Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 13, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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v'Acmvom. "
MEnronn matf; TKTnuNH, wrcnKono. onrcnov, tckmdav. may in, inn.
I). W. DBRttlmw, tho Jncluonvlllo
inibllabor and attorney, spent Mon
day nftcrnoon In Medfonl.
Simon Bhaw, who mlnpd In nino
I.ciIko district for norernl joara and
went to Onllco Crock, Is helng tried
at aranta Pass for violating tho liq
uor law.
Orchard, hunting, rtthlng and
Crater Lake scones for salo at Qcr
king & Harmon's studio. Negatives
made any place, kodak finishing. 128
Bast Main street. Phono 215 It.
Judge- Calkins, who is holding the
regular term of circuit court for do
scphlno county, will hold nn ad
journed term of tho Jackson county
circuit court Monday, May 19.
I. J. Hansen, who Is engaged In
farming near Chlco, Cal., is making
this section n visit.
Will tutor children In all lines of
school work. Also teach foreigners
to speak English. Tel. 767-L. 50
1'hll Loosloy and P. H. Farrnr of
Tolo district transacted business in
Medford Monday,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Caldwell
have been visiting rclatlvos living at
Gold Hill.
K. II. McCurdy writes all kinds of
Insurance. 401 M. P. & H. bldg.
Phono 349.
Mrs. Lottie Pelton of Ashland made
a trip to Medfofd Monday.
Frank Upton of Central Point dis
trict was a recent visitor In cMdford.
Miss Hotel Warner, who has been
visiting her sister. Miss C. Fry, of
North Riverside, has returned to he?
homo In Trail district.
Gcrklng & Harmon, studio por
traits, homo portraits, flash lights,
kodak finishing, post card work and
enlarging.; 123 East Main street;
telephone 215 II.
It. It. Mlntcr and Louis Smith wcro
over from Eaglo Point district sai
Monday, May 12. was tho anniver
sary of St. Tammany's day, and tho
event was appropriately celebrated by
AVeatonka trlbo and Pocahontas de
gree, mproved Order of Ited Men, at
the wigwam on Applo street. A ban
quet was ono of tho features.
Did you enjoy tho Rose Maiden?
Como ngain. 44
Dr. C. R. Ray made Ray Golddls
trlct a business vl-H Monday. 1
J. D. Samuels of the Modoc or
chards, Colonel R. C. Washburn of,
Tabic Rock and Messrs. Potter and
Gould wero among tho horticulturist
in Mcdford during tho week.
Medford Choral Society concert,
Presbyterian church Tues., May 13.
Charles Turner, a former resident
of Medford, is up from California on
a visit.
CUronco Caso, C. C. Gilchrist and
J. A. Glass of Antloch havo been
transacting business In Medford.
Remember tho Choral soclctty to
night. 44
Mrs. J. W. Grover and Mrs. L.
Hovey of Eaglo Point and Mrs. S. E.
Albright of Trail visited In Medford
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Davis havo
boon entertaining Mrs. J. W. Johnson
of Ashland.
Insure and bo sure. Right It wo
write It. R, A. Holmes, Tho Insur
ance Man.
Mr. Harris, who formerly con
ducted a drug store at Roguo River,
has been indicted by tho United
States grand Jury In serfslon at Port
land, for perjury. Ho cached a con
siderable quantity or goods from his
storo Just before he took advantage
of tho bankrupt act and failed to in
clude them in tho inventory he
swore to.
William Scheblo and A. P. Weiss
or Griffin Creek transacted business
In Medford this week.
Rest concert of tho season tonight.
Don't forget it. h
S. 1). Graham was a business vis
itor at Euglo Point recently.
Chris Natwlck, who has been do
ing a large amount of road work In
upper Roguo river district, uudor
contract with tho county, has about
completed his contract.
Manklns & Sons havo resumed
chargo of tho big ranch thoy sold to
tho Glcn-Roguo company, on the
Jucksonvlllo-Stcrllng road u few
years since.
It. H. Paxon, P. W. Ross and L.
W. Nichols wcro In Medford tho foro
part of tho weok.
A. h. Gall of North Jacksonville
and S. P. Potior of Evans creek wero
among tho many who cumo to Med
ford during tho weok.
Monoy to loan on real estate. Seo
Carkln & Taylor, attorneys at law.
Mod ford.
Charles Dunten was in Medford
Monday, on his way to Central Point.
Weeks & McGowan Co.
Day Phone 27
Night F, W. Weeks 103-J-2
Phonos A. K. Orr D7H-M
William McMnstrr, ft prominent
clllirn of Portland, and hi wife ar
rived In Medford Monday,
Mrs. (I, E. Neither, who linn been
tho guest or Mrs. W. II. Dana of
Grants Pans, returned to Jacksouvlllo
E. D. Weston, commercial photog
raphor, negatives mado any tlino or
placo by appointment. Phono M.
Tho buildings on tho Klamath In
dian reservation will Im lighted with
electricity In tho near future. An
officer of tho reclamation scrvlco has
arrived from Washlnston to Install
tho plant, and Spraguo river will bo
dammed to furnish power.
E. W, naulcom has returned from
northern Callfornln, whoro ho has
been putting up wire fenco ror Gad-
dls & Dixon.
Don't forget tonight. 41
Mr. and Mrs. II. 11. Nye nnd 1. T.I
Galllhcr of Rock Point district wero
In Medford tho foro part of tho weok.
Mrs. I. A. Pructt of Roxy district
was among Medfonl friends Monday
Medford Choral Society concert,
Presbyterian church Tues., May 13.
11. P. Waterman and V. Bcall of
Central Point made a trip to Medford
ono day this week,
L. Uergcr, Lester Lacy, Frank Far
roll and T. H. F. Engel of Phoenix
wcro recent visitors In Medford.
Roof leak? See W. H. Smith for
roofing nnd roof repairing. Phono
917-M. 45
The Jacksonville Rrlck and Tlln
company has shipped quite a number
of carloads of tile to different tinrts
of tho valley during this seison.
apor baths and scientific mas
sage for mon and women. Dr. R.
J. Lockwood, chiropractor, 203 Oar-
nott-Coroy bldg. Phono 143.
L. I. Jacobs, who has been III. has
resumed his duties as cashier of the
Farmers and Fruitgrowers bank.
Grain hay JS per ton. C. W.
San Sundry and Earl Coddlnc- rr
uoguo River and Miss Z. M. Hasn of
Ashland arc at Portland, having been
summoned to appear boforo tho
United States grand Jury as wit
nesses. Tho Helnran White Sulohur Daths
and Swimming Pools at Ashland.
Oregon, will open for ttho season
Saturday. May 10. C4
Miss Venlta Hamilton, who has
ocen In San Francisco, completing
her musical studies under Hum
Mansfeldt. returned to Medford Mon
day evening.
Concert tonight. Orchestra and
Choral society or 50. 44
C. P. Reichsteln. tho wood dealer.
has bought two lots on North Ever
green or G. F. Rllllngs or Ashland
and Is having an Immense shed built
on them that will hold several hun
dred cords or wood. Ho will connect
tho building with the main track by
a spur.
II. O. Simpson, James Garvin, F.
D. Oatman and Frank Roso of Tal.
ent wero recent business visitors In
B. D. Pratt and C. V. Stubenranrli
or Washington. D. C, who aro con
nected with tho United States gov
ernment, arrived In Medford Mon
Mrs. Blalno Klum went to Ashland
Monday afternoon, on a short visit
with relatives.
Mrs. R. H. PIko and her son, who
havo been spending somo time In tho
valley, aro on their return to Min
neapolis. A. C. Howlett or Eaglo Point, tho
nowspapor correspondent, was In
Medford Monday on his return from
Grants Pass.
T. C. Dugen nnd N. Younir of Rm?i
Point spent Monday night In Med-
Sheriff Slncler left Mominv nv.
nlng ror Portland, having in chargo
Lawrence Roundtrco, who was sent
to tho Hoys and Girls Aid aorMv i.v
Judgo Tou Velio.
County Assessor nnd Mr. v t
Grlevo or Jacksonville Juft for Cali
fornia Monday und may go as far
south as Los Angeles.
George Kolhagen or Roseburg, tho
ctockbuyer. Is In tho valley again.
J. M. Urldges or Eugene la visiting
relatives living on Appiogato.
Henry Wendt, It. Johnson and W.
E. Finney of Jacksonvlllo tarrii..i
ehort tlmo in Medford during tho
Extra special values in shirt
wnlsts at Ahrens. 41
H. II. Howell, who has benn urn.
sentlng "Tho Mikado" at different
chicb in California, with Ed Andrews
has roturncd to Medford,.
Mrs. J. Walz and her daughters of
Griffin Cieek district were rwoni viB.
Itors In Medford.
O. IJ. Robertson of Klamath Full.
and O. 55. Hilt, Cal., arrived In Med-
lord Monday.
P. N. McWIIUama, tho veteran real
estate man or Ashland, who Is heav
ily interested in mlnltig, was a Med
fcrd visitor Monday,
Muslin underwear salo, Including
the famous La Grecquo underwear,
at discount of 20 to 33 1-3 per cont.
Ahrens. 44
P. Cornelius nf Hams Valley nnd
I) t). Hiiro of Tallin tlock. A H Hub
bard and T. J. Culler of Ashland
trnntartod business In Medford this
L. 11. Caster of lllg llitlto nnd A.
J. Otsen or Gold Hill made a trip to
Medford Monday.
Frank Ferguson and other resi
dents of Willow Springs district vis
Ited with Medford relatives Saturdny.
Mrs. 1. II. Williams and n daughter
and Mrs. Lucy llolib fo Central Point
wcro recent Medford visitors.
The Loyal Order of Moose will
glvo an elaborate, ball at the Natator
lum Wednesday nlghtt, a large num
ber of Invitations having been Issued
Many novel and oclnt forms of en
tertainment hnve been arranged.
A Word of Explanation.
My attention has been onlled to n
letter written by tho dUlriot attor
ney, by order of the count v court.-to
owners of irmt trees in the city of
Medfonl, nuking them to settle
sprn.vhijr neounls. These accounts
should itnve been collected by Messrs. I
Powell nnd Wntson who did the 1
spray-tiitf, nnd should not hnvo been
turned into tho county court until
the owners of tho sprayed trees re
fused to pay the bill".
I hnve nothing to do with collec
tions and .payment should be made
to the imrties doinc- tho work. If. us
it hnpiHMis, tho parties who did tho
spraying made no effort to collect,
and frimply sent the bills to tho cqtui
ty court, a mistake has been made.
Certainly, the people for whom tho
spraying wns done should be given a
chance to nay the Minivini bills be
fore a lieu is placed upon the proper
ty, or any other notion taken, how
ever, the countv court and district
attorney nre not to bhime ns the mat
ter wns not properly placed before
them by those who did the sprnjiug.
1 J. O'HAltA,
Pathologist in Charge.
Arrniigfiui'iitft lime been eompleled
for the leasing of 11 Uleruph circuit
from the vingsido nt Vernon, Cal., to
the Witt Then tor for lio.t Tuesday
night to carry tho lelurns (blow by
blow) of (ho Hud Audcrou-,loo Man
dot fight. This why will be manned
by expert press telegrapher, nnd the
returns will ho ns nut us I lie fight
ilelf, not a second elapting between
tho time it blow is delivered until it
is niniouneed in tho lsis Theater.
Moving pictures will bo thrown on
tho sown from S:l.i until tho ra
turns commence. The eiiturtiuumuut
will be as proper for women as for
men. Tickets 011 sale tomorrow at
the Postal Telegraph office.
Wo take this opportunity to thnnk
our friends and acquaintances for
their many kindnesses to our wlfo
and sister during her last Illness, and
their expressions of sympathy tu us
In our recent bereavement.
F. II. Phillips.
Mr. and Mrs. II. O. Lockwood.
Tho West Side feed stable Is opened
under new management. Will run a
salo and reed stable.
40 J. E. IIOSTWICK, Prop.
Moro than 1,000,000 persons arc
employed In tho textllo milts in Great
Tho following wilt take part In the
concert to bo given tonight In tho
PresbMorlan church. This wilt posi
tively bo tho only concert for tho
year by this orgntiltntlon.
Members of tho Choral seciety:
Mrs. 11. Danker. Mrs. Roll, Mrs.
Ulukely. Miss Estolla Clark, Miss Ltln
Clark, Mrs. Anna Coffin, Miss Iiuu
Coffin, Miss Ivn Coffin, Mrs. L. O.
Gardner, Miss A. Gardner, Miss Esth
er Harrison, Miss Anna Hanson, Miss
Iscnbergcr, Miss Helen Kelly, Mrs.
R. J. Lockwood, Mtts Lauirshury, Miss
C. Menrs, Miss M. Monrs. Miss How
Ncalon, Miss llaiol Norllng, Miss
Anna Purucker, Miss Helen Purucker,
Miss Lucllo Under, Mrs. M. Searle,
Mrs. Senton, Miss Annn Sheorlu, Miss
Grace Sherman, Mbw Fern Stlnr, Mrs.
F. Tnlllnndlor. Miss Cora tltloy, Mrs.
Jonas Wold. Messrs. Fletcher Fish,
Carl Glasgow, Carl Hansen, Herman
Harrlsou, A. W. Hlldebrand. W. W.
Howard, I). T. liwton, I. eon Lawtou.
R. J. Lockwood, A. S. Muck, Emit
Peril. Herman Purucker, M. A. Rador,
Painter. W. II. Stewart.
Members of tho Conservatory or
chestra: First violins, Mr. W. Carlton
Janes, Miss I.ono CaiiKhtrau, Mr. Ktin-
solman, Mr. Rowloy; second violins.
Mr. Noli 1 0 Caughtran, Mrs. Daddys
mnn; viola, Mr. E. C. Root; violin
cello, Dr. Marlon; clarinet, Mr. Frank
Goodale; cornet, Mr. Georgu Dyor;
trombone, Mr. Chldester; drum and
triangle, Mr. George Dyer; piano,
Miss Ivy lloeck; organ, Mrs. II C
Kentner, Mr. Gerard Tulllandlor,
Tho benefits of the parcel post to
local metehiiuts wero ntuiwu at u
meeting held Mtimlrt) ulxht by the
Medfonl Merchants' nssoelntlon wliti
steps wero taken to adequately ad
vertise along tho rural routes that
tho farmers and ranchers mm order
by malt from local houses and have
goods shipped to them by mall. A
C. Hubbard and lllalu Klum led tho
Tho committee having In chargo
tho inatlor of securing a unnnury In
the valley reported splendid progrosH
In securing subscriptions. It Is bo
Moved that the proposition will bo u
Tho meralumls took slops toward
assisting In tho uutertnlnmeut of the
delegates to tho I. O. O. F. grand
lodge to bo held hero next week mid
to assist In welcoming tho Ad Men
The five nets of Ihe play boast of
elaborate setting, the most pictures
quo of them being the Inst scene of
all showing Peter in his little Iioiiho
hanging in the tree tops. The com
pany surrounding Ihe noire is made
ui of prominent ulnvors. That a vvol.
como awuils Mim Adams in the
uiMiuiei nun nose 01 me hoy vvlut
wanted always to remain young am)
have fun goo without tho mying.
ittmdo Adnms is ooming to I lot oib
nnd will ho seen at lh- Page Then
lor when she will Mpsar in J. M. Har
ris's fairy play, "Peter Pan." Tin
is news that will etiiii pleasure in
many circles for Ihe ciunhinatiou of
Ihe not row and of the dy is one
Hint makes for entertainment of the
delightful sort. There is little to bo
said of Itarrie's whimsical drama (
the child heart nt this bile dav
Someone linx docnhcd it as a drenm
in which are realm il the darling
fancies of childhood. Mumc's plav
is the expression of the belief in the
gladness of voulh.
makes dazzling
bright dishes
If vou could sec vour
dishes and household
utensils through a micro
scooe vou would realize
that mere soap and water
are insufficient to domore
than wash off the surface.
Gold Dnst not only cuts dirt
and Crease with scarcelv nnv
rubbing, but is an antiseptic
that goes deep after every
hidden impurity and germ.
Gold DtlSt sterilizes vmir
kitchen things, and mnkon
them wholesome and sanitary.
Gold Dnst is the greatest
labor-saver known.
It's Easy 10 Recognize
si:r thi: lvcky
jua'i: niiti)
know that
D net u$ Spt
Npblh, Br.
5W. AmmU t
KtrMO with Cold
Diut. Coll DuU
bti all dlrbl
clttnjlof qulitlila
perfectly hrmlM
d4 Uttiotf form.
WANTED Woman cook at Tavern
hotel, Kaglo Point.
"Wo are prepared to spray
your fruit trees to prevent
wormy fruit. J)rop a card
Powell & Watson
R. F. D. No. 1.
Do you
thoro Is
A Iteputnllnn
of years behind tho
Diamonds wo sell?
And do you know
that tho V u 1 11 0 s
backed by our per
sonal Kuarnntco of
over nton 0 11.14
iiuiilo that reputu
Our stock both of
sot nnd unset stonos,
Is ono of tho most
carefully solcctod 111
America and for this
reason you cannot
muko any inlstnko lit
purchasing hero.
of nil descriptions In
tho wntc h, Jpwolry
nnd Hllvorwiiro lino,
tollut sctH, tnosh bacu
vanity cases.
TImi Jctu-lcr
Nonr I'ostofflco
TKsrss ah exdusivsness
aLour thSm that stands Qui
like ths features of a thor
oughbred. They have no
artificial reputation but
have become popular solely
n their own rsal merits.
Wear H.-W. Clothes
This Spring
and many men will wondsr
why it is thst thsy can't
appear as cleverly dressed
as you. Our Spring and
Summer models ars ready
they merit gur consideration.
The place whsre you can
depend on values and
Modal Clorhing Co,
Steam and Hot Water
All Work Ouarantfctd
Price IU'aonatio
ts Howard Block. Entrant oa Ith Mi.
Xoni Flioao ail.
Wjw T'VBQsB?Pvl t ' ''iflR.'.'ffissssM'K. I
TOR, 3500 LBS., 24 H. P., $1200.00.
R. P. D. NO. 3,
PHONE 67-J-2
What more can wc do to convince you that you positively
can find perfect health and relief from your stilterimj by
mint I-ydia 11. 1'iitkham's Vegetable Compound? All tho
world knows of the wonderful euros which have been made
by Lydia i. IMnkham's Vegetable Compound, yet some wo
men do not yet realize that all that is claimed for it is true.
If suffering women could be nuidc to believe that
this grand old medicine will do all that is claimed for it,
how quickly their .suffering would end!
We have published in the newspapers of the United States
more genuine testimonial letters than have ever been pub
lished in the interest of any other medicine for women in
the world and every year we publish many new testimo
nials, all genuine and true.
Read What These Women Say!
ono wluil your roiiiodleH linvn
clotto for 1110." SI ih IlnoiiA Win
(I.vii:, llox UUft, IllulUoii, Ohio.
IViitwntor, M Idi. "A yonr iiro
I vuHvory woitk mill tho doctor
mild I hailntviioiiMdlHiiljiixMiioilL
1 I1111I lnu'kiu'lioiuid U'lirhiKdowii
uiIiim hi bail Unit 1 could not Ml
111 11 cliulror walk ncromi tiio llonr
mid I wiiH in xovori) vdu nil tint
tiiiu. I folldbcimniKil us I lind
tiikciiovorytliiuir I could think of
mid wiiH no Kdtor. I k'Kiiii Ink
liiK I.yilU K. I'lnkliiiurH Vcirutn
Ida (.(inimiid und r.ow I mu
NtroiiKiuid licnltliy." 5!rn. Ai.icr.
Daui.iso, It. K. 1). No. s, lJox 77,
lVntwator, iMIcli.
ntnirtoti, Ohio. - " ! wish to
tlmttk you for tlio unod I do lived
fniiu KvdiuR I'liikltiiiu'ri VcKi'tn
tdo (ViiiiiMiuud Hoinotliiio nt,'o. I
Huirorcd each inontli hiioIi iimy
that 1 could Mcnrcidy oiidiin1, mid
after tukliiK'tlm'o Imttlosof Ia'iIIii
li riiiklimii'ii Vi'Kotitldo Oiiu
ixnnid 1 wus oiitlady ctnvil.
"TI1011 1 lindnunttnckof orirmilo
hitliuiuiiittiou mid took l.ydm M
Iiitkltuiitrt Vi'Kutnlilu (.uiiiouud
mid 1 mu curcil. I thank you for
wlmt your n'liii'dli'H Imvo dono for
1110 mid should miytliiiiK Ixitlior
1110 njr-dii, 1 hIiiiII iiho it npilu, for
1 luivu fj'tvnt fnltli in your ivmo
(lion. ou may itso my tcsthno.
nlitl mid vcl(X)iuo. 1 tell ovory
I'or JIO yonrii Lytlln I', l'lnldmnrs VKntatilo
Coniioiinil lion Immiii tho ntniiiluril rcnii'ilvfor fi
niulo fllic. No otio nick with woumii'fl iilliiiontM
doo.H JiiHtlcntohi'rsoir irnhoiloct not try thin fn
iiiiiim itimllolno iiiailn from rixiln anil liorlm. It
litis restored mi ma uyitiifferliiu: women to hoalth.
Js (COMIIIliyriAI.) I.V.N.V, 1ASS.. for advice.
Vour letter will he oiiened, read and aiiMwurud
liy a woman and held lit ntrlct eunlldciieo.
Monday Evening, May 19
Chnrlci? i'Vuhninn Prewiitrt
And Original New York Cast in IIer.Mo.Hl Kamotw
Uy ,r. M. llarrie, Author oL'"Tne hilllu Mininter"
Summer Excursions East
TitdudH will ho sold from nil miiiii mid lirmioli line puiiitH
in OrcKou to 1'iiHluru (Icstiimlloii one wiiy tlinni(,'li California
via I'diIIiiikI. Slop overs within limit.
TICKETS ON SALE DAILY-May 28 to Sept. 30
Final Return Limit Oct. 31st.
Atlantic City
Kansas Olty
Now York
St. Louis
Washington, D. 0, Winnipog
And various other points South mid KiihI. Cull on noarust
Audit for full iiiforinntioii iih to routes mid fares to any pur
ticulnr Maslurn city, mid i'or litoruturo desorihiug points along
tho S. P., or writo
JOHN M. S0OTT, General Passonger Agent,
Vk J,
JMygjtiliMwv a'raiU WfgjfcirvtAa. sMUX'r