Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 19, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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tffrttpn Hitfoneaf shriv
City HaH V
Medford Mail Tribune
Fair tonight And Htmita.
Max., 51 J Min 34,
I'orlyltilri1 Yrnr.
I)lly-i:ii(litli Vi-ur.
Secretary Bryan Trleurnphs Gover
nor Johnson Stallnn That President
Requests That Character of Lco
Lilian lie Altered
Governor Transmit Messanc to
Lefllslaturo Matter to ho Taken
up Early Next Week.
NACllAMKNTO, Cnl., April 10.
.Si'OM'inr.v f Klutti Witlinm J. Hrynn
liVgrnlied (uiliiy lo (Inventor John
hoii dcidiiring tlmt Pn-Hlilrut Wilson
urgg tlml the word "iiicleglhlc tn
i'tllxi!iiHliti'' l)i' It')! iiii'lmlril in any
li'inil hn MHy ly the legislature.
Tint 'tlt;miii una rend In tin sen
nti' iiml ontered printed in tint jour
nal. There w nn I'litiinicnl on Die
Thu governor' message lo Ilia h'jj
Mature follow'
"To tin legislature of llni Mute nf
Citllfnruht: Um 'I'" MueMlnu n
legislation euuccruiiig the ownership
of liiml by nlii'iiM, I urn HiU iimnilng
In receipt nf ii tulcgrnin frmn Mr.
Itrynii, secretary nf Mate, expressing
dm view nf llio pnwldoul.
"Tim tvIoKrum 1 in fnllnuM:
'"'Washington, I). ft, April 1H,
111 HI. (Inventor lliruin Johnson,
Siiornmenln, Cnl. Tim president de
nim mo In ny llinl while lie fully
recnguixort the right nf lint pcnplo nf
California tn legishitn ncenrillng lo
their JlnlgiiWit n llm Muhjret nf
liiml teiiuie, he reel It hi iluly In
urge u eoguWntinii nf the Interne.
thmnl character f stli'li lt-;lnlnlltii.
Itoiug mixioim In preserve 'nud
htreinjthen liie long standing friend
ly relations nxlsling between thU
nouutry nml (lie nnllnn nf llm Orient,
he ery respect fully hul most imi
lYfllv mlvise iigntnM llm use ir the
wont "Ineligible In ollUelir.hip." Ho
nlH Hint you bring this view In llm
ntti'iitloii nf Urn legislature, lie be
lluviw Hint the srnule hill iih tele
graphed to the ilepnrlnient nf tnt
i gnmtly tn le preferred. Tlmt hill
llmlleil ownership In clllen nml
(lhno) )vhn had declared Iheir in
trillion In become i-ltUm.'
The nnli.nllen substitute hill he
tnken up In Ihe senate Munilny, no
rnnllng In Seimlnr Hirdsnll tnilny.
The iimeuilmentH lire expected hnrk
frmn the priiller nt thnltimo,
PAUIH, April 10. Thu C your old
nml the -I year nlil daughter of 1st
iliitu Diincmi, thu (union dancer,
wurn drowned In the Heine rlvor here
today when Iho uutomobllu In which
timv wuro rttltntr wont through
railing of tbo Courbovolo bridge. The
uhlldron' governess wiw ilrowneil
with Ilium. Tho chauffeur wiih
thrown clear or tho cur nml rescued.
Tho nrclilont occurred In trout nf
tho Duncan homo, Hono l-'itucholti,
u writer, wim In Iho Iioiiho nt tho
tliiio, vlBltliiu tho iltuiror'H hrother.
When ho biiw tho commotion nml tho
gathering crnWdH liu porsunded Iho
dancer In retire to her bedroom, thn
rlvor being IiivIbIIiIu from Ihoro. It
wan mom (him tin hour Inter when
Mrs. Duncan lourimtl of tho tragedy.
NHW YOUK, April 10. Kluctiiu
tloim In Moxlcnn I'otroluum nmrkod
tho bobsIou of tho market today.
Ciumdlnn l'nolflo dropped two point
on tlm Inltlul biiIo. TnvdliiB wni ro
Htrlrlod to hut n fow Htouk.
Tho total trnnnetlonB woro siuiill,
Hour uctlvltliiu did a chuho tho
oxxpoetod Konoral Bollliut. Tho nmr
Itut cloned firm.
Douda worn firm.
President Hopes to Avoid Open
Dreak With Japan but Admits Cali
fornia has ninht fo Regulate Its
Own Affairs.
No Fear of War With Japan-Private
Messages Minimize Situation
WASHINGTON, April ID.-Hliitu
rlttliU urn supremo In tlm exclusion
of Japanese frniu California.
ThU I thn Hilt!ou taken tuilny
Ity President Wilson, lint lie hope to
molil mi open lirenk with Jiiptin nml
rnUNiMpieull)' lOiluy tout a InuKthy
piiiMimil litleiiriun to (Invernor John
ou. II cnuteul nrn necret, hut It
In unilemlooil tlm prenhleut pnrun
nil nipea li'il to Joliniioii to hi-ii tlmt
mi mUlnke worn inniln In thu IpkU
I nl Inn.
The pretlilutit unw mi vlnltor to.
ilny, even Hivrelnry llr)nu, who
wnutpil to illuru llm Cnllfornln vlt
untlou wllli llm iri'litent. nut IicIiik
mlmltteil lo tlm white Ikiiih.i prlvuto
ronuiB. Ilrynn illil, huwuver, tulk
with tho prrnlilenl for hnir an hour
by telephone, on the mutter,
It U mlmltteil nt tho Btntu depart
ment that confidential dlipatchet
from Tokln lulultnlno tho iitill-Auiurl-cult
feeltuic nml tlmt dlnturliniice
wurn of minor Importnuro.
Tho iireildent put In houra of ex
cliulun by poruMiiK carefully tin.
Now York, Texu nud Dlilrlri of Co
lumbia land law. Serretury llryai,
alio duvotnd nioit pf thu day tu the
California altuatlnn.
There I no fear of war with Japan
hero, hut tho prenldcut Ii doteriulucd
that no mUlakc (hall, ho made. At
tho huiuu time thu doctrluo of
"Amerleit for American'' flmU n
renpoualvo echo In hi mind and will,
probably, di'lermluo hi conernl ao
CAMP FIVB, Via Shellon, Wnnh..
April 10. Impelled In Iheir prnRres
by a heavy rain, blaxcil Imil eov
rinl with mini iiieheH deep nml the
fording nf creek, n orow nf men is
lit work today trying (o hritiK in tlm
hoilies of Clmrlos Lalhrop nml IinU
llluir, vielimH of John Tomow, llm
hiuulil of llm Wyonooehu.
Uinler existing oomlilioiiH it is not
believed llm hoilie will he conveyed
to (hi liUKiK emnp until lalu ttiniht
or Sunday mnruin.
Tho body of Tomnw Ik now nt Iho
lMllshnlc enhin, eiht mile up the
truil fnim here. There It will ho left
for nt leant Ihreo iluy nml will Iben
bo luken In MoutcHiiuu, vliero it i
planned to hold nil uutopsy nml ex-
limine Hm brniii of tlm mini who ha
torrorucd trnpper nml rancherH In
thu Olympies for tho lnt three year.
Coroner Hunter nf Chehnll county
believeH Hint Tomnw Iiiih been nf
llioti'd Willi mental itixcimo nml thai
hi luurileiou neliuiiH were duo In
Ibis online. Tbo dead outlnVti bend
Ih nf a very peculiar nhiipo.
WASHINOTON, April lO.-Fol-lowliiK
her election n president-Ken-orul
of tho DniiKhlerrt of tbo Ainorl
oiin Hovolulion, Mrs. William Cum
iiiinir Slorv of Now York look con
trol of (bo national convention of
Hint orKnnir.utiou at its uouulmliiij,'
hohhIoii hero today.
Mm, Story wns olectcd on tbo third
tlay's lmllotiuK after a eampait;n that
anumed counlrywido attention.
Sovon vlco'piortident-Keuurnla also
woro Holootcil,
In tbo final ballot Mrs, Story vo
coivcil fivo-buudiod votes, a major
ity of fifly-ono over hoe nonrcHt op
pont'iit, Mrs. John Miller lluilon,
m 'MMKgyHfiwHi flr lmRfHH 'H 8PVK4Bl KH' B t B x lJ Li0
HHlfflaYv'-iSni' 1 ' L vEnJllBfl 'JB PWIH yR ' V 1 ' a. '.?" i'HBL
n9) JmwmJt'i'T3T IIIHwkHHVH taB,HBflB4:ifc7HS
mWWMmW 'BJmmWmmmmmmPaSS JM' jUaluWUmmmmmWL:'-' rtmmWrj9mmmmmmmm wam
WiU0LLJmmmMttmCLWM5mmmmmmmmmWmmr!BwmmW .'J-" mWWmmmm
BKuilflBiBMEXr9BH-V9'PVUDBaH-!-,t 'iin$fMt,':;i .mmVmmm&A
mmmf$BttBUmmW izssJmmmm'Wt&Jii'pmJ ''
fcrTmmmmW Vi "fr Wnftmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmri
JJ&F9mWn 'A'V-a wmWmlmmmmmmmmmmW3mmmmmmWmWimmmWi
When Prt'Niileiil Wilon Rleppeil
before Ihe join mphnIiiii of Hoiino nud
Sennto April 8 In dclner in person
nti niblre o (Hmcren be broke pre-
cedent nf more Ihnn one hundred
year. Ye I it i llm intention of llm
president tn eiintinue xuuiMhinj; pre
cedent. He will nppeur before hoth
SAN I'ltANCIBCO. Cnl., April 19.
In Hue with thu drastic action
taken by hoth city and federal an
thorltlc lo prevent further tout;
war here, a blockade wn declared
on Chinatown today by District At
torney Flckort. Tho order kocb Into
effect nt once.
No ono will ho nllowcd to leave or
enter tho dUtrlct until tho authori
ties are muured that thu tong Rim
flRhtors nro quashed. Hvery artery
Into Chinatown Ih clood by n heavy
pollen guard.
The order apply to nil, nud w
keep thousand ,of sightseer away
from tho picturesque district. It U
hoped Hint from Btngnatlug trado In
tho quarter tho tong murdorors soon
may ho brought to Hum.
This 1 tho second blookado to bo
declared In Chinatown In It hUtory.
Tho first one, under Clhof of Pollco
Roymoor'fl rciUmo, wns nn unquali
fied curcosB. Tho CIiIiiuhu merchant,
reullxlng that tho long men woro
responsible for their empty stores,
soon got together and put tho Iouk
under control.
WAHIIINHTO.V, April 10. 1'rcsl
dent Wilson would not admit today
that any ronsoii lor a Jupaneso war
scare exists dusplto tho imitation at
homo nud In Japan over nntl-nllou
land bills now ponding in tho Cali
fornia legislature This fact wns
omphuBlxud today when tho presi
dent declined to incut a delegation
of Cnllforulaus who wlshod to "ex
plain" tho reasons for tho hill.
At tho samo time, however, Presi
dent Wilson does not Intend to inlu
linlro tho situation nud Is keeping
In close, touch with developments In
Hncramonto and Toklo, tho stnto do-
purtment watching tho mootlngs In
Japan, Tho president did not go to
tho oxcoutlvo offices, today, but re
mained In tho wlilto Iioiibo library,
studying alien laws. Ho has agreed
to oiitllno his position to Hepresontn
tlvo ltnluir of California and wants
to bo sure of his bUuuI,
boiie many limes ill Iih
tmlioii. The rcirt eiiine from Hip While
HoiihO Hint liuvill not nppeur before
eiiiijjrp! rverv lime be but n com
mmiicalion lo make, but will reserve
tbi mclbuil for htnlemeut which he
purMtc milking very jniprrwlvo
incriiie eiUiecniiilK routiuo mntlcr
WASHINOTON, April 19.-.An-
sworlug charges that ho hns anar
chistic lonnlnRs. Vice President Mar
shall horn today said:
"In Indiana I was accused of not
being progressive, whllo now I nm
called nn anarchist. I myself have
not mndo charges against rich men.
I hnvo merely voiced that which 1
bellevo I public opinion.
"I do not desire to limit tho ac
cumulation of wealth tn America. I
destro only to call tho ntteutlou of
thoao accused of wrong dealings to
Hint chargo and kIvo them nn oppor
tunity to dlsprovo It. 1 cannot per
sonally assent to a system of gov
ernment which Is paternalistic or
socialistic In chnractor nud I hnvo
felt If thoBO who have obtained spe
cial privileges through legislation
really understood tho feelings of tho
American people they would, In a
spirit of loyalty to our Institutions,
lonsctit Hint speclnl privilege bo
abolished nud tho old-fashioned Jof
fersonlnu theory of equal and exact
justice to all become nn economic
policy In America.
"I do not believe In socialism. Hut
I do suggest tho folly of educating
people, enlarging their vlows of Ufa
nud teaching them to onjoy good
things and then closing the door of
opportunity so they cannot enjoy
life and obtain those good things. '
llOSTON, April 19. Krltz Carlson
of Minneapolis was tho winner of tho
annual Marathon race under the
auspices of tho lloaton Amateur Ath
letic club. Andrew Sockalexls, the
Indian runner of Oldtowu, Maine,
wns second nud Harry Smith of New
lork third.
Carlson's time, wns 'i hours 1!5 min
utes and 1 l-G seconds, llo. appeared
to bo greatly exhausted ns ho ap
proached the tape, but quickly re
vived. Carlson wns glvon a hard
race by Sockalexls and Smith, but
drew away from them on tho homo
stretch nud hnd n good lead at tho
finish, Thousands witnessed tho
start nud finish of tho rnco, which
bognu and ended at tho llostou Ath
letic club building.
n,ll he Kriit io c litres nml rem by
Hm clerk of both hmic in Iho iiMinl
manner mid detmlcd rex)rts of ile-
parliiienls will bo eul hv secretnnc.
Any lime the president wihca to
train the nlteiitmn of the eounlry bo
will notify both lmtte of hi atten
tion to nddrc them. He will mnkc
hi argument which will uet on the
LONDON, April 19. - Pcneo in the
Ilalknus wns believed in Fight today,
tho representatives here of tho low
ers momentarily exjieeling receipt of
the allies' formal acceptance of tho
lust pcneo pnHisal submitted by
the power. A de-patch this morn
ing from Sofia stated that Hulgnrin
aecpted tho offer witii slight reserva
tion, the understanding being that
Hulgnrin would $Kuk for nil the al
lies. International dimension nmong
the allies, however, may postpone ab
solute pence. Heports from Vienna
say that Uulgaria and Servia each
hnvo demanded an explanation for
the clnsb between Servians and Flul
gnrians near Kumnnovn, when eighty
Serbs woro slnin.
Tbo king of Montenegro, despatches
from Cettinjo sny, bus admitted hi
inability to tnko Scutari alone nml
will withdraw.
WASHINGTON, April 19 Thor
ough Investigation of the public
slapping of Congressman Sims of
Tennessee by Charles Olovor. presi
dent of tho Itlggs National bank
here, may bo mado by tho lower
house of congress, It Is said.
Clover accosted Sims on thn street
yesterday and, after douounclug him,
slapped him across tho fnco. Sims,
who Is an old man, shouted "I need
holp" nud u passerby Interfered.
Knmlty between tho two men has
existed since Sims on tho floor of
tho houso charged that Olovor prof
ited In a deal whoreby tho govern
mont acquired additional park lands.
Sims declared today that tho Inci
dent Is elosod, hut the Investigation
will ho ordored, It Is reported.
WASHINGTON, April 10. Start
ing today, President Wilson inaugu
rated a Saturday half holiday plan
at tho whito house. Tbo president
also intends to take daily bikes hero-after,
flrxt pngp of every newspaper, and
ilicMMitinn congreMnen will be help
Ie o debate the subject with him.
The npe,iroucc of the president
was marked by a crowd and
mi audience such n i seldom seen
in the house. Most of the diplomats
nud nil Washington -oeiety which
could reach tho galleries beard hire.
HOME, April 19. Tho popo slept
from midnight until dawn. Ho still
was weak when ho awoke, and after
dismissing all but ono attendant, tell
asleep again.
Thousands of persons hero retuso
to bollove the optimistic bulletin Is
sued from tho Vatican. They still
think the pontiff Is dying, basing
their belief on Cardinal Merry Del
Val's extraordinary precautions for
ROME. April 19. It was an
nounced today that tho Vatican Pen
tncostal celebration at St. Peter's, In
memory of the hniperor Constantino,
which was scheduled for May 11, Is
indefinitely postponed.
Popo Plus' physicians announced
that his holiness will bo unablo to
participate In any corcmonlals for a
CIIICAOO, April 10. His biplane
falling fifty feet nfter ho had tried
to clenr a big tree but failed, Otto
Hrodic, -1(1, nn aviator, was almost in
stantly killed hero today. The acci
dent occurred nt the Standard avia
tion field in the south side. A
branch of the treo struck one of
bis planes, causing tho machine to
snmonmult. llrodio wns one of the
aviators connected with the Standard
avintion Behool. On account of tbo
fino weather ho assembled his ma
chine for n short flight.
PASCO, Wash., April 10. Firo
which started either from an ovor
benU'd oven or from a fumnoo in tbo
basement onrly today completely de
stroyed the Villard Hotel, entailing
a loss of about $00,000. Only about
half of tho loss is covered by firo in
surance. When the alarm was given tho halls
wore so dense with smoko that it
was with difficulty that tho guests
mado tboir way to safety and many
escaped in their night oluthiug.
NO. 24.
Contracting Carpenter Well Known In
the City, Crazed by Craving for Li
quor Which he Could Not Get Hor
rifies Pedestrians by Suicide.
As Noon Day Crowd is Flecktflf
Homeward he Citato to, Reef of.
Hotel and Leaps to His Death.
John Osborno, a carpenter, need
about 45 years, who lis resided a
number of years la Medford, 'leaped
to his death from tho roof of the
Hotel Medfcrd at noon today. Ha
struck on tho edge of the sidewalk,
death being practically Instantan
eous. Temporary Insanity Induced by
a craving for liquor, which bo could
not purchase. Is believed to bo re
sponsible for his rath act.
A scoro of peoplo saw Osborne
leap to death. The usual noon hour '
crowd was making Its way home
ward when Osborno fell. A few
were within a few feet of tho spot
on which ho fell. They rushed to
his side, but death came with the
So far as could bo learned no ono
saw Osborno Jump. When flnt
noticed ho was In mld-alr. There. Is
but llttlo doubt, hoWever, but 'that
he Jumped, as it would be Impos
sible to fall from tho roof, as a waist
high parapet must first be scaled.
None ot tho hotel employes saw him
climb to the roof. '
Osborne baa recently been a heavy
drinker- Frldajrattte' wlfej-hiJij-put
upon the "blacklist" bbiI 'wife
he asked for liquor today he was
refused. This evidently preyed on
his mind to such an extent that he
decided to end his craving for liquor
with death.
Osborne Is well known In this
city, having been a contracting car
penter hero for sonio time. Ills wife,
Mrs. Olivia Osborno, Is oao of the
leading trained nurses of tho city,
formerly conducting a hospital here.
She Is a member ot tho stnto board
ot examining nurses and president of
tho state association of nurses.
Osborno leaves two children, Eva
J., of this city, and a son who Is In
California. He resided at C12 South
OAKLAND, Cnl., April 19. no
tnllattng for Its beating last year,
tho University of Washington eight
captured tho annual Pacific Intdr
colleglato regatta on the Oakland
estuary today. Stanford was sec
ond, 42 seconds behind tho Seattle
boat, while California finished 30
seconds in the rear of the Cardinals.
California took tho lead and held
It for tho first of the three miles
with a stroke of forty. Tho Wash
ington crew wns rowing at -a 33 clip,
whllo Stanford recorded 31. Tho
rapid action of tho Callfornlans soon
began to toll and they gradually fell
behind, Washington passing tho oth
er boats at tho end of the first mile.
From that time on Washington con
tinued to mnko tlio gap bigger b.
twoeu It nud tho Stanford, sholl,
which wns in second place.
KLGIN. III.. April 10. With a bul
let bole in her bend and with tbo nocks
of tbo littlo ones broken nud (heir
skulls crushed, tbo bodies of Kirs.
Muudo Sleep and lior two children,
Orville, 2, and Sarah, four, were
found today in an nbnmloned cistern
on the Sleon farm near hero. A re
volver was found at the edso of tho
cistern, indicating that she had brut
ally slain the children and then com
mitted suicide. Hut one chamber of
tho revolver was empty.
I i
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