ran ' MEDFORD MATT; TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OUEflON, THURSDAY, AVRTT. 17, lillrt. J? f SPLENDID REPORTS BY PRESBYTERY OF SOUTHERN OREGON Tim Wednesday morning fostion or prexbylcry war called to order nl 0:30 o'clock. After prayer by Kcv. John V. Knott of Yoncnlln the roll wnn called, showing 20 mmWtors, seven elders nnd ono corresponding member in nttendnnce. A cnll to Hev. J. Mnnley Spencer from Hope PrcBbyterlnn church of Rogiio Ulver vrnH rend, presented to him, nnd ne ccpted by htm. A letter from Hcv. Paul J. Lux, Ph. I)., of Boston Prcs bytery was rchd. Upon satisfactory examination ho rns enrolled ns n member. The report of tho year's work or tho Home Missions commit tee, wni submitted by Its able chnir mnn, Rev. W. F. Shields of this city. Tho report shows the young chore he of the seven counties of the pretby. tcry gefaernlly henlthy. The prcsby. lory's pastor-ovnnpdist then re ported bis work since Dec. 1st upon which dnto ho began bis duties and a good report it was for bis short term. Tho moderator gave a spir ited address on "Financing tho Church," and. Dr. W. I. Holt offered mnuy helpful suggestions. Elder T. P. Cramer of Grants Pnsq spoke ably upon, "Men, Monoy and Church Work ns I Sec It.'J, Reports Filed. Tko afternoon session after an opening prayer by Rev. 0. F. Morgan thr devoted to reports nnd ad dresses. Tho Sunday school com mittee report was presented by Rev. H. T. Chisholm, followed by a like report from the Sunday school mis sionary, Rev. W. F. Qlocckncr, cm ployed by the presbytery. Elder W. IT. Gore of Med ford then gave a short talk on, "An Up-to-date Sun day School." Rev. J. K. Howard of Glendale also spoko briefly upon "Tho Young People." Rev. John MacAHistcr, D. D., read the narra tive of the presbytery's status. WhiJo not "discouraging the report showed that the churches were wnnrorrcssive in many ways. The whole matter was made a subject of specinl pray er. Tho commit tee on Ministerial Relief gave its report through its chairman, Rev. J. W. Knott of Yon calla, following which Rev. Knott niul Rev. Win. Snick, two of the presbytery'" faithful sen-ants, were honorably retired. These men have both been activo in tho church for over -10 years and deserve their rest from labor. After a brief jpeech by Rev. J. K. Howard tho presbytery endorsed the establishment of a Chinese training school on this coast". A special committee reported favor ably upon tho letter of Rev. James R. Parker of the United Brethren in Christ seeking admission to and service hi' this presbytery. Rev. Parker submitted to examination and was approved. Commissioners to general assembly to convene at At lanta, Ga., was elected as follews: Rev. John K. Pay, of Butte Falls, and Elder James Martin of Rogue lUver, alternate Rer, W. F. Shields of Medford and Dr. Geo. C. Knott, Youealla. MlaIoa DfecuMc4. At the public Bcssion at 7 JO p. m. the auditorium was full. The dioir rendered an excellent anthem and Mr. Andrews pang "Nearer, My God, to Thee," ns few have beard it sang before. Rer. J. Manley Spen cer of Rogue River read the scrip ture lesson and Rer. James R. Park er offered prayer. Tho paper read by Mrs. C B. LRrakin of Ashland, "Tho New View of Missions," was especially worthy and timely. Rev. Robert MuLcun, D. D., spoke inbpir iiiKly of "Work in tho Southwebt," which work ho has so recently seen nt firht baud. Dr, W. S. Holt in his vigorous way gave nn enthusiastic and most impressive address, speak ing of "Tbo Pacific Coast, Today and Tomorrow." Tho wbolo evening was ono that uplifted and encouraged everyone in attendance. UcatiUftil Hatr, a Joy I-'orever. H you have a beautiful head ot hair, try to keep It. " J ttT0 not, try to get H. Mcrltol Hair Toa ic keeps tho scalp clean, promotes a healthy growth ot beautiful hair, and keeps It soft and lustrous. Try It. Hasklns Drug Store. Prompt Payment Klro Los. This Is to certify that loss by flro lusured In Continental N. Y Graham & Wakoraan, agents, was paid mo promptly five days after tho fire, and I heartily reepmmond Graham & Wakenian to all who have fire Insur ance to place. 23 CHARLKg W. ISAACS. Prompt Payment Flro Joss. This Is to certify that my loss by flro, Insured In Continental New York, Graham & Wakeman agents, was paid promptly In five days ttftor the tire. 82 nODKRT FRYUBOR. II T Y MARKSMEN IN POSS EH FO ii BEAST-MAN M CAMP FIVE, Wash, (via Shelton), April 17. -John Tornow enticed his pursuers to a point most advanta geous to him, then shot them down In cold blood, according to Informa tion rcachlug here today. Knowing that ho was being trailed, Tornow cunningly led tho thrco trailers Into ambush and slew Ulalr and Lathrop Just when they thought they had trailed tho "beast-man" to his lair and trapped him. Tornow led his pursuers Into the deep wilds to a point six miles from Camp Five, about 30 miles west of Shclton. Hero ho had built a rude cabin and appar ently had spent most ot the winter there. Knowing that thoso who hunted htm were close upon his hiding place he built a fire In tho cabin as a ruso to Indicate his presence In the place. Then at n chosen point along the trail ho climbed a tall fir tree. When tho two trappers, who were In ad vance ot Deputy Sheriff Qtilmbr. saw the smoko coming from, tho cab- In they decided that the outlaw was probably Inside, cooking a meal. Qullbr decided to roako a long detour and take tho cabin In the rear. Ho heard the shots and, run ning to tho aid of his companions. was In time to sco Tornow 'ump down from tho tree. Qulroby emp tied his rifle at the outlaw and (led. The trio had trailed Tornow with bloodhounds. The pojso which left Montcsano early today for the scent had not found tho bloodhounds. Tor now probably "Rilled them. There are about 30 picked marks men on tho manhunt In tho woods and It Is believed that tho outlaw Is surrounded. Tornow, If sighted, will not bo taken alive. Ono of the pos ses lu led by noyd and Will DIalr. brothers of the dead trapper. PRESIDENT'S DAUGHTER ENJOYS BOXING MATCH BOY'S STORY OF HUNGER STAYS LAW A boy's story ot hunger so neuto that It led him to steal for tho first tlmo In his life was so drauiatlrnlly told In tho office nt Juvenile Judge Ton Velio Wednesday afternoon that tho Jndgo ntnyod the law, and al lowed the boy to go. Incidentally tho Judge fouutl tho boy a homo and a Job. Tho youngster hailed from Port laud nnd gives his name as Frederick Walter Sralfe. Ho left homo after ho had lost his watch and feared ho would bo censured nt homo. Ho Is between 15 and 10 years of ago. Young Scalfo beat his way south from Portland, but being Inexper ienced ho failed to socuro food by tho handout route. After two days ot hunger tho boy entered a bakery at Ashland and stole seven or eight pies, two cans of milk, a can ot salmon, a can ot poa. three boxes of marshmallous, a cake, a half box ot chewing gum nnd some tobacco. FIREBOYS GIVE NEW L IS E BADLY BURNED EXPLOSION Eleanor Randolph Wilson, ono of tho daughters of the president, hns let Wnhhington society know that she is noi nscu-re ami ,.. . ftrry Coffeoni R mrmuor 0f tho feared before March 4. On the trip tlrm nf roffn A .,, i , ,,,.., to watch target practice of the fleet WRi,bnd,y burnP(l boilt , forcarm, Thursday morning, when a large rjunntlty ot gasoline In n torch ex ploded. Dr. Porter was called and removed a largo quantity ot flesh from his right arm. Tho causo ot tho explosion Is un known. Coffeen was working with In accord with their tlmo-honorod custom tho Mmtford tlroboys gave llasll Gregory nnd his bride, who was Mm. Miiymo Moore, a ildo on u bono cart about tho streuls of thn city to lay, creating much merriment, Mr, nnd Mrs, Gregory attempted to es cape by leaving on tho west sldu of tho train nnd running neross lots Tho flreboys put up n hot pursuit nnd captured thorn, They took It good naturedly. Mr and Mrs, Gregory slipped ono over on their friends Wednesday by ipiletly leaving for Grants Pass. where they wero married. Mrs. Moore Is well known lu tho city. She has been employed by the Kentner company n number of )nrs and has many friends In tho city. Mr Gregory Is employed by Daniels for Duds ii ml has spent nearly his entire life lu Medford. the young woman Ik Miid to have been the guest of honor nt n three-round boxing match between Jnekies of the navy. She enjoyed the fun, nnd saw nothing about it to indicate that box. ing was the bnitnl sport it U con sidered by sonio erons who have never t-cen a boxing match. T ADJOURNED 10 MAY 10 llavjng completed nil criminal and civil cases for the time beine Judge Calkins of the circuit court has ad journed court until Mny 10. It is expected that he will hand down a decision nt that time in the Med ford liquor cases, a demurrer to tho indictment having been recently ar gued. Tho housefly Is tho principal source of Infantile paralysis infection. Skin Sufferers We Gaarauatce Yea Reltcl Tha D.D.D. Preaerlptlon for Bcxema. a mild. BlUptle wh, atopa that awful Itch (natantly. We know, because aeveral of our etia tomtra, whote curta all am to be pr raantnt. bave told ua ao. So we offar you th flret full elxed bottle on the guarantee that unltas It doa the aajne for yen. It coats you not a cent. . MEDFOHD MIAltMACY .sl WaKriZ Wgp f7k 'ill utM1 .E' tV .gifryl Hiasfi 31 ufiKM bssWbb ' r Our Children's Shoes are designed to preserve tho natural shape of grow ing feet. Wlillo stoutly made, they aro neter clumsy, but always look neat and dressy! Children's Shoe of Patent Colt, Guiimetal Culf, Tuus mid Viet Kid. Coma derive tho benefit of our oxperlcnco service In fitting children's shoes! BEHLING'S Good P'U Hhoo Htoro COFFEE TRUST SUIT WASHINGTON', April 17 Kol lowing nssurnnco from' the Hrnzil inn pivemment that 900,000 good bpg of- Uraxilinn coffee stored in New York has been sold to reputuble purchasers, tho government hns dropped its suit ngniust the Brazil Valorization scheme, othorwUo known as the coffee trust today. the torch when tho accident oc curred. He succeeded In extinguish ing tho flames but was badly burned. MORGAN LEAVES ART COLLECTION TO CITY NEW YORK', April 17.- It is stated here that J. Pierpont .Morgan left his costly art Collection to thu city of New York in his will, which is to be made puljlic Saturday or Monday. It is nyt believed any other ortion of i'u entnto went to anyone outside of hm fnmily. SHOT IN BATTLE RAN KHANCISCO, Cub, April 17. "Clubbed nnd shot in tt tics pern to hnnd-to'lmiid conflict two deputy game wardens and a band of law. breaking Italian fishermen off San Clemcnle Inland in Hnu KrancHeo Ray, Kniest Raynaud, ono of the deputies, and Knlvntntv llillesteri, a lender of the band, are dead hero to day. M. 8. Clark, the other depu ty, juinHd from the firdiing launch on which the fight occurred nnd was picked up exhausted, by another Inuucli nfter Mvimtuiui; n mile. The Italians were caught uxing n net with an undersized mesh while the deputies uure on a tour of Urn bay. They submitted to arrest read ily and allowed the deputies to take jMisseHsum oi their launch lor I lit trip shoreward. On the trip another launch full of Italians rniiie along side nnd nt n signal tho battle start (si. Qvoid OpataUonti When a woman suffering from some form of feminine disorder is told that an operation is necessary, it of course frightens her. The very thought of the hospital operating table and the surgeon's knife strikes terror to her heart, and no wonder. It is quite true that some of these troubles may reach a stage where an operation is the only resource, but thousands of women have avoided the necessity of an operation by taking Lydia 11. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. This fact is attested by the grateful letters they write to us after their health has been restored. These Two Women Prove Our Claim. nil my own work for a family of four. 1 shnll always foul that I owe my good health to your medicine." Mrs. IIaywaiu) rkiwKits, Cory, Me. MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, YndtlUlk. Den'tecctpt Htnel imiubmuli. a. a. A Owt tJUIk I tot V e f If MI.M.rW Treaklre, Terllitaa llr4jr. .'.. Htnpi MnUii rwks. XttdiM. u lilt OLMSTED. La Nor. N. V . Ja. .aSa, a . av aft a jTa A jTa ATa AaAA A?. aVA A jtAjTA A ta a a ta t&J&JpAP4pAJ&4rJ&Jp4rJp4plJrAJ&M T ? T t f t y t r t r y y t f r r r r r r t t ? f T ? T y y y y t y t f y f ? t y t ! J IMS Wwgw' 200 Shirt Waists in Lttwns, trulls, etc., values to $2.50, Comparison Sale....985 y V y y 7 y t y T t y t y ? $ . . ' ,. ... m.4 , miw Tk' sji;.(XJ Coats, Comparison alo xi.yu $1G.50 and $17..r0 Coats, Comparison Sale $13.95 & $20 00 and $22.f)0 Coats, Comparison Sale. $1 8.95 & $35.00 Coats, Comparison Salo $27.50 EVERY COAT A ' 'STYLE CRAFT" GARMENT r f y ! GREAT COMPARISON SALE OF READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS Greatest values ever offered so early in the sea son, actually 20 to 33 3 fo less than regular values SEE THESE EXTREME VALUES IN TAILORED SUITS AND COATS AT OUR COMPARISON SALE. COMPARE THEM WITH LOCAL SHOPS, COMPARE THEM WITH ANYTHING YOU HAVE SEEN BE FORE. One lot of Tailored Suits values to $18.f)0, Comparison Sale : 11.95 One lot of Tailored Suits in navy bltic sorgo and new spring mixtures, values to $22.50, Comparison Sale... $14.95 Others at $16.95, $18.95, $22.95 and up. Entire line of Now Spring Coats at Comparison Sale Pricos $13.50 Coats, Comparison Sale $10.69 240 Shirt Waists in Voiles, Lawns, Ma dras, etc., value to $3.50 Comparison Sale $1.79 Armor Plate Hosiery are Better. Try our 25c Leader Home of La Grec- queCo p. V sets. V tytttySfSftfftftjJj,ffty Niagara Maid Silk Cloves 10 button length, all colors. Comparison Sale.. ,.98 f . i i i y y t y Exclusive j Showing of Millinery it .av A A A.A.AAA.A.A.A.A.A.A.AAA. iiiK2HH4i4CIHH4T J vw Cary, Maine I tVnl It duty I own in all Miffi'rlntf women to tll uliat t.yilU 11 l'lnUlmm'a VritotftMo Compound did for m. Ono year iiro I found myMlf a lerrlltlrt anffartir, 1 had palna In tKitli ulilca and audi n koranrM 1 could aontvcly atnlttlilfn up at llinrs. My Imuk nchrd, I had no appetite and wis mi nrrroua I mld not alccp, then L would ho tired morning that I wiuld noantdy KCV nrouuil. It acemeil nluioot lin povalhlo to more or do a hit of worU and I thought 1 norer would ho any iwttcr until I auhmlttcd toanormra. tlon. 1 commenced taking Lydla P. rinUlinin'n Vok'elahlo Compound and mmid toll like a now woman. 1 had no palna, alcpt well, had Ktnxl app tlte and wan fat and could do almost Now answer this question if you can. Why should a wo man submit to a surgical operation without first n'wln Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial ? You know that it has saved many others why should it fail in your case? For at) years I.yilltv i:. lMnklirtm'fi VKtitntilo Cninpniiml hits licon thn Mtniuliird rtMiuMlyfurfi nmlo Ilia. No ono nick with uoinnn'a alliimati Iom JU!ttlcotolicncir If MhitiKt not try thin fa ntoim iiKHllclrtn tnrtilo from root niul liorlm. It !mreitnrcl no ninny nufforlnrwomntoliriUli. taa.avM.WrlfntnlA'MA R1MNKIIAM MKItlCIMICO. aaF (COSF1HKNTIAI.) I.Y.NN, MASS., for ailvlco. Your letter will InwiiicikhI, rvatl ami mmworcu by a vroumn uml hold In strict conlWlenco, CliarlottK. N. C -I waa In til health for two yearn, with palna lu Uilli aldea and waa very nerou. If I even lifted a ehalr It would cnumi a heuiorrhAi;o- I had ncrowth which thn doctor aald waa a tumor and t nnTcr would vet well unleM I had an niwratton. A friend (drifted um to take, l.ydla I I'lnkhain'a VeReta hie CoiuM)und, and 1 ifladly aay that I niu now cnjoyliitf lino health and am thn mother of a nice, hhy irlrl. You can umi thla letter to help other aufTcrliii; women." Mra, lloa Hum, ID Wyoua hi., i narioue, n. u N. L. Townsend r.iXTi:u and imcou.vroit Havo Your I'nlntlnir, Tlutlnc nnd Paper HnnKltiK Oono hy a Practical .Mnchaulc, I'rlcctf Hlfiht. Satlafac tlon (liinranttfcd, l'lioiio IU:MI 710 Jlcnuctt Ac. Clark & Wright LAWYERS WAHUINUTOM, 1). a I'uhlto Und Matters: Final I'roof. Ioort Landi, Conteit and Mining Caina. Bcrlp. 1000 Rooms Wanted In ordor to accommodnto tho pooplo nttendlnx thn Odd IVIIoua Ctrauil IoiIko and ItotN'kah Av.rnilily to bu huld III Medford May 20-21-22. Kill nut printed blank below and mall to John A. I'rrl, Heo. ItiMiin Committee-, not later than April 30, In ordor that lint can bu clasnlfled. Wo will havo rooms avallablo from May 20 to 23 aa follow : Iloomi with bath'tf.. per day for ono per on j U1 por day for two persona. llooma without bath Q per day for ono poraon; 0 per day for two perioni, Street and Kuuniber.... .. Kama - Hemingway's Lead Arsenate Thn hrnnil which In ubciI In nil nt tho nront npplo Browing dlitrlrtt of tho country Wontorn Now York, MIcIiIruii, tho llluo Hlili;a Blopoa, tho Ozarka and tho fanicua valloya ot tho groat Nortliwcat HEMINGWAY'S LEAD ARSENATE la ot tho lilghoat ataudnrd ot mr.niifiicturo. Wo claim tho following - , '' polnta of auporlerlty: PERFECT PHYSICAL CONDITION 1, o flaoiionu ot grain and cano In thlnnliiK down' In watar CORRECT ANALYSIS 1. o., full porcontago ot Amenta Oxdo (not leas than IS por cont) and no inoro than a tnico of Solublo Araonla wmri: roil iiookm;t and i'iuokh Stocks Carried by KERR, GIPFORD & CO, l'ortlnml, Ort'Kon HEMINGWAY'S LONDON PURPLE CO,, LTD. 04 Water Btroot, Now York, N. Y. I r .f - f f i .tAirSetyiAiMtt y xr - .