Jeff Says It :.",,. ! : , c 1 rjvaC 1 G,tMANJMr Ct '"0 if ' COufft n - . "-w n.u iwsmi ifi '"," MOOT A CirtMOS. J7 T"4.. Ht a'A ''Wrfl,k- WiBtljitOtiii- ( (i 111' a Imou to lb lUllllllllllliliiiU ol III- Millie k t Hew irvmrtlitii chIIimI "P.. Mini V. l'liur lure Htmltir" nw limn; inlrwliirfil h.v ('Imp, (lay and J. M. Huitnr. Sninil hundred Hiiirtnri have Iiinui made in the mina of Mr. Hnttnr't wr for ilotrriinalrHliott (HiiiHtMMi nnl I he lit Htnndu hn inflated nnI i"4itl hk tr. TI10 mixture In in llm f-nn of a HiiiM Hinl HiiionmlK'nllv xrnln punr. tunti, nil that i nrMNnr.v mig to riHfitiftf llii' iiftil miiI mf Uh uliecil h hiH. Aliuwl iiirt of (lie wnlur in IHhil into ll Iwnor (uIhi mill Ihw (tili tlimi inflMtil n hmimI. Ijirgn miittiU )mH vrnlckril lhi imnriHri'HMiMl inflHtmtc of it tirt llmt liHil ivr lit IhouMinil iHiiirtiiriMk itll tllH fluid, Hlttl illl1 HV It HIIII- 11I up to h irMiui of viily-fivc winU fliul IhiM Id nir h wII nm n liniml imm' tirw. It wiuiuIm hIiimmI im. MM))1titl (II life Wn, HHtl IIMIiy NMll rre iluliiiMhi until nflur tho priMif. That Ii. .V W. will li n Immih tu nulo iiwiicni U nMir(l nitd m lnrRf miI 1m prrillottfil'. ii V V. trMtHHWl m H tlmvl pitl mm Hff4iml by nny molnrit hmiI i KtmfHiitiil Mi pt(iint liwitni;ii of nir I'miiii iwt('tur)i or Mnin tnlitw. It iIiuki mil till lit tirni mill KiliU vnry littln v(tilit In Hi imr, in fHflt, nlHiut ft to H kiiiiiU, ( nli nr tu mU. H. A V. U h ncwi-fliihl which in in joutnl inlu tlie Iimiit IiiIih tliroiinh the viilvn tj, makiiiit tli tili Mi4f luwliiiK It rtiuw iU Mrmi-fluiil Htntr nt all tim. Mini timlnr all hi illtloiw ami tirMttiriw) it iUm piinultir ly Hoaliav tlio opiiiiK Ih Hlnntly him! aultHimlicnlly, tint nir pruNrt with the lint fortNw n Mir (lull of K. t V. into llio ptim'tnri', llnm (iIimuhk it I fur the tiro oluatw it iimiiinl proMMiiro. V.. ii V. llrn tri'utini'iit i the only jiiiiHitiirn vonllii wynlrm lnoli ilww not lulorft'ru hi nny wny with I ho 10 (ilhiiioy or pnipur inflation of tin). It Im unioiintei'it not to injnrf rtthhur or Iiiti'rofr in nny wv" IUi Ilia work lnt; of viiIm. Tim oorI h Ooiiipnrntivily trifling, hut if ID a mi r rr Iho iivai-nKil aixtnl itnr, notkm:. Tho 'ot Rlilo fil tlilo l opntl iimlnr now inaoaROinuiit. Will run u rnilii anil faoil Hinhlo. id' J. IJ. IIOSTWICIC, 1'iop. NOTU'i:. To tlio pnoplo who hnvo ruorvoil rooins for the I. o. O. V. nwnnilily ninl convoutlon; llo iiropnroil to ro colvo thorn Mondny iilulit, May 10. Hpcclnl trnln nrrlvim nt l:t0 p. in. IK KILLS EVERY CATARRH GERM IIAIJMMIU AUti NATUUK'H OWN iii:.mi:v Tli.Vr is ti:i:i to r.xi (wtahhii Jf yon," Mr. rulurrh Victim, roiilil only tnlio mil) koiI Inolc Into your iiohi) mill throat mul w tho filth nnrt tlio raw Horo mtotn thnt mo rniiHod hy KorinB of Oiturrli you wouhl nocuru ii MYOMI1I bntflt thlH vnry lny mul atnrt nt ohco to ilustroy tho ciumo of 11080 mill till OUt VllotU'liH. lloiitli'ii IIYOMKI Im ii norm kllllni; ulr which whim hnmthoil thiouiih a uiunll Inhaloror In vapor form IiukIuu at'oneo to ililvo out all iuuuiih mid hrlmr tho luoniluano Imrlc to n inir iiiiiI, cloah, healthy domlitloti. Cmn ploto outfit incluiliMi luhnlur, f 1. lO.-t-tra iKittloo If latur nooiloil, !u couU, ami nionciyhoult from dl'iim. HtruuR If illHHUtlaflotli JtiHt hrcatho It no Htomach ilotiliib'. tvirnnu ' l ItJSOTl 44 V mm QVH JT 'i It' daPFi -rr-is I S?. kWHlkMV -? link nrtrr.miA-riinrn IflMUKtimiUKB I'ttMOIIS fir I ' 1 ' Was Worth the r. o " 'yr Aui.ovJttTi ". T VLfsV toUT I'LL Cfer.TUHAiVl to PUff Vmt f&U tl'YlDU HfWU MO nri u ' ,. .v,n. oJacnon to pfj-uiiGNeiw Co UM , r I CENTRAL POINT PQlHTEnS. I K C. 1'nhar iiwdit TiiMdny In (iolil I lift. . , , , . Tho I'roahytorlnn r.huroli itnvo n roreiitlon Momlny dv'ciiIiik In honor of Ihrlr now imtor, Mr. Vorunn. An i'xcll(iit preKrum wai rimiliiril, oun of (tin Inti'rtwMiiK fnalurn IinIiir ruv oral lehietlous ly tliu Midfonl nunr tt. cormlmliiK of tloorno Amlrow ami wlfo. Mr. (tarn uml wife Aftr tho proKrniu IlKht rtififtlimntn warn iwrvml. Itov. ShlnhU ol MtHlfonl Hpuut Momlny wonlng In our city. Mm. V. I) l.tmla rt-nt Tuoatlay ulth frloiiiU nt Kovmi Oaka. V. I., Jomm of l'roicl wan hara on huMiiMM the mlUillo of tho vrMk. A. C. Ilaro rwttiruail TuaaUny nft wrnoim from n trip to I'orllnnil, up coiniNiiiliHl houia hy hla inothor uml rlnlrr from ('hloaan. OontrHt Point Hflhool olmMm May 13. IIIkIi whool a vnry liuay pro imrliiK (or tho comiiioticniiiiint oxnr rim, which will tnko jilnea In Cu trill hall, May 22. CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP BUILDING SPECIALTIES CO. II. Water hat purchnMil the lutoroci of hi parlour, It. N. Clrla Mohl, In tho IIiiIIiIIhk Hpoclaltloa coin (Ktny on Kant Main ntrit, mul la now nolo proprietor. Mr. Wntora l nn oxpart In tho imlnt, wall (taper nml plot urn frainliii; Hiiim, oarrlaa n hlx utock of thufo kooiU aa wll na train oil platurna, palntttrm auppllaa, oto, tKL-.ttL. To the holder of that morlKM" r por rnut HlnkliiK (uml Kohl IioiiiIh of Iho I'acKlo & Htutorn Hallway, duu Juno 1, 1037: Tli iiuiterilKniMl, truatt uuUor tho inortipiiH aUivw lofoiruil ( do alraa under authority of aalil niort mn. tu iup4ml tho mhhi of Thlrty ulfht Thousand, Nino llundrol ltlahty.von ami Konyflvo hun tlruitthn ilollnm (SSjs7MR) In tho purchuM of IniniU of aalil Imuo, pro vldod mi oh purohaio ran. In Its opin ion, ho now inailo mlvaiitniioouiily. Kiialoil offora of wild liomln may ho font to tlio offlro of thi undrili;iie(l. nt flu Ilroailwny, Now York City, on or hoforo Juno 3. 1UI J, nt 12 o'clock noon. COI.UMIIIA-KNMCKICIUiOCKHr. THU8T COMl'ANY, HurooMtior Triutoo. Hy (IrorKu K. Wnrruti. Truat Orflror. Dalrtil NVw York. May 5. ltH3. I'oit iui.Ni -nousia Kim HKNTr--l;lvo " "rooiii niomirn niartiuunt. aloopliic porch, $10; aovun room Iiouko, Kloeplni: jmrch. Ool. II. II. Burr.ont. 810 Uaktlalo Bouth. CI I)K ltH.NT.Slx room unfiirnlnhoil uioilorn huuisalow; i;iir, idcctrlclty, onit front ami dim shailo. Imjulro 3 IS H. Laurel. IS KOU HUNT Modern bum-alow, liullt'ltt furniture; hcautlful lawn. Sl H. Now town. VOU HUNT Modern furnlidiod Q-rnom houso, wntor ront paid, yili, r. 18 Kluc ut. roll HUNT -Kurnlihfd houso, closo In. 00 .V. OraiiKO. VOU HUNT r.mall hoiiM). larito lot, lawn. Kurdon, elty wator mid oloc trlo llRht; ohonp. l'houo K00-J, 1C KOIl "luONTFJvo rooTii moiirrn apnrtment, KleepliiK poruh, in; hovou room houao, aleopliiK poirh, $in. Col, II, II. SarKeut. 810 Oakdale Kouth, til Kim HliNT Modern 7 room houso mul huiiKiilow, furnUhed or uu furuluhod, W. II, livorhurd, 10K1 Wet Oth. VOU HKNT VUHN1S1IICU A1TH. KimtK.VlCoudoToly 'fiu-niaiiod npnrtmontH, Tho llorbuu, 10 Quluco at. Va-rr-iiiji, 7 t-h- 1 :ai a VOM Hli.Vr -MISUlCMiAXKOUS VOli mSwSKIriit" "cIubh" "pa8tun per menth: ruiuiliiK wntor. I'hono GD7-H-1. Boo John Harkor. C4 roit HUNT Small lmprovod ranch, oIoko In, Rhnro or cuah. Hharpo, Central Point, 1C ft , I. I wawoud vmi, TUfiurNi-:, Mrcrn'ouo, oinwox. w.nxrcw.AY, mav ii. 1013. Money fmt f i'it itu.vr ruit.NiMiit:n iioomh KOIl1 HIJNT WolTf'uahwrro'oinii with nil convoulnneoii In modern homo, Kuullumnti and wlfo or ln dloa only. Call mornluga. 422 Kouth I.nurl. FOIt HUNT;o atoejilni: rooniH, nnd in oil urn heuiwkriijdiii: npnrt iiioiita, prison vry roainablo. Phono 102G-h. 222 South Holly rtreot. roit hunt iioi;si:ua:t'iNo ItOO.MH KOH HUNT HnuRokcopltiR rooms with bath mid a. 315 North lliuiloU. Xi- - - . - - s.t KOH ItlCVl (IITICHO KOH HICNT -Irce, romfortablo of. flro roonii wltii olotator torrlco, uteiun lit-ut, hot and cold wntor. Low rato. Apply Med ford rural turo & lldw. Co. I'OH S.VLli UM)S KOH HALi: OH THADI? -Ily private party. 40 ucroa uulmprovod laud with hnuf and barn, l'houo eve ntual. 816-X. C7 KOH BALK HoniMlL-ad rellnriultli. muiit. avvornl arret In crop, rooi! bulldluna. Reed loeatlon; flue ramte; a bargain. Inqulro Uck Itox 2fi, Jackaonvlllo, Ore. 4(j KOH KAI.K Do not fall to et my lUt of hard time bargulna In nnrt nround tho hnutlful rlty or Aali land before ypu decldu on n loca tion. 1 ran nvo you tnonoy on rontlnK or buytuK. W. 1). Uod aon. Cor. It. Main and rtecond at.. Aahland,, Ore. CI KOH K.M.1C Kour anialt'funiu nbout throo inllaa from Talent; Iiouium nnd huprovotnunta; amonK tho foothill, r-oll very fertile, wntor plontUul; prlta from S0 to ,100 an acre. Luiuaii N. Judd, Talent. Oro. KOH HALK-Alfalfa farina, level; price from !00 to $350 mi aero. TliuUfr laud from Jir. up. Cold midline troMirty, aaaayhiK from $K to tQ0 a tan; a I mi railroad lamia In CHllfornla. Ktah and Nevada; nlMi (hta atook farma and coiumor clal orennrda and 200 nuroa of heavy aaw thubfr, plno nnd fir (iiHxer been out on) at 130 an aero. Will noil In 40-acro tracts If deal red; road not, far from saw mill; mutt hao oaih down. Lu innu N. Judd. Tuleut, Oro. Itllt SALl-lttlDSKS KOH 8A LIC Modern 0 room house, oust front IiIkIi lot. cemont walk, vonor miff water all paid; good lauu; la block from pavoment. hutulro aiS South Hamilton. 4C r v- z :- -- - ' --- nm sali: AuuKAcn. KOlPrtAUi c'oVVo ncics "ciosVln eiuy terme. Phono 10C0-M. 07 I'OH HAMC .MISUKIiluXMiOUM KOH HALK Cheap, ono oriental hall runner. Mux 4, Trlbuno. 4o KOH HALIi lIotiBohold furniture. Call I.nthrop Pcrklna. C8C. KOH SALIC Letter boaos and fancy otatlonory, printed, onmravoil or embosBod. na you wlaa at tho Matl Trlbuno. KOH SALIi Day-old clilcks. Planum ICIectrlo Incubator Hatchery, Tnl ont, Oro. U. C. IIIkIi, Mgr. Gfi KOH 8ALK -Loobo tonf ledRor ya toma, nto' atylo 01 imulo to order by tho Mall Trlhuno bindery. KOH SALIi Ijpal blniiKa, tresspas notlcoB, for aalo or rout alnca at tho Mali Trlbuno. KOH 8ALK Uood ivlfalfn and Kralu rnnch nil In cultivation; will mnko Kood tdork ranch; $100 por acre, huiulro of C, M, Svuudaeu, Mod- ' ford, Oro. 07 KOH SALIi Italian beea and Qiipona Jaa. Btownrt. Phone G40-H., Med ford, Oro. 4G KOH 8ALU VeKOtablo planta, cab- n.tRo '.in, tomnto 1e. O. Caroy'a, Talent, H. V, 1). No. I, Oro. Phono 1G-K.11. KOH KALIS OH THA11I8 Pcdlgreod Poland China boar. It. D. 1, llox 73, Central Point, or phono Kar nior 11184. KOH BALK Hood fresh youuti Jer Hoy coWj M, 11,-Pnyno, 721 Heu nott nvo. 17 KOH HALK Klrst clai cull pota toes $5 per ton. Hcott V, Dnvla, Phono SOS-H. C2 I CWui? t'lli 1 7 01 a... i... ! IP? X AINT kucm OP . 8Mo;nuRj but -tv.-. OWf COVr'Atl OCCMTi U- V LOe I'OH KALI MIKCl!L.lXKOUH KOH KAI.K Morw. Iron Eray, wiilcht 14CC lb.; 4 yra. old; broke kliiKlo mid double; on panturo all wlntar, Prlro 200. K. W. Hollman, H. K. 1). No, 2, IIox S2, Control Point, Oro. 4C KOH KALIS 20 Ini liouuda from 2 montha to 1 yaar old. $5 to $15. Chan, (IllohrlHt, Kama Valley, Oro. 40 KOH 8ALK Reed working horte. 100 loKhorn ohlckwiM. aarlMK whk on, farm truok. Mlaa Kloopjir. Houto No. 1, Hox 17. Mcdford. 47 KOH HA LIS Protty imy, wife for lady or children to rlJit or drl. Phone 11xx3, Cantral point. Wall Inic. 47 I'OH HALK Huwuilll and marhluary tu rutiHlUR order nnd nearly 20u acrrM, $4000, nbout flva mllea from Talent; lwi In Tatpitt, hotel ami lota, livery stable. Iilackanilth shop, tool and lot; a I(h property In Lone lleaeh, Pasadena. Loa An lielea nnd Ban Kranelico, ami farma near tliore. Lumaii N. Judd, Tal out, Oro. II HLP wantisd riaiALi: vCvriilv--WouiBn cook nt. Tavern hotel. Kaulo Point WANT IJD SITUATIONS WANTKD Plain rcwInR. patching nnd iiulltlng. Call any day but Saturday. Phond 9C2-X. 49 WANTKD Work on ranch by com petent woman, for men only, llox Kl Tr1"1"': ( 5 WAvriu) mlsukmiamious W. Oth at. B0 WANTKD To rent for two or threa months pony tw liable for youmc Brl. T. It.. Mali Trlbuno. 40 WANTKD To buy ono 2 or 3 10 or 12 Inch sticky gone plow; also 8 ft. dobla dlae harrow. Addree Hoom 309 Hotel Medford. 4S WANTKD To buy family cow. gen ua, great Jersey or uoiateiu. mono 591-J-3. 48 WANTKD Contrnetora' or enrpon ters' lildi on addition to my houtu. W. C. Janoe, Cap::al Hill. WANTKD 1600 feet hydraulic min ing pipe 4 or C Inch. Addroaa P. O. Hox 207, Medford, Oro. 47 WANTKD Spring tooth harrow. Will oxohaugo wood for work horse, nUo 10 acroa pears with houso for Medford bungalow. C. 11. A., Mali Trlbuno. WANTKD TO 11UY Hoof cattlo, atock cattlo, calvos, all kinds, aheop, hides, wool, otc. Hob Crowdor, phono 1029-W. You may find me at my tnnrkot, 103 W, Main, Wodnvadaya nnd Saturday. 54 MO.VIiY TO MAK MONKY TO LOAN On city and closo In rnnch property. 0. A. McArthur, room 3, P. O, block, phono 3CS, MONKY TO LOAN $1000 to $5000 to loan on Improved farm proper ty. Hcnnott Invostmout Co. KOH KXCHiMK von TKADK Hood pinuo ror a couple of mlleh cows. Address P. O. Hox 871. KOH KXCHANOK Automobllo for olear pioporty, describe fully. 355 Central Point. 45 KOH TKADK 1 havo eomo now . Htudvbakor wagona, hugglea, farm tmplomeutu and Kiisollno ongluo for whloh I will tnko cord or fir wood. K. Oaonbruggo, 401 Hlvor Hldo aVo. S. llirsiNKSS DIHKOTQHY Attorneys POHTKIt J. NKKP. WM. P. MKALKY vMtorneya-at-Lnw. Hooma 1 uud 8, Postofflco bldg A. K. HKAMKS, LAWYKH-Garnott- Corey lililB. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor nt Law. 123 Kast Mnlu ttreet. Medford. Oro. Win. M. Colvlg George M. Roberts COLV1U ft HOllKRTS. LAWYERS Medford National liauk Uulldlug, . f" ckcyse.twT w-a too tw6 cgrvTUMw WANT PLrVf Peel homevt JftP(VlC IIU8I.NIISK IMItKOTOIlV AlmtrnctM ItOOUIS HIVI5H VALLBY All HTHACT CO., No. C South Central. Arcountntitx I). H. WOOD OcnornI Accountant Your boolus nudltod nnd kopt for a reaionablo flpurc; your buslnesa aollcltod. Office. Jlcdford Mall Trlbuno bldg.; phono Cll-H-2; rcs lenco phono r37. Auto Supplies. LAHKH AUTO 8PHINO CO. Our blK aoeret In making aprltiss la the toinpt-rlnje. Ve are oporatlng tho larReat, oldat and beat eaultiped plant In the Pacific northwect. Use our aprlnxa whan othen fail. Sold under suarantee. 26 North Fif teenth St.. Portland, Ore Chiropractor DIL It. J. LOCKWOOD. Chiropractor, roro atwclallit. Hooma 203-204-205 Qarnctt-Corcy bldj;. Vapor bnthB nnd telontlflo niasaago given; ndvlco In dletetlaa. medical gym uaitlca hydtopthorapy. Lady at tendant. Phone, offlco 945, rest denoo 571-H. DIL A. II. HKDQKS. Dr. Ixiulso K. iiwdgos Mcchano-ThornplflU, Chlro practora. Spondylotberaplit. Thcao systems. Including dietetic, cura tlvo gymnastic, hydro-thcraphy, etc.. produce roaults In both acute nnd chronic diseases. Consulta tion free. 230 North Ilartlctt St., next door to 21, K. church. Kours 9 n. in. to 5 p. in. Other hsura by appointment. Phone t(7-J. DcutlM DH. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DH C. C. VAN SCOYOC Dontlsta Garnott-Coroy bldg., sulto 310, Medford, Oro. Phono SBC. Garbage OAHUAQK Get your promise cleaned us for tho winter. Call on tho city garbage wagons for good son-Ice. Phono C25-L. V. Y. Allen. Notary PuMIc HKLKN N. YOCKKY Notary pub lic. Hrlug your work to mo at tbo sign of the Mall Trlbuno. Printers and Publishers MKDKOHD PRINTING CO. has the boat equipped printing offlco In (outhorn Oregon; book binding, loose leaf ledger, billing s) stems, etc Portland prlcos. 27 North Fir St. Physician mul Surgeons rm7"iS'"Q.""cAiuimv,lm?A MAINS CAHLOW Osteopathic phy8lclnna, 410417 Garnott-Coroy bldg., phono 103C-L. Realdenco 420 South Laurel st. DH. S. A. LOCKWOOr - Physician mid surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices 232 U. Main. Phonos, offlco S07; residence S14. DH. J. J. KMMKNS Physician and surgeon. Prnctico limited to eye, car, noso mm throat. Kycs scien tifically teatcd mid glasses supplied Office 22S Kiist Main St.. Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. in. l'houo. ' K. n. PICKKL, M. D. Offlco Jack. sou County Dank bldg. Offlco phono 43-K; reatdeuco phouo 58-H DH. MARION Pliyslclau nnd aur neon, Stewart bldg., cornor Main mal Hartlott at.; offlco phono 27, roaldouco tihouo 27-J-3. DH. MARTIN C. HARHKR Phyal- clnn mid Hurgcon. Office Palm block, opposite Nnah Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and Burgoou. .Phonos, offlco 3G, resl denco 721 -J. pfflco hours 10 to 12, 2 to G. DR. W. W. HOWARD Oiteopathlc physician, 303 Gnrnott Corey building. Phono 901-M. H. J. CONROY, M. IX Phyilclau nud SurgoQii. Over Hutchison & Lu ma don, 215 B. Malu St. Phono 77. Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Stenographic, work dono quickly ami woll, sr tfDus: IfJkr . 4 HUH1.M1SS HIHIXTOHY Transfer KADS TJIANSFKI & STOHAUB CO. Offlco 10 South Kir Bt. Phone 315. Prlcos right. Scrvico guar nntrort. Every Street in Medford Hon It Share of the Proof That Kid ney Huffcrcrs Seek. Hackache? KIdneya weak? DIatreaacd with urinary 1117 Want a rollablo kidney remedy? Don't havo to look far. Uee what Medford peoplo reeommend. Kvery atroet In Medford has Us cases. Here's ono Medford man's exper ience: Let C. C. Krllx, 33 N. Grove St., toll It. He says: "Judging from personal experience with Doan'a Kidney Pith'. I feel Justified In rcoommondlng thorn. I suffered from a dull ache In tho email of my baak for months. Tho kldnoy accretions wero also un natural and at tlmas retarded. Upon learning of Doan'a Kldnoy Pills I cbtnlnod n supply and began ualng them. Tho contents of two or three boxes entirely rid mo of tbo trouble and Improved my health. I know thnt Dom's Kidney Pills can bo ro lled upon to give relief If taken ns directed." For aalo by nil dealer. Price 50 cents. FoBter-Mllburn Co., Uuffalo, New York, sole agents for tho United States. Hemembcr the name Doan's and tako no other. NEW TODAY 17-acro orchard near good town, nearly all full bearing apples, a fow young pears. Special reason for soil ing, and offered nt a bargain at $500 an acre. Tho crop should bring $350 an aero this year. No smudg ing. Let us show you. 40 acres of orchard, ono of tho show places of tho valley; superb view, no frosts; half of It Is In fin eat of bearing apples; 12 acres of flno young pears, balance In alfalfa. Good buildings. C00 an aero it taken soon. Loaded to tho guards with fruit this year. 20 acres of tho finest youns pears In tho valloy, four years old; Irri gated, and water right all paid. Only $250 per aero. For ront, a flno seven room home, largo yard, ahndo trees, wldo porches, fireplace, garago, pavoment, water paid. Will rent for $20 per month to tho right parties. C. D. HOON and E. J. STEWART! Dtnesl Advice le ., Consumptives Somehow ther oxUtf a vsat atnouut of Bcvtk-Um as to tbu i.os.lblllty u( curlne Comuinptloo. We suta uone but factn, aud aru tucre In what we acrt. If we were atttlctctl with Tuberculosis, vru sboulit do prcelr !at u " other to Jotale Krimau'a AltemtlTa i.rouiptljr aail faithfully. Tue jvummt e abonM do lull anil warrant wo naro for aaklni; nil Ooniutnlltea to tako It, la that wo UaTe the report ol mauy rtcoverlMi, one of wiiKU fulle: lUl'j Sufiurbanua Atc 1'btla., I'u. "0utlineu ! For two )cara I was of. SIcIihI wlttt bemorcbaer of tbo Iudks, tho number touted nearly oua hundred. Our family pbyiU-lau aiUlud another rllmve. a to reiuulu would probably bu fatal. However, I remained, nnd la reh ruary of lx!, I was taWen ultb a levexo attack nf pneumonia When 1 recovered autQcleutly to walk about the tiouso I was left with a filRbtrul Iwktmc eouRb, wblcli 110 Butllclnu bjd taken could alio. vUte. It wna at thta tluw, March, ItHrJ, that I learned of and atartrd taking lUkmn' Alteratite. In a tboit tluiH my cousb was kouo and 1 uaaiirououiutHl well. Slueo that lima I bato bad two elUht attacks of tineuuutnla and 1 bato rcortod to uo other medicine to effect a euro, "I 11 tu at present In excellent Iiealtb feel that an lout; aa I cau obulu i:ck man's Alterathe. I lme nn fear of Cou. sumption, I cannot sneak too blably for the Reed It baa done" (Slimed) HOWAltn Ii. KLOTZ. Kckmau a Altemtho U erTectlTe In llron rbltls, Aatbin. Hay l'ever: Throat and I.uiiit Troubles, and In upbutullui; tba sratvm. Iloes not contain poUoua, oidatea or hnbtt-foriulnir druua. Auk for booklet telliuu of rtH-ovt-rlo. uml wrlto to Kiknian Laboratory, l'LIUtlelpbla. I'u., for mora evi dence, l'ur ala by all liaiiluj? Uruft'btta ranK tiwmh By !Bud" Fisher ,u "K. Wfe - 1 3H-s QTrf rOoSrSmnCSa Draperies 7 carry a rerr comntata Una of araperic. lace curtains, fixtures, at a. and do till claiHMa of unholaterlnv. A special man to look after this work exrlnjlTdy and will irlro aa s;ool a.rrlco an Is possible to cat In eras tha la r gear, elites. Weeks & McGowan Co. FOR SALE Small irrigated Tarch pear c'ty reservoir. House, barny- shed, etc. Tclophono and city water. Family orchard, uerrlcs, gnrden. New fro soil all planted. Ideal location for market gardening, berries or small orchard. Day this ranch now end got tho benefit of tn!s year's croc- If. L. XOHLIT, Ovraer Phono 1048-L. Hochambeau Registered. DAPPLIi GRAY STALLION . 6 Years Old Scrvico $20 to Insure KITTO UAKX Wo also train horses and colts and break them of nil noxious habits. Sat isfaction guaranteed. I. O. VAN U'KGIiX Muln I2 Jncksonvllle Clark & Wright LAWYEES . wAsmxaTON, v. a -. i . Public Land Matters: Final Proof. t Desert Loads, Contest and Mining Cases. Scrip. E. D, Weston Official Photograplier ofctlie Medford Commercial Club 'Amateur Finishing 5 Post Cards ,) Panoramic "Work ' ;,. Porti-aits Interior and exterior views- "Flash lights i Negatives made anv time and any placo by appoint ment. 208 E. Main Phone 1471 The Medford Warehouse GENERAL STOHAUK H tr Oregon's Moat up-to-dnto Flro-proot Warehouso with Burglar-proof Vault, For rates apply MEDFORD REALTY & IMPROVEMENT CO. Managers J j s '1 1