'"SliSF. Medford Mail Tribune fl SECOND EDITION WEATHER Shower tonight and colder. Mm. 7.1, inln. 42, preclp. ,W2 IMriy-IIMrd Yrnr Dully KlHlKIl Yrnr MEDFORD, OIlEdON, MONDAY, APRIL 21, 1913. NO. 25, r y r UK E NAM MILLIONAIRE SOCIALIST SETS TYPE IN AN OHIO JAIL OR 0 L AND PHI President Wilton Sends Nnme of Dnkcr City Man, Friend of Lane's, For Custom Houso Jolj Louati Gets Similar Plnco at Astoria. Democrats to be Appointed In South to Replace Republicans, but Indi vidual Merit to bo Considered. WAHIIINMON, April 21. I'rl- iluut Wllinu today no nt to tlm senate the nomination of TIioiuhm 0. llorkn lo litt collector of customs for the dUtrlcil ot Portland, Oru. 'I'lto president itlixi sent tlio senate lint following nominations; J. P. A. Huong, to Itu governor ot Alaska, William C. 1.01:1111 to do collector of customs (or tlio district of Astnrln, Ore. Charles U, Davidson (o be survey or gyuiirnl ot Alaska. Cnplnln (leorgn Wllletts, Captain Walter Worihluntou ami Captain William Little, nil to ht n-ur ad miral In tlm navy, That ho mIII uppolnt democrats In tlio Hiiiith to replace (ho republican thorn, lint Mill consider Indlvldiul merit only In making inch appoint niHiit. was Indicated toilny by Presi dent Wilton lo innny patronage limit orH hurt'. He Insisted ho would rush mull appointments, howmor. Congressman llarttctt ot (leorgta visited tlm president today nuil asked If only whiles will hu appointed to tlio federal poatM In thojmtilli. "Certainly." replied tlm president "Tliuro nr no negro tlomnctata In jmrBWutr'"" " Wll SON THINK; H F SAM TO RECIPROCITY CAN AID RAILROADS j? I BE WORKED OUT IN RATE CASE Supremi Court Grants Government's , Application to Intervene "as a j . ',. . , V Friend of the Court" In Minnesota Jf ' ' ,.-" f . f.fiikM Case Two Cent Fare Invalid. . wgmLgjp 7; mr Department of Justice Decrees flight ' ,r t 't vjzjM of States to Interfere With Inter- 'X- tfflLfl state Commerce. V VBIh sW5?'V",sl' .akllllllllB'BlM President Pleased With Propess on Tariff Dill in Democratic Caucus Expects Local Interests to Give Way to Party Platform Pledoes. Relieves California Recognizes Grav Ity of Situation and Will Act Ac cordlnuly With Japanese Question. CONGRESS 10 PROB E BASEBALL CONTRAC T Washington, Apni 21. tj Colili, greutiwl hnschnll ntar, who whiiIh 1,UUI) this Htinnon rniin lliu Detroit American I.jiuo ululi, tuny get w Im t Im Ik after through nn nut of itoiigntwi. CoiijjriVHinnii Hnrdwick of Geor gia in today framing u resolution, re uonHiik n enngroHt.niiul invcHligu timi of playem' contracts in the Aiiii'iifiin nml Niilinuul Imm-lmll liuiKiirx, llnnluli'L', prompti'il by Colili, Iiiik it "liiincli" (hut Hiiiil con. tiiiclH nm in violation of tlio Hlicr iiiiui nnti'lriiKt Inw, In just liul liiiillciiliir limy vloliiln llui law lie ilnurt not ay. Ilnrihviuk in n prcit nilmircr of Cnlib, wlio roiniM from (Itoruln. If I'nmiiliMit Niiviu of (ho Detroit i'IiiIi I'oinrH llirouj;li willi tlio $1.V (Mill, it Ik unoffioinlly liinliul that tlio uiirtrrniuliliitK of tlu Natinnnl nml Aimnit'uu Li'iikucs will not Im pri-Hxcd, WAHIIINOTON, April 21. Ilnrlns bin wiokly ainlli'iico with tlm now. piipir rorri)pomloiitH Iwrn toilny, I'ruililnul Wllaoll whk linked wbethiir ho Intiiiuleil to dual with nctentUti neimnituly In connidurltiK thulr clnlnn for rcdiirallou poiltloim. Ho replied Hint iiicrvly berniuo n mnn wni a leiitltt would not Inmiro him a Job, but Hint he iniiMt ho a prnctlciil mull of nffnlm. Tlm proiildciit licllovf Hint whero orb'iitliitM nn net'ded tlio Kovornmeut nhould linvn tlio bent, hut also mtut Imv cxrcuHvrii. Ho refined In dl cum Dm rnmovnl of I'rofennor WIIIU Monro nn head ot thu r.ovirnm:nt weiitbnr bureitll. I'renblcnt WlUnn Mild thai hn hnd rrcelvcd no further udvlren from Cat Ifornln, hut unld ho bnllovrd Hover nor Johnnon and tlm Cnllfornlu IcrU Inturo renllrrd tho gravity of thn nil untlon, mid Hint they would tieo that there In nn discrimination. Thn re blent lit well plennod becnuno Hecrr tnry of Stale Ilrynn'n tntemeiit vo no well received In Japan, rrcildcut Wltmni mild tho report-Hint there wai a hitch In tho plan for recoRiildiiK tho Olilnene republic wn fnlto. China will ho reriKlllfed, hn wild, nn fcooll an tho'iicw n'publlc provide n slnble itovcruniuiil. Tho proKres hclnc mndo by tho tnrltf hill In tlm houeo dvniocrallc ciiiriu Is plenslnn to thn prcMdcnt, and ho In confident Hint It will not meet with any difficulty either In tho Itutmo nr neiiate. Hn IntondH to hack up (ho RUKitr nnd wool prnvl hlons m tlm end, and expertn tho son nlors now objecting to them to roc oi;nln Hint tho party In iilrdKed to enact mirli lnw. Ho duett not gym. pnthlin with thu view In count quar tern thai tho reciprocity hecllons of thu hill cannot ho worked out. WAHIIINOTON, April 3! Tho United HtuteM kupreiuti court ad journed thin uftornoon without ills cusnIuk tho .Mlnnonotii, rnto caso or other Important cusoh pcndliiR. Chief Jilttlcu Whlto itranted tho govern uient'u nppllcatloii lo Intervene, ' mi a friend of tho court." Tho KOVurumonl'N brief mipport tho ileclslon of United Htntos JiiiIro Hnnhoru that tho Minnesota 2 cent faro law In Invalid. The department of Justice filed a brief iIvcdIiik tho right of state to Interfere with Interstnto commerce by IsniiIiir Intra-ntalo rates. If tho court Kreen to receive tho Kovernmeiit's brief It probably moann final decision In thn rnses will he postponed until this fall. COURT STARTS ON m OF NM NG Federal Court of Appeals Initiates Proceedings Coverlno Separation of Union and Southern Pacific Sys tems Rallroarts to File Plans. Application for Extension of Time Referred to Supreme Court Which is Expected to Act on Request. WOULD LIU IES0F LI I LO BY TITAN C OWNERS I NEW YORK, April SI.-Art.vo htnehft maintained their firnt n'wcn tliroiiKliout tlio HOMhlon of tlio hloek mniltut not o today. Hoot miRiir droiipei nearly two poiutn but fluo tintiouH elhowhoro wero roHtriotvd. HiH'ciulatoru worn ilNnnuriiKCil by thn iiOHiei't of lonfj lillKntion ovor tlio Koeoiiil llaniniiiu uumoo-iiiK' plan. roioi),'it tindliiR wns hIow. Tho miiiKet oloHcd uotivo nml firm. Ilollllrt Vl'lO iU'OKIlllll'. COURT REBUKES STATE COMM SI RE STORES A NKW VOllK, April 21. Rullnp; on n petition filed by tho Oeennlo Btoam NnvlKntlon company for limitation o? It liabilities In GG1 Titanic milts to $97,000. United States JiiiIko Holl decided today that survivors of the Tltnnla dUnnter tuny mm In KnKland for tho full nmoiint of rlatma filed In tho 1'nltod Htnte district court hare. Tho total clalmit attalnst tho com pauy iiKKreKato SIC, COt. 731. Tho Oceanic company, owuum of thu Whlto Star lino, wanted tho ilaninKea limited to tho IiKKreKato passoRe money, United States Judeo HoiiRh teconlly temporarily unjoined the Tl tanla clalmuntq from sulnc In any other court before tho question of liability was settled. JudRo Holt ro fused to niako this order permanent. and let down tho barn for Nurvtvorn to riio for tho full damagea xouuht In KnitlUh courts. I-Mwnnl tt Hmith, the iniHinunire soeiitliht of Warren, Ohm, went to the workhouse for fifty-one ilnyx rather than pay n fine of $'21 winch he miuI Mayor Carver, Milling ax n iiuirim trnte, had no riaht In levy. Afler the flood had partly miliided in War ren Smith went out with a camera for photograph. A militiaman or dered him from h eertnin Mrecl he- enii"e it whm coiiHiderrd dangeroiiM. Smith refuted to lenvo nml then sub mit tod to nrret. "Carver in angry at me bemuse I ran ngaint him for mnyor," paid Smith. Tho militiaman who nr res led mo hnd no authority to' keep me, off a street, becnu the town wiih not under martial law. GIVE COMMISSION OW TO FIX E HAN KUANOIBCO, On!., April 21. - Churlou I llakur, formor assistant auditor ot tho Orockor National bunk lioio, wiih Hontoncod todny to 10 yoara ImpilHuumeut In Ban Quoutln for omhozxlumuut, llakur bad plondod amity. HKATTI.!-:, WiinIi., April 21. -Tho old minimum gim rnto of twenty five eonlH in resloicd in Reattlo to ilny, iinlertH tho miprcmo court nliould reveme thn ilceinion of .Judge Albert hoii, who knoeked out tho fifty-rent rate, approved by tho alnto public Hoivioe (oinintrtHioii. In n lengthy opinion, Judge Albert sun liiiudri tho Hlnto puli)io Hervicn I'ommiMKion on emphutio roliulco an to itu nttitudo on into regulation, "It in tho nltitiidn of the commix xiou," tho judgo Hiiid, "that it need not eonrern itself over any inoreiiHO of mi eHtalilirtheil rule, mid in pot called upon to demand any Allowing of tho iiceoitHity or propriety thoro of, unions Honielmdy elno hearrt about tho application and protcsU with nhuirily. "It is clear to my mind thai ho fltntuto nhould ho uppealcd or radio ally umonded." PURCHASE BT PAUL, Minn.. April 21 Plrat denying and then putting up to tho L'ultod HtaCos supremo court tho ap plication of tho Houthern I'aclflc ana I'nlon Pacific railroads for an exten sion of tlmo In which to file their reorganization plan, tho United Ktates court of appeals Initiated here today tho court proceedings covering tho tocoud plan to effect tho unmerg Ing of the Harrlman railroad s) li tem. The railroads mentioned were Klven until July 21 to file the plan. Judgo Hook recalled tho fact that his court recently fucgested that the supreme court grant tho desired ex tension. It U expected that the higher court will act on Judge Hook's suggestion soon, thus making It unnecessary for tho court of ap peals to deny the application. Judge Hobcrt S. Lovott, chairman of the Union Pacific board or direct ors, attended tho session, bringing with him tho reorganization plan for Immcdlato aubmlzslon to the court. If thn extension wcro denied. 1( the supremo court refuses tho applica tion tho plan must bo submitted at onco. DELAY ACTION ON AEIEN LAND BILL IN SENATE Final Action in California Legisla ture Put off Until end of Week- Efforts by Powerful Interests to Secure Passage of Amendment. ITY DAYS OPPORTUNITY Majority Unshaken In Determination to Pass Bill But Amended so as to Conform With President's Wishes. WILSON URGES SUPPRESSION OF GREAT HAY SIM LONDON, April 21. Thinking that It belonged to tho ltlght Honor able IM ward HoIiIioubo, chancellor ot tho Duchy of Lancaster, militant suf fragottos burned n t hnyutaok near CorHhum, Wlltbhlro. today, Tho stack belonged to 'Maurice Kunpp, tho chtmcollor't) fatlior, Many "votoi for women" baniuira wera loft nt tho lucoiio ot tho flio, ATTACKED BY MOB LONDON, April 21. After hating been bcHleged In a houso near llrlght on by an angry mob which smashed all tho windows of tho place In an attempt to roach them, Bovornl mili tant suffragettes, who trlod to hold a rally on tho Ksplanado, aro nursing minor bruises and Inccrntlona of their feelings hero todny. Tho women wcro roughly handled before they sought rcfugo In tho houso. Tho mob was dispersed by tho police, Tho Women's Social and Political union nttompted to hold another ral ly In Hydo park, In defiance of police orders. Tho women wore bomlmrdod with plecoa of turf, superannuated eggs and rocks. They woro dragged to places of safety by tho police. HACItAMKNTO, Cal., April 21. Uy a vote of & to f thu assembly passed today the Sutherland pro posed constitutional amendment giv ing tho railroad rommlKhlon power to fix tho compensation to bo paid for nny public service corporation or utility taken over by municipalities under eminent -domain proceedings. Thu amendment was Introduced at tho request of tho city attornoy'a of fice In San Francisco and was de signed to apply to tho condemnation of the Spring Valley Water company In tho event of Its acquisition through this means by tho city. Senator Owens has a bill, designed to accomplish tho snino purpose, but It was regarded necessary to provide a broad enabling act through a con stitutional amendment. 1 RA HACItAMKNTO. Cal. April 21. It Is certain today that final "action will not bo taken In the senate on thu autl-allen land bill until tho lat ter part of tho week. According lo senate floor leaders, It Is equally cer tain that (tending submcasures would be further modified and th.it new amendments would be offered when the bill was on the files. Opposition both to the hill and the two amendments protecting Euro pean capital and exempting lands used for oil, mineral, lumber and shipping purposes, Is expected. Determined efforts are being con tinued by powerful Interests In the state to secure the passage of an Amendment that will allow Euro pean corporations to hold land. If such action Is taken it will be done, If possible, in such a way as to avoid the words "Ineligible to citizenship," which President Wilson haa request ed be not used. The general unfamlllarlty of tho members of tho California senate with tho details by which nntl-allen legislation may bo expected to be worked out along the policy defined In tho pending bills was today given aa reason for anticipating further de lay In securing final action.' Whllo tho majority of the senators remain unshaken In their determina tion to enact an nntl-allen land law desplto tho International develop ments of the past fow days, many of them aro confessedly uncertain aa to specific remedies. T TO GET WATER Twenty Year Contract, With no Pay ments First Three Years Offered Until May 20 by English Syndicate With Option on Canal Company. Securinfl of Required Acreaue Means Building of Canal, Trolley Line and Other Extensive Enterprises. PORTLAND HAS FIVE PORTLAND, Ore., April 21. On neeount of tho existence of fivo cases of hydrophobia in tho oity, Dr. Geo, H. Storey, tnomhor of tho city honlth board, in today preparinp; an ordin anco to bo proHciited to tho city conn, oil looking toward tho muxzliup; of nil dogs allowed to vim nt lavge. Storey considers the situation suffi ciently Bi'iioua to demniul immediate notion. MURDERED FAMILY El.fllN, 111., April 21. Confes sion that ho killed Mrs. Minnie Sleep and her two Miiall children on the Sleep farm near hero, is mndo today by Herman Coppes, sixteen, a feeble minded boy who hud been employed by Mrs, Sleep. The bodies wcro found in nn abandoned cistern. Mrs. Sleep had u bullet hole in her head. Tho necks of tlio two children were broken and their skulls fractured. WASHINGTON, April 21. Prcsl dent Wilson sent a special messago to congress on tho subject of opium today, transmitting a special roport to Secretary of Stalo Uryan. The message said In part: "I strongly urge tho Immediate ap propriation of the $20,000 asked and tho enactmont ot requisite anti-drug legislation to which tho government Is pledged Internationally." Tho report said eradication of opium traffic meant an annual loss of SCO, 000,000 In roventio to tho powers concerned and JGOO.000,000 to China. HIGHWAY BONDS FIND READY SALE NEW YORK FOURS MOim.i:. Aln April 21. Forcing his wife ami two daughters, tho Duch ess of Chaiilncs and Miss Marguorlto Shouts, to floo for their llvos, tho 1100,000 winter homo horo or Theo doro K, Shouts, president of tho Now York Intorbni'o-Motropolltnu Rapid Transit company, wus destroyed by tiro, Mrs. Shouts and her dnuglitora uro uudur u physician's caio todny. BY PARCEL POST OAKLAND, Cal., April 21. Tho shipping of the ashes of a cremated person by parcel post from Oakland to Mllford, Mass., was learned today, On April IS tho lato Mrs. Jane Stod dard was'cromnted at tho Oakland crematory. Tho relatives q( Mrs. Stoddard desired that tho Interment bo In Mllford and conceived the Idea, of shipment by parcel post after tho cremation. Tho ashes are on their way to their destination, with no person through whoso hands they pass knowing that they aro handling tho remains of what was a, living person but a weok before. PROVIDE BULL PEN Fl DENVER, Colo., April 21. Follow hip; a pardon granted them by tho mnyor toduy, tlio f)0 Industrial Work ers of tho World who were put in the bullpen hero after n demonstra tion against tho police we.ro given their liberty. Tlio mnyor agreed to grant them permits to speak in the streets, provided thoy do not abuse yiu police or oily officials, SACKAMBNTO. Cal., April 21, With 20 bids and an oversubscription of $30,000, thn sale or $800,000 stato highway 4 per cent bauds wa3 readily effected by Stato Treasurer Koborts. A premium of $10 was received on $200,000 for tho offer, whllo tho re mainder sold nt par. This Is regard ed as a great showing, considering that New York City 4a touched 92T yesterday. Tho highway bonds were sold to various banks and bank as sociations. In accordance with tho plan and understanding agreed upon by tho highway commissioners tho proceeds of tho bonds will be expended on state highway work in tho counties In which the bonds aro sold. This makes a total of $2,000,000 of stato highway bond? sold since Januury I. It Is expected thot the stato engineering advisory board will at Its next meeting authorize another sale, probably of $1,000,000, to be held early In tho summer. TO ASSAULT ON SIMS WASHINGTON, April 21. Con gressional investigation into the pub lic slapping of Congresnum Sims of Tcniu?bee by C. C. Glover, presi dent of tho Riggs National Hank of this oily, was ileninuded today by Congressman Garrett of Tenneseo on tho floor of tlio house. Sims, who is nged, wns struck neross tlio faeo on tho street by Glover, after thu latter hud ncoused tho congressman of charging on tho floor of tho house that Glover pro- It. K. Nclll, vlco president and manager of tho !t6gun Itlver Canal company, has issued tho following lettor; To tho farmers and business mci of Itoguo Itlver valley; To tho farmors and business men of noguo Itlver valley: In 1900 the stockholder!! of tho Itoguo Itlver Valley Canal company became Inter ested In this beautiful valley, as it seemed to us that there wore so many opportunities undeveloped:, that the land was particularly rich. and with extensive Irrigation could bo mado equal to or greater than any other section of tho United States. We mado Innulriea of th bankers, business men, and large land owners, and found that- the pcoplo seemed anxious to have new capital como to tho valley to build these canals, stating that they were ready, willing and able to help us In every way possible. Under these representations the present owners of tho Kogue River Valley Canal company bought out tho Fish Lake Ditch company's holdings, and spent A great deal of money developing our lands and building the canal system. TWs ..(tondltloa drifted along for nearly threo years. Option to English Syndicate Some sixty days ago a represent tlvo ot English capital approached us. stating that they would bo will ing to tako over our properties, de velop tho canal system, and give the people a 20 year contract, provided 30,000 acres could bo signed up. The representatives statedthat these pco plo would tako over tho nroporty. comptcto tho canal system, build an electric railroad, and develop many enterprises here, and would bring a largo amount ot money Into this valley, and prosperity would natural ly follow a development of this mag nitude. After duly considering tho propo sition, wo decided that It we were standing In the way of developments of this magnitude, and the prosperity that would naturally follow this de velopment work, that wo would glvo theso English people a 90 day option on our holdings, which option ex pires tho 20th of May. KnglMi Capital .More Lllxrul Our company will not be ublo to flnanco tho system ot canals under tho 20 year water contract, as con templated by the English people Wo do not think thero Is any money to he had in the United States on water bonds running 20 years without pay ments of any part ot tho principal for tho first threo to ftvo years. Hut this can bo dono, wo aro Informed, by English capital. It makes no dif ference to tho people of this valley who furnishes the money. Tho rea son tho English company can give a (Continued on Page 4) WHITE SLAVE PROBE fited in n deal by which tlio govern iiient bccurcd additional park lauds, bix of thu miiiuts. LOS ANGELES, Cnl April 21. A white slave probo of far reaching seopo is promised hero toduy by Chief of Polieo C. E. Sebastian nud Deputy Distriot Attorney Jtnlph Graham, following sensational revela tions by Katheriuo Phillips, nineteen, n beautiful moving plcturo octrois. Miss Phillips, tho polieo sny, told them of her pursuit by f. wealthy Southern California man, whoso nnnio they refuse to divulge. Forty-one othor girls, under twen. ty-ono years of age, nro being in terrogated by tho police, nnd four nl rendy hnvo mnde affidavits implicat ing tlio unnamed millionaire ns n con tributor to tlio delluqiieuey of at least J ' i -.w. w