Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 23, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Mr ntul Mrs A 1). "Williams of
Trail arc In Medford on ft short busi
ness trip.
W .A. Mnrvln or Hold Hill spent
Wednesday with .Medford friends,
Charles W, Uensoit of Applogte
was n recent visitor' In Medford.
For rale, flno family drtvltiR or
riding horse, buggy and harness.
This I a Reed buy at $200. It In
terested wrlto Lolhrop Perkins, 19
Hdss Court, Medford.-
John Ilcsh, tho new owner of the
McOlatchlo orchard nnd fnrm, locat
ed near Jacksonville lins arrived
from 1-or Angoles. accompauled by
his wlfa.
Koultt Meelson of Mr Unite epent
Wednesday with friends In Medford
Tho 'rcRoUr monthly mooting of
thn V 0. T. U. will tin held with
Mrs. Lynns, 710 Hast Main street, at
2r3u o'clock Thursday afternoon. A
pood program ha been prepared and
refreshments will bo served. A spo
rlal Invitation lias been extended to
jouiiR mothers and their babies.
Orchard, hunting, fishing and
Orator Lake scenes for salo at Ocr-
ktng & Harmon's studio. Negatives
mado any place, kodak finishing. 12 8
East M,aln street. Phono 215 R.
C. li.1 Monson of Portland, repre
sentative of the Pacific Paper com
wmy, Is making this section his tiusal
Tito rcxecuUvo committee of tho
county W. C. T. 17. will meofat the
Ilaptlst church In Medford Friday for
an nil day session.
H you want your lawn tmwor
sharpened or repaired phone 360-J.
1). L. Dodge of Illvcrdalo orchard
Is stopping l Medford for a short
J. E. Knynrt has returned from
trip to his Hoguo river ranch In Trail
Gorklng & Harmon, studio por
traits, home portraits, flash lights,
kodak finishing, post card work and
enlarging.; 1SS East Main street;
telephone 215 R.
C. A. Lewis of Broadmoor has been
spending a low days In Medford.
George Heed of Eugene Is a late
arrival In Medford.
Mrs. F. II.. Hopkins of Sunny nutto
orchard was among hor Medford
friends Tuesday.
- Special Table d'Hote dinner at
Holland hotel every evening 40c 34
F. H. Farrar was down from Ilay
Gold Tuesday afternoon.
Colonel R. O. Washburn, D. D,
Sage' and Mr. Lydlard of TabM Rock
traasactedbusincss In
dayj $.
Medford Tuos
Insure and bo sure. Right lfwc
write It, rT A. Holmes, The'Insur-
anceiian. .
Jaincs. Garvin nnd Fred Rapp'wero
up from Talent Tuesday,
Mr. and Mrs. Will Mycr or Ash
land motored, to Medford Tuesday
Charles Lincoln, who Went to Scat
tlo some time ago, Is In Medford
E. D. Weston, commercial photog
rapher, negatives mado any tlmo or
place by appointment. Phone M.
V. A. Painter, who lives fcear
Phoenlr, wng a business visitor In
Medford Tuesday.
Professor F. C. Smith, principal of
tho 'Talent school, tarried a short
tlmo in Medford 1'uesdny.
Public market, stall 20. 2G lbs.
prunes, 50c; CO lbs. prunes, $1,
Thursday and Saturday. Remombor
lt. 28
Mrs. J. E. Dubose, Miss Haze!
Toriey nud Mrs. G. H. Kllburn of
Dunsmulr, Col., are late arrivals in
Ed tialtmarsh of Squaw Lake dis
trict was )n Medford and Jackson
ville Tuesday.
Vapor baths arid scientific mas
sago for men and women. Dr. R.
J. LocHwood, chiropractor, S03 Gar-nett-Corey
bldg. Phono 145.
Howard Hodgors or Antloch was
among tho many who camo to Med
ford Tuesday on luminous.
Mrs. John S. Meek, wlfo oi the
pioneer commercial traveler, dlod at
Portland recently, aged 47 years.
Money to loan on real estate. Seo
Carkln & Taylor, attorneys at Ian,
D. T, Martin ha3 returned frou
Portland, where ho spent a fortnight.
Mns, M. IL Parker und Mrs. I. F.
Williams of Central Point wnro Mod
ford visitors Tuesday,
8acrifrlnR contents flue furnished
house.' Don't iuIbs this for teal bar
gains. 1117 W. 9th bt. 30
Kent Root rf Hugo Is a recant ar
rival In Med rd.
ii i
Weeks & McGowan Co.
Day Phono 227
Night V. W. Weeks 10:1-2
A. H. Oit 078-M
II Mrs. J. W. llonar of Orlftln creek
district wn In Medford Tursdnv. ot
her return from n visit lit (he south
erh part of tho county.
Mrs. L. J. Sears loft for Gold Hill
Tuosduv afternoon to visit Mr. nnd
Mrs. I) II. Miller.
Comparison rnlo of tailored suit',
umv spring coats and shirt waists.
Ah rem. S7
J. L. Kowo of Sams Valley nnd
H. C. Messenger of Agate tnrrlod n
Tew hours In Medford Tuesday,
J. C Aitkin o,f Rogue Rlvrr. dop
uty Inspector, made a trip to
Medfonl Tuesday.
Tho coniparlson sale saves uu JO
to .13 1-3 per cent--Ahrens. 27
Fred Parker has pone to Salem
nnd will be nway from Medford for
some tlmo.
Comparison sale of moftsallno silk
petticoats. $1.9S. Ahrens. 27"
J. 11. Hoeman nnd George Hicks of
Gold Hill wero among tho many who
camo to Medford Tuesday.
Medford Orchestral club concert
Friday. S p. m., high school. 29
.1. W. Pcrnoll, tho AppWute tuor
chnnt, spent Tuosdny night In Med
Mr. nnd Mm. D. W. Harton of
Dunsmulr, Cnl nro late arrivals In
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Jastcr and L.
E. lllnklc of Josephine county were.
recent Medford visitors.
Henry Manklns arrived Tuesday
from Stanislaus county, Cal., whoro
ho has been engaged In farming tltir
Ing tho past few years. He camo to
attend tho sheriff's sale of the Glen
Rogue place, located south of Jack
sonville, which ho formerly owned.
James Kershaw of Antelope, who
was In Medford during the week, has
sold 25 head of milch cows to J. W.
Snider of tho Medford dairy.
,A doIegatlot of members of Wen
tonka trlbo of Red Men met with
Phoenix trlbo Tuesday night and
spent soveral hours pleasantly.
C. II. Hostel, Charles Pan key and
J. Hamrlck were among thn Central
Pointers in Medford during the week.
L. Nlcdcrmcyer of North Jackson
ville transacted business In Medford
Mr. and Mrs. Leille Stanscl! and
Mrs. E. A. Langloy wero over from
Jacktonvllle Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Pclton of
Sams Valley camo to Medford Tues
day to meet Mrs. Young and her
daughter, who will pay them a visit.
The visitors havo been spending tho
winter In southern California and
are en routa to their home in Now
wCorbin Edged! was down from his
orchard, located in Brownsboro dis
trict, tho fore part of tho week.
Dr. J. F. Reddy Is at Portland In
tho interests of tho Pacific Interior
R. F. Flko has been in tho valley,
Investigating tho good roads propo
sitions' Ho Is a representative of the
jWarren Construction company.
Mr. Hammond and his daughter,
who havo been visiting In Medford,
left for their homo in Douglas coun
ty Tuesday evening.
Bert Greer, editor of the Ashland
Tidings, motored to Medford Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ellis of Ash
land were among Medford friend
ono day this week.
F. M. Stowart of Eagle Point and
J. M. Allen or Big Butto ttansacted
business In Medford Tuesday.
C. Keegau and J. G. Duunlngton
of Jacksonville motored to Medford
H. H. Taylor of Applcgatu was a
business visitor lu Medtord the foro
part or tho week.
J. T. Gagnon or the Trail Lumber
company Is making a business trip to
Miss 8bll FJh of Phoenix was the
guest of Mrs. W. A. Jones of Ross
lane rcoontly.
John R. Wilson of Griffin creek
and J u in os Hoard man of North Jack
sonville made a trip to Medford
Henry Bangort, who seriously cut
one of tho guards ut the Oregon pen
Herniary with a knifu be had manu
factured, was u former resident of
Jacksonville. Ho was Bent to Salem
from Douglas county for an assault
With a dsugarous weapon und Is sup
posed to bo demented.
WASIIIKUTON, April 2,'l. I)w
Iniiition that statu politic in bcliiud
Cnlil'oniiu's npti-alicn laud bill, now
pending bu'iore the California legib
lature, was voiced to HreidfJit Vil
bon hero today by Theodore A. Hull,
and ('ougroHHiiiuii Kettnar of Culifor
uia. Teleginiiii. wojo pioduced to
back up their allegations.
It was suggested to President Wil
son by Hell and Keltuer that Oover
nor Johnson mid the progressives of
California nro trying to forco tho
administration to interfere in nlion
laud legislation in tho Kama manner
..?.. -. ., ... ,1
in which rouner frusmeni tiooboveuj
was lou-ed to tuteifoie.
MRni'"OlinilAlliTI!llHtSK.IKnit'OI(l).OHK(ION',WKnN'KRI)AY. APUlliU lOtn.
CHICAGO, April 23 -Jnck John
son, negro pugilist, escaped easily
hero today when the charges of
smuggling against him worn tried lu
tho United States court. Juhnsou
withdrew his pica of not guilty,
pleaded nono contendere nnd wan
flnud $500 oaoh on to counts of
the Indictment against him, und the
smuggled diamond necklaco, vqluml.
ut $2000, wits confiscated.
Johnson was given until tomorrow
to pay hfo flno. The government
will sell the necvlnco at auction, tt
is roporuM unit .lonnson win pur
chase tho Jmuble und will glvo It to
his white, wife, Lucille Cameron
Plwidinj? in extenuation of John--onV
nff'ui, Heujnmiit Hachroch,
tliu ucra' ntlurnoy' ttoolurtxl that
Iilmou knew nothing uf the jmr
ehuo of the neoklnoc until lie u
turned to Chicago frum nlmnul.
John-nn'" wife, the attorney xnil,
bought the necklace with her own
CHICAGO. April 'J3. Joint Arthur
(Jnck) JohnMiu. ttogro pusili-t, who
reached the zenith of hi fame when
!ie humhW .Iniuiw J. Jeffrie nt
?eno, N"ev on July !, 101(1, went on
trial before Federal Judge Carpen
ter today fuuiug tho jmx-tliility uf fif
ty years imprisonment nnd fine
totalling $50,000.
JohtiMin, under indictment for ten
separate ofeiics, went to trial firt
on the charge that ho xmuggled n
$o000 diamond necklnco into Ameri
en to please h Mueide wife, Ktta
Dun on, a white womuu. At the con
clusion of this trinl, he will on May
.'illi answer to nine charges of vio
lating tho Maun white slave net by
tniusH)rtiug nn eightoen-yenr-old
white girl'throuch several rdutes on
the vaudeville tours that netted him
thoiifuuds of dollars.
Hurry Parking, nuMnnt United
States attorney, who appeared to
probecutu the black pugilist, has n
reputation for success in while slavo
cases. .Many "wluto .slavers" today
are nerving terms in the Fort Leaven,
worth federal prison through hi ef'
The biir negro today is not the
same carefree "I.i'l Ahthuh" who
hummed neoinpnuiments to his own
chords on the bnss viol and gleefully
laughed nt and parried thrust from
vaudeville nudionees when ho wns n
drawing enrd. His recent illnes,
when pneumonia threatened him
with denth. cost him pounds of
weight. And with possibilities for the
first time in his life realize what it
would mean to end his joyful mnnnor
of living in Mich nu unplouxmit way.
Until hiH nrret by tho federal au
thorities on the white slnvery nnd
smuggling chnrgos, the big negro'
career was nu unonding frolio. Horn
on the levee nt Onlvoston, he whittled
nnd snug his way into his firut hit
of notoriety, nnd collected enough
nickels from the erowdw that gathered
on n chnncu freighter to hoar him
sing his Southern rug-time meloiiioM
to pay h'w transjortntioii to N'ew
POHTLAKI), April 23. Clarence
L. lion men, the .Medford attorney who
hn- been named by President Wilson
for the position of United Stutoti at
torney of this district to succeed K,
A. Johnson, waH In the federal court
yesterday. He called on the United
Slutes attorney and paid his re
spects. "I confeidgr my nppojnlmJnt now
assured," buid. lleamos. "Tho mutter
will coino up Tliureduy for cojifirmn
tioii. I do not anticipate the bright
est difficulty. I go to Medford to
night to close up my nffuir-i thuru
and to await tho commission which
will he sent me as soon as the confir
mation of the appointment has been
securod. When I retelvo tho com
mission I will then come to Portland
and lake tho oath of office.
"1 havo met everywhere the most'
friendly reception. There is no ap
parent hostility and the repot t tliu't
a elirpK) was fighting my appoint-1
meiit und that 1 in turn wns battling j
doMjuirntuly with them, is absuid. 1
have experienced no bitch embarruss
meut." PORTLAND, Ore!, Al'ril 23.
Weather ferecast: Oregon. Fair to
night, with heavy frost east and, light
frost west portion. Thursday, fulr,
u'n 1111 or.
Variable winds becoming
Johnson Fined
iVv V v -" v l in
(Coutluued from page 1.)
as ho could and riuhed tor a
RuhIimI to Hospital.
The message reached W. T. Grlevo,
county moessor, at Jacksonville, who
took his machine and several men
and hurried to tho scene. Grlovo
mndo a record run through plowed
land and picking up Slngler lost no
Imu In reaching tho Sarrd Hwrt Iuik
pltnl with him. There titer bullet waH
removed and ovurythlng possible
done to save his life. He llngereu
until 8:3Ti o'clock today. Ho was
conscious for several hours nnd
talked to thoso helping him about
the affray. Ho did not know, how-
ever, that ho had killed Jonos, but
only that ho had Jilt him.
t.. .1... .......?. I...T - ....J... . ..-
ii iiiu tiiuniiiiiov .1 Kisau nils or1
gaulzcd to tnko up the hunt for
Jones, ns It was believed nt first ho
had taken to the hills. He was found,
however, back of.tho stove, dead. The
body was brought to thin city. It
was viewed by hnndrwls or local peo
ple at tho morgue today.
Jones has UvmL-for .tho past 12
years In this county. He camo here
with his tather, Oliver Jones, from
Arizona. He has a mother and sis
ter at present in Arizona. Another
sister, Mrs. W. A MuPhurson, about
a year at;o eloped. loavliiK n huslmud
nnd children here. Young Jonos has
been employed during tho most of
tho past flvu esrs by It. II. Klmiuct
man, foreman of the Prink ranch,
who has also been foreman of several
other orchards. He states that Jones
was u boy who could bo persuaded
but not driven. Ho says he never
knew or him over being In trouble
until last tall when he held a gun
on Marshall Jones at Jauksonvttle
and escaped.
It doveloped today that Jones had
approached the .Mltcholl 1oh In Jack
sonville last weok. according to their
story, with a proportion to rob
Ucekinnn'a bank at Jacksouvlllo mat
week. This Is taken to Indicate that
Jones had decided upon n caroer of
crime. ,
Tim crimp, for whloh Jones was
wanted was for burglarizing several
houses. When Marshall Joum at
tempted o urrest him ho drew a
gun and compelled the mnrshall to
let him go. Ho flml to California.
Klnglcr's History.
A fow days ago hj returned, fiber-
IH Slngler was advised of bis return
and his attempt to take him into
custody resulted in this tragedy.
August D. Smgler wo..s born nt
Plymouth eounlv, Indiana, May 28,
187(1 nml wm nearly ,TT yearn of ago.
He has nvsjdcil in Jackson county for
more than 1J jears. Four years ho
served us coiwinhlo of the Medford
dibtrii't and was elected blieriff of
Jackson county hiht fall, serving
since January (j of this year. He
loaves n wife and eight cliiMron all.
under 11 years of age,
Singlor was a member of tho local
lodgo of Klks, the Woodmen, Kcd
incii, Knights, of CoJuinbits und the
Moobv. Ho win a member of llio
Cntholic church.
Situated lu (lift Hub or tho Principal
Theater and Shopping District
Itftcntly llodecorateil und itcfuinlslitMl Tiiroiighout,
unit Hotter L'qulppcd Today than Hver Uctoro
i;untH'iiii Pliiu
Itooius without balli, 91. oo per day and tip
Itooms with bal'i, $2.00 per day und up
fl.'J. KAOF.MAN.V, Munnger.
N. K. CLAHKH,, Mgr,
for Smuggling
W VSIIINGTON April 2.1 Fob
lowing the announcement of I tin en
gagement of MM Nancy Lelshiunn.
daughter of tho Amurleau nudum
s.idor to Gorman), and tho Duko ot
Croy, Wtwtphnlla, who aro to be mar
ried In deflnuce of the orders of
Kaiser Wllhelm, tho state depart
ment Is preparing today to handle a
delicate International nltuutlou.
It Is slated that Ambassador l.lli
man favors tho match, and that his
withdrawal will be asked by the
kaiser. Tho department, on the
other hand, Is not Inclined, It Is saH,
tu consider the marriage of his
daughter Into the German nobility
sufficient rcmon for recalling Am
bassador l.elshman
SAN FHANCISC'O, Cal . April 23
Thn strike or the union wlreleis
operators against the Marconi com
pany Is progressing us well ns could
bo expected, according to the claims
here today of S. J. Koneiikntup. pres
ident of the ConniHircliil Telegraph
ers' union. He asserts It will bu sov
oral days before tho strike ran bo
made very effective, but declares that
within ii weok tho company III find
Itself lu a critical condition.
Lillian Itussell tins concluded her
lecture tour, and may appear for a
brier engagement lu vaudeville.
Wluit h Heap of Happiness It Would
llrliig lit .Medfonl Homes
Hard ' to do housework with an
aching back.
Drliigu jou hours of misery at
lltttmro or at work.
H woinoii only knew (he onusos
Hackaclm pains often come from
weak kidneys,
'Twnuld save much neudless woo.
Donu'H Kidney Pills are for weak
Head what a Medford oltUou savs:
Mrs. Mary Wlutorhaldor, near W.
Jackson street, Medford, Or a, huvs
"I used Doan'u Kidney Pills with
beneficial effects and the rosulth was
beneficial roaullH whan sutfrlng from
kidney trouble and I know ot othor
porsoiiH who havo taken the mwlth
success, Hiuco I mod ponus Kidney
Pills about a year ago, I have not
had tho least trouble from my kid
neys. This remedy deserves my
hearty endorsement."
"When your back lit lamo -rom
amber tho name." Pout ulinply usk
ror a kidney remedy ask distinctly'
for Doan'H. Kldnoy Pills, tho mime
mat Mrs. vviiueriiaiuvr hail the
reiiieuy nacKou uy uomo tcniiiuony
HUc till stores. Fostor-Mllburn Co.,
I.Props., Huffalo, N. y.
- ... m...j...:j i
iPorlland'f Famous Hotel.
Mokd for the Excellence;
I y J yi 4
irj uuijinc, European dwf)
i r " "i " " "" 'i "
The tlitmtergoluw pithlte will doubt
Iivm welcomo tho iiiinoitiicemeut mndo
by .Messrs. Fusoil and (loidiiu, les
sees and iiuumKcrs of tho new Page
theater, to tho effort that tliu new
theater will bu opened ollttur by
.Mauds Adams, on May U, or b
IMdlo l'ii, on May SO. The ehaure
to witness a "icul" show Is one that
Medford tins not unloved fur a l'im
time, and shows of the cliunmtor uf
lliwo two have been seldom co,
hero. Owing to tho fact that uj
bookings could ue made until 4 he
date of opsiilug could bo dsfulttl
Hscortalaed, I lie oYponso of scouring
either of thoso attractions Is neces
sarily much greater than It would
have been uudsr ordluurv clroum
Muui'us, and It will prubublv bo neces
sary for the management to scouro t
gtiarauteo boforo a final booking can
be made. However, there Is no
doubt but that the public will appre
ciate tho advantage of Ii living hiicii
a playhouse as this, sufficiently to
respond promptly with subscription
for seats for the opening perform
ance, especially as the management
states that after tho first perform
ance prices will be the same as thorn
charged lu the larger cities, aud
there will be no more dollnr shows
prcumted at nu to $2 per sent, as
has been the practlio lu tho past.
The new theater will prove n most
ngreoablu surprise to thoso who Iiiwh
not seen the Interior, ns It U
equipped with the must approved
convenience and applluiivos, aud has
a stage whteh Is largo enough fo
tho production of any show whloh
ran play either Portland or' Kan
It present negotiations are success
ful, tho management wilt, In tho near
future, havo n subscription list cir
culated, which will be accompanied
by the box shoot, so that subscribers
can select their seats when they sub
scribe, and arrangement will bo
made so that those who they are un
able tu roach personally, ns well as
out of town people, will havu euual
opportunity to obtain reservation.
The box sheet will bo upon to tho
public nt some convenient place, and
at suitable hours, to be announced
Notice Is huroby given that tho
undersigned will apply at the regu
lar meeting uf thn city counqll May
?, U'la, for a lloonsu to sell malt,
spirituous and vinous liquors nt 22
North Front street, for a period of
six mouths,
Dated April 11, 1313.
Tyrone Power tinn started his long
tour tu "Julius Caesar." lie will
phy In Canada through nMy nud
The "Mary
Jane" Pump
A hiiudsomo creation, made for us by
John Kelly of Uotiietor, N. V,
llullt on a now pump last.
Medium drop too and 1 Vi Inch heels.
Handsome flat bow.
(luu uiolul or patent,
(loodyear Welted,
Full quarters.
No sldo scams.
( !
Whoro "Itlght Prices'" Prevail
y-lvl ........ .-'jr' 'A ' "'WflfiW
mmmFMmlm I' V I Pimi'lM
JiIGTOuly 3500 lbs,
(fgd, by Donning Motor Imp.
C'p., Cccltiv lupids, Iowa.
--- ------ i
SAN rilANClNCO, fal, April 'J.
Spin i c.l to uclioii by wholesale
charge of malt voiced mealnsi the
judlee drpaiimeiit by members of nu
Italian bunco ring llml dented mote
Hutu f lOIMimt, Chief of Police While
today loft for Sum Qiifulln prison
purwimiUv lo inlfrvlmv Allchue) (lul
lo, oiiaof the mmvlnlsil hnneo mei.
(lallo Iihs lffiicd u iHnilWkiii tu
which he sllst ho M4t lliosn(U of
dollr n Delrctivi I'rnnlt lCsohi,
"Unci," .Mrllogl,, UhU DrtttiUlte,
lumtM SuIHvm, .lanifs MtOiMtmi und
t'lmilcs Taylor. Itnaids mytt lluw
msii for iillnirsd "puilsolkiH," Osllo
ohumes Ihiil w imlil $6 a wtwk to
Oiieli of I lm siici'iili nu lint hiNit
wIiimv ha operaU'd.
Since hi mrrot flullo sny lie Iihh
been visllcd many I linos by poliuc of
firem who piimiiscd In sue llml Mtt,
(lallo would leceive moiilhly pay
ments while he was in pi1iou. Chief
White ivfused in lne nny stalnmetil
bofpio leaving hoadiiiarleix, hut it
is kiumn (hut ho intends lo probe
(lallo's clmmisi.
San I'rnucisco aulliiiiilies nro as
tounded by the aeeuallous of Ilia
bunco men, who suv lliey paid ilclee
tlvivs fifteen per cent of Hmir iwiru
lugs. Mnuriee M-MHrtini nud Frank
Dullois, ulher nieiiiliors uf the ting,
have made similar clmrxi. An le
Marlini nud (Isllo have been scpn
mtsd fur mmitha. It iM pointed out
that thoiw eoiilil not sKlhly have
been any iiillnoinii bslwiu lluiii.
"Tim evidoHoe schuisiI so far,"
said District Attorney Flnkert to
day, "has blunt llmt nf Hllogi'd an
voiuplieis, and I Bin afraid il will not
I sufficient timii which tu hnsiv the
urresl of the necii-i'tl ilcloetives.
"From lodiiv on I will upend every
effort In gelling corroborative ey.
dniee. wilt interview Private Me
Carty, who worked up the evidence
uganmt tho bunco num. I think lm
can help tm coriuboralc (he ullegii
lions of llalluis, (IhIIu ami Do.Mnr
SAN FUANCISCO. t'lil., April 2.1.
-Willi (he ib iiiiilniii in the Hunk of
a fight for the i.uivornltv of llerk
aloy, nernss the Imv, tlie Colonial
club of this oil v has today started
suit ngnint C'liarles II. Spoar, for
iuer prraidtuit of (he state board of
hsrlmr wiiiininbiiuirrv fr $7000 nl
lefil ! ho due the club grill.
...- !. "J '-! '
WANTKI) Pusltluu by uxpurluiuml
bookkseper and slonographer. Ad
dress llox .10. curu Mall Tribune.
. . l
Opposite Postofflro.
iSpg this "Donning"
i ruclov nt work on my
Alolm ?ancli, IQaglo
Point roud. Pliono
S.'s.TS fi I'nir