Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 19, 1913, SECOND EDITION, SUPPLEMENT, Image 14

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    Producing a Thornless DlacKberry
Some Variations in Cune Secured by Croiinjf
Till thornier blackberry wilt fmtl a
r. .iily welcome fmiit those who have
know 11 tin- cr.Uchrl, lilcrilitiK haniW
that re nil (mm i l.i of licrry pickniK
Hut tl.ii .,i int i! iik t i win. h
Blllllllllllllllllllr BlIlllrBll
. bubbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb . gfa i
BurbanK Thornless Bladlberry, Bearlni
.vtu.itcil I.titlirr llnrhank to produce a
blackberry which kiwi umiu a utriu
timxith ami ilcfoiil of npiuc a the talk
of the mnnthct lloucr.
Mr llurbank's theory in licKinniiiK
their experiment many aRt .
that blackberry thorn are a needle
.itr that it take energy to nuke
tluc lack-. -ciierK)" which would other
wise g,i into ravr anil later into an
iiKreacil iri of fruit,
Mr llnrhank' theory further wan that
the taik or thorn wa produced hy the
hlaikherry at a mean of defence from
In iiik "I'M'iiri'il hy Hihl aniin.iU that
inie time or othrr in the early hutory
of the plant the stalk were Miiooth
Imt that in elf-dcfencc the thorn ap
piarcd ail'l Krew.
1 inlay, kfowii with the kindliest care
t'i tre the appetite of mankind, the
lilacklierry has no nccil of tlioin. It
i;ruir protect it from the ravage from
whi'h it n-cil to liaie to prolert itself
I he lltiiMratioll nhoe show some of
the result' ohtaincil hy crossing ihlfrrcnt
kinds of In rric.
I lie illustration .It the right below
rhous the absolutely thornless hlacklur
ry whiih through lhee ami other au
niK' and hy selection, Mr Hurliank wa.
Iinally ahle to produce "1 " 1 1 - illustration
at the left show the new thornless
lurry hcaruiK fruit.
MthoiiKh the Ihiirnlc blackberry now
produces liisiiiiiis lurries in l.irr iii,in
tillis, the experiment I- not t at an
cm). It n'vtH annirauce of In iiik as mic-
irssful a at (ir -1 lmpr.1 for ml il
land a aiiiithi r piix.l of the form of
etolllttiill in plant irrli(imr HI - an
other object If ! Ii" tin iim Ih
employed, .itinnt at will li nun
SmoothCunt oflheThornletiBUchbtrry