Clly Mall ?$& Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER .Shower tmilftiit tir WcsIhc liny. ix. (112, .Mil. UK, IVp ,01 rorly-thlril Vmr Dully- KlKhtli Yrnr, MEDFORD, OMWON, Tl'KSIMV, MAY 1,'J, una. NO. '14. L DELAY TARIFF FOUND STOLEN U.0FC.MILLI0NS TREATY READY WA PLANS I PAPERS K A MA mm JAPAN COVETS PACIFIC ISLANDS Nffl JAPANESE CENSURE BRYAN X A ANA TO CREATEPAN C Secretary Dnnlcls Ailmlts Drnwlnns (or Baltic ship Pennsylvania Taken From Construction Office Nlht of March 1 No Clues Ohtalncil. WAHIIINOTO.V, Mny 13 Official WnnliliiKton wit up mrulght today and nil nort of rumni lurtcd when It wn admitted by Heerotnry of thu Nnvy Daniel Unit Dim phiun of Hit battleship JNituiH) Ivntilit huo bceii Mohui, Heerulnry Daniel adinltlml Dint purl or Hit' pi Mi Vanished on tlio iiIkIiI of March nnd llm rol Inter. They lint) been aprend on u tnblo In the hurenu of coiiatriuiton officii In Hut imvy department where urclil tvctH worn nl work. Tho aumuiilun caused by the dlp penninco o( Hi" plan wiir In nartt nl Inycd when Heerotnry Daniel (indit ed tlutt liny wore utiliiiportatit ami would ret on I no secret worth while to tlio 0110 Mill) purloined (belli. It I admitted lit llii' nnvy dcimrt iiiuiit Hint not n kIiihIo rlue linn boeu nhlnliicd to tho whereabout of the vtiuUhcd plan or n to Hih n.out who Mtoln them L REFUSE 10 MERGE WASHINGTON, Mm 1.1. The two day ii Chicago uliuh ri'ulilii'iiii lender oiillincil plans for iirgim llug Hie mrtv wiih defended liv the republican loKiilur here today mill tleriileil by hnimu proxrcii. "The inri'liHK lit CIiiuuko," Mil' I ItcpmsciitMlvo iniiebnimli of 1111- iiul, a progressive, "indicate Hie ir reconcilable diffcrcucca of Hie old inrly. The only course for pnmrcs stvu republicans to enter thu prKrcu siwi purly. i:eiitiuilly thev will." ItcpriikMitutivo .Moore of l'cnmyl iiiiln, regular republican, mild: "It Ih not time lo attempt rcpub lleiin ii'iirnmiijuilion. All Hie trouble In the imrty Iihh reunited from pre teittiwi of purity on one hnnd nntl mi warranted neeiiHAtioii on Hie other. The sifting proeewi ihiidI mime, to discover wlin the run I rcpuhlicniiH are." "Itvecpt for diffeienee of pHrly or gniihrulliin," said Semilor Pnlnde ter, "lint llllle divnleti Ihe republi can who unit nt Clnoiigii .oterduy from the progreeshos. Their illogi cnl position in at tt'iiiptiiiK to work with thu regular icpublicnu ! daily becoming nmie eMilent " CHAIR SCIENTISTS WASIIINOTON', Mav i:i. Clung lug gowiriiincnt officials with a "pio pugiimhi of ehiirneter iniifcimitliiiir" noil ridimillnx the Nnlioniil (Icokiii phienl Society, Dr. Frederick A. Cool, in mi open letter to Pnsddent WiIkoii lodny asks Hint u commission of I'olar explorer be immeil to investi gate liirt claim mid Hint of Adniirnl Koliuit Iv, Peary In the discoiury of the North Pole. Writing from Chi eugn, Dr. Cook snys: "The fiitmo of my ohildrun de mauds mi exposition of the unfair inetliiidrt of Hie nrin-ehnir (eo;i'iiph era in WindiiiiKtim. However, 1 do not iihI; llm ndiiilnUlrnlioii lo ilefeud inu or my poslerily, hut 1 do l that the men who draw Nalnries 1'unii Hie uiiliou uoveruuieut he made iiiiMwerahlu for a pnipanunilii of eli nine ter iiHhiiMHiuation. Anion) tliiwii in Willis Mooto mid olherH of the no-fulled Niitiounl (leoraphieal Hoeiety." CINCINNATI CAR STRIKERS VOTE UPON ARBITRATION CINCINNATI, Ohio, May 3!l. The Hlreet eur'htiiKera lime today are votiiiK "ii neeeptmiee or rejeetiou of the luiiynr'ri plan that Ihe employes of the enr eompiiiiy hIiiiII operatu the en ih prnillnt,' arbitration. Tlio com pany hint night necepled thu mayor's plan. It in helieved It iiIho will ho l'avou'd hy tho men. B MOOSERS OK SLAMS Cynical Amusement at and Hearty Praise for Efforls of Secretary In Intcrfcrrlnn In California's Dispute With Japan hy London Papers. LONDON May 13 -Cynlnal ntuiiiH meiit nt unit bearty prnlno for Hie nf tin In of Hecrelnry of Ktate Itrynn In luterferliiK In (.'iillforiila'H tllsptitu with Japnii nro olceit hum today by ilirrereul tiunlliiK London itiillltw. The Dully .Mall refer to Itrynn nn n "lilnhly liioxunrlHiiieit illplouiiitlHt." It wiy that Jaimu'a propoanl to refer the ilUputo lo Thu lluuiie nhoillil he accepiiiit with (ffiulon by Hiieb on iMit IniHlitttt for International nrUlt ra tion it Mr. Ilryiut." It eeueluibw: "With ho many linn) nuts to enit-h In libt own iwrtleulnr ilopnrtmeiit. It ih'ihh iimiervRMiry for thin eminent lilmillt to illslinte IiIh imnrxlM In prepiirlim for the mllluiiliun." The Pall Mall (Incite nl) tnkiw a fltnx nt the propoiMil Hint The llHK'ie IimII arbitrate Initwiiiiii Cull fornl nntl Jnpan. It miw: "If It u true Hint Jhimii vtlsheit to enrry Hie California Inml iihmHiiii tol Tho IIiiiih trlbunnl. wo umy ahortl) obtain n f rM It f it I Iumhiii In tho prai- tlenl limit of xrWtrHtloti. If the Clilhe mill Jnpnnmie are to hnw fnc t-iitr) to the I'Melfle cot it cin I'voutuntly the extirpation of white labor from thai region AM the arbitration In the wurlil will no; lrtiil the iMopl of thn wvtern tuiH tlmt t a their duty to kUo up their bread nmt butter to nn ulloi. rnre. nmt we linnnlnii how iniiiili like llhiHid there I of tue povurumeiit nt 'uhliiKtim tnhlriK iiietitiire to on fore.t nrh an nwnril nltiHt It own Ntibjix't. Wo nil uulil rather like to M' the PMinrlniont for It unefulnuMi In UrlnglDb' drtMinem Iwrl; to hard fneu." S Of the l-onilou pnper which np plniid llrynn the Chronicle nil ex ample. It iih: "Mr, Itrynn alwn hn been n nmt npostle of pence nnd now hn a iiiaK'illlcetit opportunity to do pnutknl work." DESERIS PARIY WArilllMiTON, Mil) 13 If J on can't be true and lonl to yum own tnte ami It ltnl miikm and wool ludiiHtrloM, don't rumu back to Colo rndo." Till wit the eeiillmunt oxpretked on Inholn titlached to montl lutter from IiIh eonHtlttieut rucelol hen today by Henntor Thonm of Colo rado ThomiiH luillonttw (bat he will leld to the protwure and Hint IiIh ot will be cast iiKitluit the Under wood tariff bill. RECORD HIGH PRICE FOR BEEF IN PORTLAND I'OUTLANI). Ore, Ma 111. The extreme IiIkIi record price wan leached for froxh beef In the local market today when utuor offeiliiK limited at 1 1 !i euut pur poiuiil b local whokuuileru, a Hheer advaiiio of one cent a pound over thu prevloim IiIkIi mark. AcconlliiK to a local pnekur the market Ih iiuuuiinlly firm uery whore iiIoiik tho (Hllllt, Kor the firm time lu Portland the price of beef U IiIkIiui- than pork, WILSON GIVES $300 TO EMERGENCY HOSPITAL WAASIllNflTON, Mav LI. -I'tchi. deul WiIkoii today Iiuh increased hy :I0H a popular fund hciiitf iniM'il here for mi emergency hisiilul, "I'm sorry 1 cannot wvo it liti'Kcr amount," Haid he paiileiit uh he hlKiicd the check. a i i i ci ! i t i irf . SENATE TO ACT ON PROBE OF WEST VIRGINIA STRIKE WASIIINOTON, .Mill" 1!). Senator Kiuii'h rcHolutioii for a coiiKieHhionul iiivedlipition of thu Went ViiKinia eoal strike will eoiiie up in thu mii ate latu llila afternoon. MA SCARED Terms of Treaty hy Which Balkan Allies ami Turks Cease Flnlitlnn, Made Puhllc Peace Commission to Settle Disputed Details. LONDON, Mny 13.Tlio term of tho tienty by w-hluli thu lliilknii nllbm nnd tho Turk are to lay down their nruiH were publlhil here today. The pea (0 pnol I ('oiiipumtd of Keuu ttoc- tlllllM. Turkey, uceordliiK to the turiim, I to nhniidon all territory In Hnropo went of a Hue riuiuliiK from Kaon on the Aofiwui koii to .Media on thu lllnek mii, oxvupt Albania. The fron tier line anil tho dlnpoMlHou of Al bania are left lo n eoiiiiiilmilon which the ruler of I'nincH, Itiitwla, (ler inaiiy and KhkIiiiiiI will jointly mip- plttiil. Hreifcu I lo Nt Crete, but thu powoni' eomiiil(un I to dveblii the tUHittloii of tho (Inlllimll iHitilnniiln, the TurkUb laluiid In the AuKonu (, the eh ItidHiHMlty to he paid nnd other flimnrlnt inntter NKW YOKK. Mny LI. I.endiiiK Mtoek Marleil on h lee hIikIiH nbove yentenUy' eloo hi Hit open inc of the market toddy ujthoiixh weekliewi of Mime of the lean aetie atoi'k mi vii Hie market mi irienular upMMimiee. Jeiey Cent nil, Cmiiii iUhii I'aiific Mini Itcllilelii'iu Steel full Imek n Hiint or iimre eovh. SoMiD offcut on Hie 'day V (niillns whn notivenblo when the fincit'U imir- ket re-iipeinil in a more cheerful lone nfter u triple holiday. This cimimmI moderate buying for limlou lUMHiuul, lint iineerlaiuty continued to ehuniflcrixu Hie ileulinc. Deopito hekitaiiev neribed to vurioun tilit-et-tied pnibleiii Iiuiikiiis; over the mar ket, Steel, AiiiMlKHUiiiteil, I'nion I'll etlie, ( bc-apeake mid Ohio mid the coaler roe liarpl. The tniirket elo'-eil Lurlv troiiK. lleudi were irreKUbir. JOHNSON TAKES E CIIICAOO, May LI. The defence of .lack .lulini-on, ncKro puu'iliM, on trial here for ulleKcd xiMatiotiH of the Maun while tduo net, Iman to day. It wiih expected that .lohiiMiii would take the ktaud latu thin after noon. DuriiiK the mnriiiiie. Mion Itainey I'urey, a negro (miner, lomified of automobile trip, he mid Johnson had uiailo in the eut, but denied Hint Hell Sehreiber ever accompanied the pue,ilit. 10 BE SENT 10 SCHOOL LOS ANtiLl.l'.S, Cnl., May LI. A iiiiet Mimuicr in Southern Cnlifor niii nnd utter that nt IcuM two more yearri of school, is the proKiam in raiiK'cil today, lor Itamomi llorden, 17 year old dauuhter of Ouil llorden, couileuxeil milk tiiilliounitc, who litis rcaehed tho home of her mothcr'A parenlH at Alhtimbiii after twice drnppiue; from t)ii of relatives in New Jcie. nnd New Yoik. In coiupuiiy with her mother, Mii llorden is at the home of her Kfaiul father, L. II. Yulk. Iloth the niil mid her mother a to httid to ho in ex cellent health. Thev have, taailo no definite phuii for the hummer. BRYAN OFF TO SPEAK AT HARRISBURG BANQUET WASIIINOTON, Mav 13. Seero- tnry of State Hryuu today started for UariUhurg, l'n., whero ho will bo tlio juineipal bpeaker nt a Jeffersotnan baiti)U0t tonight. SHARP DEMAND EOR LEADING SIOCKS AN DEEENS Action of Students In Taklnp Places of Strikers Arouses Lahor Leaders to Threaten Appropriations for Hutjc University at Berkeley. HACWA.MK.VTO. c May J fhe people of California, through their li'KiWiitor, Iihmi Jiut appro prialed u Kriiml lotnl of ;i,78 1,000 lo llic Uiiivj)rity of Cnliforniii, ii renter nmnuiit limn ever before. Thi money U coiitrihuted hugely IlinniKli the dime mid the dollar of Hie workincineu of the letc. While Hi legislature wiih piihiiiK these upprpprlutioiHi liillx, uuiteixily mudeiiU, rilliciHcd on the (axon of thoe who toll, H'riiii taking Ihe joint of employes of tlm I'ncifio On, ami Klei'tu'c C'oiupnyy, now- out on xtrike. Thu mime HiIiik, it i pointed out. Ims happened befon iluriiiu iuduMiiiil ilinpitle. I'liltiiiu the0 fiicti toKctlicr. (lie H'oiMnc people of the Mute nre today u lilfa lint iAttlti rukBitluiafil uuUiiejilliu I i.. -- ,.;. .1- i.Ji. keiitutive f orffiiiMed labor. There lin bceu talk nt Ihe capitol. mid it i sniw1ut Indav, of involvinit n iitfcrwtiliim or fje unierity niprn print mil bilk. It Iihm erved ftttther to deenly ew phuio the dulflrmiiuiliou of lajior to MTiire ii re present "tue on the bimrd of iccontH. So far there Iiuh never been it repreenelie ot the common Hplc on Htm bmird which directn the ledto of the people' ciuWc. MARSHALL HERE TO ARRESI SIX l).ie Puller deputy United Htntcs tnartibnl, nrrived from Portland Tue- dny mornliiK to tnku Into custody nix prominent local men on n charge of RtnrtliiK foreat fire. Tho six uru Wlll Muller, lliiHll OrcKory. Dr. B. It. Seely. M. S. llldeu, Short) Mile nnd K. C. Ilnrt. Thu men will he placed nniler nrrevt this nfternoou. They will bu nllnwcHl to kIvu bond. It I undorUood Hint Jack Crlbblo of thu forout Hervlcu filed tho com plaint. The party left a cnmpflro buriiliiK on IcivIiir camp which Is Hald to have xtnrted a dlsaatrous blnze. The crime Is ealil to have been cpmmitted two gummom ago. L E OF CIIAKLBSTOX, W. Vn., May 13. "Klnla" was written today to tho la- bur Iwulor n ml utrlkers In West Vlr Klula by military courtmartltil by an nnnoiiiicemeut to that effect by (iov uruor Hatfield. Thu KOernor do elnrcs that hereafter any oharKoa ni;aliiht striker will bo turned over to the civil nuthorules. It U believed thnt this decision marks tthc near abolition of military rule In the l'.ilnt Creek district. where a state of practical wnrfate be tween coal mluers and companies' deputies litis existed for months. ART STUDENT CONVICTED OF SECOND DEGREE BURGLARY SAN FKANC1SCO, Oil., May 111. Mis JcfMe Cliftoiii the yetuiy: Utv erdtilc, ("at., tut htuilent, today was found guilty of hurj;liir.v in Hie seo ond degree by a jury in Judge Tra buceo'h court. She will bo xeutenced Saturdtiy. Mihs Clifton wiih nt rented two mouths ugo as one of the Shea guiic, of youiiK men and women burglars. When Ihe verdict wns imuiouueed Ihe girl' mother collapsed and Mis Clif ton became hysterical. STILLWELL INDICTED FOR ALLEGED CORRUPTION NF.W YOKK, May III. Recently ucimittcd by the slate senate of bri bery charges preferred liv fleorco A. Koudiill, president ot the Now York Hankuotu eoiupauy, Stuto Senator Stephen J. Stilwell today stands in dieted by u grand jury on biniilar ehuigcs. AY MINE OVER Philippines and Havaii Desired by Nipponese Who Think They Arc a Great Nation and Consider Califor nia's Action a Slur on Them. SAN FIIANCLSCO. Cnl.. Mny LI. "Thu old men of Japan think what the yeunj: men uy, mid the hitler covet the I'hilippine ami lUwMiian I.laiidH." 'litis v;n the iliKilHratioii here lo dny of Jti'v. .Milton I. CIuieit, nophow of the lute Satmivl L. fle ment (.Murk Twnlu) who nrrived here toijny on the steamer I'orniM from JupHii, whore for three ymm he liHit been u teacher of HhkJMi in the (Morumeiit elieolx nt Yokohama nnd Khsco-Iuiiih. CnliforninV nttitudu on the alien Innd bill, Clemen il. hex emiied a decided channc of front in the .IhM iicko feeliiu; toward AmerieiiNH nnd lHl-' Muilctl with the fuel tlmt In i not in i-yinKith.v with the ediicn tioiml proiHtunnda of the Oriental-, cau-ed bin return to Ameriea. "The war with" Midi (Tch enma toilay. m1mh timde Jhkiii ereat in her own vyv. Tlio loHt of her people i that -be h a nntion of the firm cla-a and the alien land move ment in California ii taken n- an in ference Hint xht i not what i-lie pro fons (o be. "I am cnntrHttieil to the belief that there will be no wnr between Japan mid the United Stntes but if war should come it will be (IKe-trous lo Japan, win or oe." TO BURN BODIES OF REBEL SLAIN DOL'ULAS, Ariz.. .Mav Ll.-ICero- seue i beitijr hippfd todny from No t;aliw, Soiiorti, to Oiiaymns to burn tho budieti of eight hundred Mexican federal nnd coiiMitutionnlUt i-oldier reported to have been killed in a three dayn' battle near Hie latter city. The federals were beaten, but not decisively. Private de.-patche e.-tiiuate the dend at eiylit hundred. More than om! thoii-aml were rvxrted. Attompth nre beim: made to dispose of the bodies of the dead through bur iut nnd cremation. Unutumlly vvnnu weather prevail about Guayiuns, however, nnd oil wns ordered from Novate to facilitate the cremation and guard npiin-t pestilence. E J. 1). Doner of Upland, Calif., to dny purchased the A. K. Ware home and ranch south of the city and Ihe W. C. Kisur ranch near Jacksonville. The consideration, which wns made through a trade, nnuiuuls to $70,000, tho Ware raiieh t1iiriug ut .f'JS.OOO mid the Riser much til $l'J,000. Mr. Doner will move to Medford to live mm win uriug iiiree otuur laninioa with him. Tito trude for the Wnre liuiuo nnd ranch was. niude by C. D. Hoy. Mr. Wine gets mi e-lablisliud hardware biisiue.s ut Upland mid inteudn to leave next year to take uetivu nitiit iigenieut. A two-story luiek building ligures in Hie Kiser trude which was intide through tho York & Co. oftice. Mr. Kiser, owner of the ranuh, lives in Itedfield, S. D. JUDKINS PURCHASES HUSSEY'S OLD STAND W. L. Jitdkius, representing a string of ,", 10 ami 13 cent blores litis bought tho stock, locution and fix tures of Hrowu & Whitney, formerly tho Hussey business on West Mtiiu street. Ho will open itboiit Juno 13 witlt new stock and an up-to-date store. Mr. Jmlkins will bring his family hero to live. He ut one time managed the St. Charles Hotel at Albany, WAR AN KE ORCHARDS D Flat Cliarfles That Republicans Seek to Create Disaster, Made in Senate Business Wants Uncertainty Ended but Stand-Patters Seek Delay. WAHIIINOTON. Mny in. Hy n vote of 48 to 3 1 the donate tils after noon wont into exectulro sosslon, theroby automHtlcally dolaylng ac tion on Senator Penrose motion for public hi.MrltiR on the Underwood bill nnd preventing any aotlnn on tho tar iff until thu next regular meeting. WASHINGTON, May 13. Flat chnrycH thnt ruHiblienn meiubcrri of the -eitate geek lo ileioy nctiou on the I'mlerwrtod tariff bill until an art ideal pretext in raived in order to briitff about ii panic, were voiced here today by democratic lenders. The MMiale wan Hcheilnli'd to vote this aftenxHin on Senator l'eoro-e'.i rc-o-lulion proviilinr Hint the i-enntc fi ne nee committee itoudiict open tariff hearing before cnnaidirnitkui of the mcHfUre it bffnin. The democrnti expeet to rejwt't the imtu. The ilumoerntH ny that the busi-iieH- world wniita the Uncertainty re j;n riling (lie tariff bil ended, neecrt Itijr tlmt if tariff hearintM are olimi uatcd the bill will go at onec to the fiiMince committee nnd be reported out within two or (liree weeks. SeniiNir I'enriwe im detennined lo conduct it filibuster. The denioernth eK'ct Senatr Ilonih. Cummins and Keiivou to .pM-c the I'cim-ylvMnian. Y TO That many middlcwcstcru people ure looking lo the Itogue river valley for future homes and Hint a number of his friends plan to vi-it Medford soon, is the statement of W. I). Middle, vice-president of the Kri-co system, who has been in the valley vicitiug with his son, W. K. Middle of this city. Mr. Iliddle left this morn ing for his Chicago home. The recent floods nnd eyelones in tho middle west," stntes Mr. Diddle, "have caused a great many people to look westward in search of homos. A great many of my friends uro con versant with the Itogue river vnlley and will probably be out hero in the near future with the intention of re maining. "The valley never appealed to me in a greater degree than on this trip. Tins is certainly u favored sot." - i ohm ALBANY BRIDE VICTIM ALBANY, Ore., May 13. Tho city It! aroused today over an attack made by two men upon Mrs. Harry ArgetsliiKor, a brldu of two months. In her homo here. According to Mrs. ArKetsluger, who Is -I years old, tu. masked mun entered her apartments and, after overpowering her. curried her upstairs and after nagging her lashed her to a bed. Mrs. Argetsluger's plight wns dis covered by neighboring women, who found her with her hands tied above her head ami her feet to tho bottom of tho I Kid. Shu could give only a meager description ot her usullauta. The authorities aru searching the tilty uud surrounding country In au effort to nppreheud the men. ELOPING AUTO RACER CAUGHT BY ANGRY FATHER KACINK, Wis., May 13. Juo Jug geiberger, the automobile racer, is some racer, but he hasn't yet devel oped enough speed to distance nn angry pupa. Jaggersbergor, in his peed burner, last night attempted an elopement from hero witlt Mis Amanda Olle, the daughter of a rich manufacturer. They scorched, the' roads until they reached Waiikegun, where the police stopped tliem. At I o'clock this morning John Olle, the irate papa, ar rived with two policemen and Miss Amanda emtio buck home. MAN LOOKING ROGUE RVER Administration Plans New Atjrcc ment Whereby the Status or Japs as Residents and Landholders In United States Will Be Settled. WASIIINOTON, Mny 13.A new Japanese treaty to settle definitely forever the status of Japanese as residents; nnd landholders ir tho United Stales is (o ho the hauls of a new treaty with Jnpnn soon to !a ne gotiated, necording (o information to day nt Hie state department. This trcnly, it Is said, will bo con cluded independently of vfhntMtction Governor Johnon of Cnlifornin tnkes nn the new alien Innd law of tlmt state. It is admitted by attaches of the department thnt Scoretnry Ilrynu nnd Ambassador Chimin believe that the time has nrrived lo finally settle nil po-siblo xiints of controversy nnd have determined Hint there is n com mon ground on which they can meet to draw up such h convention. The result of this, it Is expected, will be a definitely worded treaty which will replace tho present loose imderstnndiiip of ihe " gentlemen' agreement" made hy President Koose velt with the Nippouesc. No definite indication of what tho JiiMinesc protest ngalnst tho Cnlifor nin land bill contained hits yet heeit made public here. It is admitted, however, that the prote-t is general in character nnd it is denied that it definitely demands that Japanese bo declared eligible to citizenship. Persons familiar witlt the situation state that the protest is bused on n feeling thnt there is an effort every where in the United States to dis criminate ngainst tho Japanese be cause they arc ineligible to citizen Jiitu The- protefoslwrftho. prei- -dent to remedy this discrimination. Diplomats here, as a whole, think Hint n new treaty between Japan and the I mted Stntes is imperative. i COMMERCIAL CLUB F President J. A. Perry' of the Med ford Commercial club has issued an nppeal to the residents of the city to send a large quantity of flowers to the exhibit building nt tho first of the week to put it in first class trim for the coming week when the I. O. O. P. grund bulge will meet in Med ford. Hy filling Its interior witlt flowers its appenranee will be great ly improved and beautified. w SEE AMERICA FIRS! Medford needs more people with money. It ought to bo the appreciated of every citizen in this community to aid in attracting more coplu to lloguo river valley. U. S. McMillan, who is hero in the interest of "See America First" magazine, offers an opportunity entirely orgiual and in expensive for every ope living in tho Uoguo river valley to mdiMdatilly net as udvertisitig agents of tho seento wonder and natural resources of this veritable paradise. There are many millions of people liviuc in America who never burnt of Iloguu river i'iil ley. The next issue of "Seo America First" magaziiio will coutuiu an il lustrated story of this great wonder land, and every citizen of this com munity is invited to mail suveral eop ios of this worthy publication tu their friends. CRE5I REACHES GULF NBW CHILEANS. La., May 13,. With fulling stages recorded at all poliitB oxcqpt Now Orleans, tho crest of tho 1913 Hood today has passed out of tho Mississippi river Into tho Uulf of Mexico. WAN W S 'n J