I ( . N i". i Bringing Up Fathe DKMtCVr.lMCoiMCIO At( AUCTION MOW AND RKPUCT TO JUT A r -?-7d P- I 1111, Early History I ilottro I lull .1. S. IliiWrtnl mndi' A Mulctiiriil In llm Mull Triliiiiio In llie I'ffritt Hint lie wim I he ffiiindor of Mtilfntil thirty jtw Mgo. Hi ny "I lidrnctl unt Ml .luck M(ti1llo mill iihivihI to Mpilfunl It Wllhll'l Mini Cm ll limn." I umilil II I; r t nk wlml it w llu'ii If wnaii't .MHilfnnlt if It ImuIm'I lii'tii 4hIIimI tnl lli owiittr vwti nliln to nl htm h lot- on coinltnc livrot Ho oiiyi "WliiiM thtf rnilrnnil ckiiip nlmiu I H In rttrltt vmii lh offl oliil." ThN woiihl li'Mil oie to hottevf Mcilfnnl wim noitH twn hcforn I he rulffonil mute llirrtuicli. I kUijh) IiIh n'Uin in tight with Ihu nuliuml ofrii'lnlN n HMlifiiitor.v iu ho whn their IiiiiiI iiki'iiI, mIIhii; iiiiiI ounry iiK IiiiiiI, ii Urn MirliHi of wlm-li my fnlhcr, I. J. I'hlpti, hml ilmmtcil to tho (WiMii-('lirntin ritilioml tlmt Mrilfonl mliiht tip hull!. A t lli"' fouudiiiu ) MtHlfonl the imlilic (ill Imvc to look to Mr. Hrodrck nnil U .1. I'hlipj mm Hut ffliinilur of inir l)y. for without tliPir miioiU J. S. Ilowiiiil woiihl Mot lmo hiii nolo to olitiiiiicil n lot hero. Mr. IIowhiiI iliil irHil work In tn Mirlv iIiih of Mi'ilfntil, n ditl 0 M Mlllor. ChuH. SIimhk, Win. Anifl'. I'miiio Wolf mill iiiiiiiuioiik otliorH tlmt rjnxo pawi'il mw tho i1iiilo. Mr. Hrnliiu'k iiiul I. J. I'hlpiw truirwrlnl llio lMiniiiom with lht riiilroml ol'fi clnU ni'iMHHry to llii pltillinjr of llit town. Mr. IWkinnii twik hut KttU pnrt in foriniiiK Iho uuw tywn. Tim wiilor wh prunoiit nl rrnl of hir riiiifurfiut with th rnil Jiuul offi.'iuU, iKMH'iiillv Hie iiHtoiiiK of Mnironl. Aflor ii fow joum Mr. Ilrohwk tnoM-il to ('Mlifomin. I. X lMilin Mill liuvd hor. Miiriiiir hU younirrr iluyN ho wan vory uclivn in !! iuh. lo iilfnlrn, plvlng llhorflllv of hi tlmo mul iiiouoy. Tho ohloxt liouno in M i'l font U i'ii t vt' Hi" l'''i mi'IiooI in the hiiiiio hlnuk. It vni hulk mul fi.niu-i'ly owni'il lv I. .1. I'hlp. !. S. lluHHril, 1). II. .MMor nilil IWfto Woir linllt In tho nnlor n I hno iniiiioil tluuii. Anyoiio livlnit horo now who wn living horo nt the IiokIiiiiIiik of Moil fnl, omiiiot huli ooimiiloiiiiK it a jokt whon J. S. llownnl iooi n tho l'dtiiulor of our fair city. ThU 1 mil ooiiuin ofs Thoro would not Iiiiw Iiitii iiiiv Mi'dforil hml unt Mr. Ilinhi'i'k mul fathor uixeii tho riiilroml coinpiiuv tho imliirun1nt- FALLING HAIR Mirny lViilu lluio Hlmiilo 'iy of HlniiliiK It. It was Dr. HtiiiKuibuutl, of 1'ArU, who flrnt iliHCOioroil that ilaiidriiff nnil fiUlliiB lmlr wtiro cauHod by n iiilrrolio. And' now tlmt I'iuIbIiiii HnRO, tho l'omody that klllu llio ilaiulniff i;onn Ii nnld In ovory town In Aniorlcn, tho cloan lioojilo of HiIh rountry huvo Hwiikonoil to tho fait that daudiutf lu uuuocoHtim-y; that rallluK hair and ItohliiK hciiIii oan hu uulcUIy Hloiiod. mid that pcoplo who iiho I'arlHlan Hoko will mivoi Krow bald. To ovory roador of tho Jlall Trlh lino who wIhIioh lo oradliato dlsmitit Iiik dandruff, atop rallhut hair and havo nu linmaculrttoly oloan Hcnlp, frco from ItclilneHH, wo nialio thlu of fbr; ParlHlan Snuo In Hold hy driiHKlHls ovorywhovo, for no cniitH a lan?o lint; tVo. It U an Ideal, daintily porfmnod liulr droHHliiK, froo from Krcau and BtlcltlnoHH, and will cimrti lmlr to grow liiKtruiia and luxuriant. Bold null gunramoort hy gims. Wrong. r v?a w.j. ii j"Mi. r s x r f'MtlL'U -Inn VLLY-tv-b NOT ANAU10 MT'bA 11 OI5NonAMY ?j Mws I v '" of Med ford (hoy did. (Viitrnl I'oinl luiisht hno Imil I ho honofllM if Ihfl Irtlld oW'iioiM hml (tlvon iho inilroml iotiiimiy Iho iiiiliii'tnitoiiU llifV kavd hrro. I). Ii. I'llllM'fl. roit itt:.vi iioKsui Pun itKNnWMro room nuSiern apnrtuiont. nlwoplng (Hirnli, fit; mnoii room lintivo. ili'i'ilu iniroh. Col. II. M. IkirKont. 810 Ouk.liilo Hnuth. CI KOIt ItCNT-SIs room uaMruUboil muitorii liuugHtow; mm. otirctrlrlty. ot front nnil flno Mmito. Imiulro 318 . laurel. U POIt HUNT Modern liunisntnw; butlMti furulturn; tioautlful lawn. 305 8. Newtown. KOIt HUNT Mmlnrn fiirnlKliod C-rootu hotmo. watur rout imlit. i:o. ms- Kim; ii. KOIt ItKNT Kurnlihoil liouno, cloan lit. on x. O run co. KOIt ItK.vr Minium. 7 nwin houw and liuiiKalow, (urntihed or mi furnlkkod. II. Kverhunl, ion Wwt Uth. itm iti:.vr Ktmxisiii:t aim-s. roiTTtl?Nr CiimiiiotVly fttVntiiiwt nimrtuionU. Tho ltortiHU, 10 QiiIiho it. 1'Olt ItK.NT KUIt.M.MIKM ItOOMS KOIt HUNT- VII fimilihiMl room with all roiivotilouriirt In miHlorn lielHo. xontloiiuiu and wife or U dlM only. Cull iHoniliim. 'li Houtli liurol. KOIt UMNT Mrgo atoppliiK rooum, and uiodoru bouaekeopluK aimrt lUHiitM, ltrlMn ory riMioimbIo. Phono Hl!CL. 222 Huuth Holly utrMt. " KOIt ltlCNT I'lirnUhod rooma, oIimo lu. 131 a lUrtlotl. 41 KOK llllVr IIOUSKIiltUlMNtl ItOOMS KOIt ltKNT--ltouokopliic rooms with bath mid itna. 315 North UurtlHtt. KOIt It KM unions POIt HUNT I.arK, comfortablo of flco ronmH with olovntor uorvlco, Btanm boat, hot and cold wntor. I,ow ratou. Apply Medford Kurnl turo ft Hdw. Co. kou liK.vr .MisuuiiiiAXi:ous KOIt HUNT Kl rut clan piuturo, 1 . r. 0 por inoutli; rumiliiK wator. Phono 0117-11-1, Si'o John llarkor. f.l KOU HUNT Small Improved ranch, elufca lu, aharo or caih, Shario, Omtnil I'olnt 46 NEW TODAY 17-aoro orchard noar r,ooA town, nearly all full IioiuIiik hiuiUw, a fow youtiK poara. Spoclnl roatmii for noil Iiir, mid offorod at u Iminulu at $T0() an aero. Tho prop alinulit brlnj; $1150 mi aero this your. No hiiiiiiIk Inc. Lot iih show you. 10 ncroH of orchard, ouo of tho allow plncou or tho valloy; nuporb vlow, no frostH; half or It lu In fin PBt of boaWitK Upplcsj 12 acroa of (Ino youtiK poara, balaiuo In alfalfa, flood bullilliiKB, Jfioo nu aero If takon soon. Loadod to tho guard with fruit this year. 20 acrc8 of thu fluent yoiinjr. ponru In tho valloy, four yoara old; Inl natod, nnil wator rlnlit nil paid, Only $2f0 por aero. Kor rout, n flnq bovon room home, Inruo yftid, Bliiulo troos, wldo povehea, riteplaco, p,avauo, pnvoincut, wator paid. Will rout Mr $20 por month to tho rlitht parties. C. D. HOoJl and E. J, STEWART MiijiwoM) matt; TiniwNio, v-ir' - ? v f v ou tk pcC.;1; , J ri& ,- MAW,G wt ' where did that , r V. , J" "I l r f?,C.Wr,4 " W ITC. I "" "J f""1" """' rrwij , ?- u - JSq cJt5 A1 I , ,lNUWi!w v, ; , . .BTtR5 i'ffll ,'o fMfc-i "r'rJ ' -' .SS&Sm4 v .. VUvlJL LnSeSst rf, T ,sv& CJf f V V UssssBL. Vcu' J MV&9M V """ ,. bbbbbbbb"--'-- W 4? Yvbsssssb ar yi rt -.-J i jg rif Eu y iV fv aassssf fiv x- 5s . " 1 J - - iiiItC5?5l. H B KOIt 8AIJ5-MM)H KOIt .I.W 80 n. Uiwr cr?ok hot torn land, one mllo from MoiUord; 1300 imp a.; 50f)() cAnh, hal. & ir. A. K. Ilnrimtt. 41 KOIt 8AMJ Oil THAHK lly nrlvnto iwrty, -to noriM iiulmiirovml land with liouno and hnru. l'lionn nvo lilHR. K1C-X. GT KOIt 8AI.K MoniMtond rolliuiulnh moiit, Mvernl ncrmt in crop. Reed bulldlnim, Kooil lorntlou; film ninno; u ImrKuln. limulro Lork llox it, Jaektonvllta. Oro. Id KOIt HAI.H Cnnndn UiiiIk. Kdo (ioo. II. Voiiiik. net. for dimdlan l'u rlflc It. It. land. Con. H. Younj, It. K. I). 1, Hox IS. Phone 7-K-t. KOIt SAI.KDn not fall to Rot my lint of hard Union harmlm In ami nmuiid tho beautiful city of Anil land boforo ou drrldo on n locu tion. I can avo you tuonoy on routlni; or buylnR. V. I). Iloilg won. Cor. K. Main and Hoeond u.. Aihlani), Ore, Gl KOIt KAI.K -tso acrei oait of llur rlnliurK, Oro.. Wlllnmotto valloy; rich black noil; prlro $31.00 rnih. J. II. t'ocbran. room 202 Klrnt National Hank bid it. 44 KOIt KAI.K miUHKH KOIt SAUK -t room houio. two buina; lot 00x260; wator. $900, $lo null, bnl. $10 tw month. A. V. Hnttt. 4 1 KOIt SAI.K Now modern 5 room Iioiim on (Mat nld commaudlng a bontitlful Mew of tho city; will noil for $1000 lot thau actual coxt; $R00 oanh bandltw It, bal. long time at 0 per cent. A. K. Harnett. 14 KOU SAI.K Moduru G room bona. wut front, high lot, mmant walk. Hwr and w-atvr all paid: good lawn; block from lwvemont. lHtulr 318 8ouOt Hamilton. 10 KOU SAIiIt AUIMIAOK I' OK SAI.B- Onv-lhlrd aero lurry patch, t blocks from iMVoiuout. Tlireu room homo, ehlcVienA. roopa olo. W. II. ttarhArd, 1013 Wot tUh. KOIt SAKK-S or 10 arroH eloio In. raay term. Phono 10H0-M. G7 KOU SAI.K UKSCi:iiliAM:oirS KOU 8A1.K ChoaprmiorlontiU tiai? runner. Hox 1, Tribune. 45 KOU BALK IlmiKohnhl Cull lithrop IVrklim. fiirulturo. GSO. KOU ALK Letter heaa nnd fancy stationery, printed, onKravoi or mbotil, aa you with at tho Mall Trlbuuo. KOIt SAI.K I)n -old elilckH. Planum Kloctrlo Incubator llntebory, Tal ent, Oro. 11. C. lllgli. Mpr. OG KOU SAI.K Our raiiRo und hot wn tor heater at 28 Almond at. l'ltouo C23-L. 4 1 KOU SALE I.OO80 loaf lodgor yi touia, any itylo oi mindo to ordor by tho Mall Trlbuuo blndory. KOU 8AM! Legat blaiiKa, tresspaaa notices, for aalo or rent iluss at tlio Mall Tribune. KOU 8AM-! Hood nlfnlfa nnd KrnlH ranch nil In cultivation; will intiUo Kood utock ranch; $100 per acre. Inquire of C. M. Svendscn, Mod ford, Oro, 07 KOU SAMJ Kour oxcollcnt Joraey i-owb, yoiuiR, Rontlo, cxcoptlomilly isood, Ht. Mary's Academy. 44' KOU SAM-!- -Italian beea and queeiiH Jaa. Stewart, l'liono GIO-H., Mod ford, Oio. 4G KOU 8AM! VoKOtablo plants, cab briRo ?i0, tomato lc. O. Caroy'B, Talent. It, l- I). No. 1, Oro. l'hono IG-K-ll. KOU SAM! OU THADK PodlKreed Poland China boar. H. 1). 1, llox 73, Central Point, or phono Far mer H-li I. KOU SAM-! flood frobh young Jov aoy cow. M, 11. Payne, 721 Don not t uvo. 47 KOU SAM! Klrst clnsa cull potn Iooh $fi pqr ton. Bcott V. Davis, i'lipno SV8-H. - wmmuD, om;oor, tuiotay, may in. nm. KOIt KAI.K MIHCKMtAXI'.OL'H KO?t BAlilnorie Iron Rray, woIkIH UtC lb.: 4 )r. old; broke .IiikIo and double; on pahtiiro alt wtntor. I'rlco $200. V. V. Uollman. R. I. I). No. 2, Mux 82, Central Kotnt, Oro. -It KOU SAMS 20 hix honnda from 2 mouths to 1 year old. $3 tp $18. Chaa. Oltchrlau lams Valloy, Or. 40 WANT KIl KITCJATION.S 8rrtHT?ON WANTICn on orchard or ranch. Kood iteady toltlon by ox-perk-nced, aober Swede; will care for IiorsAK, milk cewa: also mo chunlcal oxporlonco If neded; cood homo rt-qtilrcd. I'. O. Hox 361, Mdfonl, Or. 41 WANTKD Plain bwIhk, patching nnd nulltltiK. Call any day but Saturday. Phono 9C1-X. 4D WANTKD Work on ranch by com petent woman, for men only. Hux K. 0., Tribune 46 WANTKD MISCKMiAMtOUR WANTKD To rnt for two or threa moutba pony Niiltable (or )oug Klrl. T. H . Mn Ttbane. 4G WANTKD To buy ho 2 or 3 10 or 12 inch atfcky gang plow; also 8 ft. double dirt; barrow. Addrons K6om 30 Hotel Medford. 4S WANTKD To luy faintly cow. kou tle. Kroat Joraey or Holatcln. I'bOva GP1-J-3. 48 WANTKD Contractors or carpah tors' blili on addition to my houW. W. C. Jaiitm. Cp::hI Hill. WANTKD 1500 fot Jiydrnullc mln Inj; pipe 4 or C Inch. AddrtM 1. D. Hox 207. Medford, Ore 47 WANTKD SprtuK tooth harrow. Will exchange wood for work hone, also 10 acroa ieara with homo for Mfdforil bungalow. C. It. A.. Mall Tribune. WANTKD TO HUV lleef aitUe, stock entile, i-nlvoe, all Uliuls, Htmep, hldM, wool, oto. 1Mb Crowder, phone 10H8-W. You into find mo nt my mnrket, 103. W. Slain, Weduemlnys nnd Saturdaya. if MONKY TO LOAN MONKY TO LOAN On city nud ojimo In ranch property. C. A. MuArthur. room 3, 1. O. block, phone 30 s. MONKY TO LOAN $1000 to $5000 to loan on Improved farm proper ty. Uonuott Investment Co. KOU KXCUAMUR KuTUADK Oood"" piano for .a cnuplo of milch cows. Address P. O. llox S71. K6lt KXCHANtlK Aiitomobllo Tor clear proper!) ; describe fully. 355 Central Point. 45 KOU THADK I havo some new Stiidobaker wagons, bundles, farm Implements nnd easollno ongluo ror w-hloh I will take cord or fir wood. K. OsenbrusKO, 401 ltlver sldu avo. S. lU'SI.NKSK DIUKCTOUY Abslrncts UOOU1! HlVKlt VALLKY All 8THACT CO., No. C South Control. Attorneys POHTKH .1. NKKK. WM. MKAIiHY Attorno)B-nt-Law. ltooms 1 and 2, Postottlco blilj?. A. M, UKAMKS, LAWYKU Garnott Coroy bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney n:il Conn ollor nt Law. 123 Cast Main street, Medford, Ore. Win. M. ColvlB OeorKe M. Roberts COLVK1 .-i UOI1KUTS. LAWYKHS Medford Natlonnl Halc Hiilldlnu. Acrouiitatits D. It. WOOD donoral Accobntaut Your books nudlted and kopt for a reasonable flRiiro; your business solicited. Orrico, MeiUord Mnll Trlbuuo bldg.; phono Cll-H-2; res IctiQQ phono GU7, IIL'.SI.NKSS DIHKCTOIIY Auto Supplier. LAIIKH AUTO 8PHINO CO. Our blR secret In maUlnR springs Is the toiiipcrlng. We aro operating tho lnrRoat, oldest and beat equipped plant In the Pacific norlhwest. Use our springs when other fall. Sold under Guarantee. 2G North Klf teenth St., Portland, Oro. ClilroprnctorN DH. II. J. LOCKWOOD. Chiropractor. norVo specialist. Uooms 203-204-206 Oarnett-Cerey bids. Vapor bntbs and scleulKlc massage given; advice in dietetics, medical gym nastics, hydroptberapr. Lady at tendant. I'houe, office 041, reel dance 571-11. DU. A. It. HKDRKS. Dr. Loulso K. IlcdKoe Mochsno-TheraiHsts, Chiro practors. Siwndylothernplsts. These systems. Including dietetics, cura tlvo gymnastic, hydro-tbernphy, etc., prodnce results In both acute nnd chronic diseases. Consulta tion free. 230 North llartlett St., next door to M. K. church. Hour ii n. m. to fi p. m. Other bcurs by nppolntmont. l'hono it"-J. DcnUit DU. W. M. VAN SCOYOC DH C. C. VAN SCOYOC Dentists Cnrnctt-Coroy bldg.. sulto Medford, Ore, Phono S5G. HO, Garbage (1AUUAUK (let your premises cleaned up for the winter, Call on tho otty garbage wagons fbr good sorvlce. Phono 62f-L. I- Y. Allen. Notary Public 1IKLWN X. YOCKKY Notary pub He. Itrlug your work to ma at tho Hlgn of tho Mail Tribune. Printer mul Publhbcrs MBDKoitDVRLXl'LSa CoTliastho bnet eqiilppwl printing office In southern Oregon; book binding, looio leaf ledgers, blllliiE B)stoms, etc. Portland prlcos. 27 North l'lr St. Pliyidt-tans nnd Sur--oiis mL K." o"ltLOW, DU." KVA .MAINS CAJU.OW Osteopathic physicians, 41G-117 Onruett-COrcy bldg., phono 103G-L. ltosldenco 420 South Laurel et. DU. 8. A. LOCICWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYUTM! 8. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices 232 K, Main. Phnuofi, offlco SG7; resilience 814, DH, J. J. J5MMKN8 Physician nnd surgeon. Practlco limited to eyo, ear, noso mul throat. Kyc3 scien tifically toetod and glasses srtDiiUcd Offlco 22K Hast Main St.. Hours S:20 a. in. to S p. m. Phone. K. D. PICKRL. M. 1). bfrieo Jack son county liank bldg. orrico phono 43-H; restdenco phono 5S-It, DU. MAHION pityslclun nnd sur geon, Stewart bldg., corner Main nnd llartlett sts.; offlco phono 27, residence phono 27-J-2. DH. MAUT1N O. HAKHKH Physl rljn nnd surgeon. Offlco Palm block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J, DH. R. V. CLANCY Physician and surgoon. Phones, orrico au, resi douco 724-J. Offlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. DU. W. W. H.OWAUD Osteo'vithlc physician, 303 Gamett - Corey building. Phone 904-M. It. J. CONUOY, M. 1). Physlglan and surgeon, uver iiuicnison iiUin-3-don, 215 K. Main St. Phono 77. Stenogrnphcrs I!LLA M. OAUNYAW Palm block. Stonogrnphlo work douo quickly aud wotl. Trnusfcr HADS TUANSKKH & STORAGE CO. ortlco 1G South Kir St. Phono 315. Prtco3 right. Sorvlco BUai"-autcod. By George Bitfner's Real Estate & Employment Bureau l-'Olt SALE 70 acres, 20 a cleared and cnltl vaied, small orchard, grape rlnoynrd, water right, tlmbor, 5 room honse outbHlldlngs. Will take iwrt city property, rest cash. Price $2000. 134 acres on Applegate, 1 room hoitse, 2 barns, 34 acres under fence in cultivation, water right. Will take some city proporiy, somo enah. Price IG700. iVs acres, water right, small hoiuo, cblckon house, close in.. Will tnko team, wagon and harness as part pay. Price $650. 240 acres, stock ranoh, 35 nercs In cultivation, under fonse, IS acres al falfa, 108 acres agricultural land, unlimited range. 5 room house, 2 bsrns. Price $20 por aero. Terms. Largo and small tracts, improved and unimproved, cheap. Many trades ror city property. House and lots for salo at a sac rifice, on the Isstalmont plan. III'SIXKSS CIIAXCKS 3 room furnished house and lot. $40 worth of chlckons, horse, buggy and harness; good garden. Prise $600; $4!G will handle this. EMPLOYMENT Girls for picking strawberries. Girls and womon for housework, In nnd out of city. Cook. Ranch hands. Wood cutters; good proposition. MRS. EMMA BITTNER Hcs. Phono lOOO-X Phono MS. Oppofclto Nnbh llo'tel ROOMS (I ami 7. VMM IU.OCK. Draperies V,'e carry a vtrjr complete Hns of dMiwrlra, fnce curtain, fixtures, ate nnil ito uil cluea.of unbolaUrlnR. A special man to loolc alter this work t-xcluntvi-Iy Hiul Hill Kivo as cood irtlca n In passible to get In otn the largest cltlca. Weeks & McGowan Co. Clark & Wright LAWYERS w.vsiinsaTON, , o. Public Land Matters: Final Proof. Desort Lands. Contest and Mining Cases. Scrip. E.D. Weston Official Photographer of the Medford Commercial Club 'Amateur Finishing Post Cards Panoramic Work Portraits Interior and exterior views Flash lights Nogativcs mado anv timo and any place by appoint mont. 208 E. Main Plione 1471 neon Timici McManus IF YOU ARE A DRINKING MAN You had better slop nt onco or yoU'll loso your Job. Every lino of business Is closing Its doors to "drinking" men. It may bo your turn noxt. Ur tho aid of ORRINE thousands of men bove been restored (o lives or sobriety and Industry. We are so sure that O URINE will benefit you that we say to you that If- after a trfal you fall to got any boneflt rrom its uso, your money will bo refunded. Whon you stop "drlnklns." think ef tho money you'll save; besides, sober men nro worth nioro to tholr employers and get higher wagos. Costs only $1 ror box. Wo havo an Interesting booklet about ORRINE that wo are giving away free on re quest. Call at our store and talk It over. Leon W. Hasktns. Hochambeau Rcglstorcd. DAPPLE GRAY STALLIOX G Years Old Sortlcr 5CO R ntiKro KITTO 1JAR.V Wo also train horses and colts and break them of nil noxious habits. Sat isfaction guaranteed. L. O. VAX WEGE.V Main J2 Jacksonville FOR SALE Small Irrigated ranch pear city reservoir. House, barn, shed, etc. Telephone and city water. Family orchard, berries, garden. New fr-io soil all planted. Ideal location for mnrket gordonlng, berries or small orchard. Duy this ranch now and get the beueflt of this year's crop. 11. L. NOHL1T, Owner Phono 101S-L. FOR SALE T have somo of the best buys in tho valley. Good al laU'a ranches, good bottom land, plenty of water. Also good place to rent. Don't fail to see me before you buy. JOHN PEARSON P. O. Box 36 Ashland, Ore. . WORTH LOOKING INTO N Alwas when It comes to ii. quebtlou of Kood. whoro It Is made, how It Is made nnd what It costs. . Wo havo studied the ques tion, us wo nro manufacturers or -food products. With tho aid of export chemlsta and modern methods, have sot n now stand ard in the making of This product embraces tho roqul-dto principles lu a reliable leivvoner. All Orocers 23c pound ran WSTtfli g S i nlS) fliu iTtiflJiillK WUUWA CrcsVcntt ManurattHiJug Co. Soattio. Washington