Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 07, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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r I
8, Ij. Dennett nntl wlfo lcavo next
Monday to spend tins TfuYhmcV with
their dftMRhler In Lnke county, driv
ing over the iflenntilns.
County Commissioner W. C
hoover Is Sibt lit nltoudnnco at the
regular session of the- rouuty court
widely bncd jfoda?, towing to the
fact tfj&Tii j Injured, 'hltnsclt vhllo
DlnyhiKlJiahiibfill 'atJ.uantral 1'olat ro-
contlyj -ilot vMK ue 1W up hut n
few Mr.. - i
HnvM:6t Rccn lnchc.w rihbon for
10c ntjinKAVonder tore? 3!
TheYoAvllliba nn icocrenm social
nnd dance nt Smith's hall this eve
ning. The eoclnllstB arc sponsoring
tho event.
L. Ij. Jacobs, casiiTcr of tho Farm
ers ft Fruitgrowers bank, In confined
to his homo by Illness. It 1a be
lieved that ho will soon bo out Again.
Stringer has moved to 227 N. Oak
dalo and Is quoting 10 lbs. sugar $1.
7 bars soap Zlic, C Gaseno soap 25c.
spuds 1 Back COc, maple sugar 15c.
J. M. Morris, postotflro inspector,
Is paying Medford a vUlt, nnd inci
dentally checking np tho local office.
A. M. PJko of Oakland, Cal., who
owns an orchard In Sterling district
Is In tho valley accompanied by Q.
L. Stough of San Joec.
Before you buy dishes elsewhere
get tho .prlco nt tho Wonder store.
Tho county commissioners court is
in regular monthly session at Jack
sonville. .
Ira C. Dodge of Ashland is tho
guest of his daughter, Mrs. Tllnlnc
Kluni. Ho has been spending sev
eral months in southern California.
C. I). Watkins' shoo making and
repairing shop has moved from 21 b
Central to 7 N. Kir. Fully equipped
with finest machinery. Patronage
solicited. 41
Glenn I'ottay of Hornbrook and
J. M. Durgoyne of Dunsmulr, Cat.,
arrived in Medford Tuesday.
Frank R. Noll, supervisor of Dig
Butte road district, was In Medford
Tuesday on his way to Jacksonville
It you need anything for tho kitch
en tho Wonder store has it. 39
Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Madden wcro
in from their country placo on the
Jacksonville-Willow Springs road
Mr. and Mrs. A. Hearn of Phoenix
wcro Medford visitors Tuesday after
Stringer has moved to 327 N. Oak-
dalo and la quoting 19 lbs. sugar Jl,
7 bars soap 2Gc, C Gascno soap 25c,
spuds 1 sack COc, niaplo sugar ISc
W. SI. (Tennessee) Smith, who
traded his Mcdrord property for a
big ranch In Mississippi, has re
turned from a visit to his new pos
sessions. Ho says that a large Immi
gration is flowing Into the southern
states, where an abundance of good
land can bo bought nt low prices.
D. C. Wilson of Sams Valley, who
owns business property in Medford.
spent Tuesday In the city.
Orchard, bunting, fishing and
Crater Lake scenes for salo at Ger
king & Harmon's studio. Negatives
mado any place, kodak finishing. 128
Cast Main atreot. Phono 21G R.
Sirs. A. P. Townsend nnd hor
daughters aro making Portland a
I). II. Dnrneburg and II. G. Slathos
and their wives of Ashland motored
to .Medford Tuesday. . i
It. II. McCurdy writes mil kinds of
Insurance. 401 M. F. & 11. bldg.
Phono 349.
Ed demons, foreman of the Bing
ham orchard, transacted business ii
Medford, Tuesday.
M. A. Rador returned Tuesday
from a trip to California.
Corking & Harmon, studio por
traits, homo portraits, flash lights,
kodak finishing, post card work and
enlarging.; 128 East Main street;
telepbono 215 R.
Ocorgo R. Ross of Central. Point
district was a business visitor in Sled
ford Tuesday.
J. Neighbor and W. II. Randlo of
Grunts Pass are Medford visitors.
Medford Choral Society concert,
Prosbytorlan church Tues., Slay 13.
ThomaB. 0. Gaines of. Trail spent
Tuesday night In Medford.
P. M. Kershaw and A. Slutt have
bcon making northern California a
business visit.
Insuro and bo sure. Right if wo
wrlto It, . R. A. Holmes, Tho Insur
nnco Man, v ,,
8. J.'Hobbouui has returned from
Portland and Is in Medford with his
family. ' i
T. A. Cathors has gono to Wheeler
county, Ore., to accept a lucratlvo
Weeks & McGoWan Co.
tAirsr AKSiSTAirr
Day Phono 227
KMht, . IV W. W.?fcs. 1D8..T.2
A. U. Orr 07H-M
"Shorty" Harbor, tho tonsorlal ar
tist) has nono to Kafilo Point nnd
taken charge ot a hotel and bnrbcr
Miss I.lnnlo llolbrook, a mission
nry who hns been stationed In India
for a number of years, will return to
America during this month nnd will
bo tho guest of C. Ij. Manning nnd
his family of Sledford for n while.
For sale, housch'bM furniture. Call
Lathrop Perkins, 6SC.
"MotheV'a day" will bo observed in
tho schools of Medford next Friday
and In tho churches on tho following
l. W. MycrsoC Central Point, conn
ty fruit inspector, was among the
many In Medford Tuesday.
ktoney to -loan on real tstate. See
Carkln & Taylor, nttornoys at lavs,
I'F. CV Elliott, who underwent a
successful operation at the Sacred
Heart hospital recently, is convales
cing. '
; Glenn Owen. Chanck Lewis nhd
R.U. Rcnmo of Central Polut spent
several houra, In .Medford the foro
part or tho- week.
Medford Ghoral Society concert.
Presbyterian church Tues., May 13.
D. Allen, who has bcon In Califor
nia, is In Mtnlford again.
Mrs.; J. Slargrolter of Poornncs
creek and Mrs. Carl Cofer of Klam
ath Falls aro making Portland a
E. D. Weston, commercial nhoto
raphcr, negatives mado any tlmo or
placo byA appointment. Phoao SI.
C. Brownstcln of Portland, the
hide buyer, has been making this
section' his usual visit.
Sir. and Sirs. J. F. Wortman are
entertaining Sir. and Mrs. E. U. Cole,
who drovo to Sledford from San Di
ego in their anto.
Vapor baths and scientific mas
sago for men and women. Dr. R
J, Lockwood, chiropractor, 203 Gar-
nctt-Corcy bldg. Phono 14 G.
Sir. and Sirs. A. C. Sproat of
Weed, Cal., and Sir. and Strs. F. A.
Rclchert of Salo in aro recent arrivals
In Sledford.
A. F. Noth, ticket seller at tho
Southern Pacific station, is outer-
talning his brother. H. Noth, of
Sir. and Sirs. E. Wondt and Sirs.
W. It. Coleman wcro over from
Jacksonville Tuesday.
Sllss If else, who arrived from Ger
many lately Is tho guest of Sir. nnd
Sirs. C. E. Whlsler.
Dr. and Sirs. Salado of Seven Oaks
wcro recent visitors in Sledford
They accompanied by Sirs. Fuller of
Pennsylvania, mother of Sirs. Salade,
George A. Slorso nnd Carl It. Beo-
son of Talent transacted business In
Sledford Tuesday.
DoWItt Sturgess of Meadows pre
cinct Is making Sledford a short
Charles J. Numan and his family,
wbo.bavo been residing at Portland,
have Joined J. Nunan and his fam
ily, who are located at Oakland, Cal.
Sirs. C. C. Page of Grants Pass
passed through Sledford ono evening
this week on her way homo from an
extended visit in California.
Sirs. Emma Iverson, who has been
visiting her mother, Sirs. A. Wulf,
of Forest Creek, left for Montague,
Cal., Tuesday.
J. SI. Williams, a merchant . of
Jacksonville, transacted business in
Medford Tuosday.
R. 8. Radcliffo and his family
wero recent visitors nt Jacksonville
and other points In the valley.
J. H. Crolghton, J. Carmlchaol nnd
Henry Provost were among tho citi
zens ot Ashland who came to Mod
ford during the week.
W. E. Johnson of Sfarysvllle, Cal.,
and J. E. Coppock and Brownsville,
Ore., aro among tho many late ar
rivals In Sledford.
Hnrley Hall wua over from Applo
gate Tuesday. With A. Strand ho
Is developing a copper deposit that
promises to bo rloh und extensive.
O. B. Turner of Gold Hill was -f
the many who had business In Sled
ford during the week.
C. F. Smith, H. Allen, B. Prenor
and li. W. Hlmes nro down from
Mr. and Sirs. p. DeChalno mado
n trip to Abhland Wednesday.
Sir. Potter and P. E. Hamoll wero
njnoug tho horticulturists In Sledford
tho foro part of tho week.
A. A. Boyco of Tolo and A. J.
Doneen of Grants Pass wero recent
business visitors In Medford.
H. SI. SIcDinnJd of SIcCloud was
among tho residents of Siskiyou
county, Cal., who camo to Sledford
this week.
J. H. Hammer of Willow Springs
district tho minor tarried In Sledford
A recent dispatch states that Rose-
burg Is boasting tho ownership of
moro motorcycles Jn proportion to
Us population than any other city In
Orogon, 20. If surh Is tho cuso Sled
ford must he several times na popu
lous as Itoseburg. Sledford ranks as
tho third city In Oregon when It
romea to counting nutomobllcs.
, Wesley C. Green, formerly of Med
ford, recently or 'San Francjsco, la
spending a few days ronowlng ac
quaintances In this city. Ho Intends
to mako hla future homo In Fresno,
SK.YTTr.ti. Witch.. Mny 7.-Testi.
moiiy thnt lie hml received rebates of.
15 jwr cent on nil Ion dittnnee bni
noss filed with the Pacific Slate
Coiniwny over Us linos, nnd for tlmt
reason tin it iult sending mill over
the North WeMcrn Coninn,v. wan
jriven hoforo the state- public -service
commission here today liy J. W.
Dnmtow, nmlitor for Hie Holler
The commission is henriuir the
flinrj-oH of ttie North Wetoni Com
pany' receiver, John H. Coffee, thnt
tho Pacific Company tins diverted
business from the former company
When PAiiriow completed his teti
mony, Coffee nnnounoed Hint ns tin
net was In direct violation of the in-tcr-stnto
commerce Inw, lie would
probably demand thnt nnothsr fed
eral grand jury be called to invosti
lit iU efforts to put the North
Western lintr Dislnneo Telophone
Co'miwiy out of bnines. the Pacific
Slnto Company not only interfered
with mercantile huines, nnd tho na
tivities of professional men but even
imposed hardship on Cupid by in
terfering with toiig distnuro tcte-n
tctes between tovera according to thu
testimony offered by young women.
Officials of the North Western
Company brought n hnlf dozen young
women who had worked ns telephone
operators to tell how cnlls had been
diverted over the Pacific State) lines
before it hud absorbed tho Seattle
Independent Telephone Company.
(Continued from pao 1.)
letting Cottage street to Schcll &
Schell Is also a queer piece ot busi
ness. First they called for bids on
ono block only on Cottage, tho ono
past my place. I secured n largo
majority ot tho frontage protesting
against the oil macadam. I thought
this would settle thu matter but It
didn't. 11. P. Little, who acts as
business getter for tho firm, took in
nn extra block and petitioned for oil
macadam again. Tho total frontage
was 2412 feet. Tho potltlon whon l'.
came In had 1037 feet represented,
not a majority, which would have
been 1221. Wo protested with a
representation of 9D7 feet. So they
let tho contract for oil macadam.
This contract has not yot been
signed, however, and I intend to stop
it if possible.
Spoke to Mltiiull.
"I spoke to Councilman Mitchell
about tho matter and his only reply
was that he didn't like tho Clark
Henery people anyway." I don't
care who ho likes or doesn't. I am
not pulling for tho Clark-IIcncry
people I want a pavement.
"Let nny citizen In town visit Tay
lor street nnd Investigate. It Is pos
sible to tako tho too of yonr shoo
nnd kick out yards of IL With a
match I can dig through tho entire
surface. It Is Just llko black sticky.
"I am told the pavement Is cheap.
That may bo ono way of looking nt
It, but it Is dear at any prlco. In
two years whatever It cost will bo
Engineer's Opinion.
"I know what I nm talking about.
Hero Is what S. J. Van Ornum, con
sulting engineer of San Francisco,
has to say, In regard to oil macadam:
" 'Oil macadam is not n propor
paving. 1 remomber one
city which used it. After four years
tho following results wcro neted:
" 'First year, fairly good.
" 'Second year, surfaco started to
go to pieces.
" 'Third year, worse
" 'Fourth year, streota ropaved
with hard surfaco pavomont.
" ' Under no consider
ation could I recommend or favor an
oil macadam.'
"I intend to fight this matter to a
finish, I want paving, not black
Sir. Welch has tho largest frontngo
on tho street Jn question. Tho prop
erty ulso faces on Taylor street whoro
oil macadam has been laid. A cas
ual Inspection sIiowh that tho iiur
face of tho street Is soft. Tho oil is
mixed with Sand und laid on crushed
rock. It la easy o romovo many
squaro Inches of tho wearing surfaco
1 kicking at It. With un ordinary
match ono can dig holes through tho
E C, Wolch of Roguo RIvor mado
a business trip to Sledford Tuosday.
FOR SALE Cook stovo, hod, chairs,
kitchen combination tablo; bar
gains. Phono &7I-J. 42
LOST .Red hound, answors to namo
of "lied." Finder kindly notify
C. Fitch, Uolmont ranch. Phono
14-F-12. 40
1 . !
', "
LOS ANOKI.KS, Cut., Mny 7.--After
n limy day's beiuing before
Judge Ueove, William Lactase, nn
Mitohioblto deAtor, wlis bound over lo
dnv for trial in Mm juvenile court on
n charge r contributing to Mio delin
quency of KuMyVi Ojitcfc, who chilm
to be fifteen venrs of ng.
Iiciisip'm bntl vu reduced from
IfilHlO to .fJfiOO.
Kiclinrd HolHngsu-orlh, n muted
shortly after I.mHi3M on charge pre.
ferred by the Quick gill, will bo ar
raigned Friday.
ItlCllMOXl), Cal.. Slav 7. Hor
ribly beaten by n hloodv hoo and n
club, which were found ncnrliy nrtd
with her client nb'olutdv ennhrd in,
the body of Mrt. ClmrKw Krirkin.
wns found lit tier h'onio hero today.
Her liuobnud, nil iunploxe of un oil
company, in the town jnil nnd police
nro on guard there, n feeling h run
ning high, lirlrksiin refuses to talk.
A coroner's jury is considering the
PORTLAND, Or.. Sla 7 Frank
S. Myers this aftornoou became post
master ot Portland. Ho succeeded
Acting Postmaster YV K. Williamson,
who hns been In charge ot tho office
sluco tho death of Postmaster C. It.
Merrick somo months ago. Myers
was prlvato secretary to United
States Senator Lane of Orogon at
tho time of his npolntmont by Pres
ident Wilson.
CHAMPAIGN, III., May 7. - Sur
rounded by it iioshc lifter innking nn
unsuccessful attempt to kill Willinm
(loodnll nnd his wife. Howard Itnnd
id I committed imicide by "wallowing
carbolic acid hero rattier surrender.
A fligucd statement tlmt lie had killed
eight men in different imrU of the
country was found on Kamlolph'it
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Slay 7.
Emergency hospital attondants wero
puzzled today when they catalogued
tho nature of tho accident thnt cost
Willis Hall, 38, two fingers of his
left hand.
Hall Is employed In thu kltchon of
a vegetarian restaurant. Ho affirmed
that his fingers wore mangled there
In a sausngti machine.
"It mnkos'uo difference If it Is a
voKolnrlau Joint." ho declared to tho
surgeons. "1'vo been In tho business
10 years and I know n sausngo
grinder whon 1 spo one."
The entry was mado.
Cohan and Harris havo mado an
arrangomonts with George Klolne of
Chicago whereby thoy will present
tho Kleln-CinoH photo-drama "Quo
Vadls?" now being shown nt tho
Astor, New York, In several theaters
of tho United States and Canada next
Snuffles and
Hawking Cease
Tho best noso nnc throat special
ists In tho world advlso tliolr patlonts
to broatho Kucapyptus to destroy
Catarrh gorms and hoal tho soro,
ruw opots.
Ilooth'a IlYOMRI Jb AiiHtrallan
Kuculyptus combined with Thymol,
and somo- LlKtojlau anflsoptlcs.
Urcntho It through tho Jlttlo pocket
lnhalur, and Iu vapor form us di
rected, and this antiseptic balBam
will unruly destroy uU eorin Ufa und
ull Catarrh misery.
U'h guuranteod for catarrh, roughs
cold and croup; It rolloVea stuffed
tip head In flvo nilnutns und refreshes
tho ontlro nasal tract. Comploto
outfit with directions for uso J1.00.
If you ow na HYOMHI Inljulor got n
hottlo or Uooth'tj, IJYOMHI for U0
contu at Chns. Mining nnd druggiHts
oYorywhcro. Just breatho It no
stomach dosing.
POUTLAND, Or, May 7 Tho
Portland Chamber of Commcrio Inn
today rcto.huuoudcd tho appointment
of Joseph N. Ton I, tho conservation
1st niiiV ralo expert, for appointment
na ono or tho representatives nt Th
Hnguo In case the arbitration of thf
Pnmuun cuuiil tolts question Is taken
up In Tho llnguo tribunal.
Teal Is conversant with the ques
tion, having rspruseutud tho Anmi.
elated Cliniiibnra ot I'oiumerro of th
Pacific coast In WnHhliiKton durlmr
the discussion of tho Panama viiiial
tolls several months ago.
NEW YORK, May 7. Tho stoil.
market was Irregular during the
early hours ot tudnj's soMlon. South
ern Pacific dropped 1, but later ral
lied 1 H . and Union Pscltfc went
through a similar o.xporteuro. Intcr
boroitgh nnd Now Haven onch IohI
about a point. Reading advanced a
point over last night's last prlrc, and
soveral other leaders galnvd half a
point or more, ltonds wcr Htosdy
Tho market closed fairly strong
Dick Donald tho poptdur mmmger
nnd boyhimd chum of Hud Anderson,
the Medford "Tdioou" left this nf
ternoou on No. 11 Tor AngclcM,
in order to have the t mining enmp
in I'oudiucxft fr Hml nnd I'rtddic
who will probably lcno Medford
Thursday. Tniiucr Mohan, noeom.
piiuied Donald nml both predict thnt
Hud will put Iho skid under )
Mundot before Iho fifteen roundN
have been fought.
Hud xpeiit todny filiing at the lUv
Klgin F. Jimtneyi and yn Smith
of thin city NiirpriKcd their uuui
friend) recimtly by flipping quictU
off t nninlM t'nf last Fnda Mght
nnd being married. Fricud tiac
been lumv cougrntulnltng and wiih
ing tlirrn well .fiioe.
Mr. llnitncv is well known in Miih
city, boing connedud with the Miiro
IMilitHit Life limiiraune CmnpHny.
Mr. Hrnlncy lm n lurge circle or
friends here. Klic is ft llcr of l(.
C. Oiiriielt.
Sledford Commercial club regular
meeting Thursday evenlug at
o'olook p. in., city hall. Important
busluoM. Slonibors nro requwited to
attend. J. A. PERRY, Prtw.
40 A. IC WARE. Sc.
Sz UK 2 for 25c
front 2 tn. htft OocKlMn
The biuex I Uo ccwett at J, i yc
oniwiut! w tv(tv'nn sst cSut t t
SetlJB sci tiuumm uuea'i coUJt cnu
i-xo all
Ide Oi
rL it
tut tbs Unocoid UobnikaMo I)utU:slud ,
GEO. H. IDE & CO., TnOY, H Y
Alto Hokcri li I . .VJrt
Benefited Many Who
Had Tuberculosis
Tliom Mho ufTiT from ('oimuiniitliiii
aru ueiirrnllr troulileil hIIIi iiluhl
Kvreita, furcr, loa of lrriiKtli nml 111
Up or no nii!tlU) I'reh nr, uoocl food,
ami tlio iiruDr rare of thu body em -arnllal
to a recotery, hut In many cnmn
oniflhlUK vliti U nifilrd, lli'kiiinli'a M
IcrntlvB u n meilldnu nrlilrh lina hern
niont aucreaaful In liipilii nlutil awenla,
reiliicliiK furer anil proinolliii; upiivtllu,
Ulnl many yiirn liuro iihiiI It, tleilitru It
aatc.1 tlivlr llrua. Inreatltfata wlmt It
cll't In lhl raaai
"(Ji.nllciiim: Tor four, years I nn
trouhlnl with roiiKh, tvlileh urailmilly
became woro; 1 liml iilylil nw(nln unil
Iiaina In my rhrxt. 1 wu lonluj; my iii
Im:iiiu ami nan nerouio no nun una wenK
roulil not utlenU lo my houHeholil llll
llfH, A lihytleliiu proiiouuceil my rami
t'omumptlnii. Not hcliiK hhiUIUiI, I via
vxamlneil by thu jiliynldnnn of thu I'oly
cllulR I f oh l tn 1. They ulao .n,iiounee
thu dUfiiau Coiihi(iiiIIiiii, willed wua
ji ro via )ultr by an vamliiulou of njni
tutu, a TiibereuloHla Jlurllll weru fouml.
I was ordered to u Coiniuuiitlv How.
iiltal. My uuilitw would not ullow mo
lo so until I had tried Kekiniin'H Alter
ative, Itcforo I hail Inkeu tint incdliliia
llireo weeks I had iiinrkod relief, nluht
aweuU tented, pulii In I tin breiut re
licked, rouuli beeaula loom) und eaxy,
fever left mu (Hid I commenced Killlin,
well, My hen I Hi heeniilo noruinl. 1 mil
In excellent health now ami Inivo been
eomiilutvly cured for ten yenrx. I ulrontf
)y rccoiiimtnd It,"
Care Kil. Orecn. ni'S H. I7lh Ht., I'hlln., Pn,
Kekinnu'H Alterajlvo la tlTwIlte Iu llron
ehllU, Aathmu, lluy I'evcri Throiit und
l.uiiu 'i'rouhlen, nnd In uplnilldln the
syalein. Iioea not tontalu iioIhous, oilaln
nr huhlt-formluir drill;". Aak for liooklut
llllair of recovnrlea nnd wrllo lo Kckmiin
Laboratory, I'hlliulelnhln, l'a for evl
dtnec. For nulu by ell ludluif UrUtftflsta
mu.NimMwu' va
Rl IH HI A IS H fifl B S IHl C'
tire bills
United States Tiro Co.
t Seventh St.
Portland, Oro.
' carry a wry romiilrtn Una of
ilnBrn- lien rtirlnlnH, rixtiiien, eto,,
ninl ill nil iIn.h f iiiliumrlnn A
icrinl i" m to l.vk ri.T this work
exihmv.U IIK'I will Him it koixI
H.iMi'n h i eoiKiiiia to Kt in svin
thu lament VI lira
Wooks & McGowan Co.
E. D. Weston
orficial Photographor of tho
Medford Commercial Club
Anmtour Finishing;
Post CftrdM
rmionunio Work
rutoriorand o,.torior vitswr
Flash liglila
NcKativos Hiatlo anv time
and any placo by appoint
208 E. Main
Phono 1473
nK j'ull
lU. s-
T- ' s
Hltuntctl iu lbs lluti' of (ho Principal
Theater mid Whopping DMrirt
llcrcnlly HiHlecoriilcd ninl HefuriiUlicil Tlir umliiiiit,
and (letter lpilppctl 'luday lliau Itcfnro
i;uiociin Plan
Rooms without Imlli, 1.00 per ilny und up
iCooiiu ulth li.itli, $ per day nml up
. .1. KAIM'MANN, Manager.
N. K. CiailRi:. At.,t. MKr.
' $u
I -WtmtMUkl. UwsiBH I" UTMLmJ-- ,.fn.f.
TOR, 3500 LBS., 24 H. P., $1200.00.
R. P. D. NO. 3.
1000 Rooms Wanted
In order to uccommodnto tho peopto nttciidliii; tho Odd lYllims
(Jrunil LoiIko and Itebchali ANKcmbly to ho hold In Medford May
I'll! out printed blank hulow and njall to John A, Perl, Sue.
Ilooin Coimiiltico, not later thuu May 10th, In order that list can bu
Wo will havo rooms uvnllablo'ltiqiu May 20 to 23 as
folleWs: "7
lloomu with hath 0 ..............por day for ono por-
on; fl per day for. two pgrndna,
..ltoonm without bulb . per day for ono
porBonj Q per day for two persons.
Htreot and Nuiimbor , , .
Namo ,
The Medford
Oregon's Moul iiptodilto 'Flf6Mroof '
Warohousti vllh lliirglfirnproot
For ratt apply
Ynii will rind it extremely non
ven icnt if your insuraiuw Iim Iwhi
plnccil in h company which hi,vh
iln Iimsch prtitnptly, ul lit full.
I Iihvp no ulliff Intnl.
R. H. McCurdy
101 M. P. A II. Bh'ff. Phono 340
li Yi-4r Old
S-itlrc ''o lit Iiimiiv
Wc aUo trnln horses and colls and
reiik them of all motion Imlilt. Ki-
ISfuitloll ;i,l mtei'.l
Main It! .IiuKmiiiiIIIc
Mod for (he Excellence)
9 1 i? i
v ii iiiiiKTivra im
toS smW1 i!wuimB.Luropcanpian
PHONE 07-J-2
ilvi ff'IV ill I Ilflff it ''
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