l-vt' PAOBTWO. 'A.EPFORD MATT. TRTIirKF!. MROKORO, ORKCION. Til TRRHAV, 'APKTL 21. 101.1. I - i 1 i k IOCAL AND LptflSONAL J. Hi Drew Is erecting n fine five room bungalow on properly ho own on Wont Second street, Tho building W Id brf modern In every particular nnd will be finished In tho ben style Known io,, mouorn carpentry. Air. . Drew Is himself a'cnfpentcr nnd will do tho greater jmrt of tho" work him self. hi. h. Proebstlng of Wallace, Ida ho, in in Med ford for u few days' . visit with f)r. Clancy and family. Mr. I'roobiitlng nnd Dr. C limey own Joint- ly a largo orchard tract south and , wet of .tfeiifordT j Karl Hi Conner, formorly of Med ford, has been chosen cashier of tho now Pnlsley National bank at Pau ley, ure. .Mr. uonser is now con nected with tho trust department of tho Security Savings fc Trust com pany, of Portland, For sale, flno family driving or riding horto, buggy and harness. Thla Is a good buy at 200. It In terested wrlto Lothrop Perkins, in Ross. Court, Medford. Vinton Hoall of Central Point dis trict spent Wednesday In Medford. D. 11. Russell of Antloch precinct has been looking after his business interests In Medford. Southern Oregon Is proving a place of unusual Interest to Franger Wood, uf tho Woods nnd WydQ team.of tho Orpneum circuit, who fs spending Ttiuch time with skotches andjplnns submitted to him by archi tects for a houo to bo built on tho 10 aero tract near Inkcvlcw ho drew In n lottery. IIo has been offered many times what it coit him for i no land. Orchard, bunting, fishing and Crater Lake scenes for salo at Cor king. & Harmon's studio. Negatives mado any place, kodak finishing. US East Mala street. Phone 31G R. Tho date of the box social to bo given by Medford camp No. 90, Woodmen ot tho World, has been changed from April 26 to Saturday night, May 3. All Woodmen and their wives and friends aro carnestlv requested to' attend this social. Judge W. II. Canon left Thursday evening for Portland with his son Fay, who for tho past month has steadily grown worse, having never recovered from tho explosion of a gas torch at Corrallls last winter, In which he was severely Injured. He will consult Dr. Williamson, a brain expert, as Fay's nervous system seems shattered. If you want your lawn mower sharpened or repaired phone 3C0-J. 3G Mrs. Drown and hef daughter of New York, who have been making Mr. and Mrs. Horace Pelton of Sanu Valley a short visit, left for their nomo wcanesuay evening. E. K. Oman went to Evans creek dlstrict'Wedncsday, to lOel: after his real, estate Interests. , Fred.Blakoly of Portland, tho well known promoter, who is connected with the Sterling mine, is In the valley. O. A. Gardner, county clerk, spent Wednesday evening In Medford. Gerklng & Harmon, studio por trait's, home portraits, flash lights, kodak finishing, post card work and enlarging.; 128 East Main street; telephone 215 R H. A. Canndy was at Phoenix' Wednesday afternoon on legal busi ness. R. D. Hoke and Ceorge P. Minis of Seven Oaks district transacted business in Medford Wednesday. Special Table d'Hote dinner at nolland hotel every evening 40e. 34 N. Jerry, tho nugget collector, has returned from Montana and will leavo' for tho eastern states at once. A. S. Ames and his family of Du- luth, Mlun., are guests of Dr. and Mrs. W. It. llailey. Frank B. Wnlte, prominently con nected with tho fnterurban trolley scheme, arrived in Medford Wednes day. Insuro and be sure. Right if wo wrlto it. R. A. Holmes, The Insur ant Man. MIds Jennfo Andrews left for Min nesota Wednesday evening. A num ber of lier friends bade her farewell at the train. Judge J. R. Nell was down from Jacksonville Wednesday ovenlng. E. D. Weston, commercial photog rapher, negatives made any time or place by appointment. Phone M. 1471. The biggest car that ever went over tho Rogue River Valley railroad was hauled to Jacksonville Tuesday. It was filled to tho top with galvan ized Iron culverts such as th. county court is having placed In tho roads throughout tho county. Henry Holts of tho Pacific & Knst ern Is taking n vacation nnd C. H. Stout Is filling his place In the memv time. Mrs. J. 0. 1 lor ton of Phoenix was among Medford friends Wednesday. Mr. nnd Mrs. T. W. Dally of Trail were recent visitors In Medford. Public market, stnll 20. 25 lbs. prunes, 50c; CO lbs. prunes. SI. Thursday nnd Saturday. Remember t. 2.S K. J. Odcll mado n trip to Talent Wr-dncsuViy, returning In the eve ning. I). W. Crosby, a pioneer resident ot Medford and Jacksonville, who conducts tho hotel at Riddle. Dour las county, Is mnklng this section a visit. Ho was In charge ot the of fice of .Medford's first brick hotel, now tho Ifoitol Nash, when J. II. Kiddle was Its proprietor. William Vlrlch, trustee In bank ruptcy, will sell nny lady's hat In his stock at Siic. All Jewelry at 10c on the dollar. Cuthbort's old stand. 27 Sacrificing contents flno furnished house. Don't miss this for real bar gains, 1117 W. 9th st. 30 Mrs, L. E. Knyart, who was called to Douglas county by tho Illness of her sister. Mrs. J, L. dough, Is at homo again. Emmett Heeson ot Talent trans acted business In Medford Wednes day afternoon. Vapor baths and scientific mas sage for men and women. Dr. R J. Lockwood, chiropractor, 203 Gar-nett-Corey bldg. Phone 145. D. A. Bonar of Coleman creek In terviewed our merchants Wednes day. Mrs. L. I. Brown of Jacksonville was n Medford visitor wVilnitmUv afternoon. Money to loan on real estate. See tarkln & Taylor, attorneys at law. Medford. W. C. Lcover, county commission er, was In Medford Wednesday, en route to tho county seat. Mrs. I. A. Pruott of Roxy vlsltec relatives nnd friends living In Med ford Wednesday afternoon. Sacrificing contents flno furnished honso. Don't miss this for real ban- gains. 1117 W. 9th st. 30 James M. Davidson, formerly clerk of Siskiyou county, Cal., but Inter ested In mining In Alaska for many years, passed through Medford Wednesday, en routo to San Tran-cisco. Oeorgo Wolff mado a trip to Jack sonville Wednesday. Medford Orchestral club concert Friday, 8 n, m., high school. 29 Mrs. D. II. Millar of Gold Hill ac companied .Mrs. U. J. Sears to Med ford Wednesday, returning homo In tho evening. Riley Hammersly of Gold Hill, for est ranger, tarried a few hours In Medford Wednesday. William Dlrlch, trusteo In bank ruptcy, will sell any lady's hat In his stock at 25c. All Jewelry at 10c on PROFESSOR JOHN BASSETT MOORE WILL RE THE DIG MAN IN THE STATE DEPARTMENT -M wii i i i i i ip i iliiiiiiHP -Mihv sHHHUHnilT aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaflf ' i $M SLbh SaBaa"- m ImvBftK' VaaiBBlrSrTli .IIIIIIIIIIHBmi"jQbv 3HQPM iLIHflnretV 29r - " Jit VbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBHRbbMbbbbK BaaaLaaaaaV B. . iliiiiiiiiiiHKlilHBK r .i-tHiiiiH ?LIIIIIIIIIimBihMillllIWLII ..r .ibIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIh&. v?Villllllllllllllllllr bbW E iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiialiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillkkMw WIRELESS MEN LEAVING ESSE LS l'rofeior John linnet Mooro of Columlim I niverMty. whose nommn- tion n counsellor of (he State De partment wiih nent to the senate Inst week by President Wilson, i io bu the bi man in the ilcmrtment. It i on ! knowledge of internnlionnl Inw, porlinjis more than on that of Secretary William .1. Rrynn, that the preMtlent will rely in nice of trou ble. Ife- will at least be an imjKirt nnt ns Huntington WiUon wn dur ing the ln.st iidministrntion. Wilson made himself the right hnml of the secretory, but Professor iloore i Professor iriioro has written miliiy vuluiiuw on interuntioiiiil Inw. His knowledge is encyclopaedic. lie is I lie chief authority in the United Stales on the subject. When Presi dent Roosevelt nmde up his mind Hint the Tinted Stales needed I'nnnmn for the cmml zone he called hi the pro fissor to formulate n plan. The pro fesior provlilcil him with one. Rut, ns the story goes, the president did not Mick closely to tho professor's recommendations. Since then Co lumbia 1ms cried out Hint she was SAN FltA.NTISl'O, lvl , April VI. With tho wireless operators who are ou strike ngnlnst tho Mnrcnul company leaving Vessels ns rapidly ns they enter port, President 8. J. IConeiikrimp of the Commercial Tol ournphcrs' union, who Ih handling tho strike situation hero, declared that everything Is going sMlHfac.tnr tly and that victory will be tho nltl mate result. Nino operators quit work venter day. One wns on tiro steamer Un burn, which sailed for Eurnkn; two left the I'.urlluo when It arrived In port, and two loft the lluiuilul, l-'lv? other men not assigned to vi'bsIh Joined In the strike. President Kouenknmp has rceHwd telegrams from Sun Pedro and Seat tle saying that tho same thing U taking place In those ports. Wn tr over posiilblo tho men aro nllowvi to return homo before being culled ( ut, but as rapidly as they urrlvo ut iholr homo ports they Join the Hlr.ke. Koiienkamp says that tho .Mn-Cml company will bo utile to reo'iieo iro union men for n few days, but Unit the supply uf non-union oiin t )-s soon will bo exhausted mid thi n- puny then will be compellel to nnt with tho union. Out of resfieet (hie from every cltlteii In thin eommuii- Ity to the late AtiKUitt I). rfti'iH- ier for hln ablllly, Intesrlty, 4 Industry, nnd pomorvtironeo that Knlucd for him tho reo- ognltlon which ho deserved, n ml placed him union those h who had tho honor nnd r" sheet of their followol(lmiH. And, wh'orenn, tho mt'lil h August I). Hlnulor, sliorlff of n JaokiHiii county, Oregon, met his d'enlh whllo In' tho faith- ful iierforinniice of hln duty, Now, therefore, by virtue of my offleo iu mayor of the city of Medford, Oronoti, I re- Hieetfully roijuost of tho bust- news houses of said city, that on Friday, April 2Mb, lUttl, between tho hours of oao and s 10:30 nVlnek'lli llu luorillug of said day, they lay aside their several callings and oc- euputlous, mid close their places of buslines dining snld hour whllo the relatives and frb'iids of the departed aro performing for him the lust riles. W. W. EII'Kin', Mayor of the City of Medford ' FIR AV OF JAP FARMS BAN FKANTIrtCO. Cal . Apt II 2 1. - hi a HtliiKlui; resolution passed to day the hoard of directors of the I'uintntrt Pacific, fulerimtlonnl expo sltloii lined up with those who are trying Io prment tho intwiuio ()f tho uiitl-nlleii liiud hill Hinl told the IhkIs. Intone In ter eMen that limy utuat not post a hill (Hut Will Iim offenalvo to the people of any iiiillon. Oho ot the cliim In (he ifMKiluUiMM which nlrWidy has bnn talegrprhHd m Hiierntiiuiito by rrwlilsnt .Moots of tho MpiMltloii, rend: "Tlmt nny net Ion on (lie pint of tho liiRlsliiture of California that shall be rexni'ded by nny forolHH country or novernuiwnt iu offensive Io llmlr prldo na n poplt, or their honor" ns n nnllon, miist h, w olmllnKO the i:oqd faith uf the slut. Merltnl Kcjomn IteliiiHty will el.uir up your skin nnd remove Dions ills dlHiiKreoahlo sores. Ilnskliis Diug Store. expected to make the position of robbed of the territory in tho now counsellor most imponnni. republic GIRL LIES ON TRACK AS Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS ABY AMISTAKT Day Phono 227 Night t, XV. Weeks 103-J.S Plioues A. K. Orr 078-.M the dollar. Cnthbert'fl old stand. 27 H. II. Tronson of Eaglo Point has been visiting in Medford and Contra! Point. Dr. Mctschan, Ernest I.lster, .Mes srs. Lawrence and Prlzell wero among the residents of Grants Pass who camo to Medford Wednesday. S. Patterson and his family or Ashland motored to Medford on Wednesday afternoon. I. T. Galllher of Rio Dell orchard on Monday visited his wlfo, who li convalescing from a serious spell of illness at tho Sacred Heart hospital. W. I. Vawter was at tho connty seat Wednesday afternoon on lgal business. E. A. Howell of Grants Pass Is' n late arrival Jn Medford. M. a. Mordoff nnd his family were recent visitors In Medford. Clarenco Kellogg, formerly engi neer of tho George H. WIlllnmB, Port land's flreboat, died of heart dlsoaso In tho Yagulna bay district a few oays ago, aged 42 years. He was a former resident or Medford and Is survived by his widow (neo Emma Coopor) and relatives living here. R. R. Zimmerman and A. XV. Me Pherson of Griffin creek district spent Wednesday in Medford and Jacksonville. Miss Ellzaboth Relker, who has been visiting In southern California, returned to Medford during tho week. Miss Alice Smith of Rogue River passed through Modtord the rore part of the week, on route to Lake Creek. 8. T. Sandry of Rogue River, dop uty sheriff nnd game warden, waa in Medford nnd Jacksonville Wednes day. Joseph Martin, a merchant of Jacksonville, transacted business In Medford Wednesday. School Superintendent Wo".s passed through Medford tho forr part of tho week en routo to Engle Point and tho northeastern part of tho county. THE DALLES, Ore., April 'Jl.-To her rcranrknblc presence of mind Myrtle Gardner, twelve years old, to- day owes her csene from death be- iienth the wheels of a freight train. While crossing; the racks of he O. W. It. 3: N;, the little girl was struck by n worktrain, which caught her in such n manner Hint she fell scpinrely between the rails. Lying perfectly still, four ears if the train passed over, her before her father nnd n dozen bystanders could attract the nttcrffion of tho engineer. She was only blightly injured. FLIGHI OF MIEN OF BABE OF NEWRERO, Ore., April 21. Dr. Elmer Knock, aged thirty-five, nnd his wife are under urcst hero today charged with cnlieing Cnrrio Cham berlain, nged sixteen, daughter of E. ('. Chnmbcrlnin of Xewherg nwny from her home''Tho father nlleges lhn( IiiirtVk efflffiRSWrfo hun Ihrtt he hud nssNIcd .(Ink, girl '" ncr fi'J-''1'- According f-tlie poliVn Riinak' has refused to stlewherc the: girl Is but deefnred he would have her hero Fri day when n preliminary hearing is held. lir. Knock nnd lite wife enmo here from Tnoomn about n yenr ngo nnd Were nrfested vJie'n it wnS rumored that thiy were planning to return to Ihnt city. The Rnnck have two children. Hi ' i NOT FOE OF SUFFRAGE (Continued from Page 1) PORTLAND, Ore., April a I. ('. L. Sinilh, ngrieiiltural expert for the O. W. It, & N. eoinpniiy, has secured n large quantity of iieelimnted seed corn and is today distributing' it in twelve pound lots to nnv fanner In Oregon, Washington and Idnho who makes application. Twelve sunds of com will he sufficient to plant one nere. Smith declares (lint with in ten years Oregon will be the pre mier corn state of the union, FILE CHARGES AGAINS1 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANT15D Room nnd board bv young Imh Mum bo (lnm In mil west side I. II, Mall Tribune. 2K YOUR HAIR 15 FLUFFY, BEAUTIFUL AND LUSTROUS IN A FEW MOMENTS onim! ui?r a m vv.sr iiettm: oi "iMViiiwti.vf;' and TIMS. ALSO STOPS ftf.U.VO IIAIItj IMXTItOYS MAMMtl'IT tnv Your Imlr becomH ll(;h(. wavy, llclo of dandiuff; rleniifm, purlflM fluffy, abtindaut and appears ns soft, and InvlRoruto (ho scalp, forever lustrous mid bountiful as n joung stopping Itching nnd falling Imlr. Kin s inter u "Daiiderlno Imlr cleanse." cloth with a little Daiiderlno ! II lit- U'linl u til lllawiai, lull mn.l will Just try thlsmolstou a i , ..i..,. fuw ,,.lui. i ..... .-..- . ,-, ,. .T .. nwnn mri' n iiitii till n IKtle Daiiderlno and carefully draw R throiiKh your Imlr, taking one amittl strand nt a tlun. This will cleanse tho hair of dust, will actually see new Imlr flno and downy at flrat tNt--ljut really new Imlr growing nil over tho sealp. It you inro for pretty, soft Imlr and .ii, .....i ......i i, ... .... " .... ...... ,,, , , , ;., ,,,, of u Mlri) n 26 fow moments you !, doubled the llf ,-. !,,,, from ltny beauty of ,onr Imlr :(,rUKKln r ,, m,,, ,,,, iUt Resides heautlfying the hair ni try It once, Diiiiderlno dissolves erry par- CAMAS, Wash., April 2 coroner of Clarke county arrived hero today to hold an Inquest over tho body of an Infant found wrnphod In a bundlo of old papers about to bo put through the feeder nt the Camas paper and pulp mill. Tho body was discovered when wo;Krtn untied and unrolled tho bundls. The infant had apparently been (load two or threo days and was about rr-nr days old t the time or its i'-nth Tho bundle In which the body of the Infant was wrapped was shipped hero from Portland and consisted of Portland Oregonlans da'cd April 20 TO among them aro voting by proxy. The Their power la Incalculable. Wo cannot oxaKgorato tho Influence of u good woman on tho men of her cir cle. Let mo Illustrate by an ancc- dote. "Wo road that Themlstocles wns on oiio oceaHlon npproncNod by his son, who asked a considerable favor 'I cannot grunt, what you ask,' sartl tho great Koneral 'You must go to your mother. It Is truo that Greece rules tho world; that Athens rules Greece; that I rulo Athens;( but, iny son, your mother rules me "Slnco It Is beyond dispute that the most representative womon aro getting what thoy want indirectly, I bellevo that society cannot afford to risk tho safety of tho homo and Wom an. What would bo the value of our national life of votes obtained by tho rag tag tnctlcrf that dlsgraco the numo of womunhood?" WASHINGTON', April 2 1. Chnrges of mUeondui't nut! conspiracy in th" prosecution of Eugene Delis, social ist cnudidute for the presidency at the Inst election, Fred Warren, edi lor of (he Appeal to Reason and J I. Hhcphurd wero Hied hero today wilh (he attorney general against I'lilted States District Attiniev Hone of Kansas nnd II. Duehoig, u special agent of the department of justice To The Young Expectant Mother Women of Eapertne Advlia Iba lite of Mother's Fritnd. NEW YORK, April 21. Ames wn in world-beating form today, holding (he Phillies down to four hits, from which (hey netted a lotto tally. .Moore and Kelson wero both hit hard by the Giants. S'core: If. II. E. Philudclphiu 1 -1 II New York 7 11 1 lmttcries: Moore, Xoloii uid Kil lifcr; Ames nnd Meyers, Hartley. Umpires: Klein and Orth. Morltol Tonic Dlgestivo will tono up your system quickly, make you feel strong again. Hnsklns Drug Storo. Let Us Show You. If you are a sufferer of piles or hemorholds In any form, come to our atoro and let us' show you Merl- tol Pllo Remedy, It la one of the WASHINGTON', April 2 1.-If a circular issued by the interior do- ( partment is correct thcro are 2.JUU acres of unappropriated and unre served timber land iu Multnomah enmity, Oregon, tributary to Port- laud, subject to cither ItonicNlend or timber mid Meno entry. Tho circu lar does not give the location of the luud nor does the interior depart' ment know how it eamo to be over looked nil these years. Tho Port land land office will hu obliged to no-i cept filingH regithiily made, whether ta, m A Thrtv i crrtnln drsrrr of trrplilstlon In thr rnloil of most wouirn In rrxsnl to Ilia ubjct uf mottirribol, Tim lomltiK In pd4ru i flfun ruHlrmllrlnt by Ilia Inhrr rot frar of prrlixl of cllilrt-u. lint thrrr m .l 1 no such itrrAil In vlrw of Hip rct llitt wn ham n tnmt nobln rrinnlr In what U known as Slollirr IVIrnif, Thli l in ritrrnit appllratlon I bat lias a wumtrrful Intlurnr and control orrr Itio muiriiUr iImu of th aUI'smo, Ity it nail ii c the uiutclr. rnnu, irnuooa aod llcninrnti sit xtntlr erpind without Ibe illKlitmr strain , ilirrr la nu pain, no nautrs. no inrrounnrM J hat waa derail! as a cfrc pttjrilrai rJfl Uoinc a (aim. rrrnr, yirim anticipation trial naa na its prrM amen as our fofunoat trarbrra ot KiitTiiIra nr atrlrlntf lo drill Into tho nlcila of tin in-arnt irmrratlun. In almoit errry rommnnlty thre am vrmatti who hat uit Molbtr'a Krii.!, ami thrr re the mim that trtiirrnl imffklr. conarrra Ihdr hrallh ami tn-nKIti to thui rrlili oirt famlllr ilfatlnwl by ryory fillu of nhrafolnirv anrt tb'i htitorr of autre ful inrn ami womrn ( rt-prat lbs atury of grfnirt arlikvinii'nt. Mothrr'a Krlrml la prrparnl aftr tho formula of a notrd famllr doftor by tho llrailtlrlil ltciilator Co., 1.1H Mmar llldtf, Atlanta, Ja, Wrlto thnn for thrlr Inalrurtlva hook In -iilaiit inothi-ra. Von will rim! Mothrr'a I'rlrml on gals hy all ctruj atorca at 11.00 a bt tli-. yv ! X"Ji J sUtC0AO F3 l To Exchange General merchandise stock farm or Income city properly. for Yes, our new wagon s a Studcbahcr the only kind we KNOW" "The Studcbaker Idea hna Leon in our family for sixty years. Wo liavo never thought of buyinu nny other kind of a wagon." "It's true, Wro continually bcinrr offered oilier wagons costing n littlo Ich, with lota of promlaca as (a what they will do. JJut we know m our family what n Studcbaker will do. A fe.w dollars difference in piico doesn't mean much. It 'a tho tenUe a wnj;on givca that wo consider most." "Lonuj scrvico for n fair price menns more every time than short; service for n few dollnra less." ITJiat'a why wo (lick to Studelinler and 'Slick to Studo. Imksr U pretty gocd motto for man who ue waHona." "Sludebakcr wajom aro built ol bomI atuff, They'ro mado tlulit by loplo who've had year and yeor of ruiicrionfo In maklnir them right peoplo who kra lruilel ilia world nvrr." "Studebakrr Wauon latt, beCAUlo they're made lo Ut." "Look out for Ida dealer who tell you hi wagon la juit ru good a n Studcbaker. That's my advlco after a uood deal of eaperlence and ilia eipericnca nt all of my ncoplo. You net a Studebaktr and you've got fo Invcatment'' Sta out Dtaler or urttt ut. STUDEBAKER wkWvoric UinHKArOMS South Bend, Ind. CIIICAOO HALLAS KANSAS CITY mtrrvCK SALTLAKE CITY SAM IHAllCISCO rY)RTLArll,OBK. best preparations we havo over handled nnd Is sold on a noaltive u. n. i.,.a,i,..i . i;.i,n ..! II III). I.:. Iliu ll.'.ii. o.w.u n ,ii.ii, bt ...ii. guarantee, Haskins Drug Store. Ibtono net. .. I'resli, light and brown I No belter bread llmu our, no claim, ever camo (o town. TIIK IHCST OP VWtJll Wo employ tho Iat't nietriodH, too; wo'ro jionltlvo (hat you'll enjoy tlio bread wo bako tor you. MEDFORD BAKERY & DET.TATT'tfcta, 4ii U. Central I 23 acres only 3 miles from Central Polpt with 15 acres dooded water right, flno alfalfa land, part In poara-. Will oxchango for good city property. &Bffitt'flftX i'- -"l" "i KXaVwlv ufiuBTj -. aakaaa4lBaaLMIr V "i v .Ok aaBBBaaaaaaaaaaagBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBanRaVlaBtflaB 'aaaaiaWiaaP1JIWlWJWrg!WfW'iH- A flno bungulow noar Lob Angelos, a beautiful placo to exchArigo for or chard tract. Wo havo plcttirei of this placo. Call and soo thorn and submit your proportion. 'SWv:'.-' W Jrlffl ,,ll 'TSRilWatr- 1 Stock ranchcH, alfalfa farina ana orchard tracts lit vary lovV prices and on easy payment plans. Wo havo Home good buys In city properties. Idnt your property with iih, AVe havo buyers, Wood&iVfessner rl .South Central Ave. LIGHT Only MOO lbs. POWERFUL 24 IT. P. INEXPENSIVE-! 200 Mfgdf hy Domihifjf rolor Imp. Co,, Cedar Rapido Iowa, Hoo IhiH "Donning" Irnclor at woi'kon my Aloha RaiKth, lOaglo Point road. Tliono G7-.r-2. dHAS, TS0HIRGI t Ii A 4 r i j-fr ,.i r-v )( J a , LBi