Cis miuitkort) maiti TinnuNrc, otwtkokd, oiwion. iwiday, april 2r, win. 11 - i , ' i ' to J i 9 i : h r V fe: JOSEPHINE GRAND COMPLETES WOK ADJOURNS I'niKcculliiK Allornny H, W. Kolly nitnrmd Tliiirmliiy itrirnooii from u busy weok mmiiI nt (Irutit I'mw wllh Hid Kniiul Jury itml pionncutliiK m forti lint iilrriilt court. Ho repot in (lint tlio k rim it Jury rottinitiil In nil Id triio IiIIIh iiml flvo not true bills. 'Mill (WO lllHt lllllll'tllH'lllH II ro IlKllllINt imrtliH for Iho oIiIiiIiiIiik of money uiuler fiiUn priitoiisv, hut iim Hid pur lieu hnvn not yet boon apprehended, llin iiiiiiii'h itro nut kIvcii to tlio pule J 15, True IiIIIh wont found nKitlimt live rntt Horiio or ICiiili)' on two count, out) of HellliiK ll'inor without n 1 1. t-eiifo, mid another for itlvlin; Ihiuor to n minor. Hliimn Hlinw of (Inllce whm iiUo linllcled for mi'IIIiik ll'inor without n llteime. Not trim IiIIIh worn returned In Hut lninlliiiiHou of Hut eliuri;e mmlnHt Jiiiiimh MhiIIkoh, IiouiiiI over from the JuMlio com I on n coiuplnlnt iiIIckIiik lewd mid Inoelv louti conduct, nml In the rimo of A. Wood, who It wArt ulleftcd Iiml oti tnliii-d it Ikimu nml bue&y nt Murk Imlter'n livery sliililo, mid hud then fulled to return It. (I. A. Iliildwlii, Indlrled on n elwirco of nmmiilt with n ilniigoruiik wvioii, linn entered n pica of not Utility nml Hm trhil or the en no linn been poMpoiiod nil Hm next Jury term, Tim ImiihIk urn (ilnrml nt I .TOO. Ilnrry llnutn, muter Indlrttnent for mmniilt with Intent to commit rjpe, uIko elitereil !i plea of not Kiillty, mid Mill ho tried nt Hie next Jury term. It. M. Iltunphrey, Indicted for thn ImrKlnry of .tlio lioux-ilrml cnMn of MIm 1Iio, (Ittyllii In Hm Kerhy rnuif try, niliiiltteifiltit clmrRo, lint JuiIko Calkin liui npiwilnted Attorney Kred Williams- to luvrtiHitnte tlio roiulu Hmi mirrnuuitliiK the ciiho for 4ii luveHt;ntlon Into It Ih ineiitnl condi tion ntther Hum for couflnenienl In n pennl luntltutlon. ACCUSE HOLY ROLLERS I.OS ANOKI.KK, fill , April M. AIIcrIiik Hint cruelty lo children is irneti I Ity thn "Holy UpIIith" who ore liuMiiij n eonveiilinii here, Se einl lluiniiue OfHeeri). V, Mi'I.hukIi liu Iiiik linked today that thn mic tleeH of the Heel hit intvoliptli'il h the Krituil jury. The alleged oiuellieH, ho ilcelarctl, eouihled partly of compelling hiiiall chihlrcii In Mluuil with oplil'ted utniK "trailing fur tho Mtver." Often hit Hitiil, thu little oiiod cullnpHcd front oxIuuiHtiuii, which wits a mi;ii that the cplrit had descended nml was (ho hiiial for tiotoim llmiikHKiving. Many children, .McUiuiihliii Hitiil, attended the uicchnpi without their pnreiitK. Ho further Mated that a "juvenile tent" is muliilitiueil at tho coin eiition encampment. CLAIMS CHAMPIONSHIP "I urn HtirprlNoil Hint nit ckk only Kx7 lucheH would nltnicl attention In our columiiM," Muted D.ivld H. Hpeern, who resldt'S near Central l'olnt, today, iih ho ankcil for thu ckk editor. "That U only n hiuiiII oiio compared with onu laid In January by a Houdnn bun In my yard. I have mi kk ut homo which measures 8,i by 7H. which Ih ii real tdied okk whoii you Im'kIii to think about It.' Ah Mr. Hpeern did not InliiK IiIh ckk In for nxhllilllon, thn okk editor cannot vouch for tho ntory, Ho wiih nuked to hrliiK It In mid leave. It. TIiIh ho mild ho would do, Now who can beat It? CARL GRAY PREDICTS 1013 A BANNER YEAR POIITIyVNI), April 'J.-i.-Thut Iho fitcul your cmliu Jituo !I0, next will ho tlut IichI in tho hixtnry of tlio1 road wiih llm Miitcmciit tmlay of Call It, (hay, prottiilent of tho Oioat Nnrthorn who jh !u l'oi'llanil today on a tour of iuHpeetiou. Accoriliu to Oruy, each moiilh sinco IuhI July Iiiih hhnwcil Rtt'iilly iiivruiihutl jross cam Imrh with proportionutu iuoroiiKo of nel enrnlnH. 4,If tho wealhor iloos not intotfero with Iho pnwimt bright outlook for u good orop wo will do art well in 11)111 iih wo did In 10TJ." wild President dray. "HoMor thnn tlmt wo cannot cxm(it, for tho orop record lust year vim I'onTnjkuhlu," TARIFF CATECHISM BY PROTECTIONIST READ HOS E WAHIIINOTON, April 2ft - Dm Iiik Ii Ik Hpeech ou Hm Uuilerwuod tar iff hill In tho Iioiihu toduy, Itepre muitntlvo Monro of I'ciiiiHylvnnlti tint over a "tariff nitnohliim." I In hud Hm clerk of Hut houim rend tiuenltoiitt tniclnit tho hlHtory of tariff IckIhIu Jlon, Monro fiinilnhliiK Hm iiiiHwcrH. "Why watt Hm I'nyno hill iiimnil7" nuked tint clerk, "IIocmiihk the ilemocratH conllnii'tU ly inlHieiireiented tho tariff (locu tion," Mooro luiHwercd, "Did It rovlHu tho tariff down ward?" "It did, mid ciualUcd ninny ilu- HdH." "If Hm peoplo enjoyed wonderful prnKi'CHH under Hm I'nyno law why did they complain?" "They Untuned to iiinhltloim poll tlelnun, coiiHcloncelertt URltntorn JonrnaH with uxcit to nrlnd. iniica. xlun cxHuylulH who found It mum profitable to wrllo fiction than to work, theoretical coIIcko profonorM. non-prodiiccra and a few nlurcro re forumrtt who were uilnlnfonund mid mlnled." "Wlmt Ih Hm Underwood blllT" "A bill Introduced by llepreneutn live Oecar Underwood, tho exponent In tho lintine of 1'renldont Woodrow Wlhton'M theorlcH." BASEBALL TRUST IS TNG DECLARES NAVIN SODA WATER BET CASE IS DISMISSED JuiIko Kelly, who linn returned from OrnntH I'um, HtntcM that thu cimo nKalnnt 1;. (lardner. who wan convicted In Hm jtivuiillo court ou a chnrp) of contrlbutlnc to tho delln- ipiency of n minor, wan (IIhuiUkciI, tho proitecutlui; wIIiichu, Wlllnrd Crawford, hnvlni: dUappoarcd. Thin cno wiu Hm otitcomo of Iho protccti Hon for KnmbllitK (nut winter, (lard nor hmliiK been n dotectlvn under tlio omploy of Hm city, nml IiIh con viction wiih liimed ou Iho evblclico of Crnwford, a minor, that ho hud boon Influenced to iniiko a but of a drink of noiU wntcr over tho outcumo of a khuio of bllllnrdn. (lardner wnn fined $:no, and nppenled to thn cir cuit court. Tho (llmuUiiul of Hm mint on the dlHappeiirnuro of Iho CKHeutlnl wltucHi will relcace (lardner from Iho payment of Hm fine lnipoed by JuiIko Jewell. E TO UOlSi:, Idaho, April L'5. Tho din ouchiou itrnUhcd by tho pending auli ulieu laud laiirt before tho California lOKifhttnro Iiiih today eniphairod tho foot that tho icceiit legislature re pealed ul laws prohihiliiiK tho own ohii liy alieiiH ttf IiiihIh in Idaho, so that Chiuoho and Jupnucpo may hold nil tho land thoy can purehanu in tho hlitte. The Jiiwh worn repealed on Iho roe tiuuuouduliitii of tho Kttiornor mi Hie ground that they deterred Kiiropeau oapitaliKlH from iuvoKlin in the ntate. Tho ropoaU hi'cuiuo effoelivo May 1. WEED LOOKOUT IS PURCHASED BY YOCKEY I. K. Vnehey, foimeily wiih Iho Ahhhiud Tid'uiK'i and later with tho Ahhlnnd Itceurd, Iiiih lioulil Iho Wood Lookout and left thin wool; lo take pohsomion. Ho in Hiieoccdcd with Iho Iteconl hv Mr. SwaiuMtii of Medford. Mr. Yookoy i u hrolhcr of Helen Yookoy, ouhhior of Iho Med ford Mail Tribune. FRECKLES Don't llhlo Them With a Veil; Ito- iiioio Them Wit It tho Olhtito 1'ivscrlpttoii. TIiIb, prcHerliitloii for tho roiuovnl of froekloH wub written by a promN nont phyulctmi and ni iiBiinlly ho sue coHuful In rmuovluK frccklcn and kIv ln a clear, beautiful coniploxlou Hint It Ih Hold by your dniKKlut undor an almoluto'miarauluo to refund your mouoy If It falla. Don't hldo your freckles undor a volt; net mi ouuco of othlno and ro movo thum. Kvou thu flmt few ap pllcnlloim Hhould hIiow a woudorfn liuprovumont, boiuo of tho llchtor freckles vanUhlitK ontlruly. llo hiiio to link tho drtiKKitit for tho doublo HtroiiKth othlno; It U tlila that Ih Hold on (he uionoy-hnck Kunrnutoo. DKTIIOIT, Mich., April :M. -I'rmik Kuvln, prcHidcnt of Hm Delroit TierH o Hm Americnii J.enpio, rcpirdinj,' Hm proposed i'oiiL'ii'Htioiia IuvomII- KUtion of Iho MO-onllud hiiHehull triihl Mpnko iih foltewH: "A real liuoHlbiilloii and Ipmh con. t in mil limping upon u threatened in ii'Hlialioii Hint iIooh not n beyond III renin, would ho the hcxi Ihiuj; that could luippeii lo hatii'lmll. Tho own elx of hiiHohiill leaniH invito it. "lliihchnll 1m controlled hy a IruM. That Ih admitlcd. Hut it Ih n bene fiitiul IrtiNt. Tho preHciit oi,'aiiira tiou of haHihall in uceoHHiiry for Hh o.xionco. Ko far iih Iho renprve idaiiNo Ih eoucmiied, huhvhall would din without it. Thin elaiiHU is that pint of a player' contract kiwiik a club tho Hjijht o riwcrvv hin wcrv icon for the coming year, lie Jh puiil for Hiuing that eoulriiel and it is lepil. If there were no hiicIi cIiiiiso vitiiiM liko Now York, C'litciifii and I'hiludelphia would el all the hlurs mid citioH like Detroit et none. And iih a result there would ho no real contests. REV. ELDRIDGE GIVES NELLIE HART'S ASSAILANT IDENTIFIED AS JACK HALL HKATTI.i:, Wh., April 2.'.. Ac- cotdiut; In information in Iho hands of tho polieo hero toduy the mini who shot Nellie Hart mid then killed him self while in her room, in Jack Mall, .'III, a hhiuclc weaver. Hall wiih oiio of tho men who went ou Mnko at Italian! Ihree weeks ajjo and he is said to have (.pent his time wince woo nig Miss Hurt, whom ho hhot when she finally refused to marry Iikji. Tho woman will recover. i r On WviluoMilny evening of thin week Itov. K. 0. IChlrlilKu delivered IiIh lecture ou "Comfort to UkIVcTT plo"'to a InrKo ntid nppreclatlvo nudl nnci). He Hpnko for one hour, hold Iiik tho attention of IiIh lienrcrn per fectly. Ho creeled bin audience with Hm name brlKht, Kcnlnl mnllo with which ho mcoU every one. Ills lec tin o wiih full of wit and humor, of ten cnutdiiK n bumt of laughter. It wn a I no full of good practical HioiikIiI. Itov. Kldrldtm la n man of marked ability and wide experience, and nil Hioko who lUtcued to him felt Hint they had enjoyed nu eve iiIiik of profit n well iih entertain- NOBODY CAN TELL IF YOU DARKEN GRAY, FADED HAIR WITH SAGE TEA DrilKUlsl Hays When .Mixed With Kill- phur I'rrtriiU Dntiilniff ami 1'allliiK Ilulr. Common Knrden huro browed Into a heavy ten with itulphtir and alcohol added, then left to age and cnrnfully filtered will turn grny, utrenked nnd faded hair beautifully dark and luxu riant; remove every bit of dandruff, ntop xcnlp Itchlnrc. and fnlllnR. hnlr JtiHt a few nppllcntloim will prove n revelation If your hnlr In fading, Krny or dry, icrnKKly and thin. Mlx Iiir the Khko Tea nnd Hulphur recipe at home, thoiiKh, l troublesome. An emler way U to cot the rendy-to-uio menl. Thono who etnyed nwny iiiUhciI i tonic, comlnB about CO cent a largo n rnro treat. j bottle, ut dru Btore, known aa "WyctirH Hago nnd Sulphur Hair Itcmedy," thus avoiding a lot of WBitfemom FljShovPoIishes riNCST QUAUTV intiBS. Home driiKgletn mnko their own, hut It Un't nearly to nice ar "Wyolh'B." While wliipy, gray, faded haJr U not ntnful, wc all dctilro to retnln our youthful appearance and attractive nciB. I)y dnrkcnlnR your hair with Wycth'n Boro and Sulphur no ont can tell, bccmiBO It docs It no natur ally; no evenly. You just dampen a sponge or soft brush and draw It through your hair, taking ono small strand at a Hmo. Do this tonight and by morning nil gray hairs hot, disappeared, after another applica tion or two It will bo restored to Its nntural color and he oven more glos sy, soft nnd luxuriant than ever. Iocal druggists nay they aro sell ing lots of "Wyeth's Sago and Hul phur"; It surely helps folks appeal years younger. LARCCST VARIETY "CUT tDCt" lU onlld:'boitrt!iir Itutt IvMiutrl tonUlnt Oil. Pluki '"! I' !!' il chlkloi'. Iiooli ftBitln, ilil mIUinI rk blnf.HC TSWlHClOSS-io. "D4Df"cmWrUi lot t!nln nitjwltilnit t!lk tKltiifrnwHufUii b.,tS 37Arrttr.t''c "Ot'lCK W HITT (In miMforta with ipotir .aulrk. rrliiiDl HhltfBllnf ri,ib(K.. IPC A lie. "AlBO" CUAKJ ifWmrUtoiivai hrt. Id rnuiid blt ukn pcknlln (Idc-iId Uur. l h I'Mif. Ific Inliu(lomr,1iriilumloum toic, HhXflE,tV. . , . 'tint" comWfittloo for cfnucm'n who Uk i.ft.lflnUlDtl.lrloook At. ItMtnrrt color udlotrto2l blifk hor. I-oil.h i hbtaib or clotb, t tnU. "Bt IUJV tlM, 10 cnU. -rJNaSkSf&t JHHM v K aUijHisiiiiiiiisiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliilllki ir rnf tiw dot f r ,K k,n ywi t wtid it Ik. Mm In .tp fur f ll l" ivkm, rhuxTf J4. WHITTCMOKK BROS. CON ZO'ZQ Albany Blraal, Cambridsa, Maaa Thi OUfilanJ tJtttr.l M.fa.lm)tt$r SJiiU V(l l Ikl It'cU. Mother should he photograph!, but Mother thlnkn only of tho tjhli dren when itho thinks of photegrnplMi, Perhaps sho'll need perstindlng perhaps will cnll It vanity, hut her pictures will prove sho Is still n beauty will ho In greater demand thnn thono quaint pictures of younger dnys. Mnke nn appointment for Iter. '- H. C. MACKEY Knut Main ami Central Mml font. Ore. LIGHT Only 3300 lbs. POWERFUL 24 II. P. INEXPENSIVE $1200 Sec this "Denning" tractor nt work on my Aloha Pnnch, JEnglc Point road. Phone Mfgd. by Denning Motor Imp. G7-J-2. Co., Cedar Rnpids, Iowa. CHAS. TSCHIRGI r4J A. r ? ? ? ? t Y ? ? ? ? r ? ? t ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? t ? ? ? r ? ? ? y t f f r t r r r t t t r f r ? ? ? T t t ? ? Money Saving Sale Saturday AT CORSET SALE " Warner V Coracia filled with I wo pair of hose sup port el's, 7fe grade, Saturday a pair 48 MANN'S GLOVES "Kayser's" 1G Button Chamois Gloves, in white, chamois and grey, 75c grade Saturday, a pair 486 CENTRAL AVE. NEAR P. 0. Clean-Up Sale of Coats. Suits and Dresses Saturday we will Sell everything in Spring Coats and Suits at the Sensational Reduction of One-Third Off BULGARIAN COLLARS 39c The latest lad on sale Sat urday. each 25c SCRIM 19 new fancy Scrims JK- wide, 2.)c. grade -fld Some inches Saturday, a yard THE "DESIGNER" 1 YEAR Saturday we will lake subscrip tions for this famous Fashion Magazine. Regular prico OA, 75c, Saturday, a year only. vi NEW RUFFLING Some new styles in Bul garian effects, a yard DRESS GINGHAMS 75c .A t T T t t t t f t t t t X J f .5. 1000 yards fino grado Zophyr y VIIIIIUIIII, gUUU 4IO illUOIa HA I2c grades, a yard v Saturday is Notion Day- Colgate's Tal- c u in Powder can 10(5 (lood J lair Nets each 4$ Clark's 0. N. M Spool Cot ton 7 for....35S 0 o o d P e a r 1 Buttons a doz on 5 Best Darning Cotton 2 CI o o d W a s h K' i b b o n, a bolt 105 Saturday Sale of Hosiery Women's Black Hose a pair 9 Women's Lisle 3 loso a pair 15 Children's Bibbed lloso a pair 95 Women's Laco lloso, a pair 25 Women's Silk Hose, a pair 25 Boy's Ilea vy II o s o, p o r pair 12i Opening Sale of Parasols 20 Off Saturday wo will sell our entire line of now Parasols at Halycon Petticoats 50 of theso splendid Pottieoats, wear longer than two of silk, at each $1.69 Summer Underwear Sale Women's Sleeveless Vests, each 8c Women's Union Suits each 25c Women's Umbrella Pants, a pair 25c Saturday Sale of Domestics Best quality Oil Cloth a yd. 18c Good India Linon, a yard 10c 72x90 Bleached Sheets, each 39c Children's Knit Waists all sizes on salo 4 (lip Saturday, cach.....i2v Women's Gingham Pot- tioiits. on snlo ! Saturday, each A lino of 20o fancy hand kerchiefs, on salo -I (1 Saturday 12 50 pieces fino Wide Rib bon, on salo Sat- Ja urday, a yard ...-i-vi 1 4 t t f T T T t t t t t T T t t t f f Clark S Wright LAWYERS WASHINGTON, D. O. Public Land Matters: Final Proof. Desert Lands, Contest and Mlulnj Cases. Bcrlp. A BARGAIN Will sell my equity in tho Pierce property, corner of Main and Roosevelt, at a bar gain. Can give immediate possession. I. D. PHIPPS t4t0t0ttttttttt N. L. Townsend PAINTKIl AND DECOIXATOIl Havo Your Palntlnc, Tlntlns; and Paper Hanging; Done by a Practlral Mechanic Prices Right. Satisfac tion Guaranteed. Phono 420-TX 710 Ilennctt Are. E. D.Weston Official Photographer of the Medford Commercial Club 'Amateur Finishing Post Cards Panoramic Work Portraits Interior and exterior views Plash lights Nogatives made any tinio and any place by appointment. 208 E. Main Phone 1471 ft aaTaTjMlV. Boys, Be Fair to Yourselves Play with the Cork Center ball. It means many a hit that would be lost if you used the old style rubber core. Insist upon playing with the Cork Center the kind the big leaguers use all the year and in the world eeries. Don't ba pamadnl to taVa Ull that It oiTtml at "tvA anough tar bojra." You axa juat at Important In yourMhoolor town aa tha Glaata ara In Naw York, ami thtr DM tha gpaMlnr Offlelat National Iaua Cork CanUr Ball aitlualvaly. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 1S6 Geary St, San FrancUco pafora writln to ua, atk your local daalr for a caukwua. Bet located and most po pular hotel in the City. Running diiulled ice water in each room. European Plan, a la Carte Cafe. Tariff on Room 12 rooms 60 room . SO room 60 rooms wA ari'aU lata SO room with imala tW 11.00 each 1.60 each 2.00 each 2.00 each ZSOMGh AO anltaa. badroaaa. Bar lor and balk 3.00 ah For mora than on tueat aaM $1.09 extra to tho abov rata for each additional gueaU Reduction by waalc or moath. Managtnunt CAlr W, KHty, F.G.ANDREWS , Leseoo of Grill ond Dlnlag Room. m v., -