowtt hud run their three legged moo Professor .Single ton had them to run it over again, this heal in 'JO pccomU. Then Mit-s HIiihh nml MIhh MeClellnu xtnrtcd on their fiunl hy circling- the g-ynn in JJ bcoonilN. Now Mi lloroy hud no partner nml tho professor gnvo her the privilege of ((hooding any Indy sho wished so ho eliot-o Misti PliihS Their time was "JO hcconils, so tho nice ended hy Miss HIiikm mid Misn Conley fimt mid Mixsc MeClellnu, I'lorey mid Hrown hccoikI. Then the ladies had a spoon nice, running nrotuid tlm hull currying an egg in u nponn which wns won hv Misrt Ithibs in tho hlmrt timo of I sru ouds. Thus ended thu program with the following result: .Miss Imit-a HIiihs fimt, u gold medal; Miss Uraoo Conley second, silver medul; Minn llnxcl MeClellnu, third, silver nieilul. Then cmno the exercises on tho parullcl hum hy the men, Kev. Sim mons milking -IK out of n possible 50, Kd Coy beeond, uml Hny Hurnish, third. Then ciiiuu tho dipping on tho parallel ham with Carl Hingcr, 111 times', Itev. Simiiioiis, JO times, nml Itnlpli Owens, 0 tinuw. The winnow were: Hurry Hryant, first, 10 points; SimmuuH, second, H points; Curl Ringer also heeond, H points, nnd I'M Coy third, 0 points. NOTICK. A. H. DottKhorty, tho HawlolRh miiu, him moved Ida business to 400 Heatty ntnot. 49 POH ItKNl1 -rUKNiailKI) Al'S. FOR HUNT Comptotoly furnished npnrtmenta. Thb nbrbon, 10 Qulnco at. . NEW TODAY SO acres In Sutua vnlloy, ovor htilf In crops, balnuco lovol tlmhor, oak unit laurel mixed; omo buildings; good biuliib'3. US00. M000 Medford homo to oxclimiKO for u small eloso In ranch. Will pay somo dltfureuce. il5 ucroa In tho I'loreo tract buII uldo for fruit, Knrdon or poultry rnnch; Joins tho town. Snoclnl wn tor contract for Irrigating. ?4B00.' 7C0 iicres fine Improvements, Hood corn, grain, btoek or rritlt land; on good road, nonr rnllrolid town. A bargain. -117,509. y t E. J. STEWART V r.lul . - lj - mri f - j r - VIIAT Cx) YOU MRAli Bt TU.WNO TO Tr MKYAMTJ. IX0 7AIK10 Aflt OF Tilt 1 IHDMIorT - ouriF TiiiMr. - r . j I'Olt HK.VT- FOItNINlinT) 1IOOMS KOH HHNT Well furtilnhed rooms with nil conveniences In modern homo geutlotnnn nnd wlfo or In dies only. Call mornings. 422 Houth I-niirel. FOR RUNT Largo" sleeping rooms, nnd modern housekeeping apart ments, prices very reasonable Phono 102G-L. 222' South Holly street. - roit ni:M housks FOR R15NT Flvo room modern npnrtmont, sleeping porch, $15; soven room house, sleeping porch. Col II, II. Sargent 810 Oakdale South. Gl FOR HENT Modern bungalow; built-in furniture; beautiful lawn. 303 S. Newtown. FOR RENT Modern furnished G-room house, wntor rent paid, $20. CIS King st. FOR RENT Furnished houso, closo In, CO N. Orange. FOR RENT -Flvo room modern apartment, sleeping porch, $15; soven room houto. aleoplng porch, in. Col. II. II. Sargent. 810 Onkdaln South. 01 FOR RENT Modern 7 room houso and bungalow, furnished or un furnished. W. II. Evcruard, 1013 West 9th. FOR KENT HOUSEKKEI'INQ ROOMS FOR HENT Housekeeping rooms with bntu nnd gas. 345 North Hartlott. FOR RENT OKnCES FOR RENT Largo, comfortnblo of flco rooms with elevator scrvlco, steam heat, hot and cold water. Low rates. Apply Medford Furni ture & lldw. Co FOR RENT MISCELiaNEOUS FOR HENT First class pasture. $1.50 por menth: running water. Phono 0U7-R-I. Sco John llarkor. JI FOR SAL-liANRS FOR SALE Four small fnrma about thrco miles from Talent; hutucs nnd Improvements; among tho foothills, milt vury fertile, water plentiful; prices from $50 to $100 an acre. Lumnii N. Judd, Talent, Ore. FOR HALE Oot ono of our circulars describing our Hivorvalu farms: 22 miles north of Sacramento, Cal.; 10 ncros and up, prlco $135 per ttero; G yearn In which to pay with out any Interest or taxes. Rhora Uros., 013 J St., Sacramento, Cal. 51 FOR SALE OR TRADE Hy private party, 40 acres unimproved land with house and barn. Phono eve ning. 810-X. 07 FOR SALE Do not fall to got any list of hard times bargains In nnd around tho beautiful city of Ash land before you dccldo on a loca tion. I can snvo you money on renting or buying. W. I). Hodg son, Cor. E, Main and Second fits., Ashland., Ore. 04 FOR SALE Alfalfa fnrms, lovol; price from $200 to $350 an acre. Timber lnnd from $25 up. Gold mining property, assaying from $S to $300 a ton; also railroad lauds In California, Utah ami Nevada; also fine stuck farms and commer cial orchards and 200 acres of heavy saw timber, pluo and fir (never been cut on) nt $30 an ncro. Will boll In 40-ncro trnctH It doslrcd; rond not far from saw mill; must hnVo cash down. Lu nula N. Judd, Tnlont, Oro, WANTED 50 ncres orchard nnd farm; 30 ncres pears, 20 acres farm. Will deal with ownor only, llox 32, Trlbuuo. 52 FOR SALE 100 ncro good alfalfa nml grain rnnch, nil In cultivation, Will muko good stook ranch. $100 per aero. Inquire of C, M Svomlsen, Medford, Ore, 07 FOR SALE B or 10 ncroa closo In, easy, terme, Plieno. 100M. AT Mata. ,J . f .lrv . ) Run across ( ( (f Ll, f W COME lib- S (r-' v (Oft J''E WWCT AND How oW ' f 4 AhcXr ,r' r i h-"r-J .'CW.N' TOBACCO J AOMIKAL f V-W ) 7? 1 r---r J LLIT J r " f I '. - .' I J j FOR HALK ftOOHKB FOR BALE OH TRADE New well built house, 7 rooms nnd bath, ce ment basement, garage, chicken hoticc, garden, etc. Unobstructed vlow over city and ocean; lot 50x ,100. Tnko Sun Mateo, Cometcry or Hth car. Get off at Crocker boulevard, walk up 4 blocks to 325 Peoria street fdlstanco 35 min utes). Savolln R. Hackel or F. L. TottVolIc. FOR HALE In tho city of Talent, Ore., by L. N. Judd, a small, com fortable dwelling houro and '.4 a. of lnnd, $500. $20 cash down, bnl. on time. . j FOR SALE MI8Ci:i,7iAXEOUS FOR SALE $38 sot of Harvard Classics, new, $20; a $20 set of Shakespeare, $14. 1427 E. Main, FOR 8LE Household furnllute, gas atovo, range, heater, 2 rngs, beds, bookcase (sectional), tables, chairs, rockers, sideboard, set of Dnvllanil china, books, desk, fruit Jam, etc., etc. Phone 757-L or call 1427 E. Main st. FOR SALE Cows. C. F. Monnlch. Cottaga Hill, Medford. SO FOR SALE Gas range, rugs aud household furniture. Houso for rent. Hussey's, 35 North Oakdale. 52 FOR SALE Cheap. Phllo Incubator. Phllo coop, trio lltirf Orpingtons; heating stove, rug, bed nnd mat treascs, chairs, llox 53, Jackson ville. Oro. 52 FOR SALE Lcttor heads and fancy stationery, printed, engraved or embossed, as you wish at the Mall Tribune. FOR SALE AT HARGAIN: Mnybcllo 2:27$ flue family mnro. $105. 1 2-seat depot wagon, $35. 1 single hnrucss, $12. 1 man's Bnddlo, cost $40, $10. 1 Bulky plow, $25. 1 hay rake. 1 fino fulllilood Jersoy cow, $C0. 1 good team of young mules, $300. Word harness, and wngon, $75, 1 Planet Jr. gurdun cultivator, $10. Numerous other articles. Terms half cash, half 0 11103. time. A. K. WARE. Commercial Club Exhibit nidg. FOR SALE Dny-old chlcka. Planum Electric Incubator Hatchery, Tal ent, Ore, II. C. High, Mgr. CO FOR SALE Loose leat lodgor sys tems, any stylo or juado to order by tho Mall Trlbuuo bindery. FOR BALK Legal blauKs, tresspass notices, for sale or rent sings at the Mall Tribune. FOR SALE Vegotublo plants, cab bago Mc, tomato 1c. C. Carey's, Talent, R. F. D. No. 1, Oro. Phono 16-F-ll. FOR 8ALE OR TRADE Pedigreed Poland China boar. R. D. 1, Dox 73, Central Point, or phono Far mor 14-184. FOR SALE 20 hx hounds from 2 montns to 1 year aid, $5 to $15. Chas. ailchrist, Sams Valley, Oro. 49 FOR SALE Qno dozon white tog horn heiiH nml n fino ceck: nil young; $10. Address CI. Routo 3, 50 FOR SALE 25,000 feet good lum ber suitable for burns, packing houses. (1. Allder & Son. Phones 1027-J, JiCl-M. 53 FOR SALE Oil paintings, nil of which hno been exhibited and cat alogued In Now York nnd Chicago, Priced at $150 to $300. 1427 E, Main st. FOR SALE Rolltop desk nnd now uuuorwooo. typewriter, I'uouo sap, FOR SALE First class cull pota toes $5 por ton. Scott V. Davis, Phono 80S-H. 52 FOR SALE Sawmill and mnchluory In running order uml nourly 200 acres, $4000, about flvo miles from Talon t; also In Talent, hbtol ami lots, livery stable, blacksmith shop, tools ami let: also proporty In Long Reach, Pasadena, Los An geles nnd San Francisco, and farms near thoro. Ltimon N. Judd, Tal ent. Oro. ui 11 u'f I' -i- -J-- i-rfiavi By George FOR 8ALB MISCKIiliAXEOUS FOR SALE Electric fan, cost $15. for $8.50. 1427 E. Main. FOR SALE Four passenger Cadli. lac; bargain. Hear Creek Motor Car Co. FOR SALE Emerson grand piano. Inquire room 9 Washington school evonlngu between 4 and 5 o'clock. GO HELP WAXnO) rraiALR WANTED Woman cook nt Tavern hotel. Eaglo Point. WANTED Competent girl for gen eral honsework. Good cook. Mm. II. L. Irwin. 22 Summit avc. 61 II ELI WANTED MA LE WANTED Experienced Japanese to do general housework; good wages Address I. O. Uox 208. 50 WANTED Two men who can fur nish homo and harness nnd good references to act as collector and salesmen Medford and Jackson county. Good pay to right parties. Singer Sewing Machine Co., A. A. Allen, manager. Hotel Medford. 51 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Plain sowing; patching and quilting. Call any day but Saturday. Phono 962-X. ' 49 WANTED MISCELLArOUS WANTED for rent, piano, cheap; very careful tenant. Address Uox 25, caro Malt Tribune. 50 WANTED Two men to board. 334 W. 6th st. GO WANTED TO HUY farming horse, prlco about $50. W. D. Harris. Central Point. WANTED Spring tooth harrow. Will exchnngo wood for work horse, also 10 acres pears with houso tor Medford bungalow. C. IJ. A., Matt Tribune. WANTED TO BUY Dcet cattle, stock cattle, calves, alt kinds, sheep, hides, wool, etc Bob Crowder, phono 1029-W. You may find mo at my market.- 103 W. Muln, Wednesdays aud Saturdays. 54 MONEY TO- IAA." MONEY TO LOAN On city aud closo In ranch property. C. A. McArthur, room 3, P. O. block, phono 3CS. MONEY TO LOAN $1000 to $5000 to loan on Improved farm proper ty. Bennett Investment Co. FOR KXCn.lMK FOR EXCHANGE Lady's blcyclo. valuo $12, for girl's whcol. K. E. Oman, W. 0315 Ith st. 1 49 FOR TRADE I hava somo now Studobakcr wagons, buggies, farm Implements aud gasoline, engine for which I will take cord or fir wood. F, Osenbrugge, 401 River side avo. S. LOST LOST Two brown fillies, ono threo yoar old, other ouo year. Both branded U on Soft shoulder. Finder notify John Coblclgh, Butte Falls, Ore. $10 reward. GO RUSINIS niltKCTOHY Auto Supplies. LAHER AUTO SPRING. CO. Our big secret In making springs Is the tempering. Wo nro operating tho largest, oldest nnd boat oqulpped plant In tho Pacific northwest. Uso our springs when others fall. Sold uudor guarantee. 2G North Fif teenth St., Portland, Oro, Attorneys PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEALEV Attorne.vs-at-knw. Kooms 1 ami 2, Postofflco bldg. A. 13. REAMES, LAWYER Garnott Corey bldg. W. J. CANTON Attornoy and Cdun sollor at Law'. 123 East Malu street, Medford, Oro. W111, M. Colvlg George M. Roberts COLVIO & ROBERTS. LAWYERS Medford NatlQual Hank Building. rang OTWBl McManus j BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstract! ROGUE RIVER VALLEY AB STRACT CO., No. 6 South Central. Accountant D. R. WOOD Gcnoral Accountant lour books audited and kept for a reasonable figure; your badness solicited. Office, Medford Malt Tribune bldg.; phono 611-R-2; res lenco phono 537. Chiropractor DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, ncrvo specialise. Rooms 203-201-205 Gnrnctt-Corey bldg. Vapor baths and scientific massago given; advlco In dietetics, medical gym nasties, bydropthcrapy. Lady at tendant. Phone, office 945, resi dence 671-R. DR. A. It. HEDGES, Dr. Louise B. Hedges Mechano-Thoraplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylotbcraplsts. These systems. Including dietetics, cura tlvo gymnastics, hydro-therapny, etc.. produco results In both acute and chronic diseases. Consulta tion free 230 North Bartlett St., next door to M. E. church. Hour 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Other boars by appointment Phone I7-J. Dentiu DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR C. C. VAN SCOYOC Dentists Garnett-Coroy bldg., suite 310, Medford, Oro. Phone 850. Garbage GARBAGE Got your premisa clcanod up for tho winter. Call on the city garbage wagons for good scrvlco. Phono 625-L. . J?. Y. Allen. .Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lic. Bring your work to me at the sign of tho Mall Tribune. "Printers nnd Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. haa the best equipped printing office In southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf lodgors, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir St. l'liyMclans and Surgeons DR. F. O. OARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians, 41G-417 Garnott-Coroy bldg.. phono 103G-L. Resldonco 420 South Laurel at. DR. S. A. LQCICWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practice limited to disooses ot women. Offices 233 U. Main. Phones, offlco 807; resldonce 814. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Prcctlco limited to eye, ear, uoso aud throat. Eyes scien tifically tested aud glasses supplied orflco 228 East Main St., Hours 8:30 a. m. to S p. m. Phone. L. B. PICKED, M. D. Offlco Jack son County Bank bldg. Offlco phono 43-R; ro3ldenco phono 58-R. DR. MARION Piiyslclan and sur geon, Stowart bldg., corner Main und Bartlett sts.; offlco phono 27, resldonco phono 27-J-2, DR. MARTIN O, BARBER Physi cian aud surgeon. Office Palm block, opposite Nash Hotol. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 1J0-J. DR. R, W. CLANOY Physician and surgeon. Phones, offlco 36, resl donco 724-J. Offlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic physician, 303 aaruott-Corey building. Phone 904-M. R. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician aud Surgeon. Ovor Hutchison & Lumg den, 215 E. Main St. Phone 77. . ''''' Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm bloek. Stonographlo work done quickly, nnd well. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGB CO. Office 1G South Fir St. Phone 316. Prices right. Swlee gsnr auieed. r.4 : tt t lAM . tofMi