Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 26, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    i&. 'i' Bv " T i
rarm touts.
MTWFonn rATTi trtbfnr rpnFORT. omwotf, satithday, 'apriti an. torn.
Bedford mail tribunk
Mr AKtKnNooN
,Ar nr tiih
Ths JPsmaerstlo Tlmr. The Mttlford
niiit ini mniivtu iimitni I f irauin
fn QreiHHiUin. Th Ashland Trllmni.
(nfle Mull Tribune IlulMlnr, 32tMf
OBOrtOM rUTNAM, JWItor and Mansgtr
Rntere4 mi aecoml-class mattsr at
Medforit, Oregon, under the sot of
March 3, 1878.
Official Paper of the Cltr of Mcrtford.
Official Paper of Jaekaon County.
Onfl rear, by " ""
Ona month, bjr mall .SO
Per month, delivered by carrier In
Med ford, Jackaonvllla and Cen
tral Point .60
Patunlay only, by mall, per year Z.00
Weekly, per year .. l.So
Dally average for eleven months end
Inc November 10, 111, 1751.
.An organization 1ms been formed
nt Jacksonville for the purposo of
holding n "Children's Industrial
Fair." The Fair is to bo held 'some
lirao in September. It is hoped that
tho pcoplo of Jacksonville mid vi
cinity will join in this effort and help
mako it a success The list of offi
cers nnd committees nro ns follews:
Rev. Bandy, president; Mr. Hnnnn,
vice-president; II. YV. Kummcll, sec
retary; Sid XL Nichol, treasurer.
Judges Ex-Judge Neil, Mr. Crone
miller, Mr. Ncidemoyer.
Heads of Departments.
Boys Industry Emil Brilt.
Girls Industry- Mrs. Davis.
Live Stock nnd Poultry Joe Kilto.
Agriculture and Horticulture Dave
Band Music Boy Ulnch, Dave
Croncmillcr, Chester VTcndt.
Committee on Adult Dcpt. Percy
Lomrailteo on articles to be en
teredMr. Wells, Mr. Grieve, Miss
Prizes and solicitation Mr. Wil
liams, Mr. Lewis Ulrich, Mr. Collins.
Entertainment Mrs. Wells, Mrs.
Taylor, Mrs. Hanna.
Refreshments Mrs. Chris Ulrich,
Mrs. Cook.
Sports Mr. Flory, Mr. Gardner,
Reese Chapman.
Publicity Than Fulton, Leslie
Stencile, Mrs. Lewis Ulrich.
The neif'incetinf; will be held Tues
day evening, April 20th in the town
hall, meeting to begin at 8 o'clock
sharp. Let tho above named com
mittees and officers be present nt
the meeting. AH others are wel
come. n. W. RUMMELL,
GRANTS PASS, April 2C Elmer
Shank, a former real estate agent
and orcbardlst of Grants Pass, was
Indicted by the grand Jury before Its
adjournment on a charge of obtain
Ing money under false pretenses, and
a bench warrant was rsauod for his
arrest. Shank had been In tho city
during tho week, but had. returnod to
Portland, whero ho Is now living, tho
night before.
The Indictment comes through nl
leged Irregularities In a business
transaction which. Shank had with
Bird Slsson, proprietor of tho "Dol
lar ranch." It Is claimed that Slsson
gave Shank a noto for $100 dated
November S, 1910. Tho note was
cold by Shank to 12. Erichson, but
Slsson claims that, not knowing this,
ho gave Shank proporty valued at
$25 to apply on tho note, taking
Shank's receipt therefor. Later he
was required to make full settlement
with Erickson, the payment to Shank
never having been credited.
An indlctmpnt was also returned
against 11. L. Akerill, charged with
obtaining money under false pro
tenses. It Is alleged that a draft
which Charles Trefothan of Kerb
cashed for Akerill was valuolcss. Tho
amount involved Is $5.
The city duda nt n special session
of the city council Today evening
pawed an ordinanco providing for tho
purchnso of the Hamilton ranch at
the intake of the city's gravity water
system -which will protect the sup
ply. Hamilton is to he paid $7500.
for the ranch.
Tho financo committeo of the coun
cil has made arrangements for tho
funds with which to purchuso the
ntu oh.
ITarf,M? Vil
t i i ii iw aw i ii -
MAYOR EI.F.ERT has designated a elean-up day, which
is a commendable niovo, although every day is a
clcan-up day with a good housekeeper and a good citizen.
Cleauliness, wo nro told, is next to Godliness, and all
ought to bo clean mentally ns well ns physically. But
wc nro not all clonn, henco tho necessity of n special dny
to stimulate tho dirty.
Spring is hero in all its fragile beauty. Before wu
roalize it, summer will havo oomo in its splendor. And
With the glory of tho summer, comes its pest, the house
fly, disseminator of disease and death. The fly is bred in
filth and. dirt hence there is double necessity of cleanli
ness. -H.4
Tlinrn iinvm'1ine linnn n
pnigu wngqcyn Medford and there ought to be. STow is
the time to got ready for thispesley postr One fly killed
now saves a million in the future. Tho way to extermi
nate tho flr is to clean np clean np tho rubbish heaps,
screen the refuse piles, cover tho garbage cans mako it
impossible for the fly to find the filth necessary for breed
ing purposes.
It is a sign of progress that the Southern Pacific is
cleaning np one of the disgraceful shacks that adorn its
right of way in the heart of Mcdford. The railroad is
probably making a virtue out
has long threatened collapse, but still it is a good sign.
The clean-up campaign should bo continued. The shacks
between Front aud Fir and Main and Sixth streets should
be removed, and the right of way parked.
Tho city should take a hand in this clean-up campaign.
All of the clubs and organizations of Mcdford, as well as
the city council, requested the removal of these shacks,
yot the railroad continues to defy public opinion by per
mitting them to continue to add a shabby and unkempt
appearance to the city.
There is no reason why a part of this right of way
should not be parked now. It would add immensely to
the appearance of the city and to tho impression made
upon the traveling public. The money in this way would
be money well spent. It would be cleaning up that would
be well worth while.
Every property owner
Green lawns and shaded streets increase the attractive'
ncss of auv city immeasurably
tion resulting shows that it
Olcan-up time is at hand
Experimental Democracy in Schools
(Sc'otl Kfaxuy?in THa Pnblic.)
No lees significant .than tho. sub
stitution ,pf democratic colleges nnd
universities for" tho old-style nris
tocratio institutions is tho movement
for democracy In high school educa
tion. Time was when the high school
senior class was filled with boys and
girls destined for college. Tho past
generation has witnessed a trans
formation in high school education
'which makes tho college preparatory
work merely one duty instead of the
sole function of the high school.
So long ns the three R's consti
tuted an adeqnnto education for the
great mass of people so long as the
high school existed primarily to pre
pare for college, it 6cemcd rcason
nble that the high school should be
Pet apart nnd considered n separate
entity in tho school system. Tho
generation yrhich has witnessed tho
metamorphosis of tho high school
from a college-preparatory to n life
preparatory institution, is insisting
that tho high school be integrated
with the public school system.
Why should there ho a break be
tween the elementary school and the
high school! Why should there be
an elementary nnd a high school t
Why not "a school," twelve grades in
length, taking children nt six from
tho kindergarten and. delivering them
at eighteen to tho world, or to tho
Already this plan has been put
into operation, and although its pres
ent experimental stage wnrrants no
final conclusions, one may well pause
to consider the question of so funda
mental a reorganization of tho school
The Emerson School of Gary, Ind.,
is perhaps the best known example
of tho twelve-year school. Superin
tendent Wirt has planned a contin
uous courso covering grado one to
twelve, so arranged that n pupil may
take part of his subjects in the gram
mar grades and the other part in the
high school grades. That tho har
mony may bo more complete, Mr.
iit:l -i it., -i l. .,m
containing tho second grade pupils,
noxt door to tho rooms that shelter
high school seniors. By bringing
tho pupils of different classes to
gether, tho feeling of common inter
ests is emphasized and tho old an
tagonism betwen lower and higher
grades eliminated.
Tho same plan is being tried out
by I. 13. Gilbert, principal of tho
Union high school, Grand napids,
Mich., whero the frank attempt is be
ing nindo to break down the sharp
lines of distinction between grades.
Tho school is new and contains a
very complcto equipment physics
and chemical laboratories, two cook
ing rooms, dressmaking and millinery
rooraB, nn art department, a wood weod woed
working: shop, and n forgo room, and
a print shop. Children of all grades
coming to tho school havo nn oppor-
ovsfniiinlirt atvnf-iltn.flv nnm
of necessity, for the building
should park his own yard.
and the increase in valua
pays financially as well as
clean-up 1
tunily to use nppnrntus ordinarily
reserved for the high school pupils
only. At tho same time, tho appa
ratus is in constant use n fact
which eliminates the cost of estab
lishing an industrial department, in
the grades.
Departmental instruction has, in
largo measure, replaced rigid grad
ing. At the beginning of the adoles
cence, when the old interests lag,
somo new interests must be furnished
to keep the child in school. That
stimulus is found by beginning de
partmental work in the seventh year.
The child who' shows a particular
preference for any lino of work may
pursue that lino. From tho seventh
grade up, promotion is by subjects
entirely, and not by grades. The
student who elects art, may follow-
that as a major subject for tho next
six years; similarly u boy inny take
shop work, or n girl domestic science
or millinery.
To insure n greater interest in
grado work, the high school teachers
aro sent down into tho seventh or
eighth grades to lecture on civics, hy
giene, nnd other studies which nrc
ordinarily begun in tho high school.
In this way an incentive Jo remain
ing in school n provided.
All of the ovcrngo and over-size
pupils from tho schools near the
Union high nro placed in ungraded
classes, and given tho ndvqntugo of
tho high school apparatus.
Thus thcro is provided n natural
educational program covering
twelvo years. Nowhere is there a
break. Instead of making it hard
to step from grade eight to grade
nine, tlio two grades are so inter
related that tho students scarcely
feel tho change from ono to the
other. The result t Last Juno thcro
were 152 pupils in tho eighth grade.
Of that number 118 or moro than
three-quarters of them reported in
the ninth grado this fall (1012). As
Mr. Gilbert puts it: "We have can
celled tho invitation to quit school at
tho end of the eighth grade mid our
children stay with us."
Thero is still another plea which
Mr. Gilbert makes for his plan. Tho
establishment of technical" schools
and classical schools, ho urges, leads
inevitably to tho establishment of
class lines. Tho boy who cannot go
to high school envies the boy who
can. The boy in tho intellectual high
school may learn to sneer nt tho boy
in tho commercial or industrial high
school. In tho twelve-year school,
which offers every form of grade
work nnd of high school work, no
such distinction cnu bo made. "0r
John A. Perl
Lady Assistant.
Phones M. 17 and 17-J-2
Ambulance Service Deputy Coroner
Knocking the Spuds Out of Unscientific
(lly n near potato)
Having read a great ileal of lata
nbnut sclontlflo money nnd unearned
pottitoex, 1 wtih to nlr my vlown on
this great mibject, a theme which
few ot U8 ran handle through person
al association, but rather through thu
fact that wo havo nt aoino time, or
other been In eloso proxlniatlon to
tho subject, "money."
Wo havo been told frequently ol
late Hint tho money with tho collnun
education Is an ncrotttmry to tho body
politic as tho air wo breatho and as
stable nn weights and measures. It
la also as necessary to tho bodily
pocket. As to Itn stability I would
take Ubuo with the learned write
ou tho subject, A dollar la now
reckoned by what wo may get In
exehniigo for It, whether that bo a
leaky fountain pen or n courxo In
love-making by mall. Money, 1 be
lelvo It hnx been atnted, Is tho root
ot all evil, ltkewlo It Is tho limb ot
tho devil and tho branches ot educa
tion in Rockefeller's university.
Without money a man wouM lmve
to JIiirIo his key ring to cot Into
society, ho would pay his debts In n
speclo of bluff, nnd his troimcr's
pockets would remain undisturbed
through tho nights. Someone, 1ms
siiRpcsted that potatoes bo made the
school," Mr. Gilbert sny., "must bo
liko our community a group of peo
ple of all ngc, classes and opinions,
working together. Wo bellevo that
i the essential element in n true
American school."
Whatever the ultimata result, the
twelve-year plan is of widespread in
terest. Whether or not it becomes n
permanent part of the American edu
cational system, its growth will ho
regarded with the attention due to so
vital an experiment in democracy.
Only One" Way to
Reach tho raw, tender, Inflamed
membrano Infest dcwlth catarrh
germs, and destroy them.
You can't reach tho nooks nnd
crevices with liquid preparations
thcro is only ono way breatho tho
germ destroying ulr of Ilooth's HY
OMUf (pronounco it HlKh-o-mo) dl
rcctly over tho inflamed and germ hi'
tested membrane.'
1IYOMKI tonfa'ths no opinio, co-
cnlno or other harmful drugs, It Is a
balsamic air niaTlo " of .Australian
eucalyptus, thymol, nnd somo Lister
Ian antiseptics- l is guaranteed to
end tho misery ot catarrh and croup
or money back. It's flno for colds
and coughs.
Ask Clias. Strang about Ilooth's
HYOMKI outfit today It Is only $1
and ho guarantees It. Kxtrn bottles
If later needed, CO cents. Just
breatho It no stomach dosing.
N. L. Townsend
Havo Your Painting, Tinting nnd
Paper Hanging Dono by a Practical
Mechanic. Prices Right. Satisfac
tion Ouarantced.
Vlione -I23-R
710 Itennctt Ave,
Clark G Wright
Public Land Matters: Final Proof.
Desert Lands, Contest and Mlnlni l';
Cases. Scrip.
We carry a very complete lln of
draiwrle, luce curtains, fixtures, etc.,
and do all clasaca of uphoUterlntr. A
special man to look ofter this work
exclusively, and will kIvo an Reed
aervlco ua la possible to Kt In even
the largest clllus.
Weeks & McGofran Co.
U " VlsssssitBissVU I sssssst d'Jsi4aafl
Vr 'sYsssl
nwm xtvimmMm
m rJ-wmM
meilltini of cchnnHO and (lint Kara
toitn chltii bo Used as Mtuall chniiKe,
an Idea which It In honed will be
adopted as It Is far lens diiiiKeious to
Krovv potatoes thai It Is to counter
foil grei'ulmeks. With niieclneloH
ou tho eyei of each potato money
would appear moro xclenllflo tlmi
tho originator of tho Idea would ho.
Ilovo ponslble.
This money question Is a ory Im
portant one and litis boon but morvly
Hklppod over by thono authorities
who havo written to date. No one
has nu'iitlonctl that without money
tho world would bo iiiIiiiih listen
ing rods, picture pout cards, fiuully
albuuiM. and celluloid collars, an al
ternative that fairly Hhrlekn for tho
abolishment ot tho epeelo.. It U the
writer's firm belief that If every per
son In Mvdford would throw away all
the money ho has, iho city would bo
butter off, and to that cad wo offer
a free dumplm; ground upon whim
anyone may deposit his rubbish canli.
Money, nrlonllflo and iMiiornut, Is to
be devpUed and oven tho humble
union would mako a stronger me
dium nt uxchaiiKo.
As a final clincher: It wo did not
have money wo wouhl not havo ar
ticles about Km haunts and habits.
l'U01 M. A. HUM A.
wo hnvo made our reputation In tlio
Dental lino solely by giving perfect
nnd complete satisfaction to our
numerous patrons in all departments.
Whether It bo extracting, filling,
capping, crown or bridge work, wo
nro exports of the best class and yet
most moderate In charging. Let us
caro for your teeth 11 will certainty
be to jour advautago.
Lady Attendant.
Over Daniels for Duds. Corner Mnln
and Central. Phono SGS-K.
Will soil my equity in (lie
Pierce properly, corner of
Alain and lioosevolt, at a bar
gain. Can givo immediate
Luxury Without
Hotel I
Von Dorn I
242 Turk Street
Is iinn( A it Inu vi k nn,l
ij x'niuab pujiuiiti juiuuu
! Ilotel in San Francisco
BeSt located
and most
hotel in the
City. Running disitilled
ice water in each room.
European Plan, a la Carte
Tariff on Rooms
12 rooms
00 rooms .
SO rooms
GO rooms wbb prink lain
SO rooms mils print! lilk
$1.00 each
l.SO each
2.00 each
2.00 each
2.S0 each
30 suites, bedroom. nar
lor and bath 3.00 each
For mora than one truest add $1.00
extra to tho nbovo rates for
' r,ach additional guest.
Reduction by week or month, $
Manaumtnl Chulir IK. KttUy
mii Jasnl-giliSBMMlaT.,.Li. v9
.. Lossoo of Grill aud Dining Room.
WV lfl WW
W. ,u-
Novelty Musical Act
Photo 1'liij I'll, mill Sat.
A Htory of War and Caruaito I
( oinmly
FimtiirliiK John lluuiiy
MittliicxN Saliirihiy iitul Sunday
Co mini: Soon
lii Two Parts
1 1 f t MMIMt
Automobile Expert
Now Located at tho
Crater l4tko OiiraKo
3.1 H. Ilartlutt Street
ItiMHoiinldo Price. Work (Siiaraiiteed
Ueot of Itefort'iHX'i
Caro WiihIiimI and Tires ISicltaiiKcd
OaniKo Pliono US-It.
Official Photographor of tho
Mcdford Commercial Club
'Amateur finishing
Post Cards
Panoramic Work
Interior and exterior viowp
Flash lights
Negatives made anv time
and any place by appoint
208 E. Main Phono 1471
J5 1 J. Jtv
Tho tromondous historical classic
in throo rcolo
La Salome
Played to immense crowds at the Now York
theatre at 25 rents and HO cents. You ean see this
wonderful historical spectacle at the .Star for 5 and
10 cents.
The Ohio Flood
The original moving pictures of tho terriblo Ohio
flood. disaster taken at Dayton and other afflicted
'A strong moral drama pro
duced by .Kaloiu in two reels
showing modern methods in
dealing with eriniinalH.
No. 8 of tho sorloo of
They are a funny pair.
Their efforts go to tho "bow
wows," and they go out. of
Udueational, showing the
eraelc regiment of Canada.
Saturday Night
will mark Iho first appear
ance of
A trap drummer and "ef
fect." man, who is the etpial
of any in the northwest, who
comes to us direct from tho
We.v, a $lf,()00 photoplav
house. It took us (wo months
to get him, but we got him.
Thoro in nothing too good
for our patrons.
With Airs. Woolworlh we
have a team of
ternrelei's seh
and never oxce
ihotoplay in
oin equaled
lo eis.vrs n
Norer Moro, Never Loss
i - ''".-.