PAOKT'TrTu;' Let Us Hope That Jeff Exaggerated Slightly By "Bud" Fisher MBSjftj Hi " A - TrVfW. TO P'W.wu'tt; t W., .JLI'WT I rw, ck4v,! ur(HMAN v,? ;z,: . '" ' ' WOON'tMt rrn. fi.,., oVittmi.vsKtfru.'w to VtfACUOW r KNGVI oo COULDN'T A Mtiiv ,..... . &ecf05fc fcVVAll - -.Wr.w VIHJLI) I 'OW (V mWOtif) MATL TRtmjNW, mt,l)V01M, OfM'iC.QN, WMnNlSMDAV, A'Pftt LrtO, 1013. ' vmLu, rnri ccfcTMNL'f j Cr VrnR. t. ovop- S ' SM TMNtXCOULON'rj 'i - I &WNLL(yi I X KNGVI 04 ' C5 I COUUON'Y CAN DOWN T, HGRG C-uB v - . - - V "i . . ! llcs I aJ f f VOO COT lUlIlT "flnf UiW VV3ft BlU KG? ''i fSK " Wiilll"' JUJ.- tt& mtJ nmeo w j ' vKV L To0fs ! 4 I Mi ID rjcs'r' COURT HOUSE NEWS Mitrrlnuit IiIth,m KilwniM A. Hmiiititt nil J I.Vlio l(. OAtiimn. I.uroy Ool'iio nnd (Irorn Dout. A. II. Wooillmm ntul Mnrln l.nrlvor. I). i:. Clny ami l.).lln M. HniKllm. N. U. I'atnrU nmt MHInii MrCnlllu. V. K. Knllrjr v. J. T. Perry anil Miy IVrryt action (or money. lUlirtci Mooro Vi. C. II. Nat wick; notion on protulmory not. rnniHim & KrnltRroworn llnnk vn. A. Ottoman nnd Kolireci Colemnn: notion for money. Miller k Kutinnk vb. J. K. Otnon; ncllon to recover money. Alfrnl J. Vrokn nmt IMIth Orr . I). II. (.'overt et nl ; suit to quiet tltlo. John A. Toriiey v. J. W. Cox; suit to qtllet title. MeiUanl l.utntier Co. vs. It. V. Cluncy ninl Jnrksou County HullilltiK A. I.onn nrnioclntlon, kult to foroclom ineelinnlm' lion. A. I.. Vroinnn vn. Delia C, Clement nt nl; suit to (orueloio lien. Helen o, Dillon vi. Alitilrii WIIioii; milt to (orvcloio morlKnue. Nena It. Dunli vs. Wilfred Dun lap; tllvorce. l'rotNili. Itklnto I.. M. HcliodnlJ, minor; Louis Di'iiuls nppoliitcd RUctrdlan. Itatstii Helen A. Yokuni, tlecenkcd, LoiiIm Dennis iippolutvi) admlnUtra tor. Klnt Maf.ilaleiin Arnold, di reused; John Arnold nppoliitcd ad mliiMtrntor. ltC4il Ivilule TrncikfrrH. Mndford Orrlihrd Co. to (Iritlit Alldur. deed psit kuc U tp Id S lt I V... ..- .1. .- . I It. II. Ilnrrlti tit ux to (IcorKo V. Iliml. deed portion see 10 tp :iQ B It a 1: 1 C'orKO W. He I to Hullo 1'nlU l.uiiitnir Co.. deed portion eo Hi tp n h it a i: 1 A. Htovur til iu to llnttu rails l.iiiulier Co., duud lot 0 lilk 20 lluttn Killlu 'J3 Julius Hurt et ux lit I.. W. Zliuumr a truntuo, dcod pari DI.C 72 tp 3S H It 1 V . 4300 Jompli Taylor et nl. to l.uclen llouiiuvlllo, deed tutu lit nnd at) lilk 7 llerryvnlo add Mud ftinl 1 Joseph Taylor et ux., et nl., to Harry (ioodorhiiiu, deed lata 7 and K lilk 0 llirr)'Valn add Medford ....-- 1 Joseph Taylor it nl. to A. V. Keller et ux., deed lot L'i! lilk i llerryvalo ndd Medford 1 Joseph Taylor ct nl. to Iteno I.. ' Hoakrileed'lotlO lilk A II or ryvnl(Mdd Med ford ....?. 1 Arntlndiv.:M.. I'ur.vojt lit tlr. to , 1 It! iJ.'l'nrknrd ntifil.i.deod InteniHt lit'rt fr DhO.OTf. u 9011 V. It. Dill nt'iix. Id Cass Itonn wnrnp, ilefld pHrtoo' Iflvtp as it u a 1; , ,. .-.1 h. ).:... to .1. A. (lummlll ot tix, tn t.uny Toxtor", flood pafwo6 11 tp UR Bit 1 M .'. .' 10 Uultiul Btitton to DaVld Cloilw I 1 oiih, no i soo an h u :i 10 ........ ,.,.,1'hlont Jumiph Taylor ot nl. to I'otor MoniBun, dmid IntH 11 nnd. li lilk fi liuriyvftlo dl Mt'dfnrd 1 W. (J; Itonloi- ot ux. to Mriry Ulilim, deod pnrt oho 8 tit 33 H It, 1 M 1 Wllllntii Worth ta Kdwnrd J 1 Hall, deed tiuft Mid aft (p 30 H (1.3 W 1 10 Julia Doulilodny t vlr. lo l . M. Amy, deed lot Moiironl ' " 1 It. !', Ailtlo et lit. to Olonil i Tnwnminili" duod'pnrt eo i4 tp av ana v 10 (J. It. Uiiy nt iix. to nold liny Itenlty Co., deod lotB 4 uml C pco 0 tl!)3 Hit 3 I) 10 (lold liny Itenlty Co, to C.-O. 1'owor Co., deed pnrt tp 32 11 It 3 liml 3 IC, tp 33 H It 1. 2 and 3 13 A. M. Halladay ot ux. to P. U, McNary et ux., deed lot 7 lilk 2 DavIh lut Add Medford Joseph Taylor nt at. to W. H. I'oyfalr. deod lots 10 nnd 17 lilk 7 HerryVftlo'ndd Mrdford Jnmih Taylor el nl, lo C. T. Kortinhntl, deed Id Is 23 flnil 24, lilk 4 llerryvnle add... H. I.. KnKnley to B. Wlac, deed tiH' t; sec H (p 30 H II 3 W V. M. Ouches to l(. It. Ouchus, deod nrt I)LC 49 tp 3S H If 3 W O. V. I'rlddy to (lertrudo lied path, deed pah UI.O 49 tp 3R 0 It 2 W A. I). Helm's to J. I. Chamber Inln, deed pnrt sec 10 (p 38 a n 1 1: (Jrorfift C, (litrrelt ot ux. tn Bd Woodcock, deed lot 2 blk 0 Woodvlllo 10 300 10 250 Josephine Dirk et vlr.' to C. A. Ilnmllu ct ux. deed 'lot IC - lilk l llrynnt add Mudford.ut 1 United Htntim lu (InorRo r, Crow, pnrt sec 1H tp 39 H It 3 K ....I'ntuul Jiinnlo I.. Tracy el vlr. lo Jure inlnli Conwell rt ux., 'deed ; part 100 S tp 39 B It 1 K........ 1 YOUNGSTER ON PROBATION RETURNS TO HIS MOTHER County Judge Tou Vollu in In re eeipt of u letter from Walter Si'nlfe, n young boy whom ho recently plncod on pmlintiou when liruiilit before him for theft, lu which .vwiug Hcuifr t'jtprisex his urutltude fur the kind I1C1.M tendered him. Judye Tou Velio Hindu it MiHhihlo for (lie boy lo re turn to his mother nt Spokane. From there they will go cunt. Younc Senife won arrested 11 1 Afhlnud for nlciillnc food from u hnl;cry. So roiivlnclu wns liin plea to thn judgo that ho won for lilliiM'lf n ohiiiico to htnrt over iiKiiin. itr.soi.urio.N op condui.knci:. . Wentonkn Tribe No. 30, ImpM. O, It. M., lluutluK flroiitulH of Med ford, ItcKorvntlon of OrcKon, Whereas, the. (Iront Spirit which coutrolo thn nffnlra and destinies of mankind has neon fit to remove from nmoiiR nit our boloved brother Aug tint 1), HIiiKlor, and It la tho Foutlment of the Trlho that our foollncs of sor row and regret utmilld be lu boiihi wny nxprossoit; now t ho re f 6 re, ' Do It resolved Hint In tint death of Hrother HIiiKlor. WcntouVn Trlbo fuels that It has austnlucd an Irrepar able, loss nnd that In thn jmhuaRo ot this resolution Ihn Trlbn Is only rIv lilK bucIi expression ot Its fcolliiRH no the Inndequncy of laiiRtinRii will por mil; nnd bo It further - Ilesolvcd that thn most heartfelt sympathy -of tho Trlbo bn itnd In ex tended tn thn lierortvod family of our Intu brother, nnd thnfn copy of theso revolutloim tin transmitted to thorn In token Of our sympathy. Fraternally mihmtttnd In F., F, nnd C.i ' l. h, JACOHH, O, Mi KKNNKDY, U. B. COM4IN8, Comuiltteo. noTicK, Notlco la hereby Rlvon that tho undorslnnoU will upply nt tho roRit lar meotln of tho city Council Mriy 0, JO 1.1, for a llconso to soil malt, Hplrltdoua nnd vlnnua (fquora nt 23 North Front atroot, 'for porlod ot tit montliH, BiCLSnV & KBNNI.DY. Datdd Atirll 11,1013( AT JAOKfiONVIMiB Call for Mall Trlbuno vncuuin cloauotH nt Mr. Abbott's hUrdVaro Btoro, s r When "Tho Garden of Allnb" la prcBontod In London I.awooti Uutl will idiiy thp lortdlhs tolo fit HorJg, ' ' ' . MARKET REPORT I'rlrc I 'a Id ty Dealers Wins IBo. MJTTKH 30c. I'OTATOKB TiOIIffe. APPliKH noi. OKIOSS-nO-flo. CAKKOTK 7ficCr81.00. I'AflKKII'S-r&fQfl. ' TUKNU,H7r.c(3,.n. CArMFLOWKH-73efi.2fl. IIOKKV-10lfic lb. CII)K2Cc Knl. CIIICKriNS !!cn, 1012 nlivo; l(Jfr20o dressed. I'OHK 10(?il0e. 1IKKI' 1216e. iiAIU)-ire. nAi!ONiniflc. BIIOULDKUS-Mc. HAJifS-lSc. MrotocJc JlOnS Droned, 80; nlivc Qo. HIIKKf l(J?fic. KTKF.HS-Alive, Co. COWS Alive, BCiPOc. VKAI DrcsHed, lie' POULTHY Mueii lilckcna, 10o priup;!, l'.'o: drosscd, l-'fJpHo. Hay anil firnln (HelliiiK Price.) WHEAT $1.50. OATS- 1.00. II AY Vetch, $11 ton; Krnin, 13. IUKLKY $27 tou7 ' COHN J25 ton. r , NOTICK. Notlco Is hereby given that the understood will upply at tho rcRU lar meeting ot tho city council Mny C, 1913, for n tlconse to Bell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors at 32 North Front street, for a porlod ot six months. M. AND R. J. ADAMS. Dated April 23, 1913. NOTICK. Notlco is hereby given that ths undersigned will apply at tho regu lar meeting of tho city council May C, 1913, for n llccnoo (6 soil malt, spirituous nnd vIiiouh liquors at their quarters over !!i N. Fir St. for n porlod of six months. HOOtlU HIVBIt VALLBY UNIVBll- 81TY Cl.UIl. With Medford trado Is Medford mnda FOll HUNT llOirSKHKBl'lNU HOO.MH FOll ItBNT Housekeeping rooms North with bath nnd gas. 34S Ilartlott. Foil hbnt oiaacicH FOR HBNT Largo, comfortablo of tlco rooms with elevator sorvlco, Btoam heat, hot jind cold wntor. Low rates. Apply Medford Furni ture & Hdw. Co. NEW TODAY 40 ncrcs In tho lower foothills, fluo location overlooking this valley; 2u ncrtfa tiftslly cleared nnd adjoining similar land set to orchard; balance good timber.-Cloao to town, Only $00 an acr. Fivd uores ot extra good boII on Paelflc highway; dandy location near B. P. atop; six room house, btingnlow stylo, two porchcB, collar and wood shed. Price, $3000, 13 ncrea of Hoar crook bottom Hind, nuno bottor; close to Medford; hna n fluo building . spot. Prico, $3000,. 1 Ono of tho flncat 8 roont bunga lows In Medford, nil olugnutty fur-, nluhod; ta cloeb In on p'o'voment, nnd Is surely n dandy buy; $4500 takes tho hoilso coiiipletoly furnished. It younro waiting fdr thu right Unto to buy ti good homo nt tho down price, horQ It Is. Furnished and unfurnished liodsos for rout., VwiuA inoro lUTod. G. D. HOON Room la Jncksoii County Hank Hldg telopjioilo 1037-i, j . FPU BKXT IKHJHMH FOliT lliiSV Modprir7juiiKnlow; built-in furniture; boautlful lawn. 309 8. Newtown. FOK ItBNT Seven room holism, tflocplni; porch. $15; also C room apartrront, b'ceplnR porch, fig. Wntcr paid In both. Inquire of Col. Sargent. 3C KOIl HUNT Strictly modern 6 room houso with sleeping porch. Also soven room bungalow fur nished If desired. Also threo room house. W. H. Bvcrhard, 1013 W. 9th st. FOIt IIBNT C room modern fur nished house. 730 West 11th at. FOll ItBNT Furnished C-room houso, wntor rctlt paid, $25. 018 King at. FOll ItBNT A woll furnished 5 room bungalow, with sleeping porch. 211 Laurel st. Key at It. O. Kontncr's, C09 W. 10th. Tolo phono 73 Ashland. FOR HBNT Furnished houso, close In. M. A. IUder. at M. F. & 11. Co. FOll HKXT FUUMMlim HOOMS FOll IlBNTr-WolI furnished rooms with nil eonvenlonros In modern homo, giiutloman nnd wf or la dles only. Call mornings. 423 South Laurel. FOll HBNT Largo sleeping rooms, and modern housekeeping apart monts, prices very reasonable. Phono 102C-IX - 222 South Holly street. FPU' HKXTMISCKMiAXKOUa HANCII FOR HBNT 15 acrea. largo houso, barn; Jolna school; 4 acres bearing fruit. 35G Central I'olnt. 35 OBT LOCATBD NOW. 5 room furnished houso, $15. 4 room furnished houso, $20. 5 room partly furnished Iiqqio $1C 2 room furnished houso, $10. RANCHKS. G aero chlckon ranch, closo In, $12. 30 aero general farm. ALSO FOR 8ALB: C room modern houso, largo lot, Hoar crcok soil. 8co this. C24 North Hlvorsldo; $2200. J. C. HAHNES, Room 214. 1st Natl. Hank Dlk. FOIt PALH li.NDS FOR SALB A 300 aero stock ranch with 70 ncrea In grnln, good build ings uml a bearing family orchard. In tho Koguo Hlvor vnlloy, on n Reed county road only 12 miles from tllo railroad. Totnl price only $3800 nnd will give tonus. (Iront bargain. B. S. Tinny, 201 Oarnott Coroy bldg. 33 FOR SALB lly Liimnu N. Judd of Talent, Jackson Co., Oregon. 4 small farms about 3 ml, from Tal ent; bouses nnd Improvements; nmong tho foothills, soil very fer tile, wator plentiful; prices from $50 tn $100 nu acre. tlor.aral alfnlfa formB, level, mlco from $200 to $350 an acre. Timber laud from $28 up. (told uilnlpR properly, assay ln from $S (o $300 .H ten: nlso H. R. lands Ju Cal Vtnh nnd Novrtdn; also flpo stock farms nnd rommorclnl or chards and 200 ncros of heavy saw timber, pluo nnd fir (novor bcon cut on) nt $30 nn n,cro. V1II bo.11 In 40-acro tracts It desired; rond not far from sawmill; must hrtVo cash down. Write, enclosing stamp. FOR HALK llOUSKH FoTrSALB Fo? a" Wtaya'"'vvUl"at for six room cottngo, modern, BloOplug porch, two largo lots, cor ner Tenth mid Laurel Htreets, tor $4000. Part trade for city or coun try property. V. T. York. FOll SALB OR RRNT Now G room modem houso, full busomout; nlso 4 room house. CSS West Palm bL, IVj blocks west ot North Onk dale. 3S FOR 8ALB A four room furnished cottngo very close In ntul on tho paving. All nssessmeiitti paid to dnto, Total price $875 on enny terms. A ronl bargain, K, S, Tuiuyi m CarnoU-Carfiy. Lll. vV- FOll HBNT FU11XI8UKO APT8. FOlPFl BNT Com pTc iliiiy furnj'siiod apartmonts. Tho Oorbcn, 10 Quince st. FOR HA LB ACItKAOB FOR SALB Choice 5 aero homy; easy terms. Bast 14th it. Phono 1OG0-M. 4) von HAM-siicnLLAxi;ocs kiSatsslHakISkslS) FOll BALK Nowtown apples, fancy G&e, choice 50c. Uooth 14, Markot, or 712 W. 14th. B. J. Uratney. Phono 925-11. 31 FOR SALB Finest selected pota toes, for eltiTSr seed or table use, 00c per 100 lbs., delivered. Janes Dros., Capital Hill. 37 FOR SALB Fresh Jersey cow; gen tle, easy milker. Phono 600-R-3. 30 FOR SALB First class cull pota toes $5 per ton. Scott V. Davis. Phono 806-H. 33 FOR SALB Vegetable plants In any quantity at C. Carey's, Talent. R. F. D. No. 1, Ore. Phone 1C-F-11. FOR SALB Italian bees and queens Jas. Etownrtv Phobo C40-R., Mod ford, Oro. 46 FOR 8ALB -Btectro plating outfit. So. Ore. Blectrlo Co. 37 FOR SALB Fruit box labels In one two or three colors, printed as yon ofdsr at tho Mall Trlbuno. FOR SALB Loose leaf ledger sys tems, any stylo or made to order by too Mall Tribune bindery. FOR SALE Letter beads and fancy stationery, printed, engraved or crabosicd, as you wlih at the Mall Tribune FOR SALB Legal blatixs, tresspass notices, for sale or rent sings at tho Mall Tribune. FOR BALE Gas range, refrigerator and other household furniture cheap. S 2 S. Oakdale Phono 24-J. 33 FOR 8ALB Eight fine pure bred Poland China sows, or will ex change for oats. Hcrkoloy Or chards. Tel. l-F-21. FOR SALE A 1911 underslung 'American traveler autoinobllo at a bargain It sold at once. Powotl Auto Co. 32 FOR SALB Furnlturo of 2-room cottage, cheap. Phono 574.-J. 33 FOR SALE Two milch cows 3 years old. Phono Jacksonville Main 4!. 33 FOR SALB Light team; ono single driver, cheap. C. C. Hoover. 33 FOR SALB Purebred Poland China boars, at a bargain. Phono 241-J-4. T'lUi'n UL HELP VAXTB1 MALE WANTED Men nnd women for houso to houso canvass; good pay, cloan work. Call this offlco and ask for Mr. Barp. WANTED Men with borscs and rigs to canvass out of town on It. F. D. routes. Ask for Mr. Barp, this office. WANTED A rollablo nnd energetic agent to sell new nnd attractive Income protecting policies for tho best and oldest company In the business. Liberal agoncy contracts. Experience unnecessary, our froc school ot Instruction will tench yml (ho buslnosa. Don't dolay, wrlto to day. It. L, Atdrlch, manager West ern Dept. United States Health and Accldout Insurance Company, 419 Lumbormeus Hldg., Portland, Oro. 30 WANTED Wo roqulro tho scrvicoa of nn nctlvo man and woman to do soma special work In Medford and surrounding torrltory In connec tion with Good Housekeeping mag azine Our special plan Is a suro winner, and sales can bo mado with caso nnd pleasure tn ovory home. Exclusive territory granted to right people. Previous experi ence unnecessary. Llbqral salary guaranteed and sonorous commis sion paid. If you wrtnt profitable nnd congenial employment wrlto quickly te: Premium Dopt.. Good Housokeoping Magazine, 381 4th Avonuo, Now York, FOR KXCTIAMJE TO BXOHANOB I have 20 aero 6 year-old ornngo grovo at River side, Cnl., to exchange Tor apple- or pertr orchard near Medford. W, It. JiMup.hroy, 816 Bast Mdltt 8i opr, WAXTKU BITTJATION8 WANTED Position by experienced bookkeeper nnd stenographer. Ad dress Uox 30, care Mall Tribune. 33 WANTED Plain sewing, patching nnd quilting. Call any day but Saturday. Phono 984-R. 49 WANTED All kinds plain sowing Ladles' houso dresses $1.75 and up; children's $1 and up. 320 Apple st. 35 WANTED Work ror tbrco heavy teams. 1L K. Pbclan, 36 Portland Ave, Mcdford. 39 WANTED SHflCELtiAMTOUS WANTED Anto to takn G pooplo to Ashland evening May 1st. 9 15-J, 33 haa WANTED Spring tooth barrow. Will exchange wood for work horse, nlso 10 acres pears with house for Mcdford bungalow. C. H. A., Mall Tribune. WANTED TO DUY Beef cattlo, stock cattle, calves, all kinds, sheep, hides, wool, etc. Dob Crowdcr, phono' 1029-W. G4 LOST LOST (icntloman's watch. Leave nt Tribune. 33 LOST Whlto Spitx,. dog. both cars brown. Howard will be paid for his return 'to (he gas office or In formation leading to his return. 24 MO.VKY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN $1000 to $5000 to loan on Improved farm proper ty. Dennett Investment Co. MONEY to loan. Clark Realty Co. MONEY TO LOAN-Ofl city and closo In ranch, property. &. A. McArthur, room 3, P. O. block, phono 3C81. MONEY TO LOAN, or will take up your mortgage or deforrod pay ments. What have you for sale? J. C. HAHNES. 1st Natl. Hank Dldg. HUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts ROGUE RIVER VALLBY AB STRACT CO.. No, C South. Central. Attorneys O. L. RBAMBS, LAWYER Offlco Medford National Dank Dldg., sec ond floor. PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MBALEY Attorncysat-Iaw. Jlooms 1 and 2, Postoftice bldg. A. H. RBAMBS, LAWYER Garnoft Coroy bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at Law. 123 Bast Main street. Mcdford, Ore Auto Supplies. LAilBRMTtS'RTN big secret In making springs Is the temporlns. Wo are operating tho largest, pldOBt nnd bout equipped plant, lu (ho Pacific, northwest. Use our springs wheu others fall. Sold under guarantee 26 North Fif teenth St., Portland, Qro. ' " - '" "- "- ' Chiropractors DR. R. J. LOC1CWOOD, Chiropractor, nerve specialist. Rooms 203-UO 1 205 Garnett-Corey bldg. Vapor baths nnd scloiitiflo mussugo glvon; ndvtco lu diotetlcs, medical gym nastics, hydropthorapy. Lady at tendant. Phone, offlco 94G, resi dence 571-R. DR. A. H. IIKDCIKS. Dr. Loulso W. Hedges Mcchano-Theraplsts, Chiro practors, SpondylothornplstH. Theso systems, iuoludlng' dietetics, ctiru- tlvo gymnastics, hydro-theraphy, etc., produce results In both acuto nnd chronic diseases. Consulta tion free 230 North nnrtlett St., hoxt door to M, E. church. ItoUr 9 a, in, to 5 p. in, Othor hours by oi'P.Qimwem. I'ttouu .nw. 4- etrtteMr 191 " HUHI.VK8H DIRECTORY Accountant D. Jt, WOOD General Accountant Your books audited And kept for a rcasonabto figure; your business solicited. Office Mcdford Mnll Trlbuno bldg.; phone Cll-Itr: res lence phono 537. ' Dentist DR. W. M. VAN 8COYOO DR C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Oarnott-Corey bldg., uvUo 315, Medford, Ore. Phono 858. Garbage OARfSAOB Get your ofcmlioa cleaned tip for tho winter. Call on the- city garbage wagons for good service .PhoBo C25-L. F. Y, Allcnt .I" . Nurserleil QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, pet grafted. Our stock Is not Irrigated. We guarantee everything put out. We are not In the trust. II, D. Patterson. Offlcn removed to office Hotel Nash, In side entrance next to barber shop. Notary Public HELEN N. YbcKBY-Nolary puu 11c. ItrlBg your work to me at tho sign .01 the Mall Tribune. Printers nnd Publisher MEDFORD PRINT1NO CO, has tne best equipped printing oftlee In southern Oregon; book binding, looto leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir St. Physicians and Surgeons DIl?"r. " CL CARLOW." DR EVA MAINS CAItLOW Osteopathics physicians, 416-417 Garnett-Csrey bldg.. phone 1036-L. Residence 420 South Laurel st. DR. 8. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOQkWOOD, M. D. . Practice limited (o diseases ot women. Offices' 232 - B. Main. Phones, office 807; residence 81-J. DR. J, J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear. noso and throat. Byes scien tifically tested und glassos supplied Offlco 228 Bast Main St., Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m, Phone. E. D. FICKEL, M. D. Offlco Jack son Couuty Dank bldg. Office phono 43-R; residence phone 58-R. DR. MARION Piiyslqian nnd sur geon, Stewart bldg., corner Main nnd Dartlett sts.; offlco phono 27, rcsldenco phono 27-J-2, DR. MARTIN O, HARDER PhysW clan and surgeon. Offlco Palm block, opposllo Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 13. 1 to 4. Phono 110-J, DR. It, W. CLANCY PhyBician and fitirgcon. Phones, offlco 30. rest donco 721-J. Offlco hours 10 to IS, 3 to 5. DR. W. W. HOWARD -Osteopathlq physician, 303 G&rnott - Corey building. Phono 904-M. It. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Over Hutchison & Lu ma den, 215 H. Main St. Phono 77. B. KlRCIIGBSSNER, JI. D. Prac. tlco limited to chronic dlcs'aso. Offlco Hotel Holland, Saturdays 10-3. Doth phones. Residence phonca; Farmer lOxxQ. Baglo Point and Roguo Hlvor lino. StcnographcM ELLA M. OAUNYAW Palm block. Stenograph. work dona quickly und woll. - - ii 4 Transfer BADS TRANSFER & 8TORAGB CO. Offlco 10 South Fir St. Phono 3 ID. Prices right, SorVfco guar anteed. Typewriting MU J,T?g7uWiNoT Stenography, Machine Dictation, till classes of circular letter Work. One or two thousand letters, tha price will bo right and aceordlnu to tho, times, Stimulate youVbusN ness with Interesting facts' eOs cernlng pioposltlorta, of bargtiliui, You an ost lq Htts vltk.J(ultl srapn work, Phono 133-R. MeMIN ifttt publicity Ad-Wrltlng Co., roow l), Jacksfin. Counts 8nk hldj,