Jeff Couldn't Resist the Temptation When He Had Mutt in Position -r , ' ' 1""- - . : . . i Geo, dew, You MUMiuN t. j aftWAAuiLLr.icii USTMUIir UGTWOtIM ZLVo.d i ;;t; T tu1ci Tin rrjjuhir iM'itillilv dinner of lint Mctlfonl Merchant' mociitioii wiih hi'lil nl SI. MnrkV linll Monday rvcu lii(j, tlio dinner beltij: nerved by the ladlon of the Allnr Noeicty of tho Cntholto rhurch. J, A. 1'orry nml iiii'iiihrri of Hip Coiiitiicrcirtl rlub were premt n ml iNcu-t'd wilh mrrrliniilH I lio irrigation iiicntion, mid a commit tee wna nitmed In work In pecurliij" ounlriiolH. Now rule rnnl worn iltnrtiscil for C fit new Ixiok of rntingH ami nevcrnl cIiimwn In tliu present h'Nt'in deter mined iihiii, AilvertMiu on tlm new 'I'ii j!" Theater ourlniu wan unanimous ly cniliirMi'il nflrr brief (nlka by Mi'Kitr. Kliini) Fiinoii ami (lonlou. MriiilMTnlilp tlutj were Incrrimeil to $'J ii immtli, lo Include one banquet dinner. PHOENIX I Frank Wilbur returned from Call fiirnl.i taut U'mltiKHilnv. K. Mlntilh la the new inanaKer for! I bo IIIk I'Iiikm Lumber company (it thla place. Tito lribyterlan I. ml lei' Aid will meet with Mm. Maliiir.rcn Wrilueaday afternoon. (1. W. DavU of Ceutrul 1'olnt apont Haturdny In town. Hurry Puller of Albany. Ore., U vUltliiK O. Fuller and family nml other relative lu thla vicinity. Mr. fuller tapfcta to ahortly vlalt liU piirnuta lu Wlnronilu, The Cope hardware firm la inovlnit Ita atork of rooiU from tlio KiirIo tiulldlm; Into Ita now more, opimalto the poiitofflee. Mm. J. A. Onnmilll was taken qulto aluk the flral part of lnt week and removed to the Medford hoi tiltal. Tlio lutoHt aecountu frnm tlio hoHpllul urn thai alio la recovering. Mm. I). I.iihnera and Mrs. Luther Hlonrllff entertnlned a number of frlenda' lit the homo nt tho latter In honor of their mother'a birthday, Hitturday nfternoon. EDEN PRECINCT Mr. and Mrs, (Itm Ulemeuu are comfortably located now on South Itlvemlilo lu Medford. Mr. ClemoiiH la very poorly In health. Mm. Lloyd Colver la aofferlnR with chllla and fever ngnln, nt nor home In Phoenix, na nro several oth er persons who had malaria Inst sum mer. Mini Bybnl Klih apont last week vlHltlnu Mm. Wilbur Jonos. Mm. Lowls or (lolil Hill wna visit Hif? Mm. 0. 0. MoCluIn of I'hoonlx Thursday. Mrs. T. J, Miilmfircn and Mrs, Lllllo llluekwood woro callliiR on frlondH lu Talent Kumlny, ' Mr. nnd Mrn, Ohnrlea Uanca of !ast Medford wero In Phoenix Sun day vlsltlni; airs. Isaacs' mother. Mm. Wllllum Cottrell of Sams val ley Is vUlthiK her parontM, Mr. nnd Mih. K, Calliolm. Mm, Clmrlea Itoborta of Phoenix wiih vlnllliiK nt the homo of Mr. and Mm, J. K, HolKTtH Saturday nlnlil. The liiuaar nnd chicken pie aup per i;lvon upilor tho ausplcon of the Ladluu' Aid norluty nt Phoenix laat Krlilny wna AHUcceaa financially nnd Boclnlly, " Mr, nnd Mra. Joo Itador and L. A. Hebo inotorod down to W. II, Jones' place Sunday ufteruoou, O. W, AKor of Talent lmd the mis fortuno to Ioho his homo with ull Its contonta Bnturdny nlRlit by flro, tho oiIkIii of which la not known. Mm. J. 13, Kobortu and liar tlautjli- s i iiijniiriiii ni iiu i rtii .!.... MERCHANTS FAVOR HI PROJECT I ikt TiI: r.iwv.i ...,.. "X .. . .... i OMfeWIH SMJHt ft WILD - "t,;, l I 7 PLUSH erf-rue jaw and ' .' t - 7 BHlTtON IwGNT IvmuN nN f --.,.- ... ... ..... I r 11... ... "- I ''"'' yyv"rs l E 1 I "" I ernrt tins ly ' a tor, Mint Lulu, nml Mm. H. h, Stephens, Mm. J. I), llonry of North Talent with iitti'mlliii! Hobeknn lodgo In Tnloni Baturdiiy evening. MIm Marian Htnndlff of Phoenix vUltpil frlmiiln lu AhIiIuiiiI Buiidfi)', Mm. John ltolililim of Itoiftin Itlvnr hnn lirni vliltlim Imr lirothom, Hob rt mill Wlnfreit nml Albort Hinlth of I'hoonlx tnit vri-uk, Mm. William Cninpboll left for n rUli with Imr motlior, Mm. (lurrUnn, who U very frolile, hftvlnu had a purulytlc tlroko not Ion it two. N. W, llrophy of TalunMmy Junt purchainil n lino UrKo (Ivu inicn Kcr Overlnuil nutoitioblle. Wo nro Kind to ton Mr. llrophy nvnll ultmvlf of IhU ploaauro. Mm, John lloblnion of Talent h.i limn ronmvod from thn hotpltnl at Medford to hir homo In Tnlont. whern ho It In a fair way to rncovor. There trenm to havo been kIVmi out an orroiiooua report lo the affect that C. Carey haa fatted In thn rait ing of vegetable plants Oil enon. Thla Ik far from trne. He never had a flnur nor bettor lot of vwtatilo plunta of ull klnda thnn ho hna thla (prime. "PP" A.NKO.V. When It eomea to relntlng about "lmit perfonuuneca" there in no other figure in the bnao bull woriil who U better iiuallflcl tit fspenk limn 'Top" Anaon, lbs fniumiH mnuiiKcr of tlio oM Cliicnio) While SlookiiiKu The hixtory or thla atfir wnilH like romance. Krotu hU infnnoy liix iiiime wiim cloaely ami iiitimntely connected with hnno ball. He wna n principal ami netiic figure when the 'Vrtnt Amvrionii j-nine" wiih in Nwiulillinr clothe, nml through ull the yenrii of ita development he took nil nutivo inn! prominent part. When thin old aenut firat aturted to cavort urouml n diamond n ncorc of MO lo 121 wna ennniilcrctl a "tfood pune." Ho wbk u Mnr jilnyer then, um! Inter, ux the aeieuee of the Kiune mlvnuceii nml "nluK'Kin;" took u minor port In deeliliiiK the outcome of ii ronlcrtt, he iin olill in the lend na u player of bruin nml wkill. To day, nt hixty, he hlill kivch nil who m'o him thrir moneyV worth nml n little extru ulthouuli not on tho tliu mnuil. Followiui; the natural onler of IhliiRa "Pop" Iiiih i'oihi on the xlnge, nml unlike numerous celebri liea in their ronpeetive fiehln, ho is pmvitiK to lie ns akillful nnd enter-laiuii))- before the footlights iih ho wiih heforo the IlioimnmlH who cheered his every piny ilurinj- hia twenty huveu years on tho bull field. And apeiikitiK of bust) bull briupi to mind Hint there in practically nothinp; new in the art of playing the f'nmo. If thoro has been any mlvnucoment whalKoever, in the plnyiut; end of tho Knnie, it hna boon in tho pitehintr. Tho pitchers of today nro 119 doubt moro effective thnn I hone of old. In fuel, if it lmd not been for tho ml vent of tho Rpiildiiijr. Cork Center bnll thera would hnvo boon Komo IobIbIu tion ngniunt the pitcher. Ho cer tainly hnd tho best of it. Tho cork center bnll hna solved tlio difficulty and Iiiih reduced tho handicap be tween the pitcher nml fielders. It Iiiih increased the hitting, )u oreuted fnHtvr fiohliuj and ha.s aildod inter iHt to tho Riuno nit nrouud. One would think that the bnll would bo unpopular with tho. pitchers. It is renlly tlio opposite. In foot it ndiln to his prC8tij?o when ho is "tltero" with tlio goudti. If you've got tho eye nnd land on 11 cork center bull, you'll (,'ot notion if nothliur elso, It haa 11 eruek nnd 11 zip to it that k'ivos the plnyora coufidotico. Let Ua Show You. If you nro n aufforor of plica or homorholds In any form, como to our Btoro and lot ua show you Morl tol I'llo Homody, It la 0110 of tho boat propnratlona wo havo ovor hnndlod ami Is sold on a posltlvo gunrantoo, Hasklna Drug Storo, MTOTTOTtT) TOTT) TRIBUNE, Merltol Tonic DlRcitlvo will tono up your system quickly, inako you Ufil atroiiK QRalu. Haxklns Drui; Btoro, .X)TICK. Notice la hereby Riven that tho iinderslcucd will apply at tho regu lar meeting of thn city council May C, 101.1, for n license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors nt 22 North Front street, for n period of six months. SULSUY & KENNEDY. Dated April 11, 1913, NOTICE. Tho Iowa society will glvo a ban quet on Wednesday ovenlng, April 23, at St. Marka halt, COc per plate. Kindly notify tho secretary of tho society or Mr lllnman If you will bo ablo to attend, no amplo accom modations will be arranged, run iiKNT ruKXiHiinn moomb FOIt KENT Largo steeping rooms, and modern housekeeping apart monts, prices very reasonable, Phono 102G-L. 222 South Holly street. FOIt KENT Tho Coleman modern furnished rooms, II per wk. 1005 W. Mnln. Tel. SIC4-J. FOK HKNT FUKNISIIKIl; APT8. p--t-t"t"""",'"S"'-""'-"N".-----------j-- FOIt KENT Completely furnished apartments. Tho llcrbcn, 10 Qulnco at, rat ttKNt nourtia FOH KENT A modern 5 room bun galow on King street. W. P. Dodge, 610 South Oakdnlc. 29 FOU KENT Two room house closo In. 125 N. Holly. 2C FOU KENT Modern bungalow; built-in furnlturo; beautiful lawn. 30? B. Newtown. FOK KENT Soren room house, stooping porch, $1S; also S room apartment, sleeping porch, 18. Wntor paid In both. Inquire of Col. Sargent. 36 FOK KENT Strictly modern 8- room iiouso wuu sleeping porch. Also soven room bungalow fur nished If desired. Also threo room house W. II. Evorhard, 1013 W. 9th st. FOK KENT 0 room modern fur nished house. 730 West 11th st. FOK KENT Furnished fj-room houe, water rent paid, J25. S18 King st. FOH KENT A well furnished 0- room bungalow, with slcoplng porch, 2U Laurel st. Key at H. O. Kentner'a. 009 W. 10th. Tele phone 73 Ashland. FOK KENT Furnished houso, closo in. m. a. itador, at M. F. & 11. Co. FOK KENT Q1T1CK3 FOK KENT Lnrgo, comfortnblo of flco rooms with olovator Borvlce, Btoam heat, hot and cold wator. Low rntos. Apply Medford Furnl turo & Hdw. Co. FOK KENT MISCELLANEOUS OKT LOCATED NOW. 5 room furnished houso, 115. 4 room furnished houso, 20, 5 room partly furnished houso 1C 2 room furnished houso, $10. KANOIIES. C aero chlrkou ranch, closo In, 111 30 aero gonernl farm. ALSO FOK SALE: 6 room modern hoiso, lnrgo lot, Ilenr crook noil. Hnn thu rj North Ktvorsldu; $2200. J. O. DAKNES, Room 214. lBt Natl. Hank 111k. liU HALE ixxra FOK SALE OK 'lUADE Honutlful lot on paved street; good location, Will tnko 300 K sold nt onco or good gonernl homo na part pay mont. Apply 1000 N. Coutrul. 27 MRDTOTID. OKKOON", TUESDAY. 'APIW, 22, 1m, FOR BALE LANDB WANTED MIHCKLfcAXKOUS IIU8LVKSS DIKECTOKY FOK SALE Hy Lumnn N. Jmld of Tnlent, Jackson Co., Oregon, 4 mall farina about 3 ml, from Tal ent; housea nnd Improvements; among tho foot hi I la, soil Tory fer tile, water plentiful; prices from C0 to f 100 an acre. General alfalfa farms, level, price from $200 to 1350 an acre. Timber land from $2& up. Gold mining property, assaying from $8 to $300 v.n ton, also It. It. Innds In Cnl., Utnh and Nevada; also flno stock farms and commercial or chards, Write, enclosing stamp, FOIt HALE ACJU'.AOi: FOIt SALE OK KENT New 6 room modern house, full basement; also 4 room house. C28 West Palm St., Vi blocks west of North Oak dale. 38 FOK BALE Cbolco 6 aero home; easy terms. East 14th st. Phono 1000-M. 4) FOK SALE HOUSES FOK SALE Six room houso at 22 Almond at.; modern, closo In; flno lawn; 4 large almond trees In front. Easy terms. J, W. Lane. Gold Hill. . 27 FOK BALK -MIKCRMjAXKOUS FOK SALE Largo and small rugs. beds, dressem, chiffonier, leather chairs, porch-wit, Herrlck rcfrlger ftt6r. sideboard; gas range, sewing machine; phonograph, dishes, etc. Don't miss this for real bargains. MuhI bo sold thla week. 1117 W. 9 th st. 27 FOK SALE Iver Johnson bicycle lu first class shape, coit $42 new. Prlco $20. Inquire Dox 72. Trlb une. 26 FOK SALE Vegetable plants In any quantity at C. Caroy's, Talent, H. F. 1). No. 1, Ore. Phono 16-F-ll. FOK SALE Orlontal rug 3x5 and few artistic pieces -copper and pot tery, also an art glass portublo electric lamp. These goods will make an Idenl gift nnd Improve with age. Inquire llox I). H., Trib une and owner will call upon you. 26 FOK 8ALE Four yenr old horse; broke to work single nnd double W. P. Dodge, CIO South Oakdnle. 29 FOK 8ALE Library table, chlld'a high chair, Irish mnll, one gaa plato. 31C N. Holly. 26 FOK BALE Full blooded Scotch col llo dogs; prlco very reasonable. Address Robert Polouzc, 436 X. Hartlett, Medford. 2S FOK SALE Italian bees and queens J as, Stewart. Phono 640-H., Med ford, Ore. 4G FOU SALE Electro plating outfit. So. Ore. Electric Co. 37 FOK SALE Fruit box labols In ono two or threo colors, printed as you ordor at tho Mall Tribune. FOK SALE Looso loaf ledger sys tems, any stylo or siado to ordor by tho Mall Tilbuno bindery. FOn BALE Shado trees, two years old Catollim poplars, very fast growing, 40c each. 512 S. Oak dalo avo. Phono 123-H. 3G4 FOR SALE Letter heads nnd rancy stntlonory, printed, engraved or ombossod, as you wish at tho Mall Tribune. FOK SALE Legal blanKs, tresspass notices, for salo or rent slugs at tho Mall Tribune. FOIt SALE FOULTKl AND EGGS FOR"' '"BALE ! "Whlto WyandotTesi broiuo turkoy egga nnd stock. J. H. Fullor, Talent, Oro. 29 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Plain Bowing," patching nnd quilting. Call any day but Saturday. Phono 084-H. 49 WANTED Work for threo honvy tennis. H. K. Phelun, 30 Portland ' Ave, Medford, 39 HELP AVAXTED MALK WANTED Mon nnd women for house, to houso canvass; good pay, clean work. Call thla office nnd nslc for Mr. Enrp. WANTED Mon with lioraea nnd rlga to canvass out of town on R, F. D. routes. Ask for Mr, Earp, thla ottlco, WANTED A solid built homo In ex chango for good organ. Phone 22C-J. Austin. 30 WANTED -If ones and cattle to pas ture. J. W. Dressier, 115 East Main. 30 WANTED Fresh milch cow; glvo prlco and whero seen. Address 1C0. care Mall Tribune. WANTED Furnished 4 or 5 room house, not to exceed $1S; closo In. Am steady renter. Call C6C-J. 30 WANTED Cow. gentle nnd not ovor 0 or C years old, Holsteln or Jer sey, but would prefer that the samo bo not puro Jersey. Send full par ticulars by mall to F. H. Cowlcs. K. F. D. No. 3. 29 WANTED Second hand two or three seated hack or surry. Kouto 1, box 121. W. D. Roberts. WANTED An alfalfa farm. Will exchange, good Incomo city prop erty. Uox 495, Medford. LOST LOST, strayed or stolen On Kancs creek, black horse, weight 700; branded XF. Will pay for deliv ery or Information. Paul Wright. 711 South Orange. 27 LOST Lady's hand bag with sliver chain. Please rctnrn to Mall Trib une and receive reward. 27 MONEY TO LOAX MON E Yto Toan. Clark" Realty Co " MONEY TO LOAN $1000 to $5000 to loan on Improved fnrni proper ty. Dennett Investment Co. 30 MONEY TO LOAN on real estate. Address me caro of Hotel Medford as I am out of city part of time. D. L. Dodge. 32 MONEY TO LOAN On city and cloio In ranch property. C. A. McArthur. room 3, P. O. block, phono 36S1. " MONEY TO LOAN, or will tnko up your mortgago or deferred pay ments. What havo you for salo? J. C. DAKNES. 1st Natl. Dank Dldg. BUSINESS niltEUTOKT Abstracts KOaUB RIVER VALLEY AD 8THACT CO., No. 6, South Central. Attorneys O, L. RBAMES, LAWYER Office Medford National Dank bldg., soc ond floor. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEALEY Attornoys-at-Lnw. Rooms 1 and 2, Postofflco bldg. A, E. REAMES, LAWYER Oarnett Coroy bldg. W. J. CANTON Attornoy and Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Main street, Medford, Ore. Accountant D. R. WOOD General Accountant Your books audited and Kept for a reasonable figure; your nuslneas Bollcltod. Office, Medford Mall Trlbuno bldg,; phono 611-R-2; res Idonco phono 637. Typowrltkiij; MULTIGRAPHINO. TYPEWRITING, Stenography. Machine Dictation, till classes of circular lottor work. Ouo or ono thousand lottors, tho prlco will bo right and according to tho times. Stimulate your busi ness with Interesting facta con corning propositions, or bargains. You can best do this with Multi graph work. Phono 133-R. McMil lan Publicity Ad-Wrlttng Co., room 9, JaekBon County llnnk. DenttsUt DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. O. O. VAN SCOYOO Doutlsta Oarnott-Coroy bldg., suite JI0 Medford, Ore. Phono 856. By "Bud" Fisher Auto Supplies LAIIEIl AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secret In making springs (s the tempering. Wo aro operating tho largest, oldest and best equipped plant In tho Pacific northwest. Use our springs when others fall. Bold under guarantee. 26 North Fif teenth St., Portland, Ore. Chiropractor. DK, R. J. LOCKWOOD. Chiropractor nerro specialist, nooms Z03-04-05 Qarnatt-Corey bldg. Vapoi baths and scientific massage glrcn; advice In dietetics, medical gym nastics, hydroptherapy. Lady at tendant. Phone, office 945, resi dence 571-R. DR. A. H. HEDGES, Dr. Lonlso B Hedges, Mcchano - Therapists, Chiropractors, SpondylothcrapUU Theco systems. Including dietetics, curative gymnastics, nydro-ther-aphy, etc., produce results In both acsto and chronic diseases. Con sultation free. 230 North Dartlett SL, next door to M. E. church. Hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Other hours by appointment Phone 4 17-J. GortMgv OARDAOE Get your premises cieanod up lor tho winter. Call on the city garbage wagons foi good service. Phono 625-L. F. Y. Allen. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our tree aro budded, not grafted. Our stock la not Irrigated. We guarantee everything put out Wo aro not le tho trust. H. D. Patterson. Ottiet removed to office Hotel Nash. In side entrance, noxt to barber shop Notary Publio HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary nub ile. Bring your work to me at th algn of The Mall Tribune. Printer and PublUners MEDFORD PRINTINO CO. baa the best equipped printing office In southern Oregon; book binding looso leaf led gem, billing systems. etc. Portland prices. 27 North First, Physicians and Surgenns DIL ""FT S. ""CARLO W," 1)1C "EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians, 416-417 Garnett-Corer bldg., phono 103C-L. Residence 420 South Laurel st. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physlcla and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practice limited to diseases of women. Oftlcea 232 E. Main, Phones, office 867; residence, 814. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye ear, nose and throat, Eyea scien tifically tested and glassea supplied Office 328 East Main SL Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Phone. E. D. PICKED. Jd. D. Office Jack aon County Dank bldg. Office phono 43-R; residence phono 58-R. DR. MARION Physician and sur geon. Stewart bldg., corner Malr and Dartlott ats.; offlca phono 27, resldenco phono 27-J-2. DR. MARTIN O. DARDER Physl clan and surgeou. Office Pain block, opposite Nash Hotol. Houn 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phouo 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician ane surgeon. Phones, ottlco 36, resl denco, 724-J. Ottlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic Physician, 303 Garnott-Coroj building. Phono 904-M. R. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Over Hutchison h Lums don, 215 E. Main St. Phone 77. B. KIRCHGESSNER, M. D. Prac tice limited to chronic diseases Ottlco Hotol Holland, Saturdayi 10-3, Doth phones. Residence phenes: Farmer 16xx5 Eagle Point and Roguo River lino. Stvnagrnpners ELLA M. OAUNYAW Palm block Stouographlo work done quick!) and woll. Traostcr EADB TRANSFER & STORAGE CO Office 10 South Fir st Phont 315. Prices right. Service guaranteed. T'AOTZ FITW I NEW TODAY Wo hav? .calls ,fqr furnished and nnfurnlshed houses, and are better than ever prepared to attend to such properties. Call up 1037-J and list such property. We can rent it it prlco Is right A good 30 acre young orchard, good bouse, for exchange for a nice homo In Medford. The Medford houso should bo worth &t least $7000. Wo havo been to some trouble to list several good stock ranches at from $50 to $80 per acre. They sr all w,ell located as to read and schools, all partly irrigated, and in crop; some hare stock, with them and all are raising same alfalfa. Not ono but what would bring great re turns to a good enorgetlc farmer. 240 acrea up nogue river, near school; a lot of timber; house; $10 an acre. 240 acres on the Antelope; a lot of timber, some crop, and fair build ings. $15 an acre. List your property with ua. C. D. HOON Room 12 Jackson Couaty Baatk Btdg TeleohwM IB37-JV To Exchange General merchandise atock farm or incomo city prdperty. for 23 acres only 3 miles from Central Point with 15 acres deeded water Tight, fine alfalfa land, part In peara. Will exchango for good city property. A flno bungalow near Los Angeles, a beautiful place to exchango for or chard tract Wo have pictures of this place. Call and see them and submit your p'roposltlon. Stock ranches, alfalfa farms and orchard tracts at very low prices and on easy payment plans. Wo havo some good buys in city properties. List your property with us. Wo liavo buyers. Wood & Messner 8 South Central Ave, Bittner's Real Estate & Employment Bureau FOR SALE 5 room house, 7 lots, good location, noar pavement; $1500; beatof tornib. 4 room modern house, woodshed; cIosq In; $1300; small cash payment, good terms. 160 acres near Roguo niver; good houso, barn, wator right, some fruit; $2300. 7Q acres near town, 6 acres pears, 4 acres apples, 20 acres grain, 40 ncros timber, wntor right; 7 room houso, barn, outbuildings, eloc,ri light, tolephono. It. F. D. Prlco $8500 or will trudo for city property. Good 8 room houso, aero of land; bum and outbuildings; city water; to exchango for Improved b or 10 aero tract, Good property for oxchange, both In city nnd ranch. Furnished and unfurnished housei for rent. EMPLOYMENT Waitress, Chambermaid. Girls and wonton for general house work. Housokeeper, experienced,- ' Ranch bauds. Dox factory men, Tlmbor falleru, timber buckers, Swampers. MRS. EMMA BITTNIK lies. Phono 1000-X Plume ggg. Opposite Njwh Hotel ROOMS 8 and 7, VMM BJ0OOK.