Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 19, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Clly Hon - g
Medford Mail Tribune
I'nlr tonight itiial TurMlnjr.
.Mnr. (10, Mln. IW.
Kurty-thlril Yrnr.
Dully r.lulilli Var.
Despite Federal Pressure, Governor
Puis Slfliiaturo to Lnw Forhlildlnii
Ownership of Afjrlcullural Lands hy
Japanese- or Other Aliens.
HAGItAMKNTt), Cnl , .Mny t'J.
Governor Johnson signed '"' Webb
lllrdsfill unll-allou liiml 1)111 shortly
beforo noon today. Tim lnw pruviiiitrt
Hid ownership or agricultural lands
In California by Japnnusu or other
aliens Ineligible to rltljonshlp, nl-
IIioiikIi It iioruiltM thrcu onr lease
hold, which muy ho renewed hy ro
tation. Willi lint signing ly Hut governor
of the nutl-allcn hilt loilny Ciillfor-
nlii. ilespllo threats of n diplomatic
broach with Japan mill tho most nr
liuiil protests from tho national ml
mliiUlriilloii. luin taken thu final stop
In enacting a law prevent thu no
Miilnltton of her iiKrlciiltunil hinds hy
Asiatic. Tho seal of tho stain linn
I i Mil to tho policy or excluding
from her lamln nllou who aru nun
assimilable. IV.U- ItlfclrlHllllll.
In connection with hla npproal of
tho iiiousuro Governor Johnson hail
llttln to say. lit nppcsirod to ho fnr
more concerned uhoiit tho threatened
mlllug of refereinluni In suspend
tho net, lonvlug tho statu without ti
liar iiKulimt further iiniulilttuii of
land hy Japniumo until November,
IUII, t halt uhout the effect Mm no
tion might have In Washington or
Tim governor declared Hint In
would fend no official notification of
hn action In Washington.
"I repent whal I Imvu wtlil he-fore.''
win Johnson's (oniment. "C'allfor
nlii for tlm Hist Hum Iiiin nu null'
alien land net. Any ono who wishes
another kind of lnw tuny colitis
tetitly Invoke tho Inltlntlvi.
"No tnnii who really wishes tin
iiutl'iillnu law will sign a referendum
nit tn till law. If another law I
sought It inny ho presented hy lnl
tlullwi petition, anil In tho menu
lime tho present act will ho In opor
atloii. ('ouiim'N Initiative.
"To tlo tip tho present law hy rof
ereudum moans no law until Novem
ber, I DM.
"Thorn who aro sincere. In their
opponlilou to antl-alleu law or who
believe tho present act In not drastic
enough aru counlMont If they take
steps to Invoke tlm Initiative. Hut
tho referendum would tin up tho law
wit now have, without puttliiK any
IIiIiik In lit place until 1914, leaving
tlm ntato open In tho meantime to
rolonUntloii hy tho aliens iigfilust
whom this legislation In aimed."
Governor .luliiintm would not hnx
aril an opinion on what ho expected
to ho tho remit on tho International
tdttiutlou of his approval of tho Webo
Investigation to ilotormluu bin sanity
Im promised heio today for Harold H.
I lo ward of I'aHiuloiia. Oul who for
ii week ban pendHtently nuimyul
President Wilson and members of tho
Inttor'H family. Howard wiih arm
ed ut thu whltu homo when bo
to riMjtiuHt an uudlenro with tho
pit'Hldunl In ruKanl to woman tmf
fraito, AhIiIo from following tho
prcHldmit from place to place, It is
Kiild, Howard Iiiih written uiimorotu
aunoyluK letters to him and member
jif Ida family.
LONDON, Aru 10. Former Sultan
Abdul Humid in Huilously ill, accord
ing to dospiitohi'H louoivml hero from
CoiiHliiiitinoiile. lie In nufl'oriug
from u uuiiipllculiou of iliHciiHCH, mill
It in not bnlieved ho will lie uhlo to
Hiirvlvu tlm ntliK'k'.
Multl-Mllllonnlro President of Ameri
can Woolen Company In Court for
Plantlnn Dynnmlto to Discredit
Strikers In Lawrence.
HUSTON. May Iti. A long lino of
deputy KhurlffH mid court iittuiuluutH
Hlood on liuard at all entranceH to
tho Huffolk miperlor court houe hero
today whim William Wood, iiiu.l
millionaire prenldent of tho Ameri
can Woolen company, went to trial
on n charito of connplraey (0 ,l,inl
dynamite In nu attempt to illticrt'dit
thu Lnwreiirn ntrlkem In I DON, Al
leged fear of a imirt ileiuniiHtnitloi,
hy liiilimtrlal Worker of tho World
wiin thu reiiKou nimlKund for ntcl.
marked precaution.
l'erioii who applied for iiduilH'lon
were clonuly herutliilted and all who
did out hnti) ii card nllined hy Pin
irhl Attorney 1'elletlitr went 'i.iuod.
Tlm ierlalorn were roiiflueil to
newspaper men, attorueyH for tho
uccuiud mini and I'ellutler and hi
I'rederlck I. Attenux, u lloiton
maiiiifacturiir of textile mill ncrm
Mirlit, and DennU Colllun, a ('inn
brldK" iIok fancier, were placed on
trial with Wood oil nlmllar uharcei.
Tlm nherlff nmiorled thU morn.iiK
that hit had received wartiliiK 'hat
ludiintrlnl leader planned a demon
filiation In court, hut Im refined to
Mate from what notirce thu warnliiR
came. Tho leiixth of thu trMI In
JihIrii Croiihy overruled nil mo
I loin hy tlm defenne to iiiall llid'ct
nielli liKalnft AtteailX.
Tlm Jury to try Wood wn qom
ploied thU Afternoon Vlth Irtit" 111 He
Jury I'llliil Quietly.
Only fid tnlnute wa counumed In
flllliiK the Jury box. Tlm wenltb
dufitudaut were vpareil thu humllln
Hon of hIiHiik In Hut-"felon' box."
luitisid they occupied neat Junt out
ildn tho enclohiire HepnrntluK thu at
toruii) from thu upectntor.
Dlxtrlct Attorney I'ellctlor opened
for tlm proHccotton with n acalhln
deiiunrlnllou of tlm defendant.
Wood Mat apparently unmoved
HiroiiKhout tint urralKUiueut.
JiuIko Cronhy Informed tho Jury
that ho did not believe It wn mice
nary to lock them up at nlchl.
ntueudiiinnt to tho revolution of Ben
ator Koru provldhiK for thu iiamlnn
of a committee of thu United Stale
donate to prohu tho coal minors'
Ktrlko In Went Vlruliila hy which
Senator llorah of Idaho will bead tho
probe will bo offered In thu ncnate
before tho final voto on tho reuolu
tlou h taken Hit afleriiooii. llorah
Iiiih Hinted that Tio I willing to
11KNCI1IAKI, May , 111. NVw ol"
heavy i'llitiiiK between Aralm and
IliiliiitiH ut Sido (liu hit reai'lieil lioro
liiiluy. No ilelnilrt were recoiwil of
the eiibimlties, hut (hey urn known to
Imvu been heavy.
(leneral (Inuhretti, who Iiiih lieeu
in eoiiunuuil ut Doriiu, headed the
lluliiiii troops in it iloHporuto btoriu
iut; of nu Arab position. This
Kiiiueil, tlm ItnliiiiiH were Hiihjeeteil to
two heavy flunk iittuukii, hut limy
maintained their position, thoimh ut
u K'ri'i't Hiteriticu of life,
PIKIUIti, S. I)., May 10. For par
licipiiliiur, in a coiiliaot while ho wiih
a pulilio offieiul, l-'red A. Drinker,
formerly land oniutuisHiouor in Huh
Htato, wna fined ijs'Jfil) Imvo todny,
llrinker ploatlod Kiiilly.
President Discusses Phases of Japanese-California
Land Controversy
Neither Nation Inclined to Be
Hasty anil Adjustment Expected.
o'eloek thin nfleiiiooii Keerelnry
llryiiu linked Keerelurv Cliimlii to iull
ul Hut htato department lit receive the
Amerieiiii reply to JnpanV note of
proleHl iiuiiIiihI Hie California out i -
iitieii land hill.
hK with remarkable freedom iihiii
phasei of the .IiimncHt;-('nlifornin
laud eontroverHV whieh were "loadeil
with diploiualie dynamite," I'ri'Hident
WIIhoii. in liix conference wiih Hie
newHpaper eorrtHiiulentn here loilny
unrifervedlv emit hit inter iewer.
eoinplete "iiihiile information" of the
eontnneriy iih ho hen, it.
The nreiddcnt ileelaretl that hoth
he and I In: Mikado exiiceled nu earlv
anil iimienhlo iirriiiiu'emeut of the
f'nliforniii land coulriicry. lie
Mold there wiih im criU or near-
erifiM. Little uiixietv find no interfer
ence by foreign iower in the precont
diploinatie neolialiouH.
"Hyiianille" I'Iiiim-m,
After tiilkiuir freelv iiihmi the "dy-
niiiiiili!" phiiM'H of the eontroversy,
the ireiileut invoked the ban of ko
ereev uiioti certain more delicate xuh-
jeetf. He cave nnlern that the uewn
paper men inut not print hit opin
ions which, hit unlil, wcru "purely per
Honal," llni Hie cuum'n whieli had
inspired Japan to take iln preM'iit
Hlllllll. " .
l'M-iileiil Wll-iiu iuilienteil thai he
wan following out hi "confidence
dun" hi order to end nnv liiixlllliler-
htnndiiiL' ami to make it plain Hint
no ihMiiu Iiiih been ruicil in the con
troversy which i not pox-tible of
iieaecfii mi ut oil. He lielicveK (hut
homo source of Iho .lapnneco wnr
talk are niirelv conjectural. Deport.
of the Anieriean cIiiiit; iVaffaircrt nt
Tokio iniiiimire rcporU of unit
Aiuerienu henliment there. How fnr
thu "offieinl .Jnpnnce niiosilion" to
tho Ciilifoniin laud law Iiiih uouo wiih
not definitely to he aHcortiiined from
the nrohidontV talk, hut Hint it is
certnin Hint ho fcoU that Japan np
prcciutBK Atncrien'H frieiully officon,
which in the piihl have been uxertcd
in her behalf.
.No lliihlo In .Matter.
The prchidenl indicated to tho re-
lvorters Hint Secretary Drynn will
not reply to Jnpan'ti prolit until
Uovernor Juhiihou Iiiih hiKiicd tho an
(i laud hill. Ho Hiiid Hint neither na
tion is inclined to be hnty in tho
matter, hut that both are anxious to
nroeeed enrefiillv to holution which
will mean increased friendship. He
nihil declared that no further imtio-
tiatloiM with (loveruor Jtiliimou me
(Continued on I'aKO Four.)
VANCOl'VKII. D. . May ll.-
"As far iin 1 urn concerned, Willie
Uitehii! will nppeur in the mm to de
fend hi liuhtweiuht title on Julv -I."
hiihl Dilly Nolan Ihw morniuu. "IM-
die (Irnney.wlll stno tho bout, his
fiu'ureH for DllehioV cud heinu Mich
us to meet my approval. 1 hud (Ira
uey'n uNMirauee ychterday luorninj;
(hut he had secured Jou Kivers m
Itilehie'N iiimoueiit ami if (hero is
uny eliaiipt in Hint plan 1 am not yet
appriNCil of it. Wo havo until Juno
1 (o fiunllv holtlo tho oiioMum of an
opponent, hut if'Urnnoy sueceedK in
wkuiiik up another hoy ol Millioiont
ehiKN lo make un intercstiiiL' hnttlu ho
can nel my 0. K. on his pluu with
out mi delay.
"One Ihinir is eeituin. Ditehie will
not appear in Los Aii(,'ele) merely for
tho Hiiko of iiiortiiiK Htvore. If Joo
wntils tlm hout ho will havo to coino
to (linnev. MeCnrcv had Ids ehanco
ut Iho hout nloiii; with tho vest of the
promoters and his figures didn't
eomo un to those of tho rest of Ilium,
nor up lo my demands hy a lone,
OMSdOX, jMONIMV, MAY H), 1013.
m 0r
a7MR BBHE' l"4'iH
LONDON, Mnv IP. it mtcrwcw
with Secretary ut Slnto Drynn in
Wiihliiuctoii i" pulih-hcd hv Hie Hx
prerw which throw u new lilit on
the x'uce proMiulH advanced hy the
United StntcH Kou-ninient for Hit
oonxidorntion of the world.
Interviewed hy the KxpreiH' cor
rrMHintleiit, Secretory Drynn Miid:
"1 want to correct the idem, that the.
pence proiMiinl Includes u provision
for the cexatiou of nil htrnteic
movch hy diHpuliiiitK during the jwr
iod of iuvcNtipntiou of the omthC of
their (Hhiuti. 'fills 'idea was inserted
in the original peace plan hut wn
climiunlcd later. All information
Hiiih reecir0't thrvptlon by
the power- of the pence plan i cu
couraniuir, and I Imvo no doubt Hint
the tinted Slate will he aide to make
Mich treaties us Hiipplciiientary to
existing uihitrutioii iisrecmcnU.
LONDON, Mny 10. Htrliii; of
women ot the lower clanu us inein-
her of tho "nraon llJunls, Is
chnrKCd uRulnst militant
(ollowltiK thu nrrest hero todny of
Nelllo UohlnEon, described us a fer
vani. J5ho was iirresteil ouisldn iho
fninoiiA Now CoIIoro chapel at llm-
ntcud mid admitted, nccordtrit; to the
police, thnt Hho was awnltlnt; the ar
rival of two Huffrncett'ti, under
whoso direction Hho wua kuIu-j to et
flro to tho church.
When tho woman wan broufc-ut be
fore u pollen iiitiBlHtrnto ihu drly
lemurkeil that she "scorned t he In
rouro of training an u protwi jlonal
Ietroluitm Incendiary under mis
creants worse than herself.'
SPOKANi:. WuhIi., Mny ID.
Lumbermen havo no reason to fear
tho removal of tariff on lumber, ac
cording to Charles A. Woyorhnousor.
inoiulHjr of the world's Kioatest fam
ily of lumbermen, who U fu tho wont
lnpeetlnK tho holdings ot tho Wvy
crhaouker Interests.
"J can seo no reason why tho lum
bermen of tho Culled Status cannot
easily adjust themselves to tho re
moval ot tariff without any apparent
effort," stated Woyerhtieusor. "Tho
tariff, as It stands, Is so low that
thu removal will not seriously affect
tho Industry. Wo are not worryluB"
nUNVlClt, Col., May 10. A heavy
snow storm was reported this after
noon from southwestern Colorado.
Thu fall, It Is said, wns heaviest at
Tollurldo, whoro telephone and tele
graph wires are down,
SAN FKANCISCO, (al.. .Mnv 10-
Deurin iih itx umt eoilhpieuoilH
pax-eiiur!. two mcmhiTs of the Jupu
iioku partiHiiient who emtio lo Cali
fornia to probe the reaoiii for atiti
uliuii lef;islatiou, thu Orient liner
Korea docked here today.
The two Japuuusc nmba-H(lors I)c
facto arc Sitrkka Hhra, a member of
the L'oitetitutioonl party in thu Japa
nese diet mill OIionIzo Hnttori. u
ineiiiber of the Jnpnuc.c hou-o of
peer. The eagerness of tho two en
voys lo lcurii the stntiiH of affairs in
California was indicated by their
hcmlin; n wiruU iiicshuso before the
Korea reached iirt, iuiiuiriuu' if
Governor JuhunouJtuiLyeL iiKUcd thu
miti-iilieii land bill.
The two coinmU-iouois will vi-it
, all the lurne Jnpaul-oe colonics in the
state to studv the conditions which
have caii-cd the anti-alien asitiitiou.
MDXICO CITY, May 19 Offers
from CO, 000 Japanese in Mexico to
Join In a body tho rebel troops of
C.cnera! Veniibtlnno Carranta and
others opposlm; the Huerta govern
ment nre reported noro today to have
been refused by the rebel chiefs. It
U reported that the Japanese will
Join Individually. There, aro now
about 35.000 Japnuose fighting on
each side in tho Mexican provinces.
It wns soiul-offlclnlly announced
bore this nttornoou that a loan of
$10,000,000 to the Huerta govern
ment Is now assured. This monoy
wlll come partly from French bank
ers and partly from tho prlvatu for
tunes ot 1'ellr Diaz and Jose Llmun
stroiiK plea for Alaskan coal for
navy usu on tho 1'aclfle coast was
voiced today before thu senntu com
milieu on territories by John Dig
gous, a navy paymustcr.
Thu navy, according to Htggoiis,
Is using libO.OOO tons ot coul an
nually on tho Pacific coast, mid It
Is nil shipped from Norfolk uud llul
tlmorc. "In casu bt war,'1 said Ulggons,
"tho goveriimeut would "bo forced to
demand the service ot alt colliers,
and this would practically paralyze
all prlvato industryy.y"
David lloyd, a member ot tho navy
ougliiuerlng bureau said Hint prelim
inary tests tudlcatei; lUn. Alaskan
coal was entirely wntisfuctory.
COHUNNA, Spain, May 10. To
tuno Ooneral Porfirio l)iuz to return
to Mexico uud reasMimo the piei
ilenoyj u delegation of Mexicans ar
rived lieru todny on thu steamer
Iparaugo, ,
FOR $274,000
Men Suspected of Being instrumental
In Unloadinn Loot From New West
minster In Custody Caught While
Chanplnrj Marked Stolen Bills.
CillCAUO. .May HI. Deliuvcd hy
the K!ice lo he one of the hand which
rubbed the New Westminster, D. C.
branch of the Dank of Montreal, of
J7-1,000. Michael Flmiixnti in out
here today on .V)0l hail, hut W. T.
Lnwlur uud Charles O'I.eary, saloon
men, who were nrrestcd with him,
Mill are held.
Flanijjnn, the jxiliee say, has been
iietitic us distributing nent for the
robbers who looted the Canadian
hunk. They say thnt Luwlor and
O'Lenry ncecptcd money from Flnni
fnu, mid that Luwlor, through a
friend, tried to exchange .fiOO of the
hank loot for American bills. When
the folen money was presented nt
the Dunk of Montreal here, it wns
recognized, and on iuvcHticntion,
Hanivau, O'Lenry mid luwlor were
Doth the snloon men declare FInni
pin had tried to use Hiem to Ret the
money chunked. Flnnifau denied he
hud ever kivcii cither the money.
Nearly .100,000 of the Xcw Wcst
minnter bank loot, the isjlice sny, hns
been exchanged in this city for
American money. Three of tho men
believed to hnvu robbed the Cnundinn
hnnk nre in custody. The fourth is
believed to be Iiidiiitr here, mill this
man i believed to be the one who
tit-eil Hanicmi to change his plunder.
I'OUTLAND. Ore., May 13.
"Jack" Larson, a member ot Pacific
coast ring of counterfeiters bonded
by "Hookey" Johnson ot San Fran
cisco, pleaded guilt) In tho federal
court hero Joday to a chnrgo ot rais
ing olio dollar silver certificates to
S20 notes and was sentenced to five
)vurs In tho federal pcni'.ctttlary at
McNeil's Island. John M. Monnhnn,
Larson's working partuor, and a
member ot the same gang, ploaded
guilty and will be sentenced Wednes
day. Ten of tho gang wero arrested nl
San Francisco and other California
points and most of them nro now In
prison. Johnson wus given a sen
tence ot -0 years In CallfouiU.
Others aro under nrrct ut Spo
kane, Seattle and Vancouver
ATLANTA, Oa., May 19. That
clause In the Presbyterian confession
of faith, which has for years been
known as "lufaut's elect" clauso, was
changed hero today by u vote ot l'J"
to 44 lu the soutHeru assembly to
road that all Infants will bo saved.
Moderator John Stone ot tho
northern assembly Indicated today
thnt bo would formal"!)- reply to ac
cusations that bo had been elected
moderator us tho result ot a fruine-
up. Friends ot soma of tho defeated
candidates havo been circulating re
ports that on tho night boforo tl
election six dolegatcs, headed n?
William King ot MonmoutlT, III., met
to "pavo tho way" for Stouo's olee
NKW YORK, May 19. Starting
tho session of tho stock market at u
fractionally higher level, tho loadeis
aftor tho first few minutes' trading
eased off. Now low records wnro
lnudo by Hock Island and St. Lotila
San Francisco second preferred.
Speculation generally wns dull, and
tho copper shuros wore heavy, llnnds
wero Irregular. Thu market closed
NO. 49.
Delegates and Officers Come From
North on Special Train Arriving at
0:40 O'clock Local Members Meet
Them at Grants Pass.
The vmiRiinril of Iho vifiting Odd
Fellows will nrrive thin evening nt
0:10 o'clock when delegates and uf
ficcrs from the north will come on
special train. A lornl contingent will
meet tlicm with nutomohiles and still
another contingent will hoard the
train nt Ornuts Puss whero cnrita
will he pnsficil out showing ench vis
tor where he is lo ntay in Medford.
There is nothing on the official pro
gram for thin evening but it is hoped
thn( the unofficial welcome will ho nt
tonded by everyone who i nhlo to
meet the train. Automobiles lire
needed for this evening and nlso for
Tuesday, Wednesday mnl Thursday.
With the holds installing extra.
cots, nml nrrnngements inn do with
houo owners nil over the city, tho
committee, believes it has accomoda
tions for all who may arrive. Tho
decorating done by the merchant fnr
exceeds the Iuiies of the lodgo mid
Medford tomorrow will be nhlar.u witji
the colors of the order.
This nftcmoon it is believed n few
of the delegates nml visilore from
Klninnth Fulls mny nrrivo and from
then on each train will bring in tho
men and women who nre to bo given
the freedom of the city for Hie next
three days. The business of thu
convention opens Tuesday.
All those who will give ttso of
nuto nre asked to be at Southern
Pacific station this evening at 0:10
oYl(H!k wnen first excursion Irniii
bringing in I. O. O. F. delegates, ar
rives. Cars are also needed to tako
delegates on n totir of the valley on
Wednesday mid Thursday.
Tuesday Muy "O
9:00 n. m, Special meeting ot
Rcbekah assembly for degree; spe
cial (meeting of Grand Hncampment
for degree; past Rebekah president's
10:00 a. ro. Regular sessions of
Rcbekah Assembly; regular session
ot Grand Encampment.
1:30 p. m. Regulnr session of
Rebekah Assembly; closing session
of Grand Encampment.
3:00 p. m. Department council
Patriarch Militant meeting.
C:30 n. m. Dand concert ut park.
7:00 p. ra. Special session ot
Grand Lodgo for degree.
8:00 p. m. Exemplification of
Subordtnatu Lodge degrees; exem
plification ot Rebekah Installation
and degree.
Wednesday, .May '2i
9:00 n. m. Special session ot
(Continued on Page Four)
CINCINNATI, Ohio, Jlny ltf.
Settlement of the strike of Mroot our
men which Iiiih eonvluscd Ciiuiuiiuti
is expected today, tho traction mag
nates having consented to meet the
union men on strike. In view of the
pending negotiation, Jlayor Hunt
will nk for a lxistponciucnt of thu
hearing designed to throw thu roadrf
into the hands of a receiver on thu
ground that failuro to givo burvicu
has forfeited Iho franchise.
LONDON, May 19. King George
and Queen Mury motored to Shoor
ness this afternoon to ombark on tho
royal yacht to uttond tho wedding In
Germany noxt Saturday of Princess
Victoria Loulso. Sir Edward Grey,
tho secretary for foreign uffalrs,,
failed to accompany tho king, as It
had been uunouueed he would, N
reason wus announced.
It Is believed that tho kalsor,
George and tho czur of Rtisnla way
confer on tho relations of their coll
ates during the wedding festliu.