"""'" iMfii wwwyw n 2 V ' ' iTp''' "' PXGEFOTJTC. medford matt; trtrtjnr medford, oriwon, Friday, may 10, mm. -W I; I 1 i I I I ,1 MltDFORD'MAIL tribune BVRRT AffKHlonU RiiNiiAr ur ,tiik JltD I'rtlNTlNa CO. ..The DwaocrMIe Times. Th MoJforJ Wall, Tha Mearotd Tribune, The tfouth rn.AHtQBtan tj, Aabtand. Tribune. Offleti Hull Tribune JlullJlnir. Si.ST-Xt North Kir tlrcl telephone 76. 0BJ0R08 PUTNAM, IMItor ntut Manner K!terBd . ti foofiil-clii matter At Mtiirora, Oregon, tinder the aot of ircu a, 1S7V, SOMETHING WRONG SOMEWHERE, Official Paper of thn City of Medford. Official I'nper of Jackson County. KBC1UTTI0N BAXB8. On month, by mall. J 5.00 .(0 Par month, delivered by carrier In Aieniuru, Jacksonville and (.en tral 1'olnt , .$0 FatutMsy only, by mall, per year .00 Weekly, pof -cnr . ... -.. t.tn WATENED 10 KILL MERCHANT BURN UP 101 W. T. Green, t rancher roildlne near Noc.uo Hlvcr, on Evans crook, km ' placed undo; arrest today, charged with threatening to kill It. M., McLean, a hardwaro merchant of Itoguo Itlver. District Attorney Kelly charges Orcen with bolus a source of uneasi ness In tha community around Rogue Hirer. Some tlirio last winter n church oh Kvans crook, was burned Into nt night and thcro It n strong feeling in the community that Or con was responsible fpr the fire, he hav ing threatened to blow It up unlra It wan moved, the ftlto of the church adjoining Grcon'B property. dreon was in Uoguo Hlvei1 Wednes day night and when rotused liquor by," Mark Whipple, a galoonrnan, he threatened to burn tlio town. lo will bo given n preliminary hearing before Justice Tajlor Satur day morning. STUDENTS from the Oregon Agricultural College nre acting as strike-breakers for tlto Marconi "Wireless company at their coast stations and aboard vessels. Students from the state "University of California are takiDg the place of strikers with the Pacific Gas and Elec tric company at San .Francisco and other places affected. These state institutions are supported by general taxa tion. Laboring men pay a. largo proportion of their in comes. The students are therefore wards of the state and indebted to the taxpayers, to both capital and labor for ineir cuucuuon. There must, bo something fundamentally wrong with the instruction supplied at public educational institutions when students eagerly seek to take the bread and butter out of the mouths of working men, engaged in a struggle either for principle or wages. Such action might be ex pected from students in institutions endowed by the Rockefellers, Morgans and. other pirates of industry, but not from the people s colleges. Some strikes are right, and result beneficiallv. Some strikes aro wrong in principle and deserve defeat. But whether right or wrong, it is not part of the business of a wavrt of the public to act as strike-breaker a partisan A a Ifil Ml t m industrial wariare ueiwecn classes to uoin ol wnom lie is indebted for ljis education. The action of the Corvallis and Berkeley students demonstrates that education in the principles of funda mental democracy is somehow lacking at these institu tions; that the broad sympathy for struggling humanity tiuiisnmwti uo nit pri"cqaiipruuucuoLueiiJOcrae.y, is miss ing in some of the educational institutions of democracy; that greed for the dollar supplants love of fair play and respect for human rights in the student finishing his col lege career. No wonder there is a growing tendency among the masses to oppose higher educational institutions, when the youth of the country, whom thev help to educate, are turned out of these colleges as enemies to labor and its cause. m m COME 10 FRISCO JONGS SAN KKANC1SCO. Cnl., May 1C. -With the nvowed purpose of omllug Ml long warn In Salt Francisco, 27 Ohlneso tongs and family clubs or gnnttcd tli Poaco Soclnty of China town hero today. The Six Companion is behind thu urgauliatlon and Itn charter members lucludo thn leaillng spirits of tlio strongest Chlneso tonRS and clubs In the city. Low l'ow Chan was elected president and Lotlla Quong secretary. It was agreed that hereafter all differences arising between tons member must bo submitted to the society and settled by arbitration. Failure to comply with this ordor will result In thu belligerent mombur being voted out of tho society and his Identity, In tho event of trouble, being revealed to tho police. It Is believed that similar societies will be formed In Seattle, Portland. I. on An- poles and other const cities. Polleo Chief White has great faith In tho men back of tho organization and bollotcs It means the end of all tong wars in San Francisco. SUSPECT CLAIMS A IBUTCHER SIDE DARLING AWAITS MESS BRIDE BECAUSE OF OUR. SINS. BUD IS EASILY MAKING WEIGHT LOS AXOELES, Col., May 10. Hud Anderson, who will box Joe Mondot twenty rounds hero next Tuesday night, is" linvinjr the easiest time of his career getting down (0 tho required weight 133 pounds ncconlinjf ( the statement today of his trainer, Enrl Mohnit. "Bud never hnin will go into thd ring ns he did for his first Drown fighl," Raid . Mohan, "llo is being taken to tho weight gradually nnd will make it without difficulty. lie is stronger now than I ever saw him." Mntulol is working hard daily at Venice, no is ucuTmmcu to nave another ehnnce nt Joo Divers to avenge his last defeat by tlio Mexican nnd unless McCnfev matches Ritchie nnd Divcra for July 4, the winner of FIFTEEN years ago when the, McKinley administration launched its policy of expansion and inflation the anti- cxpansiomsts were derided by a lustful commercial ago seeking something to exploit. Prior to the acquisition of the Phillippine Islands the United States was an invulnerable Achilles without a heel. These isolated islands have onlv added a vulnerable heel to the great western Achilles. Aside from the opportunity offered capital for exploi tation theses possessions have added nothing to the people of this country save an evor increasing burden of taxation in the maintenance of a top heavy navy, and now they are .becoming a source of! humiliation. The jingoes of Japan are only banking on the prcgna bilit of those possessions for their war thunder and were this country divested of them, there would bo no jingoism in Tapan over anti-alien legislation. "We are simply pay ing tho price of lust. If wo had left the Orient to the Orientals we might with better grace pursue a policy of "America for Americans." ...... .1 -- T TTT-1 I I 1.1 I .u. '11 ...I . I II i I i . Tuesday's bout will bo TKinont ou that day. Rivers' op- GHOST HAUNTS JI SACRAMENTO, Cnl., May 1C Flitting from cell to cell in tho city jail during the enrly morning hours, A, white robed figure has been mak ing tho nights a terror for inmates of. that lmstilo, according to Detec tivo Henry Miilsz and Dniliff John McMnuufl Iiaro toduy. The officers pay tho "ghost" is that of Charles Mortimer, who was hanged in the jail in 3873 for tho murder of a wo man named Mury Gibson. McMnnus a member of tlio- jwlico' forco at tho time of tho hanging, asherts that the figuro often Appeared for n XoW years uftorivard. CLARK AND HENERY GET SPRINGFIELD" PAVIHG'JOD 'SI'IUNQfWi), Ore, Muy 1C TJio contract for paving Fourth aud Fifth streets was awarded to tho. Clark & Ildnory Construction com pahy by tho' city council at its regu lar monthly mooting Inst night. Tho coil tract was a modification of thn ouo previously awardod. and provides for a flvo'invli concrete baso 'instead of 'a four-luch baso, as specified by th previous contract. Tho prico to bt paid Is $1.44 por squaro yard, nv ay-Hlnst $1,30 for tho four-Inch baso. 'Tho modification of tho contract caiiio as a result of remonstrances against a four Inch baso pavemont. When tho bids woro submlttod nt a ji'revlous moetlng of tho council tho Clark & Hoaory company and the Mcmtaguo-O'Ilcllly company each bid $U44 on tho strcot Eiirfaco work with a flvo-iucli baso. L A. ROSE OF PHOE SERIOUSLY ILL" AGAIN . .r f I L. A. Hoio of Phoenix is seriously ill at tho homo of his daughter, Mrs. J. M. Itador. Ono rear ago last March Mr, Itoso found it necessary to hate his right leg amputated as a result of gangrenous diabetes, and bis health was seemingly much Im proved. Decently, however, tho In fection has developed in tho remain lug leg and his condition Is pro nounced 'very serious by tho attend ing physicians, Dr. I'lckcll of Med ford and Dr. llalmgren of Phoenix. Mr. Itoso Is ono of the best known pioneer residents of Phoenix precinct having lived thero for over CO years. Ills many old-tlmo friends will bo pained, to learn of his serious, condition. ALLEGED SMUGGLERS CLEARED BY JURY SEATTLE, Wash., May 1C Conl pletoly surprising tho government, a Jury in tho fedora! court acquitted Charlie I.oulo, n wealthy Chinaman, and James Ilalston, nrrestod In Portland, of conspiracy to smuggfo opium. Ralston was ro-arrested and will bo taken to Portland to stand trial on a charge of having engaged In opium traffic there. Tho acquit tals camd In splto of tho fact that Ralston admitted ho was "packhorso" for an opium ring, llo exonerated I.oulo of any connection with It. The dofenso tauntingly demanded that Noll McArthur bo produced, tho mlss Ing customs inspector, alleged to have boon fixed." WELLEN BOY WINS FIRST PRIZE AT 0. A. C. OHUaON' AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE, Corvallis, 6ro", May 16. Itowley Crult of Wellen, Junior nt tho Oregon Agricultural college school of mines, won first prlzo, and C. N. Anderson of Portland, a senior, won second In a contest In tho class in rock and earth exxcavatlon for working put tho best graphic solu tions of Hie problem of tho cost of earth work by means of various ap paratus pnd lor Vai yips' dlbtailcnt. They have made diagrams by which tho average cost mny bo ascertained Instantly, whatever tho, wages pah', for moving oarth In njiy quantity to various distances somothlng ex tremoly valuable to all contractors who havo to do with this sort of work. WEST VIRGINIA MILITARY COURT UNDER PROBE WASHINGTON, May 10, Tho sonato listened for ah hour and a half last night to a discussion of tho right of tho governor of West Vir ginia to establish a military zonb in his stato, to sot up martial law thoro aud say that prisoners brought be fore tho military tribunal created by him should bo tried by It Instead of In tho civil courts. Senator Kerns' resolution for an Investigation of conditions In the West Virginia coal fields which brought forth tho argu ment failed onto moro to como to a voto, Kern aud Ooff, loaders of tho fight agreeing that It bo laid aside temporarily aud that debate on tho tariff hearings might bo continued. SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Mny lft. A togless brido h Nought here to day by Ernest V. Darling of Port land, "nntitre man," who has returned to San Frniioi.ico after spending eight yennt in thu South Sea InIuiuN. Darling doo not nfck much of the Woman. Ho is not parlirular us to color or race, hut t-he must brt willing to hiib-ist on uncooked food nnd di pno with nil raiment. "In return for these potty snrrl- ficw," tmid tho tmlurciiifii today, "the woman I wed will get a Darl ing." Darling established a nature colony in Tahiti but admit he it not very populnr there. He aborts the ). lieu of the bdiiitd nre entirely too particular. "On my mountain rnncli, however," Hnid Darling, "I lived ns I pleased. I ran nbout entirely in Ihe huff." Darling says ho proposed to one San Frnlicihco woman but hc turned him down. He will berk a brido in Portland is unsuccessful here. Dr. Start's Conviction Reversed. SALEM, Ore., May JO. -Tlio su- pttyno court this morning reversed tho conviction of I)r. Marry htnrl, alleged to bo n member of the Port land vice clique, und remanded the cnxa for a new trial. The opinions will not bo filed until Tuesday, but it was announced that t met Justice MuDridc and JuMiec Aikiu tlisHcit. All the justices agreed that tho of fense was Hodoiny, ns charged in the indictment, nnd not a minor one, us contended by counxol for Start. Eaton Inquest Resumed. ADINODON, Mas., Mny 10. The inquest into tho death of Admiral Joseph O. Eutou, March 20 last, was resumed here today. Tho prosenco hero of Chnrles Mutes, a druggist of Dockland, indicates that tho inquiry will revolve around the itoisou theory. Irs. Eaton, tlio admiral's wife, nr r'ested on a charge of murder, is held without bail for trial. SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Mny 1. - Wnlter Soot I, held hv tlio jmiIIoo hero after discovery ol' Ihu murder of his employer, Egbert Aniiuud, was formally charged today with tlio murder. ItU homing in police court will bo continued until tlio eonuiorV inquest Is hold. SAN FRANCISCO, Miv 10. "t saw Auuiiiid cud his life, llo cut his llirout with n btilehor kulIV. I was nfraiil to notify tho police ho oauso 1 thought Ihoy would noouso mo of tlio oilino," Thin is the declaration hero loday of Walter Soot I, suspected of mur dering Egbert Auiiaud, a butcher thn was found dead In his shop hero with tho head almost sovared from the body. "Aniiuud had been talking about Imd biHuess," continued Scolt. who was employed in tho simp, "lie slashed his throat before I could in terfere. Just then a woman came into the shop and I left by u roar door. I returned later nnd put mv nmi nbout the dead iiiiiu and carried him over to tho oilier cud of tho mom. 1 was covered with blood, so 1 took off the clothes I wus wearing, put them in n suck and threw thorn into uu ash can at my homo." The polioo say they can pick ninny flaws in Scott's story. Auiiaud was robbed of $llo. Tlio police snv thov liavo accounted for $1M of thi nuiounl through Scott. TO DEVELOP ALASKA WITH FEDERAL RAILROAD WASIIINOTON, Mny 10. Secre tary Latin of tho Interior department placed himself on record today as favoring n railway system In Alaska constructed and operated by tho gov ernment. Secretary I.nno uxpressnd his views In n letter responding to Inquiries from Sonat6r Plttman. chairman of tho committee ou terri tories, which now has under consid eration a bill providing for tho con struction by tha national government of a railway system In Alnska. Lane lu letters says thcro is only ono way to mako "any country n real part of tho world, and that Is by constructing rnllroads Into It." r ., ,ul.imij imiimwi IHrCl' 'a(jQ6ri:J jMH '.I Sue front & In 2 for 23c fcdh BooKt'.lh. rrwnn Tho Bunt U th rrwnt , l. imitip wwo wwrltiR iiml ttfrct-ih tiptlns M fcummot iMion'l culUl-dlnl Liki sit Ide Silver ; Gbilam ! Hut tb UorutrtUbitkUallutloeK'i, lounJ la nJutbct nuke. oco. i. idc ft co., Trior, n y Alio Miitrr l Ua .Vhlrlt WHERE TO GO TONIGHT -ui. WIIVV Muu fiioifi; S acres DoAnJou, full bearing 10 acres Dose, full bearing 10 acres llartlett, full hearing 10 acres Comleo, full bearing Wo must sell ouo of lhco block of Pears nt Just ouclmlf viluo to savu larger tract. 12 ft. deep loam soil; lu Jackson county. 3 iiilloa from Medford. 1'ibo okKihI, $u,ii). Wo want jour bid on ouo of these tracts. Can taku you out any after noon. J. C. M,UNT,N ll!.1 N. Ithorthlo or 214 First National Hank lliilldlug HM-M-M 1 ISIS THEATRE S VAUDEVILLE ' 11 L Photo I'liijs Only KIIIO Foot or I'lrtlltc KIIKt 0 I'l'ldtiy and Hattmlay Program AX AliVICXTl'IID OS Till! I ,ii i:ica.v itoitin:it !5 Lubln Bpoclnl In Two Partn Lwr m:.m gi'Aititin. W Vltagraph Coniedy 5 Annllior HurptUo lleol 0 Aduilsiliiii n nnd to Vns I Malluro Hiilurdio and Hiiudny ! ANnmtNO.V-MAMlOT KIDIIT 8 J! Itl.Tt'ltNH Tl IWDAV 1?! i? CO TTttTttvi'tITI" STAR THEATRE Alttnys lu (bo Lend FOR SALE Siiiulf Irrlintuil .rnucn s-dar city reservoir. Ilouin, bam, shed, etc. Tclephono nnd city water. Family orchard, liorrlcs, garrton. Now fMo soil all limited. Ideal location for market gardening, berries or small orchard, ll'uy this ranch now ami get tho benefit of this year's crop. II. L. XOIILIT, Oitncr Phono 1018-L. " WMemoreX ft jSlio-92Kalish9& v FINEST QUALITY LARCCST VARIETY Draperies V csrry n very complftn lln of orsporlM, Ico ourfalnn. fliturn. otc and ilo nil cl.ic cr unhoUtirlntr A IH-clal mnii lo look fW llua work tielnlvrly sml will ulv coml snrvlco bk In iitxallil lo gt Ul vn tha Ursrut alllr. "Wcoks & McGowan Co. TODAV TODAY HPISCIAL I'IMTlllli: IX TWO ItDKLM Tin: .minmaei: ix Tin: cocoaxut A thrlllliiR aecouiit of an American's ndvotituros In thu South ilea Iftluuds ) "OAt'.MONT WDCKI.V" LatoMt current events "iiuAHS iitrrroxs" A real live comedy HONO MUSIC KFFDCTH for Delicate Children MISS NELLIE GRANT IS ' WIFE OF W. P. CR0NAN i ii i j ii OAKLAAND, Cal., Mny 10. liieu tcnant Commander V, P. Cronan United States navy, and his bride, formerly Miss Ncllio Grunt, grand daughter of General U. S. Orant, uro spending their honeymoon nt tho Hotel Oakland. Tho couplo woro mitrrfcd hi' a'iii8tico,ortho,'pcnco in finn Franuisca Into yesterday, quiet ly slipped nway from tlipir friends (Did caluo o Oakland. An Appeal to Wives You know tho torrlblo affliction that tomes to umny homes from the result of a drinking husband or sou. You know of tho money wasted on "drink" that lu needed In tho homo to purchuso food and clothing. Olt HINE has saved thousands 6f drink ing num. It Is a hoino treatment and can bo given secretly. Your money will bo rofundod If, inftor p. trial, It has failed to benefit, Costs only Jl a box, Como In and got a froo booklet and lot us toll you of tho good OltUINE is doing. Leon V, Huskins, A Mother's Letter to .Mothers. Mrs. K. W. Cooper of Illoomflold, N. J., pny: "My child, soven years old, had a bad cold and was weak and qulto run down In health, Hho had beeii In thfs c6iidlilon for about six wcoks when I bogan giving hnr Vlnol, It was a wonderful holp to tho child, breaking up her cold quick ly nnd building up her strength be sides, i havo also found Vlnol n mbst oxcollont tonic for kooplng up tho children's strength during a slego of whooping cough." Vlnol Is n wonderful combination of twd world-famed tonics thu med icinal body building elements of cod llyor oj) and Iron for Jtho blood, and thoroforo It Is a porfoctly safe medb clno for children, hecnuro It Is not a patent medicine, everything in It If.' printed on every package, ho mothers may know what thoy aro giving their llttlo ones, Thoroforo wo ask ovory mother of a weak, sickly or ailing child In this vicinity to try Vlnol ou our guaran tee". Medford Pharmacy, Medford, Orb: 2IsB coiuhii ail IllMlmwi.I'uU. ami cau-utti Unf.r-V IB fvllf' jU.halA fti'a tt 1 iliitft. ihitn HlUUal rob GILT OCT throaty UdlVoilrtMliit.llt HI Uali i.10V TSDI17I t.lOM,-J"C. . k ., OlNDT-uiW(tUra lor c!c40lri; ml twlliblng -QVlrKWHinrdmmiMfu'MMiihfioiiiKjinikL' lrctMM HfcSrMdulJMetMibiM-". tuciilOJ. AU)I; CUJtM s4 M V)IM iHl. ,lp rniiml while cakM cWnllt ninoOn twin. Klin loose. 10c. la fciu)om,liri: iumltiam Witi, vrnu ixrnr, 75t. -rnrr- comlil ir1Jl n bttitg lblr tho look A I, V.t'lmr rlor taJlatKitokllbltrk tlioo. l'oll.li milint.ruih orcloUi.YSctnU. "DABY rilTt-llM.lUMilK I r juur tipxut Am M iel th Wllut rm vanl -im1 n !! Hlc in itnp r r rail, it (vrktsr. rtivtf I uil. WHITTEMORr OROS. CO., 20-20 Albany Sir!, Cambrido. M. Ttt Or.tfil an.t lAtitit MjmnfactHtfii. .Shot lilltliti in th lliill IWV coulilnktlan for ctntUmtn who Uko PLUMBING fitoam and Hot Vator Boating All Work (tiisranlMd I'rluva t.-iaanabla COPPEEN & PRICE M Howard Bloek. rntrane on Silt Kt Koni Than S4. Afternoon and Hunlng ADMIHMIO.V no AND JOo " FOR SALE T lmv6 floino of ilio boat buys in tlio valley. Good al falfa ranches. koo1 bottom land, plenty of water. Also good place to rent. Don't Jail to, seo me-beforo yon buy. JOHN PEARSON' P. O. Box 36 Ashland, Ore. Hochambeau JtoKlstorod DAPPLi: MHAY KT.U.LlOX G Yours Old Kertlro Ijl-O t(t( Insurn uirro ii.tji.s Wo nlso train horses and colts nnd break thorn of all noxious habits. Sat isfaction gunrantood, ti. O. VAX WICODX , Main -Hi Jnrksonvllln E. D. Weston Official Photographer of the Medford Commercial Club Amateur Finishing Post Cards Panoramic Work Portraits Interior andcxtorior viowa Flash lights Negatives made anv timo and any plaeo by appoint ment. 208 E. Main Phono 1471 John A, Perl Undertaker Lndy Assistant' - 28 S. IJAItTLDPr Phones M, t anil '17-J-2 lAinbulauco Hervico lieuily Coroner 5 i & -r . r 3 Kest Koom I I kin on Ytn . 5 Luncheon Saturday Noon 25 Gents, (t$i'S)'5s!X?r BILL OFFUTT Automobile Expert ' Now Located at tho Crater Lakn Oarage 33 S, Ilartlott Street Itcasounblo Prices. Work Oinirautcod llcst of Deferences Caro Washed and Tires ICxchangod Carngo Phono 29-U. Clark 6c Wright Z rLAWYEA'3 h WASIIINOTON, 1). O. Puhllo Laml Mfittprs: FInul Proof. Dosort Lauds, Contest and Mining Cases'. Scrip. The "Clean-up" Hitter l a bigger man llian tho Covernor for ilia moment -if he "dehvera." Anyway, ho lim nt Icatt tha clianco of nn even brrak'lf tha Coik Center it being uied, berauia it hua juil lnt much more "go" to it than the old ilylo rubber core ball. Ths Cork Center haa aolved the prob. lorn of how lo help the bultrr.becaiuo, while it livelier limn the old atylo rubber f ore bull, it ia not too much ao. Tho SpaldinuOftlclal National League Cork Center ball, price $1.2$. ii (he oflicial ball of tlio woild aerlei, and will be for twenty yeart. A. G. SPALDING &. BROS. ISO Geary Street, San Franci.co ThamoatttimpletellniioflKM ball trontUIn the wotl.l Ii uliowri In tha new dimWInij cuUluiruv, Auk your Jalr for f,ng, !JltetA&&i&lUVJW!timi(W Luxury Without I I Extravagance Hotel I Von Dorn I 212 Turk Slroot m Finest popular pricod Hotel in San Franeisco Modern Central ocntcc rjiWpJji Bct located Pliiljjlaiiii 1 and mo st yMwMH P o ri u 1 a r 52S34Jy' ''" hotel in the City. JRunning distilled ice water in each room. European Plan, a Id Carte Cafe. Tariff on Rooms 12 rooms GO rooms 50 rooms 60 rooms with pilrtU lath CO rooma with print bilh 91.00 each 1,50 each 2.00 each 2.00 each 2.50 each 30 suitei, bedroom, par lor nnd bath 3.00 each For moro than one guest add $1.00 extra to tho above rate for each additional gueit. Reduction by week or month. 9 'H4ii:j L.m4iimr.wv F.G.ANDREWS Lossou of drill an,d pinjug Doom, M V 'V, i r. w