Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 26, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    WEDFonn ran; Tmnxrm, urEmwTtT), ortKfioy, KATmpAv. 'avmt, 2c 'mm.
r, "
r f .
1& "
, ?w
T. (
,1 anion t I'rt'ili'iiliiirK nf Hum Viil;
luy wim it rcci'iit IiiihIiii'hh visitor In
tloriliui Alwny mill It Im futility nf
nulla viiii mill j. c. Wnni or (.our.
Iliuieli, Out., urn lulu urrlvulN In
Mr. unit Mrs, Hut llnrrlnuton, re
riililly of JiiekHiiiivlHti, liiivu lii'imnit
iimlileiils of Mi'ilforil.
'I'o frull KriiwniH- Do on know
(liul thn Omssolll nmi'iiiitu of luiul in
llio lirmiil Hiili'dtiil mill nuril inclu
sively by din Iloml Klvcr Apple (Irow
ith' Union, I Im Vuklinii County llorll
tmltuitil Oiiluu, mill tunny other iimii
rlntliiiiH tlirmiKlimii Hut northwest
Wn tutor to iin.v mitliorlty. A cur
direct from furtory Jut rectilveil.
Itni'iut UK it I'tltll & I'liulueit Amii.
Tint HprltiK run of Chinook salmon
ii I ItoKiin river linn Iii'kiiii mill ther.
nro tlimiHituilM of them In Out lower
mr( of tlin Hlri'iiui. Only it fuw of
tint lili: fliili have not im fur iin tlilti
i:. T. Maples. W. II. MeUruUi, H.
II. Walnut mill Mr. Provost wem
iiiiiiiuk the inn ny Apliliuiilitrit In Moil
font I'rlilny.
For null', f l mi fumlly driving or
rlilltiK liomo, IniKKy niul harness
This I n kdoiI buy nt 1200. If In
toresteit write I.ot tirop Perkins, 1!)
ItiiHx Court, .Moilfonl.
MtfiHrn. dill, Cook ntiil Hiiwluuil
wem down front Jmrpliln county
I'rlilny, on liimlnrmt rounccteil with
Hut Three I'Iik-h l.omtier company.
Mr. W. J Prccnum tunl Mm
.litllii Owen of Ontntl Point lltm
lit Miilf.y-il Him fori- purl of tliv
Orclinnl, hunting, flutilnic nmt
Grntor l.nki nonu-i for ala nt (ler
kltiK & tlrtrttiofi Ktiullo. NnRnllvvi
tnnilo nuy (il-iDt, kmlnk flnUlilitK. 136
Clint Mnlu Krrot. I'luino 3IT. It.
Mr. KiikiMIo TIiiiiiiimiu. Mrn. M lu
ll I Kelly, MIm I'lorii Tlioiiiimiiu mill
Mini I'lcH'tn I'lrlrli woru ovnr front
jAflkinnvllItt I'rlilny.
Mr. niul Mm. A. J. Ilowmnn, who
linvo hiM'ii lnltltiK thrlr nan, I'riifi'
nor Itowntnii, prlurltnl of I tut Moit
ford IiIkIi ncliool, nr on their rcturi.
to IlllunU.
Tlntltitt. piilntlnn mul puper tinnK
ItiK, ri'iiKonutili', I'houo V07-t. 3A
l-j, J. KiiUit, formerly of Hut Anli
Iniiil Itcronl, Hpmit I'rlilny In Mnl
font. Volimy CoIvIk, former county
JiiiIko of Jonuphlno rounty, wnn In
Muilfonl I'rlilny. Ho linn been upmnl
lili; Hut wIiiIit In Aolilmul.
If you wnut your Inwn tnoiror
nhnrponuil or rcpnlrnl pliunu 3C0J.
JiulKit Noll. C. II. IIiih). A. T.
l.iiuilKPin, liny Iliinrh mut Ailnm
Hrlitnltt of Jniikionvlllo turrlril In
Mcilforil I'rlilny.
0. I.. Parrnr, nn nKfiit of Hut i;n
tTiil luuil offln. linn luvn In (IiIm hcc
tlon on offklul Inuliii'im.
Of litli'ri'Ht to fruit Kruwurn Tin?
Hpru)lni: ncumm U clovo tit liutul. Why
take nuy cIiiiuith on now or un'lrlnl
iniilnrliilH? A rur of (IruHm.-lll ntni'ii
ntu of I mul jiut rcri'lvi'il. Uokui
Itlvur I'rult & Product) Amu. 30
Tht'oilurt) (llntn of Aittlorli triuiH
ucti'il himliit'HH lit Mi'ilforil Friday.
I'nxtiuiiMur Tux of Cunt nil Point
wan In Med ford otto dny thin week.
L, A. ItoHo mul II. HrhiKitto of
I'ltoitnlx prrclnct niiidu a trip to Med
ford I'rlilny.
V. W. Ilnruton, who Ih uhbIbIIiik
Dr. J. F. ltcildy nnd otlmrH to liulld
Hui Pnclfln Interior ritllroud, wn
down front (Irmitn I'iihh Friday.
(lurkltiK & llnrmun, studio por
trnltH, homo portrnlti, flnsh llehtn,
kodnk fltilaliliii,', post card work nnd
onlnrnlnt:,: 12.S Unat Malu itroot;
tolnpliono 215 It.
0. I), Wiilkur, who Ih looklttK nftci
Ihn Cratur l.uku Lunilicr rotnpiiny'H
tlinluir ImulH In IIIk llutto dUlrlrt,
iih In Mudford Frlduy.
John Mntnoy nnd V. V. Cmiioron
of Appli'H'ito triiiHiirtid IiuhIiii'dh In
Medford Frldny.
Tito liidlim of HI. Mnrkn (lulld will
itpi'vo it illnnor TiiurHiliiy, Mny 1,
fro III It lo 8 p. tit. 50 rutilH. 34
I. y in a ii Ortou mul It. W. Hitchcock
worn ntiioiiK tho liorHcitltitrlMtH In
Mi'dfoid Frlduy.
II, V. Klllott h an rutiiiuod from a
vlHlt ut ItoiiuliurK, lilt) formor homo.
1. A. Itolilii mid W. K. lliinl)' of
rirmitu Puhh trmiBiictcd IiiihIiiohh In
Mudfni'd Friday,
Hpi'Clal Tulilo d'lloto illnnor nt
Hollnnd liotnl nvory ovoiiIiik 40c. 34
MIhh llitrkn who Iiuh boon vIhIHuk
In hoiithurn California, Ih In Medford
I.imiIIo Cook of CiaulH Puhh wiih
nnionic Medforil frlondn Frldny,
Weeks & McGowan Co.
Day Phono 'M7
NlKh't lj, W. WotkH ttJ-.T-15
PIioiioh A, K. Oir U7H-M
Mrn. Clin i Ion Prim. Mm. .Innpli
Miirtlu mid Mm. A. It. Thoiiiimoii of
.liiukmiuvllli) wero Mt'itfotil vlNllor
Friday iifleriiooii. y
Flctilior I. Inn. Donald MKny mid
Wallnr McKay of Poitlnud, proml
ni'iil IiikIiionii moil, nr makliiK Mttd
ford n vIhII.
liuitini mul ho mirn. RlRlit If wn
wrltn It, It, A, llolnloi, Tho Iniur
nnrii Man,
Tint roiirllmiiKo wan nlimoil mul no
pulillf liiuilncnii traiiacti'il thuro Fri
day, nil thn lottnty offluluU mid lludr
(lopnlloH romltiK to Mcilforil to nt
tond tho ftini'tiil of Hut Into Hhcrlff
Jomiph Pulti'mou of Portlmul. n
plonoor of llor.iui Itlvur valley, linn
Iiuiiii vInIIIiik ritlallvon IIvIiik nt Till
mil mid A"hland ditrliiK thn wottk.
Did yoti ovor linvo npray troulilcn?
WIiiU'm tho tiNH? Why not tot woll
oiioiikIi iilomtT Thn OniBiiolll linen
ntu of load Iiuh boon iihoiI throiiKhoitt
Hut valloy tho pnkt two yonrn without
n iluKlo'coiiiplnlnt. Auk your iioIkIi
hor or nuy iiiithorlty. A frunh enr
Jiut reci'lvod from Hui fnctory.
ItoKiin Itlvor Fruit & Proditru Aknii.
Dr A. A. of Anlorln mid W.
II. KlrldKi) of Albany urrlvod In .Med
ford Frlduy.
W. I. Viiwtor iiiiidit it biiHlnof.H trip
to ANhlniul I'rlilny tiftonioou,
B. D, Wciiton, comuicrclnl photOR
rnpher, ncKntlvim mndo nny tlmo or
plncu by appolntmont. Phono M.
Tim putty of Joyrltlom from Med
ford who wont recently riuiKht In n
ruld on nu Anhlund rooiuliiK homo
fulled lo miponr tho next iiioruluK
mul forfeited the hall put up. They
tiiivit flrtltliiim iiuuie.
B II. lloKitu or Portlnnd nnd T. II.
Herbert of Holland are iriiiittiicHiiK
liimliictiii lit Medford.
Vnpor bnthi nnd icluntlflo mm
nKi for mon nnd women, Dr. It.
J. Lockwood, chiropractor. 203 Onr-nott-Corny
blilK. Phone 14C.
It. II. Wllnoit of Ortffln Creek wn
nmoiiK Hie ninny who ramn to Med
ford Frldny.
A wrecker woIkIiIiik 100 ton him
nrrlved lit tho railroad yard nt Anil
land nnd will bo lined In rleuultiK up
the wreck on the track between
ItoKeburR ii ml DiiiiNiuuIr, Cnl.
Don't fornot Hut Mny dny dinner ut
Kt. Murk hull Thurdny from r. to
S p. m. fiO cent. 34
Ml Alice Hoof of Juckminvllle
wn umotiK Medford friend Frldny.
Henry W. WlUon of Trnll petit
Snturdny In Medford on lintlnc.
J. D. Hell of Hui NftMl hotel fit
ojpurtod home iliN afternoon from
nu extended northern mid vntern
Money to nn rent entntc. See
Ciirklu ft Taylor, nttoruoy nt lu,
l.oulii Menchnm of Anlilnnd spent
.Saturday with Medford friend.
Ladle", I will be plonnod lo have
your imtronnKn In my hair work of
braid, roll or trniiNformatlnu.
Mndain l I,. ItemuoH, 24l Oukduln
N. 30
John WiiKiior of ApploKnte wn n
Haturduy vIMior In Medford.
Mr. I). W. WllllauiM of Central
Point peut Hiiturdny In Medford on
Hurry Norton of (Irant Pans wn
a recent visitor In Medford on pro-
fel0llll bllHlllOKH.
B. II. Cednrsou or Klamath Fall
11 vUlthiK frlendn nnd relative In
Alux Yoiiiir of Kerby ha pur
rhnied tho auto truck lai;o of IM
Herrlott nnd will make remtlnr dully
trips botwron Ornnls Pus mid thn
llllnol vnlley polutH, innkltiK sldo
trip with piiKKenKorn or frclnht to
Hollnnd nnd Drydett, nn well iih tho
direct run to Solum, Kerby nnd
BucrltlcliiK content flue furnished
hoiiHo. Don't ml this fur rent bar
f.uliiH. 1117 W. 0th st. 30
We wlli to oxprcss our uratltudn
mid doop felt HnfukH to tlumo whoso
uxpreKsloiiH of nynipatliy linvo com
forted iih In our hour of bereave
ment, In Hui death of hutdiiitid nnd
brother, AiiKUt D. Hinder. To tho
IoiIkoh to which ho belonged nnd the
coitrthouso omployos wo nro especial
ly thankful. (
KKJiiTHi:i:i.(i 'tin ph
Bvoty Htiudny from 8 n. in. to S
p. m, To Ashland, Hay Dam or
ltyboti'H bildgo and return, Jl.'-Ti.
Hold Hill, $l.ri0. Juuksonvlllo via
Central Point, 750, No tilpn mndo
under u party of five. Phono 1100,
Hull Tnxl Co. 30
With Medford trade Ih Medford mndo
1 folly.
watch. Cull 320
FOIt 8A1.B FoldhiK pocket kodnk,
hoHt condition will soil for half
price. Phono lHO-U. 31
FOR HAI-B A 1011 itudoiHluns
American traveler automobile nt n
bargain If Hold ut once, Powell
Auto Co. 33
At the Churches
HI. Mmk'N (BplMopul) UiiimIi,
Worshlpltm lit Kt. Murk hull. I')
ii. in, Hnndiiy luhnoli 7:30 p, in.,
iivmiliiK servlin mid i;rinon. Will
In in II, Hamilton, vicar.
Motlmillt HplM'opnl Cliiirih Kotitli.
Corner Hovonth mul Onkdnlo
street. Itev. C. II, Huxlo will pronuli
Huiulny mornltiK niul ovonlnn, April
27, owIiik to iiIinuucu of the pnMor,
W. T. (lonlder
lliipllit Clionli.
Hiiiulay school ut iiKiial hour. Itev.
O, C. WrfKtit of Portlmul, former
piintor nt Hnlem, will fill the pulpit
inoriiliiK nud ovoiiIiik. Itov. Wrlk'ht
Ih mi able iipenker and nil member
and friend mo epeclully Invited to
Ion r.utlieniii
At Ion l.iithvrnu, 512 W. 14th t.,
thorn will bo Knt'.IUh service both
inoriiliiK mid ovonlni;. Topic nt II
n. in., "Our AlHtude Toward tun
Lord." Hubjrrt nt 7; 30 p. in., "Trim
Worship.'' Huiulny school (BiikIInIi)
nt 10 n. m. Come mid worvhlp.
Hevenlli Dny .ttlteriHM.
Thn roKiilar norvlio nt thn Hovenlh
Dny AdvontUt church on North
Voiiiik People's ineetltiK Wednesday
evenliiK 7:45. Hervlce will be con
ducted Huiulny evenlni:, April 27, at
7:45, the subject liolni; "Parallel In
the lllnlory or Itomo mid of Hut Cull
ed Htatcs," drawn from history mul
I'lifi Cliurrli of (lirlt.1, Sileullot.
Huiulny inornlnn service nt 1 1
o'clock; subject of leon-ermon.
"Probation Alter Dentil." Wednosduy
evenliiK uieetltiKK at 8. All are wel
come. Huiulny school nt 10; alt
under Hut iikd of 20 nro Invited.
ItiiadliiK room heur: 2 lo 5 p. m.,
dully, except Huudnys nnd holidays.
Church edifice, 212 N. Onkduto.
People's I'nliio (;iisk-I MlkHlnn.
Corner BIkIiIIi uud Front streets.
MeetliiR every nlKhl, 7:30 p. in.,
Hundny afternoon, .1 p. in. These
ineetliiK uro RrowltiR In Interest.
Our nlm Is to preach tho gospel to
Hui poor mid otitrust nnd to lift them
on n hlKlier plune throucli Hut power
of (ho Kospnl or Jesus Christ. All
Christian. Invited to help it. Kporlnl
Invllntlou to tho iiunved. ('.. J.
Carter, mlmlonary In rhiirKP.
i Cliilfllnu Cluirili. '
Corner Ninth nnd Onkdnle. Illblo
school meets ut 9:50 n. m.; II. II.
Klrby, siiperluteiident. Hermnn ut
1 1 n. m. II. F. Mulkey, In thu nb
senco or the pnstor, will deliver the
nddtrn. Christian Btidonvor nt C:30;
Howard Crovor preldent. KvciiIiik
sormoii by the pastor nt 7:30. Prayer
mooting on Thuridny evening. Choir
prnctlco on Frldny evening; Mrs. F.
O. DtirKo, cholrester. You nre cor
dially Invited to riimo mid worship
with us. I). D. lloyle, inlnUtor. Cor
ner Ninth mul Ivy; phone 1481,
ProlOterlnn Cliurrli.
PrencbltiK at 11 n. in. Subject,
"Tint Htutnblini; lllock." Prenchlim
at S p. in, Hubjcct, "Cod Itules."
Music: Anthem, "I Will Arlso"
(Arthur Kooto), qunrtct; solo, "Ave
Mnrln" (MnsciiRln), Mr. Oeorgn An
drews; solo, Helecleil, Miss llnnce;
hymns, the Chnpel Hymnal, 115, 1,
2 mid 3; 147, 1, 2 mid 3; 93, 1, 4
nnd 5; 1C2, 1. 2 mid 3; 181. 1. 2,
3 and 4.
Sunday school at' 10 n. in.; W, H
(loro superintendent or tho ndult de
partment nnd Mrs. B. A. Welch mi
perlntendeiit of tho primary depart-
When your stomach will not dlRosi
food, tho worst thing you can do Is
to take n lot of digestive medicines,
True, they give temporary roller, but
your stomach Is tho sufferer. I,obs
of appetite, Indigestion, dyspepsia
and headaches can only bo perma
nently relieved by removing thu
cause. In many cases, vnrloim rem
edloH taken to relievo these condi
tion rctiiiU In ruining the stomach
and preventing It from digesting
rood In a natural way.
If you want your stomach to do Its
own work properly, without resort
tiu; to artificial digestives or pro
digested foods, use Jayno'H Tonic
VormlfiiK0. Take small dosea regu
larly, profornbly boforo monU. In :i
llttlo tlmo your Htomaeh will again
do Its own work mid you will eat
honrtlly, keop well nud enjoy living.
Jayno'H Toulo Vermifuge Ih not n di
gester In Itself, but It tones up tho
stomach and Intestines, giving you all
tho nutriment and strength from tho
food you eat.
Many forma or supposed Indiges
tion nro tho result of Intestinal part,
sites, Tor which Jnyno'a Tonlo Vermi
fuge Ih unsurpassed. Insist on
Jayuo's; accept no other, MUIIoub
have praised It for more than 80
yours. Hold by drugglBta ovorywhoro,
Dr. D, Juyno & Hon, Philadelphia, Pa.
nielli Junior (' V, fioi'lt'ljr nt .1 p
in.; C K. society nt 7 p. m. Prayer
ineetliiK ihiirsdiy nt X p m. A cor
dial wolcoiiin lo nil.
Motlmillfl Fplicnpiil MiiiiiIi,
Moilfonl Melliodlst I'pUropnl
church, corner of llurttntt nnd
Fourth ntroels. K. oiln Bldrldjre.
pastor. Horvlces Huiulny n follow'
PreniibliiK, 1 1 n. in., H p. m. Hub
Joels: Morning, "The llrlght Light
In tho Cloud"; flvenluK, "I.oit Op
portuuttles nud the (loldon Present. '
Hundny school 9:46; Illblo rlnsos for
men, women nud young Indie. Bp
worth league 7 p. m. Junior league
3 p. in.
BotiK service, 8 p. m. Bxcerpts
from Onul's "Holy City" will be
given preceding the sermon nt the
evening service. "For Cod Ho I.ovod
Hie World," "No Windows Yonder,"
"They That How In Teiirs," will bo
given by tho rhoru choir nnd Mr.
Vim Hroyoc will sIurii tho mezzo
soprnuo solo, "I'yo Until Not Seen."
At Hui morning service nt 11 o'clock
Mrs. licit Anderson will sing the
op ratio solo, "Ion."
Hoys' military brigade, Wednes
dny evening. 7:80 p. m. Prayer
meeting Thursday evening, 8 o'clock.
Wednesday evening llev. A. W, Pnr
ker, D. D., of India.
Bxrollent music by choir under the
direction of F. C. BdmcndcH, Special
feature solo by Mrs. Ilert Anderson.
Jim Ling, u Chinaman well known
lo the police or Medford, was fined
If.O mul costs by Kecorder Gillette
of Athlnnd for hnvlng opium In his
poro1on. A. H. Woodbiirn, pro
prietor of the Imperial lodging house
In Ashlnml, arrested nt tho same tlmo
for a like offense, got a similar pun
ishment. CHi: AM.KN'H I'OOT-BAHB.
Th nntlsoptlc owdcr to bo shnken
Into the shoes. If you want rest and
comfort for tired, aching, swoolcn,
sweating reel, use Allen's Foot-Base,
lo relieves corns nnd bunions of all
pain nnd prevents blisters, sore nnd
calloiiR spots. Just the thing for
dnnciiig parties, pntent leather shoes,
nnd for breaking In new shoes. It Is
the greatest comfort discovery of tho
nge. Try It todny. Hold everywhere,
25 rents. Don't accept nn substitute.
For free trlnl pnclfpge, address Allen
H. Olmtead, I.e Hoy. N. v.
How do you make It?
Aro you particular that it Is
properly leavened nnd Is light and
If you want it perfectly raised,
by a leavener Hint will never full
and is absolutely puro,
Crescent BakingPowder
It Is tho pro
duct ot modern
in o t It o d 8 and
chemists, Hold
at a moderate
for a full
IKiiind ran
All Grocers
rj.JJJ I I
A $5,000 Cut Price Shoe Sale
"Wo aro cutting the prico on every pair of shoes in our store. There's qual
ity and class in every pair of the "Bostonian" "Wooer" and "Geo. II. Snow"
dress shoes for men. "We carry likewise the "Mona Easo" and "Chippowa"
lino of Big stock of other grades of $2.50 and $3.00 shoes for mon.
All men's women's children's and hov's shoes go into this salo.
We Are Selling
Ladies' $2.50 shoes at
Ladies' -p.00 shoes at
Ladies' $3.p0 shoes at
Ladies' $4V00 shoes at
One bargain lot ladies' shoes (mostly small sizes) $1.00 a pair.
Olio bargain lot nion's shoes $1.98 a pair.
WAHHINC.TON, April 2C Cnrry
Ing with It the downfnll or President
Hiiertu mul hi regime n revolution
dcKllned to change tho entire pollt
lent und economic complexion or Mex
ro Is expected In dlplornntlc circles
horn todny. Tho mops Hint nro kept
In lhotofflcc of tho general staff of
tho I'nltod Htntes nrmy to show tho
movements of the regulnrs nnd reb
el In Mexico dny by dny Indicate
that Mexico City soon will be -mndo
Insures You for .Mont lit Agalruit i
Hick Henilurlie, IUIIou'kiii-m, Conhtl-
piitlon or a Had Ktomnrli
Put aside- -Just once the salts,
cnthnrtlc pills, enstor oils or purga
tive waters which merely force a
pasxugewny through the bowels, but
do not thoroughly cleanse, freshen
nnd purify theo drnlnnge or aliment
ary organ, and hnvo no effect what
ever up on the liver and stomach.
Keep your Inside organs pure and
fresh with Cascnrcts, which thor
oughly dentine tho stomach, remove
Hie undigested, sour nnd fermenting
food and foul Rases, take the excess
ble from the liver und enrry out of
the system all the constipated waste
matter nnd poisons In the Intestines
nnd bowels.
A Can en ret tonight will make you
feel great by morning. They work
while you sleep never gripe, sicken
and cost only 10 cents n box from
i your dniRglst. illlons of men and
women tako n Cascaret now and then
and never have headache, bl"ilous
ncss, coated tongue, indigestion, sour
stomach or constipated bowels. Cas
cnrcts belong in every household.
Children Just love to take them.
Bittner's Real Estate
& Employment Bureau
5 room bouse, 7 lots, close In.
Price 1500, small payment down,
balance good terms.
Some good timber tracts, on good
roads, close in, cheap.
Several good residences. In Med
ford, close In, small payments down,
balance good terms.
Several small mountain ranches,
Improved, for salo or trado for Med
ford residences.
Some (ino stock ranches Improved,
alfnlfa. irrigated, good buildings;
small payment down, balanco easy
Good boarding house, with good
trade, 1300,
ltoomlng houso for trado for Cali
fornia property.
Piano; will take cow for part pny
meut, balanco IS per month.
Team of horses; will tako two
good cows ns part pay.
Girls and women for goucral
Bxpcrlcnced housekeeper.
Hunch hands.
Timber fallers.
lies. Phono IOUO-X Phono 838.
Opposite Nub Hotel
HOOMR n ami 7. VWM (II.OOK.
Men's- $3.00
Men's $3.50
Men's $4.00
Men's $-1.50
Men's $5.00
it point of concentration by Ho reb
Cull for Mnll Trlbuno vnruurn
cleaners at Mr Abbotts hardware
Byes seldom grow better without
help, but how can glasses Improperly
adjusted help your eyes?
Bvery dny I see people wearing
glasses which by their position be
fore the eyes are a positive Injury. I
bavo special skill In adjusting glasses
as well as in testing the eyes. Como
In and hnvo yours properly adjusted.
Dr. Rickert
Over Kentner's
Some Good Buys
A strictly modern !". room bunga
low, close in, with fruit and Jflne
shade. This Is a beautiful place.
Owner will sell at a great sacrifice.
40 acres close to Tnlent, 12 acres
cleared, fa acres alfalfa; small house.
A beautiful plnce, a snap at 12600.
Home terms.
200 acres, all In cultivation, only
3 miles from city, all fine soil and a
flno tract for subdivision; price only
$125 iter acre.
Seo us for furnished and unfur
nished houses.
8 Sooth Central Ave.
No stockman should be without
this valuable tonic and alterative
remedy. It is a natural correct
ive prepared from the medicinal
lurks, herbs, rootj, leaves, and
earthy salts, provided by nature
for the preservation of health and
prevention of disease.
Strongly recommended for the
relief of Cold, Coughs Diitemper,
Loss of Appetite. Sluggiih Liver
and those disorders arising from
constipation and imperfect elim
ination of harmful waste matter.
It is especially valuable in those
cases in which domestic animals
arc deprived of their natural foods
by confinement or environment.
Pacific Stock Food produces
such excellent results, that wc
guarantee it to be the very best
preparation ever offered for the
relief of the common , ailments
with which domestic animals are
usually afflicted.
Guaranteed to contain nothing
that can possibly prove injurious,
and to be more active and effica
cious than other remedies.,
"An ounce of prevention is
worth a pound of cure," Do not
wait for the attack of disease.
Ward it off. Safeguard the health
of your stock as you would your
own. Ask your dealer for
Pacific Stock food.
shoes at $2.55
shoos at $3.20
shoes at $3.45
shoes at $3.85
shoes at $4,35
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