..Mjmmmmmmmmmm z$ .. Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION MSJ WEATHER Fair tonight nnl Thurmlity. Mnv., ON; .Mln., id. M l'nrly-ililril Vmr, I'nily KlKlitii VMir. MEDFORD, OKJCOON, TIIUKHIMV, MAY .15, VJV). NO. 40. WILSON FIRM FOR FREE SUGAR AND WOOL U 01 QOVEflNOn HUNT OF AniZONA HAS JAP QUESTION TO CONSIDER D OF AY m n Rut Finn of Baltic Flntinlcil In Face uf Din Business liy Secretary Red f frlil Who Is Ducked tip by Presi dent Panic Tlireals lo Cc Prolicd. Speech Made hy Secretary of Com incrce to Lltlionrnphcn Is Sllim Inijly fleliiikeil liy Mondell. WAHIIINtlTON, Mnv IS. Pn-i-li'iit U'IImiii i stand put mi the lrtrr mill will nfni to roimldcr nnv noiiipmiuUo whatever oil lli't wool mill iifiir uclimliilcM. Tllili ttOIICIIt Ilk I" when ill executive aland on llit' lunff war pnitirly timili nt tint white limine todny. TIi president liiiniiir, in ii ntui-wcekly conference, willi l li iii'Miiir iiiijii, iiiilli'iilcil i'Mi- plmllctOly that NliiriiM Unit wiu seek. iiiK h ttnttpioniUu urn linnete. Atul whilo lie illil iml put it upei'inrnlly. Iii nlllltule iiliiinly xhowed Hint ilil wh hi mh( mini to Mm iinIh ok lln. matter. Tim priwldmit expects tlin dotno. rrU In tint scuntn In uphold him unit to pus tlm Iidiimi Mil. If lint miiintn, however, nIioiiIiI amend the Miur nml wool tclitaliilr( t lit house confreres will ri'fiiho lo incept tlm nmeiidiii.tuts nml llm ptcnldoiit v. Ill do everything lo forro tin seiiuto to yield. President W'lUotl until III) hoptfN llu currency lilll will soon lie ready. Tin nil fine nf battle in flaunted In I lie rnini of lik hindues lion today liy Hcerotiuy of Commerce Red field. SHking stnilithl from the shoulder nml sinking while tin iron uiih Iml, tin xcerolnry nt u banquet hero lnl liiwlil told employing litliiiKiii)li'r just what 1 1 1 v nilulil expect if any orMMIliXfll HttClHpt WHS lllllllll to llllfc- icpreciit llm Underwood tnriff hill. Red field was (In Kiiit of tin lilho- Kmphcra mid when tin limit to fpesk read part of n circular ismied by the Lithographers' AHSonlulinii, it wn pri'llil'll'll Hlllt pilMMIKK of I III) Un derwood Mil Tonliiiliiv('l iilloiui of winkiueu, lower wnge mid hingei hours. "In in Hid finnl losull," Miiil Red fli'lil, "llm wind I have quoted tin put Into effcul liy yiiii In any sub Mtmilinl dugicf, It will become llm duty of tin department of (oiiuiii'ri'i lo inquire into your business nielli- IHlh." Slinging (Villi Mn liy Mondell. ' Stinging criticism of Secretary of Coiiinmren Kedfield'rt iiddrcK to em ploying lithographers lien last niylil wait oiccd in llm house lodnv liy KepicM'iitntlvo Mondell of Wvufliing. Kedfield'rt Hpeccli wits cliaracterir.ed liy .Mondell an "llircatcutiiif Ataeiicmi iiinmifuctiirurH with mi iuchlii;nlloii JM tjf BiHiB Bl V-TftSSv (A ' ' -4,- S J APAN TOTS LITTLE TROUBLE V AND B Friendly mid Permanent Solution of Difficulty With California Looked for liy Forcliiii Office Nciiolla- llons Profession Satisfactorily. MRS. LLOYD READ, PRETTY " APRIL FOOL BRIPE, NOW SUES Johnson Says He Vlll Take His Time in Sltilii Bill No Word at Sac ramento From Dryan. While pulilir nlti nlinii ts. con cpiilinliil mi the .url, of the ('ahfor nia Irtfi-lalure in m-iut; u hill to exclude iinii-icHhlriil .Iiihiiii'c from iiHinrli p r frtimiiitr lniid, llu Ari zona IiviIhIhic wiin nt wink on a himilnr hill Tin lower Imu-c of tlm httilxUlurt m the inraxiirc Mou dny, Mini it will o to the npHir liutit' and wrliHH lo (lownior Hunt. The .lHpniii'(! Iniel. fnrinors mid mall rntirlii'ip. are iinliKnnnl ocr the hill. N. Oo. prcMideiit of the Ari zona .Iiihiici' AkMocialiiMi, Ik in Cn. ifornut on hi way to .lapau with the lioilv nf hit wife, who died liwl week, and Henry Xinifiki, olio of the iih.v iiik xpinN in the orvaniiatioii, ix in j it 1 1 in (llohe on it eharKt of killnii an iiKcd Aiiienean woman then. AMERICANS VICTIMS TOKItl, .May 1.1. Thai a "friendU mid pcriumieiit holulion of tlm diffi culty with Califnniia," i exp'cted, is a M'liu-olTirinl ami iio-pirtd ntalu iiiciit which wax iHiicd here loiliiv throiiich the foriMKii offii'c. It miiil that iiepiliHtioiiM with America were "prnjreiiiii: atifactonfy." The coneriitive fntci nf Japan d not cMcl nnv Merioux troiihh iim a ri'Midl of the piiMMiiKt of the Call foniia auti-alieii land law. Iloth the Koerntiunit mid lli ucwupapeix are iKtioriut; the auti-Aiaericaii iiKitnlnni for which they hlmue iirix-poiiHJMe pi'luiiH wliitc iufliieiicc in not (,'r,al. SACKA.MI'.NTO, t'al., May 1.1. I'p n late loilay no word had hccii received from Vahiui:tou on the alien laud iltin(iiui at the covenior'H executive tdiaiiiherx, following hm declnnitioii that hu would hij,'n the lill, in reply to Seurrlnrv af tSnte HryiitiV reipmut for delay, throiih n veto. The piviniriKLli iltli'nj;d Aodny lull he "wiuild Inko liM lune'nhont Ki , ...a r; ltJTM Bc mM l --. iH Til N E D (CHIEF OF HEALTH BOARD, VHICH FIGHTS FRIEDMAHN TEIMEN FROM BU NGS Secretary McKcnna Considering Fea sibility of Delalllnii Armed Forces to Protect Government Structures" From Outrages hy Suffraoeltes. CONSPIRACY SAY SON A REBELS (Coatlniiml on ihiko 2.) FRISCO BREWERS DISCUSS S K E RAN l-'UANOISCO, Cat., May 1.1. Whether Ihu Hiivuriil huudretl iiieiu liei'H of thu iilllud uraftH of I ho Inow ory indii.tiii'H til' San PranelHco k tin n Htriko nwiliiHt llm Iiiowui'h' iih. Hoclatlou to eiil'oi'cn their ilemnudH for iv ttoiicrul wao InereiiHo depcudrt largely on tho niitoomu of u confer mice, lo ho huld hero thlx iiftoruoon. Kcpri'HonlatlvoH of tlm Nuyeral oraftH will ho im'Hciiti toirelher with ProHi dimt .1. (1. Qivlhilitir of tho Han Fran ninco lahnr council and Adam Ilueli iior, iuturnatioual HccnilnryrtioMrt urer, who iirjlvod yoHterduy from Clntiluiinll. Thai thu hHiiuIIoii in critltml Is (ho opinion al union headiiuiUtviH. Tho tlomandH wo to iniulo lo tho omployorH Hiivvrnl dayH ni;o and woro'rojeulcd, tho lirowoi'H' iifl.soeiatioit ofl'eiiui: to rouuvv Ihu old iiKit'emuut for tlueo yarn. Tho union turned 'diAvn llio ol'l'or mid voU'tl to alrlko if noouu-Hry, DOl'dl.AS, Arii, .May IT. That Amerlenn federal otflrem were iiimlu (lie vlcllinri of a nicely nrriiimoil con Hptrni)', nml Hint Dlillnr Miviimiii, fietirli nvlntor, mul Tliomnit Demi. Iilrt iiieulinulrlnii, are now In Honora, M.lro, with a .Martin lilpluim to nlil tlm Hlato irootHi In tlmlr nxpecleil nt tank on Ouii)mnn. wsih thu iloehira llon loility of coiiHlltutlonull.t load um nt A Run I'rletn, tieruuM tho border from Jieie. Mimt.011 nml Dean were arreitcd hy Aiaerlran fetlernl iikoiiIm near Tuouon nml five oiihcn liellovcd lo roiitatn tlmlr nuronlnun went ronflncnteil. I.utur tint niHii want roleumd, It ho lui; ntnleil t lint there uiih no evi dence upon which to hold tliein. Al coiiHtlliitlouallHt lieadiiuarlorM at Akuii I'rletn It vrnH oxplnlueil that tho ranen conflKcuteil near Tuitiou contained dummy aeroplane pnrtH, mid were decoyx. Mimnon mid Dimu dropped from hIkIiI fbllowliiK tlmlr rctcniic, nml, accortlliiK to tlm rotm'H Itayo HHHemlilcil their aeroplane, which hud hueii umum;led Into Ho nora, mid arc now with tho rohol command heforo (luuymiiH. Tho avIntorH, It In reported, nro to ro relvi) lir.no for ilropphiK homhH upon tlm federal fortlflcalloiiH at (luayiuiiH, thai he "wmild Inko hu lune'J-nhoiit iiffixun; liin ftiuiiaturi. to the mean- lire. He relaxed to cxprew mi opin ion when noked whether he expected further wind from Wmdiiuclon or whiil new dcvelopmrutH tniuht he ix IK'ctcd at it result of his anuoiince ini'iit that ho would muii tho hill. .Mm Moid Head, n very prrttly girl of the dltiMiii type, finn told her ulory of how olic hevaine tho April Fool hrhlo of nn Akrons Ohio, mlllloiinlre Hho wniim a divorce; mul liw rara In now It-Him Jiuttco'Uontrd In tho hu ininv court In NowYrk, tho JiuIk who nn iuAiitlond flf a prolmhlo lection of President WHwm for nm hantndor lo Aimtrlii. Sirn. (tend wtiw Mlw4 Smlin Mullen uud a k)iuw Mlrl. Bho met lttrad at Akron when uho was travolliiK tliroiiKh there with a licauty uliow April 1, 1912. After n ftirlotu croia- couniry drive In Iteudii lil; car thu couple wire wedded h) a I'llUliurp nlileriunii whom they rouieil out of hetl early April A."""" HELUE mW .. BENAffl Explosives Found in National Gallery Male Stiffrafjctte Held for Trial for Disturuinu the Peace. Bi E E TAt'O.MA, WnH. May 16 lllch- nrd KoedlKor, iikoi! 59, nrently ap pointed mirveor Koncrnl for tho ulnte of WonliliiRton, mid it pioneer nnvv pnper mnii, U dead ut hit roddunco hero todny of llrlcht'H dlneaso. Itoedlr.or wiik a nnllvo of New York City, lie came to Tncouia In 1SSI mid entered tho iiuwHpnpcr liusl-Hi-sit. llu wiih proprietor of tho Dally Nowh until 1S9S, when ho dl poneil of his IioIiIIiikr nml went to Dawnou, Yukon. There he ektab IIhIiciI tlm Dawson Dully Niivvh, Inter ciitubllHhliiK tho Falrhauka Nowk Upon IiIh return hu oatahllslicd tho Tacomn Trlliune. DurliiK liin rcxldeiico In Alnski ItoedlKor hoenmo oau of tho uumt widely known and Influential men la (ho lunltory. Two uionthw iiko Mr. Itoodluer wiu n Medford vlhltnr, IooIiIuk over the field for newspaper Invent moutti. Ho wna oiitertitliicd hy Kmll Mnhr or tho Hotel Medford, of whom ho wiih mi old friend. THAW WITNESS IN DKNVUIt, Col., Mny 15. UoportH received hero todny nay thu condition of JiiiIko lieu Idudsoy of tho Juvonllo court, who wivh oporntod on Mondny In a Hanltnrlum al llnttlo Crook, Mich., for atouiuuh trouldu, la roiIouh, II wna mild ho would ho confined to IiIh hod for a month, BATTLE POSTMASTER OF SEATTLE, WASHINGTON WASHINGTON, Mny ir.-IreM. dent Wilriou today soul llio fnllowini; noiulnutloiiH In thu aonnte: TIioiiiiih Pox to hu poKtnmnlor tit Hucruincutu; Kdi;iu' llattlu to bo )Ubtiu(ittor at Bualtlo, L NKW YORK, May l.l.-IInrry K. Thaw, Mayor of Slandford Whlto, arrived hero today from Mntluwunn iiKyluui to teHtil'y nl thu trial or At torney John Anhut, who Is hciiif iroHtiiMittil on (ho (duu-KU of offer-ill- a hi ihu of .VJO.OOO for TIiiiw'h ro- lease. Thaw was taken ut onco to thu office of llio district nltorney. Tlm court today denied a motion hy Anhut'ti ultorney Hint ho ho per mitted to chumo liin orlfjuial plun of "not Kitilty," on tho crmiml that tho defendant had ticmired immunity ho iiiiimo ho appeared heforo a leitifila tivu ooiuiulltou mid gavu testimony on tho case. SAN KIIANC'ISCO, Cnl., .May 1C Mlits Nellie (Irani of Snn DIcko, Krnnd ilitURhter of President I'lysfca 8. (Irmit, la to In n nnvy hrlde and that In thu nenr future. Thla nowa la fluttcrliiR San 1'rnn claco norloty today followlnc the ar- rivnl hero of Lieutenant Commander William PlKKOtt Crounn. In command of thu torpedo dostroyor Jewel', which la atntloned nt AnnnpolU. Com inuudnr Cronun mid tho lirldo-to-bo's fnther nrrlved hero from tho cast nml mot Mln (Srunt, who hna bceu In thU city with her ntothor nntl her brother Chapman it hue the middle of winter. Tho dnto for the weddlnc. it Is anld, hna been left to thu brlde-Krooin-to-ho, In coaaeniionco of his beliiK tlod up by naval ilntled. Ho Is expected to decide within n few dnya. .Meantime. Snn Francisco society hna arranged an unbroken schedule of functions In honor of tho brldo-to-bc. Alter mo weuuinn (no )eiiui: rouplo will honeymoon In tho enst and then will take up their residence nt Anunpolla, where Commniider Cro nun I'xpccta to be stationed for xonio time. LONDON, .Mny 1.1. A rnniHter filled with cxploMvctt. hut without u fiiHc, wiih foiiml todny on the kioiiimI about the untioiinl nllcry. Suffrn 4ctl(H lire MiHH-ctd. Home .Secretary .McKcnna today i eomtidcriut; the feasibility of ilclnil ini; troop-, to protect public hliilliii(,r from militant iiiitrni'CN. .More thnii five hundred .Scotland Yard ilclec liven already are euitased in auard hit; public buildings homcfl of cabi net officer mul keeping Miffnigctte lender, under Hiirvcillnnce. Kdward. Clayton, known an the "male HiiffraKclle," mid Mis- Aipiie Keiiney anil MX other militant mi f fra ud ten were held for trial in Old Hnilcy today on charKt of iliturbinp the Haec. I b 's- 2x &&&BE0 k mUBL? irV' H mmMrmMMMMmM. mmmmmmmLKmmmmmmmmmmM (SCOTT'S DEATH KEPT A SECRET BY ASSOCIATES Members of Ill-fated Expedition to South Pole Arrive at San Francis co but Refuse to Teli How Explor er Came to Lose Life. BOA LONG CHEF OF LATIN BUREAU Since Dr Frlcdmnnn, tho turtle Kcrm man from Germany, announced that ho had sold his American rights for tho alleged euro of consumption for 1125.000 In rash and n larKo share of stock In n corporation to bo organized, tbe board of health of New York City, where most of tils experiments bare been conducted, has announced thai It docs not be lieve In the Frledmanti treatment". Dr. Krnest Lcdcrle, commissioner of health, tho chief of thu bonrd, Is be lieved to bo largely reajMinslblo for tnla poiltlon. 1'hyalclana under him have watched those to whom Frlctl mann gavo ula treatment ami the board has announced that no prog ress toward recovery has bcon noted. In fact, the germ of Dr. Frtedmann Is not considered aa efficacious as that ot Dr. Koch, discovered many years agor and has not Stone so far toward curing tuberculosis. Remains Burled Where FoundScett, Wilson and Bowers Died Together in Their Tent. WASHINGTON. May 15. An nouncement that Dona Louk of Las Vegas, N. M., Is to bo chief of tho bureau of Latin-American affalm wns made here at the state depait ment today. This la tho first step In tho rc-organlr.atlon ot the atnte department and Indicates that dollar diplomacy la to be eliminated and the bureau devoted exclusively to pro moting friendly relations betwem tho United Statea American republics. Ilobert Hebo of Helena, Mont., la to bo appointed Urynn's confidential clork. CABINET 10 ACT ON JAP PROBLEM ON BRYAN'S RETURN E H MURDER OF FRISCO BUTCHER 8AN FHANCISCO, Cnl., Mny IT.. Ohnstly ns any crluiu of recent )onrs In thin city is n bloody murder mys tery which tho police aro trying hard to probo today, His thront cut from ear to ear, tho body of Kgbert An iiaiid, a butcher, was found In hid shop with a keen edged kulfo lying near hy. At first It wna bolluved to bo u case of mitcldo, but thu knlfu wna clean, Then when a bloody car ver waa found wrapped lu paper In mi outer room and bloody sawdust scraped from thu floor wns found hidden In a barrel, tho police saw that uiurdoi hud boon duno. Annand'a wallet was gono. That furnished n cluo to tho objort of tho crlmu. Walter K. Scott, 'i'i, nu om ploya of tho dead hutchor, was ar rested early today hy tho pollco on suspicion of having knowledge ot Annand'a doath mid Is held In det inue. Scott denies any knowledge ot tho crime, Tho pollco nttvdo tho nrrost after waiting nil night nt Scott's lodgings CINCINNATI, Ohio, May lfi. Soveral hundred utrikehreakers, im lorted to run the city .treot cnn, which nro tied up tightly by n strike for recognition of tho union mid higher wages, nrrived here today and nro to bo ucd in mi attempt to re sume pervice. It is feared that trou ble will follow. Tho htreet ear company, it is re ported, intendsi to make an effort to operate all its cars. 1'olico will, bo placed on each with instructions to use both their pistols and clubs if they aro attacked. Tho temper of the strikers and their sympathisers is hourly growing more dangerous and it is believed ccrtnin that if any general attempt to run the cars is tundu trouble will come. WASHINGTON. May 1G. Tho Cal- nnd Southern I, fornlft.0rcson kluaton w bo considered by tho cabinet tomorrow, whou on Secrotary Jlryan's return from New York, Governor Johnson's answer to tno national admlnlstra tlon's request tor delay In his Blgu lug the antl-allen land bill will he taken up. Thu state department officials to dny nro very reticent on tho Califor nia matter, but Intlmato that thoy wlll make no move until Governor Johnson signs tho bill to which Jap nn objects. After his slgnnturo It Is expected that Japan will (Ho a now protest reiterating Its treaty rights and notifying the federal government that enforcement of tlit, California law will bo ronslderea an infringe ment on those rights. Tho administration hero Is watch ing events In Toklo closely nnd al ready has urged tho now ambassador to Japan. GtTorgo Guthrie, that he leave for his post at tho earliest ihjs. slblo moment. E SAN FRANCISCO, Cul., Mny If!. Refusing to discluso tho KccrctH of bow Cnptnin Robert P. Scott nnd tho other members of his ill-fated South Polar party met dentil, Chnrles C. VV right, n gradunte of Cflfsbridgo University, nnd Frank Debcnhnm of Sydney, Australia, members of the Scott expedition, nrrived hero todny on the stenmer Tahiti from Austra lia. Wright wns one of the rescuing band which braved the death-laden bjiunrds when Scott nnd his nsso. oiates fnilcd to return. Roth Wright nnd Debcnhnm helped lo bury Cnptnin Scott and the others in their lev tombs, but refused todny to recite the nctunl story of their death. It Chapter Unwritten. "The last chnptcr of llio tragedy," said Wright, "will never bo written. Tho death of Captain Scott nnd hi.- heroin comrades wns too horrible for description. We do not intend to include any description of tbe death scene In our nfftetl Teporte, for it woidd serve no pm-pose except to gratify morbid cariosity. We tuft- led them where they died because it would have been practically impos sible to havo enrried their bodies back to civilization. I will say, how ever, that Cnptnin Scott, Dr. Wilson nnd Lieutenant Bowers died togeth er in their tent nnd thnt tho fatal blizznrd raged for ten dnys. "When Cnptnin Seott nnd tho others perished they were but eleven niiles from what had been christened the "big deiiot" whero nn emergency supply of food and fuel had been enshed." Scott Ideal Lender. "Cnptnin Scott was an ideal lend er," concluded Wncht. "Ito was si lent but unyielding nnd his confi dence in the success, of his expedition never wavered. His, unfailing optim ism inspired his companions to make the heroic efforts which finally re sulted in the conquest of tho pole. There was no sickness at tho out set of the trip, nnd although we en countered obstacles in the shape of snow mid storms, tho conditions 011 the whole were auspicious." Wright wns a member of tho sec ond supporting party, which went to within l."0 miles of the pole. Cnp tnin Scott and bis aides were 000 miles from thu tiola on tho return trip when tho storm broke. They hud dragged their sleds mora than l'JOl) miles on both laps of tho jour ney. Thu selection of n jury whs then J,Is rotum thu suspect declared ho bosun. , 1 IujUj. lllul BMont tno sht with friends. NKW YORK, May lo. Express, iug tho sentiment "no kueo breeches for mine," Ambassador l'agu sailed for Kuglaud todny. Asked for his opinion on thu advisability of having a rioh man represent tho United Stntos at tho court of St. James, he said: "No rich man is going thero now. If I mn called upon to entertain too lavishly I expect to go broke. I um going thero for diplomacy, not en torlainmont. Thero will bo no kneo breeches. It shall bo just tho Ameri can tunbnssador who will do his best to uiuiutaiii friendly rolatioua." T ARIZONA PRISON LAWS PHOKNlX, Ariz., May LV-Qovor-nor fleorgo W. P. Hunt's radical ideas of prison reform aro respons ible today for an added five days to tho session of tho first Arizona legis lature. Tho governor's threat to veto a penal code depriving him of tho right to pardon mid reprieve, caused both houses of tho legislature to pass n special Appropriation bill to cover thu expense of tho continued session, which will await tho governor's ac tion. Hunt's reform ideas included n radical system of vmrdons nnd par olos. His views woru opposed by a majority of tho legislature.. r Harry Lauder roturnod to Europe tho other day, having ploarod up over 1100,000 on his lust tour. STORM FOLLOWED TORNADO'S PATH OMAHA, Nob., May 15.Sovernt houses hero which were In tho path ot thu fatal cyclone recently woro par tially wrecked last night, Tho weather conditions here last night woro almost oxactly tho same, ns those which procoded tho fatal Kaster blow. Tho storm traveled over almost exactly tho saino ground through this city, but fortunately IU force wus largoly apont boforo It struck horu. Many persona wore ter rified wlion tho storm struck, fearing a repetition ot tho former calamity. HENRY M. FLAGLER'S DEATH IS MOMENTARILY EXPECTED WEST PALM IlKACH, Fin., May 13. Henry M. Flagler, tho millionaire traction magnate, who is ill here1, sank rapidly today mid his death is momentarily expected.