-l t l f f I if .! .!' P3VTGII35 FOUR MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE an $Tt; rUBMRIlH PENDHNT NnWRPAPKIt J ICVRIlY Al.TRIlNQOM KXCffiPT IT NUMUT I1V TIIW MHDKOUD PJttNTtNO CO. Th Dsinoemtld Times, Tho Medford ", iiib meuioru xnminc, Tin aouin rn OreKonWvn. Tin Ashland Tribune. Offlcn Mntt Trlbuno Uulliltns, 2S-27-2I Nonh Kir street; tclophono 75. aieOROra PUTNAM. Kdllor nnd Manager ISntcred ns sccond-clsss matter at Medfor! Oreyon, under the aet of Maroh J. 18T. Official rarer of the. C.ly of Mcdford. Official Paper of Jackson County. trenmoaxmon ratvs. One year, by mallv f nn On month, by mall .60 Per month, dollvored by carrier In Mcdford. Jaekaonvllla and Can. tral l'olnt.- , .go Pnttirday only, by mall, por year 5.00 weekly, per year -. . 1.50 BWOaS CTBCXTtATIOK. Dally averaita for eleven month end In November SO, mi, S76t. JOLTS AND JINGLES By Ad Btown Two contributors lmvo sent in wheciesi about Ilml doitK Knyo up llrown so credit same to 0. II. and D. C. Tlio blame is nit theirs. Undo Epp says thet when he cits rich lio'u go'tiif; tcr onjy the luxury of ndvcrlisin fe'r a lost pucknlbook. Stimulation. There wns n man in our town' Ami hotwns wondrous wise, Uc praised (ho friends who loved hint well Woy up unto the skies, And when they heard the words ho used Tho least that they could do Was try n hard ns they could try To make hia words eonio tme. Ttio OMi Warehouse. It stood there so bravely In nil kinds of weather, With just enough paint To hold it together. i . , . So now it Is Romp We're down iu the mouth We miss tho old sign That says, "Visit the South." Yet we wonder ns idly Wo typo this hero song How in blue blazes It btood up so ton;;. Tho Coniuierrlat lliinl. (Continued) And as for tho wear nnd tear YouihCQ it does not hurt Though it wa-lics cuffs nnd collars Of the dirtiest of hhirls. (To he concluded) The commercial lianl, who is hold ing forth in n Orant.s I'nss paper through bit discovery of the rhyme exinling between the words hurt nnd nhirlB, has won for himself ati undy ing; plnco nmong the famous. The next verso will appear soon. Order advance copies. A Hchool profchhor tells ns thai a beholar iu illustrating tho uso pf the word bnnipict Muted "the ban uit jdaying." If iiiivnne knows that this is u whiskered uhcczo let us know and wo will e-;K)so afore inciitiuncd profesMir. As the colored man says, "have you Kt your whack-cm cleaner.'' COMMUNICATION. I ' Bedford, April 18, 19KI. To tho Editer: Dear Sir: The undersigned hav ing conducted the Mcdford Plumbing company's Iiop for the past two years desires to announce l the pub lics that the buMiiciH lias been dW continued. Deforo leaving Medford I deiiro to express my appreciation to those who during my htuy hero fav ored, mo with such work as they hud in my line. The Mcdford Plumbing company will Rtnrt no now work, ns Boon us present work is completed it is my intention to move to Kiddie, Oregon, where for nearly it year 1 have been interested in tho Kiddle Plumbing nnd Sheet Metal Works. Thanking yon for courtesies ex tended, I am respectfully, I-KANIC W. COTTEHI LL. SAVING SAWMILL WASTE SOLVING ECONOMIC PROBLEM i Professors Stafford nnd Shiuii of tint University of Oregon chemistry department at Eugene nre engaged in working out a process for the distil lation of wood for tho purpose of ob taining its by-products, They be lieve thoy liuvo discovered a method tlmt is working out in practical re hulls. If their discovery is buecess ful it will moan u lurgo suvi"K tho material of suwmills formerly re giuded itn waste. ' j ohn A. Perl' Undertaker Lady Assistant. as s,' lUUTMcrr Phones M. 47 ami 17-d-a Ambulance Service Deputy Coroner The Principles of Money (Uy K. L. McClurc.) Tho total money supply ot gold In the world Is about cloven billion dol lars, nnd tho fluctuation In tho sup ply and demand for gold ot each country affects every other, nnd tho (low of gold from ono country to another supplies an accurate barom eter ot business prosperity or depres sion to financiers. Tho hundreds of mllllont) of popu lation In India and China receive gold nnd silver for their exports be rauso thcro Is no demand for our products where tho vast population Is reduced to abject poverty and Ig norance. For centuries all tho gold nnd silver flowing Into thoso coun tries to purchaso their products has disappeared from tho world's nionoy supply ns completely as If It had sunk Into tho depths of the sea. All civilised countries have adopt ed gold coin ns tho standard of value tint dlspcnso with Its uso as a me dium ot exchange by tho uso ot sub stitutes for money that arc exchange able for gold thus over 90 per cent ot all exchanges nro undo In bank checks which pet form the same func tion ns money with much less risk, labor and expense. Dank deposits In thu United States subject to withdrawal by check pay able on demand amount to between sixteen nnd twenty billion dollars. Tho total supply of gold coin iu tho United States Is about ono and one halt billion dollars. Tho difference between bank deposits and the total supply ot gold coin is alt fictitious money for which tho people pay in terest to tho banks amounting to many hundred million annually, oN though tho money docs not exist: and the moment a panic occurs credit Is destroyed, the banks are closed and tho country Is bankrupt. The gold standard gives financiers In control ot gold supply absolute power to fluctuato the supply and demand for money. Tbo banks being tho greatest debtors of all are the first to feel tbo effect of fluctuations, and money kings dominate politics and business of every country by manipulating tho prosperity or de pression ot business. A central bank of some kind ' proposed ns the financial remedy In all tho plans under discussion as It any combination of debtors could possibly sustain credit. Every bank Public Playground Movement The desire to know more about the playground movement that has spread so generally over tho United States Is tbo Inevitable outgrowth cf 30 years of study of childhood and youth In America. When tho child Is regarded as tho real center of our educational system, then play comes to bo regarded as una ot tho most important Instrumentalities In tho education of tho race. The charac teristic of normal yonth is play hunger and tho Instinct rightly di rected devclopcs mnsclc, physical health, accuracy, precision, solf-ro-liance, courago And moral stamina. Four years ago there wcro 90 ci ties In America that started play grounds on .public taxation. Threo years ago thcro woro 137 cities tnat had playgrounds supported by public taxation. Ono year ago thcro woro 336 similar playgrounds, Cleveland, Ohio, is said to haro spent during tbo last 10 years $10,000,000 on Its parks. All of which makes us pause to Inqulro what pluco has this Inno vation in city government? Tbo effort ot tho educational de partment of tho Greater Medford club to enlist public spirited citizens In starting a public playground In our city Is (meeting with hearty re sponse. Tho careful observer of lo cal conditions cannot fall ot being Impressed with the Interest our own children show in the walking tours arranged by the schools, the story hour held at tho library, whllo the over crowding at the park on recrea tion days bespeaks a need of more room, more games and more organ ized recreation. Tho soofio of the play movement Is well set forth In tho following cxtra'ct from a recent periedical: Xeetl Itecreutlon. "The recreation movement seeks to promoto the establishment of play grounds for tho children, athletic and sports for tho oldor hoys and girls; boating and swimming conters for all tho people; parks for the use and enjoyment of all tho people; recreation and social centers either in muulclpal recreation buildings and In tho school buildings where all tho Irrigation's Strongest Argument Official J,lt of Jtalnfall During the 1905 190G 1907 April May Juno July ..0.C7 ,.3,59 .1.29 ..0.05 0.98 2.07 3.0C 1.09 0.00 0.00 2.30 1,31 C.C7 0.38 2.22 0.G8 August . ...0,00 Sept ..0.89 Total 0,49 7.43 7.33 MEDFoun matt; TRimm, medfoud. okoon, i-r way, 'Apmii is. mm, owes 100 per cent of all deposits payablo In coin while tho total supply of gold coin Is lcs than 10 per cent of tho total deposits. No combina tion of banks can chaugo tho despnr Uy ot cash assets to liabilities, but what legislation can do Is to glvo tho banks power to pay depositors In paper while all other debtors aro left at tho mercy ot financiers In control of gold supply. Tho manipulation of money supply under tho gold standard ghes tho financier absolute power to fluctuato tho initio of nil wealth In Inverse ratio. Tho government Is ns help toss as the banks and tho people, lo calise there Is no remedy except by complying with tho natural law of supply and demunc, which regulates value of all commodities. Scientific money automatically reg ulates nionoy supply to equal money demand. It defines what money Is, prohibits tho use of anything ns a substitute for money, provides de positaries for receiving deposits, pays checks and Issues drafts on all depositaries In the United States and throughout tho money center of the world freo ot exchange, receives Indi vidual checks for collection nnd cred its amount when paid without charge. Tho treasury will receive the vast revenue now extorted by tho bank tn Interest, unclaimed deposits, and lost checks. It will remove all risk of loss to depositors, and the deposi taries will tnko no risk of loss be cause they mnko no loans, bonds be ing tho solo Investment for deposits. Tho officers ot tho banking depart ment of depositaries cannot confer nny favors, thotr duties will bo cler ical only, and tho public will enjoy all the advantages ot perfect banking facilities without any of the risks In nate to tho present banking system. Financing public servlco corpora tions under government ownership or control could bo provided for by Issuing money the samo as to states, counties nnd municipalities. Loans and discounts would contin ue to bo handled by the banks, thongh they would bo compelled to open accounts with depositaries In stead of paying and Issuing checks themselves, but tho vast multitude of bondholders, and tho government monopoly of deposits, would render tho perpetration of usury ns Impos ftblo as tho salo of air to breathe. peoplo of n community, Irrespective of race or creed, may find opportu nity for tho fullest posslblo recrea tion, social and civic life. It pro motes tho boy scout nnd tho camp fire girls' organization as a scheme fitted to meet tho social and-reerea-tlvo needs of adolescent boys and girls and as a training for citizen ship; school and municipal camps; organization of tramping clubs and for nil forms of activities that will cultlvato tho habit of nn outdoor life In tho people; for u systo mof phys ical education and athletics In tho schools that will reach efficiently every child Instead of a few as now It seeks to provide facilities through which musical, literary, dramntlc, clvio and artistic talenta of tho peo plo may find expression and encour agement; for n constructive social supervision of all commercial amuse ments such as dance halls, moving plcturo theaters, pool and billiard parlors, saloons, skating rinks, amusoment parks, etc. 1'durulioiinl Sffii Kelt. "The providing of ample facilities for tho fullest and most whplosomo uso of tho leisure time of all tho peo plo is believed to bo a community re sponsibility and duty, Just ns import ant as a system of public education. "liccatiBo tho significance of tho recreation movement in its deep and fundamental relation to dependency, Juvenile delinquency, adult delin quency, tho vice problem education, industrial efficiency, health and of thu various problems arising out of tho coming of largo numbers of Im migrants, Is not yet understood b tho people, thcro is need of contin uous education, demonstration ami promotion; and of assistance and ad vice to prlvato and public uuthori tics, attempting to handle play and recreation nnd social probloms." XOTIClI Tho Iowa society will glvo a ban- quet on Thursday evening, April 'it, at St. Marks hall, COc per plate Kindly notify tho secretary of tho society or Mr. Iiinman If you will bo able to attend, to umplo accom modations will bo arranged, Klx Growing .Monti's for Klglit Years. 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 0.43 0.35 0.G9 1,27 4.40 1.40 0.83 0.11 0.04 0.4 C 0.C2 1.07 0.2G 0,04 0.04 1.4C 0.44 0.22 0.00 0.90 1.49 0.71 0.15 0.00 1.13 2.45 2.19 0.20 0.07 1.11 3.27 3.38 ' 3.C7 4.75 10,42 GAS COMPANY WOULD SHUT I ALL COMPET UN 8A1.KM, Ore., April IS. -The Ore gon (las nnd Electric company, which has plants at Ashland, Mcd ford, tlrants Pass and Uosoburg, has today asked tho state railroad com mission whether It has tho authority to prevent n competing public utllllj from being grunted u franchise In t city. Tho company alleges that It Is los ing money on Its plants, especially at Medford, and recites that W. J. Hills lit Medford has begun negotia tions to bring n competing company to that city, following tho lefusul or tho Oregon Una nnd Uloctrlc com pany to glvo nil option on Its plant. In thu opinion or the Oregon (las and Electric company such n move would ho almost criminal, as It Is losing nionoy under present condi tions. "It Is true." stnted Mr. Hills to day, when shown tho foregoing dis patch from Salem, 'that Dr. E. II. French and myself have been work ing upon a plan to start a gas plant Iu the valley. Wo plan to manufao turo tho gas from tlu roal deposits Just cast of tho city, which show up splendidly under test. Thero nro 1,000,000 tons of coal blocked out now and each ton will produce 10,- 000 cubic feet ot gas. "Uy using this coal wo can put 'dollar gas on the market. Wo first figured with tbo Oregon (las and Electric company, but our negotia tions have ended. We can mako gas from coal at 60 cents n thousand cu bic feet, distribute it for 22 to 2. cents, which lcaes a reasonable profit at $1 a thousand. Thu pres ent rate paid In the city Is from J 1.50 to $1.75. "Tho company doing business hero at present says It costs them 97 cents to manufacture and 22 cents to dli- trlbutc. Their cost comes Iu tho freight they pay to tho Southern Pa cific to haul In oil. "I do not sco how they can shut nut a competing concern, oven If thoy nro losing money." I'ISIIi:it.Mi:.V, ATTENTION An Important meeting of thu Fish Protective association will bo held this evening (Friday) Iu tho base ment of tho public library at S o'clock sharp. Thono Interested In fish nnd fishing urged to attend. W F. ISAACS. Pres. The new Mxliu LaundnnlCnlUr (or lh mnjr iSo-juntli o( men who demand loinlHuu diif rttnt lion the ontmry c.dlir. i Lmocofd unbrealulifo butloolwk Idep'lver Collars tut longol in liundcitnj hold ihpe. ceo, p. ide a co. AUv Malm ot Ida Shlrlt TnOY. N. V. PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating All Work CriarntMd 1'rlces IttaonbI COFFEEN & PRICE U Howard Block, Entrano on Stb BM. Horn Fbon 34. The Boys Know You can't "put one over" on them when it comes to base ball. They know what the Spalding Trade -Mark stands for, just as their ''daddies" the boys of thirty years ago did be fore them. Thlr "d!dlt." howerer, did not know of thu Cork Ontar ball tlia tilv Imquei' gMcUIUU. ThaHpaldlncOMcUl Ntoonal Iavua Cork Cvntcr boll, prlea 11.16, U tha official ball of tha worU acrlca. Krtry boy thould ImUt on lulnir a Cork Cunttr ball whan ha Dlayt, othertflaa ha U not g.ttlng tha full valua of hi ability. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 156 Geary Street, San Franclico Dealer awywhtre cany flpaldjntf sood. wHTc AS AR CTXAjSS WtiSi 5t wH M zes W 2 (or 25c UPSET STOMACH D NDIGESTION 'TnH'V I'hipcpMlu'' Cuivt Hour, (lasxy Stomachs Iu I'he Minutes Time It! In five minutes all slum ach distress will go, No Indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching ot gas, acid, or eructations ot undigest ed food, no dltxInesH, bloating, foul breath or headache. l'apo'a ninpepslu I noted for Ita speed In regulating upset stomarlu. It Is the surest, quickest and most certain remedy In tho whole world nnd besides It Is hnrmless. Millions of men and women now eat their favorite foods without fear they know now It Is needles to hnvu a bad stomach. Please, tor jour sake, get a large fifty cent easo of Papa's Dlapepsln from any drug storo and put your stomach right. Don't keep on being miserable llfo Is too short- you nrn not hero long, so mako your stay agreeable. Kat what you like atid digest It; enjoy It, without dread of rebellion In the stomach. Dlapepsln belongs In your home anyway. It should be kept handy, should one of the family eat some thing which doesn't agree with them or In case of an attack ot Indigestion, dyspepsln, gastritis or stomach do rnugemeut at daytime or during the night It Is thero to glu the quick est, surest relief known. If You Are a Drinking Man You had better stop at onco or you'll 1om your Job. I'vory lino of business Is closing Its doors to "drinking" men. It tuny bo your turn next. Ily the nld of OltllINK thousands of men have been re stored to lives of sobriety and In dustry. We aro so sure that Oil It INK will benefit you that we say to you that If after a trial you fall to get any benefit from Its use. your money will bo refunded. When you stop "drinking," think of tho money you'll sntc; besides, sober men nro worth more to their employers nnd get higher wages. Costs only II a box. Wo lmvo an Interesting booklet about OltltlN'f-' thnt wo aro giving away frro on re quest. Call at our store and talk It over. I.eon W. Mask Ins. Sweet Sixteen Comes but onco In her lifetime. Lot tho portrait proservo tho record of that happy ago. A visit to (he photographer keeps fresh for all time tho budding charms of sixteen or tho bloom of twenty. Think what thoso pictures will mean to you and to her, In tho after yenrs. Modern equipment nnd tho nntur al, homelllie surroundings of tho up-to-dato studio, Inxuro faithful nnd artistic portraiture. 1 am Tho Photographer iu your town. H. C. MACKEY I. Main nnd Central, Medford, Ore. Ugly Sons Quickly Banished You Marrcl How Worst Skin Erup tions Disappear as Result of Famous Remedy. aLLLLL - V VaB If you have been fighting soma blood trouble somo crupllvo skin rtloae. call It eczema, lupus, psoriasis, malaria, scrofula or what you will, thero I but one sure, safo way to euro II, Ask at nny drug store for a 1.00 botllo of H. fl. B. nnd you nro tbon on tbo road to health, Tho notion of this remnrkublo rcrnetly Is Jut ns direct, Junt us Kiiltlve, juit oh certain In JM Inllucnca as that the sun rlacs In thu eqt. It Is one of those rnro inoillcul forcu which act In tliu blood with tho samo decreet of cer tainty tlmt Is found In all naturul ten dencies. Tho manner In which It dom inates and controls tha mysterious trans, feremo of rich, red, imro urtorlal blood for tho diseased venuua blood Is mur vtlous. Out through every skin poro news, gorms nnd other blood Impurities uro forced In tho form of Invlnlblo vapor, Tho lungs hreatho It out, tho liver Is stimulated to consume a great proiwr lion of Impurities, tho stomach nnd In testines cruso to t'duvcy Into tho blood stream tho caturrhal, malarial germs; the bowels, kidneys, bladder nnd all cmunctorlcA of tho body aro inarahallcd Into a flghtlnj,' forco to expel overy ves tige of eruptive illnwwo. Thero Is scarcely a. community nny Whore but what has its living exnmpln of tho wonderful curative effects of 8. B. B. Got ft Ixittlo of this fumouu rcmody to-day, and If your caso Is stub, born or peculiar write to Tbo Hwlft Hw cine Co., 127 Hwlft nidg., Atlanta, On. Their medical laboratory Is famous und is conducted by renowned experts la iiooa and gain Umm STAR THEATRE Wu tA'nd Others Follow Complete Cliange of I'Mure Today tint Iteuular IVograiu of 1,000 l-Vet of I'lltu and Hong This Afternoon From 'J to n. TO.NKillT IS YOtlU liAHT CIIANCIl TO Hl'li Till! DAUdll- AHMJ COMI'DV ' "WHAT IIAl'l'I'NIID TO JONI'N" 3 Threo Acts It's it Ittot Of l'lin NKNtOlt Class M. II. S. Classy show of films between 7 und S when tho curtain goes up. MONO MUHIO I'lTl'UTS Afternoon a tn .T I'wnlug 7 Sharp AI-TICIINOON .1o AND 100 l'vcnlug deserved seats R0e COMINO "li. SAI.O.MI''' April S&-2H The Satisfied Smile wivir Is generally to bo found on the dpi of the man who has perfect teeth and the smile becomes him under such conditions. It us havu chargo of your teeth nnd rare for them, nnd wo will guarantee that they will never pain you and never shame yon In public. Wu urn fnmlllar with all branchim ot thv profcluu uud our rhnrgca nro reasonable. Lady Attendant. DR. BARBER Tin: iii-'Ntist Over Daniels for Duds. Corner Muln and Central. I'hono U.'.K-U. E. D. Weston Official Photographer of tho Mcdford Commercial Club Amateur Finishing Post Cards Panoramic Work Portraits Tntorior and exterior views Ilnsh lighta Negatives made any time .nnd any placo by appoint ment. 208 E. Main Phono 1471 oi'i:.v Ai'itin 1st BILL OFFUTT Automobile Expert Now Located at thu Crater Ijiko Oarage III! S. Dartlett Street ItcuMiiiahlo 11 Ice. Work ('iiuruutccil Defit of Deferent cs Cure Washed uud Tiros I'xchnuuud Oarugu I'hono 2V-II. Clark & Wright LAWYERS WASHINGTON, I). O. Public Land Matters: Flual Proof. Dusort Lands, Contest und Mlnlng Cascs. Scrip. y afisBa7 RHP- N. L. Townsend PAIXTI'lt AND JM'COHATOIl llavo Your Painting, Tinting and Papor Hanging Douo by a Practical Mechanic Prlcoa Itlght. Satisfac tion Uiiurantood. Phono liiU-It 70 Uojuiett Ave, WHERE TO GO TONIGHT j ISIS THEATRE j ViUIIUiVllililJ :; WAIiTKIIM ANDMPHItAV ;; Uefluod Comedy Knlortnlnniit ('resenting I! Thnt Kuiitty Follow Willi 1IU ! I SultniHO Automobile ; Photo PIii)h Friday ami Hat. IDS ClltliDKI'N llramn Till: WAIt COltltFSI'ONDF.NT iinium A MONTANA MINUF Kitsuiiiiy Comedy CIlMlVd MI'.VDAV t nn: novi. ami'miii:m COMPANY n. i'm pi !- n GO TO IT FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS You'to protmbly milked tlmt on Fri day and Saturday we bale hwii of fcrliig I'liriwinlliinrlly strong pro grniiK. 'I Ilia itrck it no rvcrptloii. It It unuMinlly lnlcrrltug. TOXMIIIT Tilt: CHAINS OF AN OATH" Two Heel Vllagrnph InleiiM'ly Drnnintle ItuialuM Slory TONKIIIT "Til if SPA NISI I PAIlltOT tllHIi" Kollg Drama TONKIIIT "Till'. TI.MI'IA HATH" Sollg Comedy TONIOHT . "A TOUU OF Till. AliW" Pnlho Hcetila TONKIIIT FMnt'llFH FISH, Tenor .MIIS. WOniAVOKTIt Our Slegan: The llext Plriurcs In Tumi hi not nu Idle bo, ml lined aa a mean ingless statement, but Is n phrasn suggested to oh by our Jiinuy anils ried patrons. IT IS I'lllF.PHOOP is comfeutahm: IS CI.F.AN SO GO TO IT Tho Tlicatio With the, llest Pictures In Town. Draperies Wo carry a very comnlots line ot drupnrl!M. uon curtains, fixtures, ate, and ilo all oIunm'n of iipholalerliifr. A spvolul inun to look after this work exclusively und will Klvu an good sorvloo as In posslblo to est In avea (ha largest cities. Wooks & McGrowau Go. if t i v a. n LI 0 V tf aWUAviiBtXfttw4'aii.VyU.!L' 4A4M-a j- I w -4. J Kfa. ' ii