PAflTClTOUll. MEDFORD MATL TRTJUJNR MRD170KD. ORlSflON, MONDAY, MAY ,", 11)1.',. r t u 'LLJII.1.IJ) J 1 mi ili . t lj- ' I l !. W .' MKDFORD JMAIL TRIBUNE AK INnRrKNrKNT NKWHI'Arnil WWIilUHMb KVBIir AITB1INOOM "'111 JgvBlir AITB1INO CPT HUNIAY BV T1U3 -IKDFOtlD I'ltlNTINd CO. The Democratic Tltnoa, Tit Mnlforil wan, tub siiMrnra Tribune. Tim houwi rn OreKonMn.Tha Ashland Tribune. . Urrirx Mall Tribunes HulMlnc. ii-IMt North Fir street! telephone 75. QBOnon PUTNAM, Editor and Manager Kntered as aeconrt-clasa matter nt MfJfonl, Oregon, under ths act of March a. 1ST9. Official raner of the City of Mulford. Official Paper of Jackson County. lUTBKORtmOK BATBS. One rear, by mall tS.OO On month, by mull. ,to Per month, delivered by carrier In xiwuqni. jcKsonviu una cen tral PolnU .SO raturday onlr. by mall, par year 5.00 Weekly, per rear , t.SO EWOSN CXBCTCATIOl. Dally average for eleven montha end Iwr November 90, 1(11, 1751. The Mir THMine l.i n' Vale at the Ferry rtewa mamt. Fan Francisco. Portland Motel Newa Stand. Portland. Portland News Co, Portland. Ore. V. O. Whitney. Seattle. "Waah. Tall tas4 Wire United rreaa Blrpatclm. ancsroRB. onxaow. Metropolla of Southern Oregon and Northern California, and the faetcat crowing city In Oregon. Population U. 8. centu 1910 SS40; catlmated. 11J in.000. Fire hundred thousand dollar Gravity Water UyaUin completed. giving flneat aunply pure mountain ater, and 17 3 mllea of atreeta pavet. TIio students of St. Mary s Acad emy will present the following pro gram, on tho' evening of Mar 6, til h:IS. ' ' !''" ' ' '''" ' ' ' ' Tho -pupils look for a crowded honse, as their many friends aro anxious (o boo and hoar Ihcni port form. This will bo their Iaqt program of tho season, with the exception of tho conimcnceracnt exercises, which wjlj bo hpld on Juno 9. Polish dance, - Scharwenka St. Mary's Violin Quartet. (a) Dcuxlomo Mazurka op. 13. ....... Echoverrla (b) Air do Uallct No. 2..JChamlnade Piano Madeline tieagan. Scarf dance ....... Helen Itcddy, Klorenco lloddy, Anna Whlto, Winifred Hanratty, Made-' line Gcagan. Letha Halm, Ucrcnlco Browu, Janice Ilodge, Mabel Scudder, f Grace Hrlce, Tosislo Oor den, .H'.anche-, Atwood. Serenade . I'ranz Schubert Violin 1, Irene Sulliran. Fluto Ione Klynn. In Spring, J,3 part chorus) ......Barglel St. Mary Academic Class. Bolero No. 6.vmv.Morlf.x Mostkowskl Piano 1 Maud- Newborry, Catli- crlno Deuel. Piano 2 Madclluo Geuisnu, Lu- clllo Stnock. Slumber Boat .Jessie L. Caynor Kern Wing, Janice Hodge, Tcsil Gorden, Glenroso Honor, Kva Alien. Lucille Koontz, Kdlth Ora hani, Winifred Clancy, Tbelrua Drown, Lois Qulsenborry, Latl Klura, Lela Debly, Mary Drown, Ague Mahcr. To Sprint; op. 1Q No. 3....Ed Cries St. Mary's Violin Quartet. Club swinging -....v,... ......., v Gladys Wilton, Cathorino Emlg, Catherlno , O'Connoll, Florence Itcddy, Cbloo Kockhlll, Lucille Hmock, Lotha Halm, Madcl? Gcagan, Han Drown, Helen Itcddy, Dc8s Weaver, Plorenco Tenny. O, That Wo Two Wero Maying .-. E. Nevln , Voice Carollno Andrews. (a) Humores'iue op. 101 Dvorak (b) Serenade ,..,..,. Plerno ,V,lplu ronpt Sul.llvan. Piano Dora Sullivan. (u) Ualladq UVov, 17 Pr. Chopin (b) Paplllon , , Orle? Piano Maud Newbury, '13. Spanish Danco Tambourlnps Letha Hahn, Mabel , Scudder. Castanets Helen Itcddy, Mndo- lino Gcagan. Avo Maria , Abt Soil Miss Goraldino Mlksche. 3 part chorus St, Mary's Acad emic Class. Piano and strings. HUNDRED TO GREET AT Over 100 local fight fans will nteot Dud Anderson at a banquet to be given In his Jionor at tho Medford hotel tonight beginning at 10 o'clock wlion, Ilud complotes his engagement at, tho Star theater. The banquet wjll bo In tho iiuturo of a welcopio JiQino for tho next hghtwelght cham pion of tho world. Uud will arrlvo this afternoon frpm tho north and will bo greotcd by a, largo delegation of local fans. , ICarl Mohan, Hud's trainer, arrived Sunday afternoon In order to take Hud n hand at onco uud condition htm for his next fight, 'PniPWAM O-ffi-rnutnHY D BANQUET THE SPLIT ENC1TNEI2R WM. .T.'ROUISRTH, formorly of Alwlfonl, now slain lilghway coininissionoi' of Washinglon, lias isSiuul a )tniphlot on tho split-log drag, which ho tlcclairs tho groatost aid lo good roads of any iiilploiuoul vol do vised. Thu National Uood Rondo Huivau niakos tho sanio doola ration. Tho split-log or "King" drag, so called from its in ventor, D. Ward King, is simple, effect ivo and cheap. As ninety per cent or more of our roads will always, or at least for veal's, bo made of earth or earth and gravel, this drjig should bo in universal use vol, it is ono of tho least used road building and maintaining tools in Southern Oregon. Every farmui should own ono 'and use it on the roads his properly faces. Constant attention is needed to keep roads in condition. traffic and the weather are must constantly rebuild. The crow nof tho road must be kept, rounded, tho surface kept smooth, ruts and holes filled, drains and culverts in repair. Tho "King" drag has proved tho most effective and economical aid in this work and its use is enforced in many states. Jowa passed a compulsory drag law which raises a one mill levy $1,700,000, which can bo used for no other purpose than dragging not the steel drag, which is a failure, but the split-log drag. l?oad engineers say that every locality should use the drag freely. There should be a drag for every throe miles of road. Engineer Roberts advises as follews: Methods. (1) Smooth the surface. Don't stir. Ukc n light drag with a blade threo and one-half feet long; this will stir all that should be stirred. !!) Soil In Its original condition contains n. great deal of humus. This should bo disused of. Tho best wuy to accomplish this Is to drag n slight crown into the road nt n season when boating raltia will forco the heavier mineral matter down, which. In turn, forces tho lighter vegetable matter up. This action is very materially Increased by tho cednr drag. Cedar literally "pulls" tho vegetable matter to tho surface at a rate nt tnlROtl by uo other material. When tho crown has become reasonably firm nd smooth, n considerable amount of tho finer vegetable matter will have been -winhed away, Then, and not until then, If n wider road Is desired, tdoir oho shallow furrow oil each side just outside tho dragged portion, throwing towards tho center. Spread this carefully oyer tho surface with tho drag, 'while tho earth Is moist. Allow this to become thoroughly washed and packed before repeating. With each of these plowlngK tho road will have been widened two feet. When the proper width has been reached, stop plowluR, bnt keep oil dragging after each soaking rain. (3) Ir tho earth road has received proper attention during tbo time when attention is most needed, tho wot season, It will certainly be good when dry. Tho time to cultivate n road and n field Is entirely different. Don t put on n dust mulch either with u drag or u grader! Instructions for making the split-log drag are fur nished by the United States Agricultural Bulletin No. 321 which can be obtained on application. A two-slab log or plank drag with liberal "set-back is the most satisfactory. It should be go light that one man can easily lift it. Squared timbers should be avoided. Soft wood, prefer ably cedar, is more satisfactory than hard wood. But little earth is moved at a time, find that with the "sliding stroke." Mr. Roberts describes how the Pacific Highway in Skagit county, Yasll., containing every condition of road to M found in tho northwest, was improved and main tained by the use of the drug. The necessity of regravel ling was eliminated saving .$7000. The work proved that the average road could be much improved and maintained in good condition for $S per mile per year. The drag not only prepares highways to receive permanent sufrace, but reduces the cost of repair and niaintainanee. Most States Keep'.Colleges Separate In connection with tile fight uon Oregon's bjtiin of higher education ileolnrcd by II. J. I'nrkison, n Port land lawyer, the foljowins; figures are of interest ns bcinj; supplied by the higliest stntixticul authority, the Camcgio Foundation for the Ad vancement of Teaching, in its third annual tvwri, Thy report hIiowb (lint the Oregon idea, that is, keep tho university uiul itgriciiUitrnl college Kepanito nnd their work, is thu policy followed by most stnlcs. Twenty two have separated nnd eighteen con solidated institutions. Only eight stutorf fnil to furninh hotlt kinds of instruction at public expense, and there aro only threo states t hut do not furnish either in this wey. Tho tondeney of recent years hnB been to split up consnlidnli'd ju.slitit tious into separate school h, rather than to consolidate independent schools. Minnesota, California and Manitoba are examples of recent separation of physical pluntH nfler uu expurietico of tho disadvantages of eolsolidation. In Minnesota the two Prizes for Children's Fair To teachers, pupils, school officers, and school patrens: Wo take pleasure in announcing to you that a Children's Agricultural and Industrial fair will bo held In Jacksonville next ifall. Tho exact date has not yet been determined up on but it will probably bo In Sep tember, Just proceeding tbo county fair. This fair will bo open to all children under twenty-piio years of ago, residing In any of tho following school districts: Jacksonville, JUich, Ajiplegato, Provolt, Murphy, Thomp son Creek, Steamboat, Union Town, Uuncom, McKce, Watklns, Sterling, Poor Man's Crook, Grjffjn Creek, Oak Grove and West SIdo. All chil dren under 12 years of ago shall con stitute class "U", and ull over 12, class "A", and tho3o In either claps will not compete against those In tho other class. Prizes will bo offered for tho fol lowing exhibits. Agriculture Field corn (10 ears), pop corn (10 ears), water- - LOG - DRAG. busy destroying and man departments nre now six miles apart nnd in California forty, although for administrative reasons both npjumr in Uio following litt u still "epnsoli dated." Thesw states have separate uni versities und ngrieultiiral colleges; Michigan, Iown, Washington, Kansax, Oregon, Texas, Colorado, Massachu setts, 1'eniihylynniu, Oklahoma, New Hampshire, ComiccUutit, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, ficor gia, MisAiiippi, North Dakota,. South ljakotn, New Mexico, Montana ami Utah 22. Tieso stales bnyp consolidated in stitutions: Wisconion, Minnesota, Maine, West Mrinia, Tounesice, Georgia, Florida, Iiuiniuun, Ken tpeUy, Ohio, (Ohio lias threo state univemitioh), Illinoi-r, Missouri, Ar kansas, Wyoming, Arizona, Califor nia, Nevada, Idaho 18. Qcorgiu ujipcurs in both lists as making u trial of both systems, hav ing a separate agricultural school and un iiKiiuultnnil department in tho university. In Idaho them hu been agitation for u separation of the consolidated institution. molon (ono), muskmclon (one), sqijash (ono), pumpkin (ono), po tatoes (ten), cabbage (ono), onions (ono gal.). Domestic Scienco Dread (one loaf), canned fruit and vegetables (ono jar of each variety), Jelly (ono glass each variety). Quality and number of varieties to bo consid ered). Domestic Art Hand made dress and apron, machlno mado dress und apron, darning (threo pieces). Flowers Sweet Peas, Asters. Poultry European class (trio), American class (trio), Asiatic class (trio). Woodwork-r-PIeco of furnlturo. In addition to tbo above list chil dren are Invited to exhibit any artl do found in the State fair prize list for children, for which the first prize J;i each case will bo n blue rib bon. Tho Sat fair prlzo list has been distributed over tho county through tho schools, nit anyone who has not received a copy may apply to! The DUly Hint f.o.n Parts. fc aa iina iiiii f am I i , ... .1. ... IVttKrtt. Ull W n.'"" !.. lns kuv - t "" . An appropriate irown f r nn -UUgjalo iftvrnoon toUal bCKasltut or informal it In ner drvn la the sract'ful I'arU iuuJuI photographed hure.- The klrt li made o that It nlnJi twice nbout tin) flcurv, the lecend time formliitr a drapery. The cor into la of Mack chiffon. Ilia lower part lliml ullli rh.umruk and lit upper trl and rli-vvrN villi a filet pattern of o'd sold lie. Nick and aleeVM m f MerV j "mTMTTfSIT-"- -' " V 7 """-TT the county school superintendent for same. J. l'KKOY WKI.I.S, Chr. com. prltes. J. M. WILLI ANS, Chr. com. on solicitation. T. W. PULTON, Chr. com. o publicity. ALONG ROGUE RIVER Steve Smith and IJoyd Proiii'h vent to Medford Saturday. Mr. French had some dental work done while there. Mr. mid Mrs. Henry French nnd daughters May nnd Corn, spent Sun day with .Mrs. StowHI and family of Hagle Point. Mr. nnd Mrs. Tom Helelier nnd daughter of Centra) Point wore the piles Is of hN sUlur, Mrs. Morxnn of Trail Sunday. Dr. Kiehgenor romr! the nrriv- nl of n tiny little May tiny lady of about 10 pounds the home of IM- win Piel. , . . . Deputy Asre7'r Hull of Jackson ville fiuNhcd UMWring here Wcdnes. day nud roiurnd,ioiuu. L. O. Orton of Medford was out lo hi ranch Thurxhiy. Pearl Stowed i-pcnt Wednesday nipht with l.lojd French. Mrs. Swihnrt, who lias been vis iting her daughter, Mr, .immsrmun, returned home Stittirdny. S. II. llnnjish of Kngle Point was up the river a fw day ago. There is to b n dunou at Trail May Stlt. A man at the ltivorsjdu amiiduntal ly shot himJf in the hnse with a 22-rifte hut was not horioualy in jured. A Sunday aehoo )viw orguniiud at Trail iihf SiiudNy. Mr. Merriman was ejected MiperintoJident and Mrs, Wirnor and Mr. Cupiuk iih (euehers. There was a lurije erowtl present. Melhoru ZimiMxrly hud a runaway a few dnyn twi but wuM'furtuimle us uo ilamuge was done. Mrx. Albright ami .Mix. Sherman went U Medford Monday. Mrs. Al bright will remain sovonil duy with frjends inul relttiv.W. The Deihy hisebill tuum played the Ifcetw vnnU boy Sunday on their ground on $ divert south of tho Iteeeo ereek school i(iue, The visitor were beaten. Theodore Oluns of Jleaglo took a load of grain lo Kaglo Point Tutw tiny. Jt sunw like old limes to see a mail carrier on the wM side of Itopuu river as wo hau been without ono for over live urs, Hoy Willetts madu his first I rip Thursday. There was n pinniu at Peter J tola's last .Sunday as a farewell for .Miss Jessie Miuter and in honor of Miss Mny Trusty's, birthday. There were about sixty procut and ull report an enjoyable time, Mr. and Mrs. Tim Daily uro spend lug -a few days at the Hannah ranch on Upper Trail. Klton Ilaiuuiy has been on (he siel; list tho last few days. Mrs. Daw was down from Trail and spent a couple of days with her sous. It begins to look un If tho Iloston Hraves wero again doomed for tho cavo. Stalllngs will havo to do a heap of figuring if ho succeeds In bringing his crow to the surface. JoHn A. Perl Undertaker Lady Assistant. JM H. HAHTLKTT Phones M. 17 uud -17-.7.2 Ambulance ftcrvlco Deputy Coroner mm LAND LAW OPPOSED BY 5 OUT OF 120 SACltAMKNTO, Oal,, May li. Only n grave eventuality or,a refut ottditm movement hy tho people of tho stale will prevent tho Webu null- alien laud law from going on ths statute books of California, accord ing to administration leaders at (ho eapltol hero today. Tho amended Webb measure, which passed thu asuumbly latn Sat urday night hy tho overwhelming vote of ?:! to 3, repones today upon governor Johuiuu's doak, needing only his slguaturo to bucomo law. Thu governor has announced that ho will sIku tho bill "within a reason able time." It Is said that ho will yalt until Secretary of State llryim reaches Waahlngton and confers with President WIIkoii before sign ing tho mooxuru. Tho governor hits until May U to sign tho bill unless the legislature adjourns before that time. In ease adjournment Is taken before May 13, he has 30 das from tho time of adjournment. Politicians pointed out today ths tremendous sentiment for antl-allon legislation In California, as Indicat ed hy tho vote on tho Webb bill In senate and nsnembly. Notwithstand ing tho fart that democrats and pro gressives alike attempted to amend tho bill or to secure delay and pre vent Its passage tho progressive floor lenders even admitting that tho bill was not as drastic as dsalred, oalv flo votes In a legislature of 120 members wero east against It. Aftor hearing from their constituent at home. It Is declared, the legislator had no choice In the matter and Mere practically compelled to vou for any nntl-nlien laud bill that wai presented by tho majority. DR. A00TT OUSTED AS PEACE VICE-PRESIDENT ST. LOUIS, May G.-I)r. Lyman Abbott was removed front the I last, uf vlco presidents of tho American I'ooco society today because ho signed an appeal to tho Navy league for a largo naval appropriation. Tho ob jection to tho iinino of Abbott among tho Hal of vlco presidents was mado by Charles K. Denis of Chicago, sec retary of tho Chicago Peace society Hoals also objected to tho report of tho nominating committee, expressing tho opinion that the committee seem ed to think tho western boundary of tho United States was at Huffalo. As a result of his protests, five addition al vlco prealduuts wero elected some from thu middle went state. Pitcher 'Dutch" Klnwlttor looks strong enough to laud n regular berth with the Detroit Tigers. Ho had a trial with tho (Hants n couple of years ago, and last season pitched for the Portland team of the Pacific Coast league. JUDGE FOR YOURSELF Wliliji Is Kelfi'r Try an experiment or i'liillt by a .Medfoiil CllfiVi's Dtpi-ricoce'.' Something now Is sit experiment. Mimt bo proved to be as represent ed. The statement of a manufacturer Is not convincing proof of merit. Hut thu endorsement of friends Is. Now Biippoalug you had a bad back A lame, weak, or aching ono, Would you oxperlmuut on It? You will reud of many so called cures. Kndnrscd b stranger from fur.) uwny places. It's dlffurcjit wbfju thu endow ment comes from homo. Ihisy to proyo Jvcal loutlmpuy, Head this v'oe: . O, M. Jonps, ,i0i Nt Cenlral Avo., Medford, Oreksou, says; "1 found Doau's Kdnuy J'ljls especially adapt ed to my ,caso. My back was vry stiff and pilnfel and I bud other annoying iiypiplomu of kidney troub le. Doau's Iduvy Pls, procured ut liasklns' dn Mr, brpht ipo prompt rpllef and sltu,-p tuk) thei my health bus teen much Mt;y Tills excellent, remedy has ournx niy eudorHouieutJ' For m( Uy ! dealers, 'r)-C4? & cents. Foster-Mllburu Co., iluffalo, Now York, splo agents, for the .United States. , Itomonibor to Mi)m-r)oitn'pr (ifiil take no other, ClarlcS. Wright. riawyEvEsTlglit WA0irjOTp?JHMO, public, Desort Lands, Contest and Mining Cases, Scrip. Mothers of Puny Children Mny I'liid'llelp In 'lid-.' l.ctleA ' "My llltlo daughter over since hsr hlrth had been frail and tdnUly, and was a rotutaut couito of worrliiient Suveral months ni;o I scoured a lioi t In uf Vluul and wnuiliuiieed to give It to her. I soon noticed an Im provement In her health and apiuHtr mice. I gave her In all thteo hottlos and from the good It lias done her I can truly say It will do all you claim." .1. lMuiuud Miller, Now Hit ton. Conn, Tho reason Vlnol builds up weak, ailing children so ipilekly Is heratim It contains In a dellelims romhluu tlolt tho two mint world famed tun ica I. o., tho strength creating, body building elements of rod liver oil, with all tho ujoIosh gnsiso eliminat ed, and tonic iron tor thu blood lidd ed. If you havo a weak, puny, ailing child, try Vluol on our offer to re turn your mousy If It falls to benefit your little one, Medford Pharmutiy. Medford, Ore, Why don't you use a GUARANTEED FLOUR Make Good linklno A Certainty Here's the xnamutoe tlmt .goes with every sack of Drifted Snow Flour "If for mix. rtiwoii (in are not n tirelx -ati-lied wilii re-ult frt'iu Drifted Sihiw I'loiii, retnnt the tiu ncd flour oiiil icceie loiih the full pro-e n ihe whole iiek." AT YOlll (titocmt's SperryJFlour Co. GOOD, SOUND, TEETH i accentuate tho beauty or a face al ways. Sometimes th"y even belli out a plain face; but oae thing la certain, they aro never a detriment to any fkre. Wo make a special study of thu teeth In old omj young, and havo achieved an enviable repu tation for pcrroruilng first-class Den tal work In nil Its bronchos. Wo should bo glad In have your pnt ma ngo, nrnl promise you that ou will he well satisfied with our work, our methods, nnd our prices. Lady Attendant. DR. BARBER THJJ IIC.M'IKT Over Daniels for Duds. Corner Main uud Central. Phono r.S-Jt. The Bonded Warehouse (ii:Ni:itAL, Oregon's Most up-to-dato Plro-proof Warehouse with Ilurglar-proof or,i ii, , mi i YaulL , Wi. I i For rates apply MEDFORD REALTY & JWfWrWEtfT CO. xttMr JH'XV I-? B S You will JiJiMJl it oxtrcmc'ly omi yeiiiunt jf your iiisuniiiuc linn been j)lil(;e( 111 it crtjiipuuy which ijii.vh itK1 Ioo.sck iiroiiiplly, nrnl in full. .- '-SSS Ep&Wfo&sw JL J.J-V FIRE . I Jinvi no oDiiJi' Kind. R. H. McCurdy 40;,M, F,&H, BWg. Phono 349 00 TONIGHT THEATRE THE DEST PICTURES IN TOWN TIIH K.Wt'HIt'H ItHllH.MIM'IO.V Hellu Drama 'TIIH Pal he iwaipu" Drttmit . i Ulogniphllrniim "tWTIt" Vltogrttph (ViiHiMly .MA'ITKII tP .MATHIMUNV" Vltogrwph--Toull "ItlLSCru WOltli I'OH THU Itlill CHOSS" WOOI.Wttltl'll AND H.N'OKU , lisle Kffists til CKNTS .1 Never More, Never Less -HrWH--4'. ISIS THEATRE I V.UiDDVll.l.i: SPAIUHV AMI I'ltHi: Novelty Knlrrtalncr Klnsliis. TnlktnR and Hniuliig T I'liolo Phi a Today I'ltlltMi JOHN Drums I TIIH ItlHH.V son (iit..vr Drama OF JIM t ill l.iM TDK SLAVHV (linit of the IJellndu Series) I Koine Comedy H-W-M--M-f4-M--f-H-f4--f E. D. Weston Official Pliotogrnphor of tho Medford Commercial Club Amateur Finishing Tost Curds Puuorannt; Work Porlraitfl Inloribr and exterior views Flush lights Negatives mado any timo and any place by appoint ment. 200 E. Main Phono 1471 Draperies We carry n vrry cnmpletn Una of, itraicrli'N, litre curtain. fUton-n. nte., unit ilo nil cIiimkck uf iij)lioniiirlns. A aji.clal in mi to look aflrr this work rxeliiNlvely nnd will kIvo na o(nl service aa la lwnalldo lo v la avau thu lurgi-at oltli'N. Wook8 & McGowan Co. Ifcfei 3 iiai -Eft (4Vx2m BcSt located and most f o nu 1 nr tote! in the City, Runninff diiftillcd ice water in each room. European Plan, a la Girte Cafe. i Tariff on Rooms 12 rooms 1.00 each GO rooma 1.80 each 60 rooms - 2.00 each 00 rooma villi pilitb Utb 2,00 each flO room, vrith privata lath 2.50 each 30 aultei, bedroom, par lor and bath 3.00 each For more than one nueit add $1.0Q extrn to the above rate for each additional uueit. Reduction by week or month. Manawnint Chtilir W, KIUy jTsris uTiF 'T mM m I .r'll1 4 F .G.ANDREWS ,. Lohboo of aril) and Ulnmg. Uopia, WIIKItB TO IT A (