Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 16, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    WWiHiTil H'MUM '"'i" Tr'
drerton Htrtiwleat 9nrr
City Hall
Medford Mail Tribune
Fair tonight nnil Hattmtajr.
Max,, 7 1 1 Mill., -12.
Knrty-thlrd Ynnr.
Daily HlKlUli Vi'r.
NO, 47.
) Sfl
ti I
Mother Junes Describes Conditions In
Mllltla Ruled Districts Controlled
hy Operators No Money Ever
Paid WorkersHovels Provlileil.
Tlirotiiih Poor Wanes, Cost of Pro
duction Forced Down to Chrnper
Basis Than Anywhere In Country.
WASHINGTON, qy !. Pinr
Itrtil itlnVcry, tho United Huttes kc.ii
atom wero Itilil today, U tho real
cniiso of tllli troubles III lliu W"l
Virginia ronl IiiIiiIiik region, when V
It. Parley, organUor of the United
Mltiti Workers of America, inltlrciweil
lluil body In support o( Houator
Kern's renliillon of n federal ltitn
tlgatlou Into dm Paint ('ruck uml
Cabin Crook tutiirrn "wnr."
Parley's declarations of lml condi
tion In tint mining region wore ror
mborntod hy "Mother" Joiie. I ho
iiki'iI friend of tho mliicm, who de
tailed vnrloin Incidents of alleged
liruliillly toward lliu worker liy po
ehtl iollr oiuplti)cd liy thn mlno oi
orators ami by Main troops whlfh
were scut Into lliu region to hhu tho
'lu'flN'ti Production.
Farley, In itdtlrcMlug tint senate
told Km inoiiiliors tlmt lliu United
Ktntim cnniiiiM bulletin proved tlmt
the wngo mint of producing n ton of
.il lu West Vlrglnlu hnd been forro.l
down to CS cents tin roinpnrud with
7l Cents In tho western IViiusyIviiii
In, Ohio, Indiana uml Illinois field.
Ho declared tlmt thn violence In
West Virginia fqr thn past IS your
turn been duo to thn mlnn operators
Ignoring thin fart, niul assorted tlmt
"efforts to uhniiKn conditions repro
Mntnil hy low wages, long hoilrs, tho
presence of guard ivor where and
thn heating iii of union orKanliorn
who hnvo d rod to untnr thn fliddn
hnvn liciin unit with tho illiclmrKii of
Mtivh minor n hnvn iliirid to lliti'ti
to tho mil of iintoiiUm."
.o llrliioily fnr Uilxir.
I'nrlny rentlniicd: "Thnrn linn
I'fi'ii no rt'iucdy In thn rourtit for tin
union iiirii who linn boon iimmultod.
Thn nntiirnl rmult wn tlmt thn inln
nr w;ro cownd. If thn mumto will
InvrillKntn thn tdtuntlnu niiuh roudl
tloiiN will bo rooulod, I hulluvn, n
will Htnrtlo tho iintlou."
In lutr convtirDntlnuii with tho In
tori-ittm! (.uiintAfi, "Motlior" Join1
donrrllii'd nn mtnek ly rompitny
KiinrdN on inlnur'H cnldn nt Htnufnrd
Moiintnlu In 1(104, when tho nw
rluN flrrd on thn minora whllo thny
wnro nnliKip, kllllni; novon nnd
woiindhiK 21. Him raid:
"Noun of lluimi niurdorcrH wna over
puuliihvd, Whnn 1 rnturui'd thvro n
wt'tik nftnrwiiril 1 found thn widow
of ono of tho lioyM cryliiK ovor hlo
Krnvo. Ilur child, 8 yoarn of ago,
wiih diKKinK with IiIh rut Into thu
iduy niul calling 'I'am, ulciuu conic
Insulin liy Aiini'il (IininN,
"At Taint Crook, limt Miimmur,"
Molhor Jonim contluuuil, "n ulrl 17
yunra old wua KoInK on tin orrand of
iiioroy whon u initio Kiuird utoppud
lior on tho railroad track, en mod Imr
ami ordorod hor oft tho rluht or way.
Iln compound hor to wado Into u
nook lu wntur up to hor urmpltM,
cryliiK 'Pull your clothua liltsliur.' An
othor Kiiard iiuuln mo wado lulu a
clonk laat aiimmur.
"Mont of tho mlnnrii lu tho tdrlku
illHlrlct havo larKo raiullUm, If tho
company hIoioh don't not all tliolr
iiinuoy (hoy hold out tho rout of
tliolr hiimoa In advance, Thu Iioiihoh
lu which (hoy llvo aro llko luiuiiols.
Ninety pur emit of tho mlnum aro
uatlvuH or tho dlHtrlct."
KOUT WOIITII, Toxiih, May 10.
Two compunlua or utato militia aro
on Kiiard at tho jail huro ua tho rcv
Hiill or attompta to lynch Tom Kco.
a iiokio ulayur or tluoo inon, Other
noKro prlHouoru havo huuu lumovcd
oIhowIioio, followlnn a donpurnto riot
lu front of tho Jail laat night lu
which hx of tho wnuliMio lynchori
wcro iirrt'Htuii,
MTV, ... mfc, .
i?8 mm H
Til rnl I All! ml X
in i in iiiri ii n nil
SAN' I-'HAXCIHCO, Col., .tav 10.
- Ah n result oC tho flat rcfunnl of
(loucrnl MuiHiKor J. A. Hritlim of the
Pacific (lit uml Klcclnn conipiiny to
treat with or ivcoculzc Hie Light nml
I'owcr ('niiucil, officials of Hie coun
cil Niiiil loilnv Hint Hie hlriKo now on
throughout (Vntrnl Califomia will
he a fiithl to a fluiah.
llrilton'M hIhiiiI wan taken nflcr
two lonelily confcriHiccK with I'nuti
dent I). P. Iliigiicrtv of thn Stale
I'Vileratiou of Labor nml lv II. Smith,
vico.pmxiilciit of the liitcrmitioiinl
Hrotlicrliooil of Klcclrienl Workorn.
lu n letter to Smith ami lluggorty,
Jlrittou ilcclareit Unit the company
for twenty-fiw) yciirH hail negotiated
Hcparaloly with tho labor iiiiIoiih in
its employ uml Unit it declined to
deviate from thiit principle. A ior
lion of llrittou'rt lelter Htalcil that
"lliu Light nml Power Council," liy
iln arbitrary action in declaring the
Mriko, nftcr refusing till tho juxt anil
reiiHomiblo rcipicxtK of this eompan.v,
couipolH tho company to decline fur
ther relations with it. The company
ix willing now to begin negotiations
Hepnrately with nnv of tho craflK
which ii ro involved lu this stiike,
looking to n aatiafuelory termination
of tho hiiiiic."
Coiiunenting upon Hie nltitmlo of
tho company, l'reKldenl Arthur Itcnv
cr of thu Light and I'owcr Council
"Tho fight now nwolww ilwclf Into
ono of prinolplo llio recognition of
the light uml power council, We
havo the nit tuition well iu hand ami
will coiiliuiio to make the fight more
el'feelivi) day by duy. Tho lighting
Hpirit of tho men bus been iiioiihciI
by tho position taken by Hie com
ALHANY, Ore, May 10. Tlio Ore
gou Ktato (ltant;o may remain lu won
alou until midnight tonight to clean
up rcuolutloiiH, ami may poaalbly havo
a Saturday aoaslon, Thla uftonuion
thu ilulogatuu aro vlaltlng thu Oregon
Agricultural collogu at Corvallla.
Moat or thla afternoon wua occu
pied by reports or tho committees on
forestry nml on bylawa. Tho fonuor
favoroil Immudlato attention to ro
foioHtratlon, both for tluibor and
wood purposes, uml for tho relation
or tlmbor to tho drnlnago problem,
Conaldurablo dlaciiaalou wua iuilulgcd
K on tho advisability or raising dues.
Dy Vote of 30 to 41 the Senate Re
jects Penrose and LaFollctte
Amendments Which Were Designed
to Force Public Hearings on Tariff.
Polndextcr Votes With Democrats
but tho Vote for the Most Part
Was Alonn Strict Party Lines,
WAKIIINOTOS, May !tl. -My n
olo of IK) to 'II tho Hcnutu loda
rejected tlio I'eiiroho and Larollvtto
nmeudmciitri which were doiigucd to
force piddle hcaringa on tho tariff
lull before tho collate nuance com
mittee. Senator I'oindi'xlor of Washing.
ton supported the dciimorntM and
KaiiHilcll nnd Thornton olcd with
the ropublioiiiiM. With thcxe exeep
tmim the vote wiih nloiig htriel party
Applniisn Olijei-liil lo.
During the debate in the Hcnate lo
das on the tariff hill Vice I'rcident
MurHliiill and Senator flalllugcr of
New Hampshire cliiithed hotly. Dur
ing an nildrcHrt by Senator James,
Oiilliugcr protcfdcd ngaiiiht permit
ting applaiiHo from tho gallcricH. On
Hits Marshall iomarkcd that tho oth-
r day when tho republican argu
ments wen) applauded, the "hhoo was
on the other foot,"
Onllingcr nt once objected to the
icc-proMident'H remark, nml after
Jiiiufk had concluded Ida npcccli Mnr
hIiiiII acknowledged that tin was out
of order.
James, in his (-pooch. opiMisril tlio
Penrose motion, lie criticised Kep
rcHcntative Ilrousr-ard's iittitudo on
the augur Hclicdule in tho house, as
serting that It "caused no surprise,
coming from thnt kind of a deino-
Dolmte U llcntcd.
After Senator Meyers of Montaim
had announced thnt ho intends to
support a protective tariff on sugnr
and wool, despite the attitude of his
party, Senator Jame of Kentucky
resumed his hpecch, cxxuuding the
democratic plat form pledges. Turn
ing to Sciintor Itansdcll of Luuihinun,
ho sheuted:
"Do you menu to tell me that you
claim ullegianco to a party which
would send broadcast such pledges
with tho dclihcrotu intention uf re
pudiating tlicmf"
Itansdell insisted that the spenk
crs Ncnt out to the went by the demo
erntio campaign bureau wero cau
tioned not to mention free wool or
freo Hiigar.
This Jntnca denied, declaring
warmly: "Tho reason your con-
gressmcu wero warned wiih tho fear
that they would repudiate tlio pledges
of their party."
DoiuoorntB nro prepared today to
resist nil attempts to delay a veto on
tho motion of Senator Penroso to
havo public, hearings before the fi
iianco committee on tlio tariff bill.
Tho vote is scheduled for four
o'clock. Tho udoption of Senator
Simmons' motion to refer the bill to
the committee without delaying for
public, licnriugri is expected.
WASHINGTON, May 10. Keports
current lit San Francisco tlmt two
regiments of infuntry at tho Presidio
thoro uml ono nt Monterey nro un
der orders to sail for Hawaii within
a week wore absolutely denied hero
today by Major General Leonard
Wood, chief of atuff. Questioned by
tho United Press us to tlio authen
ticity of thu report General Wood
"You enn deny it without nny men
tal rosorvution,"
Columbia Park Boys at London.
LONDON, M!ny 10. Fifty ondots
of tho Columbia Park lloyn' club of
Sun Francisco arrived in Loudon to
day and tho first thing they did wok
to challenge buyu clubs to nny kind
of Intel; oventd.
Lonrjest Session of Wilson Cabinet
Yet Held Is Devoted lo a Discussion
of Japan's Protest Afjalnst the
California Anti-Allen Lav.
Cabinet Officers Extremely Reticent
Will Submit Draft of Reply to
Cabinet Tuesday.
WASHINGTON', May 1(1. In
structioiiH iinuicdiutclv to draft a re
ply to the protest of Japan against
the California alien laud law wen
given Secretary of Slate llrynn here
today at n two mid a half houm'
hcssion of the cabinet. The chsioii
wns one of the lougwl of the Wilson
It is believed tlioTrcply wiih out
lined nt today's meet i n i; hut till the
cabinet officers were extremity rcti
cent. It is exceled that Sceretnrj
llryau Milt sulimit the draft to the
cabinet tit next Tuesday's meeting.
er to reply immediately to Japan's
protest iigiiiiist the California land
law or to await n more complete di
plomatic exchange following Gover
nor Johnson's iietual signing of the
bill, was the problem discussed to
day by President Wilson and his
The president and Secretary IJrynii
will linvc n further conference later
in the day, and after thnt Viscount
Chimin, the Japanese umbnsMidor, is
exM-ctcd to cull on llrynn to ask in
formation a to 0e rrouroo. iWuiilid
iism by tho cabinet.
Thn governor is endeavoring to
prevent publication of any jingo re-
Mirt liy ordering that foHthe pres
cut there bo no movements of either
the army or nnvv. Along this line
Secretary of Wnr Garrison denied
that the sending of artillery from the
Pacific Coast to Hawaii has any
connection with the Japanese situa
tion. T
KUGENB, Ore., May 10. -Declaring
woman suffrage as u remedy for
political evils, tomfoolery, tbo Ore
gon system of initiative, referendum
mid recall mere fnd and people's gov
ernment psiicdo reform, Dr. Herman
llrnuor, director of tlio bureau of
municipal research of the University
of Washington, declared at the ses
sion of the University Commonwealth
conference today that mere form of
government is temporary, but that the
sentiment of the people belaud it ia
tho controlling factor.
"Today," ho said, "tlio most hon
est publiu servant is least appreciated
and is most apt to ho turned out of
office. Our legislation is n mass of
hodgo-podgo uncertainty. Why
should people voto when no one knows
what ho is voting about! Universal
suffrage in itself is no remedy. Why
extend voting principles by tho ini
tiative, tho referendum, tho commis
sion form of government these sys-
tentH aro luds. tlicro is no more
mischief than than tho belief that
(lu) mere voto of the people will solve
the problems. It is not that people
cannot bo trusted but that they are
not competent through lack of in
formation." Tho speaker explained that the
problem before tho miinloipnlity,
state or nation is tho education of
thu peonlo and the creating of nit
interest in government."
i it
WASHINGTON, Mny 10. Declar
ing tlmt tlio llockefcllor foundation
will bo exempt under the terms of
his measure was mndo hero today by
Keprcsontntivo Hull of Now York,
who drafted tho iiieomo tax provision.
"Under the provision of tho law,"
snid Hull, "only corporations created
for profit nro taxable, this would
exempt tho Rockefeller institution."
Tho Latest and Specially Posed Photograph of j
William Sulzcr, Governor of the State of s- i
New York, Taken in the Executive Chambers
at tho State Capitol at Albany, N. Y
BBbyiv .E 'flliB
siLLWEaBllpnhKfeiH. 3Pb
Cvprrteht by Uudrwood 4b Undtmod, K. Y.
LONDON, Atay 1C. KrotwtsJ
against tho Hrltlih government re
ceiving Walter II. I'ago ns ambajiv
dor from the United States, which
have been sent to Sir Kdwurd Grey,
foreign eecretary, and to President
Woodrow Wilson by tho London
TrndeH Council today drew no re
sponse from tho foreign offlep here.
American resident of London nro
Indignant because of tho delay In
opposing Page's selection.
Tbo resolution ot tho trades coun
cil, which represents 50,000 union
ists of the city, urgos that Sir Ed
ward Orey decline to receive Pgo
und further asks that President Wil
son Immediately recall his envoy,
who left New York for Knglnnd only
In part the resolution ot tho trades
council says that Its members
"strongly robont tlio appointment to
tho court ot St. James of an ambas
sador who Is a blttor opponent of
orgnnlzcd labor In his own country,''
It requests President Wileon to re
call tlio appointment and 'to subxtt
tuto for Page "ono who mnro trulj
represents tho opinion of tho work
ing classes of America and who will
bo moro acceptable to organised
workers of tho United Kingdom."
NEW YOltK, May 1C It Is ox-
poctcd that Dr. John Itiutioll, former
Biiporlntondont ot Mntteawun asylum,
and Horace Hoffman, Harry Thaw's
confidential agent, will bo tho prin
cipal wltuessos today at tho trial of
Attorney John Anliut. charged with
trying to bribe Thaw's way to lib
erty. Thaw, who testlflod lato yesterday
that Hiibscll had agrood to got him
out of tho asylum In exchange for a
brlbo of J20.000. may bo recalled
later for cross examination ot hU
story after Hussell has said his say.
DKLAWA15K, Okln., Mny 10. Af
ter n bnttlo between whites nn no
groes near here, In which two whites
niul ono negro wero wounded, through
tho bluoks protecting Albert Fields,
wanted for mi attack on Mrs. Perry
llallentino, it is generally feared thnt
u serious ruoo wnr may result.
Fields escaped his pursuers wliilo
the bnttlo wits on but posses are still
on his trail nnd ho is almost certain
to bo lynched if cutighl,
ATDXS'T&r Gru.v Mxf .
sible union of till divisions
of the
church was di-cu.od here today at
tho sessions of the Northern Presby
terian assembly. Routine reports
prevented much active work in this
connection but delegates from (he
Northern, Southern und United con
ferences, who held separate sessions
planned to decide the mutter before
Hie conferences here close.
The nddros of the retiring moder
ator, Dr. Mark Matthews, before the
Northern n-scmbly, urented much
There will be n joint sossion of the
threo conferences this afternoon
when Mime more definite action to
ward union i possible. A big tnnss
meeting will be the feature of the
conference tonight.
10. Henry M. Flagler, tho inilloiu
airo traction magnate, is weaker to
day nnd alt hope for his recovery bus
been abandoned.
SKATTLE. Wash., May 10. Hugh
C. Todd, chairman of tho Washington
state democrntio committeo will eith
er get out of tho nice for ebainiinn
or get out of his position ns chief of
thnt body. Thn, iu effect, is the re
sult of a conference which lusted un
til well nfter midnight this morning
between Mr. Todd nnd Govenor Lis
ter with J. A. Strong, newly ap
pointed governor of Alskn. Chair
man Todd snid to tho two governors
that liu would call a meeting of tho
stuto democratic comniitteo soon to
submit the question to its members
ot Ins resignation ns chairman or
(putting the raeo for office.
Larfie Real Estate Deal.
WALLA WALLA, Wash., May 10.
Ouo of tho largest real estuto deals
of tho present year is consummated
hero today by K. P. Yennoy of Pomo
roy, Wtish., exchanging lQIW acres
of laud six miles northwest of
Ponteroy and $17,000 for 578 acres
threo and one-half miles north of
this city.
Thu latter property which was
owned by N. A. Patterson of Wtilln
Wnlln is valued at $100 per npro und
hits been iied us n wheat ranch for
many years,
Governor Sulzer Declares That Power
of Wealth and Special Interests
Making Final Struggle In Empire
State Where They Are Strongest.
Executive Says Crooked Alliances
Must Cease letween Politicians
and Ilfl Business.
ALHANY, N. Y May 16. Declar
ing that tho power ot wealth and spe
cial interests Is greater In New York
than In any other stato and thai
theso Interests aro making their lust
stand here, Gorcrnor Snlzer declared
his tight for dlroct primaries In a
ypcclal statcmont prepared for th
United Press. The governor Mid tho
"powers'' of special aa,d pelf are sure
to be overthrown by the power of an
aroused and righteous public senti
ment." Tho statement follews:
(Hy William Sulzer, Governor of
Now York.)
It Is gratifying to know that tho
movement for statewldo primaries In
New York has aroused public inter
est throughout the nation, becauso
this is n fundamental reform upon
which must depend many other re
forms demanded by tho great wave of
a democratic sentiment sweeping
over tho country.
Unless tho people are permitted to
nomiaato candidates for public office
they cannot elect such public iwrv
aau a they may desire to make and
execute such laws as are demanded
by present day conditions.
CauruH Caue of TroHMe.
Every day I see accumulating evi
dence of tho truth which I stated lu
my recent message, when I pointed
out that those who would subvert
the powers of government to personal
advantago and to the advantage ot
public servlco corporations and oth
ers seeking privileges, find great op
portunities to carry on this nefarious
work through tho adroit and skilful
manipulation, of our system ot party
caucuses and political conventions.
Disgraceful secret alliances be
tween big business interests nnd
crooked politics must cease.
The power of wealth and the spe
cial Interests Is greater in New York '
than in any othor state, because in
Now York is centered tho groat fin
ancial Interests ot the nation. Most
of theso interests are sound, legiti
mate, honest, but some ot them are
Illegitimate and it is the Interests
last mentioned which are fighting
the reforms which I am advocating.
Let tlio Tcoplo Itule.
The spirit of true democracy Ii
summed up in the slogan, "Let tha
people rule. They cannot rule until
thoy obtain a successful method o'
operating tho nominating machinery
of political parties. New York is ono
ot tho, last states in tho union to
capitulate to tho present day demand
for popular rule In the election or
candidates for all public offices. Tho
powors of special prlvtlego aud In
trenched pelf aro hero making their
last stand, but they aro suro to bo
Tho widespread demand for dlroct
primaries originated mainly from tho
scandalous failure of staTo conven-
(Continued on page 3.)
DOUGLAS, Art., May 1C .Mes
sages received today from Guuymus,
Sonora, stuto that Dldlor Manaon, an
aviator who disappeared following
his releuso rocently by tho United
States authorities near Tucson, has
arrived there today and is superin
tending the assembling ot his aero
plane The machine, It Is reportod, ar
rived at Giiaymas almost simultan
eously with tho seizure by Ainoricau
officers near Tucson ot several pack
ing casus alleged to have contained
n dummy neroplano. Massou, It U
said, has boon promised f l.'i.OOO for
prosecuting nit aerial bomb cam
palgu against (ho Mexican federal
barracks at Giiuymim.