V M '. i'' . Yes, Indeed, "T-st".1. ,'' "iisr j-rr T-f- ! -t --rtxUr t- rr4 r n : r-i n i vjGU.rp&GoNfsftua 1 "TOUCH ON fog OLD I cat uur IVBGOY TO NffrouarKrtv, CKr rv . i, . J T- wuy j acco MOrAB, E ON "IT" It, l tin popular West Side photo !!' house, Iiui n rtiru offering (or It pntrou tonight ttnil Uaturdny. Tho management ha secured tliu much hcralitotl film ilt'iitclInK tliu uveiil In tho uvcnti In Olmrli'i Dickons cele brated "Pickwick Pnpvr," with John 11 unity, tliu fninoiii movie comedian u Pickwick. Tho film have bran hown to rcord home throughout tlio nntluii ilurlni; tliu pait two motitlii una Imvu beon nn Itntant- IICOUll UCC0, John lluuny conceived tliu Idea or ennctlng Chnrlc Dickon book about six mouth ago, Ill company m inedlatvly "fell" for tliu idyn nud Dtiit hi into England to curry out till plana. Mr.' Iliinny ft Pickwick need hardly to bo dotcrlbod. Nature en (low id tilm for tlio part mid 0110 who rnniiot Imiiglno lilm as l'lckwlck mutt hntn all Imagination' poorly de veloped Indued. To a lover or Dickon tlio picture nro n ruro troal to bn dwi'lt upon munli ua n coiiiiolBBiicr of tobacco IIiikpm ovor tho amokliiK or a Kood rlcnr. Tliu plcturra nro anturatml with (Hal color and In ovory In ataiico they llvo up to tho very letter of tho word of Dlokont. Ho hlr.hly wiru tlio plcturoa roc omuiundvd by Inter or lltoraturo that tho management or It decided that they would bo or j;rcat vnluo to tlio KiikIUIi aludenta or the IiIkIi acliool nud no Invited thorn to bo tholr Kuonta M tho Haturday mntlnco. Two other picture, ono with Mnry Puller nud the other with Alice Joyce will bn hIiowii. In vptto or tho IiIkIi qunllty or tho attraction offered tliu iloKnu or tho homo, "AdmUalon nN waa tho lamo, 10 and C cent,' Itnnd unehani;od, OLD OREGON ONLY I IIHKMKItTOJC, 'nh., Mny '-'. I'niiiliii out (lint tho Oregon U the only htitllthii on tliu I'ltoifin Coitht Imliiy tliu l'livifio KhvwI Alonllily, uiliiHlivil hero toilu.y, whiuh uuofl'i. elnlly expreHHui tlio wUIicm of tha of, fieen mid men of tho PuejOe fleet, eullrt on tlio Koveniinent to muiiitnii) U huttlexlili licet In tlio I'ltoifin in ili Mny iiumbrr. Tlio editorial unyx ii 1'iirt ; "We Hliipnri'ly tniNt Hint tlio i'on liiMtliilinii now lieiin; currictl op ii Aliuku will prove Hint Alukknu ooul ouu ho eoiiNumrd with eooiiomv hy nnvnl veHHoia mill whnt apptur to lit tho lnn( rciniiiiiln nbjeution to thin 0Mt liuvintr In itif Wtttorn lmttlo bhli fleet hu HtitmoriK fully diapusud of," WIQKEnSHAM CALLS ON MIKADO OF JAPAN 1 rrr- tin TOKIO, MnyS.-brrfdr WJoUer hIiiiiii, J'oi-iiior nttoinoy KOnontl of tho United rilitlus nml Mrx. WiulivrHlimu wo ro rettoivotl in uu nudivuoti by ttiu Kiiiiunir thin QvciiiiiK. Tlio Wiukert hIiiiiii iiiiriy Ih on a tour of tho world. KANE'S GREEK Klmor ltKlibntnjin w,n,i) it Mod ford buBinoaa visitor Qn Wttilnpmlny,, Mra. HokhIs and daunhter apont ft day 'recently In Clold Hill, tliu HuetU or frlontls. iMru. Tlioinns Cook ot Qnrdon How wIih tho Knout of Mro. Lowla Wodneq. day, Moniiru, Norrla arid Dally roturnod from Medford MHtiirduy, nt whlpli pluco thoy opont eovornl days with rtinirtint ninrrnnirn COAS Jeff Is Some Fond of Animals fcr a. . ;':''wjr''l'"- wed' ' -,. L JZ , Trttcr . ' MT g.T- JS y -- L, - . Ui - .-rrJ thrlr famllloi. Thco gentlemen nro detelophiK ft fllio iinrU proposition and tlio prciont linllcatloiiH nro nucli ua to mnki) It ouu or tho beat mine In till unction. Mr. Ilyrlny made n butluci trip to (Irauta I'm tliu foru part or tho week, Wo nro Kind to ay that ho la Improving In health. Jiituea l.nwrence lift returned from northorn California, wlutr li hit been dlKKliiK ditch for an Irrl Kntlon co m pit n y. Mr. Wood, real mtato npent of Medford, wna on Kane creek recent ly on real entatu bualne. Jack Froal played havoc In thl lection a nearly all the peache und chorrle were killed, but In the cc tlon vrhoro tho amudKO pota we're uied the lo will bo tiunll, Mr, and Mr. Ilouxoholder apont Thundny In Medford tho Riieat of their ion Itoy nnd other relative. Metra, Illftlnbolharn, Ilyrley nnd Lewi were Medford limine vliltor Thurtday, Cnrl llendonon I much Improved mid will bo utile to attend ecltoot next week. Mnry IIokkI haa roturnod homo from lluncom, Ore., nt which plnce he wn tlio mint of her uncle, JIno Hhoten, and family. Mra. Anna HlKlnbotham apont n day recently on Onlla creek, tho Kttct of rolntlve nnd friend. Tho ichool children or the Dardan I oil school aro planning on a picnic at Tablo Hock aomo time In the near future announcement or which will be made, later, CENTRAL POINT POINTERS Mny 1 waa Kcnernlly oborvod n clean up ilay In compllnnco with tho proclamation of Mayor Cowley and much ruhblih wn limited nnd burned. l'red Hatch or tha Houuo Hlver I'rnlt & i'rodura auoclatlon or Mod fortl waa n bualncva vliltor hero lait Thundny, Hoy mid Mra. Nlchola mid Mn. Karl Hoft or flovon Oaka wore ahop pirn; hero Thundny nflornoon. Medford lilnh achool baaaball team played tha Central Point Cuba on tho Oak Hark Krounda horo Mny day, acoro boltiK 10 to 8, In fnvor or Med ford. Mra. J. IS. Howol r.tnl on Carroll, Ml T. Nealu mid Mia May David ton wcro Medford vliltor Thursday afternoon. J, C. mid Mr. Pendleton or Tablo Hock wuro Thundny afternoon vli ltor In our city, OoorKo IlerachborRor, Wlnchoator liQUKloit and Halph Donu upont Thuradny afternoon hero. - EDEN PRECINCT Mr, mid Mr, if. (). Shearer ot Medford nnd.Mr. Hoho MoutKomery of 1'uyullup, Wash., mint of Mr. Hhcnrur, wuro Kuoat at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mru. 0, Octroy Tuesday, Mr?. Montgomery hua been toiirltm tho oattt and California, After u row duya In Medford wio will return to Iter homo at Puynllup. Mrs. Mont gomery wua lu Qnialid nt tliu tlmu of tho cyeloiMi l) March, mid hits ooii ltoro nt n tlmo when tho weather I .uuiiHunlly bud for this) valley. Tho MIhsoh (Irnco mid I,lnnlo Han Hcoiu of 'ntlont apont tlio latter port of Ins week nt jKvrVyvHIo, yUIUuk frlonilH nnd tnklnn a vacation from tliolr UQHltlotiB In the storoa n,t Tal ent. Mrs." K, 0. Colomau of Phoonlx wun vlaltliiR her mint, Mn. Martha Happ, nt Aahlnnd, Sunday, Mlpn,Fraipls Mulltt o( Atjhland WAS vlaltliiK Ml- Marlon Stanollff or Phoonlx Sunday, Mr. Dr, Miilnittron nnd. Mra. I,1Hq lllackwood and hor Uttlo (truud daughtor Vivian Stanollff wont to KliiKabury Rprlnga picnicking last Sunday. - A typographical orrar nindo my Horn road that A. H. lahor ot PJioq- MEDFORD MATL TRTBUNE, J in.l "ne a eG enough I . jriovi. I'll go HOfs. . toCfc. ON YOU TW'j Wt "WT fOK OGf-r . J 1 "TffAC to MOLD J , t ND Give Mim SOME p I VO,U DOWN CALL DOWN P . . . V -J . -- i v , .' & JT& ,' . ulx had flnlihod the road nii-ment when It ahould have read tho naae moot roll. Wo nro aorry to announce that L. A, Hoiu la UKalu auffnrltiK with hi old trouble, thl time In the other foot, tliu name condition na before xotici:. Notlco It hereby given that tha undersized will npply at tho rcgu tar tuoetlng of tho city council May C, IV 13, for n HceiiftQ tp cell malt, iplriluou nnd vlnou liquor at their qtinrtor over 'it N, Fir Bt. for a portod of tlx month, KOaUli KIVEH VALKEV U.N1VBH- 81TY CL.UH. NOTICK TO UWi:i( WOOD WA.I.KK Alt property owner affected are lieroby notified that the atreot and road commlttco of trio city council baa ordorod tliu lowering to proper ttrudo of all wood walk on tho wcit atdo of Nortn Holly between Becond and Third atrecta and on tha louth ldo or Weit Second, between North Holly and Olion atreot. It thl I not dono at onco, tho city council will order tho cssstruo tlnn ot concrete atdnwnlk on theo atreot. K KM Kit KOHS, Hecurdcr ot the City of Medford, Or, 36 CITY THKASUltlMfS NOTICE Notlco I hereby Riven that tho city or Medford, Jnckaon county. Oregon, Will tako up and cancel tho follow Iiir Iniprovoment bend: No. 474 to 4(9 Inclusive, datod December 1, 1910, No. &&1 to C&S lucluaivo, datod December 1, 1910. Interest on tho abovo named bonds will coam nt the next lnterot pay Iiik period, Juno 1, 1913. Dated May 1, 1913. OUS II. SAMUKI.S, 3Q City Treasurer. NOTICK. Notlco I hereby given that tho underMgnod will apply at the regu lar mooting ot tho city council May Q, IS 13, for a llconne to soil malt, nplrltuoua nnd vlnou liquor nt 33 North Front atreot, for a period ot six months, M. AND E. J. ADAMS. Datod April S3, 1913. AT JACKSONVILLE Call for Mnll Trlbuno vacuum cleaner at Mr. Abbott's hardware atom. HUIT TO QUIET TITLE. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court ot tho Stato of Oreyau fur tho County of Jack aon. John A. Tornoy, plaintiff, vs". John W. Cox nnd May Cox. hi wfe. I). T. Cox mid Myrn Cox hi wife, Mnllnda I'ruott nnd Charles Pruolt hor hua band, I.aura M. PotteiiKor and T. K, I'ottonKor her husband, Mlnnlo King and Chnrloa King bur husband, mid NEW TODAY 3C0 acre, beat of soil. This Is nn Ideal stock ranch, well watered, with SO itcra In hay, clover, timothy nnd alfalfa, hay gottlm; hcvvlor each year. Can put n hundred acres moro to liny, and t,ho odh'O Of tlo ranqli an two sides ,1 acovorod with a flno growth ot 8hw timber, crulBod at ovor fvo million, foot. Flvq room liouss YltU wntor piped Into Jt, Tho place Ilea oi a main roafi 14 mllus, out of ABhlnnd, mid tolophono nnd electric llnoa nro available. Largo barn, holds 150 tons ot hay, and stanchions fpr a lot ot cows. Thrco horaos, 1 1 cuttto, 14 hogs, some ohtokona nnd a full equipment of tools nud vehicles go yylth tho plnco, This la uu Ideal hay and stock ranch, on a main road, nud well vfortu consideration. Prlco l 0,000, halt cneli, Lot ua show It to you. G. D. HOON Itoom 111 Jackson County Husk Illdg Telephone 1 037-J, MEDFORD, OR7WON, TODAY. MAY 2, 191.1. Frank Cox, unmarried, defendants. To John W. Cox nnd May Cox hi wlfo, II. T. Cox mid Myra Cox his wlfo, Mlnnlo King and Charles King her huiband, and Frank Cox unmar ried, tho uboro named defendant: In tho name or the Stato or Ore gon, you and each or you are hereby required to appear and answer tha plaintiff complaint agalntt you now on rile In the nbovo entitled court and cuuio on or before the last day or the tlmo prescribed In the order for publication of lutnmon herein, to-wltt on or boforo the 13th day of Juuo, 1913, vald date being tho expiration of six wceka from the dato 6f the first publication ot thl summon; und If you or either of you fall to appear and aniwer, for want thereof tho plaintiff will apply to tho court for tho relief prayed far In said complaint, succinctly statod, a follows; that tho title of tho plain tiff In and to tho real property do scribed in said complaint, namely, tlio northwoat quartor of tho south west quarter and tho southwest quar ter of the northwest quarter or sec tion twenty-seven (27), in township thlrty-sovcn (37) south or rango one (1) wast or the Willamette meridian, In Jackton county, Oregon, bo for ever quloted agalntt the defendant nnd ench or them, nnd that tho de fendant bo forever barred from any rlKbt. title or interest therein and that tho defendants be forever en joined mid restrained from aborting any claim of right, tltlq or Interest In or to said described property or any portion thorcof, and that plain tiff have judgment against tho de fendant for hla coita and disburse tnent herein to bo taxed, and for such other and further relief aa to th court shall appear just and equitable. Tbl summons la published in tho Medford Mail Tribune by order or the Honorable F. M- Calkins, Judgo or tho abovo entltlod court, which said order Waa made and entered of record on tho 39th day of April, 1913, and In compliance tnerowith tho dato of the first publication hereof is tho 1st day of May, 1913. V. E. PHll'PS. Attorney for Plaintiff. FOIl KENT HOUSEKEEPING HOOMS FOH KENT Housekeeping rooms with bath and gas. 345 North Ilartlott. I01t KENT OITICES FOR KENT Largo, comfortable or (Ice rooms with elevator sorvlco, ntoara heat, hot and cold water Low ratos. Apply Medford Furnl turo ft Hdw Cf FOH KENT FUKNlSHKll AITS. FOR KENTComplotely furnished npartments. Tha Uorbcn. 10 Quince st. FOK KENT IIOUHEH FOR RENT Modern bungalow; built-in furniture; beautiful lawn. 309 8. Newtown. FOR RENT Soveu room house, sleeping porch, $1C; alto C room apartment, sleeping porch, $18. Wator paid in both. Inquire- ot Col, Sargent. 3C FOR RENT Strictly modorn 6 room houso with Bleeping porch. Also soven room bungalow fur Dished If desired, Also tbreo room houso. AV. II. Everhard, 1013 W. 9 tli at. FOR RENT 0 room modern fur nished houso, 730 Weat 11th at. FOR RENT Furnished 6-room house, water ront paid, $2C. 618 King at FOR KENT A woll furntshod 5 room bungalow, with Bleeping porch, 311 Laurel st. Key at II. O. Kcntnor's. 009 W. lpth. Tele phono 73 Aslilnud. FOR RENT Furnished houso, close In. M, A, Hador, at M, F. & II. Po. with all conveniences in modorn homo, poutloman nnd wlfo or la dies only. Call mornings. 432 South Laurel. FOR RENT Largo sleeping rooms, nnd modorn housokoopiug apart mentfl, prices vory reasonable. Phono 102C-L. 332 South HoUy atreot. FOR KENT MISCELLANEOUS ' R7vNCrrFORRENT 15 "ac?ea, Jorge houso, barn; jolnu school; i ncros bearing fruit. 3&G Contral Pont. 3& FOIt HALK LANDS FOK SALE ny Lumnn N. Judd of Talent, Jackson Co., Oregon, 4 small farms about 3 ml. from Tal ent! houses and improvements; among tho foothill, sail very for tile, water plentiful; prices from C0 to 1100 an aero. General alfalfa farms, level, price from $200 to $350 an acre. Timber land from fZC up. Gold mining property, assaying from J 8 to 1300 '.a ten: also It. It. lands In Cal., Utah and Nevada; also flno stock farms and commercial or chards and 300 acres of heavy saw timber, plirt and fir (never been cut on) at $30 an acre. Will sell in 40-acre tracts If desired; road not far from sawmill; must have cash down. Write, enclosing stamp, FOH SALE If taken In 30 days, $4Q0 buys homestead relinquish rnont, 1C0 acres, 80 acres fine tim ber, CO acres tlllablo land, with flowing spring; a bargain. Inquire Morton's second band storo, Jack sonville, Ore. 3u FOH SALE Who wants 80 acres of rich, froo soli ot which 20 acres have been cultivated and balnnco easily clearablo? Has a 4 room log house, milk house, good well and small erchard: lino location. Total price only $2500 on terms or 7G0 cash and a long tlmo on the balance. Como and ce. E. S. Tumy, 201 Oarnott-Corey blk. 39 FOK SALE MOUSES FOR SALE OH KENT New 5 room modern house, full basement; also 4 room house. 62$ West Palm at., 1V4 blocks west ot North Oak dalo. 38 FOR SALE A four rpom furnlshod cottago very closo In and on tho paving. AH assessments paid to dato. Total prlco $875 on easy terms. A real bargain. E. S. Tumy, 201 Garnctt-Coroy blk. FOR SALE ACREAGE FOR SALE Cholco 5 aero homo; cosy terms. East 14th sL Phono 10C0-M. 41 FOK SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR BALE Work toam. 907 South Central. 37 FOR SALE First claes cull pota toes $5 per ton. Scott V. Davis. Phono 8Q8-R. 40 FOR SALE Phllo chicken house, painted, for 12 fowls; cost 1 28. Price, delivered, $12.50. Inquire Uox 8, Tribune. 35 FOK SALE A good walnut organ for salo. Inquire at 329 S. Front st. 38 FOR SALE Saddle pony and saddle and brldlo for sale chbap. J, II. Lyons, Phoenix, Ore. 35 FOR SALE Gasoline engine, gas ranee, porch awing, fruit jars, fur niture. 822 South Oakdale. Phono 24-J. 3C FOR SALE -Finest solocted pota toco, for e!tu"0r seed or tablo use, OOo par 100 lbs., delivered. Janes Uros., Capltul Hill. 37 FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow; gen tle, easy milker. Phono 500-U-2. 30 FOR SALE Vegetable plants, cab bugo Vjo, tomato lc. C. Carey', Talent, It. V. D. No. 1, Ore. Phono lti-F-ll. FOR SALE Italian beca and queena Jna. Stewart. Phono C40-R., Med ford, pre. 4C FOR sale Electro platlug outfit. So. Ore. Electric Co. 37 FOR SALE Fruit box labels In ope two or thrco colors, printed as you order at the Mall Trlbuno. FOR SALE Looso leaf ledger sys tems, any Btylo or made to order by the Mall Trlbuno bindery. FOR SALE Lottor heads and fancy tatlonory, printed) engraved or embossod, as you wish at tho Mall Trlbuno. FOR SALE Legal blatixa, tresspass notices, for salo or ro&; sing at tho Mall Tribune. FOR SALE Eight flno puro bred Poland China sows, qr will ox chnngo for oats. Derkoley Orchards-. Tel. l-F-21, FpR SAkl?--Piiroprod Poland China uonra, at a uurgmu. mono --n-J-i. FOIt SALE MKSCELTiAXEOUS FOIt 8ALE Oliver typewriter, Web ster dictionary and blcyclo. Apply Mukal, care P. W. Ilamlll. 37 FOIt SALE Good work team, wag on and harness. "Will sell any part or will tako good delivery hone In on team. Jas. Howling, 20 S, Peach st. 39 FOIt SALE 50,000 feet good lum ber suitable for barns, packing houses; also 7C squares good Hub berold roofing. O. Allder Sons. Phono 1027-J or 9C1-M. 39 WANTED SITUATIONS' ' WANTED1: Plain '"Bcwingi' patching and quilting. Call nny day but Saturday. Phone 9C2-X. 49 WANTED All kinds plain tewing. Ladles' houso dresses $1.75 and up; children's $1 and up. 320 Apple st. 35 WANTED WorV tot threo heavy teams. R. K. Phelan, 36 Portland Ave., Medford. 39 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED First class waitress and pantry girl. Oregon Hotel. Ash land. 3C HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Men nnd women for house to houso canvass; good pay, clean work. Call this office and ask for Mr. Earp. WANTED Men with horses and rlga to canvass out ot town on R. F. D. routes. Ask for Mr. Earp. mis otneo. WANTED A reliable and energetic agent to sell new and attractive income protecting policies for the bott and oldest company in tho business. Liberal agency contracts. Experience unnecessary, our freo school of Instruction will teach you tho business. Don't delay, write to day. It. L. Aldrlch, manager West ern DepL United States Health and Accident Insurance Company, '419 Lumbermcns Dldg., Portland, Ore. 38 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Tutoring, chlldron of nil ages. Will also Instruct foreigners In English. 1427 E. Main. Tel. 767-L. 40 WANTED Spring tooth harrow. Will exchango wood for wqrir horse, also 10 acres pears with house for Medford bungalow. C. D, A., Mall Tribune. WANTED TO DUY Deef eattle. etock cattle, calves, all kinds. sheep, hides, wool, etc, Dob Crowder. phone 1029-W. 54 LOST LOST Motorcycle- exhaust ploe on JacksanvUleAppIegato road. Find er please notify R. J. Tnggort, Medford. Phono 25-J-2. 39 LOST In or near Christian church, Sunduy, April 13, child's ring with chip diamond setting. Roturn to Trlbuno office, 35 FOK KXCHATNWK FOR SALE OR TRADE Two mules, wagon, harness, ono buggy harnoss and hone. 335 North Central. 37 TO EXCHANGE I havo 20 ncro 5 year-old orango grove at Rlvor aldo, Cal., to exchango tor apple or pear orchard near Medford. W, II. Humphrey, 815 East Main st. ..... , ...-,! i , ,i MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN On city and closo In ranch property. C. A. McArthur. room 3, P. O. block, phono 30S1. Hl'SINESS DIRECTORY AhvtractN ROGUE RIVER VALLEY AB STRACT CO., No. 6 South Central. Attorneys PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEALEY. Attornoys-at-Lnw. Rooms 1 and 2, Po8toftlco bldg. A. E. RBAMES, LAWYER- -Qurnott- Corey bldg. W. J. OANTPN 'Attorney and Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Main street, Medford, Ore. Wm. M. Colvlg George M. Roberts COLYIO &, ROHERTS, LAWYERS Medford National Dank Building, PA'OEKVK. By "Bud" Fisher HUKINKKH DIRECTORY Auto HBppllr. LAHER AUTO 8PKINO CO.---Our big secret in making springs Is the tempering. We are operating the largest, oldest ond best equipped, plant In the Pacific northwest Uo our springs when other fall. Sold under guarantee. 2C North Fif teenth St., Portland, Ore, Accountant D. R. WOOD General Accountant. Your books audited and kept for a reasonable figure: your business solicited orflco, Medford Mnll Tribuoa bldg.; phono tfll-R-2; res lenco phone 537. CllIrtprrUr DIL R.L LOGWOOD". Chiropractor,' nerve specialist. -Hedms 03-20 1 305 Garaett-Cerey bldg. Vapor baths, and scientific RMMaa glvon; advice Jn (ItatetlcsV nnedlcal gym nastics, hydropthorapy. Lady at tendant. Phone, office 945, resi dence 571-R. DR. A. R. HEDGES, Dr. Loulso E, Hodges Mechano-TherapUt, Chiro practors, SpoBdylotserapbU. These systems, Including dletotiea, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-thoraphy, etc., produco results In both acute and chronic diseases. Consulta tion free. 230 North Dartlett St., next door to M. E, church. Houra 9 a. m, to 5 p. ra, Other hsars by nppojntnsent. Phono il7-J. Dentists DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC DR C. a VAN SCOYOC Dentist Garnett - Corey bldg., suite 310, Medford, Ore. Phono S56. Garbage GARBAGE Get your promisee cleaned up for tho winter. Call on the city garbage wagons for goqd service. Phono 625-L. F. Y. AUen. i .i Notary Public HELEN N, YOCKBY Notary pub lic, Bring your work to me at tho sign .of the Mail Tribune. Printer juid Publishers MEDFORD PRINTINO CO. haB the host 'oqulpifed printing offlco In southern Oregon; book binding, looso leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc, Portland prices. 27 North Fir St. Physician; and Surgeons IHL F. 0. CARLOW, DR." IbVA MAINS CARLOW ' Ostcopathlq physicians, 410-417 Oarnett-Corey bldg., phone 103S-L. Residence 4.30 South. Laurel at. DR. 8. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D, , rrncuce limited to diseases of women. Offices 232 B. Main Phones, office 867; residence 814, DR. J. J. EMMBN8 Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to oyo, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scion tlflcally tested and glasses supplied Offlco 22S East .Main St., Hours $;30 a. in. tp 8 P, m. Phone, B. D. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jack son County Dank bldg. Offlco phono 4311; resldonco phono, G8-R. DR. MARION Physician nnd aur goon, Stowart bldg.. corner Main and Dartlett sts,; offlco phone '41, residence phono 27-J-2, DR. MARTIN C, UAKUER Physi cian nud surgeon. Office Palm block, opposito Nash Hotel. Hours 1Q to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 11 Q-J. DR. R, W, CLANCY Physician nnd surgeon. Phonos, office 36, resl donco 724-J. Offlco houra 10 to 12, 2 to 5. DR. W, W, HOWARD OntaopatblQ physician, 303 Carnett-Corey bulldlns. Phono 904-M, R. J. CONRQY, Jl. D. Physician and Surgoon, Ovor Hutchison & Lu ma don. 215 E. Main St. Phone 77. Stcuoi-rHphert) ELLA M. QAUNYAWrr-Palra blosk. Stenographic, work done quickly and woll, ? Transfer BADS TRANSFER & 8TQRA0B CO. Offlco 10 South' Fir St. Phono 315, Prlcea'Tlgbt, BjrvIae guar anteod. ' i ft