arrcmroRT) mm trthunt;. :medfot?ti, onrccioN. Monday, may 5, iotn. PA'UB THTHJ1 ' NEW YOHK SOCIETY WOMAN IAL WEIGHT MOST ?m8amimm&i SEEKS $50,000 ALIMONY NEW FISH CAR SANDY A! COMME LB BILITOFFUTT Automobile Expert Now Located nt tho Crnter fike Untune 33 a. Dartlett Htrcet IlenAonnhlo Price. Work (J.iarnntccd Hct of Itefrrenccf Cam Washed and Tires KirhanKed Qarnifo Phono 29-11. Luxury Without Extravagance Hotel TO TO ENFORCE LAWS BE E ALL FRUIT BOXES I Vqii Dorn REM DELIVER SS CHANCES STAMPED FRY 10 APPLICANTS LOWE NATIONAL ROD i.n M i Hnelnl offort Ih ImltiK ninth) by Httito (Initio Witnlon Wlllluin I.. Pin loy to orKnnUo tlio six-rumen tu nviiry community thrmiKliniit tlu Htnto, In ninny pliici'd (iruiinlHitlmm liitvit licon formed niul K'od result liiivn Imhiii Hcrnrcd, "In order to cnrry out thu work Unit Iiiin been iiutlliunl liy tlm Htnto liimril of flith iiint niiiiiu ouiiiiIhbIoii th, nml to linw our fields timl for ruin nliiiuiiil In kiiiiui nml our streams Mocked with fish, It In very mt ummry Hint mo linvn tlm netlvn n'Mlrttnurt' of njuirtHiiiKii lu different parts of tint uliito,'1 niiyn Mr. I'lnlny. To I'l.tiit Tqtul. "Thi) otijcrt of thusu MiortHiiioii'J tilths 'In to iiuhIhI tlio loiiimlmiliiii In liliuitlnrt trout and other 'intuit f ImIi in tlm various creeks mul rhem, nml to iiiIuiimo different Mirli'lloH of ijuiiid bird which urn now helm: rained tit the hi 11 Ik kiiidii farm In plrni'ii wlmro thiy will thrlvn nml do well. Wn Intend to ito tliln illvtrlliutliiK of find Kiiiui) birds through tlm urliuiin'H oritiitiliitloiiH " Tlm now flnh dhttrlhutliiK uu, "llnlnliow," Iiiin been liullt nl n tout of $7lM)il. Thin oir In Melnlly iihmI vtllh n InrKd till lillior or iniiit mul mi nlr itinii nml uwotmnry iiiinmtiiN no Hint trout fry run he taken from tlm hatchi-rlc mul de livered In liny purl of thu state whim llin rnllroiul ruiiH. I'rom llinmi mil roml point llin NiorlNtnou iijm In titke tlm flih In wuitouN, miloniolilliiN or nllii'r cinn)iitircN to llio NtH'iuiiK to lit) Mocked. Tlm vurloiiN rnllrotilN In tlm Mat hattt offori'il free. trauaHrlntlnu for tlm flnli illntrllnilliiK rar, which In ii onlilorntito savlwc to tlm Kami) pro lection fuiiil. T. J, CrnlK, who tins fUh distribution In rliarno, will be Kin tnkliiK out trout from Central hatchery nt llonuevllln tho Inttor purl of mul month, Application for trout or Knmo bird should ho made Immediately ttirntmh tlm sportsmen' i organisation In rnrh roiiiinuutty. Unlit Slnio Contention, Another oil J ir t of hnvliiK tlio HimrtMiion tint'tnlicd In to secure- n bolter sentiment In rcrtnlu lornlltlitN In fnvnr of knuio protection. It n Impossible to secure the eufniccuiftit of Kuinit lawn uiiIcm tho rltlrens of any locality nru In fimir of nciiIi en forcement. It In planned to hno nt least ouo or soteral such orKnulintlohN lit every county In tlm stale. A Kcncrnl contention of NporlNtiion In to ho held next Oclohor or November, nt which tlmu iIoIokiiIi'n will UNNumhlo from nil ntcr tlm state. An aclhe, campnlK.i will ho hcKiiu to niiiku Ore-ton ono of tlm greatest liiiutliiR nml fUliltiR KroiiiulN In tlm country. It U con toiiilod Hint thht will ho nn nllrarllto advertisement nml n itrnwIiiK rani for n ilcNlrnhlo clnmi of tourists who Imvn inotmy to spend nml inonoy to Invest, (Iniiio protection nml kiuiio proitncatlon In n buslm-sit proposition not only for tho mini who lltos In tho city, hut for tho fnrmor, tlm fruit i;rowor nml tlm llmhermnn. MONHUi;, WiihIi., Mny r. -Tor-moiitoil hy inppliiKK on IiIh front door until hu Inld In wnlt with a huiliot of hot wiiler, only to dimh tlm ran toiitH full In tlm fucn of IiIh mini, who hud i onm out from Heat Ho on it vUlt, ClmrloH !', MourUm;, it rniulior Imi'i. decided Hint ho hud ittood for oiioiikIi mul In today miiIiii; tho paieiiln of Hovornl hoyH. llu chin mm that ho Iiiih Imhiii iiiiiiId tlm victim of no many "Hiinday unnlo ilupiilemout" prniiku that IiIh heiilth Iiiih hoon Impaired. lu tho complaint MouiIIiik miya that tlm Iio)h Kcniod IiIh iIok ho had ly hy fiiHtiiiiliiK an mtlflrlal rom to ItH tall that It won't coma out from under tlm Hoiiho. AIko that thoy tied toy hiillooiiH to IiIh prUo rooHtor, tor MirUliiR tho rout of tlm chlukoiiH, put KiiHolluo lu u hroodor lamp, huruliiK up a lot of chlckH, and foil cnriotti Hpilukled with coal oil o IiIh ImmoH, nml wioto "u mi hlniik'H llulmoiit for rlidiinmtlHiu" In tho family lillilo, nlao Hud a hat on thu calf, thoiohy ciiiib Iiik Kh iiiothur to jump tho foucu nml I'Hllipo, NOTICIJ. Notlco Ih hereby Klvun that tlio iimloiHlKiicd will apply at thu reRti lar mootliiK ot tlm city council May 0, lUlI), for it llcoiiuo to soil malt, npliltuoiiH nml vIiioiih Ihiuora nt 32 Noith Front utrcut, for it period of nix iiiontha. M. AND 13. J. AUAMS. Datod Anil) S3, 1013, ' Hum i. KiiiiiIi v I'liiof.ili'i'iily IinIi nml kiuiio wiinlvii for llm ilrltricl, wiilcn km rolluwit from (lolil llcmli, Ori'uon, .May 1: "In iniildiij,' my (rip up the ooiimI hIiiwiiiii t Mud niT thlntr in uoml hihx, pntroli'il tlio Clmloo nml I'Ulol iImii. nml mil now on Itii' KoKiin; will prml nlmiil four or 1m ilnyn lioro. "Tlio Mo(lt'iin mo iiitikltiK tjniil prcpiirnlloiiH for llu opciiini,' of (In Nonmui. Now mui'liiiiory, now IkiiiIn, nml In fart otiithmjf will Im now, Tlioio itxpriiililiiroN iilinulytolnl mir 211,0011. "I will not mini Merloni; for I tin ili'ihtnml Im h in Kim rimii'ixoii, I Iiimo mo) Mr. I.ciirli, cciiontl mmtn i"(r of llm iompmi nml wo will lmo IiIh i'o-opiriitioii in I'lifimiinir the now law. All lio iinIjh in for llio i1o pmlmi'iil to poo Hint mi illi'Kiil nli iiu; will ho omricil on hy oiiImIiIo fixh. onui'ii, ii it Id umlcratootl Hint lili iiiK IioiiIm fiotu tlio Umpipiu nml Ah loiln will ho lioro. Al llio pniiiit timo no fl-liimr In koiiik on, Iml tlimo Ih prohnhllilv llio IixIiIiik will oom mi'iii'o lioforo tlio jipcn Hotionu, u Hioy mo nil Ki'ltuiK iiuxiiiiiri. 'i lia- Itmlifr H l'iiu llinnc hoio, nml I will itmuhlo Hihl no notM Will llO IINOll lll'flll I' tho upon koiiihiii. x"l lono lioro for lli Coipiillo iimt thi'iioo to the ulli Tori, of ('ihi IIU'I III tho "llltl' llllti lll'l)." EAST VIA SOUTH I.OH ANllKI.CK, Cnl.. Sltli C Hocrctnry of Htnto William J. Ilrnn In NpooilliiK oiutwnril today, hli mln nIoii In California n-KiinlliiK tho null iiIIoii I a ml hill loncliiilml. llu wn mitt nt thu rnllroiul itntlou huro hy a rommlttoo of cUIxoiih which outoi tuluoil him nl hronkfuHt. 111m noii. William J. Ilrynit Jr. Mrx. Hdiiii mul tholr twu olillilivii iKjcompiuili'il him from I.on AiikoIon to Tupnoii, Arlc Kocrolnry llrnu rofiuiHl to oomiuuitt on tlm antMilleii land law. E Prnctlrnlly every machtno In tlm city wiin In iino .Sunday for plunttir purH)neii, tlm noiinou hitliiK arrived when molorliiR throiiKhout tlio val ley hccouieH very popular with tho roNldeiitN of tlm city. Tlm valley In now more hoaiillful nml delightful for loiirliiK than nt liny other nommn. Tho perfect w outlier of Huiiiln) hroiiKht out tlm mnrhluoH In full force. Tlm prin ciple objective point wan Itomio river, liuiidredn HpomlliiK tlm dny iiIoiik IIn hnukN. Adelluo Hcneu U to iiiuko a tout of AiiNtrull.t. Bud Anderson, the Who will box. (lueo loumls vvltli Ills and Tuiaduy BRYAN N COUNTRY RE AN V '.ej, M.LJICB!jy?MB rTS3 .Mr. (Iii.rj:i' (I, Hi'i, wifo of n wpII kiinttii h.niki r, who lia . loni; Ihnmi in Kow Viirk Mil 1. 1, Im- hocnu iiit for ilixorco, nml it is Mini that hit will ok for fMl.tlllll a jii.r all iihmij. Mr. Ilrvu ihn Iuiwi hooiio Ioiiii'iI l tii. nt Hint mto Ninoo hor iiih rnnifo unit mIio thuilu nlio oiikIiI In el lh Miwr nmntiiil now. "I'Ii'hh ihoi't nik mo In iIImoiihm thi'x lliiiip," hIic aniil to it topurliT who nksl Iiit mIioiiI lior hlc iilimoiiy ili'imtiiil. Mr-. Hvyo lifts fUeil stiil on tlio xtatiiuiy kmiiiiiU, hut ulio Iiiik not naiiifil tlm oonoopiinilunl, nml hho HiHiiitnineil that ulio would not hriiif; tlio woiiihii's iwiiio into tho case, not Hint fclio wiiii I cil to wo the womnii, hut it H't'int'd ulie iliil not wish to invito oonipntiftoii with linmolf. lie forii lior uwrrinuo tlio Mioiety mutroii t-nIio litis two children -witH Hlmiolie A. VHIIhihk, ilmichler uf J. Henry Heard William of New York. She wh ui)u ofj llu. IioIIim of NowiNtrt Nuoiol in 1001 wliou lio innrrioil tlio Imiii of (iiiIm lli'e, n hunker, ho had Hindi- mipiicv from Stamlnril Oil. REAL BASEBALL MAY BE. SEEN Dltmuioil with tho brand of lmio hull which Iiun hoon eorved to tlm fan HiU oar, a nuinhvr of local on Hiiniluuts lmve Induced Shorty Miles to form a local club for thin season ami hu Is now nt work working tho mailer up. A huKuhall (cam ran ho secured HiIh )oar which will ho able to hold Its own with any In HiU nock of tho wooiIh. AniniiK tlm voleraiiH avail able am MIIoh, Wllkltmon, Clll, Autlo. IJiunra, .Schnultx and WHnoii. "Tho ArK)lo Caso." hy Harriot Pord and Harvey O'IHkrIiin, with Itolioil llllllard lit tlm IcuIIiik rolo, Ih lu llu fifth mouth In Now York. Pride of Medford biotlicc ritxUllu lit tlio Star .Monday ulgbtf, Director of Hip Mdlfortl Cdtnitirr einl cluh have nilopO'd llm follow ing rcMiilulieu: WheroiiM, tlio Uuileil Hluten Koverti iiipiiI eonleiiiplali'M the eMnblishment of n Nalloniil HiKhway KyNlcm, tho (ounlruelioii of which h lo hu aided hy federal nppropriiilioiiH, nml WheteiiN, the Nntionnl lliyliuny nx Hoeiatmn of WiiHuiuutou, I). ('., Iiun piopoheil it route fiom tho Atlantic lo the Pacific ocenn winch etnlirnces llm tiHfi of tho Pacific Highway, which ax now oNlnhlixliod num from Porllaml koiiIIi Uf the Hnerninenlo nlley veil of thu ('iihciuIu iiIoiiii taiiiH, mul AlHilKlMfi Pulflc HlKlnrny. WherenM, il Iiiih como to the know). edo.0 of the .Medford Commercial Huh Hint Mirioim commercial limlicN in the city of Porllaml have miij; yisled (Iml thu wild proHised route ho ehuiincil ho a m to enter the lnto of ()icon at Vale, i minim; llmnce lo IIiuiiH, fiom which point thu roml ll mtkom in two ilircctioim, one croHH iiik llio CahcadeM tlinniKli the MeKeii. ri I "a m into Kum.'iie, mid the other nimiiiitr north from llunm into The I fallen mul Iheiieo ilown the Colum hia river to Portland, ami WlieieiiH, thin iroxihcil ehnnce would effeoliiallv elimiiiale tho nl read.v OHtahlisheil Pacific IIikIivmij friiiu the Natiminl HiKhway Sywlein, ami woulit ili regard entirely the idainiH of Soutliurii Oregon, nml VMiereaH, the eliiiiatie comlitioni of Central and Wlern Central On pin, thniiiKh whleli the promised road would rim in accordance with the iiiKKo-leil i'Iiiiiii'vm, would render the iio uf tho rond in that nectiou ilur iiij; the winter tnoiitlisi imprneticnlilc on account of the Hiiowfall, which which K'ncrnlly renclie in Hint sec tion of the Htnto a depth of three feet, mul No Scenic Altmclloni. Whcrcn, tho town Ijmg nlonj; the route ii h ehniicil, until Kiieno ih renched lire unable to Mipply inodeni hotel HccommoilatioiiH or other ncccs nitiert to traveleo, nml Wherca, thu mmuUc nttrnctions of Northern California mid Kotithcrii Oregon din ju-tly ho considered of much nit liter conernl nitercht to tinvelirri than tho plateaux of Cen tral Oregon, four thnusniid feet in elevation, HM.csini; no dintiuctive necnio fcutures, nml Whereat., nniiift these conditions in Central and Western Central Ore gon, Northern California nml South ern Oregon enjoy n climate winch would permit the constant uo of the roml an (menially proposed eer month in the enr; nml nt frequent iutervalH alon the road opular wut eritn; iilaces mid thrivini: cities fur niilt eoml'orlablo mid even luxur ious accominodatioiM to tourists mid travclerH, nml provide cany nml ex peditious means of access over prac ticable roads to Crater Lnko National Park, Klamath Lakes, OrcRon dives, nml llio Pacific, ocean nt Crescent City. OrlKiunl l'liut Kndotxil. Now therefore he it resolved, thai the Comincicinl or Medford, Jackson county, Orepin, emlorn's tho original plan of it National Stale Highway HyHlem as proposed by tho National Hicjiwav iisMieiatiou of Washinulon, I). ('., nml in mi far as tlm stale of Oregon N concerned is opiwsed to tiny cIiuiiko in the original plan, nml especially to any chaiiKO which might cliiniualo from the Nntionnl System tho use of the already established Paeifio Highwav tlirouuli Noitheru Califoinia and Southern Oregon, And he it fuillier resolved, that n copy of thin tesoltilioit ho scut to Senator- Chamheilain and Lane nml Kopicsentntivo I law ley, nfc well iih to tlm National HikIivvhv iissoeiulion. OF L E Krod lteeiU tho auto drlvor, for nioily of Medford. who wu recently held on tho chnrgo of Involuntaiy uiiiusluiighter, was freed hy tho Kiitnd Jury Friday, Heed dtovo the. Oartit & King car whloU upbol and killed h, K. DalllilBor-'ln Marshriold it inontlt ago. Tho grand jury stated that thoy were not convinced that tho ovldonco showed any Intention to do bodily harm or was of suffi cient ationgth to wdrrnnt proboct Hon. Tho vol diet Ih received with satisfaction by every one. AT JACKftONVIhl.K Call for Mall Tribune vacuum clenueia at Mr. Abbott's lutrdvvaro atoro, With Medford trado In Medford niUit Kgohel & Dny Jhhiic the following dnlcil New York, April 28: Limt ear nhout this time wc told ou that n city ordinance had heen pnnKcd hole, whereby nil package of fruit would have to he nlmnped with the net weight nml nl Hint time we conferred with the rominiKHioner of weight, nml we informed him that nn the Hcnnoii for tho receipt of fruits trout tho Pacific const nml other wesleni nlates had nlinoat Htnrled mid paekngeH had been mnde up mid I he htiHiucMfl wn almost un der way, Hint it would work n great hardship have every pnekne stamped lu nccorduucc with tho or dinnnce, conNcrpiently nn ordinnnco wnH enforced. This year, however, Hie commiNsioner of weigh tH, linn de cided (lint nil packages of fruit of ntiy kind whntHoever iniist have the net weight slnmM'd on tho oulsidc, mid if the package contains baskets, then the baskets also contained there in must have tho nel weight stainpeil on each basket. From the above you will sec. Hint it will he advisable to stamp thu following weights on each package. Muxes of K'nrs, net weight -10 lh. Half boxes of pears, net weight, 20 oiiiiis. HOGS AGAIN AT E PORTLAND, Mny fi.-Receipts for the week have heen: Cattle, 1130; enhes, 18-1; hogs, 2570; sheep, .'1012; horses. :i. (Jood trade in ulcere. Several loads selling at $8.20 with bulk from f".7.1 to 8.00. Henvy beeves scarce with (pinlity good nml better outlet. Hogs took nn upward turn tho early part of the week nml price went buck tip to the nine dollar mark. Cooler wenther, smaller receipts anil depleted pnekiui; house iork products the caunfe of the reaction. Better tone to sheep house trade, n few more recciptH, n bunch of fnncy uwes were Inrgely bought up $0.25, "off the enrs." lutinbs $7.25 and $7.00 "off the cars." Demand for mutton exceeding supply. sin: pays thi: ii:.vaijTV. There In hardly nn American wom an who falls to pay the penalty of her sex nt some time or other. Pain lays Its merciless hand upon her It may bo that dreadful backache, those bearing down palm, sldo ache, ner vousness. Irregularities or tho tor tures of a displacement It Is the penalty of sex. To all such women in this condition L)dla 1'. Plnkhain's Vegetable Compound comes as a boon and n blessing. A simple rem edy mado from roots and herbs which has brought glorious health to moro suffering women than any oth or remedy. Pimples Should Be Watched May b Meant of Absorbing Ditcaia Crmi in Mott Unexpected Manner. JUke Your IllunJ lure end Iiuiauae XMIh 3. s. S. The worM renowned laboratory of tho Hwirt tipeclllo Cumpuny has col lected a vuat uinouia of Information regarding tho epread o( blood dlaeanes. In thousands of lntaico tho moat Mruleut type have boen the reiult of comlne In contact with dUeate germ In public places, and the apparently tn Icnltlcant plmplo has been the cause. It spreads sllh aslonlililnij rapidity, often Infoctlnir th eutlru cystem In a few days. It Is fortunate, however, that thr Is a remedy to cope quickly and thor oughly with such a condition, ami thanks to the energy of Its producers the famous a a a may now be had at almost any drug stora In the civil ised world. This preparation stands alone as a blood purlllor. It Is somewhat revolu tionary In lis comnositon. since it accomplishes all that was ever claimed for mercury, iodides, arsenic, and other destructive mlneial drugs, and yot It Is absolutely u purely vegetable prod uct. It contains ono ingredient which serves the actlva purpose of stimu lating each tlnycellular part of the tissues to tho healthy and Judicious selection of Its own essential nutri ment. There are more cases of ar ticular rheumatism, locomotor ataxia, paresis, neuritis, and similar diseases resultant from the use of minerals than most people nre aware of. These facts are brought out in a highly in teresting book compiled by tho medical department of The 8wlft Bpeoltlo Co, 137 Swift Illdcr.. Atlanta. Oa. It Is mailed free, together with a special let ter or attvice, to nil who are struggling with a blood disease, Get a bottle of a S. S. to-day of your drugglsu it will surprise ypu with Its wonderful action In the blood. DOLLAR MARK KH PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating All Work CMsrantwd 2'rtcea Itfci)M COFFEEN & PBIOE U Howard Block, Entrance o ttfc Komi Msob 141. laBBVJsBBkJSBBBBBBBBBsVs&till - 1BBBbIbBB1BIBbVHIH "?"' ri JSiVHSBBBBsV MkSBbHbBBBBBBSSBsW'SBI' 1 BHfSBBlBBSBBBSSBKaBBSMashkw '' jsibstssibbbsisV 3lsssssissssssB,3fc "OssssssssssssssssssssssWTTk. H iPMiaMSPJBBBBBBBajMJSSgSafcpgjJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS k V SBBBBT'SHBHrBBBTEBajBBSSBBBBBBBBBaHBBBSvaSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBPi ik On gasoline, kerosene or distillate will devclope more horse power per 100 lbs. "weight than any other tractor on the market is also from 50 to 100 per cent cheaper. For demonstration see CHARLES TSCHIRGI Adress R. F. D. No. 3 Phone 67-J-2. Situated In tlta Hub of tho Principal Theater and Shopping District Itcccntlj- Itcdcrorated and Itefurnished Throughout, mid Better Equipped Today Uuin KTcr Before European l'lan Rooms without bath, $1.00 per dny and up Booms with Uatli, f.00 pet tbty and up G. J. KAUFHANN, Manager. X. K. CiaitKi:, Asst. Igr. Both representative of the whole some cordial spirit of the West and the host in hotol service The IMPERIAL HOTEL Portland, Oregon .''! Both under the management of, the METSCHANS 1000 Rooms Wanted In order to accommodate the people attending tho Odd Fellows Grand I.odgo and Bobeknh Assembly to be held lu Medford May 20-21-22. Fill out printed blank below and mall to John A. 1'erl. See. Boom Committee, not later than May 10th, In order that list can tie classified. Wo will havo rooms 'available from May 20 to 23 as follews: ................Itooius with bath 3. por day for ono per son; .... per day for two persons. ....- Rooms without bith Q per dny for ono person; & ,.por day far two persons. Btrcot and Nuumbor.. Name 242 Turk Street Finest popular priced Hotel in San Eranciaco i Modern Central ft6rt)?)r5W)( Hochambeau Dapple Gray Stallion G years old Service $20 to Insure KITTO BARN Jacksonville. The HOTEL JOSEPHINE Grants Pass Oregon . 4 i f i A .