Hltlrrrisal iHttfe Clfv Hull Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER I'ntr mill cooler. M., (lit Mlii., :h. I'nrly.llilril Ymr. DnllX KIkIUIi Yr. MEDFORD, OKKaON.TIirKKDAV.iM'WILJT, 1J'I. NO. 22. PONTIFF KEPT ALIVE BY AID 111, W Hyiiotlcrnilc Used Hourly to Sustain Heart Action Impossible to Ac curately Forecast What Next Day Will Brlnii Forth Pope Cheerful Vatican Prepared for Death Out Un expected Rally Follows King Re ceiving Hourly Bulletins KOMI:, I April 17. Qutr- Innl nntl Vatican aro secretly ctitmptrltiK lo coiiciml tho nml 4 condition of I'opn Plus and nro KtiiirilliiK ngulust tho dec- tlmi of a furotKii cardinal to tliu initial-) In tlm tivont of tho pope's ilcn tli, It Ih rumored hero liiilny. Hot ti church uml stale fear an outsider will ho elected In the event that thorn U n deadlock In tlia coIIcko of cardinals, accord- Iiik to tin report. Tli nro nro .lU Italian mid 27 cardinal of other nation- nlltlct In tliu sacred rolli-Ko. ICOMi:, April 17. 1'liyi.lrlmiH to Pope I'iiiH this afternoon Misf( tho following liitlli'tln: "Mix Holiness passed n cnlin day without fetor. 1 tin liiiiporntiirv wns UH.'J. Improvement In lii- hroitclnul trouble i'iiiiIIiuic.." UOMK, April 17. Flat demand for a true qtutrmctit f IVpo l'iun XV condition was mnila on (he ati 'nn In-to today by I ho Itnlimi gov ernment. Tho physicians immed iately nnswered, inlying It wttH im poihlhlo In iirrurnti'ly forecast jusl ulnit the next twenty-four bourn tvtuilil tiling fotlli. Hourly iyfidi'unio injections vcre given tliu Pope today to sustain liciiit notion. Ho slept much, his t'iiiHratiirt standing practically sta tlonnry nt It". Tho Pope uwh in n cheerful frame of mind loilny, as sorting thin was tho first dnv since his first niipNo Hint ho hint full io limnl. lilt vitality Is astonishing the papal physicians, Uiieipectiil lUlly, Tho night Marled alarmingly for tlio physicians of Pope PiiiH X but gradually developed into one of hopes nml this morning it was be lieved Hint If tho pontiff survives SOWTuI dlljh longer III) llllH IX chllllCC to rerover. At midnight ho was rest less nml tormented by n cough. Ho wan permitted to nit up, thiH partial ly lo alleviate tliu discomfort. Tho Popo Insisted on talking, however, uml bin tiiiniHirntiir- rose. At mi early hour this imiritliisr Iho pouliff suffered nnolher coughing lit ami then slept until tliiwu uiuliH turlicil. Tho vutiiMin pvi'paml last iiIkIiI for tlm PopoV doiilli. MnimRor Doininlci uolilifil CnriUuul OitkIIu that lliu ciiil wn nenr nml tho liitlor wim in foiiHttmt roatliuoHH to untiiHt in ii(luiiiiiHtfrln tho hint hiuTaiunntH. I'lvpiutit for IK'iitli. It wnH roporU'tl thai Canllnal Morry Dol Vul liiul ri'ipu'.sloil nil iipohlolio ilt'lt'KiUort to notify tho I'liidiiialM nbi'oail to bo toady for a roiii'lnvo of Iho Sacroil Collc-jo. Nl'WHlllM)l' COnCHpolllll'lllK ih In-ant a rumor that tho uovornnu'iit hail nurui'il to hold up all loh'Kraplito uml cnblo oomnuuiii'iitiouN in tho ovuiit of tho pontiffs death, in or ilrr to plvo picfcdoiu'o nicRrtai;oa to church illKiilturles. Anuolo Karto. tho pontlff'rt broth er, Iiiih not loft tho hiolc room slnco ho arrived in tho oily, lliu slslorn i.Ur. wmn Hiiiniiionrd to tho vatioau last night and told to nrcpnro for the worrtt. Tho Popo'H innvricd slalom, living outHldo of Italy, nUo hnvo Tho KIiik of Italy is rcoeiviiiR hourly hullclliiH cuncornlUK tno on IUTh ooudiliou. linffnlo idunH tho orottloit of BtatucH of Orovor Clovolund and Mil lard I'Mlmoro. CAUCUS ADOPTS WOOL TARIFF AS OUTLINED Early Conclusion of Bills Considera tion Predicted, With Smooth Sail Inn Thereafter Schedule K First Acted Upon Republican Members Meet In Caucus Tonluht to Approve Minority Re port Excoriation Measure WASIIINdTON, April 17.- When tho hoiihu iloiiinonilii' unticiiH icunincil Kk coiiKidcrntioii of tliu tariff bill (his iiflvriiouti mi early I'oiicln-ioii wiin pri'diclcd, with smooth hiiiHiik luToafter iiNNiirvd. It Hocuicd cer tain that hchcdiilo K would be con nidi-mi firM mid that effortn of the miiiorily to iiicrcai) the pmpoM-il dntieh on iiiaiiiifnetiircd nu'oI pro iliietN would fail. it was oxM-('i-d that the tariff will lie in the Hatne xhupe mh when it wim Mhaped bv tliu vaH and iiiemiK eoiiitiiitlee. The lepublieau ini'Milit-r of the Iioiiho nro to ini-i-t ill i-mii-iw loiii-jbt and it U cerlaiu I hey will np pnio of the imiiority teport or tlm waM mid uieaiiM coiiiinittro wbieh excoiiales the bill STUDENT SLAIN BY THUG WITH GAS PIPE KPOKAXK. Wiodi.. April 17. Itobeit J. William, u student n(;ed 111. died in n loenl himpitnl today nx tliu icniilt of A hentimr ndininUtcreil by n blchWiiyiiiau Into bt"t IiIkIiI. Tl iiotiiilmit used a piece of pi pipe and Willlanih head wiih beaten nlinoht to n pulp. WillimiiH bad jiiht eft the home or ltuth ("niu, iiKed 10, whom ho bad es corted homo from tho lluptUt church, when uttneked. The liold-uit took iiIhco at u lone- ly nHit under n railroad viaduct. Tho highwayman took n wnleh mid fifty cents In oar.li. Tho police hnvo no elite to tho identity ot tlio usniih- hill, TERN RAI IN ACTIVE DEMAND NKW YOHK, April 17. Wetoru railroad lur wero In ncllvo de uinud throughout toduy' ntock nmr ket. Tho Improvod financial ami polltlral nltuatlon abroad toned up by tho reduction In tlio Dank of KiiKland'tt dUcount rates, rofloctod Itmdf In tho Now York nmrkut. Tlio tpoculatlvo fcaturoH rouo from one to ono and a half points aliovo yetiter- day's rloio, duo to an abrupt rally. Tho market cloned reactionary. IIoiiiIb wero IrrcRiilar, DIETZ MURDER PROBE TAKES A NEW T CIIKWOO, April 17, Tlio Inves tlKatlou Into tho uiurdur ot (leorRo Dlt.'U, a wealthy ladloa' tailor, took a now turn at tho eoronor'H liuiuPHt horu toduy, Tlio flrdt witness to o oxamluod wns Mrn. Dlotz, tho lioautl fill widow of tlio crippled tailor. Hho wiih nHltcd rcKardliiK reports that slio was very frlondly with (looro Nunn lierg, who uho will ho oxamlnod, TO WASHINGTON, April 1 7. Itlslt. Inspection of conditions along tho Mexican border Is planned by Gen eral Leonard Wood, chief ot staff of tho United Stutou army, who loft this afternoon for Texas, A Kouoral In vcstlitatlon of tho situation will bo Hindu. ORCHARDS OF mMPAM With nearly oury variety of bji idea and pears, as well as poaches, plums and almonds, In full bloom at Ifln lamo time, tliu orchards of the lloKUc Hlver alloy are running riot with wonderful colorliiRs and aro at tractliiK tho ottutitluu of ninny of tliu city folks who nro making spsclal elforti to vlow thm. , . For the first time In suvor'af years tho fruit trees of various varieties nrn comlnit Into bloom at tho inuio tlmq. Cold weather with n sudden rlM In tenipernturo Is responsible Ordinarily tlm dlfforeiit varieties of fruit como Into bloom at different times through tho spring, but this year a deficiency In temperature held tlm htoisoinliiK period back. Tho condition Is entirely normal, ahserts Professor O'Oara. and uoth Iiik Is to bo feu rod by reason of this fact. Apples aro fairly well In bloom now, but will not reach full bloom until Saturday or Sunday. SHORTAGE OFPASTURAGE HKNO, Xo., April J7.- Uecnusc of the NhortiiKO of iaturuKo in tho emit nil California alleys, 8000 head of cattle wero hiouu.ht to tho rmr around Wiuuemiicea, Nov., today mid thousands moro mo to bo iuntallod on other Xevmhi rmiKos. Tho viMtiui; cattlemen say (bat lack of water has practically de pleted (be feed supply on tho uui th em mid central California ranges. IS FROM NAVAL ACADEMY WASHINGTON', April 17,-Ap-provnl of Iho court martial sentence diinis.iii) Midshipman James Cook from the iiuval uoademy ut Annapolis Maryland for luiziiiK wan voioed liero today by Secretary of tho Navy Daniels. This wn aeconipanled by tho announcement that bo intends to sitpress liiiKiiiK at tho naval nuadc my. E THREE OFFICERS KILLED VIMilKUS-Sl'lt-MAHN'H, France, April 17, Threo officers of tho Krouuh army wero killed and two others seriously injured this after noon iion n balloon exploded in mid-nlr over this town. ('oiirti'sy Journal I '"MB&rffi Sv ROGUE ORCHARDS i Wm4 '-X run riot wiih lfmHSaM(frrA FAIRY COLORINGS! tfPKiK ROGUE RIVER VALLEY IN ; FULL BLOOM, MAKE BRILLIANT SCENL aPAyift.wg,KFttui3ga Itoguo lllvor orchards In blossom. POWERS DECIDE LONDON', April 17. The powers have decided to raise tho blockade of .Moucucxriu irls, according to a despatch received hero todny from Vienna. , LONDON', April 17.Pcape in I lie Ilalkaus is as fur off as over, no cording to a despatch received here today from Sofia. It said tho re IMirted armistice between Turkey and llnlc,ariii was merulv n verbal one between the oppotiut; KouornU nt the Tehatalja forts am was only made to permit of tho burial of the dead. BILL TO REGULATE WASHINGTON', April 17.- In line with tho attempt now beiujj inado to "busl" tho money trust, ltepreseutn livo Neely of Kansas today intro duced in Iho lower house ti bill resu latiiiK block eehanues. Tho measure bars Mich concerns from the uso of the mails or telegraph unless they nro incorporated, and provides fines and imprisonment for offenders, CONGRESslo PROTECT BULL RUN RESERVE WASHINGTON, April 17. -Aimed to piotcot tho Hull liuu water shed site where $110,000,000 in reservoirs for tlio oity of Portland, Oregon, will bo eoustruoleil, ti bill for bidding tho construction of roads through the forest reservation surrouudine; this site, was introduced into tho somite today by Senator Lane of Oregon. 10 RASE BLOCKADE WA RESUMED IPOLICE GARBED HOCKV1LLK, Mil., April 17. That imliecmeu Rallied as the ghosts of murderers who bad been hanged in tho state, tortured him by letting dozens of lizards into his ccjl and bathing tho cell in ghastly bluclights until bo admitted that he murdered his sweetheart's mothor. Mrs. Auuio Henry, was the statement mado by Norman McClenry in bis trial hero today. MeCleary repudiated to the smallest detail the confession drugged from him by the police. Tlio witness swore that while he was held in the county jail ho was re pent cd ly haunted by whito garbed nocturnal visitors, who moaned and groaned that they were tho spirits of men who had died by the rope. Ho stated that the apparitions wore driving hint crnxy until bo learned that tho eerie forms were thobo of regnlnr blueeoats. It wns then that lizards were turned loose to crawl about him and waken him from sleep, he said, and he finnlly made tho pseudo coufes hion to rid himself of torture. TO RESERVATION BABE NOUTII YAKIMA, Wash., April 17. Woodrow Munch ot Wopato, ICth child of I'otor Manch, au Indian reservation rancher, la to have a proBldent of tlio L'ulteU States as Kodfatlier. The IGth Manch was born tho day President Wilson was In augurated. Tho fathor wroto at onco in German to Washington, tolling tho president that both ho and Mrs. Manch and all tho sons nnd daugh ters of voting il?o had done their duty by tho domocrntlo ticket last Novoiuucr. President Wilson tele graphed that under tho circumstances ho would consent to bo godfather to this reservation baby, AS GHOSTS FAKE CON N CALONA TO E T Golden State to he White Man's County Declares Connmsman Social Reasons Make the Japs More Objectionable than Chinese Race Problem Involved. Which is Vital Element in Whole Contention Japs Cannot be Taken Care of WASHINGTON, April 17. That California u absolutely determined upon exclusion of the JapanpsT, that Culifoniiaus are xrt like steel for u white iiinu'n state and why they nro o set, wns explained here today by William Kent, congressman of Cali fornia, in a lengthy statement deal ing with conditions now agitating the golden stnte. He said: "Chinese exclusion was baseiT" on economic and social reasons. The economic rcn-om were fallacious. If the Chinese did our work without demoralizing our democracy, there was no rcnoii why be should not do it. Hut in working be kept out white labor and thus demoralized our so cial stntu. J1h Mure Offensive. "The same reasons were cited ns objection to the Japniier-e. Ha wns found to have a much less valuable economic (piantitv than the Chinn ninn. He did not have the came ideaU of commercial integrity nnd hi social attitude wn more offensive. "Tho exclusion laws, undoubtedly would linvu becH'tiasieir'ngaiiiRt the .Tnpnuexe if their government lind not entered into a treaty to provide against issuing p:issrts to ito lab oring classes corning to America. "The practical effect of Japanese land tennre is shown by Japanese settlements in some of the most fer tile jmrtions of California. The while people slum these sections. This may and may not be due to the prejudice of white neighbors, but California, this far. has been a white man's country nnd it i tho inten tion of the iwople of California to keep it so. Unco Problem InvohcO. "It is n curious fact that the Japanese persistently deny that, in their ense. a race problem is in volved and refuse to recognize this ns a vital element in tho whole conten tion. To n thoughtful student of tho situation there can bo no assumption of siicriority as lying bnek of the racial question. We may admit, if we choose, that tho Japanese are, in some particulars, our suiteriors. We cannot deny, however, that, taken rncinlly, they are different from the white race. They cannot bo as similated into our population. In troduction of permanently defined groups of non-assimilable population must neeesasrily oreato bitterness and misunderstanding mid liamK?r the development of democrnrcy. "The privileged classes in Califor niathe land-owners nnd grent em ployers of labor may clamor for this cheaper labor, but tho vnst ma jority of Califoniinns look forward lo a great state wherein similarity of population will make nu enligbtencil democracy possible." TO BACK TY COBB AUGUSTA, Ga., April 17. Organ ized labor may staad back of Ty Cobb, the star holdout outfielder, In his controversy with President Navln of tho Detroit Tigers. A resolution assorting that Cobb Is being "re strained In tho freedom ot his In alienable right to work for whom ho pleases" was Introduced before tho Georgia l'edoratlou ot Labor, lu con ventlon horo. It was referred to a committee on resolutions and prob ably will bo reported to tho conven tion tomorrow. It tho resolution Is adopted by the convention tho federation's oxecutlvo board will require Georgia's repre sentatives lu congress to lmmedluto ly Investigate tho laws governing or ganized baseball, U AS ASSERTS KN REAMS E SENT SENATE BY PRESIDENT Medford Man Appointed Federal At torney for Oregon Jennlnrj Judqe For Alaska Wooley Auditor In tcrlor Department Wm. Harris of Georgia Director of of Census Tammany Demands Collectorship Post of New York WASHINGTON, April 17. presi dent Wilson today scut tho folloifing nominations to the senate: United States attorney for tho dis trict of Oregon, Clareuco L. Itenmcs, Medford; judge of the court of Alaska, Hobcrt Jennings of Alaska; general appraisers of merchandise, Jerry Sullivan; auditor of the in terior department, Itobert Wooley of Virginia; assistant secretary of war, Henry Hreckcnridgen of Kentucky; diector of census, William Harris of Georgia; special fiscal agent, of tlio NAM navy department nt London, Seyer IJrothors; register of the 'nd office nt KnlisM..; Mont., Frank O. Wil liams. Notice that he must secure the o sition of collector of the port of New York for a Tammany man, in order that the democratic lien upon Jim mayoralty of New York will not(le jeopardized next fall, was1 'sVrycd iijwn Senator O'Gormnn of New Yorl? today by Tammany leaden). O'Gor man was advised that the position itself was far moro important than the salary attached thereto. As u result of the activity of tlio Tummanyites O'Gorman today asked President Wilson lb villiliotd lioVfiiirrr KSUVTj decision in regard to the collector- I ship. BELGIAN IE E BUUSSELS. April 17. Tho strlko ot Belgian workers to enforce equal ity In voting continued to extend slowly today In every part of tho country. Dining halls providing free meals to tho needy workers woro opened hero today by socialist or ganizations. Reports from Seralng say that rowdies there, early today passed through tho workmen's residential district ou a window smashing cam paign. CHARLIE GANT IN AT SKATTLK, Wiish., April 17. Charles L. Gnnt and A. I Lewis, editor and manager of tho Guemes Island Tilikum of Anucortcs nro out ou $"UU bail ou n federal indict ment charging them with having scut through the mails improper mat ter, written in connection with u "dry" and "wet" campaign. Charles Gant will be remembered us former city editor of tho Central Point Herald three years ago and also as Central Point coriespoiideut for iho Mail Tribune. Ho was gon ial nnd good uutured, with n pcu chant for puns uml nincbiuo poetry. SAN FRANCISCO FULL OF THE UNEMPLOYED SAN FItANClSCO, Cub, April 17. In an endeuvor to provido employ ment for tho idle men and women of San Francisco, tho San Francisco Church Federal today sent a coin muuicatiou to tho board of super visors asking thai body to tnko steps to properly care for tho unemployed. According to Itov. Jos, Slovens, president of tlio federation, tho num ber of unemployed hero is increas ing daily. END SLOWLY ") - f