Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 10, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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a WI Np y M yin wW. lis .1 I mm
By George McManus
Bringing Up Father
"'''. ' ' y ' ' ' '' " ' 'i ; ' ' ' ' '' " ""'""
fiooornouno ml'& ,5yV3: ,. fe - ihihc 0??- JP ' M TODLES- ocitiw -. Vou ,rNr, -run r COLF
l&r K5V9 ""4Ej5, MP'S "hwwkwp. mva
'" ' I .1 I .1 , , I ' ... , I
1 1 I . y
lirmr nmn nni r nniirvr iinnnr iiriiin Ti,i.r,i,i, ,.ti..,... ,t (8) in Block. Number Two (2) 01 for i:xi omcES I for balk-miscellaneous I business directory
HMO: IHK5 oULU UUUKI HUU5t ItTO 3 warjafi
Ul OMAI I rn THtlIIO completed. uainiAHY
It In intimated by mitomuhllu mar
keting MlHlluri, (lint tint people
living- diiUIiIu ilio largo tvutttr of
iutilntlon will buy the big majority
of the motor ntr output thin year.
Thl particularly applies to Oregon,
wlutnt t)in rural populntluti hm at
tained tlmt tints n( wraith whnrn It
thoughts turn toward pleasure and
social advancement. Since- tint f nrtn
crrt nnd lh wMMn-dlt resident of
tin) smaller towns nml cities In Ore
koii will buy hundred of automo
bile ilurliu: 1913, It I well thnt
thoy should have no 1110 tint to have
their Judgment whru they arc sc.
lecllng tlirlr car.
Farmer probably aro tlio "Hani
Ht rimtonn'rn," in oiin nitimc, Hint tint
nuioinolillo htttomitiiii Imi to itnnl
with. I'niKnl 11111I thrifty, thy Imvo
Kdlmri'il thulr fortmin by hiinl work
iidd roiiHclitiillou tiffort, tmd thuy
I'.irt with thulr inonuy only after tlm
tloM'it liiMMitlKntlnii nml nftrr bohii;
tlioroiiKhly rouvtnrvil thnt thoy nro
IJetllMK Hut licHt thny rftll buy.
t'hnliunrir nutoinoliiii nro omlnr
In tho roiintry. Not nuiroly liccniino
thy roprKKont tho htxlioul iluwlop.
iiHMit In lipfiuty of flnlitli, but bocnuno
llny nro ntrutiK. ttoiioinlcnlly opnr
ntnl mill Mtaiul wall Hm unvurii Mraln
tlio motor car Ki'imriilly h put In In
clmntry into. It In Infnxiuniit. In
ilecd, that )ou fltnl n illHmttUflotl
Hlmlmor ownop In lo country, Tlio
enrn nvnry ono of them nro built
or tho fliumt mntcrlnl on tho mnrkot
i'TIkto Ih n notlconblo tcnifdncy tin
llu part of tho country buyorn lb
Orunon to purrhnxo IiIkIi ;rnilo rnnt
thin ycnr," nahi Perry I,. Atthcrtft.
.Id, thu Clialiiii'rx ropronoulatlvo.
'Thny Imvo koIIku b) that dlnno
vrhitro Hivy thlult It lit economy to
buy n cliimp car 1 ho oxporlenctm of
their fritiitiU hnve tniiKhl tlioui tlio
(oily of thlm They rfutlUo now thnt
thoy not brller tlollar for tlollnr vnl
.10 by buyliiK tho car Hint In maito of
tho heitt iiinterlal obtnlunblo.
"I can ilUtliR'lly roniomlmr tho
tltuo when It wuh lrtiinlly Imponiilblo
It noil ut fiiOu nutomolillo lit tho
country. That tiny huu pmmutl for
kooiI. It In coiiipiirntUoly cany now
lh hIiow Ilio pcopto Hut vnluo of n car
llko tho ChalmorH, Thoy npprcclato
Hint when KcttliiK nn niitoinnhllo lll:o
HiIh thoy are not biiylntt for tlio lut
inetlluto proneiit, but mo purchaHlim
hoiuoHiIiik that will hn Jlint nn gnoil
lo yearn Inter nml will kIvo fluo
vorvlro nflur It linn loin; hIiico pnlil
fur IIboU.
"Aiitoiiiollllo biillilhiK him clutUKol
nimnrkiibly. Tho ilemaiul iihoiI to bo
tut Kruat that tlln iniiuurnrtiirar wan
not forced to llullil particularly kooiI.
Ho could ioi t ut throw tho cor to
KOthor nml lot It ho ut thnt, You
mm thoy didn't think tiiuclt of tho
niitoiuublln and It wtiHii't Hiipponud to
Hint a torrlbly Ioiir time. Now thny
want a motor car that will kIvo kooiI
Mtirvlco Indefinitely. Tlmt Ik why
thoy mo biiylht; earn llko tho Clinlin
orH, .i"Aiilomobllp8 ot tills cIhbh aro
built for ponnnnoiicy. Tlio hulldon
am playing for future IiuhIIicHs, In
yoarH to conn, thoy want tho IiuhN
iifBH or tho man Hint liuyn their cara
Ills ueiiBon. That Is why each car
Ih built undor pornonal RiiporvlHloii,
Kuch car In tlioroiiKhly tctod buforo
Itl la Hont from tho factory. v
fnuyoiH find that thla lit tho typo
of aiitomobllo thnt poya In tho lout?
Mall Tribune's claRHiriod ads brlnu
Minerva J, Jleurdilcy vh. V. J
lleitrilnley, divorce.
Frank Klnff v, llaiiunh KIiik, til
uifce. Kfflo , Taylor v. C. M, lloardmitn
nml wife, action to recover moiioy.
MnrrbtKo l.ltt'tnr.
V H. linker and Florence Hunter.
J I.. II co be nml (lortrudo Jordan.
Peter Toikoa and Aitpniln llnbtaco.
Itrttl lUlolo TrnnifcrK.
J i: Itobertit lo (). I). Whitney,
deed, part tp H7 H II 1 ... 1
Victoria Mlckclum to Wllllniii
M)er, dcctl, inrl co 'i'i tp
ah h it 2 i: youo
W. J. (Irenory to V. W. (Hor.
ory, tleed, part e 32 tp 30
H It I U I
Owen KecKan to City of Jack
oiilllo, deed, pr.rl lot 2
Jnrkiiouvlllt ..- ... CO
Unltud Htuto to X. N. Davlit,
part mc 4 tp 10 H It a l: .-Patent
Ollvo 0. Piituuni to Henry Jun
IIIiik, deed, pnrt co S tp 39
H It I i: 11)
Ailtllo Wllllamitou to P. U. Ton
Vollo, deeil, 3 aero Valley
View adit JackKouvlllo 1
Matlo Whlto to I). C. Whlto.
deed lot s blk 2 Oak (Jroo
mid Motlford 1
HlUaboth Klewart lo I". H.
Merrick, deed, 10 acrtm
Htcwnrt Acre aubdlvlKlon. . 1
P. li. Morrlck to Kdlth W.
HoIiiioh, deed, 10' acreH
Klnwnrt AoreM Kiilnllvlnlnn.... 1
William Onborno to It. it. Ham
dued part itee ll' Mp m H
u 3 w jr,o
J. A. Ilothwell to p. M. llbiuk,
tlectl, part nee 3'J tp 3C
It 1 W toooo
P. K. Inlow to Kareptn H. In
low, deed, hw nee 28 Ip
S rt It I W i
I.. V. Duvld to C. II. Nob In,
deed, part hoc 17 tp 38 H
It 1 IJ i
l.llllu M. Allen to 1 1. W. WIImiii
deotl, part m-o in tp 30 a
H W 1000
P. M, (lllmoro to .1. O. Will
lama, deed, pint nee IS tp
no h it -t w 300
J. 12. Watt to William Myor,
deed, part net) 10 tp 3S H It
2 W GliOO
J. J. OsHouhriiKKo to litirulo It.
Wool, deed, lotH I, 2, 3. -t
In tp :itf 8 It l; blk 10,
Philolilx io
IVK. Conway to Myrtlu oa
IuiikIi, dnoil, lot 24, blk 4K
Hiimmlt add Aahlaml to
Mr. iiml JliH. Sl.alcH Itnv IiuvIml-
fiulshoil their ciiniincuifitt hbio kit
for (lolil llil Tlmifldnv iiiovuIiik-
Mr. A. J. Duiilup, MIh Akuch
l)nnliil, Mih. (JolTe, Mr. Nenl ami
pan llorrlile; were ainoinr our peoplo
in Modt'onl Tliuixtlnv nl'tcriioun,
Oily council niut Weilncilny oven
inj,'. Ntchhnntioii of . V. Liliilhit.V
wna ottloietl luyecl on Ihn Initio. Con
hlriit'lion of tho iknv city well wiib
onlmSiil eoinmeuciwl nl onco umler
tho Hupnrvlsioii of tho ctiuneil who
appointed floo. L. Ford nimiaiiiK'
foromni), Council 'ailjoui'iieil to meet
TilcHilny oveninir Mhy lilllt ut'H p. in.
MiA, ,T. Ni Smith uiul tlmiutilcr,
Mis flinco Imvo roliirneil from n
visit to California.
Mih. (Jillmau of Modfonl wiih tlio
KHOht of Mih. C. II, ltoHtel I it' io tho
iniilillii of tho week.
l8lK tov Ilio now olty wvll was
.Died, at Hiu Bucrod Henri tionpllnl,
Thitrtdny, at p. in., Kiln J. Phillip,
need 48 years. With her htubaud,
P. II. Phillip, who ha rcildvd In
Mcdfurd for tho paat four yearn, their
lat rculilenco buliiK 1110 Rant i;tov
uutli utroot. Hho lived In Portland
17 years and In Toledo neveral yoant
before comltiR to Med ford and In
each placo ha loft many friend who
will mourn her Ion. Mr. Phllllpn
will bo Kreatly iiiUied, n her llfo
wn ono of cheerful rervlce for othent
over mlnlvtorliiR to thoto In ulckuui
nml dlitrciH.
Funeral Horvlcca will bu conducted
Sunday nl 3 p. in. ut tho Soreuth
Uy Advuntlit church, on North
lllveraldu, after which tlio body will
bu taken to Albany for Interment.
Call for Mall Trlbimo vnciitim
cleaner at Mr. Abbott's hardware
To Policy Holder of I'lioenlv .Mutual
I' Ice liisiirniico ('oiuptiiiy
If you nro Interfiled In resisting
payment ot last asscMinent, you will
find It to your ndvantaKo to commit
nlcato nllh us at once. DsrlliiR &
Hodces, Gold Hill, Oregon. 10
In tho Circuit Court ot the Stato
of OruKon, In and for tho County ot
Fretl II. Cook, plaintiff, vs. O. C.
Hoggs as administrator of tho cstato
of l.urrotla Woolverton, decoasetl, Al
K. .Woolverton nml.Cnstlo WooUer
ton, minor child of Al K. Woolverton
mid I.ucretln Woolverton, mid IIIr
Plnt'H l.utnlier Company, n corpora
tion, defoiidantH,
To Castle Woolvnrton, ono of the
above named defendants:
In tho namo of tho State ot Ore
koii, you nro hereby retjulred to ap
pear and answer tho plnlntttf'H com
plaint nvnlnst you, now uu fllu In tho
above entitled court and causo, on or
beforo tho last tiny of tho Hmo pre
Mcrlbed In tho order for publication
of summons herein, to-wlt, an or be
foro thu 12th day ot Moy, lttin, tnld
ditto bolnc tho expiration of sU
weoka from tho dato of tho first pub
lication of thla Hiiniiuons, and It you
fall to appear mid miswer, for want
thoruor tho plaintiff will apply to tho
court for tho relief demanded In said
complaint, micclnclly stated as fol fel fol
eows: That tho niortKiK0 mentioned In
uald complaint bo foreclosed nml
that tho real property therein do
Hcrlbtd, fi Lot iiumborad Throo
17-ncrb orchard near kooiI town,
hourly all full hoarlin; api'lea, a fuw
youiiK poara. Bpeclal rouson for soil
Iiir, mtd offered at a bargain at 1500
ah acre. Tho crop should brliiK
$3fi0 an aero thin year. No smudit
In i;, Let u h show you.
to Heron of orchard, ono of tho
show plnroa of tho valley; supnrb
view, no frosts; hair of It la Ih flii
est ot btinrliiK apples; 12 acres Of
fluo youiii; pours, balance In aUalfa.
flood btildliiKs. iCOO mi aero It
taken boon, Loaded to tlio cunrda
with fruit this year.
20 ucros ot tho finest you or pears
In tho vntloy, four years old; Irri
gated, and water right all paid. Only
fJJGO por aero.
For rent, a fluo soven room home,
largo yard, sbado troes, wldti porches,
flrepbco, garage, pavemont, water
paid, Will rout for 20 nor month
to tho right parties,
G. D. HOON and
(3) In Mock Number Two (2) oi
Crescent Subdivision to tho City ot
Medford In Jackion County. Ore
on, as numbered and described In
tho recorded plat thereof, bo sold
under tho order and decree of said
court, ns by law provided, and that
tho proceeds or sufficient thereof bo
applied lit tho dlt)iircnicnt ot the
Jiidutrtent prnyed for In said com.
plaint, In tho sum of Sevan Hundred
Fifty Dollars (J700.00) together
with interest thereon nt tho rate ot
ten per cant (10 pur cent) per an
num from tho Cth day of February,
1011, and tho further sum ot Ono
Hundred DoUnrs ($100.00) reason
nblo attorney's fees, and tho costs
nnd disbursements of this suit to bo
That tho defendants and all per
sons clnlmlnc or to claim under them
bit barred nnd foreclosed of all rUht,
title and equity In or to said de
scribed premises, and of any and all
equity of redemption therein, except
as by statute provided.
This summons is published In tho
Medford Mnll Tribune, n newspaper
printed in mid of general circulation
In said county nnd state, by order ot
tho Honorabla F. M. Calkins, JudRt,
of tho nbovo entitled court, which
said order was made and entered ot
record on tho 2 Klb day of March,
1013, ami in obodlcnco thereto tho
first publication piereot Is tho 20th
day of March, 1013.
Attorney for JPIalutlff.
Last publication Saturday May 10,
To tho holders of first mortgage 0
per cent sinking fund gold bonds of
tho Pacific & Kastern Hallway, duo
Juno 1, 1037:
Tho undttrslgnod, trustee under
tho mortgaRO nltovo referred to, de
sires under authority of snld mort
gage, to expend tho sum of Thirty
eight Thousand, Nine Hundrod
KlRhty-hcvcn and Forty-flvo hun
dredths dollars (138,987-15) In tho
purchase of bonds of said Issue, pro
vided such purchaso can. In Its (.pin
ion, ho now made advontngeousl).
Sealed offors of said bonds m.iy bo
sent to tho office of tho undersigned,
nt 00 Itroadway, Now York City, on
or beforo Juno 3, t',M3. nt 12 o'clock
Successor Trustee,
lly (Icorgo 13 Wnrron,
Trust Officer.
Dated Now York, May b, 1913,
ixm itK.vr l'uiiNistiKtt iiooms
FOIl HUNT Woll furnished rooms
with all conveniences In modern
home, gentleman mid wife or la
dles only. Call morultigs. -122
South Laurel.
FOIt IlENT - Large sleeping rooms,
and modern housekeeping apart
ments, prices "very reasonable
Phono 102G-L. 222 South Holly
ix)it ih:ni -iiouNKs
FOIl HUNTI room bouse. R.OO
per month. Hold Hay llealty Co.
FOIt ItKNT Five room modem
apartment, stooping porch, JIG;
suven roout houso, Bleeping porch.
Col. II. 11. Sargent. 810 Oakdale
South. CI
FOH HKN'V Modern huiiRnlow;
built-in furniture: bcnutltul lawn.
309 S. Notvtown.
FOH HHNT Modern furnished
6rooni house, water rent paid,
?20. 018 King st.
FOR RKNT Furnlshod house, clobo
in. CO N, Orango.
FOIt UKNT Modorn 7 room houso
and bungalow, furnished or un
furnished. W. II. Kvcrhard, 1013
West th.
FOH ItKNT 10 room hoiiaa roar ot
Farmura & Fruitgrowers bank,
suitable for hiislnosa, real estate,
boarding or rooming boubo. Oold
ltny Itoalty Co., Cth and Fir sts.
FOH HKNT HousekeepliiK rdoma
- with bath nml gus. UtG North
r. , r, .,.::, i '. . ' f
foh hknt yunxisinsn Ayrs.
FOIt ItKNT Complotoly fiirnlshod
aimrtiuonts. Tho Horboii, 10
Cjulnco st,
FOH HHNT Large, comfortnble of
fice rooms with olevator service,
stesm beat, hot and cold wntor.
Low rates. Apply Medford Furnl
turo &. Hdw. Co.
Foil ItKNT First" class "pasture.
m n . - - . . .
i.ow per nionin; running waier.
Phone 597-114. See John Darker.
FOIt ItKNT 30 room furnished
hotel on percentage. Gold Hay
llealty Co.
FOH ItnNT-r-ltanches, largo and
umall, alfalfa and garden lands.
Gold Hay llealty Co., Cth and Flr
FOIt 8ALH Oil THADK Hy private
party. 40 acres unimproved land
with houso and barn. Phono eve
nings. 81C-X. G7
FOR SALK Homestead relinquish
ment, several acres In crop, good
buildings, good location; fluo
riuiKe: h bargain. Inquire Lock
Uox 26, Jacksonville, Ore. 40
FOR SALK Ranches, aero tracts,
town property, from IS per aero,
upwards on C and 10 years tlmo.
Gold Ray Realty Co., Sixth and
FOR SALK Canada lands. Sco Geo.
II. Young, ngt. for Canadian Pa
cific R. R. lands. Geo. H. YonnK.
It. F. D. 1, Hox 12. Phono 7-P-4.
FOR SACK Do not fall to got my
list of hard times bargains In and
around tho beautiful city of Ash
land before you decide on a loca
tion. I can save you money on
renting or buying. W. II. Hodg
son. Cor. K. Main and Secoud sts
Ashland. Ore. CI
FOR SALK I room houso aud lot
1700. 100 cash aud $15.00 pel
month. Gold Ray Realty Co.
FOR SALK Modern 0 room house,
east front, high lot, cement walk,
sewer and water nil paid; Reed
lawn; '.4 block from pavement.
Inquire 31S South Hamilton.. 40
foii sAlk aciucagi:
Foit'sALK OmthlrU",ac" berry
pitch, 2 blocks from pavement.
Three room house, chickens, coops
etc. yV, II. Kvcrhnrd, 1013 West
FOR SALK- Household furniture.
Call Lathrop Perkins. G$0.
FOR SALK Letter heads and fancy
tatlonory, printed, engraved or
embossed, as you wish at tho
Mall Trlbuno,
FOR SALK Day-old chicks. Planum
Klectrlc Incubator Hatchery, Tat
cut. Oro. II. C. High, Mgr. GO
FOIt SALK Gas rango aud hot wa
ter heater ut 28 Almond st. Phono
C23-L. 4 1
FOR SALK Cook stove, bed, chairs,
kitchen combination table; bar
gains. Phono r.74-J. 42
FOR SALK Fruit box lebols In ono
two or three colors, printed as you
order at tho Mall Trlbuno.
FOR SA1-K Loose leaf ledger ays
toms, any stylo or tmiido to ordor
by tho Mall Tribune bludory.
FOR SALK Legal blauKs. tresspass
notices, for salo or rent sings at
tho Mrll Trlbuue.
FOR SALK Gasoline stove, 123 reot
picket fenco. Call 525 W. 10th.
FOR SALK First cIiibs cull pota
toes $5 per ton. Scott V, Davis,
Phoito SOS-R. 52
FOR SALK Household goods nt
half prleo and less; also baby car
riage In splendid condition. 510
S, Newtown, 43
FOR SALK 1 Holt traction englno
and plows, noarly now, for ono
thlrd price. Gbld Ray lltiaRy Co.
FOR SALK Ono road rollor, gaso
Hue, for one-third prlrd, nearly
liow, Gold Ray Realty Co.
FOR SALK ItAIIan bees and queens
Jni. Stewart. Phone C10-H, Med
ford, Ore. 40
FOIt SALK Vegetable plants, cab
bage V4c tomato 1c. C. Carey's,
Talent, It. F. D. No. 1, Ore. Phono
Poland China boar. R. D. 1, Uox
73, Central Point, or phono Far
mer 14-154.
FOR SALE Fine young team ot
mules, just tho thing tor orchard
work, good drivers; price reason
able. A. IC. Ware, office at Com
mercial club. 42
FOR SALK Single comb white leg
horn hens, Wykoff strain. In full
laying, 7fic each. F. S. Carpenter,
Phone 201-R-l. 42
FOR SALK Good fresh young Jer
sey cow. M. II. Payne, 721 Den
nett are. 47
WANTED Plain tewing, patching
and quilting. Call any day but
Saturday. Phono 9C2-X. 49
WANTED 15 acres In 5 to 8 year
old pears, tract -must bo Irrigated.
Will deal with owner only. Uox
49. Tribune. 42
WANTED Modern, furnished 0 or 7
room bungalow with garage. Ad
dross Box 19, care Mall Tribune.
WANTED Spring tooth barrow.
Will exchango wood for work
horso, also 10 acres pears with
houso for Medford bungalow. O.
D. A., Mall Tribune.
WANTED TO BUY Ilect cattle,
stock cattle, calves, all kinds,
sheep, hides, wool, etc. Dob
Crow dor, phono 1029-W. You may
find mo at my market. 103 W.
Main. Wednesdays and Saturdays.
LOST A floxlblo gold bracelet with
California gold bangle. Return to
J. F. Lawrence, Joweler, for re
ward. 43
MONEY TO LOAN On city and
cloro In ranch property. O. A.
McArthur. room 3, P. O. block,
phono 3GS.
MONEY TO LOAN $1000 tb $5000
to loan on improved farm proper
ty. Dennett Investment Co.
FOR TRADE I httvo' Mtmo now
Stiulobuker wagons, buggies, farm
Implements mid gatqllno englno
for which I will take card or fir
wood. F. OHonbruggo, 401 Rlvcr
Blilo ave. S.
ette ranch for Medford residence:
12000. Clark Realty Qo.
FOR EXCHANGE Clear Income nnd
acrcago up to $30,000, for welt
Improvod ranch. Clark Realty Co.
STRACT CO., No. 0 South Contrsl.
D. R. WOOD General Accountant
Your books audited nnd kept tor a
reasonable figure; your business
Bollcltod. Office, Medford Mall
Trlbuno bldg.; phono Gll-R-2; rcs
lenco phono K37.
-Attorneys-at-Lnw. itoonis i ana
2, Postotflce bldg.
A. E. REAMKS, LAWYER aarnott
Corey bldg.
W. J. CANTON Attorney and. Coun
sellor at Law. 123 East Main
street, Medford, Oro.
Win, M. Colvlg George M. Hoborts
Modtord National Batik Building,
Auto Supplies.
big sccrot In making sprlnga I the
tempering. Wo nro operating the
largest, oldest and best equipped
plant in tho Taciflc northwest. Use
our springs when others fall. Bold
under guarantee. 2G North Fif
teenth St, Portland, Ore.
DR. IL J. LOCK.WOOD. Chiropractor,
norvo specialist, itoonis 203-204-205
Garnctt-Corey bldg. Vapor
hatha and scientific massage given;
ndvlco In dietetics, racdlcat gym
nastics, hydroptherapy. Lady at
tendant. Phone, otflco 94G, resi
dence C71-R.
DR. A. R. HEDOES. Dr. Loulao E.
Hedges Mccbano-Theraplsts, Chiro
practors, Spondylotberaplsts. These
systems, Including dietetics, cura
tivo gymnastics, hydro-theraphy,
etc., prodnco results in both acute
and chronic diseases. Consulta
tion free. 230 North Dartlett St.,
next door to M. E, church. Hour
9 a. m. to G p. m. Other hsara by
appointment. Phone tl7-J.
DR. SV. M. VAN 8COY60"
Garnctt- Corey bldg., suite 310,
Medford. Oro. Phono 850.
GARBAGE Got your promises
cleaned up for tho winter. Call
on tho city garbago wagons for
good service. Pbono C25-L. F.
Y. Allen.
Notary Public
HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub
lic, llrlug your work to mo ut tho,
sign of tho Mall Trlbuno.
Printer ami Publishers
best equipped printing office . in
southern Oregon; book binding,
looso leaf ledgers, billing systems,
etc. Portiaud prices 27 North
Fir St.
Physicians anil Surgeons
MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia
physicians, 410-117 Garnett-Coroy
bldg., phono 1030-L. Residence
420 South Laurel st.
DR. 8. A. LOCKWOOD Physician
nnd surgeon.
Prnctlco limited to diseases of
women. Offices 233 E. Main.
Phones, otflco S07; rosldenco 814.
DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and
surgeon. Practice limited to eye,
ear, noso mid throat. Eyes scien
tifically tested mid glasses supplied
Offlco 228 East Main St.. Hours
8:30 a. in. to 8 p. m. Phone.
E. II. PICICEL, M. I). Offlco Jack
sou County Bank bldg. Offlco
phono 43-H; residence phone 58-R.
DR. MARION Pliyslclan and sur
geon, Stewart bldg., corner Main
and Bnrtlott sts,; offlco phone 27,
rosldenco phone 27-J-2.
cian aud surgeon. Office Palm
block, opposlto Nash Hotel. Hours
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J.
DR. R. W. CLANOY Physician and
surgeon. Phonos, office 3G, rest
deucp 724-J. Otflco hours 10 to
12. 2 to 5.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia
pliyslclan, 303 Oartiott-Corey
buIldltiR. Phono 904-M.
II. J. CONROY, M, D. Physician and
Surgoon. Qvor Hutchison & Lunis
don, 215 E. Main St. Phone 77,
ELLA M. OAUNYAW Palm block.
Stenographic wock done quickly,
and woll.
Offlco 10 South Fir St. Phon
315, Prices right. Bervtee guar
autceU. . ,