M 13 :? M rAOIUTWO, ariWFOim math TmnnNR Mrcrwonn. oni'iaox. titiwday. may in. una. P CONFIDENTr OFGONSTRUGTIONOF RAILROAD 10 SEA SOUTHERN OREGON PHYSICIANS IE! FAILS 10 APPEA Mayor n. a. Smith nnd Dr. .!. Neddy Imvo returned from a lrip (o Wm iVniiriPpjl in (li'p Iftlore ot the I'mMlIn inlrrfor rnilroml. lUilli nrc nnlimiNtlo Over Hip ntitlnnk- it mi imiii. flilciil llinl Oio railroad will soon ho ennsl fueled. Mnynr Smith Im N- nurd Hid follow jur: ftAflcr upending n week with Vrnnkliti llrlm in Snn Knuirtoo, I nnj PAtjsfiod he, nml his nsfootntc ivill rlndonbfcdly hmM n rnilroml from licro to Orescent City nml rnmmoncc work nt nn enrfy date. Some of those interested will bo hero this week. Tito construction nml rnil- roml companies have Iccn ormizctl nml the finnneinl nrrnnpments prac tically fettled. tStrtttiOfctJi IntcrcMed. "I went to Sun Frnneieco tt mnke n personal investigation nnd 1 found Jlr. Helm to ho a tnnn vrhoo hnincs nnocinles extend beyond the United Stntes to England nnd France. Mr. Helm nnd his associates will not onlv hnlld the. mitroml, but will be nblc to take hold of nnd interest other in nny industry thnt can he carried on in this country. They hnvo already become interested in copper mininc and will soon haro in thw county the world's best mining equipment to make n thoro'ncli investigation. I don't know thnt nny man ever came to this county who ha the nbility to interest capita) that Mr. Helm has. Tho delay on hU part is due to the iiuihbling of New York attorneys over the city bonds bnt that can bo arranged nlisfnctorilv. QhIIiMo Over IIomR "The building of tho road, I under sinnd, U contemplated by others who hnvo, recently nppenrcd on the scene owing to the delny of the city dispos ing of the IkwiVi. In yicw of the fact that Mr. Helm and his associates haw expended several thousand dollars in organization nnd investigation nnd have, interested capitalists from sev eral states, it would bo calamitous as well ns unjust to turn the matter over to others whom wo have tried to interest for years in building a road to the Illinois valley. At one tihio I wns one of those who believed that n road to Sucker creek would be of greater benefit than a road to the coast, but information received from sources thnt cannot be doubted shows thnt tho developing of tho copper mines on tho bead of Indian creek presages iho 'development of n copper camp that may equal Ilulle. This ore must find nn outlet to n smelter on ho const. If tho road is built to the coast, Iho shortest outlet fox these mines is to connect with it. If this road is not built and they build their own road, they will go down the Klamath. Mr. Helm lias liccomo in terested in the mines of thnt country. Parish Brothers, of New York, hnvo one mjno in which 1,000,000 tons of ore nfo blocked out nnd ready for mining. A few mines like this would mean n market at our very doors for more thnn wo can produce. Itcihrood rnimWcd. "It Iiuh been earnestly assorted by t-omo people who seem to be afraid the present plans would succeed, that tho redwood would not be shipped over such u road. I called on Mr. Hotchkiss nnd he snid to me, 'If I had n railroad, I would not thip u hjijiiiler by pout.' Taking these facts into considera tion in connection with the reduced freight rates that would ciisuo when the harbor dovulopcd, I am satisfied thnt a roml to the coast would bo worth twice ns much to this commun ity ns a jerkwater road running thir ty miles from hero. When in Run Francisco, I called on Mr. Spr- ulo, president of tho Southern Pacific, and asked him specifically, becauso of certain rumors, if thu Southern Pn cifi.o desired to build tho rond or had authorized anyone to say thnt his company so desired, nnd ho told me that (ho company did not contemplate building tho rond nnd could not un dertake it because of tho iinmerging of tho Southern Pnciiio under tho court decrees, and had not authorized anyone to say tho company would build. "In conclusion, I want to say I firmly bcliovo that the greatest mis- taku under tho circumstances would lio t let this project fnll into the bunds of those iho would stop this rond at tho Illinois alley and let us remain bottled up without coast con nection for nil Iho years to coino." Nearly all of Mcdfonl 0 doctors nn attending tho urconil annual mout Intf of tho Southern Oregon Mcdtcnl poclety at Ornntn Pass. The mooting wns call is I to order nt 0::tO o'clock Tuesday morning, welcome to tho city wns votml by President It. It Ktoh of the imfnr- clal club. A series of technical pa pcrs, follow od by dtscusulons, occu pied tho day: 9 "Analgesics In the First Staff of Labor." it. W. Sttarns. of Medftmt: "Ccrtntn Localised Forms of Chronic Pericolitis." Noblo Wyllo Jones, of Pertland: "Some Chnnpoa of Tech nique in Muscle Operation," M." C. Flmlley, of Grants Puss; "Surslcil Itollot of Intestinal Stasis." A. K. Hockey, of Pertland: "I'rsmt Status or Inhalation Ancsthssln," F. D. Strieker, Grants Pass: '-.-Kn H Done Surgery and Location of For eign Rodlcs." K. I). Plckffl. Of Mod ford; "X-ltay Diagnosis of the Oan-tra-lntestlnal Tract." Charts K. Scars, of Pertland: "Diagnosis of Visceral Lesions by Exclusion." O O. Jarvls and A. W. lloslough, of Ashland. Following tho program tho visit ors will to given an automobile rldo around the city and valley, roturnlnt; to tho Josephine hotel for n ban quet at 6 o'clock. A popular lecture, "A Sew View of Rural Life." by l)r. Calvin S. White, of Portland, will be followed by a smoker In the club rooms. Tbo officers of the society arc Dr. K. W. Stearns of Medford, president; Dr. D. F. DoVore of Oakland. vlc president, and Dr. J. J. Kmntens of Medford, socretnry and treasurer. l;L OSESBOND IHE DOLL SHOP MORROW NfGH T I CENTRAL POINT POINTERS. Oil A NTS PASS. Ore.. Vsv 13. I U. Ilicli, detrudnnt on n bitfnmv I'hnrvc fulled to rtpiiwir in eiwuit court whmi hh cue wns culled .Mnn dnj'. HlriiV Hllnni A. l". Iluyh sfHtcd tlmt lis did im)( know M client's whrwiihiuH. District Attov noy Kelly moved tlmt the $lflD0 ensh Imil dcmsited by Rich bt forfeited nud tho court tok th iMtteu under dWwnt. Kverctt lligne ut Kcrhy wn found guilty by n jury on Hi chnnrc of giv ing liquor to a minor. tntrndie!ion in the evidence ivon before the gnnd jury nnd in ctHirt by three voiith. who nppcured mm witnes-er. t'hnrlc HoguP, his bwther, llert Lewis ncd Olcn Howard miiwrs, lend to mi m vocticiilinn by Proswutor Kellv, wlvi forrrtl lbiwanl to admit thnt Hi story tld in court had been nmmi ficlunl by the ilefendant to aid 10 his trial. Action wa at once brought ugainst Kverett lloguc for subomntiou of porjury nnd Cbarle- Hogue for orjury in .lustiin? llol- nisu's court. fleVirgc Gstes of Kerbv is on trial Tuesday for nssaiilt with a deadly wenpon, having carved Kd Spwice with 11 knife oer the turkey trot as danced at Holland. AH i alHut 111 icudine- tor the "Moll Simp". All Mrl ! tinpiiseM thero will be and 11 er iiinipie pto durtitHi, The nuiic is under the ill lvrlimt uf Mr. I tow oil, no doubt nil will iTineniher him, M the one inuk Ing it a hih smices, In "PludAirw." As Mrs. Saivcr snyn he' n "gem" nt ll Iuumiim. Th oiietnmen for the many dances are mirclv loxely and nil appropriate for the many special lies. All sorln of dollies will Iw in IIh shop, nouiA trim tliiua, Pari, Oermatiy. li-eland and other coun tries. And p.per doll, plentv of thelll. Theiv are oer IIHl nu n peo ple in the caste. The lu'pkecpei', Mr (niuill, Katy, ln d.ni-Jitcr. JC-V 'NiiienUnn, , .11 n," "A V r ?SJXS eilBinnrh Ttoulilri., Trfllilns 1 . J . Uurin. TtwItrrrtUnpCnM TnlMik. intlhrar. Alllniw'l no'! ! U nlK M.K.11 Ik It l till rr. MOTHER OKAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, ACrlViRllirIVY,rl!inr. ntiiimmn. Mitrxuerito Noullnr, nnd the work man, Mlllnn Spliiihnnl will siiikIt shoiv ccrybiidv wlint dolls can ibi when wound up, nml Pulr.v dnlnty l.cnli Wnllher iVtll ertnto the Am, by brinuing the xhnp Hill of dot) to life. Henr Toi".v. KM llevuHilge-, will enjoy life Mini night ami tin ipieeu and king n,lll lime u hand In it, the n n Dorothy Wlek nud llet cher I'lsu. F.ver.vrnnlj' rolittliiher ln nlhts, WYdntmday mid Tlittivtmy al tho ftuttiturluui. Nonrjit. .Votlc U lioretiy teoi ttit then, nro ntndif oa Intuit to rUcW all Kintal warrnnts up tn N'ne, l, ill. OR It 18 ORAWM'OttD, Sohool Dlttrtet No. u, 2 ' ' jtj'". jj TT" NOTint, 'I'n thu ptHiulo whii Imvii i-esorrud iDiinig rur lh I. 0, (). F. ntaumlily nuil nahTslUluni lie iiropared to rs Mini thsm Momliijr night, May 10. Rliaehll tmth arrivM nt Dili) p in Is XOTIt'l.. ?Tri mretlnR tohtnlU of R. CmiarrtnU' eaitiiot be aicsem A. I, .Stt, Hec A. M To PoUc) llolllei, of PtmciiU .Mililuil I'Iim luijuiani'n pmp:iny U jroti r lutorMted In ivslstliiK nayiHflni of laat nlmimant, you win rtotl It to yhiir nitvuntane to conimu- uloatu with us at onw. Dsrllux lludgm, dnlil mil, Orenon. in where 'so ab TONIGHT r " H-fHi-4H"H-4 1 VAi'imviM.i: Mll.l.rU AMI MIIKLI.V Coinedy MiinIoiiI Act Plmto I'lnya Vinw. nml vil, IMTItli'K WKIIKI.V NO, III 'til 15 ItnoKHX lliVI.L Protect Yourself Ask for ORIGINAL GENUINE ...v ..ji.i iz i v. i j' .or vawljL a .vvwuinptvui - - WlltTvfc"S ' "H 1 J lv?r,rvvvp,J The Food Drink for all AgcsOlhers nrc Imitation KiitiAtniuto. a. S. OLMSTED. La Hay. N.Y. JeJ J. F. Hay has returned from a Kcnoral month's buslneiw trip to northern California and is now with his family horo. .Mils Maybello Peart, of Phoenix, was tho Bucst of her parcntn, Mr. and Mrs. I). F. Paart, in this city Mon day. Mayor V. A. Conlcy nnd Council man p. J. Taylbr were buslns vis itors In Mtdford the first of the week. iltus 1211a Stone Is vlslUsg friends In tho north. Mrs. I-adon of. Medford recent l visited at tbo resldoneo of Mr. and Mrs. C. I). Hostel. Mrs. C. );. Lanp. Mrs. Kmmn HeW, Miss Sarah Ucbb. .Mrs. Stout, Mrs. C. Webb, Mls M. Ilabne, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Gloason, It. C. Ranmc, Kd Musty visited In Medford Monday. A blink iiniiiiriii lira (hat I1.1-4 al ready laid 1'iie reerd appnim-him; onit i the prtierly of Mr. M. J Woljrnmont J IS Weet Clark Mirel ine jaiext vgK conirHiiued uy uu biddy nienciiret' (ll inches in its Hinaiict circiimtertMire aim a im-iirs ocu in the large. The easr, which in perfectly h1iiiicI, weighs a .hadr ocr four ounce. x I t J. CtT R T S .yP -JHL- .iR. B- .JKmmmgtf mm y y y y y y 1 Do You Want to Visit I the Portland Rose Festival? isis theatre! A b n Bt nit .Hv:;itui thu ad VlHflflnli Cntiieilv Willi John lliinii) and I'lum Fliicli t).MIt!i AllVKSI't ItK OS Till' Mi:tt iioitii:it Tvo irl I t-C-l?-fi--t-H-M f ! STAR THEATRE Wo Lcmt (ItherH Follow "A KSTi:il.V I'l.OWI.'lt" FbliiiC "A" Western with our favor I ten Kerrigan, Itleliarilsou and MIhh lluli In the leadlui; role .... Fry Fish in Cottolene PHOENIX h. A. Itose hi recover I nit from ln recent Illness. A. Hearn was In Jacksonville on buslncsa last Friday. A numtur of eighth grado puplla to tho atato examination Thursday nnd Friday. Mrs. Clarence Tlcames of Medford was the Riiest of tho Mlasos Towne Friday, and Mrs. II. Von dor Hollen and children of Eagle Point spent Sunday with them. Tho W. C. T. if. will mcot with Mrs. II. Schurman Thursday after noon. ur. rorier or .Mmirrfru was a pro fessional caller In town last weak. Mrs. Llzxle StauuWf stilt obntlnura to be fjulta sick. A large nuatfar or pooplo from tho Medford Baptist and Presbyterian hurchos came bore Thursday etc hing nnd save a musical concert un dor tin auspices of the Christian Undoavor of this place. The fine concert Khen by tho visitors was thoroughly cuJoed by tho lare au dienco. W. J. Miller was reported slightly hotter the first of ttie week. You can fry fish in Cottolene, and use the remaining fat for frying potatoes or other food. The odor of the fish will not be imparted to the other fried food. Cottolene is not alone economi cal for the reason that it can be used over and over, but also be cause it is richer than butter or lard.and one-third less is required. It is twice as economical as but ter; much more economical than lard. Cottolene makes rich, digesti ble, tasty, healthful food. Does not make food greasy, and free from indi gestion. y y y y e I f y y y y y y y i z I X T f y y y Colfolcae is never cold in bulk al ways in air-tight tin pails, which pro tect It from dirt- dust and odors. It h always uniform nnd dependable. f f y y y y y y iy y IF SO, HERE'S A CHANCE TO GO ABSOLUTELY FREE SIMPLY ASK YOUR FRIENDS TO PATRONIZE THE JL JL JL X JL 1 jJr. JL JLv 1 j AND SEE THE BEST PICTURES IN TOWN THIS WILL BE A FAVOR TO THEM, TO US, AND TO YOU. THAT'S ALL YOU HAVE TO DO YOU DON'T HAVE to SELL a THING This is tho jrrontost advertising offrr every made by a moving piedU'O lifvuso in tho state outside of Portland. Others have been content with con tests on a far lesser sealo. DON'T PASS THIS UP! IS f v w&rbem y SOMEONE IS GOING WHY NOT YOU? THE N. It TAIRDANK COMPAtnf yiiZt ituptixt c'liui'di. The pastor. Hov. Itobort William MacOullougfi, Fh. I)., will conduct prayer meollng on Thursday ovonlng und ou Sunday will preach morning and ovQiilug, The morning subject will bo "Tho Frontiers of i Now 13ra." liyentug subject, "Tho Handwriting on tho Wall." There will be special music by tho choir, The public Is in vited tp those services. I fJ jSluT&Bolishes " FINCST QUALITY LARGEST VARIETY Emm ittffisi tBSi I "CUT EDCE" tbe on luWihoerfrtHins P"t P'wltl) fly conulc Oil. Jllclu (lid 1'oli.lif. U. tta' mj cblljreo'e boct and lliwt, ililnti hIUjjuI ru bln.Mc "filEIUU CLOSS."Jc. 'DANUlfcombliiaUou for ckmlnir and tiol'blilo;; nil UluiJt of rawct ur tn ho, Vic. -STAirnizc, n-i . "WICK H llll E- (is llqald form wltU ouifa af(L lyclranmud biumdmjronuiliot-f, lucltWc. "ALOO" CLEANS and UH11LNS canvat iliwj. la round vtblto olcti p.ntktdln zinctlu ixx. ultu riKiujje.lOc. Intiaudtomc.laresluialuuu bgxit, Villi noiiget iie. "UlfE" coinlilraUon for petitleaitn ho tko prldel tl ImTlnji their (bcxa look A 1. ltvaton a colttt aodluitratoiill blaclcalioM. FoUih vilitialiriutt or cloth. SScenU. "BiBY ELITE"alr,J0cn'. IfypurtlMterflofaciotkrriitlittlfladTouviuit.Mfi'I'if tli rlvo I a auniiii fur full ! iw kRf , I'lurcM itwl. WHITTEMORE BROS. & CO.. 20'20 Albany Straal, Cainbriddo, Maac. 7 At OUitt and Ijattnt Ma"j(lutirt p Shit Mi'i in tte irotlJ. Woiher's Advice To Her Daughter A Real U vo Doll to Fondle ts Woman's Greatest Happiness. learns of that famous remedy, Mothcr'n rncuii. it Is an ex tern a I opiillcatiuu fur t h c abdoiiiliml inuKflc and bre.-mu. It has a wunilorful lu tlu nee. n 1 1 a y s all fear, banlsliM a 1 1 jiain, Is a ffruU'ful on cuurueeuicnt to tbe ( xixK-tant rri'ithor, and iHTiults Iter to eo thronsb the period iiapjiy In tolnd, (Ii; llried l) Biitluiato nuiuan's crtuitrnt hai p ni ns nature Intended she should. Tbe fiction of .MoiIilt'h l'ricml tauken Iho mu'u h- pliant uud rikjumIvo I" ex(NiiiIon, 1 Iiuh nil strain and tension unon tho nervos and lixaiiicntM Is avoided, qnd. In pl.ife of n u-riou oi iiiKcointori nnu consuiin-iit iircau i ik a ceasou oi can renoso ana Joviui cm- ((CftlltloU. 'Itiere Is no nauvca. no morolrizK ckticiw. ao nervous ttvltclilcsr, nono of that consiunt strain koown t m many women. Tlifs Bplcndld rciiirdy fun I lind of any ilruif.Ut nt $J.(X a bottle. Write to Urarf. field Iteitnlator Co . ai2 T-niruir IIId.. At- ior incir booK HERE ARE THE PARTICULARS. C'oiuiiiouo.iiiff Monday, lay VI, 191;, with evvry 10 cent admission ticket we will tfivo a coupon jjood for 100 votes in this contest. Willi every f cent admission ticket wo will give, a coupon good for 50 votes. On tlieHo coupons the purcliaser of the ticket can write the niinte of the lady' favored. These votes will he deposited in a ballot box and counted each IWourlny night and on iltn liihf flnv nf tho I'linft'sf. which will bo SjiIiii'iImv. .Imio 7. IfTTir 'I'n I lie lnlv "' " ." " " -- -r , , - ., - ...v ..... receiving the greatest number of votes we will give absolutely free, and without restrictien: One round-trip railroad tickot to Portland. Pullman tickets each way. One week's room rent at one of Portland's loading hdtblH. y Ten dollars in cash. Or we will redeem these at their cash vidua if tho winner is unablo to at tend the festival. - IbBBBBBBBBBM t'aBBBBBBBaEjr1' 1 y y y y y y y y y y y r THIS OFFER IS OPEN TO EVERY WOMAN IN JACKSON COUNTY. Inn In. Ou., rnojuers. to ciiicctaut Jolun A. Pefl UnderttiKer Lady Assistant, 2H fl. HAUTIiFlT 1,i',l ,11, . .11114 '1..IJ.M Ambulance Service Deputy Coroner The ballots will be counted Vwh Monday night and (ho standing of tho contestants made known. The final count will be made by a board of judges to bo ehostn later. No contestant will bo permitted to solicit coupons from theater natrons in uio loooy nor on me sine. want in ironc oi ine ineaier. X No -person connected, with tho theater in any capacity will be permitted lo take any part in the contest or to assist any contestant. y y y y y y y y y y f y T START YOUR CAMPAIGN AT ONCE THE TIME IS SHORT Starts Monday, May 12, 7;15 p. m. Closen Saturday Juno 7, 10 p. m. Vov further particulars inquire at the ticket office of tho . IT THEATRE "It Is It The Theater Worth While' &&&&$"&X! i f V y y f i i i i f y y y y y y y t y y y y y y I I I I X I y y y y y y y y y y y X f y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y f y y y y t y .Mio-wi.vnm caiinivai at NAItANAC lKI, ,N V. A docblud bit. 1.1 1'K OU llltATII Dnitna 'i uu sroii.ito iiti,i.(rs noi.ii "ThatiliMiiMr " I'ull of fun Al mtlirr -lii souk tdltltKSr WtlOIAVOHTll l'lnuo Drum lltficts Aflciiiiiuit nml IEi'nlti(t ADMISSION ftc AND 10c ItlK "'Ibaiilmncr" fintum Two rHds (iiiiurrtiir ,i"i 'mir Um dollar on tbo ox i tli'in of our plus. Mohi iropl arw iloiis. Wu Invito Mti to try us. Wheupver our niwtlto MUKrtct.i ii Kod il. on'll uiiiliu a uiUtako lf )OII HUM IK ll) MEDFORD BAKERY & DELICATESSEN I'J S, (Vulral BILL OFFUTT Automobile Expert Nmv Located nt tbo ('niter Iil.o OariiK'6 r,'. K. Ilarllott Strcot Itcnfcoiiiiblo I'iIcih. U'ork GunrnnVccfl Ilcut nf llcfcfcnrci Caro Wnsliod nnd Tires Kxcbnngcd Onrai;o IMiono 20-11. i ..a.a..aaa a -. a - a ,. - -. r X000MOlMlM UC r- -57 SPEEDING UP THE BASE IIUNNER- TliAt's what tho Cork Center ball U doinit. 1 5i )oi renliza bow fmt you travel in a liflli of a aecond? A iiood runner (rets to first In, about four qecomlt. I In covera over four lent In onclillh of a aecond. Tlio Ceil: Centre f,nl ia 10 lo IS per rent, livelier than tho old alylo rub. her coro bnll, bin leanuera any. Dope- It out for yourielf. You will find thnt, iitlnn the Cork Center hall, you will fret 'W'oftener than when mlntf Iho old alyle rubber corn ball, i yiiur Uim f;i iloulit about ht Und nf u tinUuim tu rwlaotT 1 hi wrlta to Mmililmii's nnil itut a look uf umpUa t it aliow tlia uxiet kkIj. fcwiiliin'tpco-lgnlffrnili, tlifnBpilil. I a m cntitou uliuva ilcluro artil litltivi of IiaIk, rnuka, uo . niltU and ivmtlilnr lined In tho munn. A. G. SI'ALDING & BROS. ISO Geory Stroot, Son Fran'cUVo jJeaWM in oynry towrt fn California rarrr 1UI1I Vl-Al. -- T - -. T - T . - T . -.. ... T T-.T TJ v -;- 4Jni- n'MfV"' r- SKiaTiaEXx'Xi;' "" w J'-f,f -ir aVv' ' m -& sM4i -,v v