Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 17, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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mkdfoht) waiv, rn,rmw, Mrcrwonn, omwoN". sa'ivwmav. mav a, mm.
e i
mvm innmiii
t ht Tina
The Dotncrrattfl Tlmas. Tim t;tnrA
Mall. Tm Mertfonl Trllnin. The Houth.
n ormn. Th AMilnnil Trunin.
.Office Mnll Tribune liuitiilnr, HM
North Kir tret telephone ft.
OWOUOH 1'UTNAM, Kdltor Mia Manser
Bnterjd ns eonl-elnss tnattar at
Medfonl, Ors;on, under th act of
March S, 1ST.
Official pnpt-r of tho Cltr of MciUord.
Official Vsper or Jackson Countr
rascjuraoir bates.
On month, by mall
1t month, delivered hr carrier In tiBcimunviii ana uen-
irni i-oini-
PaturjUy only, by mall, per year t.00
Weekly, per year, , , . - .m
Dally avprns-e for eleven month end
tntr November JO, lU. 3T51.
The Malt Tribune la on sale at the
Terry New Bland, San Kranclseo.
Portland Hotel News fitand. Portland.
Portland News Co., Portland. Ore.
W. O. Wattney, Seattle. Wh-
DWFINI'JMB nimoiiiiPiMiUMit concorninj? the finaneiiiK and
construction of tho trolley lino is wclcomo news to
the ppoplc of tho Horiip river valley nud another imliontioii
of substantial growth and development of the oouuunnity.
A few (lays iiu the Portland Heaver Cement company
incorporated with paid up capital of $(500,000 to erect, a
Inrgo cement, plant and utilize tho lime and shale deposits
so plentiful in tho valley. This means the employment of
several hundred men and tho utilization of n hitherto ne
glected natural resource, that will bring n stream or money
into tho valley. . .
Plans for the construction of a huge power and irriga
tion system on the .Rogue between Cold Kay and Grants
Pass have been perfected by the reorganization of several
tlnfnnpt concerns. Canital in larire amounts has been sub
scribed and development work is expected to begin this
Over half of the required nercago to insure the eon-
roll eaid Wue Vniua Trm
Metropolis of Southern Oregon and
Northern California, and the fastest
arrowlnp city In Oregon.
Imputation U. H. census 1110 S8I0:
estimated. 191510.000.
Ktve hundred thousand dollar Gravity
Water Bjrslem completed. clvinc Hneat
supply .pure mountain water, and 17.1
tnllea of streets paved.
Poatofflce receipts for year ending
November 10, 1911, show Increase of 19
er cent.
Uanner fruit city In Orecon Rogue
River Hpltsenbers; apples won sweep
takes Drlze and title of
"Apple atlas; of tha World"
at the National Apple Show, h"pokane,
ISO), and a car of Newtowns won
. nrai rose in 1910
at Canadian International Apple Show,
vancouTcr. u. u.
Tint rrltm In 1911
At Spokane National Apple Show won
uj- carioau oi f.cwiownn.
Koeuo Itlrcr pears brought highest
r rices In nil market of the world dur
nir the past six years.
struction of n $2,000,000 irrigation system has been pledged
and every day sees a larger acreage signed up. This irri-
I "11 . I ril 11I1II ........ I V , .AtlllltltlflT iau
stom win wilier uu.uuu uciv.s. n s i-uiwiim-iiuii
(By Court Hall.)
, Our Duddy is going to liavo hla
'first real test in tho prlro ring when
'ho goes up against Joo Mandot at
'tho Vernoa arena. May 20. Whllo
Joe Mandot has never reached the
top of tho pugilistic ladder, ho Is
considered ono of tho elevorest and
hardest' men to beat in tho ring to
day. While Mandot has knocked out
quite,, a tow ol his opponents, ho Is
hot considered i by most fans to have
a hard punch, and can asslmilato tho
punishment. Mandot will havo noth
ing on Bud in this crspect. Mandot
has never received a black cyo In tho
ring except once by butting, further
Inoro he has never had his nose to
bleed. Tho question among tho fans
is what will Uud do to Mandot? Tho
general opinion among tho fans in
Medford Is that Uud will sot -Iiuto
Ing on Uud in this respect. Mandot
of courso Dud naturally would bo a
greater favorlto here than anywbero
else, still there aro a few who. an
skeptical about Uud winning over
Mandot's cleverness will be more
notlceablo for the first few rounds,
but after Uud has landed a halt
dozon hard 'punches you will see
"Mandot slow up. Uud may not bo
ablo to do so much damage to Man
dot at long range, but you may rest
assured that Uud will tear Mandot
to pieces at Infighting with his shor
nrin hooks and uppercuts.
Uud Is a two-handed fighter and
ho will kcop Mundot very busy
blocking blows from either hand,
gain Hud's short arm blows arc
hard to block and ho is liable to get
Mandot any old round coming in or
going out of a clinch. Bud's straight
left bus a world of force, and I can
not seo how Mandot cuuiget away
from It. Uud will probably uso his
straight left and a right hook fol
lowed by a clinch in his fight with
Mandot. If Mandot finds things too
warm for hllu at Infighting, ho will
try and keep Uud at loug ran go.
Uud looked good on his last visit
to Medford, but thero Is no reason to
think but what ho will go in tho rlug
on tho night of May 20 faster and
better than over. If Uud wins this
fight ho will bo regarded as a top
notchcr In tho llghtwolght division.
This fight will practically pave tho
way for him to win tho champion
ship. Tho betting favors Mandot nt pres
ent, but Uud will go Into the ring an
equal money favorite, for tho bet
ting public does not caro to risk too
much money agulnst a fighter who
bus tho cleverness and punch such
as Dud has. You will seo the heavy
bettors on tho Inst day laying their
money on Dud.
Fourteen founds at tho most will
toll tho trick for Uud. After tho con
test tho Los Angeles sports will real
ize more than over that tho boy Mod
ford sent out to win tho champion,
fihlp of the world in tho lightweight
division is thoro with tho goods.
Dud's test 1ms corao. Ho will make
good whllo tho wholo northwest Is
watching tho bulletins flashed over
tho wire between 0 and 10 o'clock on
the night of tho 20th of May.
imfinn sv
is essential to tbo progress of tho valley and if not built by
private capital, must some day bo constructed by the peo
ple themselves through the formation of an irrigation dis
trict. , .
Medford is still importing all the lumber used for build
ing operations, for fruit boxes, for all purposes. Yet gov
ernment experts estimate the merchantable timber tribu
fniMr in this oii.v .nr. 22 billions of feet. "With a wealth of
natural forests, scarcely a stick is cut. "With a railroad
imiii. in flu vnrv odinK still stands the forest primeval.
mm siiiMMilniivn timber owners won't sell and won't
operate, and hold onlv lor tnc unearneu liicremcni ul tin
future. Their taxes should be doubled and some mill man
1w iiulnnnil to cut timber in the national forests by being
given contracts for all lumber likely to be used in the next
live veal's.
Seventy-five thousand acres of commercial apple hnd
pear orchards are planted in this valley. "When in full
bearing, under irrigation, this region will be the greatest
fruit shipping district in the northwest. Each year sees
an increase in output.
Development is further along, there is less speculation,
production has increased in all lines. In every way both
city and valley are in better shape than at any time m
their history.
The Principles of Money
(Uy E. L. McClurc.)
Tho currency question will be
taken up when the tariff bill passes
the senate. Is the latest report from
Washington. Interference with mon
ey conditions Is as portentous as t
lowering black funnel cloud In Kan
sas, Tho aatlonistaads on the brink
of an unfathoraablo ' abyss pending
congressional action to destroy or
perpetuate invincible money power.
which will either dostroy poverty and
perpetuato freedom and prosperity or
reduce labor to degradation and slav
ery. Scarcity of money circulation par
alyses Industry, and tho consensus of
cxpcrlenco identifies credit with
banking stability. Kuropo has con
centrated bank reserves and paper
money Issues in central banks which
financiers pronounce Indispensable,
and no one can refute their argument
It tho gold standard (with Its fatal
defect of fluctuating all values In In
verso ratio by tho changes In tho sup
ply and demand for money) cannot
bo changed to a fixed and unchange
able standard of value.
All economists recognize the neces
sity for etandard measures to bo
fixed and unchangeable and that re
quirement has been mot with perfect
success In tho standards of quantity.
but money, tho standard of value, tho
most Important standard of all, which
enters Into every transaction of ox
chango between individuals, Iiuh no
fixed valuo but fluctuates with cvory
change In the supply and demand of
Tho ovll that results from this do-
fect In money is Incalculable, and no
ono Is Ignorant of tho calamities It
has produced In tho frequent panics
of tho past, yet thero hns not boon a
single suggestion by any statesman or
political party to chnngo tho gold
standard to a fixed and unchange
able standard of value, which Is tho
only possible remedy of tho evil.
As long as banks uro permitted to
loan deposits exceeding money sup
ply by tho hundred fold ($20,000,
000,000 deposits to $1,000,000,000
total monoy supply) all credit is
placed in constant Jeopardy beyond
any posslblo remody to prevent n
panic, and no ono expects to eseand
from a recurrence of panics which is
as cortaln under the gold standard as
wio seasons. Tnereforo tho plans
proposed for control banks and scien
tific paper money Issues aro tho mer
est palliatives and nil that Is claimed
by tho most sanguine financial ad
vocates Is that It will mltlgato tho
ovll, as nothing can stop a punlc
without tho supply of gold coin Is
restored to equal money domand.
It Is not posslblo for gold coin to
supply demand to make all exchanges
In monoy, over 30 per cent of ox
changes aro made by bank checks,
and no gold coin Js used for mono
In tho majority of tho states.
Tho quantity of gold coin Is never
In doubt and financiers manipulate
Us control with the acumen of cortl
tudo. Fluctuation in valuo is tlfo
opportunity of financiers sell when
it Is high, "buy when It Is low Is tho
secret of success, and can bo done
without taking any chances by thoso
who control money supply. Finance
is synonymous with manipulation and
tho degree of prosperity Is regulated
by money kings through the subtle
manlpulalion'of tho supply and 'de
mand of gold coin.
Scientific money would provide
money equal to the maximum de
mand (Instead of $1,G00,000, there,
would be $50,000,000 standard mon
ey available), every dollar would be
secured by tho total wealth of the
nation. Tho quantity of monoy In
circulation would bo automatically
regulated to equal demand by Inter
changeability with bonds. United
States unmatured time notes would
bo tho only legal tender money,
checks drawn against deposits of
monoy In United States depositories
would bo the only substitute for mon
oy, no other check; note or coin
would be permitted to bo used for
money under tho penalty of treason.
Depositories could pay all deposit,
ors on demand, because all deposits
would remain on hand either In mon
ey or bonds, therefore thero would bo
no possibility of creating a panic.
An unlimited demand would bo
created for tho current rates of In
terest by tho multltudn of bondhold
ers In every locality,, and there would
he no possibility for financiers to
manipulate money supply to place
money out of reach of any one with
wealth to exchange.
Tho Interest on deposits would bo
tho revenue of depositories of tho
treasury department lustead of tho
banks and would dofruy all expenses
In supplying perfect banking faclli
tics at all localities when there was
population requiring It.
Depositories would tako no" risk,
because no money would be loanod.
it would simplify tho duties of bunk
officers to the simplest clerical du
ties, and they would have no favors
to confer, when every ono could open
a bank account by complying with
the rules and regulations.
No statesman has excelled I'atrlck
Honry's appeal to tho spirit of lib
erty. Freedom has never been real
ized. It Is but un Ideal, unattainable
whllo tho machinations of monoy
power can nullify any law or policy.
Can a reduced tariff produce prosper
ity If money Is scarce? Will expo
sure of deliberate lockouts by manu
facturers feed tho unemployed of a
bankrupt nation? Thero Is no rem
edy for tyranny and oppression whllo
an Invlnclblo power exists that cun be
exorcised In Hecrot. Freedom cannot
bo until monoy power Is destroyed by
making tho standard of value fixed
and unchangeable.
lnorrmitttt," on know llml In lie tin
Inio, I). UJ'IIIIM'H.
.luii Mrdliitilly, llin old "Iron Mutt'
wna hniiimerxd out of tho box In butli
his Marts for tho Titcoiim team, of tlm
Nortlnvwlt'in longun. If thlrt Id nil of
work eiintlnui'n, Mannitur Mcdlnnlty
will linvo to rt'li'iuo Pitcher MeUln-ulty.
Catarrh Germ
If imi, Mr. Cutiirrh VI tint, could
"illy liiku uno nimil look Into your
noun nud thront and seo the filth uud
tho ruw Hiiro hikiIh Hint are cninnxl
by geruiH of Catarrh you would on
euro it IIYOMI't uutMt this very tiny
uud Hturt at ont-o to destroy Him
ftiUHo of iiono uud throat vIUiiumhi.
llooth'H 1IYOMKI Is it (term killing
ulr whleh when breathed through it
small luhnlor or lu vapor form begins
nt ouco to ilrUo out all tniiniH unit
bring tho lUKiiilimitu Imi-lc to u nor
mal, t'lonu, himlthy coudltloii. Com
plete outfit liit'ludoH Inhaler, $1, M
tr buttles If later iioeihul, fill cunt,
nud money biirk from Chits. Strung
l( (llHMtUllltloil. JHt IllVlltllll It un
Hlonmoli dosing.
A I it ii) In Hid I'iiiI
A thrilling nccmiiit of un AiuurliKiii'it
adventures lu tlm South Sim
l.atiHtt mirront uuuiltt
Hay Schalk. tlio young American
Asoclatlon catcht has been almost
tho sensation of tho American Loaguo
f fl" "i
this season. Ho shows eron better
form than in the twenty-three games
ho played with tho White Sox at the
end of the season of 1D11', Ilu fin
ished tho season with a batting avor-
ago of .28C, but this year ho prom
ises to go far beyond that. In tho
first sixteen games of the year ho
batted .365, leading his club.
Schalk's throwing this year Is pof-
fect. Ho has a snap something like
that of Jimmy Archer, tho great Cub
catcher, for he Is able to throw to
bases without moving back his right
foot to get a swing. The photo
graph shows him throwing with his
tow oven, proving that ho can snap
the ball without tho swing nevdod by
most catchers. If Sclmlk continues
ns he hns begun, he may equal old
Hilly Sullivan, for years tho greatest
catcher In tho American league, a
catcher who was usually mentioned
In tho clnsti with Johnny Kllng of
tho Cubs and ItoRcr llresiiahau of
the (Hants.
Stoam and Hot Wator
All Work (vmraiitMHl
I'rlcca ItraaunaliU
13 Howard Block. Entrant, on Stb Bl
Horn rbona a.
A real llvn comedy
Afleriiiuiii mill llieiilng
Tf T f IT TTTTT t ttti
Mr. Phipps to Mr. Howard
C Years Old
Nerilrn 9-0 to Injure
Wo nlsu train horn ami rolls nud
break them of all noxious habits. Hut
Isfactlou guaranteed.
.Main V2 Jm I ,(
1'ln.lo I'ln)- Only
HUH! I'rel of PlrtmiH
I'rlilny mill Siitutihiy Piogrmii J
Small Irrigated ranch year city
reservoir. House, barn, shod, rtc.
Telephone and city water. Family
oratmrd, berries, garden. New fr-te
noil all planted. Ideal location for
market gardening, borrlus or small
orchard. Iluy this ran eh now and
got tho benefit of this year's crop.
II. I. NOIIUT, Otuirr
Phono 10l!i-I,.
I.iililn Hi Inl
lu Two Parts
i.irr 'km ot Aitmiii
YltMKntph CmutHly
Aniillicr Snrprl'O Iteel
Ailiulooliui .1 iimi to Chum
.Mntliii Hut unlay and Xtiudiiy
Hint lth TI IMIIAY
To tho peoplo who havo reserved
rooms for tho I. O. O, F. assembly
and conventien: Do propared to re
colvo them Monday night, May 19.
Special truln arrives at 9:40 p.' in.
To tho K.liter:
I feel it my duly to my father and
others, who took part in tho found
ing of our city, to miHwor .Mr. How
ard's btntcmciit.s.
I am Hiirpriscil, nH well a inniiv of
the older citizen", that he hhouM
claim to be thu founder of Mcilfonl.
It must he of recent date as lie didn't
claim it until the lufct few yearn.
If it is mi honor to be tlio founder
of Medford it is dun a number of men,
it shows a bclfish disposition for ono
man to claim (lie honor duo several.
Mr. Howard says, "tlio fuel ifc Hint
T. J. I'hippx never donated anything
to thu Oregon-California railroad or
any oilier enlerpriju, as fur as I know
he wasn't Imilt on the donation plan."
Now following thiy lie eoiitnidieU I
himself by admitting (hut I. J. I'iiipps
.1 .. .1 .. 1 A 11 f tit.'
ueeiicii 10 ijuiigu r, j', j-rim line
railroad attorney) n part of tho
townsito of Mcdforil.
I thank Mr. Howard for lliis state
ment for it shows very coiiuliixivtily
that I. J. Phipps did donalo a part
of the towiiMto to tho railroad.
As to (he donation plan, were you
Ij nil t that way Mr, Howard, and if
so what havo you ever donated to
our ciityT According (o you iitnto
inenls your long (suit was to get the
other fellow to do Oionlonnting.
.Mr. Howard suys, "tliojr (pole n
piece of desert land ,worth ,f 10 per
acre," I beg to differ villi him, the
Medford townsito was never a de
sert, the oaks and pines grew too
large, us wo all know. Ho Hays ngain
"winch brought $1000 per aoio,"
this figure I think (u iiltlu) high,
hul still Mr. Howard does not say
how long it had to lie held witii taxes
accumulating from year to year. Any
wny I know father sold many Jots for
$2?) a piece,
Mr. Howard snya "iiookmnn do
nated tho lot for tho Washington
school," this was over twenty-five
years ago nnd as Mr. Howard says
land was worth $10 per aero then.
Ho should remember the high
school lot wns piirohnsed only a low
llrown pureliHsed Iho hind where the
NHtnUtritim now stands for .l.r10Ul).
The two parcels of Innil woro Hourly
equal in value. Mr. Howard should
have notiu'ed III is donation for Ihure
wns a difference iiiiulu in tho price
of tlio high sehool lot as a donation,
from my father.
.Mr. Howard wouldn't bo expected
to know all about my father's private
a f lain us Mr. Ilrobaeh and father
kept him pretty busy mirveyiiig fur
tliem and he would naturally miss
"miB iiniRiiniKs.
It is easy to forget Home limes iih
Mr. Howard never heard of father
giiing u squnru foot of laud or a
dollar lo any oiiterpriKe.
Jn regard to tho of an aore
where Hie sepliu tuuk was hullt, it
us looaled just below Vincent's
rn and but a few hundred foot from
thu resident section, ami as to .ffiOO
the town never paid it or any pint
of it.
Furthermore Mr. Howard miys, "1
regrot very much being foiced into
this controversy."
No one l'oroed you into nny con
troverny, as for tho hlalijmciilfl I
gave in my previous article. I can
verify them all, iih well as get plenty
of outside proof from the citizen,
who know M ctl lord's early history us
well if not better perhnp than I do.
Now ns to this being "it tissue of
falsehoods," leave that to my
In your concluding nrtlclo Mr.
Howard, a person would naturally
think you was thu only person, who
did any work or made an uffoit
toward Medford's kiiccohh, us every
thing mentioned is headed with I.
And as to my father sitting down and
receiving what you cull "unearned
Wa mrrv I. v.rv fntntil!.. Un. .
dmiwrli-n, faro curtain, flxlurra. olc.
and ilu all caHH nt llliliuUtrrlnK A
pi'Plui mm, t ouk slW this work
Klvo am iro.xl
tu sat In evn
rxclualvoly nml
arrvicn " '
tlio Inrtfoat c
Weok3 & McGowan Co.
The Medford
oi:Ni:it.w, .stouaei:
E. D. Weston
Official Photographer of tho
Medford Commercial Club
Amateur Fiiii.shiiitf
Post Cards
Panoramic Work
Interior awl exterior views
Flash lights
Negatives made anv time
and any place by appoint
208 E. Main
Phonn 1471
Luxury Without
$'i0i: " j.iifi i i i &' (iMinXt' yifiiit)
John A. Perl
Lady Assistant.
Oregon's Most up.todato I'lro-prool
Warohoiiso with IlurKlur-proof
For ratos apply
I'linncM M, -17 nml 17..T-2
years ugo, at ubout tho time W. II. Ambulauco Burvieo Deputy Coroner
Automobile Expert
Now Located at tho
Crater Litko Oarugo
33 8. Ilartlett Htrcot
Iteasouablu 1'iices, Woik fliiarauteed
Hest of Itefi'renees
Caro Washed uud Tiros Kxchangud
Ourugo I'liouo 2011.
Von Dorn
212 Turk Street Si
Finest popular priced f.
Jot el in San Francisco j3
f Modorn
5 Hotel
Central S
p! iiii: t.p nnJ ,noHt
litlllaMlaDl P o p u 1 n r
nctBT'rjjrt, i3bii f . .i
Wi&i'9' nolcl in too
City. Running dislillcd
ice vntcr in each room.
Europcun Plan, a la Carte
Cafe. 4
Tariff on Rooms
12 room .
DO rooms . . . .
50 rooms
flO rooms ullli pilule Ulh
r0 rooms ttilk prliili bilh
Ik pih
$1.00 ench
1,50 ench
2.00 each
2,00 ench
2.50 each
30 sultei, bedroom, par
lor nnd batli 3.00 cnclt
For more than ono uuett add $1.00
extra to tho above rates for
each additional gueit.
Reduction by week or month. 9
Managtmtnt Clmttr W. Ktllty
ssbmsTZHbTuEj t Hm
.. Losboo o Urlll uud Dlulng Itoom.
itMfMMtAiftf fi!';kiAJ-'A'vt .iyiw.wwiv.i,-.-.';;,',iif.'j