Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 23, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Clfy Him
Medford Mail Tribune
Fnlr nnd Warmer, flight
front. Mat. fll, MIh. ,
NO. 27.
I'nrlyllilnl Yrnr
bully i:iMlidi Vntr,
with Rill I FT THUnilfiH 1 1 INC
When Sheriff Appcnrnl at Door of
Fugitives Cabin, Was Greeted Willi
Bullet Empties Revolver In Re
ply, all six Shots Fndlng their Mark
Death Occurs at 0:35 O'clock This
Morning at Hospital Where Sheriff
Was Broiifjlit After Shottlnfj.
AiiKH't l. Hlnglcr, uhrrlff of
Jnqkson count)', died nt tho Ha
ctihI Henri huipllul nt K-3T. a. m
todny as the result of n desperntit re duel with Lester Jones, n 19-yonr-old
desperado, about dunk Tiicm
tiny owning on the- old Deltuboun
ranch nonr Jueksonvlllo. Joium wn
hilled Ity thn sheriff after n bullet
had ploughed (IuoukIi hi chest from
ldo to Mil", puncturing both lungs.
Hlngler wn rushed to Inn hospital,
liul iHvdlont ittelll ronlil not nvo hi
life. He riled of mi Internal liomor
rim,:". Thg shooting, nffrny occurred lm
tepii C Hint 7 o'clmk Tuesday eve
ning, illiiglcr liml been advised of
Jones' return from California, where
. Iip tlcl-laM. fall following nil attempt
trrnfTMrnliii by Marshal Jones of
Jacksonville. ititrliiR which hn held
n Him on tbo mnrshall until ha got
away. Taking tlporuo Launspnch
wllli hlui to point out tho nililn In
, which J (Mien lived, dm sheriff started
u I or his man.
Mnke ArrcM Alone.
On approaching iho esbln Limn
spneh nimnluori at tho foot of
tho hill mill Blnglor npptoncheri
tho ouhlti nloiii. On neiirliii: It ho
iw Jones rooking hU supper. Walk
ing up tho stop, with his nun drawn,
tlio sheriff opened tho door with his
loll huiul. As ho illil o Jones shot.
ThU bullet struck HIiiRler Just umlor
tho left nrmplt, plouKhil tliroiii'.li
holh luiiKit nnd wan chocked hy hi
rib on tho right lit'. KltiBtor thou
opuuml fire, emptying hi kuii.
Knoh of tho lx shot took offer).
Ouo struck Jones on tho right chrok
uhoiit nil Inch below tho eye nnd
imiiio out nboul nil Inch In front of
thn right oar. Ono mrurk him on tho
top of tho head, ploughliiR throiiRh
tho sculp. One struck under tho lift
unit mid toro throiiKh hi side, com
Iuk out umlor tho left shoulder blade.
Ouo struck tho muscle In tho lclt
iirni, ontorod hi hody nnd imiiowi,
nhout Mix iuohcN holnw tho loft hIiouI
dur bind". Two nntorud tho hody on
tho nldo. In tho moantlmo
Jonon fired two inoro ho(H. Oiio
Htrurk n kmti'klo on tho rlsht Imnd
Tho third idiot wnH ovliloutly flrod an
Joiiph wiu fnlllnR, im It ontorod tho
ntovo nud puu nrouud In It. HIiiRlor
thoit tumud mid wnlkoil down tho
hilt Hourly n hundred yunU, when ho
roohnl nnd foil. J.nunHpnch ruahod
to hU old, miido him n cnmfortitbln
(Contlnuod on paRo 2.)
I.OH ANOKLES, Cnl April 2a.
Ily tho coniiumiiiatloH of u RlRiuitlo
dnnl miiiounrod toduy, Honry H.
lluntliiRton of I.oh AiiroIch him n
iiuiuml lontrol of tho Pnclflo mid
I'owor company, u 110,000,000 con
corn. Ho linn purcluiBod tho ontlro
holdliiRH ot Allun O. Ilnlch nnd W.
(I. Korlckhoff, who hiivo tukon ovor
lluntliiBton'n IntoroHt In tho South
om California Uuh mid Midway (1n
Tho hoiiHOH of KiiBpnr K. Colin nnd
A. Ilium of Han KrnncUro will ho
iiuHOolntoil with Korlckhoff mid Union
In their now voutuio.
. HuntlUKtnn, It la understood, will
"coiitluua tho dovQlonniout of powor
hIrIiIh nud plmin for dlxtrlhutlon of
powor In mid nrouud Lou Augoloti,
County Court Will Meet Thursday In
Special Session and Choose Suc
cessor to SlnQler Brother Will be
Choice of Officials.
Col. George P. Mlms Offers to Serve
and Turn Salary Over to Mrs.
Slnglrr New Law Aid to Her.
I.nlu thin afternoon, Willimn Sing-li-r,
hnithcr of the nlniu flicriff, in n
rofiMiltiitiiui with County JiiiIru Ton
Wile mill County CoiiiiniHHioiier I'o
er, uKrecil to uceept tho nMlut
ment iih clicriff, iimiii the uiiileritfniiit
inj; that Im nFiM in the cure of bin
hnitherV fiimily anil look nfler their
welfare, mi ic.Minniliillty whirli he
elieerfuily upreeil lo nMiime. Ah
hooii im CoiuiniKxiiiuer Smith eiiu li
renehnl, tliu nppoiutmeiit will hi
The county court will meet In rpo
i'ImI M'hhioii Thurxlny Tor tho pur
Im of Appointing n nuocenhor to
AiiRiiHt I). BiiiRler, itheriff, who died
nt the Snert'd Ilenrt hoopital tliU
inonilng n" the ruKiilt of it rovolver
luel with letter JniieH Tiicsulny
nif-lit. Tlio choice of tho court will
not lie known until Coiuiuiftioupr
Smith, who iH on upper Itoguo river
(inn reach the county Bent nnd con.
fer with CominlnHloner I.eever nml
County .IiuIro F. I. Ton Voile, lint
it U ' prohalile that Cnminlwdoncr
Smith will "Ki'' lo the iiiiiiiing of
William ShiRler.
Colonel (leoruo I. Minn of Seven
OaU toilnv offereil t ceno iluriiiK
thn l nunilhx of Sinuler'n term mid
turn tin Hilary over to Mix. SiiiR-
I.T. It ix not heliexed that turn will
he iioooNinry however ns the 1cmiii1
ant iiinther'rt ikmikIoii law which wn-i
i.a-Hi'd hv tho recent leui-lature, will
proviilo fll'J n month for her mipport.
SiiiRlcr iiImi It'll UMiu lilo insiiraiimi
in i he Woodmeii mid it in lieliuvcd bo
bail n policy for a like amount In an
old lino company.
A iiiiiolier of other iimuen have
been hurrosIciI to the court. Tho np.
iLiintiiiKiit will ho made Tburhtlny in
order, that Hip county will have n
xheriff iih poon an jmihsiIiIo.
Ity order of County .Iiultfo ton
Velio the flair on tho court Iioiiho wii
placed ut half miiHt today.
1WTTK, Monl., April 2U. -Fivo
liilnerK wero killed nud uiiin injured
hero today by tho fnlliim of two
eajjeH in Iho Leonard Copper mine
when a cylinder head of tho ltoistiii(r
eiiL'ino blew out. Soino of tho in
jured will probably dio.
Ouo of Iho oiije fell trnm tho 'Jtitiu
foot lovct nnd Iho otbor from tho
1100 foot level. Tho dend nre:
Samuel I,nwrcueo, Nicholas Treg
lown, F. J. Faseop, Andrew Hartell
and Frank Wnrno.
Tho Leonard mino Is Iho property
of tho AnmlKainnlod Copper com
pany. Tho accident occurred when Wil
liam 1'olorrt, who was running Iho
hoist, lost control of tho engine. Ono
lingo currying four miners wih just
leaving Iho top. It dropped 2000
fool to n dump pile. All of tho oeou
paulH wero killed. Tho other cage,
containing nlno men, droiiped 800
feet, Injuring all ol'-ftH oucupauts.
After tbo cages dropped tlio on
gluo htarled running wild, Hentloriug
iron about and wreaking tbo' engliio
bouse. Nick Trcglow wan killed by n
ptceu oi. l'lylng iron.
T -""-- T
AiiKtut !. Hlnitlcr
WAHIIINOTON. April 23 - Kvc.
thoiiRh Cnllfornln pmoK an antl
nllrn land law ulmcd directly nt the
JnpniiPKP, Jnpnu will not nttempt any
wurllko retaliation.
Thin declaration wan voiced hern
todny hy llaron Chimin, thn Japanese
nmhnMudor to tho United Htnte.
Huron Chimin declnred the hotter
rlnane In Japun wero trying to quiet
JltiKO tnlk by the lower clnnei, and
that wnr between tho two nntlona
wna out of tho qucatlon. The mnbni
umlor nucrtcd ho had not neon Presi
dent Wilson for n week but expected
to pay tomorrow hja customary
courteay rail on Secretary of Stnto
It alto wna omphutlcnlly denied at
tho white houo todny that Japan hnd
voiced nny wnr threat. Secretnty
Tumulty charncterUed im "baieleaa"
reporta thul llaron Chimin hnd In
formed tho president that Japan waa
unnblo to control tho people, who
would force tho nation Into war If
tho California land bill wero passed.
It wua denied ttiut the Japanese nut
bnbMAdor hnd aeeu the president yes
terday. Much proRrctiH wns reported todny
hy tho rommlttoo In chnrgo of the
cnmpalRn tn aecuro contract rove
Iiir oiioiirIi ncreaRO to nasuro tho val
ley of n hlRh lino Irrigation ditch
which will place &G,000 acres of land
under IrrlRntlon, Automohlles hnvo
been kept on tho rond currying liusl-
ness mun to en I upon tho landowners
mid but very tow refusals havo been
Tho campalRU fs IioIiir dlrocted by
mi executive commltten with J. C.
Drown nctliiR us aecretary and direct
or of tho riimpatKii. Tho, systematic
cninpnlRit Is nottlug Reed results.
BACHAMBNTO. Col., April 23.
Tho bonrd of control mother's pon
slnn hill, umlor whoso provisions tho
parents ot half orphans will bo on
couruKod to keop ehlldrou at homo
Instead of nt Institutions, wna passed
by tho assnmbly last ulRhl 49 to S
It nllowK stnto aid of SG.2ri a month
for dependent half orphans cared for
at home, this amount to ho supple
mented hy SO.-o from tho county.
Tho slight opposition wns dlroctod
not ngnlust tho principle ot tho meas
ure, but ngnlnst tho provisions which
will exclude tho children ot non
cltUena nml thoso who hnvo not
lived In tho stnto threo years from tho
boiiotlta ot tho law,
unit I'mnlly.
WASHINGTON', April 2.1. At n
conference with Secretary of State
llryan here todny the hcnnte com
mittee on foreign relations voiced iU
iipprowil of the general fentures ot n
plnii mipRcMcd by Krynn for securing
world iienro thmiigh n new hyotem
providing for the judicinl M-ttlcinont
of intenuitionnl dispulei. After the
conference, Secrelnry llrynn Miiil:
"The detallK-'offlhe plan will be
published after I- have reKrted it to
the president. Nothing has been
published yet giving nny ndeiptnte
idea of the proMinl which the sena
tors hnvo just approved. The Jnpn
uese situation wns not discicbrd.
"Among oilier thing, I reoom
monded tho leasing and purchnse of
Aiurricnu cmbaMhy huildinx ns rapid
ly as practicable."
" It is understood tlpit Secretary
Itrynn'ii plan eoutemplntcs the inves
tigntton of disputcH by n commis
sion, such cominiKslon to have one
year'n time to study the problem,
with which it may be confronted, dur
ing which period neither nation may
tako any steps toward war.
WASHINGTON, April ffil. The
house began today n general debate
on the tariff bill. It was expected
that open discussion would concludo
Monday, when consideration under
the five minule rule will begin.
A score of "set speeches, mostly
mnde for home consupnitioii, com
prised today's discussion. Chairman
Undorwooif, of tho ways and means
committee and majority lender in the
bouse expects to speak at length but
extemporaneously in explaining the
bill. The republicans mid progres
sives will divide bnlf of tho time al
lotted for (lobato.
Five minutes after the liouso met
Congressman Undorwod moved that
it go into cominitteo of tho whole to
consider tho tariff W, dosing gen
eral debnto Monday. Congressman
Moore of Pennsylvania objected. The
galleries wero packed.
In his opening spoeeli Underwood
ebnrged that tbo republicans bad
broken faith with tlio people by pass
ing the Payne tariff law in 1010. ,
1T.ORKNCU, Italy, April 23.
Throwing hundreds of tons of dirt
nud rocks Into tho valloy below nud
destroying many gardons, orchards
and fields, tho crost of Mount Kooho
fort, dominating this plnco, foil off.
TliQro woro no fatalities,
All Day and- Night Attack Followed
by Surrender of Turkish Forces Af
ter Several Sorties had Been Re
pulsed with Great Loss of Life.
Forty-Eight Hour Bombardment Con
cludes Spectacular Seige by Which
Montenegro Defied all Europe.
DKUJUADK, April 23. The cap
ture of Bcutari by Montenegrin
troops waa marked by enthusiastic
demonstrations here today. Business
waa at n standstill practically all
CETTI.NJB. April 23. Folio wing
a fierce attack on Scutari last night
by Montenegrins, w.ilch lasted
throughout tho night, early today tho
Turkish commander capitulated,
losses on both sides were hcary, sev
eral sorties by the Turks having been
repulsed by the attacking army with
ureal losa to both sldea. The sur
render followed a heavy bombard
ment, Interspersed with attacks by
which the Montenegrins captured lino
by Uno tho Turkish defenses.
CBTTINJE. April 23. The Mon
tenegrin forces made a fierce attack
on Scutari last night, according to
an official report. Tho engagement
lasted all night. Tho Montcnegrlna
captured two lines ot posts on tho
west and cast fronts. Early today
the Turks attempted counter attacks
but wero repulsed. Tho Montenegrin
loss was heavy and the fall ot Scu
tari la Imminent.
VIENNA. April 23. Ccltlnjo re
ports hero today say that tho Monte
negrin bombardment ot Scutral con
tinues unabated. Premier Venlxelos
ot Greece today wroto llulgarla, Mon
tenegro nnd Sen la suggesting that
the allies meet to decide upon what
demands they shall mako when they
meet representatives of tho powers.
MAUSHFIKU), Ore., April 23.
Mrs. Iva M. Wells, of North liend,
bits started suit for $10,000 for
breach of promiso ngniust Charles O.
King. Tho defendant U n member
of tbo firm of Oorst & Kinjr, who
conduct an auto line between Marsh
field and North liend. Mr. King
enmo hero last year from Medford.
Mrs. Wells is n milliner nnd alleges
that King promised to marry hor on
a certain date, then asked for a
postponement. When the next mar
ringo datp came King refused to bo
married at all and now Mrs. Wells
wants damages in the sum named.
VENICE, Cab, April 23. Ono hun
dred dollars is the sum Miss Anna
linker mid Miss Amelia linker hnvo
contributed today to tbo Venico town
treasury in payment for n wild mi
tomobilo rido through its streets while
the pair battled tigorisbly with Mo
torcycle Policeman Hennerts, who
had leaped from bis mauhino to the
running board of their car.
After spending several hours in tho
Venice jail the women wore released
when they offered ns bail diamonds
valued at soveral hundred dollnrs
They told Justice Henplo that they
bad drank soveu bottles of beer, nnd
Inter pnid $70 nud $25 fines for
Jbpccding. , ,
President Asks if Secretary of State
Will be Welcomed to Discuss Allen
Land Measure With Goyfrfrw and
Legislature of Golden State.
Legislature Wires Invitation and it is
Expected Amicable Agreement Will
Be Reached, Avoiding Complication
Cat., April 23. At 12:30 o'clock tho
California assembly ordered tho chief
clerk to transmit to President Wilson
by telegraph tho resolution adopted
by that body by a vote of 59 to 11
Inviting Secretary of Stnto Dryan to
consult with the lawmakers on the
form In which tho proposed antl
nllcn land law shall bfl couched.
WASHINGTON, April 23. Presi
dent Wilson today telegraphed Gov
ernor Johnson at Sacramento and tho
legislative leaders of California ask
ing whether It would be acceptable
for Secretary of State Dryan to visit
Sacramento tottake counsel with th
governor and legislative members
and cooperate in framing an anti
alien law which would meet tho views
of California and still would not In
terfere with national treaties.
President Wllson'a telegram to
Governor Johnson waa sent In dupli
cate to tho president ot the senate
and tho speaker ot tho California
assembly, except for the first sen
tence. Tho Johnson message said:
"Thank you for your patriotic tel
egram. We find It so difficult from
this distance to understand fully tho
situation with regard to tho senti
ment and tho circumstances which
llo back ot the pending proposition
concerning the ownership of land In
the state of California that I venture
to Inquire whether it will be agree
able to you and to the legislature to
havo the secretary of state visit Sac
ramento for tho purposo ot council
Ing with you and the members ot
tho legislature."
Apparently tho executive offices
ure doubtful as to how tho Callfor
nlans would receive Secretary Drynn.
Governor Johnson and tho leaders of
the California legislature havo been
insisting that the federal government
keep Its hands off, but tho president
has decided that tho issues are too
gravo to permit him to view tho slt
uatlon longer from such a distance.
It the Callfornlana decide thoy do
not want Secretary Dryan to como to
Sacramento, the president will con
sider somo other method ot getting
first-hand Information as to the sit
uation thero.
NEW YOHK. April 23. Trading
on tbo stock oxebange was very dull
today. New Haven dropped two
jwints. The traders wero held back
by tho uncertain situntiou in Cali
fornia as (o laud legislation, nnd
also by tho tariff situation, The
market closed dull.
Ponds were irregular.
WASHINGTON, April 23. Pros,
dent Wilson will occupy tho presi
dent's room at the oapilol tomorrow
long enough to consult tweuty-fivo
senators regarding federal appoint
ments in their respective states, ac
cording to an minouncomoiit ut tho
wjiito bouse today. He may also
dUuuss the tariff with llicm.
1 A
Analysis of Lim Deposits There
Show Superior Article Contract
for Erection let Leigh Hunt EnJK-
neering Company of Kansas CKy.
Burch Elected President of Cetnpany
$500,000 to be Spent en Plant
and $100,00 put in Operating Fund.
The recently organized Portland
Denver Cement company wilt locate
Its plant at Gold Hill, analysis of tho
lime deposits showing that the lime
is superior in quality and extent of
deposit to that ot other localities in
vestigated. Immediate construction of a big
cement plant, to be located at Gold
Hill, where a great hydro-electric
power plant Is to be erected, It the
purposo of the officers ot the sew
organisation. Thl plant, with an
Initial capacity ot 1600 barrels, is to
be hurried through to the operation
stage, aa is stated that sufficient
funds tor the plant have been se
cured. A contract has been let for
erection to the Leigh Hunt Engineer
ing company, of Kansaa City, The
secretary ot the engineering company
is now at Gold Hill with officers of
the Portland Denver company per
fecting details for tho commencement
of construction. .
Officers Arc Elected.
Officers chosen for tho new com
pany are: J. C. Durch, president:
William Scbrump, vlco president; C.
S. AVoody, secretary-treasurer, with
Durch, Schrump, Woody, L. H.
Adams and John Gochorn, members
of tho board ot directors. Tho offi
cers are experienced cement men, say
the company proraotors, and havo
years ot practical work to guide
them. Tho capital ot tho company
la fixed at SGO0.O00, ot which SS00,
000 is to bo spent on the plant, nml
S 100,000 put In tho operating fund.
President Durch resigned his position
with the Iowa-Portland Cement com
pany to como to Oregon to aid in
this work and become the Oregon
concern's head. Halt of the capital
tor the plant has boen secured In the
east on the condition that tho toiler
halt be provided by Oregon people.
New Power Service.
Power for the big enterprise Is to
ba furnished by the Roguo Illver
Public Service corporation, which
has acquired tho old plant ot tho
Oregon Water & Powor company and
plans to erect an additional powor
plant of great size,
Dy locating In the heart of thn
southern Oregon country, tho ocm
puny backers Intend to profit by th-j
high transportation rates to that ro
glon, ns they are unaffected by wutor
competition. This company will huvu
a margin of at least Sin barrel ovor
the California product, and bollovea
that tho enormous development ot
tho southern Orogon country will af
ford a great growing murket far the
PITTSnUIia, Pn., April 23. Sov
eral fatalities nro reported, and near
ly 100 miiicrs tire believed to bo
penned in ns (bo result of nn explo
sion today which wrecked entries 12
and 13 of tbo Cincinnati mino of tbo
Mouogabela Consolidated Con I com
pany, nt Courtney, Pn., fifty mile
south of hero. News of. the disaster
was received here this afternoon.
Tho company admits that tho explo
sion occurred.
it is stated that ten miners wero
taken from the mino and there is
hope of rescuing the remainder of
the entombed men,