Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 19, 1913, SECOND EDITION, SUPPLEMENT, Image 21

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    LutKer BurbanK's Iris
Reproduced from a Direct Color Photograph
Willi!'. Luther ItnrUiik', Iioim
ly potato hit probably, of all of
In inriitiiii, nil ant moat in
iiuuuy tn the worltl -anil
H'lillr liU iiiiK.iinly rniln will probably
mraii more it i iiiltroling ki know
thai tit creator of mi many turful form
tlf jllilllt lift- MTOII,llly IllVI'i I t of ltd
tin- hour I if innl w it li lii tlnwrr
I .tit Iter ItnrlMiik' lirluf i- i!"w
have a wonderful iiiilucnee upon human
lnii)K; that tlirir oeut and their Krace
fill linrt ninl tltfir beautiful color have
kltcciflc lieurl'ieiul elTcots upon tlio hu
man mltul, anil he ha ahvay frit,
while hit new fruit and other food
were eagerly welcomed by ;i liunnry
world, that tint work which hf ha dune
on llourr tin iniiir tin- Ie. a definite
.1 n I l.itniK . lim
it would take a magnainc .ir,ur than
tliU merely to catalog tlic llowir im
provctneuu which Luther llurlunk h.i
wrought nut to cle.-crilie them or to
picture thrill, but merely to e,nc their
names in one. line heading..
Hi Amaryllis is widely known de
eloped from inch-wide parent of dull
and ttuattrnrtive hue, to one of the mii-t
KorKcous (lowers that Bfow. nu.iMtri ti