t 1 I l PAGE TWO. MRDFOKI) MAUiTRlRUNTJ, M10DFOK1), OHIWON. FRIDAY, APRIFiSn. 10ia. ',1 t IOCAL AND L PERSONAL Frank Klllott, ono ot the proprln ton ot ttio Pnhtorlum, was opcrntcri upon at Sacred Heart lionpttnl Thurs tiny for appendicitis. Ho wns stricken Wednesday nrtcrnoon whllo nt work nnd tho cno noon lickmo so iicrlaiia that It was nocossary to tnko htm to the lioRpltnl. Mr. EllloU milled well from )ho operation nnd Id expected to make it rapid recovery. h. iV. Pnrdy of Knglo Tolnt district was among thn horticulturists In Medrord Thursday, P "yhnt, happened to Mary. It theater tonlRht. Arthur Qcnry of Portland, promt- "nont In University of Oregon circles, m nt the Geary orchard la Griffin creek district this week. Mrs. W. r. Kills of Ashland was In Med font Thursday visiting friends. For sale, fine family driving or riding horse, buggy nnd harness This Is n good buy nt $200. If In terested wrlto Lothrop Perkins, 1! Hobs Court. Mcdford. " W. C. Murphy, who hns been In Cnllfornln for several' weeks, ro turned Thursday. Miss Ruth Andrews left for her homo at Kenton, Ohio, one evening this week, nfter n visit of several month In Mcdford ns the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Andrews. Orchard, hunting, fishing and Crater Lake tcencs for sale at Gcr klng & Harmon's studio. Negatives mado any place, kodak finishing. 12S East Main street. Phone 215 R. "What happened to Mary. It theater tonight. Mrs. Frank Cochran ot Central Point was In Med ford Thursday, vis iting Mrs. Churlos Duffleld and Mrs. F. M. Lnnw George II Uurham of Grants Pass, tho attorney, mndo Mcdford n pro fessional visit Thursday. It you want your lawn mower sharpened or repaired phone 360-J. 3G D. II. Miller ot Gold Hill was among the many who transacted bus iness In Mcdford Friday. Mrs. C. C. Beekman and Miss Car rie Beckman ot Jacksonville shopped in Mcdford Friday afternoon. What happened to' Mary. It theater tonight. Sampson McConncll. who Is filling the position ot conductor on the Southern Pacific, passed through , .Mcdford during the week. Ills father was foreman of tho Bybee ranch near Jacksonville when it was one of the largest In southern Oregon. A. W. Shearer Is down from Steamboat district, where ho is man aging an cxtenslvo placer mine. GerKing & Harmon, studio por traits, homo portraits, flash lights, kodak finishing, post card work and enlarging.; 128 East Main stroetf telephone 215 It. W. C. Sparks, who has been nt his ranch In Thompson creek district, loft Thursday for Raymond, Wash., whero ho Is connected with an elec tric light plant. ' J. llazolwpod ot Wlraor precinct was' among 'those who camo to Mcd ford Thursday. Special Table d'Hote dinner at Holland hotel every evening 40c. 34 W. E. Goodo arrived from Macdoej, Col., Thursday on a business visit to his former home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ulrica of Jack sonville motored to Medford Thurs day afternoon. Insure and. be sure. Right If we write It. R, A. Holmes, Thn Insur ance Man. Mr., and Mrs. V. O. Martin and their family and Mr, and Mrs. Y. H. Johnson ot Wampum, Mich., are late arrivals In Mcdford. They may lo cate in tho valley. J. 13. Darkdull, who has been spottdlug several weeks In California, returned Wednesday evening. E. D. Weston, commercial photog rapher, negatives made any time or place by appointment. Phone M. 1471. C. E. GUlis, an attorney ot Yreku, Cal., Is making Medford a profes sional visit. George Dick mado a business trip to Ashland Thursday. .Vapor baths and scientific mas sago for men find women. Dr. R. J. Lockwood, chiropractor, 203 Gar-nott-Corey bldg. Phone 145. If. W. Whltly of Fostorln, Ohio, who owiih one of the fvo-aeie tracts ot pears In Roguolnnds, arrived dur lngtho week to inspect his property, which ho had never neon. lie Is well pleased with his purchase and was surprised (o find so fine a valley and city,' Medford Orchestral club concert Friday, S p. m., high school, 29 Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS IABY AMISTAirr Day Phono 27 NlKlit V. W. Week ID.t-J.JJ IMiuiiivi A. E. Orr 07-M Judgo Ton Velio wont to Eagle Point Thursday afternoon mi official business, lie was accompanied by William fieri, malinger of thn Pa cific ft Eastern railroad. John Wilson, formerly In charge of tho county Jail nt Jacksonville, has becomo connected with that Institu tion ngnlu. Money to loan on real estate. See Carkln & Taylor, attorneys nt law. Mcdford. Gcorgo A. lints Sr., architect nnd civil engineer, was at tho county seat Thursday afternoon. ' Jay Terrlll ot Talent, deputy coun ty assessor, was In Mcdford Thurs day, en route to Jacksonville. Messrs. Kberhnrd, llussey nnd Monlorff motored to Jacksonville Thursday afternoon. S. E. Dunnlngton of Jacksonville. who has been seriously 111 with pneu monln, Is convalescing. E. C. llogsott and A. Too are In Jacksonville often nowadays. Sacrificing contents fine furnished house. Don't miss this for real bar gains. 1117 W. 9th st. 30 J. W. Smylte has his now home at S30 Dennett avenue. In East Med ford, nearly completed. With tho completion of this the main part ot his residence ho will have n fine home of eight rooms, nnd as pleas antly located ns arc any ot the cast sldo homes. Mr. Smylle Is himself a carpenter and Is doing all the wood work on tho dwelling. C. H. Hclmroth ot Griffin creek district was a business visitor In Medford Thursday. William Ulrlch, trustee lu bank ruptcy for J. E. Painter and D. I KeUer, will offer for sale nt public auction Saturday at 1 o'clock p. m., aad'la the evening also, all Jewelry and millinery belonging to said bank rupts. Be sure and attend and se cure bargains. A. S, Hoseubaum, who Is enjoying a vacation, is In Portland at present. A. T. McKcnzto ot Albany Is a Into arrival In Medford. Mr, and Mrs. Clarcnco Reamcs, who havo been In Portland during the past week, aro at homo again. William Hulcn, tho vetoran base ball expert, who is now manager of the Regina team of tho Western Can ada league, has his training quarters at Albany, in this state. It. C. Bur gess, tho Medford pitcher, has Joined tho camp, but so late that it Is doubt ful It ho will displace any of tho present players. Mrs. M. Reevo of Jacksonville was among Medford friends Thursday. Frank Walto and Fred J. Blakoly, who arrived from Portland Wednes day, on business connected with Roguo River valley's prospective In- teruruan railway system, left for homo Thursday evening. v. A. Burr of Roscburg, J. A. Kemp of Grants Pais and E. J. Hall of Salem aro lato arrivals In Med ford. J. C. Smith, county commissioner, who has been at Jacksonville on ot flciat business, returned to Roguo River Thursday. S. E. Herlng of Portland, manager of Armour's refrigerating car system in Oregon, spent Thursday in Mcd ford. II. B. Nye ot Rock Point district transacted business in Medford Thursday. T. K. Mulhern and R. O. Williams or Sacramento aro lato arrivals in Medford. II. K. Hanna was over from Jack, sonvlllo Thursday on professional 'business. W. V. Barnum and a party from Phoenix motored to Medford Thurs day afternoon. J. S. Harnett nnd Thomas D. Ross wero among tho rwldents of Central Point district who came to Medford Friday. What happened to Mary. It thoatc tonight. ' What happened to Mary. It theater tonight. Porter J. Neff has tendered his resignation as a director of tho North Paclflo Fruit Distributors owing to the fact that tho Rogue River Frnlt & Produce association declined at this time to Join the organization which was recently formed. At Saturday's market look at stall No. 14 for extra fancy Jonathan apples, 29 William Ulrlch, trusteo In bank ruptcy for J. E. Painter nnd D. L Keller, will offer for sale nt public auction Saturday at 1 o'clock p. in., and lu tho evening also, all Jewelry and millinery belonging to said bank rupts. Be suro and attend und so euro bargains. Frank Cotterlll, who for some years has conducted a plumbing cs tabJlBhment hero, loft for Riddle Fri day to coraploto a contract ho has thero. Ho expects to go from thero to Seattle, his former homo, whero his brother Is mayor. Mrs. Cotterill has been In Scnttlo for tho past month. 18 0 OPERATORS STRIKERS SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl , April 25. Eighteen wlroloss operators, re cruited from the steamers Aztcr, Bear, Beaver, Parnlso, Multnomah, Kl Scgumln, Itnnnlol nnd Pleiades aro added today to tho forces of tho operators on strlko ngatnst tho Mar coni company all along the cont. Two of thu recruits to tho strikers war were gnlned here only after n sharp battlo of wits between Inter national President Konouknmp of the telegraphers' union nnd Superin tendent Irwin of the Marconi com pany nt tho gangplank of thn steamer Multnomah. Just beforo tho boat wu due to sail for Portland yester day afternoon Konenknmp Induced Operators Nlelson nnd Peters to quit. Irwin hustled up two strikebreaking operators to replaco them, and arte, a spirited clash with pickets the re liefs wero hurried aboard and the ship sailed three hour late. Konenknmp said teday: "The men nre well satisfied with the progress of tho strike. They did not expect any boats to bo tied up before next week nnd they feel oncotirnged nt the delaying of the Multnomah. We will be lu excellent shape Monday for a long fight.'' Koneukump Is Informed that the strike Is progressing well at Seattle. BLOW SAFE INHEART OF TREAT IN STORE 0 FRISO IS SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.. April 25. By blowing tho safe in tho Hoff man cafe. In the heart of tho busi ness district, with nitroglycerine and then making an exit In record time, cracksmen secured J 030 early today without being seen by a single per son, so far as known. The whole Interior of tho cafe was wrecked. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., April 2ft. One ot tho most unlquo outduor entertainments ever planned will ho staged on tho ocean bench here Sun day afternoon when tho Indoor Yacht club, lu an attempt to survu a double purpose, ,lves tho greatest free show In Snn Francisco's hlstoi The mnln purpose ot thn ynchtlats sailors Is to show the natural ndvnu tnges of the city's great natural play grounds on thu shore of tho Paritie ocean, but tho more nppenllng pin poco Is to glvo the poor "kiddles" of the City a regular tliuo without a penny of cost bc)ond their car fare Every form ot sport that can he conducted In tho open or lu the water has been arranged for. Includ ing swimming a nil boat races, auto mobile races, Indies' and gentlemen's horse race, field and track events, aviation, baseball, vaquoro stunts, a btt or vaudeville nnd plenty Of music While the sports nre going on tho Indoor yachtsmen will puss through tho crowd distributing candy, fruits and cakes to tho yolingstcrH. Twenty thousand bags of candy and hundred ot pounds ot fruits will bo given nwn. mm m BUT GET ONLY $60 STOCKTON, Cal., April i!ft. After cutting nil oleitrlc light and tele phono wire leading Into town, steal ing thn only niitoinrihttrt available to pursue them and abandoning It on the outskirts of town, three robbers dynamited the Union nufo Deposit hank nt l.orUoford early today. They went discovered lu the midst of ttinlr plundering by cIIImmim who had been aroused by a night watchman, and n battlo lu which about 10 slmta wore fired followed. The robbers hastily grabbed about 00 lu silver and fled In their own automobile, overlooking about $1(WI0 lu another compartment ot tho safe they had blown up. They fled In the direction of the mountains with a posto in pursuit . HAI.EKIII, N. ( April 2ft.-Tim Ituloluh News and Observer, tho newspaper owned mid edited by Hoe rotary of the Navy Daniels, lias iinf fered tho complete iloaliMrtlnn of Its plant today by fire, Tho loss has not been eattmated. If COBB TO SQ CONTRAC T I MS .yff t 1 1 I -rv-W1 I 1J l-3fi ilk. IZAfc E eV asr ... r wmfr -' ' u f BBheipmr?ypm, i jottzay rmeiJMJcnen.'k f r r. MAJORITY OF PORTLAND ELECTION CLERKS WOMEN PORTLAND, Ore., April 2.-.. With the closing of contract for election board in the 157 precincts it was found that thnn mure fifty ircruccut of tho clerks und officials will be comjwsed of women. Tho majority of the women will serve on the tiny boards hut n number hnve taken po sitions ns night judges and nlerks. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Eight fluo puro bred Poland China sows, or will ex chango for oo,ts. Berkeley Oi cbards. Tel. l-F-21. WANTED Second hand refrlgerat or; must bo In good condition, prlco reasonable. Phono 130-R. 30 DETROIT. Mich , April 2R. -Ty- rus Cobb, tho sensational outfielder and batsman of the Detroit Tiger, who has been holding out for nn an nual salary ot lft,000, conferred se cretly hero at noun today with Frank Navln, 'ownor of tho club. Before going Into tho conference Cobb said ho expected to sign a contract within an hour. DRINK HABIT RKI.IABIiE HOME TMIATMKXT. Tho OIUIIXE treatment for the Drink Habit caul bo used with abso lute confidence. It destroys all dt slro for whiskey, beer or other alco holic stimulants. Thousands havo successfully used It nnd have been re stored to lives of sobriety nnd useful ness. Can be tilyen socrotly. Costs only $1.00 per box. If you fall to got results from ORRINE after n trial, your money will bo refunded. Ask for freo booklet telling all about ORRINE. I.EO.V It. HASKIN'K 1MT O wonder butter Is so high. Particular women who aro loath to use lard or cooking but ter in their cakes and fine jxistry, use tabic butter, v With butter at the price you have to pay for it, that's downright extravagance. CoUolcne is just as good as butter for pustry; for frying, it is better. And Cottdlcnc costs no more than lard. Moreover. Cottolene is richer, and two-thirds of a pound of it will go as far as a full pound of butter or lard. And lard and CoUokno are not to be mentioned in the'snme breath, for Cotlolatc is a vegetable product, healthful, always safe and makes digestible, rich, but never greasy food. Remember, Cottolene is better than butter, better than lard and much more economical. TRY THIS RECIPE, Fried Oyalcra- use large oysters; parboil a moment to dry out some of the Juice to pre vent spattering during the frying. Lay them in seasoned bread crumbs, beaten egg and again in bread crumbs, then brown n few at a timo in deep, smok-ing-hot CoUolcne. Msdo only by THE N. K. PAUU1ANK CO.WANY lllHHHH BOSTON RED SOX CALL UPON PRESIDENT WASHINGTON, April 25. Tho members of tho Ronton lied Box, who nro plnyinir liere this nflernoon, vis- jited the whitu house today nnd hliook liandu with Prubiduiil Wilson. 1000 Rooms Wanted In order to accommodate the pooplo attending tho Odd Fcllous Grand Lodge and Itcbckali Assembly to bo held In Medford May 20-21-22. Fill out printed blank below and mall to John A. Perl, Sec. Room Committee, not later than April 30, In order that list can bo classified. I We will havo rooms avatlablo from May 20 to 23 as follews: .......nooms with bath por day for ono per son; ................per day for two persons. ...Rooms without bath - per day for ono person; ................per day for two persons. Street and Nuumbor....... .. Namo ................................................................... ......... .. II CONCERT Medford Orchestral Club ORCHESTRA OF TWENTY Assisted by Mrs. Florence nalliday-lhtiglit, Contralto Mrs. Cr. T. Wilson, Koader Quartette Mrs. La Mar, Miss Hancn, Fletcher Fish, Br. Howard 'Accompanists Mrs. Jrcna Isaacs, Mr. Fred Alton Haight Given under auspices High School At High School Auditorium Friday, April 25, 8 p. m. Tickets on Sale at High School Friday Night r f T t f r r r r r ? ? t r t ? ? X ? ? V t T T r Y r f ? ? ? T t f ? T r i!- V Kentner & Co St ore Is Again Oppn for Business Ladies' Suits at Great Values t t t t ' ' ' t : ; f f - T y f T.-...-....--.--A..-.-i-- J j5m;$m '4 "' , &" T ? r ? ? ? ? ? T ? ? y r Y ? Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y n T r I 4 i kl 4 vi 4'Uu