Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 17, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    xtnnronn m,w, thiiii'vu. mkhkoud. oiikiiov, kvimtiimy, mv n. mix
iKtlOKKB, May. 17. Three separ
(4te!tt?RHqurtH Riven tonight respect
ivcb" tu women visitors, editors, nml
Kitcslsita peuornl, closed tha biggest
nnd finabday of the fifth Orcgou nn-
iitiniYbmmonwpnllh conference w Inch
opened with n tdngla session, branch
ed. 'nut at' nootfiiito three separate
conferc"ncesi, together once more ir
tWa latter part of tho afternoon fur
nut-door pageantry nnd elnMc
drnmn1ihdcr'tho tree, of the campii",
hiideliHed this c-xeninjr with I hive
largo Imnqilots besidea ltnmerons
mora individunl efforts to show" hos
pitality to tho university's guests.
The women of Oregon played a ma
jor part In the program of this nftcr.
noon, Ipprpft'ntntivcs of clubs and
workim; women from nil over tho
Btnt wont into session nt noon in
which wore than n score of leaden?
from Portland nnd other cities made
five-minnto addresses. Planned by
tho university authorities as a discus
sion of "What Women Can Do for the
Stole," tho women themselves took
cognizance of tho existing education
al problem to such nn extent that the
topic renlly boenmo "Whnt tho Wom
en Must Do to Strengthen the Univer
sity." "I cannot refrain at this op
lrartunn time from Faying what I con
sider tho greatest help that tho wom
en of tho state can do," said Mrs.
Vincent Cook of Portland, "namely
the strengthening of civic pride in the
university of Oregon."
Kttginccr Also Meet.
Whilo the women wore busy in Vil
la rd hall, the Oregon Society of Kn
gineers, who eamo to hugeno on n
special train just before noun, held a
meeting in tho men gymnasium
Hero tho water power resources of
tho state, and tho possibility of co-
oiieratiou between tho state and na
tion in their development was the sub
ject of n discussion led by Fred H.
Henahnw, district engineer of the
United Stales geological survey, und
a paper on tho state's power re
hoarces by State Engineer John II.
Louis. Mr. Lewis predicted a great
steel industry for Oregon, when its
water power resources aro developed.
He predicted that clectrio rails could
be roado of imported Chinese iron
near Portland for 17 a ton, where
the market prico is iMO a ton. W. K.
NewreH led a discussion of other
phases of tho power problem.
Tho third of tho simultaneous
meetings was in tho rooms of tho de
partment of journalism, where tho
editor or tho stato wcro guests of
tho Willamette valley brunch of the
Stato Press Association. I). Frank
Irvine, chief editorial writer for the
Oregon Journal, led n d'wcusslon of
editorial problems. Ho was followed
by I). 0. Sanderson, editor of the
Freowatcr Times, who told of n rc
inarknblo career on a small country
papor, and by E. J. Finncrau, of Ku
genc, who disoussed the journalism of
the medium sized city.
Educational Problem.
Tho morning session was given up
to educational problems. The read
justment of tho American education
al system to meet tho industrial, ciri
and social needs of tho twentieth
century wns discussed by President
W. T. Foster of Heed college, ami
Eugcno Brookings, president of tho
Oregon Citizens' Kducutionnl lienguc.
Tho rural School problem was treated
by J. C. Muerman, United States de
partment of education. Professor
Klwood P. Cubborly of Stnuford Uni
versity, director of tho Portland
school survey, and by J. II. Francis,
superintendent of tho Los Angelc
Kchnols; wcro nmoug the other ex
jcrts w ho spoke.
Scenes from "Mldsuminor Night's
Dream" and Peer Gynt, given with
pHgoantry out-of-doors undor tho
campus trees by students and folk
dances occupied tho latter part of the
afternoon, followed by n buuquot to
tho visitinjr women nt tho Hotel Od-
born, given by several ladies of Eu
gcno, by another banquet, also nt the
hotel, to tho visitiuR editors by the
student chapter of Sigma Delta Chi,
tho honorary journalism f ratemity, to
which tho most successful student
newspapermen nnd correspondents
aro elected, nnd a banquet to tho vis
itors in geuornl nt tho commercial
club. ,
V J i'
; ,',"'
sHMHMSk. iV .
. ,-
4 f
of -hc WEEK
Tho eulnilliutliiR event of the inti i 1 lie mulcts i prevent In
steal neASun ror this rear us the r -J elude Mrs U llankir Mm UMI,
ond nununl concert of tho Mcdfonl Mm IHiUrlv, mi- i:IpIIh t'lurk.
(tang war has begun again In New
York, and this time nnd for tho first
time In many years one of the gin
men has killed n policeman Oreste
Sclatlcntano. a miserable little Sicil
ian, a ronsumptUc. nnd an opium
fiend, shot an cnemj, John lllsao,
who threatened to kill him, and In
getting nway from tho scene killed
two Vollccmcu. Now ho Is sought In
every part of tho United States. It
Is one of those cases In which po
licemen of every city will tako spe
cial Interest, so there is a probability
that tho murderer will bo found.
These gangsters have so little cour
age that they seldom go on a gun
ning expedition till they arc filled
up with opium. Ily tho tlmo they
have smoked six pills they havo be
come so desperate that they will kill
policemen or nay ono elso whon It
Is necessary for their safety. Sober,
they cringe when a policeman comes
In eight.
76.906 BOXES
The Producers Fruit company have
just compiled their figures on ap
ples shipped during tho past seaon
nnd find that they hnvo returned.
net f. o. b. shipping point for "-.
107 boxes of Xcwlowns, exiortod, all
grades and size, including refunds,
about 60 rout per box and 170.r
boxes of Nowtoivns sold in New
York about $1.01 per box or approx
imately 87 cents per box on 70,
902 boxos of New towns.
Detailed figuros of tho returns
show that as high as $1.-10 wan jmid
r. o. l). .Meittoni lor Koguu nvor
XewtovHis. This prico was roturncd
from Glasgow.
Into pears show that as high ax
$1.0(5 was returned for Cornice nnd
fl.'Jl fr Xclh.
POIlTLiANn. May 17. -Not more
than COO.000 bushels of wheat remain-
unsold In farmers hands In tho
territory tributary to Portland. This
for nil practical purposes will clean
up- tho Pacific northwestern stocks.
Novor boforo In tho history of trade
has tho supply boon reduced to such
small proportions t this tlmo of tho
year It s said. Recent heavy buying Catcher Ray Schnllc continues to
by speculators reduced tho stocks on do great work behind tho log for tho
hand. Chicago White Sox.
Tho Producers Fruit company do
nios responsibility for marketing the
cull tipples at Macdncl, which the
Mail Trillium recently commented
iikjii. Though admitting that the
apples woro shipped under Producers
Fruit company Jubels, Malinger Sic
Kenny demo responsibility for park,
salo or shipment und produces the
1'ullowing loiter from S. K. Aduinn
as proof of his assertiens:
"Yours of lid inst. ut hand nud
contents noted mid will sny that the
apple hi miostion of whiuli 1 am
mailing you n sample this date, nro
labeled wUh Producers Fruit Co,
bpitz luhcl, which or course m
have, "Htmnjied" grown by W. F
Muckor. ilie sale was innrKcd up
by L. I). Miunrd, they wuro shipped
lo Clias. Mosaic & Sop, of Macdoel
nlout Mnreh 20 to 25th."
CHICAGO, May 17 .In on addrcsis
tonight Sir Arthur Lawlcr, a peace
doleeato said gHnoral disarmament
must bo preceded by tho elimination
of tho world's system for all causes
for war.
"Tho political situation in Kuropo
Is such today thut wo In Great Brit
ain ivhobo environment Is far differ
ent from yours, may do more to pro
sorvo peace In tho world by strength
ening our forces than by any other
means so that England may ho so
strong In tho councils of nations that
her mandate for peace shall not be
Choral society glum Tumutitv op
nlng. Mny 1,1. at tho I'r.wtiytertun
ihtirch, under th Imtou of Mr. 0r-
nrd Talllandlor of tho Mmlford Con
IfvrvRtnry of Mnelo nnd l4inKnnsjiN
ho sorlsty, wlileli It nut In conttec
! lion with the wtmtrvntory, n ms
'fisted Uy tlto eonrviitcrr erchMtm
of 13 piuco. Or. Marlon of the Std-
jford Orchestral club playing for th
evening in oourtosy to .Mr. Talllan
dier. Tho program, which wiw nilcl
laneous, showed very good taste and
Judgment, both In selections and ar
rangement, ono of this type, while
popular, being mora difficult to nr
rango properly than tho avorago psr
son would Imagluo. Two oratorio
numbers wcro given, also a complete
cantata, tho well-known chorus from
Tannhnucr and thrco selections from
tho "Homj Maiden," ono of which was
a repetition of tho melodious "Wed
ding chorus" given at tho December
concert. Mr. Talllamller has tho ap
preciation of the real music lover In
introducing excerpts from tho ora
torio, which may be likened to the
symphony orchestras in ono sono. In
that thoy appeal to tho car and Imag
ination only, with no thought among
the performers of "technical flr
works,'' Individual display or Jeal
ousy. Mr. Kdward Dickinson In nn
excollont nrtlelo on "Oratorio Per.
fornmncos," says: "in an oratorio
Iorformanco thoro Is no glamor of
light nud color. Thoro nro no pano
plied warriors or agonizing lovers.
Tho oratorio composer wrltos In the
Interest of the chorus ovon more than
In that of the soloist. The chorus
competes with no rival for popular
applause, the pestilent 'star system'
has no exlstoncc. The lyric, tho epic
nnd dramatic unite for urocullon of
an omotlon which Is kept within
healthful and elevating channels. Tho
opera can nover enter Into tho Itfo
of tho mass of art-loving peoplo as
the oratorio does, the spirit that
emanates from the oratorio uniting
more sympathetically with the moods
and exporloncos of the common life."
Remarks which aro certainly praise
worthy In the highest sonse of this
form of musical endoavor.
Tho Hallelujah chorus of Hnndol'.i
"Messiah" Is unlvorsally accorded to
bo ono of tho finest eor written. jstrurtlon in WuhluKtou. So far as
Tho tenor soloist of the oenlur. ' known locally. It U tln first pub
Mr. W. If. Stewart, a new ac-qualn- Mention of lit Und to appear in the
lance to mulral circle, lift a voice 'Pnlied State, its author are Mis
of ploaslng quality which n hon Josphlno T Ucrry. professor of in
to good advantage In "The Sleep of 'trltion. and head of the department
Kven." from the "Rose Mnldeu.'' I of home economic; Mhut Agnes.
Miss 1 llu Clark, Mi im Coffin.
Mtai Inns Coffin. Mlaa Iva Coffin,
Mrs. I, (I. OanlHor. MIm A, 1Wtnr.
Mttt Usthrr llmiiton. MIm Aiiiih
llauMii. Mm UniilNirm. MIm Helen
Kelly. Mrs. It. J. l.ckwod. Ml
houiutbiiry, Mtort C. Mean. Mlsd M.
Mean. Mlu Rnso XmIoii. MIm Ilaiel
Norllug. Mtaw Anna I'arurhur, Misn
Helen l'urucker. Mlw l.nclto Rade.
Mrs. XI, HeHi-Ie. Mrs Seuioii. Ml
Anna Shoerln, Mis Grace Shernmn.
Miss Kern Stlne, Mrs. V. Tnlltandlor,
Mbw Cora Itley. Mrs. Jouaa Wold.
Mr. Fletcher FIhIi. Mr Carl ninsow.
Mr. Carl llaiin. Mr. Herman Harri
son. Mr. A. W. UlldehrHud. Mr. W.
W. Howard, Air. 1). T. l.awtou. Mr
l.eon I.nwton, Mr. R .1. I.cxikwood.
Mr. A. S. Mnok. Mr. Kmll Pceh, Mr.
Herman Purucker, Mr M. A. Ruder,
Mr. Pnlntor. Mr. V. II. Stewart.
Tho program;
Vnt 1. Triumphal march frem
Oratorio ".Vanuinn" iSIr Michael
Costal, soprano milo. Miss Helen
l'urucker nnd chorus; "The Wrack of
tho Hesperus" (Thos. Andnrtou).
cantata for soil and chorus. Miss lutrx
Coffin soprano, MIm Iva Coffin so
prano, Mr. Fletcher Fish tenor, Mr.
Horman Purucker bnss; Hallelujah
chorus from the oratorio "Tho Mes
siah" (Haondel). Intermission.
Part 2. Selections trom the "Row
Maldon" (Fred Cowen); 1, "The
Sleep of Kven.'' tenor solo. Mr. W. II.
Stewart; 2. "Wedding Chorus," 3.
"Whore Gloomy Pine Tree Ruitle,"
baritone solo. Dr. W. W. Howard.
"Ilnll llrlght Abode." chorus from
Tannhauser, net i. scene I (Wag-nor).
lloiiulnii t'ralrf. pfofiMMriJr til tetlle.
and MM Loiilne Mnllatioll. Mwlstuut
pmrosser hf f.MU slid cuuktry.
The homo oPiiutilulpa detMrlmeut of
Iko ormtnr MwlfnVtl Hub held Id
uinntliiK WediiMtlny nftftrnoon at
"-ao. Soiuh "ery iHtitrestluie lMipem
on cpimnmle purelmslng. pure food
law. aditlterattnu of food, nud hmiso
wlfo's league were rend. Thute at
IstliiK Mrs. A A. lllnl. new chairman
of the department, to carry out tho
piogram were Mrs. Nod 1 1', Mm.
Stoamstrup and Mrs. KdilsfMln. All
the ladles of Mmlford are cordially
Invited to attend those meetings, the
ot one to be May SS.
The household economies section
of the Greater Mmlford eluli has lieon
very fortunate In wearing Dr. llorttm
Stewart of tho Uuheralty of Oregon
to lecture for them at thulr next
meotlug May IStli.
Dr. Stewnrt's subjert will be the
ohumUtry of fuud, and she wilt come
prepared to make a very thorough
demonstration. It Is hoped that every
woman woh has any Interest In (he
food value of the articles she serves
her family wll come to this meeting
nnd where lives the woman In
these days of high prices who Is not
Interested In the food vnlue of the
thing that make up her dally menu?
The household economics department
Is planning a very exhaustive study
of the high cost of living for Its next
year's program.
V .1 ' J
Si&kiybu Heights
W nro busy compli'tiHtf orriiiiKciut'iilH I'nr ox
(I'll.shQ illJI'iiVVtllCH(s ovt'i lliiw , ;
tl'llllll lllllimiMCl'lllt'lll Ol,' dill' plmiH will III!
m.itln i.'iily next wfoU, New mpIiciIuIo n ii'it(A.
Wo iiui'puHp KiviiiK " ttw lioiiio-hiiildoi' nil tho ul
VRiitnuo ol' tlto now oomlilioits.
Itl tllO ttlOnillllllO WO HUJJgWtti .Nilll1 (lllll ovur
llio ground nml milking proliiiiinuiy m'lootluii from
liiroriiintmii tiiul plnlH can lio ai-ciiiTd I'ikih
Room 1, Palm Block.
A "Home Kcouomlcs Illbllography
for High Schools." In which Is inndo
a classification .of the -texts nnd
references of use for high school In
strurtlon In adiue economics, nnd
including an outline for n high school
course In homo oconomlcs, as recom
tnondod by the college department of
that name. Is a recent publication o
tho Washington Kioto college. Tho
bulletin is offered for the avslstaMo
of teachers and pupils, and to help
unify and organise this claim of In-
6en't Hiifi Bui
Admnrt Babies
Every Woinan'Casti Loving Glance at
the Nrstllnii Cuddled In Its Donne I.
A woman's Unrt reniwmU to tha iwrrt-
errs of a prtty chdd, and mors o t--dAjr
nun ever leiore unco
lli mlrnt of Moth
er's 1 .ItRlL
This U a wondrrful
cxtrrtnit hflp to tho
tuutchs and trmlons.
It Ktictrat the iu
stirs, make them
rradlly ykM to ust.
UrrSi ilcm.luil fur ex
naiuloii. mi ilwnt l w
pcr'od t ftn. dloemfor, utrslnlnr, nu.
ia r liter synip'on n "fu-n dltnln
dtirine llir nutioiut wn'Vsof rclsncT.
Muthrr'n I'riend tlKnni'ily !idirfsrj
crrry m-rye. (rniliii iirxl uniwl lntoltNl
nnd U a sure preventive fwr cnkUs vt too
A iid particularly loyeuns molhew Is this
fsteoun tvinctly of Inmtlmnlilo valn. It
cnsblm tlirm in irrwrre thrlr hrsllli nml
stmnslh, nnd they remain pn-ttf by hmln
arehlnl all lli mitferlns nml dsngor thai
xumld etbcrKlse accompany such an ooaa
You will find thin itlndld remedy on
rat' fit all drus nlorm nt SI n ltllc.
Wrll Itrmlfleld lleult r I'". 'H l
mir Illds . AUnnts (In , f- r Hi. ir lustruct-tii-xik
for cxpetiant moilti w.
SMSJBJSJillllSSilsmiSi i sinm jimiisi '" '""" n iiimwiT!ijji m
I Over a Million and a Half I
J Gallons of ' tj
Lj The Standard Oil for Motor Cars 3!
InS BK wcro used last year in lubricating 'Vt me&Yj l
Ev motor cars nnd motor boats. W&wji fi
IMvV ' ZEROLENE hna won this nonu- -L. vSTJS Q
b i ' x ..i. - - .btj -.. . .7 v - vm-rsru Mr m
ml J larity on its merits jjerfect gS'&i4 " & xtM&Wf"
j lubrication. jt$E' 2$mtffflmffl$ 8
1 . '. ZX.imM&m:S 1
1.5S HT mWM&M&t'A
j HapasiT jev .,(- ' MtmmmWWvrJiiiT7Hr' :
WMkwSSAJ-si' 'ZlZ Dealers everywhere 1
rwmmm". a.ui. ifl.LLi rmmmi i
Milri i THrT'Brff rMnlPvifirAli ttfl
mmXlXtmmmmWSStim irrSa n Inffl T MisiiiiiT T i iBi'i tr
cotton Iiiiks, $t-7P. - lb. cur
0 tons, 3(n
vyriiijv',"jts:i.-v.X"iXs,v'.,,.)i ii)i,v,,1,ivwv,Ww.X'A'i'i4i'l,Ii
WIZARD FERTILIZER'i, isri(i, woMiitiii'ii, itiwriis
Hold only In 2f. lb. while
A Kbiut In streiiKth,
A wlmnl In iirtlmi.
Alt fertlllier.
$ ,0,, "" No filler.
S I'se duly Oue-rouilti llic I'muil Amount of t'onuueirlnl IVillllcr. fa
. s
IV l'nr nrelmrd. eiinlnn. fields. Iiiuiib unil Miiumiv.
.t to 5 lbs for full hearing orchard tree.
r H IniKM for acre of alfalfa
,3 kcsiiiis lastine into toe m mi year. w
0 Cum hn will take care of 30x10 or 1X00 feet of lawn (or on year. J?
S What can bo contained on u dime Is sufllelenl for fi Inch pilud !,
to plant. Q
Uue table spoon run for a hill or potato, loniniiien, mn. ;jj
S ask roil niNiKi.ici', trs i.ui:i:. vol' ifr itasoi.TM
Till. 012. 'JJ
0 ' 'ij
li. II. IJItOWN, 1'rop.
when yon lire
of longh, strong
mm. prooi wrasKey
Ju JrM$
bottled at drinking strength
W. J. Van Schuy vcr & Co., General Amenta
Portland, Oregon
Grants Pass vs. Medford
3 o'Clock
i i