Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 22, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Oregon Mlufwlcal (hill
Medford Mail Tribune
Heavy fnt tonight, Olertr,
warmer Wed. M. HI, nin. !H
firty -llilnl Yinr
Dull) UlHlilll Vi or
President's Final Word sent Gover
nor Johnson Requests That no Dis
crimination he Shown Atjalnst Na
tions Havlnn Treaty Ohlloatlons.
No Objection (o Law Excluding all
Aliens From Owning Land hut In
vidious Discrimination Deplored.
WASHINGTON, April 22, Prosl
dent Wilson's (liuil word coiicarnliu
Hut nnll-nllim littiil laws now jicml
Iiik In thb California legislature win
cut t(i Governor Johnson nml Ilia
presiding tifflturu In both house of
tin Mate legislature todny u the
following inlritmm:
heck I'llrniMilp Only.
"I speak un ttio assumption, which
I nm miro U wo,l founded, Hint the
mh)Ip of California do not (Intro
Ihnlr rupresi'iilntltei nml thnt the
representative neither wish nor Intend-
In nny clrcuinstniico to cm
lnrrHM the government of tho United
KtRltw In It dealings with n notion
with which It him most earnestly nml
cordially sought to iiinlntnln rela
tion of gcnulno friendship nml Reed
will nml thnt least of nil do thoy do
lro to do anything which might Im
pair treaty obligation nr rnm doubt
on the honor nml pond faith of tho
nation nml government.
"Therefore I appeal In the lit in out
confidence to tho people, tho gover
nor "nil tho legislature of California,
to not In (ho mutter now under con
aldorntlnu In u manner (tint cniinot,
frum nny point of view, tin fnlrly
'rlinllenKed!W'rnlled In question. If
thoy deem It nccessnry to exclude nil
Miens who Imvo not declared their
Intention to lircomo cllUen from the
prlt liege of Inml ownership, they
win do no along linen nlrcudy fot
luwod In tho laws of many other
Mule. u nd foreign countries, Includ
ing Jnpnn herself. Invidious ills
urlmlnatlnn will Inevitably draw In
question tho treaty obligation of llio
gnttiruuiatit of thn Pulled States.
Registers I'mtcht.
"I icglster my very earnest nml
respectful protest against nny dis
crimination In HiIh case, not only
because I doom It my duty a chief
utccullvo of tho niitlon, hut also, nml
mori) rondlly because I hulluvo tho
people nml tho legislative authorities
of Cullforiilii will generously respond
In n moment to u matter frankly pro
M'litcd to tliein nil a question of tin
tlonnl policy nml n question of nil
tlonnl honor. If they hnvo Ignored
thin point of view It In, I nm euro.
because thoy illil not roollzo whut
nml huw niuth ,wni Involved."
DOUGLAS, Arl., April 22. -Tho
constitutionalist' honihiinlmiint of
tho port of Gunynin, Sonorn, rontlu
tied todiiy. with tho Mexican fodornl
garrison replying briskly,
Tho fcdornla Imvo rocolved n fresh
mipply of nminiinltlou nml It U be
lluved thoy n ro In n position to offor
n long rcalstnnco.
'During tho iiIrIU ilio robots woro
strengthened hy the nrrlvnl of hqv
0 nil companies of border recruits.
Thoy now greatly oiitnunihor thn
Tho Unltod Htntcfl cruiser Califor
nia U standing cIoho to shoro, with
lioutH ready to take nbonrd nny
Aiiunlnuia who wIhIi to leuvo tho
HOIS OF 12,000
VIOKSUUIKI, MUh., April 22.
Jloro tlinii 12,001) poiHoim tirft llirent
ciu'il with tho Iohm of their homes in
IIiIh iliritiiet today following tho
lircnldiitfiif tho MlHHitiHlppi vivorloveu
nl YooilliUvn, Miwu lu'iir lieio. Ilor
oio nttcmptH tiro lieini; miiilo to hold
tho wulur in uliuulc.
Governor Johnson Forced by Public
Sentiment to Come out In Open
Thinks California Should not he
Slnylcd Out tor Attack.
Only Legislation Deemed Absolutely
Essential tor Preservation of State
and People to he Passed.
HACKAMKNTO. Cul.. April 23.
At n coiifiirunro of n ucoro of Miimtors
with (lovurnor Hiram W. Johnion
Into todity III tho ejeciltlvo offlciii, ll
wn nureitil thnt tho word "InnllKlhtu
ulleii'' ii ro to remitln In tho neiiatu
hill, nml Hint tho policy utnbodled In
tho iiieiiniiro an drawn nt pronent will
lio.mntnliicd. The nntl-allcn bill will
tm hurried throimh.
KAfliAMKNTn, Cut.. April 22
Aiitl-laiid leuUtntiou In llio ni'iialo in
today in n itlatA of nhnox.
Willi llm tiMembly bill under eoti
Hiderntioii, nml the hcnnlo hill well
up on llii' file, nl leant three net
of nuiemliiU'iilH nre nwuitiuc nelion,
on every ouo of whloli n bitter fiKht
in exHeted. How innny more ninemt.
nieulM nr to lie introduced before
tho bill finnlly iH in Mmpe for roll
enll, no one in the upper hounn will
predict. Moor lendeni ndmit todny
Hint Ioiir debnteH nml eninplienled
iiuirmlmenlA mny cnuo final nelion
on llio tiiciiMure to be delayed until
tho cIonIiik hours of the Necsiou.
Jolumnil' StnCrmeiit.
floxernor Ilirnm JohtnionV
Ntnteuient, which todny linn been
made publio, nml in which be txplntim
Cnliforuin'rt nttiludo on ntiti-tilirti
laud IcKiilntinn. Iiiih bnd little ef
feet on Hie Inwmuken. They nny
Hint JuhtifMin wiik forced to come
into the eii on the mihject by tho
Hcntiuiciit of tlin people of tho Htntc,
nml Hint In nl will !' forced to
mikii nny antl-nlirii bill that in pniHcd
by the lepHlntuie, for the hiiiiic ren
noil, refill dlHU of III own pergonal
opiuloii in the mutter.
Tho coventor, in bit Mnlement,
eontemled that, iunmniich iin the hjf
islature U ceiiHidcrini: uu alien land
hill that i not discriminatory, Cali
fornia Hhoiild not bo Ninclcd out for
nn nttuek for exrreiiiinir tho Hiime
rinht which he ilcclnren 1ms been
. , . ...I.. I t... llm
exereiHcii ny mauj- nimen, ""
United Stutei iih well. Mo referred
to nuti-nlieit laud laws in WatihiuK
ton. MinneHota. Missouri, Kentucky,
Oklnhonm and Tcxiih. nml n United
SlnteH slatute covcrninir the Imldinj?
of Inml tu tho District of Columbia'.
I,eHliIllon Iioutlnt.
"Tho eltnrnetcrof llio present Cali
fornia leuiHlnturc," tho governor
said in conoluslon, "in to Ktmrwitco
that only lejjittnlloii deemed nhsolu
lily essenlial for Hie preservation of
llio state nml the protection of the
Htntc' people leuislntioii tinviiiR its
precedent in tho eiinctincnl of the
national co eminent nml tho vinioim
stntCH will ho passed. And pucIi
meaRiiren n may bo enacted, will he
considered thoroughly, calmly, judi
cially nml without piejitdieo or din
oriiniuntiom" SUNDRY CIVIL BILL
WA811INOTON, April 22. Thoro
was no session of tho noniito todny,
but tho Iioiiro jubI nt noon. It tiRreod
to day nml night spbbIoiib nml piuaod
tho sundry civil bill, nBBieKatliiK
Tho coinmlttoo hna nlso stinted nn
InvoHtlKiitlon of tho hIuppIiir of Hop
rcBontiitlvo BIiiih' fnco by Vrealdont
(llovor of tho HIkkb National limik.
Tho Htiiulry nlvll bill curried tho
olniiso to which former President
Tu ft objiiolod thnt foililddinjr tho
Kovornmcnt to spend piouoy to pro
secitto fannorH' oiKiinixntlona and
labor unions under tho tennn of tho
Shminnn nntl-titiRt law. It nlso car
ried ffllOO.OOO for tho San I'Vonulsco
Fifty ier cent of the Inlk nbout the
larilf, which is nuw t rouhliiir the
house, Hie Heiinte, nml the iiresidvut
will in a few iinmtlis sinuner down to
jut one man-Frank U. Folk, who.
it Iiiih been nnnoiiuced from Wnsh-
inutou. will be mimed collector of
eiiilonts nt the port of New York by
President Yilson. Fifty per cent nl
the iinsirtutioiiH into tho United
States during the Inst fiscal year
went throiiuh New York. In other
words, the total value of imports was
s,(i:.:tJrtl.ti:il. ami the value of those
comliiK through New York wns f 817,
im.80.1. If he names Folk, the president
will have slaip"il Tummnuy Hull,
(ho democratic ntvanualior
sent ' skyward;
WASHINGTON, April 22. Four
democratic members of the wny mid
menus committee, which is framing
tho Underwood tariff bill, today sub
milled their report to the house.
The roport denounces tho Fiiyno
law, alleging Hint trusts nml monopo
lies throve under republican govern
ment. The demoernts estiiunte thnt
tho annual receipt under the Un
derwood tariff bill will nggregato
$1100,000,000 nml the of
government will be $004,700,000.
Thoy rstitnnte thnt tho income tux
will bring in revenue of $70,000,000
which will more tiinti overcome the
deficit I'uuscd by reduction of tariff
It is declared that tho cost of all
product has increased -10.7 per cent
bIiico 1HD7. Hjiccific increase men
tioned nre:
Fnrm products, 0.1.2 per cent;
food, -10.7 per cent; clothing, :ir.
per cent; metal nml implements,
18.2 por cent; furniture, 21.2 per
cent. Tho greutost Increases speci
fied on lurtl 18 1 per cent and on
mcsH porkr 122 per cent.
RAIiKM, Ore., April 22. Tho stale
desert land hoard ha todny passed n
resolution requesting tho Central
Oregon Irrigating Company to appear
within fifteen days nml show cause,
if nny, why tho board should not bo
trio action on tho comnanv' bond to
compel it to comply with its contract
with tho Btato. This contract calls
for tho oiilargemeut of tho Central
Orcgin Caiuil to n capacity to servo
all the laud sold in tho Powell llutte
district in Crook county,
TKXAS CITY, Texas, April 22.
Repudiating report that tho nmiy
mohilUntloii point Is to bo removod
from this point, Major flenernl Wood,
iilitot' of stuff of tho United Stale
a nny, has declared today that ho
Hunh movo is contemplated. Major
General Wood is visiting posts in this
.i""i "i"- '
OUI5CI0N, TUItfiDAY, A PHIL 22, 1913.
Political Walkout Sucessful After
Half Million Toilers lay Down Their
Tools for a Week to Secure Votes
Government Yields.
Agreement to Consider Reforms Vic
tory for Socialists Workers Ex
pected to go (o Work Thursday.
HKU88EI.8, 'April 22. Feiidlnu
the appointment of a commlnslon to
liiveatlcato their demund for equal
MiffruKe, the political ttrlke In lUil
eluui of r.OO.OOU worker! who laid
down their tool for their political
rlKht was broiiKht to an end today
Tint ftrlkera Vera victorious, win-
nlns Rovernmeutal recognition when
the chamber of deputies, Including
Rovertinient inrmbera, voted to nc
cept thn HolKlon premier's pro)oial
to appoint a commlislon to invcitl-
Rate the mffraRo ciuentlon and draft
electoral reforms.
Tho commission already has been
named nml will meet tomorrow, Its
work being practically to arbitrate
tho differences between aoclnllits
nnd tho government.
The ROTernmout'i agreement to
consider roforms is a victory for the
socialists, and many of the strikers
nre expected to resume work Thurs
WASHINGTON. April 22. De
olarlnR that tho sentiment In tho
California leelslaturo 'for n drastic
measure aimed directly at Jnimn wus
overwhelming. Consrcsamon linker,
Kuttuer nnd Church of California
fervently appealed to President Wil
son to continue lite "hnuds oft" pol
icy In regard to tho autl-nllcn legis
lation In thnt state.
The congressmen suggested that If
tho administration refrained from
Interfering In tho atute's ntfnlrs, n
referendum mlRht be attached to the
ponding untl-nllcn land bill In order
that tho sentiment of tho people ot
thn wholo state may bo ascertainable.
Representative llukor declared the
prosent situation In hit state eclipses
the situation thcro which resulted In
Chinese exclusion.
Promotion of white sluvery was
another of tho charges lodged against
the Japanese by linker. Ho nlso
recited their encroachments upon
agricultural communities, declaring
thoy were cheapening the land. The
Japs, ho said, wero honeycombed
about San Francisco.
President Wilson asked tho Call
fornlans todny to produce statistics
asserting tho matter required serious
attention. He will confer ngulu to
morrow with tho Callfornlans.
CIIARLF.STON, W. Vu., April 22.
In uu effort to settle tho conl mines
strikes in the Paint Creek and Cabin
Creek districts of tho state, n con
vention of bituminous coal miner
was culled hero todny. Governor
1 la I field attended tho conference nnd
presented a peace proposal.
P1IOF.N1X, Arir., April 22. Ari
rouu will have n $30,000 building nt
tho Sun Francihco exposition nud one
costing $20,000 ut tho San Diego fnir,
if tho recommendation of the senate
npproprintions committee is endorsed.
The minority member of llio commit
tco filed n report favorable to the
appropriation of $80,000 nml $10,000
respectively for tho two ftiira.
i i in
B 's
rarararararaBraHaHra' m
"I walked d mn Iifth avenue in
New York the other dav," Hasil King,
the writer of fiction, told a loton
rexirter, and it seemed. Hint I mif-t
have been nt n fancy dress ball in a
lunatic iiNvlum. The women won? the
craziest and moht flaring color. 1
felt ns if I bad been looking nt n
Cubist picture. I hnve no doubt tin
nffeets the people sentenced to watch
it dav after day.
"We iied to underslitnd Hint n
civilization progre-tcd the tendency
was for women to cover up their bod
ies more. Now the tendency seems
to bo reversed. The gnudy nnd
weird clothing worn by women kill
everything except their figures, nnd
with their lint obcure whatever
spiritual qunlittcH they may have in
their faces."
SKATTI.K, Wash., April 22. Un
willing to dmp the telephone trust
iiuiuiry summarily, the federal grand
jury, which was convened in February
is holding off it final report until
Mny f, the last day of the present
term of court. The jury wns ex
acted to nsk for it discharge. Mon
day afternoon. Instead, following n
conference between United Slntes
District Attorney Itiddell nml Samuel
Hill, nrcMdciil of the Home Telephone
company of Portland, nml Itiddell'
presence in the jiiryroom for nbout
nn hour, the jury nt f o'clock nsked
Judge Ciishmaii for n recc-s until
Mny 5. It wns stilted that tho jury
is awaiting nisurnnco from the at
torney general that Hie telephone
probo will not bo dropcd.
The telephone investigation wn
cut off when Former District Attor
ney Coiner of Washington nnd Mc
Court of Oregon were relieved from
office upon tlie inauguration of the
new administration. .Nn new district
attorney has been permanently named
for Washington so fnr, nud it is like
ly thnt when he is named, Attorney
General MeKeynoliU. will determine
definitely upon n further plan of
' SAN KKANCISCO. Cal., April 22.
Providing tho IUtchle-Murphy bout
cannot bo arranged for July 4, Pro
motor James Coffroth Is planning to
day to match Luther McCarty nnd
tho winner ot tho Gunboat Smith
Jesa WHIard scrap for tho above
dato. Smith and Wlllnrd will clnsn
hero about tho middle ot May, ut a
dato to bo decided Inter.
It la stated that McCarty is show
ing un Inclination to meet the win
ner ot this affair. Smith Is now on
tho vaudovlllo stage In tho cast and
tho dato ot his next fight cannot bo
determined until his theatrical con
tract expires.
W. E. Showman Dead.
PORTLAND. Oro April 32. W.
H. Showman, editor of tho Western
Stock Journal, Is doad hero today
from enncor. Showman's homo was
tu Oregon City. Ho forniorly owned
the Albany livening Herald,
Los Angeles Scandal Assumes Wide
Proportions Millionaires' Club In
volved by Confessions of Girl Vic
timsBusiness Men Involved.
Motion Picture Actress Sentenced to
Six. Months In Jail But Sentence
Suspended Pending Aid. to Police.
LOS ANGKLKH. Cal.. April 22.--'When
the truth of this white slave
traffic In Los Angeles Is out It will
rival the disgusting talcs of ancient
Home and the present clubs of Lon
don and Paris."
This was tho declaration today ot
Detective Edward King, who Is con
ducting the probe Into the doings ot
an alleged girl-chattel ring here, and
who declared that the probe Is to be
carried to a conclusion tbnt will
astound the entire state.
"Duslncss men and men of tho
learned professions arc mixed In this
affair." continued King, "and their
connection is pretty suro to be
brought out before we are through."
Subpoenas have been Issued for 20
persons to appear tomorrow, as wit
nesses at tho preliminary hearing of
Mr. Joslti Rosenberg, charged with
pandering. Among those for whom
subpoenaas have been Issued, the po
lice say. Is George H. Dlxby. a multi
millionaire of Long Beach.
Other developments In tho caae
Sentencing or K. J. DivU., an .al
leged associate ot Mrs; Josle Rosen
berg, proprietor ot, a fiilt Btreet X9r
sort, to six months In Jail; filing of
a second white slavery charge against
Mrs. Rosenberg; sentencing of Miss
Kitty Phillips, motion picture actress,
to 180 days In jail on the charge of
vagrancy. Miss Phillips was the
orlRlnal complainant against Mrs.
Rosenborg, her charges Instituting
tho probe that may result In the
wholesale expose. Slio was given a
suspended sentence and at onco do
parted In company with officers. It
was reported that she will aid tho
state In securing certain evidence.
SAN FRANCISCO, Cul., April 22.
To allow a thorough probe into the
charge that tho San Francisco !o
llce nro in league with gangs of bunco
men affd swindler, the sentencing of
Maurice De Martini, a convicted
swindler who preferred the charges,
wns put over for two week today.
De Martini allege that tho police
received fifteen per cent of $100,
000 or moro Hint was cleaned up by
hi gnng in San Francisco. Tho po
lice official and patrolmen in volved
in the charge deny them in toto, and
declare they are made in retaliation
for the police activity nguiust the
bunco rings.
PITTSBURG, Pa., April 22. Four
thousand school chlldreu, pupils of
35 soparnto schools, nre on strlko
hero today because S. L. Heeter, re
cently acquitted ot charges made
against him by pretty Ethel Fisher,
IS, a formor maid In his homo, Ki re
tained as superintendent ot publio
schools. The children paraded tho
down town district today, A 4 year
old girl was struck by a car and
killed while attempting to Join tho
DliF.SDKN, Saxony, April 22.
Following their being bitten by a lap
dog which sinco ha shown signs of
rabies, Princes Mary Immnoulatu,
sister-in-law of King Frederick Aug.
list of Saxony, nud her nttondiiut
ure, under u phynioinu'a earn today.
NO. 20.
Executive Committee Named by Com
mercial Club to Take Charge of Ef
fort to Secure Signatures to Irri
gation Contracts.
Strenuous Effort to be Made to En
list Support of Everyene to Aid In
Developing Valley. . "'! ','.' J'.
An executive commiitce
;e$iljt.ifj ,
of C. M. KngllMi. J. C. Ilrown, Wlf.
Hubbard, W. tX. Campbell nnd J. K.
Wntt wan appointed Tuesday morn
ing ut n meeting of tho Commercial
club special commiltco nnd niembcra
to organize nnd supervise nn effective
campaign among Inml owner to re
cure signatures for irrigation con-
.traefs. This committee will" main
tain n secretary, to bo constantly at
the servico of applicants, list land
owners, mnp out districts, route car
of volunteer contract workers, nnd
tabulate the result secured, in other
words systematize tho campaign so
thnt every landowner will be reached
wjth a little effort a possible.
Joe Drown was selected to net n
secretary for the committee, with of
fices in the Palm building. Every
one desirous of co-operating er as
sisting in the campaign, is requested
to inform Mr. Iirown. Those wha
Imvo car they nre willing. to donate,
will notify him nlso. day'
wprk will be laid out by Mr. Drown
m advance.
..JCucsday1 BfteroooH.tHreeears'wcnt
out and half n dozen ure wanted for
Five cars of business men who
worked Mondny reported good Hite in seeming contracts and in in
teresting land owner in the propo
sition. Many were seen nnd jovernl
hundred ncres signed up, principally
in small tracts.
At a meeting of the Merchants' as
sociation Mondny evening, irrigation
wn tho main topic discussed. Di
rector of the Commercial club were
present nnd tho hcurty co-ojicrntinn
of both organizations pledged in se
curing contract. President Perry
named the following special commit
tee including himself to look nftcr
the subject:
George Putnam, P. II. Hubbard, IT.
C. Gnmett, W. P. Isaac, S. A. Nye,
C. M. English, J. W. Mitchell, Wm.
Gerig, C. I Schieffelin, T. W. Mile
and J. E. Wntt. Tins committee met
Tuesday nt the Canal company' of
fice. In addition to tho committee
there were, present representative
from nil bank nnd nearly all busi
ness houses nnd nn energelio cam
paign nsMired.
WASHINGTON, April 22. Stute
department officials mado no secret
ot their bollet that tho proposal ot
Senator Chamberlain ot Oregon to
abrogate, tho Hay-Pnuuceforte treaty
Is Impossible. It Is said that under
tho terms ot tho Hny-Pauncofoto
convention It cannot bo abrogated by
the United States without tho con
sent ot Great Itritaln, because, under
It, tho United States received val
uable considerations which It still
SALEM, Ore., April 22. Tho stnto
railroad commission has, been nd-
vised todny that on it complaint the
inter-slato commerce commission ha
susponded tho O. W. It. & N, freight
tariff on wool nml inoliair, whiuh
would Imvo blocked eastern Oregon
grower from shipping their wool cast
via tho Walltihi gateway. The rate
Imvo been hiispeuded until April 210,
pending u houriiiit.
t, i
' r