Vl'IIKA I, mfjwotitj irzrr. TnrnnNR MTCnT,OT?p. onrcnoN. tittsday, aptnl 17, 10m. 'fr n" INCREASE APPLE BEAST MAN OF CONSUMPTION USE OF CAR BY I II AiIvInImkI )hi iino of nirloiiN In whluti In noil npiliH by dm imi'ltiitut 11111I IIiiih IncrciiMi. din ciiiiHiiiniillnii, hh nun of tlm niiitlioilii hiiuki'hIkiI by W. I'. (In-ln, miIch iiiminKor of tint Nurthwi'Ntttrii Krull NxrlfiitiRo, to nun lui 11 luitlonul ruiiiimlKii for In nmimit ('iiiiiiiiiiiili)n of npiilim n suo 'im, lit 11 incvlliiK of fruit itniwi'iH lit Hut II tlipnti'r WiMliii'Hitiiy iiftr 1101111, I,. 10. Mfiiclintn, mlvitrtUliiK iiuiiiii!ir of t lift oxrliuiiKi', Indorsed this nlitu ntiil iiolnlml out tlm iiilvnn Iuiich of 11 llvi mlviirtUliiK cmiiimlmi Tint ini'iilltiK wiih itttitiuli'it by over 1UU ft til t KioMm, nil of whom toiilc 11 11 nctlvo luturi'sl In tint iIIhcunrIou. Mr. (1 win look iutiuIoii itiirliiK III riiiiurltM to put In a word im to tlm Html for 11 ut"coolliiK anil told (ur 11 Kf plant nt tlm lultliil kIiIIiik point lu onl.ir to hold fruit until tlm umr lit'l wiiii nuiily for II, Ho iolnt(i out Hut furl Hint for t'tw'li riirloml of iiiilc snipped from tlm iiortliwi'il, 20 otliir rnrs wont shlppm! from otic it HorlliiiiM to rompttto with It on tlm iiuirli't. "Wo Imvn tlm lilclii'Hl fimllly of Hull to offer." dcrlaiMtl Mr. (Uln. "niul It Ih only u imiiUit of ndcr lUIni: to Kit tin. lioHt miles, rirat wo iiitml mntiloy umtlioilH to mnko tlu iioilliwctini iiiiln KoiiKht iiliovo iitlmr niul Itmii urn JuiIkiiiimiI In iliicliiit Ilium." Mr. Mciicliniii spoloi of oviral ml vnrllNtiiK mutlinils, fntorliiK tlm inn of tlm enrtou. In thin manner tlm lncl.nKiNw' Im rcnily for gulcU ili Ihnry to Hut rt'tall trailo. Tlm fruit Krowcrit ntli'iullnir tho lurolliiK wttro miirh Intcreniud In tlm mnttiir, niul tlm few who poko honrtlly, Imluriiml tlm remarks of Mtr. (In In nml Moitchnm. Born. At Fort Jwiw, Cnl., Momliiy, April II, 'to tlm wife of Olio llrlcl'i. mini n hoy. Mother nml chili) nro dniiiK nicely. Mr. nml Mr. Itcidimiiii nro well known In Mrilfnril, where for M'Vrnl eiiM thev eoiiilueleil the Nnxli (Irillc nml nflerwnrilH the Hold Mid. foril iliuiutf room. I OLYMPICS SLAYS TOIAL OF EIGHT MONTIJHANO, Wnsh. April 17 -John Toruow, "tint licimt-tuitn of Hut OI)iiiiln inoiiuliiliiN," (oruitreil In a cnliln In tlm wlliliirniiPii of tint V liooi'hii river, In tlm footlillln, yen tnnlny, hIioL nml klllcil two or li Ih liumueiH, whllit llio tlilnl iniulii Ills t'Sl'ilpO, Thn lie a 1 1 men nro I.oiiIh lllnlr nml riinrli'H l.nthrop, Imppms, nml tlm tlilnl, who 'Hniicil, l)ciuty Hlmriff (IIIck ijiilinliy. Tlm vlctliiut of Hut "lii'iiM-ninu," who for threo yearn tins nurri'imfiilly linlil tlm wIMorucM iiKiilimt the form Of low niul onler, now uiiiiiher I'lulit I'lmiN mo umler wny to hunt him ilnwn nt whiituver (out. ArconllliK to n (leihonn luennnitn from (Julmliy, ho nml tint two Iran- liem went tiiiikliiK tln outlnw whnn they emim to tlm Hlinrk. (Jiilmliy lunitit n circuit to tlm rear, Dm Imp pern rmiiiiliiliii; lu front. Heiirlmc rifle hIiiHh Qulmliy iIshIiimI iirouml tlm cnliln nml kuw lllnlr nml l.iitlnoi on tlm ttroiiml nml Toruow iiiiiiiuk shots Into HiMr Imilli-s Qulmliy ilroiieil lo rover, emptied hi rl f let ut tint outlnw nml fled. Hlmriff Hclielln MntlmwM nml .1 iori left here thin uioruliiK III unto niohllcH to reenter tint Imille nml coiitluiut tint puriiull of "Hid lii'iut- innii." Toruow, who Im limann. In ronild- I'P'd llm lii'nt nliot nod wooiUuimi In tlm iiurtliwi.t nml pnMlhly lu the world. Three enrn hko, followltiK iiunrrel with IiIk hrother, Im rn nouiired tlm world nml hoiikIiI the Nolltudit of tint woodM. In firm lc- IIiiih. It Ih thniiKht, wire two prmt pector, known only n Hrotty" nml "the Hwcde," who went Into tlm wl. deriieM for cold nnd nover returned. It In known that Toinow Necured from iioiuew hern tlm flmiuel whlrln mch mi the proitpcclom wore, an well an koIiI coin nml Kolil dnt. Ill (ho fall or 1910 he niunlfrrd two ueplmwi, John nnd Will Manor, twlim, l jenr of bk, whom ho en countered hy clmnre In the forent. A yrnr hro he ihot nnd kilted Deputy Hherltr Colin McKmxIn mid A V lUmer while they wcru In puriilt of tint outlaw. SNGLER TIi Dally Hint from 1'nrlk. UNABLE TO LOCATE MRS.ELZIRA CLAY Hlmriff AiiKimt HIiikIit I on n itllll limit for Mm. Hlrlrn Cliiy, who In wiin lid on n coinpliiltit rlmruliiK Hint dim In mi unfit pemon to hit nt Inrco, her frlemlN liellevliiK Hint Mint In In Hnmt. Mm. Clay cannot hn located hy tlm nhcrlff mid It In hellnved thai nIio illNnppenred to eirnpo nrreNt nml poHNlhle commitment (o tins nlnte imyluui for tho limaiio. MrN. Clay Iioh lieen iicHiir ipleerly for Noiint time. Itecently frlemlM complnlimd lo DUtrlct Attorney IC. K Kelly iihMiik Hint ho nrrmiKo nn ex iimlnntlon n to her Knotty A coin pliilut wiin iiri'pnred nml n wnrrnut limned, hut ilio cnuiiot now 'xt In- cnled. WIFE OF JERE COOK II k W&i i B .TV .' Jul iir fSL ' 'urn n H 'iM I iiiaiaH-' QUIET PREVAILS Z NA BORDER E A prrttr touch to UiU tUck vtlttl Kuwn U tin Xtllow lull with 114 wll placed Ivor od mJ IUUoii Uuttuat 1 NKW VOIIK, Apiil 17. Willi pruyeirt of lliunkH to hi Cirulor, wim the wny Hct. .lerc T'ook, who cloii-il to Man r'ruucieo from I letup Htcil, I, I., Willi Morettil Wliuley, Iiih wunl, receUciI n Mimimiti lu u di voice Uelioli iiiNtitlltcil hy hin wife, Mm, .Miiriiiiln Clarke CooLe of Hemp sled. MiH Wliuley, who Iiiih Inn) I wo cliililtcn hy Cooke hince llieir I'lopiuu'iit yearn nyn, ilnuccil with joy when the niiiuiiioiim or riv il. Cuoke rormerlv wnw piiMlor of St. Oniric' elmrcli nt lliinpsteil. 10 BE APPRAISER ALSO WAHHINOTON, April 17. It wns nnnounred hero today that President Wllnon had decided to appoint Jerry Hnlllvan ot l)o Moliien, Iowa, n inoin hrr of thn hoard of ftpprnUcru for tho port of New York. The prcM dent (cvtiral iIiijn m;o decided to ap point Wilt Kim; of OrcKon a metubcr of tlm name hoard L PLAY 10 BE GIVEN Ti T What Happened to Jnuca will bo Klvcn toulKht at the Star thcatro bc KlnxInK at 8 o'clock. Tho fenlor clasi ot tho HIkIi school hnvo prepared loiitf nnd faithfully for thin produc tion mid thn advance) talu of ticket IndlcatcM Hint n packed homo will bo tho reuiilt. What Happened to Jon on U oiio of tho lict Amorlcan farce cer written and uildo from tho In tercut felt In any local production It In certain Hint tho play toulRht will bu worth double the prlco of ndmls bIoii In tho wholesome fun It will create. Tho parts are all taken by bo)R and RlrU in Medford who arc known to have dramatic ability ot no uncertain quality mid n professional "flnlih" nmiired. A (ireat I'aln Killer. Mcrltol Whlto Liniment reduces Inflamniatlon and aorencss wherever found In about one-third tho time roqulred by tho usual treatment. It , has no equnl as a general household (romnly Hanklns DriiRjitorc. DOUOLAH, Ariz., April 17 VoU lowlnR tho departure for Uuayma of Colonel Alfnro OhreKon mid hln 1400 coiiNtltutlounlUtN, (tilet prevails on tho Arizona border today for the first tlmn In innny wee)s. Tho rl cln left hut a hnndful of men to hold their poNltlon nt the harder postB they won from tho Mexican federal after a month of Inccsxaut flKhtlriR. ObrcRon exprcta the surrender of tho federals at (lunyman upon his appearance. Ho took with him, how over, two field pieces and 10 rapid Hro Run. Four hundred of his command nro Yaqul Indians under Chief Utile. Itoberto V. I'csqulera, nephew of the comttttiitlonallHl governor of So norn, In en route to Washington to day as the accredited agent of tho constitutionalists. He will seek an audlenco with Secretary of Stato llrynu. OF Tho work of wrecking tho Davis wnrchoumt, just south of Main street on the Southern Pacific right of way, has been started and soon the old bitlldlnR will be but a memory. It has stood there for yearn und, cov ered with slRns, has been an eyesore. Tho removal of tho warehouse was ordered an soon as tho lease on it expired. KNIGH T KNOCKS mm DOWN SAN FltANClHCO, Cnl., April 17. IIIttlnR hlni n clip on tho jaw that could ho heard In all parts of tho Kynmaslum, I'hll Knight, thn sturdy Kansas City lightweight, scored a clean knockdown nvor former Cham pion Ad WolRast here during Wol Rnst's last boxing workout previous to his 20 round engagement with Harlem Tommy Murphy next Satur day. W'olaait aroso grogs?, and In a few jnlnutcs rnoro declared tho day's boxing at an end. Tho Incident has mailo Knight a prime favorite for his our round so with Tommla McKarland hero to morrow night, and doubtless his In fluenced several of tho bettors to lay their coin against Wolgast today. Thn knockdown took all of the wind out of Wolgast's canvas, mid drew a gasp from the crowd as well as from tho former champion. It is not sup posed tho Incident will upsot tho 10 to S odds favoring Wolgast. Across the bay Murphy is ready to step into tho ring on a moment's no tice. Ho Is but a few ounces over tho weight. PLOT'S TITRFU m. mmmmmnmm Don't Wear. ' k Try! After Thirty Yttrn lxgr 1mm I Mm Wobm oc Childxta TlMt CarM Rnpturt. IJMdltOaTrM. tfrn bts lrtl mftil (trtiMhi lt,toati nt. Whrathrf futtli whr I bin my (rt,t IHWI. SlDll ttlMlnd Wpett Uiij M4 1 will HM 5Jfcn YOU WILL SEE BETTER With any glasses, but you will not sco better glasies. Dr. Rickert Kyc-MRlit BpccbtllKt Over Kentner's JAP ART COLLECTION BOUGHT BY IELASC0 NKW YORK, April 17. Three thousand seven hundred nml sixt ilollara n tho price pnid by David Ilelnsco nnd other prominent New Yorkers for the Chinese and Japan ese nrt collection of Walter nnd Ida .Manchester of Herkcley, Cnl. With Medford trade Is Medford made Sweet Sixteen Cornea but once In her lifetime. Ixst tho portrait preserve the record of that happy age. A visit to tho photographer keeps fresh for all time tho budding charms of sixteen or the bloom of twenty. Think what those pictures will mean to you and to her, In tho after years. Modern equipment and the natur at, homelike surroundings ot the up-to-dato studio. Insure faithful and artistic portraiture. I am The Photographer In your town. H. C. MACKEY K. Main and Central. Medford. Ore. Tlio atxiT I C. f Rrnnka. lntrntor of thn Appliance, whnenrwd tilmwll unit who li boon rilling- ntber tnr mar 30 jn. irruptnrel,wrUahlmtmUjr. 70a fn tnr ntaiUt4 took on Keptura m4 Im tr(, ikswlnc Bf ATplUara tad xlit im arlf tml atm of msr ftnf una bt IM It ad ! tafi. II(trMiuuiitrtbiiUHxi fall. fUnnatxr ! MlTt, to fcifMM, no U, 1 14 m trial to prera 6t X Mf I tn. Xot an th afaaa4ea kiu ttta ny UHMrtlJ book an4 raa tl rsa will sa aa aalftMlaatl m nt tiaainU ( padeala wj latlara JS eaa al Ittd. fill ml rra coasea tatow ae4 Man lasaf. It a wall wen&yoar UaaawSat&arrra Ut m Aran. tact at sec ffHIK MFMMATtM UWW CK Broot1St Staumrtol.Martkafl.MMt. ritaaa aa4 ma b mail la atata vraaear leaf nianraU4 kovk ao4 fall lafanaatloa alMal jva Aapllaaca for laa aara t rsaiua. nana. Attn CHT SUM. E.D.Weston Official Photographer of the Medford Commercial Club 'Amateur Finishing Post Cards Panoramic "Work Portraits Interior and exterior viows Flash lights Negatives made any time and any place by appoint-' ment. ) 206 E. Main Phone 1471 OPRX AmiL 1ST 22 m t ? ? V ? ? ? ? ? V ? ? ? ? .? ? ? y t T ? ? Y ? ? ? ? t t ? t ? ? t t t y y f f t t y y ii Spring House (Bleaning Made Easy The Medford Mail Tribune wishes to announce arrival of the first carload of National Vacuum Cleaners THESE WILL BE DISTRIBUTED TO OUR READERS AND NEW ALIKE NATIONAL VACUUM CLEANER by agrooing to subscribe to tho Daily Mail-Tribuno for six months at tho regular rate. -OLD A $10 $4 TERMS To subscribers where llio Mail Tribuno is delivered by carrier, $1 nt iho iiino of placing order and $H.OO on delivery of Cleaner, and agreeing (o subscribe for The Mail Tribuno for six months at tho reg ular subscription price GOo per month. To Mail Tribune Subscribers One of theso $10 National Vacuum Cleaners and tho Daily Mail Tribune for two months, both'for $5.00 cash in advance, as two months' subscription must accompany each ordor. 1 caso of old sub scribers, two months will be added to your present subscription and with now subscribers will bo started at onco. Willi 1'ntcnt ricxlblo Nia1o. m .Menus a Clunn, Hnnltnry Home. 1st IT KEEPS YOUR HOME SANITARY. 2nd PROTECTS YOUR HEALTH. 3rd DOES NOT MAKE ANY DUST. , 4th ALWAYS READY INEXPENSIVE, and one hundred otlier good reasons. GUARANTEE "Wo guaranteo this Cleaner to bo frco from mechanical defects and will roplaco without chargo any part proving dofectivo in mate rial and workmanship for a poriodof one year from dato of purchase. aaBBBaBaaaaa-a-iaaBaa.aBaaBBB.BBa.B)a-aBaaaaaaBaBaaajBaBBBBaRBiaaiaaaBBa Let Us Demonstrate in Your Home THE MAIL TRIBUNE Phone 75 jrc3M ra I V