Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 17, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    WilWOfH) AfAlf, TlfmUNM, MKUiVOltfV OIM'XIONT, HATI'IMMV. .fAV 17, I0UI,
4- 1.-J- 1.4
florlnl ntiil muslr-nl noloii,
Mlsa .l(iiiiioHi) Jlullori iilioiiu
.ISIW, ,
Club niiwn under direction
of Creator Mmlfnrd Clubj
tliiiiiit r7R.
"Nonu llvclh unto hlmseir
T . A.
Uronter Medford ClubLnt Mon
In)' uf mioli iiiontlij club room, 11
brnry building; 2! 00 p, m., business
meeting; a:0(i i, in., program.
Herond Monday of mich inontli, so
clnl mooting.
President, Mr. W. (J. Davidson,
1110 Wist Tenth nlrt'ut; phono G70.
Mimlo Department lirst Momlny
or onuh moiiili; dub rooms, library
hullilllig; :i:00 p. hi.. Clmlrmmi,
Mm. It. M. Andrews, 3C North House
volt avenue; phono B1!7H.
(looil CHUeiiHhlp Department
First and thlrii Tuesday of ouch.
mouth; club rooms, tti30 i. in. Chnlr
limn, Mm. C. L. Hrhloffolln, 113 Cell
ova avenue; phono 4 30,
L'lurndonnl Department l'lrst
Haturday of each mouth; club rooms,
3:00 p. m. Chairman, Mm. Oeorgo
HhIiuc, Cotitrul Point It, F, 1).; phone,
Jacksonville 21-J'-21.
Home Economies Department
Hero ml nml fourth Wednesdays; club
rooms, S:.t0 p. m. Chairman, Mm. J.
C. Brhmtdt, 30 Hoso nventio; phono
Social Hygli'tiu Department Third
Momliiy; club rooini, 3:30 p, in.
(Jhnlrutan, Mm. It. V. lltoarns, 10
Itoxtt avenue; phono 130,
"Promptness und Bystem" our mot
to. We do not wish to wns(o your
(lino, therefore promptness In begin
ning those meetings anil system In
romluctlni; them li our aim.
HtirnotyKiit prtKrnms which ficriipy
llin iiiillrn evinlug nml Ipiivo no tlmo
for social coliwrMi or llin stlmultit-
Iiik of (ho "i:!t-liKilli'r" spirit. The
Nntiitorllliu will lm ilennnted In the
colors of tlui four oriluri of tint lodg't.
thn Patriarch's MIIIUM, tint Hubordl
untn llntm h. Hid Encampment
llniiirli nml I lio ItoliokiiliH. A Nhort
program iin planned will Include read
ings by Mm (I T Wilson ami Dr.
Huillh of (lold Hill, VihiiI union by
Mm. Iii-rt Anilr-rnon mid Mr. Wllirmu
VAwtor, violin union by )r. Miirlon
nml Mli-rtliiim by tho .Mm! ford Or-
rhwdhil club. HiiiicIur nml cnriln
will bo nnjoyi'il tnr n coudn of hour
mul lliilit rpfrcdhfiii'iitN tvtiI
throughout tho ovi'iiIiik, Mr. W. I.
Vnwtcr In chiilrtiinu of th Konurnl
(rtiiiliilll-. )r J. I). Itlckort k
ihnlriunu of thn oiiiinllli'n on ontor
Inluinniit, bin mixliitiintii IicIiik Mm.
lllKlu llrntiify, Mm. A. N. Illldo
lirrind, Mr. T. V. licnil of (IhwiU Vnw
mid Mm Nlun Huilth of Uold Hill.
WViliirfxIn)' Slnily Club.
I'lml mul third Wudnodnyi; II
bmry bulldlnc, 3:30 p. in. I'ronldont.
Mm. H. II. IMckcl. 315 Vot Main
utri'it: phonu CSlt,
I'.ircnl-Ti'iu lirnt Airlntlon.
Hcrond I'rldny, 3:00 . ui., Wmh
Inctou kcIiooI bulldliiK. President,
Mm. 1 W. M.-nr. C34 UnVoU uvv
inn; phiino 3Klx.
IMn'iiUTwirhrr' Aomtclntlon.
Third I'rlduy, 3:00 p. in., Itooo-
volt iichnol bulldliiK. I'ruttdvnt, Mm,
(IcorKo ICItiK, 8 43 Kant Main ntrcct;
phono Ktl-lt.
I'nii'Hcllrnln Aiorlntl(n.
tiocond mid fourth Bnturdnya; ico
ond HnturdAy at Ileal Jtoom; fourth
Katurdny nt liomcn of iiiombcr. l'rci
lilcut, Mm. J. (I. Wllfon, 517 Now
town Mtruut; phono GC0W.
Cidlrttn U'lMiinn'M CIiiIm.
l!crond Hnturdny, luncheon 1:00 p.
m., plnro tti bo tiiinniinced. l'rosl
drut, Mm. Winifred Korcomb, much,
Urlffln Cnok; phono Kr7J,
W. (J. T. U.
Thumdny of onch wcok, Dnptlit
church, 3:00 p. in. I'roildont, Mm.
Holmor, 723 South Control nvonno!
phono 403-J,
Thn Koniitl Uytf'wm icwirlmuut of
tin (Imilur Mfilliinl Club will ineel
.Moililuy urtcrnooii nt 'J:!lll nt r li.
Itrnry. All iiilercMlcil in llm hiiIijViiI
lire iin(ih1 o uiiiko u hpceiul effort lo
be ieM-ut mm inmiy InlercMtiiig
lin.'K of vilill pmblfiim will li( pre
xeutvil. A brief UKKetivo outline of
work for next yenr will nUo liif rend.
After Hut piiprrn ore rend n friiiik
mul eritinul illHeiiHtioii U invited nn it
inny help )rrnlly with the plmm for
next j Mir. Two musical numbem by
Mi loiui Myjin und Mm. (.'. C. Von
Seoyoi' will be iivrn.
The nodal nctlvl(le of next week
IiprIii of four-n with thn oioulnK of
(ho I'nK" thtmtnr. will bo conllnued
with thn crnnd SoiIro of Odd Fellow
nml Hobcknhfi nlid floKO with ' the
Kniduntlou exiTcNon uf the Medfonf
IIIkIi ncliool, which Mill nlno bo held
In tho I'ftKo theutvr. Clan pnrllc
mid recoptluiu will bo tlvcn nt vnr
Ioun tlmeM throuKhojit tho week. A
lurite number of thenter purlieu nre
plnnucd for Mondny evcnliiK.
The iiicmbvra of (he rommiltrc on
Konerul iiruiiccmeiiiM for (ho military
bull met Kiiiluv evening mid eoin
pli'lod plmiM fur the ilceunitioiiN
which will ho purely inilHnry in eluir-
ueter. Inviiilions (o (owuxpeoide
nro limited (o four liuudrcd, with ouo
hundred military ituc-d. Invitnliouul
list, program of inutio mid uovelly
fcnlurert will he Hubuiitted next week
to (ho imtrnncm'H.
Mnilumo V. Sr.iver muy nivo "The
Dull Simp" in Axhluud next weuk, im
porting most of (ho pnrlicipniilx in
(ho Mcdford producliott for tho Ocea
Mr. It. H. McCurdy cutortnlna
Maudny evenliiR with a box party In
eompllinent to Mr. und -Mm. Clinton
McCurdy uf Indiana, who recently
arrived In tho city.
Oiil-nf-luwii altetidniilH to tho
Odd Fi'Iowm uHMeiubly and eonvculiou
wilt arrive .Monday eveniup;.
iiIiowh Ui In year of Kitypllnn, Chlnr-wi,
JupiinitHo and Itoinau art, with no mo
lauiUcapn work In wn(nr rolom.
Aiiioiik the HpiTliiltlim of dlfforun'
roonm worn it dlnplny of raffia mil.
Ilimry for iIoIIh, cookhiK nproim and
fancy nprmiH, relief mapM, dcxlcmi for
olertrollem mid ombroldnred' (own)
hihIh, howIiik cardN, bookii of draw
Initri of wild flowem und blrdw, ntru
ellliiK. doll hmmuockH, and button
Imblen. Tho hluh mihool oxhlblt
iiIiowm exotuplcM of wntor color, pen
and Ink NkolchliiK, buiiKnluw denlKn
ItiK, dreMHCK, klmoniiH nml lliiKorlo,
rook Inc. tmitofully dnxlRiied mid well
luado furniture; all of which force
the roucliiNlou (but our KrndiiuU'-, will
really bo ijulto compotnt In mnny
Tho official educational publlca
tloim of tho mUIo of UroKon pralicj
(ho MeiUord mcIiooIn very hlKbly for
tliln lino of work, which Ik thoiiRht
to bo miperlor lo miy In tho Htatt
mi tl do of Portland.
Attention! Women of thn Valley!
Do you know that there arc real
.roomii on thu fourth floor 'of tho
Medford I'urnlturo & Hardware
liulldlut;. Num. 431 mid 422, for (ho
(rco u no of (ho women of Medford
mid vIclnltyT Tako (ho olavntor,
como up uud rout, loavo your pnrcolB,
moot your friend, ;ut n cup of tea
for flvo conti, or chock your bublos
for ten contn per hour. Tho room
tiro ulwnyu opoii with an uttenduut In
clmrcu from 11 100 a. iu. to 6:00 p.
, Tho Creator Medford chlb i plan
niiiK n your book In fact It I noar
Iiir complotlou. Tlicre li to bn a
Hhort hhitory of tho club und mi out
line of tho next year'H work In onch
dopiirtnumt, Tho year bobk wilt con-
tain a Hut of the paid-up monibora of
thu club and tho nam mi or tho pimt
aild prcHout prcrildliiK offlcora,
w '
Tho suclul ovotit In con
nection With tho urand loduo of Odd'
Kollowii and Itobeknlm vlll bd hold
'odnosday ovoiilug In tho two larjo
IiiiIIh or tho Natatorliim, tho roof Rhr
dun adJolnliiK (ho Hiuallor hall, nlao
tJ bo imcd by tho Riiestd. Tho com
m'ltteo on eiitortaliuuent Is platinliiR
for an open nodal evening on In
formal Hiioh', liollovlliu that sort of
ontoitulnmi'iit mmo ploaslntc tluiii
tho usual cul-iuul-drlod (iffiilid with
lucluiled in tho ovenu Riven diir
tutt tho pant week In connection with
tho cIohIiir of tho schools was the
fourth annual art exhibit, which wan
held nt all or the mcIiooIm or tho city
Thumdny nhd Friday atfcruoon'n and
all or today, at tho liiHtlRutlou or
MIhh Jouulti Hnodlcor, art kupcrvlnor,
MIkh Mabel Meara, domcutlo art an
porvlHur, Mis llorlhu Wolnh, teacher
or domimtlo Hcleuco, MIhh Couevlovu
Wortmun, teacher or imfuHtrlal art,
mid Mr. C. W. Krovt or tho manual
(raluluR department.
ICach room hold IIh own oxhlblt,
tho coiimu commencluR In tho pri
mary RrndoH with crayon work, paper
cutting, tenrliiR mul rdldliiR, and raf
flu woavliiR,
Ouo or th oho roouiH allowed tho
prettiest frlcxo linuulnalilo or dear
llttlo Biiuboiinat babies, unothor
uhownd a clreiiH pnhtdn and u thlro
applo bloiisouia, all drawn by tho
In (ho third Krado tho yenr'a work
Includex freehand drawing, wntor
color, uaturo 4tudy UlustrutliiR, orig
inal wor,k in Illustrating, rug weav
ing, and tho ulmplo Bowing tttttcho.
Tho work coiitlmioH in tho fourth
grade with art designing, chalk work
mul baak'otry, In tho fifth, tho pupil
Hpoclallzo on llfo drawing In charcoal
mid bookbinding, In tho sixth Und
Hovouth Btlll-liro drawing, Hewing and
Hlmplo IcuHoiiH Iu muuiial training. In
ono of thane rooms wau a frliuo of
Muotorlluck'u lucky bluebird, In un
othor n Japatioao lioniu In mtulntiiro
with art panolH drawn on rlco paper.
Tho art roiirao proper roachoa lt
culmination In tho hint grndoH or tho
granininr hcIiooIh, whoro tho history
or urt la taken up In .tho curriculum
Tho Improved Order or Ited Men
mid It auxiliary, tho Degree or I'ocu
hontna, colobruted Tamlua'a day on
Monday, the 12th. Tho council rirn
wim kindled from K a. in, to 10 p. nt.
Tho hall waa opened to tho- Invited
tribe from Jackaonvllle, Phoenix
and Central Point.
Tninlna waa chief of tho Delaware!,
who died nt a very groat ago near
tho end of tho 17th century. Ho waa
ono or tho chlir with whom William
I'enn'a treaties wero made. As a
wonderful leader mid patriotic abor
iginal American, ho waa ranonUed by
the p.itrlotn ot 7C, who pledged their
all lo tho later principle of Ameri
can Imlepriidonco. A their aurcex
or thn Improved Order or Hod Men
baa written hla nnmo In Ha calendar.
And in nil Ha wigwam on tho 12th
or I'lowor Moon Ha tribe alt around
tholr council fire to alng hla pralto
nnd (o recall hla virtue.
Tho day wa apotit ploaxnntly In
vbdtlng and mfhtlc and at C o'clock
dinner waa acrved In tho beautiful
bmniuet room by tho committee.
Ullxaboth Kahler, Kthel Ilacrtlo and
W. M. Kennedy.
At 8 o'clock tho Rrent sachem, W.
T. Rhoulta, callod (ho tribe to ordor,
when tho chief mid team camo out
In tholr uniforms nnd drilled and
wero seated In their reapcctlro
place, while "My Country "fls of
Tiieo" waa IicIiir riuiiR. II. C. Mackey
waved tho flag.
Tho superintendent of schools, U.
S. Collin, gavo a very interesting
talk on Tamlua'a day. Also 1J. P.
Mulkey In hi plenslng manner spoke
on iicdmcnshlp nnd Ha origin.
Tho Degree or l'ocationtnn marched
out In tholr suits mid drilled nnl
worn then aeated around tho council
flro and sang "Wo Gladly Welcome
Tho orchestra rurnUhed tho music
for tho evening.
W. T. Hlioult closed tho program
with a few Interesting remark.
Tho rest ot (ho evening waa apont
In enrda nnd dancing. 8o pleasantly
wna (ho day spent that each ono most
reluctantly departed to their homes,
wishing Tamlun'8 day could bo colc
bralod oflcner.
Tho regular monthly meeting of
tho Women' College club of tho
Hoguo ltlver valley wna held at tho
Hotel Medford Saturday, May 10
ilfo glrla or tho clan or 1013 or tho
Medford High school wero guests of
tho club nt thlH meeting. AHer a
four rourso luncheon had been served
an enjoyable program waa given.
Mrs. Winifred Hercombe, tho presi
dent or tho club, who haa traveled
xtonlvoly In tho Orient, gave a
splendid description or tho Taj Mn
hal, tho most porfoct bulldliiK lu, the
world, Illustrating her talk with s
model or tho building and view or
tho exterior, Interior mid surround
lug gardens.
Dr. Oeorgo Hoboc then addresHed
tho club and gucsta concerning (ho
Parkinson referendum. Ho also
mad u sonio vuliiublo suggesdon as
to wnya and means or nsslsdng girls
who would olherwtso bo unablv to
tnko a. collogo course.
At tho cIobo ortho address rosolu
(Ioiih woro adopted by tho club pro
testing against tho proposed Parkin-
son roforondum,
Mrs. V, 0. Thnyor nnd Mm. A, h.
Loom! woro Joint hostesses at u
pleasant company Wodiiesduy urter
noon, entertaining with n bridge
luncheon at thu homo or Mrs. Thnyor
on West Tenth street. Tho four
luncheon tnbloa woro extremely pret
ty with (ho dainty flower center
pieces nnd sparkling silver nnd cut
glan.i appointments. Ono tablo with
a color scheme of pink showed pink
sweet poas mid forim; another luvon
dor swept pous, u third red carnations
mul tho fourth yellow popplos. Mass-
oh of popplos", wild chorry mid laurel
(llo hliicllnrlli, nerved In III fun t'0itnl,
(lio Kiiesla roinlrMl to hrlilce. Vfujst
Invited were: Mln ffdlen Dnhl,
Mioflhrj Hiiilcn) MfinflninH Wllllniil
HiidKo, W. (I. Davidson, K, II, Davis,
.lark Httiwnrt, h. IJ. WhlllrtR, O, C,
lluggs, J, (I. Wllnou, ttnlph Mncoln,
C H, llultorfleld, A. Tlifo Drown,
Will Dozlor, J. A I'erry, U. M. Kldd,
and JJd I'ottoiiner, Mm, Davla won
first prlr.e, receiving n brusa fern
Mm, Ida Knnwortby untertalnnd
(ho Hood Will elub Wodncadny aflor
noon nt thn residence or her dangle
(er, Jim, Cho(er I'arkcr, on Crnpo
(rco(. Tho afternoon' entertain
ment consisted of a rag bee, munlc
and n puxilti that bn not ben nolvVd
yet. Tho ladle did not havo any
"bcea In tholr bonnela," but Ihcy had
tho bonnet, at) size, nil shape nnd
all color. Dainty refreshment
woro served, after which all werrt
"took" even If II did rain. Thoso
present wero Mm. Paul, Wood,
Hendricks, Wilkinson, M. Paul,
Hosoberry, D. Honeborry, Wolfe,
Hholta, Dotider, Clay, Norrls, Kent,
Klnyon, Audru, Miller, Hall,
O'llrlon, Parker, Noble, Ilrnilbury,
Kcnworthy nnd Mis Hall and Mis
Mm. If. II. Patterson waa hostesi
to a surprise nnd farewell party for
Mlsa Mary Orlgsby at her homo on
Bouth Newtown street Krlday eve
ning. Ml Orlgsby, who haa bcon n
member of the high school faculty
for tho pnat year, leave shortly for
Pendleton, whoro her parent reside.
A Jolly Informal evening wn spent
with game and music by Mlsa Flynn
and Mis Hnnce.
ItcfrcahmeiKa wero served by Mlsa
Jeatinotto Patterson and Hazel Antlo.
Those enjoying Mrs. Patterson's
hoipltnllty wore: Mlssca Phoebe
Hanco, Florence Carpenter, Ilclon
Dahl, lotto Klynn, Lois Kstca, Anna
Puruckor, I.oralno Hilton, Kvclyn
Houtter, Mabel Kcantlln, JeuueaHv
llutler and Mlsa Trnnkllu of Senttle.
The monthly mcctini; of tho Elcc
trie Club, comprising tho employe' of
the Cahfoniin-Orrgon Power com
pany, (ltognie river division) wan
held in tho Electric Club roonw, IMS
West Main street Wednesday, May
II, with II. O. Pnrucker, rhninnan
pni (cm.
After partaking of tho npictir.iii?
dinner (he mil wna called, each name
being fololwed by tho titlo of pome
popular song, disclosing nome chur
neleristio of tho iwrcoii called.
The subject for tho evening' dis-
euion, (ho "Ilich Tension Tele
phone," was thoroughly sifted nnd
was of interest to all Ihoso present.
It. It. Ebcl wna npiK!ntcd cltninnnn
for (ho next meeting to lie held in
Juno at the company'H club house nt
Hay (lold.
ml ! Wmttm&0l
Maude A(lum us "Peter Pan" at Page TkmvG Mdffdif
- ,.i,
l If0 ' QUMmmmtwlimtBr' saHwv
f779infTfMMInUmnffJwJTefiFIIfirH ) jBfiMif-JaBsilaiaiM i'IiI "iW I
tiflllllii'W''i'"llMif'wffffflH 'yMitMasMsMaalMrJ. alaui.a
I flH0BflKSaV ,.4ljHbBHaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaHPV
HrLbC!7 ' ..atiaaiaiaiaiaiasiiaiaiaiaHtTasM Z?
The Story of "Peter Pan" and,, the FairyJNever-Never Land
M!sr Margaret Etnig entertained a
few of her friends at her home
Thursday evening. Cnrds nnd music
inndct ho evening very enjoyable.
Light refrcshmenlH wero nerved nnd
nil reported a fine time. Thoia pres
ent were Misses Cnthcriuo Murphy,
Pearl ltooth, Ueraldiuo Itukcs Cath-
eruio nnd Mnrgnret Einig, Messrs. El
mer Cobuni, Lawrence Ittikes, Harry
Child, Jack Murphy, llert Uoolh and
Martin Wnschnu.
Kennies chapter O. K. S. held a
social meeting Wednodoy evening.
Music mid dancing wero enjoyed. The
cemmittee: Mm, If. C. Onrnett, Mrs.
Hollss, Mr. and Mrs. 11.' I). Corlies,
Mm. L. U. Warner, Mr. Louis War
ner, Mm. H. C. Kontner, Miss Hess
Kcntnor, Mrs. U. U. Luinsdcu, Mr.
H. C. U.nrnott, Mr. Huchter, Mr.
Hates, Mr. C. I. Hutchison, Mr, and
Mrs. Lawrence and Mrs. Tackstrom.
Tho senior cIiish rceeptiott to the
junior class of tho high school, given
nt tho small hull of tho Nntorium last
evening was in tho nature of a danc
ing party. Class colors, blue mul
gold, wero combined with the high
school colors in decorations. Punch
wns served during the evening by
Miss Jenu Itudgo mul Miss Exio Ilur
gi'HS, gowned iu colonial costume.
Mrs. James Kay and daughtur Miss
Oortrudo entertained a few rrlend ut
tholr homo on tletioVa avenue Thurs
day evening. Thoo presoitt were:
Miss Veuttn Hamilton uud Mesdaeuis
Mlnklor, Creoly, Hall, DoMn, Young,
HKiiillton, Chllda ami Mlwood.
Mrs. Kdwtu Jnnnoy ontortalued
with mi InforliuU brldgo party at her
homo on West Main street Monday
nttornoon In compltmont to tho
Mlsaos Theodoshi mid Virginia Pick
erel, Thoro wero four tables.
Tho Loynl Order of M'ooso gave a
duuuing party iu tho small hall of tho
Natntotium Wednesday evoniiiKf.
Among tlio novelties introduced wero
Into song hits rendered by Mrs. K. J.
Creoly nnd Mr. Jvominu Merrill.
(Uy Ed Andrews.)
To give a proper understanding ot
Maude Adams to thoto who havo not
seeu her la a difficult task. Wo can
describe tho fire of Hcrnhardt, the
Intense, subdued passion of Nazi
mova, tho grnco and sweet simplicity
or Marlowe, but how shall wo tell or
Maudo AdamsT A charm so subtle,
a touch so ephemeral, a personality
so much or tho spirit that it makca
comparison with others ot tho mimic
world Impossible.
Tho repertoire of Maude Adanu Is
not a largo ouo. Sbo bos played
Shakcsperean roles, and played them
well. Yet wo do not find ourselves
associating Maudo Adam with tho
love-inipasaloned Juliet, but rather
with tho memory or youth's first love.
'"Peter Pan," the play chosen for tho
opening ot our now opera house, is
without a doubt tho greatest in her
repertoire for Uarric, tho author,
has caught her In her oluslveness, tho
accret ot her unique art.
"Poter Pan" Is a ralry talo, In
tensely fnsclnatlug to children; but.
atrangeat of all, under tho sicll ot
her art, wo all become llttlo children;
wo tlud ourselves In tho Never-never
Land, which Is "second to tho right
nnd then straight on till morning.'
There peter Pan is guarding tho lit
tle boys that nover grow up. Aa
story teller ot tho llttlo baud, Potor
often travels to tho homes of tho real
children, nnd, perching under tho
eaves with tho swallows, overhears
tho mother telling tho bcdtlmo- stories
to her llttlo one. It la on ono of
these Jaunts that Peter, becoming so
engrossed in tho story told, losea his
from ono or tho nurseries. It Is whlto
searching for hla bolovcd shadow that
be meets tho children at tho home of
tho Darling family, and after teach
log them to fly, leads them out
through the open window to the
"Norcr-Ncver Land."
In tho next aceno tho llttlo fairy
band Is watching tho fluttering In
tho air of a great whlto bird, which
falls at their feet. Tho bird, how
over, turns out to bo none other than
Wendy, one ot the Darling children
whom Peter brought to "Novcr-Nov-er
Land:' to bo tho llttlo glrl-mothtr
of the fairy band. Sho bad been
wounded by Tinker Hell, who Is a!-
ready Jealous' er Peter, hor protege.
Tho llfo of this seemingly lltd
group Is, howovcr, constantly sur
rounded by danger, not only from the
wild beaata of the torcst, where they
bavts their little caro homo, but by
a band or desperate pirates, led by
Captain Hook, who has sworn ven
geanco upon Poter Pan. For, mark
you, Peter, in a previous encouutcr.
had cut off the band or hla enemy
nnd red It to a crocodile. This
proved so cbolco a morsel to tho rep
tile that It follows tho -captain over
land and sea, with tbo determination
to feast upon tbo rest ot him. For
tunately, however, for tho captain,
tbo crocodile, in hla wandurlngs, has
swallowed a clock, whoso audible
ticking serves hint ns u warning of
tho approaching enemy. Hook, how.
ovor. lives in constant dread that tho
clock will run down.
Durtug Peter's abienco Hook kid
naps tho llttlo baud of children, after
overcoming tho Indian guards that
shadow, by having tho window shut ever watched ovor tho llttlo onos. Ho
down upon It, ns ho makes his escape! thou returns nnd pours a po'sonous
draught Into Peter's flask, gloating
all tho tlmo over bis treacherous
work, n
Hov.ver, Peter Is heroically saved
by Tinker Bell, who, In her great toe
and devotion, drinks tho polaoa her
self. Tho sceno that follows la tbo
crucial moment. Tinker Hell la si w
ly dying rroin tho crfect ot the drug;
and Peter, realizing tho sacririco
which tho llttlo fairy awcetbwrt ha
made, la frantic In hla endeavor to
save her IHo and right at thU point
la whoro Maudo Adams transcends all
acting thu writer has ever en. Can
you Imagine full-grown men and
& omen becoming rigid with Intense
xcltoment, as they watch nothing
more than tho waning ot a little spot
or tight on tho tiny pillow of Tier's
Hell's bed and then tho unanimous
respouao or tbo audience when tho
groat artist rushes to tho footlights
and pleads with tho people' to believe
In the fairies .and thus aavo tho life
of ber beloved Tinker Doll! it Iu
truly wondorful to hear a vast a"
dlctfco breathe in ono accord its iJgL
of relief when tho llttlo Bpot of light
begins to brighten.
Thero aro many other scone la
this great play that wo skip over, to.
leavo you with Peter Pan and Tinker
Hell In their fairy home In the tree
tops, where Potor. "catching hand
fuls of tho shlno pt tho moon, he puts
them all In his pipe, and plays them
so charmingly that even tho birds
nro deceived."
This. play should bo seen by all,
for with the passing of Maudo Adam
wo shall lose tho ono and only great
personality capable or bringing luto
IHo and or iondlng realHy to tb llt
tlo folk of fairyland.
Dr. mul Mrs. ,11. W Clnnoy nvo vis.
iting in California.
Mlsa Venttti Hamilton returned
will spend tho summer with hor par
ents In Medford.
Miss Pranklln of Seattle Is a guast
or hor aunt, Mm. KInloysldo, ot this
Mlsa Helen Hammond or Maria!,
Curry county, Ore., Is visiting Mrs.
Joo U'ggett. Mlsa Hammond camo (o
attend tho opening ot tho Page
Dr. Noblo Wiley Jones and Dr.
Cnlvln White, both or Portland, iwuro
guests or Dr. and Mrs. 13. II. lickol
Wodnosdny or this week.'
I'Memls or Mr. and Mrs. Coorgo
Carter or Eugene, formerly of Med
ford, will bo Interested In learning
ot tho arrival of n son to these peo
ple Mrs, Carter wna Mlsa Anna
Heeson, a teacher In the schools or
this city, with a largo circle ot
frlonds and acquaintances'. r ;
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton McCurdy of
Indiana arrived In Medford .Friday
morning. Mr.' McCurdy la u. brother
or Mr.'H..H. McCurdy ot this city.
Mr. mul Mrs. J. C. Schmidt.- loft
Thursday left .Thursday on a motor
trip through Cnlifomin.
Misses ThoodoBhi . and , Vlrglula
ot textbook studies. Examples nro'iulornod ovory twnllnbl'o piaco. After this wook from San Francisco and I pickorol, who" h'nvo' tfooVgudaU of
Mlsa Ida. Leo Kentnor, lott Monday
evening for Portland, where they will
visit tor several months,
Mr. Oswald LouktltJr., nnd feon
of Chiuiigo, mul Miss Francos Mud
den of Now York City, nro guosts nt
tho homo of thoir parents, Mr. ami
Mrs. Frank Madden.
Miss Mnry Qrigaby leaves nest Fri
day evening for Pendleton, Oregon.
Mr. ami Mrs. Porter J. Neff were
among those attending thu Oregon
commonwealth ijonferouoo at Eugene
this week.
Mrs. Effio Taylor of, Hamilton
street, ot uracil tlus week ttom Cor
vnllis, where her son U nt tending
Miss Ilerthn,. Umiulnburg has iv
turned to her homo, iii,thi ejiy af
ter mi extonded, visit- in Oakland,
'Cnl,, with Mrs.,Pnrripgton, formerly
of Medford.
Mrs. William Odgurs of llorkeley,
Ca)., is u guest pfher, daughter, Mrs.
Leou 13. llaykins. . Mrs, Ougcrs at
ouo timo resided iu Medford mid
still retains tho i'rieudship ofiii largo.
number' of the older, residents, i
' - i
Mr. Ed. Peuburli.y of ;llnueook,
Michy is n gilPst of Mr. npii ,Mrf
Hen Trowbridge ami Mr. Everett
Trowbridge. .Mr. Penburthy U mak
ing an inspection tour of Uie west
uud muy locate in .tho valley.
Miss Florence York of Tacomn,
Wiibh., Is n guest of Miss Julia IIop
piu at her home on tho north Jack
sonville road. Miss York wna a class
mute of Mis Iloppin's ut tho Na
tional Park .Seminary. Sho will ro-
main several weeks.
Dr. and Mrs. E. It. Seely and chil
dren urv at XewjMirt, Oregon.
-. . - ,"....- .: , ,: i
Tbc Man Wfeo Pat
Look for Tills TnatUwk Moi
turcomncjkuciwaea buying ,
alien's rm-asi:!
Phe Atltllrtltlc PawIm InfTuiJ
. 4rrArblui l'rt. Sottt wwnrJ
bete. I5c. Sample l'KKK. AW'?
i a. utMvittw. Lc stay. Hlvj
J, H. Mulhollen
' ' Phono ooa-Y ,
- ' 3 West SwoMd Street' "
' n
r"' -
4l "f"- tlirt4 ii 4
ae . ''a - t ... - -.-