lftffl ' pxcnssrx. MEmrOttT) . MAIL TRTBUffN. MTCDFOITO, OnfiCIOtf, TITOS! AY. MAY 0, 1018. f i I t t 1 CHANGE MADE IN METHODOFBIDDING FOR SHEET WORK By virtue of provision1) contninnl in h resolution offered by W. N. Cnmplioll, councilmnu from ttio scc onii ward nl Monday night's session of tlio council, tlio mcllioils of bidding on paving will bo mnlrrinlly changed In tlio future. Tlio companies bid ding will 1)0 nuked to bid on the en tire improvement of a street and fix tlio bid nl ho much n front foot In this way tlio property owner will know exactly what ho has to pny. In tlio past when bids were re ceived they sjweified so much for grading, so much for curbs, so much for pavement The new method will bo fnr simpler and will fix the exact ninounl to be paid. SAY GEM DEALER THREE STARS WHO JOHNNY EVERS EXPECTS TO SEND NATION AL LEAGUE PENNANT TO CUBS r r" SHOT HIMSELF SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., May 6. Tlrrninn Von Base, diamond mer chant, who was shot through tho body hero yesterday .under myster ious circumstances, has a good chanco for recovery, according to physicians at the McNutt hospital. Tho patient maintains that ho was robbod ot several thousand dollars' worth of Jewels and cash, but the police aro Inclined to be skeptical and say that Saxe attempted suicide because of III health. The matter Is under Investigation. Saxe still declared that ho was making up his cash for deposit In tho bank when a Btrangcr entered nnd asked to bo shown somo dia monds. When a tray ot gems was produced tho man, Saxe says, soiled his (Saxe's) rcvolvor from behind tho counter, shot down tho jeweler, swept tho diamonds and cash Into n satchel and fled. Business men lo cated in offices adjoining Saxo'ii headquarters say they responded to tho shots almost immediately but saw no ono leaving the place. -- I zjnmcrn??. WNvMMf J T I Hsi nt.W ri B mr . ft I I " SSBBBBBBBBBBSBSrLJBSm Zr S (..wv y "" jr- tSsSS "-Jfrf PLAN TO INITIATE M N W k Meirue Johnny Evens, new manager of tho Chicago Cubs, nnd himself perhaps tho greatest second baseman in base ball, will rely largely on two great catchers and n great third baseman to win the National League pennant for the Cubs this year, lie has Jim Archer and Roger BreMialmn, catch ers, and lleiuie Zimmerman on third hne. Last year Zimmerman led the Na tional league in batting, having a h.t centage og .372. Rrc.snnhnii. then playing in St. Iiuis, had a pircont ngo of .333, while Archer batted .'283. Unless Brcsnnhnn has gone back he nnd Archer arc the two bc-.t catchers in baseball. Either of them ouhgt to be sufficient for one club. When Brcsnahan was catching for the Qinnts in New York he vi counted among the three grent men behind the bat, the others being Billy Sullivan of the White Sox and Johh Kling of the Culf. Then he went to St. Louis nx a mnnnucr, but found it impossible to get along with Mrs. Britton nnd her suffragettes. Zimmerman has been with the Cubs n long time, during which he acted ns utility man. But since he has taken Jimmy jircier. charge of third base he has become i slur. Lint year Archer fielded .00(5. Bresnnhaii .07-1, and Ziiuiuerman .017. While tho old Cub machine under Frank Chance has pmc to pieces, Even, who succeeded the Peerless lender, hm in theo great players nnd himself the nucleu- of nuothor ns good. HACUAMICNTO, CM., May C Democrats In tho leglulnture, headed by Senator J. H. Snnfonl, are din cuvslug today a plan to plnco a now nutl-allvu laud law linfmo tho eo plo by moans of tho InltlntUe. The douioernts, who havo Included leas ing clntmcs )n ery nutl-alUuv bill they havo Introduced, now any they havo decided that tho leaning clauso should not bo Included, nnd that the Initiative plan Is to eliminate, this rcaturo o( tho Webb hill, which to day Is awaiting tlio governor's sig nature. It Is not believed ut the ranltol that tho announced nlnns of tho doui oernts will bo carried Into effect. Snnfonl has continually heckled tho bull mooxers with meniures such us his "resolved thnt a bull uiooso mint eat" Inw and tho democrats, tumble, to securo delay In antl-allen legisla tion after nrlvnto conferences with Secretary ut Slate Ilrynn, nro ho- lluvcd to bo atteniiitlug to discredit tho Webb bill by means of tho leas ing clnuso. Chemical Company Burns. BUFFALO, K. Y., .May fl.-A .f.00,. 000 loss is retried today in the de struction by firo of the American Agricultural Chemical Company plant. SLEEP SPEECHES EVI N IIKNVHK, Co)., May fl. Steep nicc('hos nmy not bo used us evi dent e In court eases, nrcordltig to n ruling hero today by thu Colorado supremo court. This decision wns haiufud down In tho cane of Joso Mnrttuox, who w.n eoiivloted. of tho murder ot Kortun ata Campbell In l'agosa SprliiKt In July, ID 10. "1 shot tier, I shot her; I had to, to keep out of Jail," a witness sworo Marlines shouted In his sleep. Ho wna convicted on this evidence. The court held thnt such evidence should not bo allowed and reversed the mho. With Mcdford trade ts Mcdford made. UPSETS NAVIGATION SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., May C Declaration that tho affairs of the Marconi Wireless company arc In a stato ot demoralization as a result of the wireless operators' striko was mado hero today by S. J. Koncn kamp, president ot the Commercial Telegraphers' union. He nnnounced tho receipt today ot a telegram from Seattlo stating that the laud stations at Ketchikan and Juneau, Alaska, are closed, leaving only four land stations In operation on the coast. Conditions at sea, Koncnkamp de clares, aro steadily growing worse. Incompetent non-union operators, tin says, mako it Impossible for ship pers to get an accurato line on the movement of vessels. N A ASN 'S LEAPS TO DEATH LONDON, May C. Dispatches from Salonlca to Reuter's news agency declare that Schlnns, the as sassin of King Gcorgo ot Greece, committed sulcldo thoro today by leaping to death from the window of a police station where ho has been confined. L MARSIIFIELI), Ore.. May G.-Tho trial of J. S. Barton, Coos county representative in thvlato legislature, wns begun in the circuit court nt Co quillc today before Judge J. S. Coke. Barton win indicted on n charge of assault, tho complainant being Miss Maude Yoakum. The assault is al leged to havo taken place in Burton's office. A crusade movement figured in tho indictment of Barton, n jwtitiun asking thnt tho mnltor be investi gated having been presented to tho grand jury- SPRAY NOW FOR FRUIT "We are prepared to spray your fruit trees to prevent wormy fruit. Drop a card to Powell & Watson 1?. 1 1). No. 1. Hochambeau Registered. OAl'l'LK HltAY STALLION C Years Old Service 9'JO In Imuro KITTO IIAIl.N Wo also train horses and rolls nnd break them of all noxious habits. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Ij. o. van vi:ii:.v Main 113 Jnrkomlllrt HKK TIIK LUCKY III.UH llllll) Do you know that there ts A Reputation of years behind the Dlitmnnits wn sell? And do you know that the Value lucked by our per sonal gunrauten of over stun e ha matin that reputa tion? Our slock both of set and unset stones, Is onn of the. most carefully selected In America and for this reason you cannot make any mlstakn In purchasing hero. OltAUUATION HUXKNTH ot all descriptions In tho watch, Jewelry and silverware lino, toilet sets, mesh baits vanity cases. MARTIN J RRItDY TIm JrvH'Icr Near I'ostofflca Kitchen Economics iiavi: voir noi.vko tiiim I'ltOllliUM? When ou urn connldoiliig wiivh and mtmiiH, remember this; that )oii can hiivo on the evcry-dny cost of living, nnd apply tho money saved to kitchen economic. YOU CAN OUT (iiiarauteed Kffectlvvnosa (Iiiarauteed I'urlty (lunranteeit Whotesomtmcsfl , At una IVr Lb. Crescent Baking Powder At all grocers, Why pay Km or r.llu n Hit Tho difference Is worth considering. Try 11 out. CrcMcnt Manufacturing ('. Heat I In In These Days of Modern Advertising superlatives are freely used mosrevcryons advertises "Best Clothes for that reason We Dislike the Term "Best" To say that our clothes arc made by Hirsh -Wickwirc Csmpany means everything ts those familiar with the inhsr workings of fins clothss making. You will pay no more for our kind of clothes than oi lid's ask you for very much inferior kind. You can alwas find quality liuru with no extra ehargu. Let us show you. Model Clothing Co g Y t Y Y Y t Y Y Y ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y ;iits;ix::Hx ANNOUCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY GRAND OPENING NEW PAGE THEATRE MONDAY, MAY 19th, 1913 h'V Fuson and Gordon, lessees and managers of the Page, announce the engagement of America's greatest star MAUDE ADAMS in "PETER PAN" WITH FULL NEW YORK CAST Medford s first opportunity to see one of the greatest productions of the American stage, produced with full scenic and electrical effects. s First appearance in Medford of the PAGE THEATRE ORCHESTRA -10 PIECES j ' . t fJ K Under directorship of Prof. Bea.ch I I l r. Seat Sale Commences Thursday, 10 a. m., May 8th Temporary Box Office, corner Main Street and Riverside Avenue PRICES: BOXES $50. RESERVED SEATS $5.00, $3,00, $2.50, $2.00, $1.50. GENERAL $1.00. CURTAIN 8:30 P. M. Y Y Y Y Y v Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y J " v , )- 4 ivi&,MMrr4 )ii'iiir'.ifj'i tMi iZmlZ.2L. d'it " hk? ;gaiM. MWttVHf!!t!HH..'!.'f'U''V'' "' "' WIHVVW.Kll 44H&4H$&4Z"t"t"t"X"X"t"lt"