Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 25, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford MAil Tribune
Fair and warm. "So frost.
Mnv., 71 1 ii) In,, 117.
I'liMy. third Yir
tMllV IllKtittt Trnr
MEDFORB, OJtttOOX, VUWAV, AVlllli 25, V.m.
NO. 29.
Fleet Could Even Up Matters In Case
of Discriminatory Legislation As
serts Influential PaperGeneral
Satisfaction Over Bryan's Visit.
Secretary Not Expected to Remain
Over Three Days Will Explain
Treaty Obligations.
TOKII), April W.-IlooMlful dec
Inrnlion t lint tho Jnnanmo fleet in
eapahht of vindicating tlm national
honor If forced to action by dini'riiui
iinlury legislation, was nleed lir
today liy tin' Osaka Mitinli'lii, n wide
ly circulated newspaper, in n war
like editorial. The majority nf I lit
Japanese papers, however, adopted
(i iiioik irnuipui tone.
Hntisfautlon In generally expressed
here over tlm intention of Scerelnry
of Slate llr.vno to go to Sacramento
lo consult with Ii California legis
lator mi IliOfa iproMiitil nntl-tilien
Imiil law,
WASHINGTON, April 2.'.. -I'resl.
dent Wilson announced this nftr
noon tlml hn did not believe it would
lip necessary for Secretary of Stale
llrynn to remain in California morn
(linn three day. Ho expect tin
alirn laud situation will he cleared
up when thi' secretary reaches Snera
mentn. llrynn I expected In explain l
Oovcnior Jotmson nnd the mIiiIo leg
islnlors jut how fur they may pi In
passing nuti-nlirii IoihI lawn. If
llryaiiV suggestion ore accepted,
llial will end tlm matter, hut if they
nn lunorrd there will he nothing for
Mm to do but to return lo Washing
ton, Secretary llrynn i exported bark
in Washington not Inter Ibau May H.
A number of his plans have been up
et n a result of the California trip.
IIIh welcome lo Sir (Veil Spring
Hire, the new Hrlllsh nmhnssador,
will be delayed mid the formal ban
ipicl to lie held In hi honor, sched
iileil for next week, probably will bo
held Muv ft). The fan American
Mirily dinner in Nuw York nlsn will
be ilelnyed lierniiso of Secretary
HryanV absence,
The California sitnnlion was not
discussed at today's meeting of the
VIKNNA, April 25. Tlio Kuro
pran power wero unanimously
aureed today that Montenegro must
surrender Bcuturl. HoproHontutlves
of tlm power met hero toilay to con
sider Austria's note In whlrh hIio
asked to ho ullowod to drive tho Mon
tenegrin from Scutari.
King Nicholas of liun
flatly refnlod tn surrender Scutari,
hut the power expect ho will apron
to nvncuutlon for a rmiBbloratlon.
HONOLULU, April 2Ji.--Miinler
mid suicide Iiiim ended today the r.
miiuco of Nathaniel Ilurlon, former
ly employod ill the United Stulos
iiaititrmiiHtor,H deparlment hero nnd
l'.lnin Snyder, n pretty young llouo
lulu gill. Hurlon shot and killed the
Kill and then himself following a
NIJ7W YORK, April 'J.V-Tho en
Rngcinunl of Miss. Jonnetto Tluulier
of thin oily nnd Washington Kverolt
Connor, former pari nor of Jay flould
nnd aHoeiato of Husscll Sngo, in on
noiiutii'd hero today by Mrs, Krnni'PH
Jleattio Thmlicr, mother of the brldo-to-ho.
Connor onh'iiu'orod Oould'a
piiucipul dunlu In Wall Btrcut.
Meyers Now Postmaster at Portland
Land Office Appointments Con
firmed Currle of New Mexico to
De First Member of Commission.
President Wilson to Meet Western
Senators and Discuss Free Wool
Tariff Situation Satisfactory.
WAHIIINfJTON, l. C., April
3.'.. - lion. Clnretira I.
Ki'uuii'H, Mmtforil, Ore.: I ex-
pect repuhlleniiM lo opiKiin
. uiiou(mi!iitM of tleinocratu
nil down the line, their oppo-
union however inoMly nKulimt
4- potttuiuxti'r. I!ipect your 4
4 routlriiiMlnn at next ineellni; 4
4- of the M'lintu on Mouilay.
iiAititr i.ani:.
WASHINGTON. April 25. The
(criAte today confirmed the followliiR
I'rnnk H. Meyer, to he otniatcr
nt I'ortUnd.
Nolan Hklff, l (Irunde, Ore., re
Cflver of public money.
I., A. Ilonth, The Dalle, Or., re
ceiver of puldle monnyw.
Hm Mothemhend, Ilurm, Ore., re
reiver of publle money,
rormer (lovemor (teorso Currle
of New Mexleo I reported toduy to
have been nelected by I'rexldeut WIN
on nn the flnit member of tho new
l'hlllpplun roinmlmlon. Jlf rioinlna
Hon will ho neat to tho ceuitle, It Ii
aid, In a few dny.
Currle left Inot for New Mex
Iro to nrraiiKo hi nffnlr preparatorr
to koIhr to Mnnlla.
At the imKKeMlou ftf Senator New.
lauiU of NovAilit, I'reildent WIIkoii
nureed today to iIIhciikh tho tariff
with the wetera enutor who ai6
oppoited to free wool. The ineetliiK
probably will be held In tho pret
ilunlV room nt tlm rnpltol within two
Senator Newlaud dUeinwed the
tdtunllnu with the prenldeut toduy.
Seuntor Kern of Indiana a I no con
ferred with the president nnd re.
ported to htm that the (dilution In
the netiato reitnrdlui: the tariff U sat
HO.MH, April 26. J'opo IMun I
convaliraoent today but U k really d
preHKod liecaiiBo of IiIh phyHlclan'
rirmuoxH In refiiHlni; to allow him to
rename hi routine dutlen. He heKKed
I'rofosMor Marchlafava. tho principal
Vatican phyalrlan, to permit him to
tteo a eroup of American pIlKrlm to
day, hut was retimed.
LONDON, April 2R. That bomi.
left laHt iiIrIiI In tho Manrhetor Kreo
Trade hall, preaumably by militant
miffruKuttofl, wuh Intended for John
UuruH, who wun scheduled to deliver
an addreHH there, lu the belief of the
pollen lioio today,
Scotland Yard nnnounrod that a
plot to kidnap tho uon of .luntlco
Lush, had been unrovorcd. Justlco
I.uhIi Kentonced Mra, Hmniollue I'ank
huiBt, tho militant leader, to three
yeaiH ut hard labor.
f fl-ff f i
DKNVKII, Col., Aptil 25.
Two inelu'8 of hiiow fell in
" Denver today, A Who in
lempeinture, liowevor, euuned
" it to molt rapidly.
t i 4 f -r
Diplomats and British Press Wax
Sarcastic Over Temperance Pro
clivities of Secretary Declare It
Promises to be Wishy Washington
Commoner Finds Defender Among
Suffragettes Wilson Not to Draw
Line But Let Statesmen Drink.
LONDON, April 26. Barcaatle
comment on Secretary of Slate Ilry
an'H now famou "Krapejulce" dinner
to llrltlnh Ambassador Jnrne llryce
and other fore I pi dlidomat In
WaNhliiBloti was voiced In today'
Ixindnn newpnper.
Official life In Washington tilldei
the WlUon-llryun reKlme," a)n the
Poll Mall Oaxette, "hold llttlo pros
pect for Kalety. Wo fear the capital
of the Kreat republic I destined to
be known as 'wlshy Waihlnxton.' "
CommentlnK seriously on the din
ner the Ixindou Kxprens ays that
llrynn, a secretary of state, hn no
right to enforce hi abstemious Ideas
on hi guest. The Kxpress maintains
that tho diplomat had no cholro hut
to attend the dinner, because th see
retary' Invitation would have In
volved them In a suspicion of Inter
national discourtesy.
WASHINGTON', April 'r.-l)i
eufcKiui; the comment in Inulon iicwn
paerH on Secretary of State IlrynuV
"urape juiee dinner" to the repre
M'litnthe of foreign countritM here,
Mm. Ilelvn Loekwood, the fnmoiH
eipinl Huffra'ist, said teday:
"OrniHt juiee Rnioly i nfo nnd
Mine. It doesn't leave n 'head' the
next itmrniiiK. Wnshinfjlon is pay
under l'iriddciil Wilnnu. We nIiouUI
worry about Imdon'H criticism of
rnpe juice diplomacy. It w much
more preferable to dollar diplomacy.
"President WiNou and Secretary
llrynn nro to be congratulated on
their urnH5 juice doctrine. Men hnv
iiiK the rcsMiuHihilitieH of nmiiitijc n
Xreat ovunnneut bould retire early
and rise enrlv and attend to their
duties with clear bend."
CouKressmau Uarthnldt of MIa
Hourl today took a hand in the tjrnpo
Julco controversy.
"I deeply reKret," he Bold, that the
question whether a man shall drink
wlno ut dinner ha become a state
mutter. It I a question all Kentle
meu ehould decide for themselves.
Why, It Is hospitality with a strltiR
tied to It thill's the American way.
Secretary llrynn Is forcing hi own
personal view when ho Is entertain
ing a Hccretnry of Htuto.
"That I Improper. No host nhoulil
force hi own private opinion on hi
KuextH. Tho diplomat ho enter
tained could not criticise klm, but I
will bet they had peculiar thoughts.
They come from a. station In llfo
where nentlemen ilrlnk wlno with
It Is slated hero that Secretnry
llryan' attitude will not affect Pres
ident Wilson, who considers tho
wishes of hi rucd! are paramount.
Ho Intend to tervo tho usual wines,
and his gueata may take them or not
a thoy please.
CHICAGO, April 2R. With 0000
Doy Scout aiding; tho pollco and
Htato authorltloH, Kuthorlno Wlntorv.
0 yonr old, of Nowcastlo, Imf., who
disappeared from her homo March 20
Is boliiR souKht for horo today, fol
IowIiik report that hIiu wuh brought
to Chicago by ft band of Kypslos. Tho
pollco bellovo tho girl U belim
d reused nn a boy to mako her dis
covery more difficult.
Krank Norgor, a resldont of this
city, told tho pollco today that throo
weeks no ho Bivy n K'l'y woman
leading whut ho at first mipposcd to
ho a hoy, hut when thoy approached
him ho Hay that It vnn u girl. Dr.
William Wlntora, tho ulrl' father, Is
aiding In tho search,
Ambassador Bryce
WA8IIINOTOV, April 25 Following an Impromptu reception tendered
him at the depot by diplomats and government officials, James llryce,
llrltlsh ambassador to the I'nlted States, who recently resigned, started
today on hi journey to Knglund.
Dcforo leaving he said:
"I am leaving Amerlcn perhaps for the last time, nnd It naturally
makes mo sad. 1 will return to Hussex to complete my work on Aus
tralasia und perhaps to further revise my history of tho American gov
ernment "
TOUT SCOTT, Kim., April 'Si.
The prosecution of Fred Warren, J.
I. Shephnrd und C. I.. Tliifer, con
nected with tho Appeal to lleason, n
socialist publication of (lintrd, Kan.,
charged with misuse. of tho mails in
publishing nil alleged expose of con
ditions ut the federal penitentiary at
Fort lnvenwoitb, was practically
ended here today when Jml'e l'olloek
sustained a demurier filed by the de
fendants. The indictments against Kugene V.
Debs, Warren and Shcphanl, clinrp
iti; them with attempts In spirit
away wiuesse.s, nro still pending, but
probably will be pmhcd. The eases
have been in the courts for nearly
three years.
IIUTTK, Mont., April 'J.'., llising
sunddenly in his coffin, where he had
lain for pevcrnl hours, the three-year-old
son of Mrs. J. It. Harney
pucd Hlrai);ht at his grandmother,
Mrs. L. 1. Smith, 81, who was among
(he mourners in tho room. Tho
aged woman, shocked into a state of
eomn, passed nway in n few minutes.
Tho child Bank lmck into its coffin
nnd wns later declared dead.
The nped woman and the lmhy
were buried side by side in the fam
ily plot.
WASHINGTON, April 25. Tlicro
has been no little surprise because
the president, after stating that he
would make Judge Will It. King ap
praiser at tho poit of Now York, has
not sent his name to the senate. lie
has appointed Sullivan of Iowa to
one upprnisership, there being two
vacant, but it is possible Sullivan will
mil accept.
Tlio effect of announcing King's
seleetidn was to bring down on the
president demands from Now York
politicians that the uppnisership bo
given lo a New Yorkor, and that may
bo ono reason why King has not re
eeived his reward boforo this. I
tlio nieaiitimo there has lieon an ef
fort lo have him select something
else, but he is standing pat and Ids
appointment may bo formally trans
mitted lo tho bonuto any day.
Leaves Washington
WASHINGTON, April 2o. The
belief Hint the t'nited States, as
owner of the I'annmn cnnnl ban tho
right to fix toll rates without out
side interefereneo was expressed by
former State Secretary Olney here
today in a bpeeeh read before n meet
ing of the American society of Inter,
national Law. Olney was not pres
ent. "If the ipie-tion of Panama canal
tolls is submitted to arbitration," Ol
ney 's speech said, "it should be sub
mitted lo TJio Hague but to n ppeeial
tribunal. The Hague would he par
tial, as admittedly all Kumpcan pow
ers are interested in the outcome."
Chandler 1. Anderson, former
counsellor of the state department,
and Lewis Ni.xon the New York ship
builder, coincided with the views ex
pressed in Olney's speech.
LOS AXOKLKS, Cnl., April 2.1.
Distributing more than .10,000,000
the final accounting in tho K. J.
Haldwin estato stands approved to
day by the prohato court hero.
The principal heirs under the will
nro llaldwin's daughters, Mrs. Clara
Haldwin Stoker and Mrs. Anita Hald
win McClnughry.
Kxeoutor II. A. Vnruh and his at
torney, Hrndaer Lee, were allowed
fees of .f80,000 each and were com
plimented by tho court upon their
Tho total value of the estate since
Haldwiu's death lias increased from
nppnniumtely $12,000,000 to $25,
000,000. L
NEW YOHK, April 2.". Illinois
Central and Huiuloy eslnblUhed new
low veeoids in tho stock market to
day. Many other issuos lost ono nnd
two points, hut tho leading specula
tive stooks .wero steady. Hallies fea
tured many of tho spo. Initios. Tho
renewed political activity in the
Hnlknns aided tho bears. Tho mar
ket closed dull,
Miraculous Vision of Virgin Mary
Appears in Chambers of Lavery
Home, Following Death of Former
Wharfinger of San Francisco.
Scientist Says it Might be Explained
by Collective Hallucination, But
Will Not Venture an Opinion.
OAKLAND, Cnl., April 2.V
Slrnnge iih tho miraculous npp.iri
lions of Iraditou or history, nnd
seemingly vested with religious spir
ituality was a vision of tbn Virgin
Mary, which appeared in the chnni
bers of the Iuivery home, 1GIIU Thir
teenth street here, while the body of
Hobert Lnvery, 70 years of age, for
mer wharfinger of San Frnncisco,
rested in a casket awaiting the Inst
Twelve persons witnessed the mys
tic phenomenon.
So great was the interest in tho
vision that Professor O. M. Stratton,
the noted psychologist of the Univer
sity of California, was communi
cated with.
"It is iwssible, and I am sorry that
I did not Imro the opportunity of
seeing it," Professor Stratton said
toilay. "Such visions nre ossibIe
and have been known to appear on
various occasions. Sometimes these
things nre explained by 'collective
hallucination' hut I would not say
that'this agency was responsible for
this apparition. I would not care to
express urtlier opinion until after
making n full investigation."
Seen by Knllrc Family.
Among tho members of the family
who saw the vision were Albert Hart,
Thoinns McOinnis and wife, Holland
Downes nnd wife, Mrs. W. P. Har
bee, Robert Downes, Mnud Downes
and Thomas McOinnis.
McOinnis, who is n deputy in the
suK'rvisors' office in San Frnncisco,
wns at first inclined to be skeptical.
He said;
"The room was dark at the time.
I thought Hint the reflection from
caudles might have caused the ap
parition. 'I oR'iied the doors, shifted
window fehndes nnd moved every
mirror and glass covered picture in
the house to see if I couldn't find the
source of the virion but nothing- nf
fected it. I went up to it and stood
in front of it, but that didn't make
any difference whntcver.,1 saw it, but
I can't explain it."
"The vision, if it wns such, ap
peared in the shape of a luminous
space on the wall in tho room ad
joining that in which the body lay.
No features were discernible but it
wns in perfect outline of representa
tions seen in churches of tho Virgin
Mary with erowii and veil and folded
"The vision looked like ft reflected
light but I covered every possible pic
ture on the wall. The vision remained
from nbout 2 o'clock in tfio morning
until after f o'clock. Tho vision did
not npienr substantial. I tried, lint
no shadow could bo thrown on the
Apparition Life Size.
The vision was seen first at 2
o'clock in tho morning by a daughter
of tho dead man, Mra. Maud Hart.
(Continued on Page 6)
HOULOONK, April 25. After bo
ing pommeled by tho athletio noble
woman, who then forced him into a
room and locked tho door until tho
police nrrived, u former soldier who
nttempted to rob tho Princess llor
cohuii nt her castlo here, is wider ur
rest today.
Tlio ex-soldier went to tlio palaeo
in tho guiso of a policeman. Ho was
readily admitted, and, getting tho
princess nlr.ite, nttempted to rob her.
Sho resisted and ho fired two wild
shots at her. She knocked him
down, and drugging him into an ad
joining room, lucked tho door,
Harrowing Stories of Indignities (o
Which Women are Subjected in
Springfield Factories Developo at
Illinois Investigation of Wages.
Girls Working at Ten Cents an Hour
Cursed in Shoe Factory Fore
man Tries to Hug and Kiss.
SI'ltlNOnELD, III., April 25.
Harrowing stories of the Indignities
to which lrl workers aro subjected
for starvation wages In Springfield
factories wero developed at today's
hearitiK of the state scnato wbtn
slave Investigation. Aroused by tint
revelations already brought out, Gov
ernor Dunne today signed tho bill
appropriation of $50,000 to. carry tho
Investigation to a definite conclusion.
Today's session developed tho fact
that girls aro working over nlno
hours a day for 90 cents.
Sworn testimony was offered to
show that the foreman of tho Inter
national Shoe Plant shoo factory
cursed the girls.
Superintendent "W. S. Derby was
roundly denounced by Lieutenant'
Governor Marrett O'Hara and Sena
tor Juul when tie declared that lie
"thought any girl could lire comfort
ably on 7 a week." During bit tes
timony Derby glared at the .newspa
per men, saying: "I don't caro
whether you fellows hear my testi
mony ot not,"
Agnes McGIII, aged 2i ycari!rt
sho started to work for the Interna
tional Shoo company Jr 13QS.fer S3
a week. She noVefs"!" and sup'
porta her widowed, mother. MIm
McOIlt openly charged that Foreman
Alexander cursed and jerked her
around and sometimes had tried to
hub and kiss her. The committee
Issued a subpoena for Alexander.
SACUAMKNTO, Cat., April 2G.
Dy a vote of 41 to 12 the assembly
ot the California legUlaturo today
turned down a resolution to Invito
tho governors of Oregon, Washing
ton, Nevada and Arlxoua to come to
Sacramento to confer with tho law
makers and Secretary of State Will
iam J. flryan on the question ot initi
ation land legislation now pending
here. Following tlio verdict In tho
assembly, Seuator Campbell stated
that tho resolution would not bo In
troduced In the upper house.
Tho defeated resolution sot forth
that this Is a matter of vital Impor
tance to tho coast states and that
their executives should be asked to
Join In tho deliberations.
In Introducing It Assemblyman
Stuckeubruck predicted, as did other
members, that the conference with
llryan might rcoult in going to tho
root ot presont treaty rights with tho
Asiatic nations and lu possible rad.
leal changes ot these rights by n now
pact during tho Wilson administra
tion. For this reason, It was urged,
tho governors ot tho Pacltlo coast
states at least ought to take part In
the dollboratlons horo next week.
FOItT WAYNK, Ind.. April 25,
"I do not euro to discuss tho sub
ject." This curt answer was given her,
toilay by Secretary ot State flryah to
would-bo lntorvlowors who asked him
to discuss his mission to Sacramento,
Cut,, where bo Is to confor with Gov
ernor Johnson and members ot the
stato legislature on proposed autl
nllen land laws. Drynn'u train
stopped hero only u fow mlnutttt.
r I