Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 16, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    . t
meifot?t) ran; trtrttnuj. mwdfokd. omsnoN. wiidntomv, aimmt io. 101:1.
, !
Hedfokd Mail triuunk
ffjs: hi M8J ""'
Tho Demncrntle Tlms, Th Mrdford
Mnll,.TIie Mcilfnrd Tribune Thn Houth-
rn wrrgnnMn. tiiii waninna Trinune.
Offlcs Mull Trlbuno llulldlnc. -JT-:
North Fir alrcot) telephones "5.
QKOIKIR rUTNAlf, Editor and Man&gvr
Entered ns sccond-ctas. mutter nt
Medfonl, Orison, undor the act of
March 3, 187.
Official pftpor of thn City of Mntford.
Official Paper of slacknon County.
On year, by mull- . ,,, 18.00
On month, by mall .fit
Per month, delivered by cnrrlrr In
Mcdrord, Jackaonville and Cen
tra) I'nlm i, .Ro
Paturdoy. only, by inall. per year 5.00
Weekly, per year . - Vfio
Dolly averusn for l-rn inontha end'
Ins November 10, 1911, 27(1.
The Mall Tribune la on sale at the
J'crry News iJUiml, San Kranoiaco.
ortland Hotel News Stand, Portland.
Portland News Co. rorllnnd. Ore.
W, O. Whitney, Battle. Wish
imll ead Wit Vaited Trtea
Metropolis of Southern oresen and
Northern California, and th faateat
erowlnc city In Orcon.
Population U. H. census 110 1810:
mttmated, 111 1M00.
Klvo hundred thousand dollar Gravity
Water System completed, ctvlnic finest
supply pure mountain water, and 17.3
nil lr of atresia pavcL
Ppatnfflc receipts for year endtnc
November 30, 1811, ahow .increase ot It
per eenU
Itaaner fru.ll city In Oregon Tlocu
nivrr Kpltxenbtra applea -won awetp
atakca prtte and title of
"Apyle naar of kka WerU"
at tho National Annie tfhow. ipokue,
ItOt, and a car of Vewtowns won
Tlrrt rrta la ItlO
at Canadian International Apple Show.
Vancouver. B. C.
rtr SMt in 1911
At Spokane National Apple Show won
by carload of Newtown.
TIoruo nirer peara brought hlchrat
prices in all markets of the world dur
tnc the paat alx years.
By Ad Brown
Tlie Optlmslt.
If nil optimist yunM see,
Take n jKiintcr, hid, from uie
Go up to mountains where the
miners poke around.
'Mongsl tlint bunch you're sure to find
Every cloud in silver lined,
Ewelt fellow knows he's going lo
take a fortune from the ground
With hid pick and mining pan,
And ft healthy coat of tan,
P'raps you'll find him working,
p'raps n looking nt tho sky.
If you ptiHsthc time of day
He is pretty npt to say
He'll he rich us old man "Crccsuss"
pretty soon or by nnd by.
Very likely he 'U broke
But he Inkcn it ns n joke,
And tho lifo he leod with nature
is n lifo for any innn.
Home time when he makes his pile
He'll (ttit work n little while
But another year will find him with
his pick alio mining pun.
The people of Wilkosbnrrc, I'n.,
paid Billy Sunday $23,00U for seven
weeks' of revival berviees. And still
they Vy a circus doesn't take money
out of u city.
A Medfonl orchnrdiht was heard
to Hay tho other day: "The gonts at
my place are having children or what
ever you call baby joats."
nun i - i
Wo rend today of a Mr. Sprout of
Weed, California.
Who put the bear in Bear creek,
And in Medfonl put the ford 7
Who put the eye in Kifert
And who put him on the boaid7
Oh, whnl a lovely summer
We'll have in .Summcrvil.le,
One of Modford'ri uble couucilmeu,
Well, just ask Bill.
Who put the etcw in Stewart,
And in Millur put the Mill 7
Again you've got us guctiug
And I bay, ask Bill.
Tell us how "cam" was Campbell,
And did Mitchell weur new togs,
On tho night he sailed into Porter's
And ousted Mr. Boggs.
500 CARS FOR 1913
At a meeting of tho board of di
rectors ot the Itoguo River Valley
Km It and Produce association yea
turduy tho contract with tjio North
western Fruit Kxcuange waa renewed
for tho fourth consecutive year.
Throe- hundred and two cart of fruit
woro Bhlppcd luBt year and it U es
timated that the crop for 1913 will
total 500.
It was also voted by tho directors
to support an extensive advertising
campaign to bo Inaugurated by the
Northwestern tho particulars of
which will bo announced at tho meet
ing of fruitgrowers today,
This action closes the question ot
market affiliation which camo prom
inently to tho front recently when
the organization was asked to join
the North Pacific Distributor!!.
With Medford trndo Is Medford mndo.
Til 10 morohnnt Unit does not advert iso litis nothing
worth whilo telling the people.
Advertising is simply store news. The live merchant
is one who makes some news every day. in bargains that
nit met people, and henee increases business.
If the merchant has no bargains to offer, nothing worth
while telling the people, naturally he does not advertise.
Some merchants never advertise unless they are having
a sacrifice sale selling all goods at cost or new it. Tho
more goods they sell, the less money they make. They
effectually demoralize their own business.
The wise merchant is the one who makes a leader of
some one or few items daily and sells them sit cost or near
it, to attract custom.
AVheu a line moves slowly, the merchant on to his job,
puts on a sale io stimulate it. Then it is the next line and
so on, until the season's close finds onlv odds nnd ends
which a sacrifice sale cleans up.
The merchants that follow this policy sire the ones that
succeed. The mcrchsints that do not advertise, silwavs sie-
cumulnte n lot of junk on which they lose money. Thev
soon become bnek numbers. They cannot stand competition.
The live merchant is keen
advantage of them. He goes after business and gets it.
lie takes the buying public into bis confidence and his news
items bring tho business.
How many Med ford merchants hsive tnken sulvsintsige
of the parcel post to go after runners' business' A good
many of them howl becnuse the farmer doesn't chase his
legs off to buy of them. Why should he when the mail
order houses chase himf The home merchants can make
deliveries by parcel post cheaper than the mail order con
cerns. Why don't they go after the business? Since the
parcel post wsis established, the Mail Tribune has not car
ried an nd from n single merchsint offering the fsirmer free
delivery by it. Isn't it news worth telling customers?
SINCE the defent of his protege Clisunp Clnrk for the
nomination, William Randolph Hem's t lists been seek
ing mi opportunity to bolt the democratic pnrty to which
he had tempornrilv pledged his support. The opportunitv
has been found mid Mr. Henrst nnd his papers can be
expected henceforth to oppose President Wilson nnd his
policies. There sire three counts in the indictment.
The president committed sin unpnrdonnble sin when he
reverted to the custom established by George Washington
and rend his messnge to congress, instead of sending it by
messenger nnd having it rend by a clerk. This awful' net
is stamped by Mr. Henrst ns Fedemlistic, Monarchistic,
and un-Aincricnn.
The second count in the indictment is an old one, dating
from the college days of Woodrow Wilson, whose thesis
described the British parliamentary system ns superior to
the Amcricnn in accomplishing results which it certainly
The third charge is a most serious one. The president
subscribes for the weekly edition of the London Times in-
stend of Hearst's American,
British tory hues, nnd is in effect n British tree trnder
instead of si yellow American, therefore the proposed tariff
is a Brit ish measure. ,
There is only one simon-pure American in the nation,
only one whose patriotism soars constantly to lofty heights,
only one who is really fitted
thsit one, needless to ssiy, for
is Willisim Jinndolph Hearst. He hsis strenuously sug
gested himself for the office nisuiy times sind the sugges
tion nlwnys meets si warm welcome from Mr. Ileni'st. He
won't be happy till he gets it. Then, and not till then, will
wc know whsit true Americanism and psttriotisin is.
t ' '
IFSv. Pnrkison is in earnest in his desire to consolidstte
the higher educational institutions of the state by means
of giving the peoplo si chance to vote on killing the state
university by again referendiug its appropriations, in or
der to prove that bis assertions sire in good faith stud that
he is not playing fnvorities, he should also invoke the
referendum againsl the Oregon Agricultural College ap
propriations. The people can then vote on killing it also,
for every argument sulvanced against one institution sip
plics equally against the ofber.
If we miist have referendums, smd we are only to have
one, let us vary it this time. Twice it has been invoked
against the university. Let us try it sigainst the Agricul
tural College. Tunuibout Is fair piny.
It would ndd to the occasion to find out how the people
stand on sin O. A. C. appropriation. They have never had
a chance to vote on one. The institution is si much greater
lax-enter than the university, costs si great deal more and
is no more useful in results.
indeed, if the referendum is to be invoked on the uni
versity, without question of doubt, it will also be invoked
on the 0. A. C. Then there will be several other measures
submitted for consolidation and the whole educational
problem put up to the people.
Medford might get the consolidated institution sit any
rate it is worth going after, and this city has climatic smd
other sidvnntnges tbstt no other Oregon city has. If Psirki
son goes abend with his referendum, sin 0. A. C. referen
dum will then put both institutions on the bnlnnee nnd
mnkcMedford's opportunity,
STKHLING, 111., April JO. Michael
Sellers wits burned to death in his
cell hero today when prisoner in the
county jail net firo to that Mruuturo
in mi attempt 'to escape. Khcriff
AVnhl wns budly burned whilo res
cuing boiug of tho prisoners,
to bis opportunities stud tsikes
hence has his mind colored in
to adorn the presidency and
we have his own word for it,
Search Ih helng made today for
heirs to the $25,000 eutato of Mm
Agnes Klmbal of Log Angeles, whoso
first husband was former Mayor 10,
I), l'ond of Ban Franqlaco, Mrs.
Klmbal tiled Monday,
Freaks of the
A loiter from Omnlitt of rt'cvnl
dale thus describes tho niloruiiilli of
tho cyt'lotio that roooiillv w looked n
portion of (Iml city;
It uiim awful nnd tho mid is not
jet, for injured people tiro dying
oory diiy and the shook is showing
in ninny. Wo find wu tin not sloop
ns well as tho first wook, I supposo
that is hoonu-e wo mo hoariug so
many more details front tho people
who wore in tho trnok of tho stoim.
Tho Sunday of tho storm I hail
boon vory norvoiis uxor tho look of
tho sky. It was yellow mid then
that Krcnl black oloiut otiiuo nnd wont
in a miitulo or two. But uo did iitd
hoar what it was for a couple of
hours when the firM oxtm otuno.
"It was straugo luW tho storm hit
our property in throo plum. Ouo
hotioc is w rooked uud no tornado in
stinuieo. People emtio to their sonsiw in
stnittly, ouo boy mil to Fort Omithn
and tho soldiers weic douit on HI III
stm-t in twenty minutes with thoir
wagoiw. They did splendid work
and wore on guard for days, Tho
Fort frook men came up and tho
militia woro stutioncd nil tiloin; tho
wrecked s! roots that uiiilit nnd some
of them utv still on duly. Tho audi
torium was made the btt-o of supplies
and an officer who had been in San
I'mticiM'ti took charge. Belief sta
tions were placed in tho ruins and
things wcn done systematically.
SEATTLE. Wash.. April III. An
parcntly uucourcriied as to his fate,
C. A. .Johnson is under conviction to.
day for first degree murder for tho
death of his six year old son, Doug
las. Johnson stepped in front of a ms-
scitgcr train on December II last, with
tho hoy in his arms, intending to end
his own life also. Knlo decreed he
should live. His injuries were a
broken leg uud it deep gush in tho
head. His attorney, John P. Dorc.
set up an insanity defense. Tho
jury wns out oiil.v.ouc hour yesterdny
nnd brought in a verdict of guilty.
When rescued from under the train
Johnson pleaded for immediate death.
This, however, will probably be de
nied him. While tho now law abol
ishing tho death ciiatty docs not go
into effect until June II, lawyers
contend no hanging can bo legally
ordered now.
SKATTI.B. Wash.. April 10 I)I-
playlng an egg tho clrciniifercnco of
which measured G and SU Inches,
Mrs. S. N. Hanks of this elty claims
tho hlg t'KK record for a Khodo
Island red pullet In her chicken )ard
An egg fi?i hy T was recently laid
In I'cniiHylvituln, hut tho hen ll"d
Mrs. Hanks' hen Ih alive hut lurt not
laid an egg jlii'c
Don't Imj angry with your child
because ho or klio Is continually Ir
ritable. In 'J'J nut of 100 cases yo'i
will find that tho trouhlo'ls worms.
Among the common symptoms oi
tho presence of round worms are
nervousness, whfcl often lends to
epileptiform attacks! dizziness, ver
tigo, capricious appetite, restless
sleep, Itching of tho eyes and nose,
nausea and often hyBtorla. Bound
worms uru no vera I Inches In length
and Infest tho stomach, Occasional,
ly several hundred aro found In a
single person, TJirand worms aro
umallcr, often not Iong'ir than a
quarter of an Inch. The symptoms
denoting their presehcb are about tho
same, hut In this case tho child has
no appetite.
Jayno's Tonic Vormlfilga Is unsur
passed In removing worms. Not
only will It destroy thorn, hut Its
tonic effects will restore tho stomach
to hoalthy activity. As Jaynes
Tonic Vermifuge sejiiom purges, tho
Indication of Its beneficial effoccta
will he the Improved condition of thg
porno n using It.
Millions of parents huvo praised
this medicine for more than ' 80
years. Insist upon Jayno's Tonic
Vermifuge, and accept no other, Hold
hy druggists everywhere. Dr. I).
Jayno & Son, Philadelphia, I'u.
ff a
l , , , , ,
John A. Perl
Lady Assistant.
I'lioiies M. 17 ami J7..r.y
Ambulance b'vrvKo Deputy Cot oner
Omaha Cyclone
Tho school toaohois did llio host
work, they say, of all. Kight schools
woro wieoked uud tho touchers can
assod tho neighborhoods nnd found
nil tho children. Thoy Ihoy got ro
lief to Ilium uud many people who
would not accept hvlp from tho coin
ntitleo, took it from tho Itmohcrw. It
wits uti n w ful plooo of work for peo
ple woio so scattered,
The cloud witM full of mild Mini it
covered tho iutoiiora of tho houses
ami tho furniture. Tho windows uf
every hoiiso woro blown in nnd jtlu
driven into the walls mid furniture
.so it lisil to bo cut out. disss that
wns in Iioukok on tho edgo of the
storm wns perforated with utimhor.
let hnlott like shot would mko only
tho glass wns not splintered. Shot
from a gnu could not mnko tieh
clean holes.
One Ionise lost putt of the upper
story and thoy lotiHil automobile
wheel!, on a lit'tl up thon. Two men
in nit auto weio goinic south and tho
cloud caught thorn uud in it minute
thoy woro two blocks north, fneing
tho other direction.
In ithoiit two minutes the cloud
passed, making all that awful de
struction in a twinkling. Nuinhorloss
ftros started but the firemen reached
(In-lit very ntiioklv nnd orv few
Iioiincs burned. One stove was blown
against a barn and that hjiiued. Tho
hciivy miu help too.
to Now
VOIUC, April IC IliotiBht
York by a picture, of Mnxlno
the actrott. sent him by
friend who had ImcrlUcd "You can
marry thin girl" on (ho plrturc. Ulfl
Vnn Beaten, DO, a Dutch farmer. U
seeking tho practical Jokers hero to
day tin Is strnuded In Now York
THbercuItsis Medicine
Saved This Man's Life
l'Dfiituonl U a irrlou illwmir. mul
oftrn Uy ilir ruumlatlon for cliruuk lung
IruntilnauoirtlujM Tuls-rruloiU rvsulU.
Aflrr I'ntutunnU. or inj rloua. or (tub.
torn told, It la wlA Io lokr KclAian'a Al
trrallrr. Dunt null io (In. I out Mbrllirr
It Irmitile l K'ttltiK r hut Uli
Ij-kumir. .Vltirailtr in tltii ami arnli!
the Uanirr r ilUMtr. Itrail of lb
rrcotrry lu thl
, , 3.M Afo. 41. t HI, I'lilU. I'n.
"(.rnttomea 1 xbi cntluir alone my
nlcrlr iml valnlng itrrniMh nil th llmr
I njr srluh ir.l 'oiiinl, Kto ilura
Srpttinlrr 19, ltJ7. of n w,ouiii more
ttuin nlicti I did tlartnl lu uU that .VI
Irratlrp. I lh I hal known of It two
yrcvra Ko as It tmuM liatp atril inn
much 0ilrt7 bl ilittr. I waa auf
frrltiR frnni a viry vcrloua nlitcraMsl
lunar, ttlifch follon-nt a hail allark n(
pnpiimonla. Mr lihyalrtaii ami a aprrlatUt
ili-clansl my ra hisSr. I launot liut
l-o thankful la you mul the Altnlsht
fioil for llm vrral IiIcoIhr and chauuo
of heal 111 It liaa liruuirhl lur"
(Sworn AIDilailtl TIIOS IIIHI.I.V.
(1'ltr yrara lalrr. rriwiru rmhI bntlh )
Krkman'a Allrratlre la rrTirih In Itron-
hltla, Aatlima, liar IVvrr: Throat anil
l.nnic Truuhlra. anil In Ut-nllillnir th
ajalrni lors not iniilalll Ixilanna. nplalra
ur hahll furinlnK "lrnu' Aak for Umklrt
talllne nt rn-onrlra. auil rllr In lie V man
Istlmratory, rhilailrlihla, I'a for mrctl
deota. l"or aal by all l.adluK druUKlat
Tho rltleit Is illrcctlug llio fas
tidious stranger to our liakcry, tell,
lug tilm that ho will find tho "Host
of DvcrylliliiK" In tho Iml.cry lino
lien', Tho cltlen Is icllahlo anil nt
Is tho Information
II! S, Central
The Bonded
Oregon's Most up-to-dnto Fireproof
Wurohouso with Uurglar-proof
For rates apply
If fro, I'Vvcilsb, llllloiis ami HlrK
(Slvo llclliloiiN "Sirup of Tigs"
No mutter what nit your child, u
gentle, thorough laxntlvo pluslo
should ulwn) ho tho first treatment
If our child Isn't fooling woll;
nwlltiK nlwly; oallng rouulsrly uud
aotlim naturally It Is a sunt sign Hint
It's little Htoumeh, liver and It" lost
of liowols aro filled with foul, con
stlpatod vviinto matter nnd utmd a
Kimtlo chmualUK at onco.
Whon oros, Irritable, fnvorlsh,
stomach sour, breath Iwd or your
lltllo ouo Iiiik stoumch-itoho,
hoiNi, noih throat, full of cold,
toiiKUo roatod; glvo a ttaniooufut of
Syrup of KlK and In n few hours alt
tho chiKHod Sip waato, umllgeslod
food and sour bllo will Kontly muv
on nnd out nf Its little bowels with
out uausist, Krlplng or weakuens, and
you will surely lmo a wolb happy
and smiling child ncnln horlly.
With Hyrttp of I'lgs you aro not
drugging your children, holtig rout
mined entirely of luscious figs, Henna
nnd aromnttcs It cannot b harmful,
besides they dearly love Hit delicious
(Ig taste.
Mothers should nlwnys keep Syrup
of Figs Imudy. It Is tho only stout
licit, llvor nnd bowel ohmnsor and
regulator nt-oilod little nlvon to
iluv will mvo u sick child tomorrow.
Full directions for children of nit
ago nnd for grownups plainly print
ed on tho packnge.
Ask your druggist for tho full
name, "8rup of Figs nnd Itllxlr of
Senna." prsiMred hy tho California
Fig Syrup Co. This Is the dsllclnus
tasting, genuine old reliable. Itofuso
anything dw offorod
Seed Potatoes
No no better anywhoro at any prlco.
Finn selects nt an exceedingly low
"L'arlloft of All" (not only a quick
grower, hut ouo of the finest main
crop varieties, nnd n groat keeper),
$1 50 per 100 pounds.
American Wonder, 11.20 per 100
Our supply Is lining handled
through J.T. ltIK).Vtil.l',V AND J. a
JA.M.S ItltOS.
Copllol Mill.
Steam and Hot Wator
All Work Crurnt-il
1'rlcea JlcuauiittblM
S3 Howard Hlock, rntranca on (tb t.
Xfonia riiona 34t.
E. D. Weston
Official Photographor of tho
Medford Commercial Club
Anmteiir liniHliing
1' Curds
I'liuornniiu Work
Tulcrior and oxlcrior views
ITlash lights
Negatives made- anv time
and any place hy appoint
ment. 208 E. Main Phono 1471
OI'B.V AI'ltlL 1ST
BcSt located
and moot
lotcl in the
Running di&illcd
ice water in each room.
European Plan, a la Curte
Cafe. e
Tariff on Rooms
12 rooms
60 rooms . .
60 rooms
00 room a will prlrtU kith
T . J.l. ' l... I..L
$1,00 each
l.SO each
2.00 each
2.00 each
DU rooma wua iiiTiu vim
2.50 each
30 auitot. bedroom, par
lor and bath 3.00 each
For more than one gueat ndd $ 1 .00
extra) to the above ratea for
each additional gueit.
Reduction by week or month, 9
Manngtmtnt Chttttr W, KtlUy
"H'it" TIlMnl W-iTdZI'.4g?1fX?mm
.. LutJBQo of drill uud Pliilut; Itoym. ,.
o I Aiv
Wo Lead Others INrflovv
'llio llot Hhovv Von over Hnvv
111(1 TllltHlvMtltHli I'lUTIMti:
Htoisitlhuiali Indian. I'loui-ef,
Mllllaiy, Drniuallo I'nidiutlen
Tho bast f eat in i of Its hind ever soon
on n Hereon
"lOII.INd I'lfUl.i: l-'ATIIItlf
Tluvy'ro nlwuyg tho hct
H)XI Sll'SIt lll'I'IKTH
Aftcrnooii U to D Ktriilng 7 to 10
as told hy
Senior (litas .M. II. H. April 17 uud IS
"LA HALOMir' .
April St nud 22
Oilier limy lend, but lake II from u,
llio following I giMiil.
Wo offer n program i'trorllimry
"A IIIMUT 111' Till! FOUI'-ST"
Vllngrnph Drama with lllohard
Itossoti starring.
I'atho -Ouo of tho Moo America'
First surlos.
". i.irrnm io rxcn: ha.m.m"
Kdlwui--Comedy featuring army lifo,
"Tin: witoxo iiorn.i:"
altigraph Comedy.
n .fir.vrs n
Never More, Novor Less
ll,'"l"H"r,H,T,frTil,TT,H"r l"l"f TTTf
V .VIHM'.V llllil'.
In "A (lover faiiiiiHcl"
i I'holii I'lajs Titco. ami Wcti
Tint dkimtv.s swi:i:t.
Western Drama
lllugrnpli Cumiidy
Comedy (
I'nthes Weekly Xn. News of
tho Wot hi In .Motion
J. (.'oiiilug Tliuisilayt
Tin: losthox"
t Luhlii Special lu Two Parts
It! Luxury Without jjj
I Vtra
(;l JL JLKJ IVJl ()
von uorn
242 Turk Street
8 8
Finest popular prieod
$ Hotol in San Francisco $
Modern Central
Clark 6c Wright
Public- Land Matters; Final Proof,
Dosort LtindB, Contest nud Mining
CnecH. Ucrlp.
ttitititftfii'iki'j t