Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 26, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    abteiijiiti u)-ii.,ii,):r.;.'iu.r,v'J.l.,t...'J.1)11 '.'.Liy. '..j",".i,M iMJUH-'.Jag
lloclnl niul iniiHlviil notes,
Minn Juunumio II tiller; jtliotio
Chili tiuwH undor illrcrtlon
of Ufontor Medford Cluhi
iiiiiio 075.
"Nniiu llvoth iililo himself
'Tint Juritiin,
Woro lliu whole world ood iih you
not jiii uloiu hotter
Writ' It Just nn puro ntut true,
Jut it n jniro nnd trim ur yuuj
Just n stronir In riilth niul works
JiinI mt free from crafty ojilrlat;
All exertion, nil deceits
Hiilniini'M It nolKlilxirii to defeat;
Hellenics Id ueliihuors to ili'ftuiiit;
Hchomo. soma culprit to iipjiliiinl
Would thlit world tin liclHirT
If this wluilo world followed
followed to tint letter
Would It tin u nontiir world,
All deceit niul fnlsiihood liurli'd
Prom It nltoKottmr;
Malice, selfishness and lust
HanUlmii from hpiiealh tho crust
UovitIiik henrtii from vlow
Tidl hid, If 't followed )oii,
Would tin? world ho hettnr?
Tho llrltlsh Weekly.
(Irratcr Mrdford Cluli -Lost Mon
day of tncli luutitli; cluti room, II
lirnry hutltllntt; S:0U i. an , liuslucss
hii'uIIiir; 3:00 p, in., program.
Bncuud Monday of each mouth, so
clnl mcotliiK.
President, Mr. W. 0. Davidson,
It 10 Writ Tenth street; phono &"&.
Music Department Plrst Motidny
of enrh month; cluli room, library
IiuIIiIIhk; 3:00 p. m.. Chnlrumn,
Mm. K. M. Andrews, 3S North House
veil avenue; phonq B87-H.
Oood Cltluuililp Department
Plrst and third Tuesday of each
month; club rootni, 2:30 p. m. Chair
mnn, Mr. O. L. Hchleffclln, 113 Oen
ovn nvouuii; phono 420.
Kducallount Department First
Haturdny of each month; club rooms,
3:00 p. m. Chairman, Mm. (Icorfio
Itobrc, Central I'olnt It. !'. I).; phone,
Jacksonlllo ri-r-21.
Home Economics Ilopnrtmont
R ceo ml and fourth Wednesdays; club
room, 3:30 p. m. Chairman, Mm. J.
C. ttohmldt, 30 Itoao nveuuu; phono
Hoclnl Hygiene Department Third
Monday; club rooms, 3.30 p. m.
Chnlrmnu, Mm. It. W. Hlvarni, Id
Iloso itvenuo; phono 130,
"Promptness niul H)stem" our mot
to. Wo do not wish to wnsto your
tliuo, therefore promptness In In'Kln
nltiK those inootluita and ayatcm In
coiiductliiK thom la our aim.
WediieMlay Hludy (.'tub.
First mid third Wednvdn)a; II
lirnry hulldliiK, 3:30 p. m. rrcMdOut,
Mm. K. II. lMckel. 315 West Main
Htreot; phono GtMt.
rnreiit-Tearlirrn' Auoclatlon,
flccond Friday, 3i00 p, m., Wiuli
tiiKtou nchool bulldliiK. President,
Mm. K, W. Meam, 031 DnUotn nvo
nue; phono 3S0x.
I'im'iit-Teiu hem1 A)"oclntlon.
Third Krld'ny, 3:00 p. m., Itooso
vult cctiool bulldliiK. President, Mm.
acorgu ICIiik, K4U Knl Main ntruut
phono 841lt.
Pnii.llellenlc Ao-Itlon,
Rucond nml fourth Snturdnyii; sec
nml Hnturd'ay at Host llooni; fourth
Kuturdny nt homes of moinbcm. Prua
Ident, Mrs, J. a. Wilson, D17 Now
town -trout; phono GOQ-W.
CoIIcko Womnu'M CIuImi.
Bocond Haturdny, lunchoou 1:00 p.
in,, plnco to bo nnnouurod. Prcal
doiit, Mm. Winifred Borcomb, ranch,
(Irlffln Crook ; phono 8G7-J.
W. O. T. U.
ThurHilny of oncH wcok, Daptlat
church, 3:00 p. in. Protddunt, Mm.
llolmor, '733 Sodth Contrul nvonuo;
phono 103-J.
'Attention! Wmen of tlio Valley!
Do you know that thoro uro rot
robins on tho fourth floor of tho
Medford Furnlturo & llnrdwnro
bulldlmr, No. 41! 1 nml 432, for tho
ffea ubo of tho womon of Medford
nml vlcln!ly7 Tuko tho olovntor,
cohio up ami rot, louvo your pitr'cols,
incot yor' frjonijs, Rot a, ouj) of ton
for flvo contH, or chock your Imblos
for ton contu por hour. Tho voomu
nrp nlwnyu opon with 1111 nttoiulaut In
clmrno from 11:00 n. in. to 0:00 p.
(Irciiler Mmlford cluU, Monday,
April 2K, 2.UU ).. in, dull roouiH, II
hrnry Imlldlmj.
lUuentloiml l)i-piirtiiinii, flnltir
dny, Mny !l. .'ton p m,t library Imlld
Ho much (hut U worth' whllo I lm
Inn doiiu by women nviirywhoro Hint
It In aomntliliiK of nn Inspiration to
coin u in touch wllh tlii'iii oven
llimiiRh the prow, hotiro this column.
Club all over Hid alnto of Idaho
exploited tlio week buKlunliiK April
Htli, nn "Momn ItuliiHlry" week
Largo advniico urdcrs wcro Mint from
tlio unirtllor townn for Hpcctnl Idaho
prodiicta, Thoy wuru exploltoil In
ovcry uuliiuo mnuiior ponlbii by tlio
dlfforont rlutiH, and club woiiiun
ImiiikIiI only Mnho prodiinln hm far
nn ponidhlo duiliiK tlm wook.
Tlio Hounnwlvca' l.iaRiio of Do
trolt, MIchlRnn, uumlmrliiK over 3000
womtin, Iiiih nhimmiMl atipurvlalon of n
I'uro Food, .Miido-lu-JtlclilKnti Product
ahow to lui hold from May & to Mny
10. Tlio orKnnltntlou dvwlrca to nxr
hlblt over) thine Implli'd by tlm nnmo,
niul It In thu liitintlon of tlio wommi
to tnnki) n allow of Kn-at ediiratlonnl
tiiIuo lo tlm poor nn to thu rich of
llavn )ou ever rtmllicil that tlicro
la n vnat amount of ciiilpmonl In tint
world not worked to It greatest en
pnclty? Tho city Rovnrnmcnt, tho
m'hnolM, thu Instltiillon.T I It not
omi of thu duties of the women's
clubs to hunt for causes, demon. Irnto
Ideas, and throtiKh Mean make tho
forces already ot work more efficient?
Ilelow la
a moil itKK''ntlve "Civic
A Analyse the
need of jour
homo city or town.
II Hoar your part In solving chic
C Censor mnvltiK picture- shown.
1) Demand sanitary conditions In
public bulldliiRS.
II Kneotiracu plaulliiK niul caro
of ahado trees.
I' Favor municipal houscclean
Iiir day.
(1 (let gnrunRo mid ash question
settled IntelllRuutly.
II llnvo foodstuffa screened mid
1 Insist on n pure nml abundant
water supply.
J -Join In n cnmpalRn for public
lienl Hi nml morals.
K Kindle efforts for penny lunch
ooiiN In schools.
I. Lend Influunco for unultnry
HewiiRo n) stein.
M Muko thu community svo tho
necessity for public baths.
N Nolo tho need of patriotic In
struction for tho forelKu born.
O OrfMiilto Junior Clvlo l.enKiios.
P Punish thu ulijewnlk expec
torntor. QQunstlon conditions reiiulrlm;
medlcnl Inspection In tho public
It Itoport nil sanitary conditions.
BBwat tho fl.
T Try to havo a aafo and sano
U Utlllta hcIiooI bulldliiRS for no
dal editors,
V Voluntoor your borvlcea whoro
ovcr uocdud.
W Work for children's play
grounds. X Xhort friends and neighbors
to lend n hand.
Y Yearn for enthusiasm for civic
', Zeal, pomovernnro and oudtir
nnco will nccompllsh woiulors.
Tho annual, cloctjon .of officers
tnkes place at tho mooting of tho
Greater Medford club on Monday,
April 38. Ho miro to como.
llcsldos tho election of offlcora
thoro uro sovornl othor umtors tn con
sider nt this mooting. Show your In
torost lu Medford nml Its wolf uro by
Aro your promises cleaned with
tho rubblHh ready to bo deposited on
tho curb whoro It can bo easily
huulod nway on Thursday, May t?
Whllo dunning thu yards wouldn't
It bo wojl to tnlui out thoso few
dandelions that uro tippoiu'lug? Many
towns rc-roj;iil.o ni) unnunl dnndollou
day wion tin argunWed offort Is miulo
to rid- tho plnco of thjup obnoxious
woods. Medford imo boon ruinnrk
nbly fr from tlienn ppsts, 1M us
keep It so by dlKKlmt them up by tho
rootii ns fast an thvy mnko tholr ap.
pcarauco, and tlnni obvlato tlm hoc
ceslty of 11 "dnndollou day" for this
Tho Hulmot rlnb will meot next
Tliumdiiy iiftornoou, Mny 1st, nt tlio
homo of Mrs. Albert lloppln on North
Jncksouvlllo load, Luncheon will bi
sorrcd nt 0110 nclork.
Tho educational department of the
Oreator Medford tluli will hold Its
leuulnr tiientliiK mi Huturday after
noon, May ,'l. Lust mouth's program
Included u iIIsciihmIou of tho place of
"play" In ediiiatloii, and tho need of
11 playground rli'.ht liora and now.
It Was attructlvoTy bundled and
uroiisod lomlilorablo (iiitbiinlain.
Tho noxt nu'ntliiK will lie given ovor
to a series of abort talks on tho sub
Jort uf ilraiuntlc work iiiiioiiu thu
clilldrnn, and tho popularity of thu
"movies," nml tho possibilities of thu
pageant. What la a psgeanlT Othor
towns wjthu history less plrturcsquu
ami varied than that of Medford uro
utlllsliiK thulr past In pngrnut plays.
Why elioutdn't Medford become
nwaro of tlio asset that it possesses
In tho history of Its vnlloy, tho trad!
tlons am! events of Its Indians uud
ploncontT Tho old times are passing
why not pcriwtuntu thorn for our
selves and for our children by U10
giving of a psRennt? Why shouldn't
Medford do something' uuliiuo In self
mhertlsliig If ndvartlia It must?
At least, inini) to the meeting uud
bear how this ran bo done.
Tho Bt. Mnrks guild will servo n
May day dinner at Bt. Marks ball
next Thursday evening from G until
K o'clock. Decorations nml menu
will bo as-"spring Ilka" ns possible
A box uoclnl will bn Riven by Mod
ford Camp No. V(l Woodmen of tho
World, Saturday evening, Mny 3rd.
All Woodmen nml their when nml
friends aro earnestly requested to at
tend this social.
Tho women of tho Presbyterian
Church of this city will give n Mny
day party nt tho church chapel on
Wednesday evening, April 30, bcxln-
lilug at C o'clock. Tlm ladles are re
quested to bring boxes which will be
bought mid sold at miction. Ten
nml coffee will bo furnUliud. A
unique entertainment has boon
planned for tho young people.
Tho first annual military ball
given by tho Hoventh company Coast
artillery Oregon National Guard will
occur Wodnesdny evening. Mny 28,
this Information coming direct from
headquarters. Tho ball takes place
0110 year from tho date of tho organ
ttatlon of thu company and promises
to bo 11 really delightful affair. Novel
stunts will bo introduced and It I
hoped n military band as well ns
orchestra will ho hoard In Inspiring
vtralim. Captain Deauo will appoint
lommlttees and cJiooso tho patron-
eshes lu tho near future.
, ,
There was a splendid meeting of
tho household economics boctlou of
tlm Greater Medford club Wednes
day, afternoon at tho library build
lug. Mrs. J. C. Schmidt, chairman of
tho section, prosldod. Tho topic for
tho afternoon was domostlo service
and n most nbln uud instructivo paper
was read by Mrs. French. Shu sug
gested n number of plans for thu
standardisation of household labor,
0110 of theso being n bureau where
persons wishing to do a fow hours'
special work u day nml also thoso
desiring to huvo work dono may reg
isterthis bureau to dignify house
hold labor by puttlujc It upon a pro
fouslnual basts, encouraging workers
to bocomo spoclnlhits.
A spirited discussion followod and
n number of ways woro proposed by
which this Idea con Id bo worked out
in Medford, a uhort-tlmo school un
der n to&chor of doluestlo science do
ing 0110 of thom,
Mrs, Schmidt toiulerod her rotdg
nation ns chairman of tho section, ns
sho la noon to louvo Medford. A com
mlttoo was named to socuro a now
Tho tnblo wns bountifully decor
ated With npplo blossoms nml with
tho dainty eliluu und silver mndo u
most pleasing picture. Mrs. Schmidt,
assisted by Mlts Noblltt, served iv
delicious nsparugua Boup with crou
tons. It la with slucoro regret that tho
clubwomon of Medford sou Mrs.
Schmidt depart. Sho has boon
most outhuslastlo worker not only In
ior own department, hut In nil tho
Work for bottormont undertaken by1
"' t ' f.'l .1 ! nil m 1 1 jji j-i I i.j.i,ilj.ii,l.u''i
Kin rlub arid her loss will bo keenly
Aro ynu Inlenistrii In linvlnjt n
IdiidorRiirten In Medford 7 Tlioro I
to bn n mooting this week to dlseiisn
way 11 ami menus, Will yon pltrnsd
call up Mrs. Davidson, Main 575. ami
glvo her your numu so wo may itil
In touch with you?
Tlio MeilfWi! Orrlmslrnl cluli coii
oerl of Jist Avtqiiiiff n uVidcrily n
Hticcexfi, llio ilirnrbirnml mt-mliers ro
teivitiK u tlio miml fordinl eneour
rifrcmi'iit. Mnny in (ho iiudienee ox
proved ilirmsolvo ok Iiciii mol
liupplly iliHiijipolntcd wilh (ho pro
Knuii inn (ho munticr In which it wnn
reiiilurcil, iiiiinit-nl .Medfonl iioulil np
pneinte wliuL Dr. .Marion lias ilnnc.
llo Iiiih Iktii lirclcM nml inoul en
llinslnstin fnmi (ho very first ro
heursnl, Hioko in tlio orchestra hnve
been loynl nml IohI iiiglil'n noiicerl
Is tlio result,
Tho nrKnnirntion it mny bo unit
is "hero to stny." Concert will ho
given tlirco or four times during' I lie
your, always willi improu-mcnt in
exeeiitimt und n bettor olnss of
iiiuhic, Tlio nsHistmitM of tho con
cert were hcnrtily rccciveil nml en
rored. New mcmlicra lmve been
milled to tho club since the lust pub
lication, tlio complete list nt prc-cnt
lieiiiK ns fellwwa:
First Violin Mr. Root, Mr. Row
ley, Mrs. Unddynninn, Mr. Kunscl
Kceoml Violin Mr. llntght, Miss
Klynti, Mr. Willinms, Dr. Cnrlowv
"Cello Mr. Mmlilox.
IIiikr Mr. Orfutl.
lloni Mr. HopioU.
Flutes 'Mr. Howinnn, Mr. Younp.
f'lnrlnclH JCr. Itnkes, Mr. Oood
ale. ConietH Mr. Dyer, Mr. Vnnoc.
Drums Mr. Piinndny.
Tniinbono Mr. llrnliicy r- flti.l
oster. Piano Miss Duller.
Director Dr. J. W. J. Mnrion.
Thu program committee of tho
musical department of tho Greater
Medford club held a very satisfactory
meeting at thd club rooms Thursday
afternoon, accomplishing not a little
toward fanning a definite cours of
study for next year. Tho evolution
of music In tho different countries
will bo tho foundational subject, with
each meeting dovoted to the com
potors add muojc of ono nation.
Topics for papers to bo rend at the
meetings wero solcctod and many of
thu leaders chosen. Tho complete
program will probably bo published
later. It Is tho Idea of tho program
committee to leave tho subject of
each .ucotlng so broad as to enable
tbo leader to treat, tho subject In
whatovor form sha choose. The mo
notonous, tho storeotyped -and unin
teresting will recolva n sennt wel
come, but th npooarnuco of such Is
very doubtful. Tho next regular
meeting of tho musical department
will bo given to public school music.
Miss Santco will speak of the ethical
value of this form of music, Mr. K.
II. Goro of tbo practical side. Thu
high school orchestra und children
from tho grammar schools will have
n place on tho program.
An ciitortnliiiiient, tho first of Its
kind to bo seen In Medford, will bo
given next Friday evening, May 2nd
at tho Nntntorlum. Tho affair is
under tho direction of Mrs. O. T. Wil
son, Instructor of Dramatic art at
tho Medford Conservatory for Music
and languages. Mm, Wilson will
present her pupils of tho grammar
schools of tho olty, n tho folk dances
of 8wodon, Dunmsrk ami Scotland,
also In various drills. Tho plrls of
tho high school will try for tho five
pound box of bon bona, glvon as a
prlro in n rolny ruco. Selections will
bo glvon by tho Medford Orchestral
club, Miss Catherine Mears playing
for tho dances. School children will
bo admitted to tho entertainment for
15 cents, reserved scats 35 cants and
general admission 2G cents,
Miss Inez Coffin, who is nsststnut
principal of tho Washington gram
mar school of this city, has been
granted u year's leavo of absouco, lu
which to tuko n coumo'ln music su
pervising for tho publlo schools. Miss
Coffin will leavo next August for
Chicago, whom sho ll entor tho
Chlcugo Conservatory of Music, air.
Itoswoll Coffin bolus t piano Btudcnt
nt tho Institution. Superintendent
Collins may mid a regular jnuslo
course to tho curriculum of tho
grammur schools next year.
Tho MciU'onl Choral society which
jnvo "Tlio Koso Mniilon" with Mich
(rent Httccosa last December will give
its second iiuhlio performance on
Tuesday ovenlnjr, Mny 111, nt 8:30.
Tho soloists, Releoteil from tlio chorus
will but Mrn. Senile, Miss Inez. Cof
fin, Miss Ivn Coffin, Mr. Fletcher
Pish, Mr. II. Stownit mid Dr. W.
W. Howard.
Ah before, tlio sincere will bo sup
ported by tho .Conservatory orohes-
tin under tho union on air. iniiumuur.
uiWWl -hiriii'JAtnr l "At
Mrs. Jap Andrews wns hostess to
12 young women at a charming 1
o'clock luncheon glvon nt her very
pretty bungalow on South Orange
street Tuesday afternoon, whon n
delightful bit of gossip was disclosed
with tho announcement of tho en
gagement of her nleco. Miss Kuth
Andrews, lo Mr, Harry Lindsay, of
central roint. Tlio luncheon ap
pointments wcro unusually pretty,
with IkiwIs of California popples
forming tho tnblo centerpiece. Ilou
quels of yellow tulips ami daffodils
wero brlxht touches In tho living
After the serving of tho last lunch
eon con rue Miss Fern Hutchison read
the follewing:
My message Is not from the violets,
JJut from Cupid Dan Cupid
who knows
That a troth has been plighted,
And tho two who will wed
Can bo found In tho heart of the
Iluth loaves tomorrow for hor
homo nt Kenton, Ohio, where In
Juno sho will wed Mr. Lindsay of
Central Point.
llnch gutt was then given an ox
qulslto whlto rosebud containing a
tiny heart-shaped photograph of the
Miss Andrews has won a largo clr
clo of friends during her short resi
dence in the city as tho guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Andrews. She Is a typical
American girl, one who bolloves es
sentially In "doing things" worth
whllo and yet retaining ability to
enjoy tho frivolities of the social life.
Miss Androwg was a pupil of M.
Crespln In tho Jloyal academy at
Brussels, Delglum, for two yearn be
fore coming to Medford, and was one
of four artists who wcro asked to
exhibit at tho Gallery des Arts, whoro
sho was awarded first prlzo In life
drawing and portrait painting. He
foro going to llrus'cla Miss Andrews
wps a student In the Academy of
Ftno Arts In Philadelphia, also tho
Art Stydents league of Now York.
Guests present Tucsdny afternoon
were: Misses Hutchison, Hanco,
Kentnor, Ida Leo Kontnor, Sootier
nml Davis; Mcsdamos Albert Drown,
Hard well, Dodge and Ccorgo Hob-
crU. Tho hostess was assisted in
entertaining by Mm. C. W. Palm,
Mm. Clarence Hutchison mid Mrs.
William lludgo.
Tho Iowa society ot Medford en
joyed Its' first annual banquet
Wednesday evening in St. Marks
hull, where a very appetising supper
was served by tho women of St.
Marks guild. The long tables wero
decorated with npplo blossoms. Jar
diniere filled with tho sanio fragrant
flowers being placed lu each corner
of tlm hall. Immediately following
tho banquet a fhishllght picture wns
Mr. Fred H. Meam was toast mas
ter for tho evening, requesting a si
lent toast to the memory of tho Into
Kd Hoot, n member of tho society.
Tho responses which followed woro
well prepared nnd much appreciated,
thoso speaking and 'tholr subjects be
ing: "Tho Iowa Socloty," President
Auslkor; "Our Country," Itov. W. F.
Shields; "When You and I Wcro
Young." Mr, O. I). Hoon; "Tho Home
Land," Mrs. Myron Sheets; "Our
Mothers, Wlvos nnd Sweethearts,"
Jlr. B. V. Coffin; "Tho Iowan's
Birthright," Mr. C. B. Whlsler.
An Iowa orchestra gavo several
numbors, nnd Dr. Howard a song hit
from "Tho Girl nnd tho Hnndlt.''
Those composing tho orchestra wero
Mr. nnd Mrs. William Searlos, Mrs,
Dnddysman, Messrs. Itratuoy and
Tho evening's entertainment con
cluded with dancing. Tho Iowa so
ciety has at present 11 membership of
1G0 and Is in a very flourishing con
dition. Tho monthly home-coming of tho
Ladles' Aid society ot tho First M. h.
church was hold Tuosdny 3:30 p. 111,
In tho church, tho probldent, Mm.
Hoy, lu tlio chair, Tho usual dovo-
ttouul exorcises woro conducted by
tho prosldont after which tho roports
of tho secretary and tho circles woro
rend und upprovod. Arrangomouta
for tho lecture to bo glvon by tho
pastor tho following night wero mndo
and It was decided that tho ladles
ad pay oxponscs of n weekly church
bulletin to bo distributed ouch Sun
day morning, tlio amount to bo $15
11 month. It was also voted to serve.
lunch to tho Odd Follows Gratia
lndga and Hobckali assembly which
la to bo hold In Medford Mny 3Q-31
Owlug to several conflicting
-! - I
events, tho attendant upon the lec
turo was not so largo ns was Antici
pated but n neat sum was realized,
and tho Jocturo much enjoyed by
thoso present.
Itofroshments of tea nnd wafers
wero served In tho basement by tho
Loyalty circle to about SO ladies, af
tor which adjournment took plnco to
moot ngaln in May,
Tho Golden Link Sunday school
class of tho Baptist church was en
tertained by Mrs. Clydo HazWlgg.
210 Itoosovclt avenue, Tuesday,
April 22. Tho regular meeting day
of tho class, from 2:30 to f) p. in.
A short tlmo was devoted to busi
ness. Report, ot calling and cnidlo
roll committees showed much worn
dono by both. Tho presenco of eight
little tots showed tho work of tho
last named committee,
Tho question wns brought up but
left to further consideration as to
whether as a class tho class could
not havo lomo definite work.
Thoughts suggested wero a Christ
mas box to u foreign missionary or
somo work with tho new mission
Features of tho social part of tho
afternoon wcro a contest In paper
flower muking, plcturo puzzles nnd
blowing out tho candle. Delicious
refreshments wero served later.
Thoso present: Hostess, Mm.
Clyde Haxelrigg; Mcsdamos Bennett,
Bevcrldgo, Frost, Carlow, Hogiott.
Marsh, Beach, Howell, Lewis, Stln
son, Young, Stlnson, Medloy, Gr ens-
Icy, Hugh Do Arrnond, Clarku,
Hoover; visitors, Mcadamcs Mc-
Christian, Boyle, Hazlerlgg, Misses
Florence Hazclrlgg and Miss Scoggln.
Society Is enjoying a short period
ot relaxation and adjustment, tho
spring months usually being mid
season for tho social world In most
every placo ot any consequence. Win
ter pleasures are entirely abandoned,
whllo thoughts of tho sunny days to
como turn all attention to tho gat-dcr-party,
motor trip, out-of-door
sports and summer sojourn. Tho
golf and tennis enthusiast will bo
god to learn ot tho very good order
In which tho golf course und tennis
courts of tho Country Club aro being
kept, under the direction of tho
grounds committee. Tho private
tonnls courts In town have been In
uso during tho past few- wcoks, which
have been Ideal for thin sport.
Tbo club homo at tho Country
Club U also being renovated, with
several additions for tho convoulouco
and plca.uro of the guests.
Miss Sibyl Fish entertained a largo
number of Medford friends at hor
homo near Phoenix this afternoon,
tho young men, as guests of Mr.
Theodore Fish Jr., arriving for danc
ing in tho evening. Thoso Invited
were: Misses Irene Smith, Vcrn
Olmstond, Lcnoro Vance, Helen
Purucker, Loulso Williamson. Kath
erluo Uuuel, Maudo Newberry, Fran
cis Heath, Frances Konney, Leah
Wnlthem, Ina Cochran, Lududa
Cochran, Marjory Wnro, Fay Carver;
Messrs. Herbert Alford, Fletcher
Ware. Wl Boverage, MJlton Schu
cbard, Harold Cochran, Jay Goro,
Frederick Ieatu, Nolo Lindley,
James Vance, Lyle Walthera. Robert
Wilson, Don Newberry, George
Gates, Paul Williams, Ralph Pierce.
The .Ladies Hiblo btudy clnss of the
ClirUtiun church held n roeontion Fri
day oeiuii(r in honor of their friends
at tho residence, of Mr. and Mrs. It.
Scliulur nt tho eomor of Tenth und
Orange streets, over fifty people
woro present. An informnl program
musical aud literary supplemented by
n number of games characterized
tho evening, me decorations wore
elaborate, appropriate and beautiful
hfttod upou tho llilile class colors of
red und gold. A delightful collation
wus served.
Plana for future progressive work
wero discussed and tbo whole oven
iii- wns u rare combination of picas
uro niul work aimed to advance the
Sunday school interests.
The ladies' Hiblo clems has mi en
rollment of 40 members witii u usual
Sunday attendance of twenty-five to
Tie entire cast ot tho senior class
piny, "What Happened to Jones,"
was outortnlned last evonlng at tho
homo ot Miss Hutu Lawronco on Riv
erside avenue. Tho guests were
scrvod with a 0 o'clock supper at tho
Lawronco homo, afterward going In
automobiles to tbo country homo of
Miss Kuth Wilson noar Tnlout, whoro
tho remainder of the evanlug was
passed. Those In tho party wore
Misses Esther Herd, Irono Smith. Inn
Cochran, Bthol Guthrie, Ituth Wil
son, Jtuth Lawronco, Messrs. Horbort
lford, MlUon Schphard, Paul Dodge,
Ddlson Marshall, W11J Bovqrldgo,
Itnlph natcotnh, Nolo LI ml ley, John
Dommor, Scoly Hall.
Tho members of the musical
department of tho Greater Medferd
club uro grateful to Miss HqWoh
of tho public llbrnry, whooffor hr
servicos In making typewritten coptai
of nil tho papora which have been
read at tho meetings of tho depart
ment. Tho copies wilt be tltad for
ftitura roforence.
Mesdnmofl (iteiin Fabric, W. II.
Humphrey nml I'nrucW worn IiomI
esses nt tho lastwciul meeting f Bt.
Mnrk's fluild, which took place Thurs
day afternoon nt St. Mark's linll.
Itefrrhmcutfl were nerveL to about
thirty member nnd RiteU.
a a a
The Socialist local enjoyed a bot
social at Smith's hall in North Grnpo
street Wednesday evening. Mr. Jef
frey wa very entertaining with somo
phrenology reading. Dancing: con
cluded tho evening.
Mrs. J. A. Perry entertained at her
homo Wednesday afternoon with a
thimble party. The guests present
wero the officers of the local order
of Pythian Sisters ot this city and
Mrs. Carl Cofer of Klamath Fallsl
Miss Harriet Cox and Miss Nelllo
Sannte wero week-end guests of Mrs.
L. P. Black at "Edgemont," nsr or
chard home.
Mrs. H. C. Kentner was hostess to
the Lily Bridge club at her home
Thursday afternoon.
0 m
Mrs. W. M. Van Scoyoc entertained
Lo Samcdl club at her homo this
Mrs. Carl Cofer hats been visiting
her sister, Mrs. Herman King, ot this
Mrs. F. H. Hopkins of the Snowy
Butto orchard spent Tuesday la Med
ford. '. ' "
a a a , tf
Mrs. L. J. Sears Is visiting aMhe
homo Of Mr. and Mrs.D.H. MUIer
nt Gold Hill. '
Mrs. C. F. Williams or Grand
Forks, N. D , is a- guest of Mr. and
Mrs, D. W. Luko at thelr-'hotao In
the Orchard Home tract.
Mrs. Clsrenco Iteamcs
Wednesday from Portland.
Mr. Gccrpo L. Trejchlie Bnd
daughter, Mla Laura, -havo returned
from a visit lu Joicphlno county.
,m '
Mrs. Fred II. Cow lea and children
havo returned to their homo In this
valley after several months absence.
a a a
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hose (nee
Maudo Ling) expect to leave the
city shortly to take up lands lu the
Canadian provinces. '
Miss Ruth Andrews left Wednes
day ot this week for her homo In
Kenton, Ohio.
The Perfect Baby
Qf Tte Future
ASlmpIo Method That Ks-.Woiilrftd
Influence upoh The Fulttro lafmM.
Tco much can not be slid for a weur.
ful rtmetlr, (snilltar to many srasta aa
MQtl-r'a Ittend. .......
It Is moro eloqutat In Its action ,ta ail
ta bealtti rul4 iwr UM dott a fur tfc
vliUftc ot Mjwctsot moin-. It Is 8
txttrnsl spitllcstlon that prl Its !
toe upoa all the cord., muiclt. llgatstnts
and trniloM that nature call. Icto Py
tbey expand sTucttullr without pais, with
iut strata, sod thus l-avo tho mlad est
free and la Joyful apltcleatttfa (if Uut tcHt
tit ot all wuunul- ambltloa,
Mother's ntend mut thrfor be m
sUJcnd directly a most lorwrtoat taftu
nco uioa chumcL'r und alt)u.ltlun or
tlm future Knratpa, It Is couc4cl
fact that, with, iata, nrTouew
nd dread baulsbrd, there U Sturrd up aueUi
au abundance of bvalthy t-nergy s to brie
Into belnR the htKhe.t Ideal of tbpaa who
fondly tluK)rlt nn the rules that lsur Ua
cowluif ef the rrfect baby.
Mother's Intend can bo had at say drugs-lit
at ll.oo a battle, and It U uuuHttlM
ably one of tho. remedies that always lm
a place nmons the cherished few In tbo
medicine cabinet.
Mother's rrlend Is preSarad by WraSM
ttteulatorCo., tltn Unmr Pld.. Atlanta, tla
nlier tho foruiultt of a noted family doctar.
Write thi-ia for a very laatruiilre boeh
to ejpectsot laolUer. .Bey that your drmt
gUI wH aupply )VH with Mother's Frtead.
Steam arid Hot Water"
All Worlc Pfiwrnnt.e
Prices laswabla
as Xbwa WMM, SBtMMca'ostfl
Xom Pboas 84.
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