Oily HUH Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Fair. Heavy trml Max, 17, .Mln. IM, I'mlp. .It Kit My. third Yfnr, jtnlly ICUtliltt Vwr. MRD1TOIID, OKIOdON", WIOOXICNUA V, Al'JMLHO, J013. no. aa. L i I I.. I tfff f9fl B VERNINT UN FIGHT AGAINST POLICE WITH HAT PINS After Excltlnn Battle, Officers Close Headquarters, Confiscate Papers and Documents, Seizing Furniture Suffragettes Taken to Jail. Ministry Decides to Put nn End to Campaign of Violence Waged for the Past Year. LONDON, April :IU.- Mnrl.nl b an exciting battle wltli jmiIicu clulw nn tint mil! IiiuiiI nml umbrellas nml hatpins mi tho other, the hi'iiibpinr tr of llir militant mffrngeltes m Iflug's Way were rniiltil ami closed by tint police today upon orders from limn" Secretary Itrginnld MrKriinii. Seven inililniit lender -Mi Ki'iiucv, Mrs. Drtimiuoml, Miss Kerr, who In acting secretary f the Women's So cial ami Political Union ; MUh Luke, who In business turningcr of the l.oii iltm suffrage publication, ,Mih Len mix ami Mis I In r ret t, assistant .li- Inrs of dm )iililicntinn nml .Mm. Saunders, fiimncinl secretary of lite union were arrested nml In Liu (u How Street prison. Ah tho women wrro let! away they struck nl tlio jMilice repeatedly with their umbrella but wore finally sub dued. (.'onflsraln imrumcuU. Mien Drtpnrd nml other inilitnnt lender -were nt headquarter when the raid was iniiile. Hurprim-il, they were unnble to h'ulo anything. Dos- iite their protests, Superintendent Qiiinn of Scotland Ynnl Henreheil tho entire building for evidence ami do cuments, ami eoufuontcd everything in sight. The women woio drugged out, struggling firreely, ami were warned to stay out. Of firms surrounded the building ami helil tlio iiiilitnulH nl bay. The latter screamed their threats nt thu police, Ah soon iih tho building wns clear the iHilieo stripped it of iIk furniture, indicating that thu Home Office, in tends ieniiaueiitly to bleak up the militant urgnuiutinii, Defectives Gel Ctldcmc. According to Arthur Miimhnll, at torney for Mrn. Kinnirliitc Puiikhurst, the lender of tlwi inilitaiitH, the police even prevented tho women from re moving their personal belonging. Women iloteollve from Scotland Yard, posing an militant HuffrnRftteH secured cvldcnco upon which tlio raid rit. himed. The raider Hon relied the , --r; J.I, xttrr S.. -i . (Contlnuod on page l.) T LAW IS ENACTED WAHUINOTON, April 30. A liromlnout Japaneiin, who Ih tu it po hltloit (o know, Informed tho United Promt todtiy that Japan would mnko no further diplomatic repnmonta tloiiH to tho United HtatuH reKurdlm; ltd atlltudo until thu Unlifornla laud bill borouieit n law. Tlio JapaneHa Kovornment and tho ouiliasuy, It was said, recrot exceed liiKly tho Jluno mootliiRs hold In .lapau nml tho fiery xpooch madn In tho hotibo lioro by CoiiKrosHinnn Sin uon. "Our nttltudo U ono of waiting," tho Jnpiiuotio told tho United l'rens. "Wo nro not consldorliiR war. When tho C;llfornla hind bill hua bboii IiuhhoiI, Japan will know doflnltoly wlmt ItH provlHloim uio, ami wo will net then. That doen not mean that hostile notion will ho taken, but moat probably dlplnmatlo rpi'ountntlomi which will end Miitlsfuctorlly to all coucornod," VlHcnuut Chimin, tho JapnuoBo nm lniHBiulor, rofuued to comment on tho Hltimtlou, APAN IKES PR E N NEW ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF 8TATE, SUCCEEDING HUNTINGTON WILSON Fern er Oiwr ir Jitin I1 0 hori.e Inn been iii iiiiiuilid for n m Imit Hie retnrx of tnlr to sue d 1 Itint ii.Kt on WiImhi, who made that of flee diinni; the Th ft mlininitrHtiiiii tho mot im Hirtnnt in the ileimrtineut under il head. (InuTiMir 0bonu w burn in VilMirl, N. Y., fifty-lhreo yearx iiRn. At tin) use of mx tee n ho wax nppreiitiecd to n driiRRiKt in Vortnoiil nml Inter win undiluted from the university of that Nlnto aw a phyi elan, Il wrnt wet in Nenreb of a praetiee ami Milled at Itnwliii". Wyo., where he wnn employed nn a mii-rcou bv the I'nioit I'aeifio rail road, loiter he cn-mRed in. rniinjj hheep nml bei'nme the InrRent luep owner in the Male. Hit hn'x been n member or the hWue leRihlntiiru,' a nia.xor of Inn eitv, deleRnte tu fcev- eral uatioiiul deiuoeratio eonveiitioiiH, Kovernor of III ntnle, nml In lrll wnn the free hilver eandidntu i'or Inited siali h Nrnntor. THOSE DEPENDENT LONDON. April 30.- lUo buu dred dollnm In addition to her ad miralty pt'imlnti of $1000 l Krauted todny by tho Ilrltlih Rovcmment as an annuity to l.ady Siott, widow of Captain Itobort I'. Scott, tho explorer who met a hemic death on tho return Joiiinoy from llm noiith pole. A Joint annuity of 11500 for Cap- tnlu Krott' mother nml hi two l fort, nml an annuity of J 1500 for the widow unit nlHterdu-law of Dr. Kd- ward A. WIIhoii, chief of tho hoIoii tlflc dnff of tho expedition. I uIho provided. E T LONDON, April 110. - KollnwiiiR her deilnratmn that ho "will uol upeiiil a penny in London," the news papers hero nio pnkiiiR fun nt Mrs. O. II. I llehuont, Hid Amerieau suf I'niRiht lender, vto is visiliiiR in London today. Tho Star compares the Ameiienn woiuun to tlio little boy who went into tlio iardcn to eat worms hceatiflo nobody loved him. At a meeliiiR of HiiffruRotlcs here Mrs, Helmont oont ribuloil $50 to "the i'MiM" with tho desiRiiution that the eoutvibulion bo nnuoiinced ns "from Ameiieu." I' I II f M ! I I MONTE ATTELL BOXES DRAW WITH AD Z0TTE SALT LAK'M CITY, Utuh, April !I0.- M'outo Attell of San rVaneUco mid Ad .otto of Stockton boxed leu roumlH to a druw nt Murruy, u Huluuh lust iiIrIiI.' Altoll seemed lo havo n lend nil tho way nml tho mujotity of tho hpeolalors belioved Hint ho was entitled to tho decision, Tlio boys mny liu lo-mutulicd today, L tOSIm JIIMFn ft fK W 3MJ M .ipi . PENSIONS GRANTED ON EXPLORER SCOU A AGGRESSVE AN' m NY CHANGES BILL S WORD NG Final Scenes In Anti-Allen Land Leg Islatlon Drama Staged Tomorrow- Bill Drawn by Attorney General Adopted as Amendment. Measure Shortened and Should Prove Satisfactory to All Says Author Bryan Fulfills Mission. 8ACIIA.MKNT0, (al., April .'10. -The Miiro is Mt for thu final scenes in the nntl-ulieii laud leRislntiou drama til the rnpilol here today. A new iiiiti-nlicn laud bill, drawn bv Attorney Oeneral L. H. Webb, nt the reipiest of (lovemor .Inlinon and other pioRri"fives, which discrimi nate DRainst the .Injuiuese nml other aliens ineligible t( citizeuxhip, as the eopb' of California drmiiiid, will come up for fiction in the senate to morrow iimruini: nml after attempts nre made to amend the mcmoire bv the democrats, it will be passed, nc ooVdini; to praetieally every lcjr)tln- tor. It was ndoptcd ns all amend meiit to the Miidsnll bill late last uiRht in the fccuntu in order to brin it before that body 'for uetioii n soon us possible. Itrynn folfllln MU.Ion. Meanwhile Secretary of Stnto Wil liam J, llrynu who came to Ciiliforniu at tho reipient of 1'rcMilcut Wilson to "confer with tho legislature," ns ho termed It is in Han FraiiciKco to j.icrtd (ho day as the cues! of tho 1 'annum Pacific exsisltlon officials, bis mis MotC here completed, ns ho himself admits. "I linvn fulfilled my mission," Ilrynn nnimtiiiecd nt the oloso of nn executive session with the leRlslnturo Inst niRlit. He hud just told the leg islators that ho hud (cleRrnphrd n copy or tlio Welili hill to President Wilson. "Prciddcnt Wilson does not deem it ndvisnblo to endorse any an-ti-nhen laud leRislntiou nt this time," llryau snid. Wording U (TIuviiriiI, Ilrynn's visit to California has re sulted in the changing of tho word iiiR of nn nuti-nlien law only. Jn stead of saying Hint aliens ineligible, to citizenship shall not hold laud, the bill will declare that aliens eligible to citir.eiishlp shall bo allowed to hold laud, "I believe Ihis bill will be accept able to tlio federal government," said Attorney fJencriil Webb today. "Ho cause any bill which docs not give justifiuble offense to nny foreign nn- lion should bo acceptable to the gov eminent. I don't believe Japan or any other nation can tuko offense at this act as now drawn. "Thii. bill was drafted by inn nt Hie request of Oovernor Johnson after consultation with Senators Hudson and Thompson, and a oloxo study of tho existing measures. Tho bill has been shortened nml should prove highly satisfactory to the nation, ns well as protecting tho rights of tho state." BLACK HAND GANG a.VN JOSH, Ual., April 30.- After having conducted blackmailing ram pnlRiiH which netted litem $00,000 or moro, a bund of aliened Iilack Hand Italians Is believed todny to bo brok en up by tho arreat horo of Krnnk Passlonto, Its leader. For six months tho baud has kopt tho 11,000 Italians In this city In nbjoct fear of their lives. Further arrests nro oipoutod today. Passlnnto Is nccusod of sending n letter domandtiiR $4000 from Autoue Orlando, n wealthy farmor, under throat of death, Orlando refused t pay and his pumphouso was hiiruol and his orchard practically nil chopped down. It Is said that at least halt u dozen mumbors of tho Uaut: will bo deported. AMERICAN BEST DRESSED WOMAN, SAYS WORTH ' I Hulls Jacques Wur'li, (he Pans tailor. wuo tor a geiieniiii'ii nan iiecti con sidered nt lenst one of the two or three great authorities on women' clothe-, bns surprised New York by uuiiouiicing lie bclie(ci tb American woman i the bcit be-sed vromun in the world. lie mny have hhuI it with mi eye to future humti, but hoi,lpc " product usod in the manufni Mini it. E WA8UINOTOX,nrll 30.-Nn ex pcndlture of $10,000,000,000 tor good roads and 1 2.000.000,000 for tho mnlntcnnnco for tho next fifty ycurs was proioed by Jonathan Ilourno of Oregon today In a plan leportcd to a joint coneretalonal cummlttco on that subject. llourno'tf plan protniscs that St. 000.000,000 bo raised by tnlllng Roverntuent honda and loans nm do to tho various states which will glvo their own CO year bonds In exchaneo. Tho apportionment or tho fund wonld bo mado on tho basis of road mite ago, nsnecsed valuation nml tho areas nud population of tho various states. It also provides n "national school of hlRhwny and brldgo enRlneorlnc" to develop experts fur tho work. WASHINGTON. April 30.-Ircsi. dent Wil.'on will mnko no statement concerning the Webb uuti-nlion land bill adopted by tho California stnto sennte last night until ho receives a detailed report from Scoretary of State llryau. Tho contents of Hrynn's mesMiges to Washington havo not been divulged, Tho president and acting Sccrctarv of State John Itnssott Monro arc keeping in close touch with develop ments nt Sacramento. Opiuioiris divided here logsmling tho success or failure of llryan's mission to California. Tlio change in the phraseology of tho bill, defin ing what elusM's of nliens may own laud has complicated tlio situation. Counsellor Mooro is inquring whether tho chunged wording of tho new bill violntes the treaty with Japan. KING GEORGE SEES LOUVOIS WIN RACE NKWMAliKKT Kugland, April 0. With King Gcorgo nn interested speetutov W. Hnphnol's. Louvois. won tlio two thousuud gulueus stake hero today. Graganour, owned by J. llruce Isiuay, was second, and Harry l'nyno Whitney's Meeting llouso third. Tliero werot fifteon starters In tho race. ND N FO GOOD ROAD ADVISE BOURN WILSON REFUSE TO COMMENT UPON CALIFORNIA ACTION Mi T EPITHETS EN LUR D DEBATE O'ER TARIFF BILL Congressmen Exchange Sizzling Com pliments In Discussion of Steel Schedule Murdock Called Leader of Bumble-bee Party. r "God Bilious When He Created Demo crats" Exclaims Fordney One De clares Tariff Aids Trusts. WASHINGTON, April 30. -Red-hot epithets were exehuiiRcd among the democratic, republican and pro grcMvc members of the Iihuho, when that body started consideration of the stcH schedule of the I'nderwood tnriff bill. A lurid debate was pre cipitated when the republican mem hors stubbornly pNisci the proosal to increase the lanff on fcrromuugn- ture of IiirIi steel, from 2i0 to .$8.f0. The republicans insisted that the steel conoratiou makes its own product, and that the high tariff would only hurt independent manu facturers'. Payne n Siaml-Stillcr. Kcpreentiitive Munn of Illinois and Miller of Minnesota declared the free listing" of iron oro was provided mainly in the interest of the Penn sylvania railroad, which, owning the Pennsylvania Steel company, irnKrU oro,' from Cubn. Itepreseutativc llnyr of Cnlifoniin declared tho democrats weru "tuking money in duties nway from the government treasury and presenting it to Charles L Sehwnb and the Pennsylvania Steel company." Representative Murdock of Kansas reerred to Kepresentntivo Payne of New York ns a "standpatter who is n stnndstiller" and denounced Repre sentative Mooro of Pennsylvania as u "standpatter with a rising inflec tion." Payne was on his feet in nn in stant. leader of Humble ltees. "You nro lender in tho house of tho humble bee party," be shouted nt Murdock. Representative Fordney of Michi gan then assailed the democrats. "When God Almighty blew the breath of life into Fomo men he must hnvo been bilious," ho said. Representative Palmer of Pennsyl vania, chief lieutenant of Mnjority Lender Underwood, defended the sehcdulo ns prepared by the ways and means commit tee. A few paragraphs of the earthen wnro schedule remained to be con sidered when tho bouso couvened, but it was believed they wonld be quickly approved. Twenty-four pages of tho bill havo been finished to date with the republicans failing to chaugo n word. NEW LOW MARK NEW YORK, April 30, Southern Pacifio opened at U0 J -4, n new low figure for that issue, in tho stock market today, Canadian Pucifio rose '2 3-8 nnd Union Pacific 1. Although several slitup advances were: noted, the general list held fuiily steady. Tho Southern Pacific slump was duo to tho announcement of tho govern ment's victory in tho Oregon nnd California laud grant cast). The market closed dull. Ilonds were hteady. SECRETARY DANIELS OFF TO INSPECT NAVY YARDS WASHINGTON, April 30, Secro tary of tho Navy Joseph Daniels loft Washington today for a. tour of east ern navy yards. Ho proposes per sonally to fuuiiliarizo himself with conditions in every navy yurd in tho country boforo congress re-opens the question involving tho abandonment of certain yards. AGAINST. MlLITAlLSUFFRAGEnES 'PRINCESS AUGUSTA VICTORIA, WHO MAY MARRY EX-KING MANUEL It has been ersistwitly reportei from Kuropp thnt ex-King Manuel of Porlugal, who-e eicnpades with Goby l)esly mude her known throughout Kurope and Amcrieii. is about to wed a distant relative of Kaiser Williclm the daughter of Prince William Hohcnzollcni, bead of the non reigning Cutholic branch of tho Hohenznllcru family. For several months the ex-king has made regular visit to Sipnnriugeu, the family home of the princess on the Danube, nnd lie to there now. x NAME ENGINEERS ASCERTAIN VALUE OF ALL RAILROADS WASHINGTON, April 30. Tlio iu-tor-state commerce commission an nounced today the appointment of en gineers who will hnvo charge of the work of placing a physical valuation on the railroads of tho country. The board will consist of It. A. Thomp son, now employed by the California railroad commission; Professor W. D. Pence, chief engineer of the Wis consin raUtond commission; J. II. Worley, of ' Kansas City; Hownrd Jones of Nashville, Tcnn., nnd E. i Weiidt of Pittsburg. An army engineer will bo added Inter to the board. 10 NEW YORK. April 30. Complet ing their eight week's honeymoon in Europe, Finlay J. Shopard, and his bride, who was Mist. Helen Gould, the Now York philanthropist, returned hero today. Shepard went at once to tho offices of the Missouri Pacific railroad to resume his duties us gen eral manager of tlio company. Tho couple may go to Lyndhurst, N. Y., Mrs. Sbepavd'b summer home, within ti few days. I ON EQUAL SUFFRAGE WASHINGTON, April 30. -A bill providing for national woman suf frage through a constitutional amendment will bo reported out of tho senate committee on suffrago Im mediately after tho finance commit tee completes Its work on tho tariff bill, according to Cnnlrmuu TJiinas In u statement Issued hero today. Thomas Is devoting bis ontlro tlmo at present to tariff work, lll I BRYAN SPEAKER AT CERH A RUN Secretary of State Participates at Ground-Breaking Exercises at Panama-Pacific Exposition, After Review of Troops. Discussion of Anti-Allen Bill TabeerJ Returns Tomorrow to Sacramen to, Then Hastens to Capitol. SAN FItANCISCO, Cal., April ."U. Sccrotary of State William J. Bry an arrived hero nt 11:30 today from Sacramento to be tho guest, probably until hiidnlght, or tho Panama Pacific exposition directors, and. indirectly, of tho city of San Francisco. llryau was taken directly to expo sition headquarters, and after ex changing greetings with President Moore, proceeded to tho St. FraneU hotel, where a private luncheon wai tendered by the exposition director?. After luncheon the entlro party motored through Golden Gate park to the Presidio. At Fort m&ney, n troop of cavalry Joined tho party and acted as escort to tho parade grounds Fwhcre all the troops at tho post turned out. After tho rovlow Bryan was con veyed to tho slto of the agricultural building at the exposition grounds, where, ho delivered a dedicatory ad dress at thu ground-breaking cere mony. A banquet wlll'be held tonight at the Fairmont hotel, after whJchVthoT secretary will return at once to Sac ramento. The secretary was avcrso to dis cussing tho antl-allcn land leglskvtloa'. In California and made no statement of any kind on the action of tho Cali fornia senate In hurriedly passing tho first reading of tho now aumlitiitra tlon measure last night. AUSTRIA DELAYS I LONDON. April 30. Austria's an nouncement that It would not attack Montenegro until after tho confer ence hero tomorrow of European ambassadors has greatly clarified thu llalkan situation, according to the representations of Loudon diplomats. It is believed yesterdny'B warllko statements from Vlonna woro de signed to forcctha powers to quick action. Reports from tho bourses at Vien na, llerlln and Paris say a firmer tone prevailed lu tho markets today, and that confidence apparently bus been restored. Tho movement of Austrian troops toward tho frontier, however, continued. CKTTINJB, April 30. In n semi official statement Issued at tho for eign offlco hero today It was declared that tho roport that tho Austrian minister had withdrawn from Cct tlnjo was promaturo. Tho Austrian minister. Uarou Glcsol Von Glosol lugen. Is still hero. CARDINAL GIBBONS PLEADS AGAINST WOMAN SUFFRAGE IIALTITMGKK, Mil., April 30. "Wlien 1 deprecuto vomnn Miffrngo I nm pleading for tho dignity of wo man. 1 urn contending for her honor. I am striving to purpotuuto those peerless prerogatives inboront in hor so; those charms nud graces whjcb exalt womankind nnd make her the ornament nnd tho coveted comopun ion of man." y This is tho most striking passage in n letter from Cantinnl Gibbeus: which is today in thu hands of the Maryland association opposing wo- , man suffruge, Tho letter was rend ut u muss meeting beio nnd created ATTACK PENDING MEETING profound impression.