"""'' - i l1 Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER Hhiitrrr tonight nml HtttHtajr Max., n Mlii,, 41. SECOND EDITION Knrlyllilfil Yrnr, Dnllr-KlKliUi Year. SURVEYWORKBEGINSWSDALMyCpNSJRUCTION BEFORE JUNE ON MEDFORD TROLLEY LINE . . FIRST LINE TD Central Point anil Talent Olicctlvo Points of First Country Construc tionAction not Talk, Motto of Dtillls, Owner of Franchise. City Council Rescinds Franchise Granted Mlnncy and Makes Minor Chann.es In New One Given Dtillls. There will tio n special immllmt of llui ruiinty court. Monday to discus the Knuit lug or u trolley frunrlilmi uxor county roml with H. H, llullln nml IiIh son, C. A. Ilullld, projector of the. pro IiokimI Modfoid nml Anlilmiil lntriirb.iu Hleetrle railroad. . "We will Iihvii it crow in the field iwduhlishlmc level for tin- llixt unit uf Mcdfoid's street milwHv by ii"t ThimhImv. Vi! will have actual enn slrucilnn work under way tin font .Iiihu 1. We mean lmiiii. Tlir i no rol ifliitc i1.miI mixiMl up m this. Our proposition I financed mill wo mh' ready In begin." Kunli wn the iimiiinhfied state, ini'iit of A. HiiIIIh, n hoii of S. .S. Hullls, ii Mreel tiillwuv builder and iiiwmtor of New York, Snlunluv fol lowing " iiiiimWnf change in III" futility lino friitichlo uruiilcd on glniiHy tlio -M. T. Mlniii'V coinpuiix of Oakliunl nml later IniiiHfernd by Hum o V. 11. Wnlte mill iikwiciiiIc uliii'h has now wiitm into the hands uf Mr. IIiiIIU, liv the city council on Friday oxenlng. Moitot Actloim, No Talk. "Wo rwliri!." euiilluued Mr.Jjul IU, "Hint nit III" talking in tin worlil wonlil not 'olivine" some poople llmt wo im inuere. Onlx' mtiml " MlniKlloii will tli till, mill mi wn in IahiI lo ho liini: on work ami hort on xx onto. "Wo will put h I'low h! work hv Tuiwdny next, HlnrtliiK from tlio ecu tor of tlio oitv nml running eaM through Slskboit Heights etnhliidi lug IoxhK Tlio course of the road will Im ilofinilolv determined upon whim this iliitu In compiled. Wo will huxu illit moving lioforo tho present luoulli ends. Wo mi) unking noth ing, nml Intend in take tin' llillf into our cuiifldciicu. Wo will Imilil a roml." Tim Pimm for Ihu eiiiitdriicliiui or ii nillrnml Mystem urn only complete iih fur ns ii lino from Ihu oontor of tho city east through Siskiyou Heights Ik concerned hut tonlutivo plmiH huvo lifi'ii mmlo fur Ihm " Ciiulrnl Point nml ' muiIIi iih fur iih Tiilmil. Tho omihlruction work in to ho iloiio In uiiitH, tlio riwl helm: Iho lino oiiht, Urn koooiiiI tho ouo to Cnulrnl I'oinl, nml Iho third Miulh. (Vntr.il I'oinl unit Tuloiit. Tho oitv coniioil mi Friiluy I'voti Imr roolmloil tho frunohUo Kritutoil M. T. Miiiiinv nml Kriinli'il a now ouo lo Mr. Mulli. thi holnu' lh" oawiiiMt way to inuko tho oIiuiikoh hi tlio frmi. rhino iihki'il. TlioHii oliiiiiKi'K ii'luli'il ohinfly to Iho I'luuM'rt in tho fran. ohixo ii'latiui: to ronrttrnolion work iu tho country ilinlrioU outhldo of MoiH'ntil. Mr. IIiiIIU Iiiih hcon liivcHll;nllnt: local conilillmm iluriui: tlm piihl Unco or rour moiilliH. His l'nilh iu Iho valley nml it future i hIiiiwii hy hi notion iu connection xvilh tho roml. Ho in mi uxporionooil ruilmnil huihl cr haviiiK ht'i'ii in tho work for thir ty years. RITCHIE LIKELY 10 MEET LEACH CROSS 8HATTU-2, WiikIi., Jlny J7. Now York proiiiuturH, win' waul a match holwcoii Willio Hitchio ami I.i-aoli Cross for July -1, will prolmhly laiul tho HorviccH of tho tilimiipinu no iioiilhiK to mt miuiiuuccincnl mmlo liuro Ihla ul'lcruoou hy Hilly Nolan, HEIGHTS EAST II MEDFORD iadam m n JHrHII IULU NOTHING DOING IN LAND LAW Notice That California Cannot Be Further Interfered With hy Na tional Government Is Burden of Administration's Reply to Chimin. Note Couched In Conciliatory Lan guane Will not Bo Puhllshcd Un til Read hy Tokyo. WAKIIINCITO.V. Muv I7.-Notico lo .liipau thiil Californiii'M nuti-alioii liiml law camiol ho l'urlhor inter fiicil with hv tho national pixoru incut l imileolooil lo ho Ihu hanlcii of Iho iiilmiiuxtnitiou'H reply to .Inpiiu'M proloM, xvhleh loilav i tcu lalixelv compleli'il heio hv Hccretary of Ktato Hryau. Hccretary llrvmi'H reply prohnhlv will ho Kiiliinlttc.l for approval today lo Pieoidiiit WiImmi ami if it in thin aiiroxeil Iho nolo may he triiiiMiiiltcil to Yikoouut Chimin, Jhpiiiim iiiii hiifHiiilor, heforu uiKht. While details of the nolo arc uii ohlaiuahlo it in nutlinHtntivoIx btatcil that the note i eoiieheil in conciliatory luiitfiiiiu'c. Its pulilinn lion is not contemplated now and it prohnhlv will not ho made politic un til Yicoiint Chimin has hud mi op portunity to 'omuitiuicato Km coll tents to Tokyo. THE AND SELF OAKLAND. Cat., Mny 17. Hun iiiiiK amuck in Iho crowd at Ktchth mid Franklin si routs hero fhortly after noon today, an liiMitie lliilimi holioved to ho Oronto Ciriim.lo. fhot two irls, u man who tiled to pro tect theiu mid then, nvcrimwcrcd, fired a Indict into hi own head from which ho prohaldv will die. Daniel Donovan, tho man wounded hy thu lmiatic'n mm, was shot iu Iho jugular citl when ho leaped hetwecn tho maihuun mid tho two wounded (iris, Hut for tlio prompt notion of a physician who xvituoshcd the nhoot inj;, Donovan would have died on the tot. This plrxhioiau, Dr. l.eurd, Krasped Donovan's throat and held Iho HHiutim; V('ln closed uulil lie reached tho hospital. The Ixvo k'hIs who wero nhot xverc Susio Tompkins, who uot a Indict iu Iho mouth mid lluttio Uiui;. whoso ear xvns glared hv living load. NVithor xvas miioiisIv hurl. Thoy dixelaiiu any acipinilauco with the luadman. While Ihu Iwn pills xveru scream- hi; and Oonovau lay on tho round with' tho hlod hticaiuiuu' from his urok, hyhtanders overpowered the miiihiian. Ciriuaxio hroko axvay ami kIio! himself throiiKh tho left temple. lie will die. Letters on Clrmnxin tdiowcd thai ho came from Doriui, Italy, ami vaunt hero iccenlly from Kl Pnmi. TWENTY-FIVE DELEGATES E RAIilr, Ore, Muv 17.-fhiveruor West has today announced tho ap pointment of twenty-fivo delegates In tho Nationul Conforenuo of ohuri liefl and Corrootion which will incut iu Sealllo July fi-l'J. Prominent ninoiiK Iho ileleKiilcd aro Jud(jo W. N. OateiiH, juvenilo court, Portland ; W. S. Hale, Buperinlomlunt of tho Oregon Ktuto Training School, Salem; 11. S. TilliuuhnHt, Buperiutend cut of Iho Orcein Stalo Penitentiary; Salem, and K. T. Moortis, superin lemlent of Iho Slnto Hliud School of Kiiltfitit ..... RUNNING MUCK MADMAN SHOOTS MI3DF0RD, Admen to Be ''1 ,MioH C. H. IHkuIiii of I'miric I'liouo i-oiti-Mioy lii iliiirKt of utiinU at Snrrn loeiito. L BE TAKEN FOR DRIVE II Itoiiic of tlio Ait .Men Koiillioru I'ncKIc depot to Niitiiturluiii, nrroiit JiickKou lirlilKo to ItooKitvoll, out Queen 4 Anna to (leorKo Mmlloy's; over to Cant Main, down Mnlti 4 to (Jriiuvn, over to (icticieo. then on Weil Mala to North Oikilnlo to l'ourth atrcct. to Hunimtt avenue, ncro to Went Malu utrcot. cant to Orano ntrcot, thenro to Tonlh Dtrvnt. cant to South Uakdnle, out to Cnlnlalo or- rlinrd. then to Ware's, oxer to King's lilKliwny, nut to conn- ty ronil, mint. toCoothtlU Kate thuucti through tho llurrlll 1 orclmril to Aililnud rond, thencn on to I'hocnlx. tliunca -J wont, thonro inulh to Itnn- 4 ilnll orclmril. over to Talent nml on to Ashland. 4 The Ad muii from various cities of the unrthxvcut who arrixc in Medford tomorrow' mi their way honlh lo at tend their coiiveutiou at Sacramento will ho taken for a drive through the orchard dixtricts of tho Konc nml to Ashland where thov xvill hoard their train nml continue their trip to the houtli. Over forty uulouiohilcs arc pledged to make the trip ami more aro wanted. They muxt ho at the detol hy txvo o'clock. Thu Ad men onmpri-o nil of the live udvertixiuu men of the northwest. Hy eixink' Ihem n ride IhroiiKh the valley, as is planned, much deir ahlo puhlieity wilhe uaiued. hvery owner of mi niitoinohile wlm can pnhhildy imike the tiip is urged lo lender their services to Seurctury Ware of the Coiuiuercial oluh. Thu (ueuixiim is duo at t! o'clock and as many cluh mumheiv mid citi zens as posxihlu aro reipiohlcd lo he on hand lo i;ivo a i-oariu welcome to tho visitors. Txvo hours xvill he taken for the drive to Ashland. Thu route xvill he oast up Queen Anne avenue to thu I.indley residence on Siskiyou Heights thenco to and through tho Hear crock and Hurrcll orchards, thenco through tho orchard holt to Talent, where ton uutofl from Axhlaml meet the Ad men to welcome them to tho (Iranito city. Tho party is scheduled to arrive at Ashland at -1 o'clock. 40,000 PERSONS i E CHICAGO, May 17- It was entl nintod tlmt hotween 35,000 and 40. 000 persons attended tho Frank Clmnco day gamo. Txvonty fans, mostly xvomen, foil xvhon -0 feet or ouo of tho tempo rary KraudstamU collapsed, Ono ti'lrl xvas no Boverub; injured tlmt sho had (o ko to a liospltul. Tho others ea rn pod with minor UrulBoa, It. II. H. No xv York ,...3 G r'.ox '., G 10 3 IN WIL R OUGH VALLEY WELCOME CHANG ORKCION, SATl'KDAY, Taken in Autos From Twto&jijBjng jL, - !rg' 'T'' JJMBBBMHUMjpWLtwWIfc ytKuUt .Mlldrcd Tucker, xi Itli I'orlltini ilFlcgntlon of Ail Mm. Sho roprrMMits J teution of becoming citizens.' Non ".MIh I'urolluo T-toul" n( tlio Snrnimento convention of Ad 3lcn. citizens now hotdiiii; land vill bo DENY MEDFORD RIGHT 10 ADJUSI E SAI.CM. Ore , May 17--IIaslnK hi decision on a decUlon of JiuIko Mean of thu Culled States court, Attorney C.cneral Crawford today advUcd tho ntato railroad rommlKslon that n city has no authority hy ordlnnuco to fix thu ratus uf nubile utilities xvhen Mich ordinance conflicts with thu rates prescribed by tho conimlsalo.i Tho Inquiry aroo in connection xvltu tho prantliih of a frnuchUe by Med ford to tho Home Tcluphuuu cn-n-isiuy ot Southern Oregon. CIIUISTIANIA, May 17. All membors of tho (crmnti sclenttfle expedition under Lieutenant Scroe,-dor-Stnm aro either dead or lost in Arctic xvastos oxeopt txvo, aecordlug to a report received hero from a Nor xvcKhm party. Lieutenant Scroudur-Stauz Is ninon Lieutenant Serouder-Btniu U nmouK thu missing. Dr. Dettiuars and Dr. Moslor, the report says, wero droxvnod; Kberlianl xvas frozen to death ami Stavo died of Illness. Of tho other members of the expedition, llucdlgor-llltmchor was Boverely frostblttou but survived ami the other survivor Is well. Thu Norxvofilan relief oxnodttlon !s bonded by Captain Straxrud. Cor a time tho scientists wore Icebound In Hpttzborgon, Tho Scroedor-Stiuiz expedition atnrted Into tho Arctic region about a year ago and expected to remain tboro three or four years. When thoy wore- first caught In tho Arctic winter Lieutenant Scrocdor-Staitx managed to send a message through to civilization tolling of their peril and a relief expedition xvas organized hero and sent out to havo them. HN RATES GERMAN A EXPLORERS DEAD MAY 17, 1913. Medford to Ashland i E WASHING iON. May 17 The frco listing of lemons today xvas strongly urged on tho senate finance eubbtl tuto committee considering the agri cultural schedule of the Cudorwood tariff bill, by importers in North Atlantic states. California's repre sentation In congress assumes this fight Is being agitated by New Yont Importers. Uecauso of this now sit uation It was stated that Cnllfornl. mid Florida representatives would fight now for tlit, duty or'.gti.nily provided In tho Cudorwood bill as against freu loiuons. As a compensation to cotton nun. ufacturers for cuts In nmnut.a-'.ured cotton rates, Senator Smith o' xejer gin Intimated today that tin sub committee on cotton and chemical schedules, of xvhleh he Is a member, would, recommend that txvo dyns iied in tho mtiuufncturo of cott'i bo re stored to tho frco list. PRESBYTERIANS GRILL ATLANTA. On., May 17. Formal reports regarding Sunday school, ob survauco of tho Sabbath ami theo logical seminary work occupied tlio separate sessions ot dolegates to the convention of Northern and South ern Cnltod I'resbyterlnns hero today. Tho delegates xvero tendered u re ception Inter Iu tho afternoon, but xvill meet Iu a joint couforeuco to night to discuss Christian service. A Joint assembly last night unani mously adopted a report denouncing Christian Science. WILSON BEGINS WORK ON CURRENCY MEASURE WASHINGTON, May 17. Hain kept President Wilson indoors today. Ho was nut idle, hoxvever, starting tho preliminary draft of his proponed currency bill mid collecting data, STRONG FIGHT FOR FEELEMNWAED SENATE Sunday Noon John JI. Krott, gonrrat pandonncr Kt'iil of Hoiiilicrn Pacific rnllrund, xxlio U iMTwtunll)- conducting the xcurxlon. T OF ! ALIEN LAND BILLS ! PHOENIX, Ariz., May 17. An i anti-alien land ovncrliio hill far 1 more drastic than the bill recently I passed by the California legislature has been signed today by Governor Hunt, following its itaSMigc hy both houses of, the State lcgirlaturc. , The new- law makes it impossible for alien" of ntiv nolor o hold laud inils lev luivi; doolnrrd .(heir in- i t - ---r-- compelled lo dispose or it xviwim live 1 vpnrn. Mining cluiiim or iiroiR'rtM nece.ssnry to the working of mines alone is exempted. TAKES IT EASY; TO LOS ANGKLKS. Cat., May 17. ThU xvas a day of rot at the Auder fou nml Mtiudot training camps. To morrow xvill bo the final heavy day of work for tho scheduled txventy rouud battle betxveen these boys Tues day, and each took matters easy iu vioxv of the Sunday splurge. Anderson did u little boxing btuut, being content to hold his weight tit its present notch. He expects to mnkc xveight without trouble. Muu dot loafed about his camp nud spent the day on tho beach. He appears to bo perfectly satisfied xvilh his con dition. Tho advance ticket salo indicator u big hou-o Tuesday night. A little betting at oven money has been reg istered. 7 LOS ANOKLKS, Cnl., May 17 Seven years in San Quentin peuiten tiury was tho sentence meted out hero toduy to William St. John llan ney, Pasudeim society and clubman, who recently plended guilty to em bezzling from tho Sautii Fo railroad company, which employed him as mi auditor. His iteculutious are alleged to havo approximated $00,000, the greater part of which, he declared in a statement to tho court, went to satisfy the demands of blackmailers who threatened to expose, him as a former convict iu the Klmira, N. V., penitentiary. JONES TO BE CANDIDATE FOR RE-ELECTION TO SENATE WASHINGTON, May 17.-Th.it he intends to bo u candidate for re election xvhon his present term .ex pires March 4, 101-1, is the an UQUieenunt here today hy Senator Junta of Washington, , ARIZONA PASSES M DRASTC YEARS PRISON CLUBMAN NO. 48. T L AT Mayor Hunt Wires Governor to Sent) Militia Cars Smashed by Strik ers and Stlrke-breakers Injured Police Unable to Cope with Them. Receivership Suit to Be Filed Afjaiiwt Company and Receiver to Operate Cars With old Employes. CINCINNATI, Ohio, May 17. Itlotlng In tho Btrcotcar strike here today and prospect of still graver trouble caused Mayor Hunt just be fore noon to telegraph to Adjutant General Wood at Columbus demand ing that militia bo sent hero Imme diately. Tho rioting started early In tho heart of tho business district and at three different points. One car was stoned and it xvas abandoned by sev en strikebreakers. Cars Arc Attacked. At Fourth and Vino street bricks wero hurled from tho windows of a high building on a car. Three strike breakers were Injured, one seriously. At another point a crowd attacked and lifted a car off tho track and shattered tho windows with bricks. During the rioting down tows, boys stoned two strikebreakers lb the res idence district, both suffering cut faces. Municipal officials, Including the mayor, conferred here this af terBeon regarding the advtMrityeuk!V a receiver for the company and com pelling It to resURie service. At noon a mob drove six strike breakers oft a West End car and turned It crosswlto. practically block ing the street. At another point a thousand men and boys stoned a car. seriously Injuring a strikebreaking motorman. Iayor Can CUll Troop. Attorney General Hogan ruled to day that Mayor Hunt could caU out tho mllltla hero without the sanction ot tho governor. Hunt declared ho would not do so as tho local troops would be Insufficient to handle the situation and might only cause the rioting to grow worso. Hloters this afternoon paralyzed alt traffic In the city and the street car company abandonod its attempts to operate. Mayor Hunt, following this, issued an announcement that a receivership suit would bo tiled against tho com pany and that, If appointed, tho re ceiver will opcrato tho cars with tin old employes now on strike. II LONDON, .May 17. Declaring that It would bo a great mlstako to under estimate tho cbunces of a con'llii betxveen tho United States and Japan as u conscqucnco ot tho California land Inw, tho Pall Mall Gazette edi torially throws a light today on xvhoro tho British world would stand If a clash should come. "Should war break out," suys the Garotte, "tho sympathies of Austra lia, New Zealand and western Can ada would be violently on tho sidu ot the Uulted States." The paper centinues: "Tho opinion that tho Japanese xvill never go to war to enforce their treaty rights In California U one ot those dangerous geueralltlea which lead nations blindfold to tho Lrlnk of tho pit.'' ' ': The Pall Mall Gazotto bollovcs It Is poaslblo that Japan might be de sirous ot forcing tlio issue row I e causo ot the Impending completion of tno Punaum canal. PORTLAND, Ore., May , 17, , Weather forecast Oregon,' oqcnJ sional rain tonight and Sunday. Easterly xviuds. '! j ROOFS ASKFO om 0 CINCINNATI H COLONIES OR N M AGANS AN