-? I f t MiHIr ir 't wrcmro.ro arm: Truniwrc. mwoford. owrcnox. wwdnhwday. aw it. 10. win. PXflFi TTTUTCW. WATER COW T MODIFIED MAKING PURCHAS E EASY A new runt met Im Ih'Iihi ircpiiri'( hy III" ltiii;iui Itlvur Valley Ciiniil t citiipuity In iffr lo tho fiirinorH of tint vnllny. Tim prlnrliml rhntiK" to Im iiinili'ln It In 11 provision for n 30-yrrtr purlinl In which lit pay fur thu wnlur liiitonil of 10 yours spool flmt In (ho first runtrni-t of(cril, No payment except of liitiircst will Im nnld'tl ilnrlni! (Im first five, yit-rii. Winking with It. K. Null of the roinpiiny I A. Allireclit uf Hun I'rnu Hsco, who ropn'snilt the nipltllllMn wlui K'reiitly took nil option oil the pin itt of tin rnniil roiiipnny Tow'thcr they mined up the now roiilruct tor submission lo tho people. The opiilllllR Mention of till) I'rett b)(ory of southern Oregon wiik held In tlm I'rmbyterlnii church In thin (illy lt iilKht nl hnlf past een o'clock. Tho speclnl music for tho ivi'IiIiik wts rutiilnruil hy tint choir of tho church. Tho qtiullty of tho cinnrleu nml tho muIh worn of u hlith onliir. Ituv, I'runk W. Admits of Co nullle rend tho scripture. Imssoii. Kev, I'nul J. I.ux of ItoKohurK M In prn)r. Tint sermon of tho evenliu wns preached hy (ho retiring mo.ler ntor, ltv. J. K. Ilalllle, I). I)., his text hclng Itomnus I. ID. After the r romlltiitlne prayer of I'rcslotcry by lliiv. W. H. Moll or Portland, Ore. tho I'resbytery proceeded to elect n moderator, Itov, II. T. ChUhnlm be Iiir the cholro of tho hoily. nml vas thereupon Imlticteil Into office. A largo number were present. SAN FRANCISCO THEATER DESTROYED BY FIRE HAN I'HANCIBCO, Cfll.. April 10. C'uii-Iiik n Ions of mwrnl thou muni ilollnrN, flru enrly toiluy de stroyed tho old Central theater hero. Tho building was destroyed In tho great flro of 1U0C, hut wm Inter ro built for Prcdcrlo Wnrdo and other noted player. IVIES m. 10 L USERS ESTATES LIABLE INHERITANCE TAX NI'.W YOIIK, Apnl III. The rirl' HAI.CM, Oie., April II). A--M- iiiiu(i'H.v ti'iMiil ol' llin Nntii I I'm- '"' Attorney (leueiiil Vim Winkle lo- IticftHho Hen lee, the cniHiiilliiK or dny leudeu'd mi opinion In which lie uitniniliuii ol' the Niillounl I'riiKrrn- "Mien thill if u mini dies in hi home hive inily, wm roinl ill u ineeliiiK of tnlii tenting iiMirty in nnollier llui ihhI.v'h iinliomil nxmuitivi1 ooui-;"lnle, tho Mule in wlileli the proper milled here linlny. Tim tepoit hiik-M.v In loeuled in entitled lo tho ill Kent., tho iihh or moving plelures to horltniieu lux. ihIvii llin purlv' eiiiiMi-. j Thi) i'iinii ut Ihhuo wiih Unit of K. Kilum will lie heeiirod through thu'H. Swinburne of Kontlle, who tlie.l in regulnr ''movie'' iigenehm lllustnillng. Mini city tenting nhout .t7l,0(IO in llin lived of mother' ciMiipeiiHiillnii ' ii"le nml niorlgnge in it lunik ul Iiiwm nml other proKromdvo ineimureM. Hood Iflvnr, Ore. Tho report hhm-iIm Hint the pnrty Jolm linker, of Hoot! Utter, utlor tntift not he judged on n bn-I of Hie ney for tlm ojeeulor of Hie Swiii reeenl eleelloii idIiiiiih. It einphii- liurim i-nluto in (Ireyon iiNkeil for Hie Minm the priiiriptoM oT hoelnl iiiul in- opinion, HtutiiiK Hint Hie oxreutor in . . -a . 1 (IV It a 1 I! ll iIiihIiIiiI Jiihtice, nml leeouiineiuU Hint iniBro"iMt t'liiulnliilim liereiifh-r ho piie,eil to hiippnit eipml Huffrnc EAT SAN l)IH(H), Cul., April Kl.-Tlie IimI rit'l nllornoy'fi olflei! Iniro wn oxpeti'd to ileeiile on iln futiiru itiit poMiliou of llin KrtMy Miiliietioii ciuo iih a i(f.iilt of the ili(iluitt.'u nf tho jury lule hint night, following Um in lilillily to UKiee on u rdiel. It in l-.'Hiilei Hint the jury flood elxlit to four for rotmetio'i after hix hour' ilelilieraliou, duriu wlileli it Im de elnrcil Hint Iho hIiiiiiIiii h iiii liimisril afliT ivpenh'il MIlinjc Tin elotun houra of the tiial uoro uinil.eil hy a hitter ileutiiieiiitioii of Hex Clark wealthy raueher, and Aitnut Din triet Attotney l)empter .MeKeo liy At tomey (leorjio Slireo, eoiine for the dtffeiiHp. He uci'iiM'd Hieni of form iiifc n ouipirai'.v to ruin him and pro lent ("lurk ill lint oxpenno of Krvny. KrVay, former Keetrlary of Hie eounly hljjliwny uiiiiiiioii, wiim ao euned hy Ml"" Ki"if Moliuxlou, hit fiiiniur ulenoisniplmr, of wdiieiiis lier miller prontiHo of mniriHe. Iter halty wnn exhihitt'd ill colli t. riHfTLANI). Ore., Apiil l. A. II. Loomin wiih linlled into police couit for erlmlly eliiiMtihiui; Iih if. Hit htatemvut Hint Im would o In Seattle If rvlt'iiM'il wiih mi favorahly reeoivrd that tho hut wmh panned to niUo ear fnrr, hi wife eeutiihiitiui: uiohl of it. WohIiIuhIoii wiih demiitulini; tho pro pi'rly mi that Hie iulieriliiueo tax rould he eolleeled in Hint Matt. IS HAN FRANCISCO, Cul., Apiil Jl. One liiimlrcil ami fifty thounniid ilollurn U tho Hum demanded in a libel Hiiit rulcrcd here today aalmtt John I In vh llauioml, iiiillioiiniru laiuiui; tu jcineiT of New York City, hy William Hiiinnioud Hull, 11. civil ciiKiueo.r iiiui oluhmaii of San Franeihuo. Tho men are flint eoiihiiiH, The Miit relate to thu mite of Lake I'lcHiior and Cherry Creek, Cul., water riKliln In Iho eity of San FrnueiMMt hy Hamimiml. Hall oiiKineered the deal for a price Hint In declared wiih previoiihly nurccil upon. Ilauimoud llieroaftcr, aeeordiliK lo HiiU'a con teutioiiK, cut ihiM price down to one foiutli of it oHkiuuI fiKiirc. Hall Urototrd, and arcerdiiit: to liis Htate meiit, llHtnmond then nent n tclej:raiu tit lii local attorney, nccuniui: Hall of extortion. The libel Miit in linncd on thin miic. AUSTRIAN PRINCE ON TRAIN VRECKED IN ARIZONA GORGE WILLIAMS. ArU, April 1G. lleatltiK. nmoiiK other pnHicuporii, i'rlaro 8iaiiIh1w Sulkovukl of Aim I rln. who In tourliiK Anurlcn, a 8.111 tn !o train wnn wrecked In a K"ri;o ucnr Iniro. There were no fnt.illtlo SEYMOUR AN SPANOS AT EASE That .Mil.c SpaiiOH ami IVanU Soy. mour, comietcd of tint rniirdur of (ieorno l)ci)nikalou, a (Ircok in lliin oily Sniliinlier '22, huvo lonl their worried appearance ami now believe Hint I hey will oM)iiM tho kiiIIowh Ih tlm wind lirotihl from Hnhmi by Slienff SiiiKler who returned today aflor lakiiiK Cecil Towimend to the IH'iiitonliury. Sirilcr vinltcil hoth of the condemned uieii. "The boy m-cjiii to helioxc now that lliey will iwimpo the p-nllown," hIiiIch SiiiKler, "and in eoiihcipiciicc, nrn far morn at en ho than when I hint hiiw them. They nrn model prino ncrM uccordiui; lo tin; uunriU and make 110 tiouhlo. Scyrnour U rori liiiuliiu' to m'iow a deep religion utriiin. They hale apparent for Kotleti Medfonl ami a"kfd iiothin conccriiintj aiiyiuie in thin m'oIioii." MARKET REPORT I I'rlii I'nlil '' lli'nler i:(l(JS- ISc. UUrrKIt 30r. POTATOES fiOr(a):iOc. ' CAIIHAOK lV&e. AI'I'J.KS IOOftc. ONIONS 7Cc1.10. CAHIIOT8--7fitfff1.00. PAIIKNIl'S 76r(3l$l. TUIIN'II'H Tfic&fl.-CAUMFI.OWKU-7Bc1.25. APIM.KS-atlcCitJSr. HONKY-lOfJDlfio Ih. CIDKH-lWo mil. CHICKKNS lluiw, l.ric. PORK lOfJDlfic iiki:f-io'joc. LAHI)-lfc. AC0N-lfl18c. SHOUI.DKHS lie. HAMS- 18o. I.Ic"lork IIOOS -Droiwcd, 8c; nllvo cy48. SIIKKP lrMV&r. STKF.HS -Alive, Oc. COWS Alive, RfiVic , VKAIi-Drosneil, lie. POULTRY Mixed "hiokens, 10c; hpriii);, 1-c: drcAKcd. l'Jflpllo. I lay anil firnln (Selline Price.) whi:at-$i.so, oath-$1.00 J r , ; HAY Vetch, .11 ton; crain, ?13. lU!(I.K--f27 ton. COIfN'-r.'i ton. ELOPER OIGGS T LEN C OUR T KAN FRANCISCO, Cat., April 10. - I'Ui'Hy nifiinliiK to Miy it word whim lie wiih nuked hy United Staten CoiiimiMinrier Krnil if ho denirod to plead guilty or not truilty to n ohnrKn of violatiiiK tho .Maun white Hnu net, Maury I. Ikh of Sacramento, former utale architect, croaled a mild xoriMitioii in Iho United Stnten court room hern todnv. DigC in jointly clinrged willi Drew Camiurtli, alio of Snerameiito and Mm of Stale Senator Caminotti, with ontieiiiK two youiiK Sacramento Rirls to Reno, Nevada, for immoral pur poi.e. lie waived preliminary cxnmi- uutioii and will ho arraigned .Monday. DiBU Ii'rd 11 Imnd for WflOO today to Ktinrautee liin nppenrauco on that date. OF REAMES TONIGHT In honor of Clarence I. RenmeH appointment a United Stntea District Attorney the Kokiio River Valley Uniternity club will give n bnnnuet ami liigh jinks tonight. From indi cation" nearly the complete member hhip of the club will he in attendance. Mr. Kennies is one of the charter member- of the club and wince Uh istnblihliineut linn taken an active part in it affnirn. Jdejilver Collars Uit Iongit In I.uoJaing bold dupe. Try lKa - it vr ill pj you. The nwot -!. i d: Pttaht cle. xitli UNOCORD "SNAP-ON- DUTTONHOLE. Cold in Head Goes Over Night Don't try to break up that Imd rold with ilanRnroim utoinach dUturb Im; driiK. (let directly to tho In flauifd memhrnno by breathing IIooHi'a IIYOMKf (pronounce It lllKh-)-nif), Got a bottle for UO cents at Chan. .Strang' and try tho -nfo treatment that thousandn ore using. Into a bowl of boiling water pour a scant tca-poonfut of IIYOME;, cover head and bowl with a towel, and breathe deep Into tho lung' the healing vapor that nrl-cn. Ilrcatho this vapor for fir or ton minutes until the head feels fine and clear, then go to bed and deep sound ly until morning. No rocaino or opium or harmful drugs In Iloath's HYOMKI. It Is made of Australian Eucalyptus and other antitoptlcs. U la guaranteed to end coldi and ca tarrh or money back. Juet bre.ilho It no stomach dosing. N. L. Townsend IMINTKK AND IJKCOIlATOIt Ifavo Your Tainting, Tinting and I'uper Hanging Done by a Practical Mechanic. Prices Right. Satisfac tion Guaranteed. Phone -ISO-It 710 Dennett Ave. To the Public All Imnks In Motlford will close at 32 o'clock iioon'Snt- urdnys beginning April 19, 1913, until further notice. Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank, Jackson County Bank, First National Bank, Medford National Bank. J. H. Mulhollen PAINTING. PAPER HANGING. TINTING and GENERAL HOUSE REPAIRING Phone 00.1 Y .T-tO W'c-t Second Street Sweet Sixteen Come but once In her lifetime. Let the portrait prcserro the record of that happy age. A rlslt to the photographer keeps fresh for all tlmo the budding charms of sixteen or tho bloom of twenty. Think what thorn pictures will mean to you and to her, In the after years. Modern equipment and the natur al, homelike surroundings of the up-to-date studio. Insure faithful and artistic portraiture, I am The Photographer In your town. H. C. MACKEY B. Main and Central, Medford. Ore. Draperies w csrrjr a verr compute tin of dntwrU-, lac- curtains, fixture, -te and do tl Cl-- or unholatarlnp A speclsl man to look after lata work exclusively and will aire aa good aerrtce aa la possible to get la even Weeks & McGowan Co. 2 for 25c il Hid Pembroke. J I In. K-nxtt.illHn. C uiliim. 3 la. CCO. P. IDE a CO. Alto Mobrrj ol U Sitirti TROY. tt. Y. when yon begin craving rough, high-proof, strong whiskey when flavor, delicacy and age no longer appeal to yo cut out drinking. Cyrus Noble is pure, old and palatable bottled at drinking strength. Costs no more than any other good whiskey. W. J. Van Schuyvcr & Co., Otneral Agents, Portland. I f ? ? ? ? ? t ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? f ? ? ? ? ? y T ? t r ? t t t f t ? ? T f T ? ? T T t T t ? Spring House Gleaning Made Easy The Medford Mail Tribune wishes to announce arrival of the first carload of National Vacuum Cleaners THESE WILL BE DISTRIBUTED TO OUR READERS-OLD AND NEW ALIKE NATIONAL VACUUM CLEANER by ngrooing to subscribo to tho Daily Mail-Tribuno for six months at tho regular rato. A $10 $4 TERMS HV. f.i1.u.iiilw.io u-linrn Um A1i.il 7Ptil.imn i .lolivnroil l.v niiim .4)1 1 M OIUMU i'UIH HiWs,IIW -" -.' w. ---- --'--'-r i - mid 'OB' nliliolimo of plnoing order uiulsf:..00 on delivery ol! Cleaner, 11 iid'coiiiir lo Huhsoi'ibo Tor Tho Ilail '.Pribuno for six nionihs nttho r ulnr Hiibsci'iplion jn'iee 50e per month. To Mail Tribune Subscribers Ono of tlioso $10 Naiionnl Vacuum Cleaners and iho Daily Mail Tribune for two months, both for $f.0() cash in advance, as a two months' subscription must accompany each order. In ease of old sub scrihors, two months will bo added to your present subscription and with now subscribers will bo startod at once. With 1'iiU'iit Klcxiblo XozzJc. MtMins a Clivm, Kanitury lloinc. 1st IT KEEPS YOUR HOME SANITAHY. 2nd PROTECTS YOUR HEALTH. 3rd DOES NOT MAKE ANY DUST. 4th ALWAYS READY INEXPENSIVE. and ono hundred othor good reasons. GUARANTEE Wo guaranteo this Clcanor to bo free from mechanical defects and will replace without charge any part proving dofectivo in mate rial -and workmanship for a poriodof ono year from dato of purchase. Let Us Demonstrate in Your Home THE MAIL TRIBUNE Phone 75 Sx:k ? t r f f Y ? Y t t aSa 'Sf' 'ti t i.