Luther BurbanK's Greatest Gift BMBlflfllvfiBB v L IbYbYbmB BBBBmBBBBbP k'$i1j?Jh. J&wHD BBBBh BSp x..'jt bbbbpV4bbbbbib1'k VbbbI lBBBBBBWBTri ,rJ BB HA!tf. Jtflk kai Wl , , fLBBBBBBBBB&A..JAL ti fl BhBBBM SBliBBBBBBBBBBsBBBuiiBBBBBBBfllBj BA rBBVHBBflttuj2jHu2friftB X V' BBBbVBbzBBHBBBbhBBBBBBBBB to the Furmers of the World AMKMIIHK of the Unitril .Stale Uc jinrtuictit of Apiculture Ii.t wailc the statement that the lturhank potato 14 aililuiK icvcittccu million dollar a year to the farm incoim of Aimimi.i alone Although the Itiltli.illk potato wan one of hit lirt creation. Mr llurhauU ha rontinueil hi potato xpcrintciiti )i-arly, kincrrr in the hope anil Itelief that he mat rt Kite l the worhl a (Mitato a much superior to the lltirluiik a the HtirlMiik a to it in.ill imiiiil prnlrirtvir. Still SeeKing to Improve tKe Potato BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 'BBBBBBBBBbB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBF ' WBBBBBBBBbB bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbB ru "bbbbI bbbbbbbbbbbBbbHBB 'v: 'tPbbB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmBBBBBBBtK... v -'BBBfl BBJBBBHBP"7BBVBVB - .Th iArs'U .;, fBBVB bV J&JIlLlBB?'S;iSHBBr bbib iw j i-'jlHBBEZ,s Qbb. BBBkBVMBB1BBlBBfS Smull Chiloun Purcnth Their Lnrtfo Offspring I i'