WFJDFOim matt. Tii'muNii, MrcnFonn, ohmon. ha'vvuday, may :,, tout. rxon Trmiw .'U -U' iv r- M i Rfe uiivi'iv".' Horlfil nmt musical notes, Miss JotiueMn lliitturi phono saw. ' Club news under direction of ilroator Medford Club phono r7(1. "Noun llrotli tittti liliiinolf nloiui,'' QENEOAL CLUB DinECTOnY tlro.ttnV Medford CliH-Last 'Moil iluy of each meuth: club room, II brnry building; 2: 00 i. lit.. business meetings 3tOU , in,, program. Second Monday of each moiitli, so rlitl meeting, President, Mm, W. 0. Davidson, It 10 Wi-Kl Truth street; jtliono 676, Mimlu Department -'KlMt Monday of each tntfntli; rlub room, library building; 3:00 i, in., Cliulriiiiin, Mm. 12. M. Andrews, 36 North House villi avenue; phono H27-H. (load Clll.enr.hlp Department nmt ami third Tuesday of each month; rluli rooms, 3:30 p. m. Chair iiiuii, Mm. 0. L. Bchleffelln, 113 (leu evii avenue; phono 430, IMuratlonul Department First llalurday of each month; club rooms, 3:00 p. in. Chairman, Mm. llcorge Hrbrc. Central Point It. P. I).; phono, Jacksonville Sl-K-21, Home Kronomlcit Department Second snd fourth Wedtiomluys; club rootiid, 2:30 p. in. Chairman, Mm. J. C. Hchmldl, 30 Rose avoniio; phono ZC0, Social llyglrne Department Third Monday; club room, 2:30 p. m. Chairman, Mm. It. W. Stearns, 10 Itoiie avenue; phono 130. "1'tomptiioM ntul 8) tn in" our mot to. Wo do not wlih to waste your time, therefore tiriimjitiio In begin nltiK these meeting and system In totidtictlnK them U our aim. Wi'iliirxliir Hlmly Club. Klmt nud third Wednesdays; II brary building. 2.30 p. m. President, Mm. K. II. Plckel. 316 West Main street; phono 6811, Par eiil-TwM hem' .m Intltui, Second Friday, 3:00 p. in., Wash Innton school building. President, Mm. P. V. Moars, 621 Dakota nvo nin; plmno 289x. Parent -Tear hem' Association. Third Friday, 3:00 p. in., Rooso Toll school building. President, Mm. (loorgo King, 843 Hast Mnln street; phono Btl-lt. l'nn.llclleiilo .oclntlon. Second nnd fourth Saturdays; sec ond Saturday at Heit Itonm; fourth Hatitrdny nt home of members. Pres ident, Mm. J. (1. VIIon, 617 Now town itrect: phono 0G0W. College Woman's Club. Hccond Saturday, luncheon 1:00 p. in,, plnro to bo announrud.' Prcnl di'tit, Mr. Wlnlfrod Kurcnuih, rnnch, (Irlffln C'ri'ok; phono 857-J. V. 0. T. U. Tliumdiiy of imch wcok, UnptUt rhurch, 3:00 p. m. Pri'ildimt, Mm. Ilolmor, 723 Houth Cuntrnl nvontio; phono 402-J. Atti'iitloii! Wmurn of llio Vnlli'yt Do you know thnt thorn nro nmt rooiim on Hid fourth floor of tho Medfont Puriiltiiro & llnrdwnro building. N. 421 nnd 422, for tho fro ueo of tho vrnmoii of Medford nnd vicinity? Take tho olovator', como up nud rout, Icavo your pnrcolH, moot your friends, net ri -'l ' ton for fUo ccnti, or rheck your bablci for ton cuuU pur hour. Tho room nro ulwnB opnn with nn nttondunt In chnrgo from f).0n . m. to 6:00 p. m. t CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK Wednemlny '8my club,' Wmluemtiiy, Muy 7. 2:30. p. in., club rooiuH lib- vary building. I'nreiit-TonchorM imsoclatlon, Kil dnjj, Jlny 7, 3:00 p. in., library, build- lni;. ' . Co'IIoko Woiiioii'h rluh, Saturday, 1:00 p. in., phicu to bo uiiuouiiecd lalor, GENERAL CLUB HEWS I i s -j ": ' ", t: Tho I'drlliuid dlmp'tor'lif ilio Col loit'lato Alumni lUtoiiod tt tow ly bIuco to t convlnchur talk on tho nocoHatty of onrr5j"B 10 lmrk Mn lilqypunil ncroiio around Portland Mr. V. Clncont Jonoa Rnvo tho urt drcan. Ho Btatod Unit botwoou JROO, 000,000 and $000,000,000 U tho cost or erlino In tlilcoiijitry, U u'lnwj part of'tltla aum Woro upciit In Givlna Eiasa ggBST-To '(WOMlR i.i.:,.:,i. rrTy".v"rwV"V,"i'.' :t elilldroti ori'iird and properly pit pervUed rtnilion plnvKroiiudK at luaiit 60 por cent of Ibo ctlmliinlii hiiiiIiI bo ellmliiatod, c'lill'dliood In tho liiiiriMliinilil iiki tin Hum when habltH are formed, thiirofore tliwy Hbould ho Khrn nn opporluiilty for uoml hvnlthy nmtuonit'ntk. In addition to prevunlltiK erlino, play croiiiulii utfto iiri'Vimt illneaRO by y. Iiik the rhlld n proper amount of on door oxerrlno nud air. . Tho Arknmtnn Mimlu rommltteo of tho Htnto Kederntlon Clulm Iiiih tie rompllNhifd tlno work thin year. Their vpeilal work bi'lmr to ntftrt u Htnto wldo movement for tho Introduction of iromlc In the public choolii iim a reHUlur branch of utmly, CLUB NOTES There nro noW' 1 3.1 incmliurn of tho (Ireuter Medford club. ... Thorn KertiiM to ha u deinnud for n depnrtemiit of llteriituro In conucc (Ion with the club. A meetliiK of thoxo Ititerentml will bu railed In tho nwr future to iIIhciuh ntul map out a procrum for next yenrV -tiidy. ... A number reipondod lo tho call for thoio IntercMiiul In the kinder Kartell movotuetit. A a coimcqueuca an enthuilnntlc mentliiK wrai held on Tui'iilny lait, when a committee with Mm. I'. I.', (lore nt chairman waH up pointed to roofer with Mr. Collins, Miporliitendciit of hcIiooI', nnd with the mIiik)I board In rcicaril 1 "'e matter. Dtirlut: tho dtucunHloit It do e)oped thnt mivernl fainllleH had loft Medfont hint winter lit order to Klvo their children tho udvnntniM of kin dernrteii trnluliiK. Can wo afford to have ecral hundred dullam .i month taken nut of tho valley for mich reaionT ... Tho lUrcnt-Tonchcm' ntnoclatlon of the WiinhltiKtou rchool will meet lit tho library hulldlnic on Krlday, May Uth, at 3;00 . m. I'Ii-iim- uot tho chntiRo of inretlnR place, mndo Decennary brcaimo of the Sth grade etamlnntlniiii beliiK held In tho rct;u lar room. Annual election of offi cer will bo hold. Tho tubjoct for UUcui.tou will bo "Oood 'UltUcn alilp," to bo led by Mm. Daly. ... Tho I'AtiOfcllonlo nrnorlnUou li to day. May 3rd, lervlug luncheon at tho rent room In tho Medford Ktirnl turo anil Hardware bulldlnc. If you ran rat a Kood homo-cooked luncheon nerved for n reasonable nttui, tak tho elevator to the fourth floor any time from 6 (i. in. on. You will feol re paid. Tho "MuRiUltio of tho (lonoral Pcderalloii of Women's Clubs" vhoiild bo In tho hands of every club woman. It brliiKH h6r clofoly In touch with what tho bli; broad-mltiil ed women all over tho world are do ing. Itn subscription price Is fl.00 per year; In clubs, 76c. Auyono de- slrliiK It call phono 676. Tho Home Kconomlc department department Is trying to secure Dr. Ilerthn Hiurl of tho University of Oregon to Rive her lecture on "Food and Diet." Let overy woman In Med ford ami tho vicinity innko up her mind to put iiildo anything that will Interfere with her hearing this lee lure. Date announced later. At tho regular monthly mooting of the O renter o.Milford club mi Monday, April 2Rth, tho following officers were elected for next year: Mrs, K. VI (lore, president; Mrs. (1. Davlilson, first vice president; Jim. P. K. Merrick, second vlco presl dent; Mm, Hurt llnrmon, treiiBiirer; Mrs. A. II. Hchnator, recording sec retary nnd Miss Kllxaboth ltoblnson, correspoudlug seerotiiry. l'reccdltig tho election n nuiuhor of matters worn taken up nud ills ensued by tho moinbom- A lettor was road from tho Oregon Library roiu iuIhhIoii plnclug lit the disposal of tho Creator Medford club n sorlos of J raveling llbrnrlos on special sub octs, having to do with tho Hues of Study nnd research undertaken by tho different departments. A lettor was iilso road from tho socretnry of tho (ioucrnl Federation welcoming tho (Irentor Medford club Into tho (le'noral Federation and expressing tho hope that tho (Ireator Medford c(ih would rneolvM all tho good that In lo ho had from tho affiliation with this world-wldo organization. Thli nftlllatloii also meitiiH that tho (Ireat or Moiiforii club Is iuiw'ontltled lo Its own ilolegatos to tho biennial In Chi cago In liU-l. A comiiiuiilcatloii from tho Oregon Citizens loagtto was rend anil voted upon. Tho loaguo was formed to prcsorvo and promote educational In teroBlH In tho stuto of Oregon. Ono of Its objocta, ami perhaps tho main 7TI l',i"W'r'I, one, la tho spring of th stale tl Diver sity at Kugeiio from roiisolldatlon with or ubsorptlOn by tho Hlnto Aitrkiilturnl college at Corvallls. Tho (Ireator edford club voted to join the leaKuo In lU endeavor to prevent this backward stop In educatlomtl on leaver, wbleh Is beliiK brought about by tho Corvnllls college of agrlcul turn. Applicants lo (lie mrmliflmlilp of I lie College Woman's elult wlio lime not nlremly sent III (heir ui)liention hlniiks are rcquexteil to fill them out nt Hie earliest opportunity mid semi I Iii-iii lo Mm. John A. Torucy, 112 1 Yt Mant street, telephone 7;il-.l. FUTURE EVENTS Medford camp No, 00 U'ouUmcn of tho World entertain this evening with u box social. All members and their wlus nro extended u cordlnl Invitation. ... Invitations nro out to a linen shower to bo given next Wednesday for Miss llnxel D.ivln by Miss Laura Trelchler at Miss Trelchlor's homo on Oakdale avonuo south. ... The Indies of the Altar society of tho Cuthollo church will glvo a recep tion nt Parish hall on Monday even ing,' May 6th. Tho Ilnvcrend Fath er 0. M. O .S'eal, who has recently been appointed to tho Catholic pas torato of Medford, will bo tho guest of honor. ... The women of tho I'roslotorlan church nro Invited to attend tho reg ular missionary meeting which will bo held next Tuesday afternoon at the homo of Mm. Kttn Htercnsoti on the Ashland road. Mm. Hlevensoii Is always a delightful hostess and a particularly pleasant time Is antici pated. ... The officer of tho local nnler of l'lhinn Kistcm request the preenco or nil Pvtliliitl .Sisters mi the evening of Jlny Tth'nt the Temple hnll. Mm. Vii(miii, ehief of Ihe grntiil jurisdic limi of Urviniu will lie lit uttemhineo ami nil floor work will he rciicwed. for her inspection. A ilclepiitmn from AMilnmi Temple will iibo be (resent. Mnry llnswcll, 11. C. MUSIC ! Aluyit 100 persons, children and adults, will tslio part in tho musical pantomime to bo directed by Mm. J. Hilver of lludaitost, Hungary, nnd given under tho auspices of St. Mark's, Episcopal Guild. Tho pro duction Is adaptod from tho Herman "Die I'uffenfee," which Is given an nually In tho fatherland. The music Is entirely from flurutan composi tions ami suggests tho action of nil (hat takes place. Following Is a brief summary of tho two nets: Tho curtain rises on n doll shop, disclosing tho old shopkeeper mill his array of dolls, which will bo por trayed by young women. A number of customers enter and ndtulro or purchase tho dolls. In tho second act tho shopkeeper, wearied by tho day's exertions, falls Into a doep sleep, when u fairy, hith erto Imprisoned In a clock, unfolds a dream, brings the dolls to life, and a night of revelry takes place. At'thls tlmo song and fancy dance specialties nro Introduced, ilio dolls returning to their places at tho stroke of midnight. Mm. Silver has given thin proulictloik In many cities In Canada ami tho United Htutcs and thoroughly understands her work. Tho local production will occur tho evenings of Muy 11 mid 15, with reserved scnta-nt llasktus' May 13. General admission for children under 1 1, 26 rents; reserved seats 60 cents. Tho last regular meeting for this soason of tho musical department of tho Greater Medford dub will Un hold next Monday afternoon, under tho direction of Miss Julia Fielder. Tho subject, "Muslo In tho Public Schools," will bo presented by Mrs. 13. li. Gore. Tho remainder of tho program Is as follews: Holectlon, High Buhool Mandolin club; vocal solo, Mica Gladys Illn man; rending, "A Study In Nerves," Miss Vun Meter; soloctlon, children's chorus of tho Washington bcIiooI; vocal solo, "Damon," Max Strange, Miss Helen Puruckor; paper, "Valuo or M usle In tho Publlu Schols," Miss Nelllo Srtnteo; vocal sol6, selected, MUtj Jean Wilson; selection, clill (Iron's chorus of Hoosovolt achqol, High School Mandolin club, Tho piano pupils of Miss Flora Groy woro hoard In an Informal ro clttil given this afternoon tit tho homo of Miss Groy, lt'o ticiiovn nV6 nilo. Invitations woro bxtonded U pupils nud their paronts exclusively. .Ukll14l .!. ;. Jj-J-J' - --.-. Thft recital was preliminary to n pub lie imislinln to bo given Inter, Thorn taking part this iiflernoon were Chnrlott'i Hoy, WoocUum McDonald, Jvniiiiotto I'nttornofi, Aubrey Furry, Juaiilta Furry, Vera Murrlman, Lou I so Dnililysuiaii, Itnlph Ilrntidon, lill-.nbulll Manning, Opal Hlary, llruco Piiltinm, Mary Allco Poster, Lallerla (lore, Freda Planus Ituth Daniels, Oeorgu Maddox, L'linlco llraiidon, Florence and Marjorfu An derson, Hutli Warner, . Tho Pliliyxionl Cull nro exhibition ntul Polk ilaneiiit; ivcn nt tho Nntn toriiim liixt evt'iiiiiif umler tile ilirec tioti of .Mrs, (I. T. Wilson, pliyicni ilireelor of tho jiublio schools was witiiesheil ly a very largo nudicnce wliieli sliowed every hign of upprc eiatlon tliroiighoul Hie entire even ing. Tho iliiueiiig mill drill were executed without a suggestion of awkwardness, showing results which only a professional couhl instill. Mrs, Wilson wnn nsn'mleil by .Miss llu.el Ituilcr. nssistiinl director, Miss Cntherinu Meant mnl Miss Dorothy Wiekx piiiuisU mnl the .Med lord Or cliChlrnl club. Tho program : H.-leetioiiM from "Tlio Hcil Mill". . , Ilc.hcrt Wiiinl Drill "I Keo Von," 8tngliig Outiic First utid Second Grades Waihiogtoii Uchool "The Aeo of DiumondH' Danish Folk Dance Hall Drill Itelay Unco (lirls ut Washington and Lincoln Schools PART II. Murch from "Tnlinhmiser". .Warier Orcliestrn Tin? llighlmid Fling (Scotch) Iriuli Jig Indian Club Drill Dumb Pell Drill TSivcdi'-li Folk Danco Relay Hiwo Uiris of the High School Tho following U tho program to bo given by pupils of tho Medford Con servatory of Music at Its regular monthly recital tonight nt 8 o'clock. It will bo given as usual at the Conservatory rooms, 31 North Gratw strcot, and admission Is free. The public la cordially Invited: PJauo, waltz....'..'.. Stcabog Jcannotto ltlchardson. Clarinet, Hobln Adair...- Anon CHfton Anderson. Piano, Un petit 1Morceu....M....Voe Nelllo Campbell. Violin, Ploch , v ,Gra co) Wilson. pano, lluttcrfly.4 Morkcl Arthur Alldor. Vocal, Damon -v - Stango Helen Puruckor. Violin, Farewell Song............Lagyo Ituth Campbell. heading ,.......-. ... Selected Miss Mlnhlo Jackson. Piano, Vol so arabesque.. -. .. Lack Miss Anna Puruckor. , ocal ........................ ...... Herman Puruckor. Piano, Prelude No. 16 v...Chopln Miss Ivy Docck. Tho next pupils' recital will bo on Saturday, Juno 7, at o'clock n (ho afternoon. Tho Junior class of the Mrdtord high school will bo seen In a unique production In tho noar future. Tho entertainment will bo staged In two acts, tho first to bo a clever sketch written by ono of tho members of tho cjass. Mis Caroline Andrews, Tho second act wlTT bo a representa tion of tho mlustrol show, so popular a few decades ago.. Miss Andrews and Miss Mario Gates will coach and niminuo the affair, which will be glvon "Just for tho fun of It" mid also to add somot&tng to tho class exchequer. Among tho musical notes (to be road, not played) of noxt wcok's Is sue will bo the entire outllno of study which will form tho basis of work to bo undertaken next year by tho musical department of tho Great er Medford club, Also mi excellent ly compiled list of books for rofer ouco In connection with tho study course. Au advisory board of five has been chosen to ho of general fsslstanco to those having tho meet ngg in charge. Home talent productions nro "In season." Tho Medford Orchestral dull concert, Mrs, Wilson's ontor talnmcut of last evening and the Junior class piny uro to bo followed y u Junior class play, tho Choral society oiitortaliiuiont mid two nights of "Tho Doll Shop" undor tho aus plcoa of St. Mark's Guild. ' Thoro will ho n joint rohearsal of tho Medford Choral society and the Conservatory orchestra on Wednoa dny ovonlng, lor tho coucort to bo given Tuesday, May 13. All members tiro roquested to mako u special ef fort to bo present. "I understand that the young man In tho houso noxt to you Is a fin ished comotlst." Great! Is ho? I was just Screwing up my courago to finish mm myself! Who did 1?"--Houston Post. ' . .:MM' l V iAtV ----V--A.. l-VIlft '"Wl.'k . . ... -.... i.i... u. U "... "9. Uft JUmMmMkW I Tli Mmlrtlii'ii. .Inl, tnnf In -iiilir I I jMBT IMwznl A. Dennett, of Marysvllle, Cal and .Miss Yahi Oatmnn. of this city, woro united In marriage Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock at tho Catholic pariah houso. Tho beau tiful nnd ImprirtslVo ceremony was performed by Father Hnydchon, as sisted by Fnther O'Ncll. Only s fw near friends and relatives were pres ent. Tho brldo was charming In n go-Ing-nway gown of gray, and was at tended by her sister, Mrs. II. O. Htophvnson, whllo tho rf'oom lutd as best man Mr. Hobcrt Tolfor, of Hugcno, Ore. The brldo Is tho youngest daugh ter of Mr, nnd Mm. K. It. Oatman and lias resided In Medford for the last four years. She Is one of tho most beautiful nnd charming young ladles In southern Oregon and has mtiny friends hero and In tho Wil lamette valley. Mr. Dennett Is a satire son of California nnd promo ter of tho Clark-llcnery Paving Con struction company -nnd well known In California and Oregon. Tho happy couple left on the 10:36 train Immediately after the ceremony, and will spond their hon eymoon In Ban Francisco and Los Angeles. One of tho most delightful affairs of tho wcok was tho collcgo ovcnlng given by Dr. nnd Mrs. P. G. Carlow and Mlts Nelllo Ban tec at tho homo of the former Monday evening. Tho majority of guests wcro graduates of tho University of Michigan, tho class colore used In decorating, photo graphs of college buildings, com mencement annuals and collcgo songs being conducive to an even ing of pleasant reminiscence. Too forming of an organization was dis cussed but no dcflnlto steps taken, owing to tho small nnmber of known tllglblcs. Jim. J. C. Schmidt who leaven tho city shortly was guest of honor. Strawberries and cru&m, cake and coffco wcro served by tho hostess. Thoso Invited Included Mr. and Mm. J. C. Schmidt, Dr. and Mm. Gcorgo Itcbec, Mr. and Mm. Y, W. Mcam. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. G. David son, Mr. and Mm. Lsthrop Perkins, Mr. 11. D. Mills, Miss Harriett Cox. Miss M. II. Towne, Mr, George Butz, Mr. O. L, Davidson nnd Professor JeWell. Mr. nnd Mrs. P. W. Streets of this city haro been onjoying a visit from Mr. and Mm. Oeorgu II. Hoy, friends from their former homo In Illinois. n Wednesday over 20 guests were In nvlted to the Streets' homo for 12 o'clock dinner, tho majority of thoso present being old acquaintances and friends with homes In tho satuo lo cality In tho east. Thoso present from this city wcro Mr. and Mm. J, 0. Schmidt, Mr. and Mm. V. H. jirown, Dr. and Mrs. Fred Page, Mr. and Mm. D. W. Lnko of tho Orchard Home tract, and houso guest Mrs, Williams of Grand Forks, N. D., and Mr. and Mm. II. C. Kontncr. Out-of-town guests wcro Mr. and Mrs. George li. Hoy of Woodstock, III.; Judgo nnd Mrs. Gllmoro of Rogue Illver, Mr. and Mm. Stona'of Central Point, Mr. and Mm. Dagloy, Mr. and Mm. Saunders and Mr. and Mrs. Minims, of Ashland. . A bridge luncheon and miscel laneous shower was given In honor of Miss Hael Davis by Miss Hutchi son at her homo Wednesday after noon. Decorations were brunches of evergreen nud Oregon grape. Fol lowing "cards," tho gifts wero given (o Miss Davis by Mm. Jap Andrews who woro an Amlsh costume. Mra. llnrold Lumsdcii, Mrs. George Davis and Mrs. C. W. Palm also assisted In outurtalulug. Tho.u enjoying Mlwt HutchlkOii's hospitality wero Misses )avls, 1 lance, Kniorick, ScantUn, Trolchler, Koutncr, Ida Loo Keutuur, Ware, Mesdamos. nardwoll, Drown, Von Sohoeff, Kniorick, 'Roberts, Rothormnl, Jaiiuey mid ltlddlo. ... A dinner party, wus glveu at tho homo of Mr. nud Mra. Dort Ander son Wednesday ovotilug In compli ment to Mr, A. A. Purkor, a formor classmate of Mr. Anderson's at Gar field University, Kansas. Mr. Park er has spent tho past sovon yoars as t missionary lu India whore ho also founded and built a well known theological collogo. Tho May Day party glvou by tho waiuon of tho Presbytorlsn church wnsonjoyed by u largo number, J33 bvolng cleared. Music was furnished by tho church qunrtotto, Miss Vera Morrlmaii and Mr. George Audipws. Jll. "iSlhTtiilll , . Tlii Stiiisliliie Huh met in TCRtilnr srmion Mondny nflernoon. 311ms Florence Wetidl rend n selection "Wluit sun 1 doing for Jchih?" Mm. Million rend n few letters from sliut inw, risking" fbr help from the Run Rliifiers. Tim following officers wero elected for (ho ensuing six montha; President jrrrmrnl, Jim. Hlry I). Hen son; elub president, Hoy Wdndt; vice president, Miirt Florence Wcndt; sec retnry, XIfs"s Jfnrio Hell is; IrcnHiirer, Harold Well; rntislelnn, Misg Flor ence Wctldl, Tlio Jfny dny dinner served nt St. Mark's linll Wcdncidiiy evening by the commillccJ from tho St. Mark's Guild was exceptionality micpessfitl, about llf being served nnd ovtfr fif ty beinc unable to find plaecrf. There wero eight tables, with sixteen Indies in elmrge. Tlio floral decorations were really beautiful. Fesloorl? of ptirpln lilacs nnd Etiglinli ivy were joined in the center of the hall with n large iKiquct of lilncs. the tnblos showing May buckets filled with white lilacs. Tho regular monthly meeting of the College Women's club wilt bo held nt tho Medford hotel Saturday-, May 10, at 1:30 o'clock. All mem bers aro urged to bo present. At this tlmo tho girls of tho senior class of tho Medford High school will bo tho guests of lbs club. This organiza tion, which now numbers 67 mem bers, Is outlining some commendable philanthropic and educational work to begin In September. . At tho recent regular meeting of tliePurent-Tcnchera' association of ihe Roosevelt School the following officers wcro elected: President, Jlrs. C. L. Leonnrd; vice-'ircHidcnt, Alius Cnrkin; secretary, Jlisi Jfeycm, trcnsiirer. Mrs. 1L E. Foster. Tlio program of .tho afternoon wan oil tho subject of "School Fntigne," anil wns under tho leadership of Mrs. Glenn Fabriek. Tho ladies of the Altar society of the Catholic church met Thursdny nftcrnoon and elected officers a3 follews: JGss Annio Kcliehor, president; Jfrs. Charles L. Scliieffclin, vice president; Miss Smith, secretary nnd treasurer. The ladies also made ar rangements for a reception to be tendered Father O'Neill next Jfonday evening. , 4 . MUn Fnv Scan nnd Mr. Otis O. Jlurray, Into residents of Jledford, wcro united in marriage nt tho home of tho bride's sister, Jim. It. G. Bur nett ut Eucono last Sunday, tho ceremony inking plnco nt hih noon. They will reside nt Olympia, wasn.. where Jir. Jlnrray litis a. lxisltiou in the state land office. A number of ladles motored to tho homo or Mrs. J. H. nutler at tho Illlheo orchards Monday aernoon, whero a few pleasant houra wero spent with cards mid social chat. Those present wor Mcsdames. Coter, Cuinmliigs, Creely, Hamilton, Youns, Shearer and Elwood, . Dr. and Mm. Damo of Boston were Sunday guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. D. Hoon. Thcso peoplo have crossed tho continent In n motor car and In tend to return to their homo In the B.inio manner. Tho Freshman class of tho high school spent last Saturday ot Ray Gold. Miss Slary Grlgsb'y, Miss Genevlcvo Wortman mid Mm. Allen chaporoned the crowd. Mr. nud Mrs. P. O. Stiles nnd ltttlo son ot Iowa aro guests at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mm. C. D. Hoon. 30 Kccno Way. Tho party aro making an auto tour ot tho Pacific coast. . Tho Rridgo-Luuelieoii club met Tuosdny afternoon at tho homo of Mrs. Wnkiniian. Mrs. lliddell and Mra, Jlorgcn substituted for ubsont members. ... Mr. and Mra. Clarence Roauiea lonvo tomorrow night for Portland to mako their future homo. . Tho Juvenile DiinoiiiK club has written "finis" on its records, nnd disbanded for the hiinimor. Mrs. Helen Galo W at Foots creek district visiting ut tho homo ot her groudniother, Mrs". Ulrdsoy. . . Mm. Couro Folro and Mrs. Phil lUrotll havo returned from a pleas ure trip at San Frauclsco. Ml Rn,lt Vmi 11v1ti entertained a number of friends nt her homo last ovening. With Medford trado la Medford mads - - VilT-' --V S ,. "V. - PERSONAL MENTION Mr. Tom KelUm of Colomso, Tex as, visited this week at th home nt formor frlonds, Mr. nnd Mr. M". 3. Estcs, at this city, leaving for iho north Wednesdny. Jtr. Kellam Is manager of nnd Impersonator with a Chicago Irreutn ronrte, Mrs. A. K. Dlnghnm of Santa tlar bara. who Is n guest of her son, Mr. H. W. Olnghum, ot tho MlravIsU or chards, was Joined ?y hor husband Monday evening, tho latter also 'in terested (n orchards In tho valley'. Mr. nnd Mm. Wesley Green nnd son Earl of Sail Francisco arrived In Medford Sunday evening, Mr. Green leaving Monday for a buslaess trip In tho Illinois valle. ' ' 4 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Road and Mr. Harry Ling, brother of Sirs. Rose, left Wednesday afternoon 'for Can ada; to 'remain Indefinitely;' Mr. and Mra. G. II. Hoy, "who havo been guests of tho F. W. 8treets, left Thursday evening for their homo In Illinois. Mr. nnd Mrs. William nudgo havo been enjoying n short visit from their son, Mr. Alox Dudge, of, San Francisco. " Mra. A. E. Whitman of Klamath. Falls, n recent guest of liar sister. Jrrs. Banil Gregory left for the nortli this week. i Jtm. Von Schoetf, (nco Freda Hockcnyos) ot Portland is a guest at thetiockenyos homo on Etoventh street. . . Jtr. and Mrs. J. C. Schmidt ex pect to leave May 12th on a motor trip extending to tho Mexican bor der. i Jtr. and Mm. Charles D. Hoy and children will loaro shortly for Los Angeles to reticle Indefinitely. '" Mm. J. E. Shearor dt ' Glendale, spent a few days with Medford and Ashland friends this week. -yfc Jim. Clara tyrdsey of Foots Creek was a recent guest at tho home of Mm. Clarence Rcames. fiaw TTnrM Tte rntitrnfil 'Fknra- day evening from California. LIFE'S STRUGGLE WWULNESS , .:...., i ., U Mi's. Stewart Tells How Si Suffer from 16to45 yeari b!d---How Ffnally Cured." Eupbcmis; Ohio. MBeewwafif total ignorance of how to care for myself wheavcrglnglntowomaBkoodaBdfreai taking cold whon going to school, I suf fered from a displacement, and each month I had severe pains and nausea which always meant a lay-off f rent vrerk for two to fow ifeya f rem the 'ttae X was 10 yews okL "I went to Kantas to Hte with y sta ter and whllo there a doctor told me at the JPinkhum remedies but I did not use them than as my faith In patent medi cines was limited A, f ter my skter died I came home to t)Wo tu Hve and that has been my borne for the last 13 years.' 'TheChangeeflifocamil when Itvaa 4? yearn old and about this Unit-1 saw my physical condition plainly ti-crild in ono of youe advertisements. Than I began using Lydio E. PinkHam's Veg etable Compound and I cannot tell ye-u or any one the relief It gave me Iri the first three months. It put me tight where I need not lay off ewiry month and durimjc the last 18 years! bavo sot paid out two dollars toadoctor.and hate been blestwitb. oxcollent health forawo vvoman of my ago and I can Utank Lydia E.Iinkham'sVef-etableCompeundforlt. "Since tho Change of Life W over I have been n maternity ntfHtfBM bfcK wholly selfupnorting I cannot over estimate tho valuo, of good huaJth. ,1 bavo now earned a comfortablo little homo juat by sowing and nundnjr. steee 1 was 62 years old. have rocowra4j4 ttie Comiwund to many with Rood;re- salts, as it U excellent to take before nnd after childbirth." Mies RVHLYN Adelia. Stewart, Euphemla, OWo.- If j on want speelal advlee write to Lydla K,PlukliaBi Medlaluo Co.(aoHll: dentlal) LyMHiMass. Year letter wHI be opened, mil and aasvrered by a TYomau aud held lu' strict couHdeucr. PLUMBING Stoam and Hot Water. " " T Heating ' ' (I . V V AU Work OiMrsntM4 I'rlCM Rcassftsbls V OOrrEENAPltlOl. se Memo Bloak. aWaaMfM; Ma M Xoum kese 34. .'l-wMl-fl-!'" " -eaWMsfcapi-dfcaifcrfffcii,, l 't S 3 ! U i h n n M ! i, r ). V )