Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 26, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medtord Mail Tribune
Hhowew tonight ahI Hhm.
liny. Mm., HiU Hlln., !W.."5
NO. 30.
Knrty lMr1 Yi-ir
iMlly-:iKlitli Vmr.
Secretary of Commerce mu! Labor
Says wo Must Create Conditions
1o Strcnuthen the Forces That Lift
U Vast Majority Is Pure.
Declares Boys and Girls Must Be
Trained to Take Ailvantatjc of a
Minimum Wane Law.
Vtihtly morn limn a inrni
majority of women uitil mi'ii
nru pure.
,l)Ufouingniueut easily be-
comes IiHillir, mid llli'll trlup-
tiillon in hard to resist.
Wo must ercnlo conditions "
" to strengthen the foicn t ln t
lift up.
We must tnko nwny the "
douuwnrd tlriiK on. nil our
" Our boys iiml irlr must
tin trained in imiiiii vocational 4
work so thny onu Inko ndvnii-
4 t it ko of lli minimum wage 4
4 lows.
4 Wn muni not put our irU 4
4 tinlnuislil lti tlto ork
4' support under condition
4 which lend to mornl over- 4
4 h rain. .
tiliiry Hcdfield today in on record
Tor tin' flmt lime with hit views on
tin- white slum traffic problem which
comes directly under IiIh toipervision
iim liviid of Hie department or pom
merre. 1IU Hlntemenl follew:
.lly William C. Rcdfiohl. Secretary
of Commerce.)
1 lme lieen InteiiM'ly interested in
Miitciuents Hint Imve npponrrd in
the pulilie prom In the course of the
diKPUHhiou of tlin enuos of imuminl
lly. alleging tliul low wages them
Hi'Kivi nre mi Incentive lo vices nud
others, nt tlto opposite extreme, say
ing tlmt low wages lmve nothing lo
do with the viee question.
Thero seems to he a truth some
where hiiift lietween Hiese two ex
iremes.' Of course, lunk of viitue U
nut ii muthemulicnl eipiution. Thu
declaration Hint nil insufficient wage
is of llsclf n lemptiilion lo wrong
doing is in ilneir unlriie. It is i
ensc of mi fow dollars and so murli
viee or ho mmiy dollars nnd no mueli
less viee. It Ih nhsnrd to sny nny
mem differeneo in wage of llselt
alone -Is the cause of misdoing.
Vuit Majority Pnrv.
Tho vuhI niiijorKy of women nnd
men are wholesome and lnro In life.
On the other linnd, suppose n girl
h mi obliged lo pineh lo keep her
ltudy unit mml together an lo he de
(Contlnued on pago 3.1
HUSTON, April 26. Mlsa Hainotm
daughter of Hall Uorden, tho mil-llomill-o
condensed milk manufactur
er, who dlHiippeaiod from a Now Jur
Hoy miultiirluin Moveral iluya ago, wna
found this ufloruoon by nolectlvea
Smith mid IluriiH lu u fnahlonublo
iohIiIoiivo In tho Huck Hay. MIhh
Hoi den wua found In company with
tho MIhhoh (lladya and Violet Sliol
don, iiIocch of Mrs. Helen Whlto. An
nounroment to thla effect wbh Hindu
liuro thlH afternoon by lopieBonla
tlvea of llordou.
llordon authorUed hl IniBlneaa
manager hum to atuto that ho would
not prosa n proaeeutlon. It wiih
loarned today that Mra. Helen White
wiih with tho girl ""til yoatordu-,
when alio dlsappearod. Ilonlon and
bin daughler will remain horn to
night. Tho girl la uald to bo a mental and
phyHlral wioeli iih a reaiilt of hor ox-pnrlotiro,
Gunners In Monitor Tallahassee En
rjaoed In Tnrijct Practice In Chesa
peake Bay Send BOO Pound Shell
Whlzzlnu at Government Yacht.
Mistake Inexcusable Says Represent
ativeConcussion Smashes Win
dows In Tug Towlnu Yacht.
ririimtlou of n report that guuuurs
of the monitor Tdlltthniwen, engaged
In tnrKet linictlcii off Jiitllth sound
In lower UhuinM'nku Imy, nt mi SOU
pouiiil shell whining ovur the gov
ernment ynclit Dolphin by mbitnkii
wn received here today. Tho report
was verlfliMl by II member of tint
oc unto mill hoimo committees on
nnvnl uffnlm who wro uboanl tlm
Dolphin niul who p'turni'd to NVnuh
ItiKtoii thin uftxrnoou
Hniiremmtntlvo Wltliompoon of
MImImIiu'I kitlil the mUtnko win In
ixciiwildo Ho nbl the TalltthrniM-o
KtinniTM wore ponfuni'il by n whllo
not on the moketnck of tho gov-
(iriiincnl tUK Horeulrn which Ihey be-
llitvfi! wn thn old Katnhdln, the tar
get nmrk. The Dolphin wan lylnr.
directly behind thn Hercules.
Tho leaden mllle, Wlthempoon
Hiild, whlwed over tho Dolphin'
mokchtnek, nplnnhliiK tho wntr only
& fow fi-t nwy. Tho conctiMlon ho
did mntiliml every window In the
CHICAGO. April 50 Moro
troublu developed hero todny for
IMmuiid i:. C Von Klein, recently
arrvtted on complaint of MIks Klhel
Newcomli. who nttoKu that Klein In
duced her to marry him In Portland,
Ore., and then dliiapienrcd with
3500 worth of lior Jewelry. A ec
ond woman who Rnvo tho niimo of
Mra. C. A. Tuinplo of l.lttlo Hock,
Ark., 11U0 clalnu to huvu been duped
by Vou Klein.
Von Klein, who U at liberty on
bouilN, waa confronted hero lat nlttlil
hy Mra. Tenudo an ho waa lenvlui: a
cafo. Ho appeared condmod, but In
Minted that Mra, Templu waa mlntak
en In her man. Mm. Templo was
positive, however, nnertlnK that Von
Klein, under tho allan of Waver
Clnrk, dlMippeared from Milwaukee,
wlUi jewelry valued at $BG00 on the
duy net for their woddliiK-
Vou Kleln'a flsht to prevent ex
tradition to Portland to atand trial
on Mlsa Newcomb'a charges la atlll
pendliiK In CIiIciiko courta.
OAKI.ANM), Cut., Aptit 'JO. 1"
ripenKiiiK of tho rcmnrknhlu vision
wliieh nppeiired to twelve persons
over Uiu coffin of Hubert I.uvery
here, Hrothci I.eo, iiihtruutor of psy
chology at St. Mary'ii College, in mi
interview today, Haiti;
"We have ainplo evidence in liin
tory to bhow that Hiich tilings liavo
iioeurred. Tho nppeanini'o oC the
vision of Ihe IllecHed Virgin Mury is
Hoinelhlnp; outsldo of science, which
in reality dents with the natural.
The vision wan supenialural, and its
nppearauee nt tho Lavory home
would lend us to helievo that some
peculiar lileshliih' was boslowed; Hint
possibly Home mehsiigo was con
veyo.l i'roin tho Divine. It can he as.
Hummed up in tho word of Shakes
peare lu llmnlel when the pvinou sny
Thero mo mom thing in Heaven and
vuilli, Horatio, limn are dreamt of in
your philosophy.' " ,
A Bcloutlflo exnlaniitlon of tho ap
parition which nppoared nt tho Lav
ory homo waa glvon today by l)i.
Albert AluaniH. Dr. Abnuutt luia
recently conducted a wlou of won-
MiNH Nancy llHlimmi, dmiKlilcr of
the Amenean iinilmMinInr to (ler
mmiy. Ih reported to lime wedded
Hie jliike of Crov. twenty-four ycan
old, who Iiiih jiiHt i-ome into the
family estate in Wetlplialln. She
Iiiih been one of the belles of the
Amenriin polonies wherever diplo
mnlie inlMotiH have enrricd her
father over Kurope.
ommendation for tho urreit of
Charles G. (Hover, nrenldont of the
KlKK National bank here, for the
public slapping of CoiiKressman Slma
Ida need representative from Ten
neioirc, was made today by tho bous
subcommittee which wan namud to
InteNtlKOio tho Incident. Tho com
mltteo asks that (Hover be compelled
to appear before the house to answer
a charKO of contempt. He prolinhly
will appear after the tariff bill Is
AlleBlnc that Sims accused lilm of
profiting from the sale of park lands
to tho government, (Hover aionulted
Situs on a Washington stroet,
8AI.KM. Ore., April 2r,.ln a re
ply to a complaint tiled with tho
railroad commission by tho Postal
Telegraph company that thn Pacific
Telephone &. Telegraph company
way discriminating ngatiiHt the Pos
tal In favor ot mo western union
Telegraph company, J. Phillips,
commercial superintendent of the
tolephono company, today denies tho
allegation. Ho iisnerts that tbo tele
phono company never has been aaked
by tho Postal company to enter Its
nnmo In tho tolephono directory
without a number so that a person
could call for tho company by nnmo
Instead of by number.
dorful domotiHtratloiu hero In sup
port of hla claim that tho energy of
thought or physical action la vlalblo
and explains the l.avery caso In the
light of hta experiments.
'This caso Is not at all surprising
to nio," said Dr. Abrams. "It might
hnvo been puzxllug a year ago, before
1 nuido theso cxporlmonts. 1 i.iu con
vinced that tho luminous phenome
non seen lu thu I.nvury homo waa
nothing but tho aura or tho doceosod.
"It Iuib been demonstrated that
human beluga glvo forth u sort of
luminous veil or aura whon viewed
through certain colored glasses. That
this Is not an optical Illusion has
boon proven by tlto fact that nura
can bo aeen to extend under the
stresH of thought or notion,
"Wo don't know whom II to ends
and death begins ami I bellovo tho
aura or visible energy from l.avery'a
body waa soon lu tho room whllo ho
lay lu tho coffin. It happened that
all presont viro attuned to tho vl
brntloUH of thu aura nud therefore
were abio to see It. That It took
tho form they say It did wna prob
ably dun to their stato of mind. It
wua apperception, not perception,"
Several Thousand Acres Are Signed
Up Dy Committee of the Commer
cial Club Which Undertook Syste
matic Work a Week Ago.
No Section of the Valley Possible to
Irrigate Will be Lett Unreached
Much Work Next Week.
The first week of fcyolemntic work
by Commercial club committee, to -cure
eon tract covering n Inrgu
enough iinrcuge to unsure the con
st ruction of a high line ditch which
will place 65,000 acres of land in the
vnlley under Irrigation was gratify
ing to the men actively engaged in
the work- rjevcrul thousand acres
lire higncd up but the campaign will
be carried on without abatement
during the next week.
Several largo laud owners in the
valley have signed the contractu, or
have promised (o. The success uith
which tho undertaking lias met Iioh
highly encouraged the commit
mittep nnd it is now .believed that
the necessary 'acreage can bo he
cured. Tho new contract offered hy the
company which provides for 20 years
in which to pay for the water is meet
ing with much favor on the part of
Hip landowners who realize that an
easier contract will probably never
be offered.
J. C. Brown, Mcrvlnry of the com
inittrc has bis cnimign for the com
ing week outlined njid cars will be
Kent where they wil jlo tit most
good. The syslcrmttic enmpnign
which H being followed will leave no
section of the vnlley Msible to irri
gate unennvasscd. Husinrxs men
and automobiles are needed to carry
on the work.
I'KKIK, April 2rt.-Det.pito strong
opposition on the pnrt of the Kwo
Ming Tnng, tho Icadinc political par
ty in China, the $125,000,000 five
power loan is negotiated hy the gov
ernment todny.
The Kwo Mini: Tuni: declared that
'President Yuan would become an nb-
colule dictator if the loan were se
cured. Civil war may follow and the
president and cabinet are being close-
y guarded.
SACRAMENTO, Cat., April 20
Whilo all nnli-nlicn land legislation
w lielnp held in ubc.vnnec today, pend
ing the arrival of Secretary of State
William J. llryan early Monday dis
cussion of tho probnblo effect of his
visit on tho pending legislation is
overshndowiug nil other topics at the
Although it has been freely pre
dicted that llryan's visit is primarily
n diplomatic move, made with tho in
tention of assuring Japan tlmt her in
terests will ho looked after by the
federal government, them is n grow
in. ennviiitlon nutonc some of tho
legislative lenders that Hryn xuU
succeed in matenaity enangiug i
character of Ihe alien land hill that
is eventually to be enacted.
PANAMA. Anril 20. To take mov
ing pictures of the scenes below,
Hobert O. Fowler, the American avia
tor, is scheduled to cross tho isthmus
of Pnnnnm in his aeroplane today.
Fowler nindo two flights vov the
Vruinnm Qm for a Ukp purpose,
Will tho tiHo of water pny
ThiHfjIioukl bo it pervading qucHtlon in the mind of ovcry citizen in this Bcetion of
Oregon. Tenimlyze: The mean precipitation during the past twenty-four yours Tor
the nix montliH beginning with the firet day of April and ending with September is 0.G-1
inehes, ranging from the minimum of 2.71 inches in 1903 to a maximum of 10.42 inches in
J012. ' ft - 'w y
The retjniremenlH for a maximum crop yield during this season of six months,
granting a proper distribution, ranges from 10 to lo inehes according to variety of
products grown. The cereals, including wheat, oats and barley will do well with a pre
cipitation of 10 inches, while corn will do hotter with 12 and alfalfa with 15 inches. The
truck gardener will need his
Now lot us turn our attention to one of the most important factors in our future
i.. it . ...! .. - . f fffl. ...... .!.. . ... 4-rkl vinliltt f itll r- tat ttu ttin.
)rOSJ)0rHy IIIC pear ailU njipiU. IIIU prill ul-iu ,i tuiiiiiauini:n i;iiiy nua in no mti-
turitv will reach ijerfection, in ordinary soil, with a water supply of 10 inches, while ap
ples, after reaching the full bearing stage, will demand no less than 15 inches.
Proper distribution of our average rainfall cannot be
deficiency is greater than our mean of ;.G4 inches would indicate. The lact is seir evi
dent that in order to have a full yield, we must make up this deficiency, ranging fi'om
5 to 10 inches, from some artificial source, and tire only feasible means of obtaining this
is through the medium of a general system of irrigation.
Some lmve advanced the argument that certain soils do not requii'e more water, be
ing naturally supplied by sub-irrigation. This area is so limited we may pass it with
out further "notice. Where is your garden spot that does not demand an nlmost daily
supply? The feeding roots of the pear and apple trees rarely extend below twelve
inches, and your sub-irrigation would have to run slufllow indeed to be beueficiijl.
Another trite phrase is that in "sticky" you can make mud balls at any season of the
vcar. I would answer yes,-and at the same time your trees have stopped growing, your
fruit is of small size and immature through lack of moisture. Having used water on
various kinds of sticky 1 know this to be true.
Docs it pay to irrigate? One acre irrigated is worth three without it. This will
be verified bv the dividends of the future.
E. 13. PICKEL.
$30,000 TO HUSH
XEV YORK. April 20. With his
liiw haslieJJjv threats of.denth.HiHin
his release, nnd by n $.10,066 'fyiush
fund," snid to have been raised by
the gambling "(.ysteui," Policeman
Thomas K. Robinson is today sen
tenced to serve from six .to ten years
in Sine Sing, following his conviction
for extortion. It was the first con
viction for actual grnftiu;; in the po
lice department since the murder of
Herman Rosenthal, tbo gambler, by
a band of gunmen.
UON'OXGAHEIjA, I'ii., April 26,
Five more bodies were recovered
from the Cincinnati inino at Kiulny
ville today, nnd two miners, Charles
Cruwl and Philip Legner eutoraobed
since Wednesday's explosion, were
rescued alive. The known dead now
total 03, with forty bodies unidenti
fied. Legner and Crawl had .subsisted on
two slices of brend for three days.
They refused to permit tho rescuers
to assist them to thu outside, urging
them to penetrate deeper into the in
ner workings, where they snid that
moro men probably would be found
WASHINGTON, April 2C Strong
pleas for "votes for women" wor
mado boforo the senato Buftrago
committee hero today by Mrs.' Will
iam Kent, wlfq ot tho California con
gressman, and other prominent wom
en, "Presldont Wilson, In a book on
now freedom, said: 'I dou't euro
how wlso und patriotic trustees may
be, I never hoard ot any grottp of
jnen In whoso hands I am willing to
lodgo tho liberties ot America In
trust. If any part of tho people want
guardians put ovor them and want
to bo taken caro of, and want to be
children patronized by tho govern
ment, I am sorry, because It will 'sap
tho manhood of America.' President
Wilson may not havo been thinking
of women whon ho wrote, but bo
ninkea an unanswerable plea for our
deslro to participate In government
Mrs. Itobert M. La Kollette, wife
of tho senator from Wisconsin, was
the next speaker,
Dr. Pickel Analyzes Irrigation
in the Hogw river vnlley?
15 inches and small fruits may
WASHINGTON', April 20. Worn his labor iu. connection with
tbo democratic tariff bill the unti
alien laud Jaws now (tending in the
California state regishttnre and other
matters of btote, President Woodrow
Wilson decided to take n rest. Ac
companied by his daughter, Miss
Klennor, and Surgeon Grayson, the
president boarded tho government
ynclit Sylph nnd started for a cruise
down the Potomac river and into
Chrsaeako Hay. ,
The president intends to remain
aboard the Sylph until tomorrow
night nnd till work will be forgotten.
Secretary Tumulty is witching the
situation in Washington and if ueeess
sity arises will be able to reach the
Sylph by wireless. It is not known
how far the president's trip will ex
tend. TO
WASHINGTON, April 20. It was
stated at tho white house today that
Joseph Davies of Wisconsin had ac
cepted the commWsioncrship of cor
porations and that President Wilson
probably would send his nomination
to the scmile Monday.
"Tho reil Issue oT tho struggle for
equal suffrage" said Mrs. La Fol
lotte, "Is not whether women are de
manding tho right to vote but wheth
er it Is In the Interest ot tho home,
society nud tho government for tho
peoplo as a wholo to partlclpato In
making laws.
"If prices of tho great staples aro
ftxod by monopoly nnd If tho tariff
affects tho cost ot children's food and
clothes, tho ouly rational way to
right tho wrong la through national
"Women spend 90 per cent ot tho
tou billions of dollurs paid annual!;
lu America for food, clothing and
shelter. Why shouldn't they vote?
You know how Abraham Lincoln do
fended tho government nt Gettys
burg and aren't women people?"
Among tho others sneaking f'J'
equal suffrago wero Senator Shaf
froth, Congressman llryan, Mrs.
Sutherland, wife ot Senator Suther
land, and Mrs. Anna Shaw and Mrs.
Helen Gardner,
he placed in the same class.
expected, consequently our
WASHINGTON, April 26. Tho tn
.terstate commerce eommluton. as
jounced today tluf"irEad about
completed the personnel ef tlto beard
of engineers who" will -place a phys
ical valuation on all railroads.' Tho
board la scheduled to meet here May
1 to outline Us 'plans.
Tentative, values, fixed by the
board, will be submitted to the rail
roads, the department ot Justlco and
tho governors of states wK.Teln the
properties are located. It no protest
Is (lied within 30 days the value be
comes final. Where protests nru
filed the Intcrstato commerce com
mission will make public Investiga
tions. Uestdes the board of englcrs tho
interstate commerce commission Is to
solect a board of three to decldo
questions urlslni; as the Investigation
Tho financial and economic
phases of the railroads also will be
considered. The Interstate commerco
commission Is acting undor a law
signed by former President Taft.
WASAIHNISTON, April 20. Thir-ty-three
million, Jive hundred thous
and was Hie amount on deposit in
postal savings banks throughout tho
country nt the close of business
March 31, neording to a post office
department report which is filed hero
toduy. San Francisco ranks seventh
and Los Angeles twelfth in tho list
covering the total deposits of thu dif
ferent cities.
IIOSTON, April 20. Tq pay n visit
to Pope Pitt nnd to examine tho
work being dono on his titular
church, Sun Clcmeute, Cardinal
O'Couuoll sailed today for Aome, vitv
Naples. Cardiuul 0'onnc will par
ticipate in the celebration in Home
marking the sixteen hundredth mini
vorsury of the edict of Kmperor Con
stantino which declared Home i
Christian empire,